Linux-Hardware Digest #716, Volume #9            Fri, 19 Mar 99 07:13:31 EST

  Re: "Select the application, and then the platform" ("Todd Bandrowsky")
  Kensington "Expert Mouse 5.0" w/ Linux (Zane AE)
  Re: US Robotics Fax Modem (Donovan Rebbechi)
  Re: 3com US Robotics: I can't make a decision! ("James Kosin")
  Q:Video capture for Linux (Human)
  Re: Multi-channel soundcard for Linux (Sam E. Trenholme)
  Re: SiS 6326 (Ed Wilts)
  Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session     falls flat) 
  Re: Asus V3400TNT X configuration problems ("Özgür Ayten")
  printer tweaking advice (Yan Seiner)
  Re: PCI PNP Modem... (Colin)
  Re: $2500.00 DREAM machine (Sean)
  Re: For all you Nicrosoft lovers (Morely Dotes)
  PCI PNP Modem... ("Özgür Ayten")
  Re: I still havent been able to get 1024x768 at 16bpp on my Emachines  (Colin)
  I can't set lancard SureCom 10/100 pci in Redhat 5.2 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  FS: PC Equipment (David Shaffer)
  Re: Problems installing Debian 2.0 on toshiba laptop (Wasim Juned)
  Re: UDMA and Asus P5A (Scott Hunter)
  HP Vectra XU 5/90 CPU Jumpers (Was: RH 5.2 & ..(AM 79C974 PCscsi) 
  Re: Linux on a Celeron? (Yuri Karaban)
  Re: Dell Inspiron 7k (Jess Gehin)
  CD music....HELP! (Eric Price)
  Re: PCI PNP Modem... (Dan Nguyen)
  Re: Hardware RAID-controllers supported under Linux. (Gary Momarison)
  HP 2100 and ghostscript (Bill Simpson)
  Re: celeron 300a vs 333, 366, 400... celerons (BL)


From: "Todd Bandrowsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,
Subject: Re: "Select the application, and then the platform"
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:55:47 GMT
Reply-To: "Todd Bandrowsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>This is probably for the same reason that CORBA is not equivalent to
>- X was designed as a cross-platform networked graphics system, not a GUI.

And the same sort of ills that plague NT's terminal server are the
strength's of X.  Win32 was designed to be  a GUI, not a cross platform
network graphics system.

>This advantage of Windows has been lessened by the use of C/C++ as the main
>Windows programming language. That original Petzold C event loop code is
>indigestible stuff,

It's not too bad once you get the swing of it.

>and that is still going on behind a mass of MFC uppercase
>macros, with comments like
>// #### On pain of death, do not edit this wizard-maintained code

The other thing is that MFC does the Windows message loop in a way that can
only be considered ghastly.

>Borland made some minor changes to C++ several years ago which made it
>genuinely event driven, but they were forced to take them out.

Do you refer to those thingies that were in Borland C++ for Windows 3.x?
That was probably the smartest thing that anyone could have ever done to
C++, and it was incredibly short sited for Borland to remove them.

>AFAIK, the new
>C++ standard continues to avoid the event paradigm, which makes programming
>for Windows much harder than it needs to be.

True, but MS is probably going to lead the revolt against it with new
keywords and extensions.  With that done, others will follow.  This will
fragment C++ more so than it already is, but if MS does the "right" thing,
and defines a standard way to get event driven stuff in C++, and tolerates
other vendors implementing the same, that would fix C++ a lot.

>Using Delphi (or even the much
>messier Visual Basic) is much simpler.

I really loath Visual Basic these days.    It was a pioneering product in
its day, but I'd be hard pressed not to recommend Delphi.  I like it.  It's
clean.     It's simple.

>There are two kinds of graphics - graphics that are produced by a program
>output - Unix is the OS of choice here - and graphical interfaces, which we
>have discussed above.

Agree.  But I wanted to press that point because, even though I am a Windows
advocate, for some things, I am sick of hearing how Unix can't do graphics
when it simply isn't true.  One can be a partisan and still despise
ignorance within one's own community.

>Petzold is still very useful in his descriptions of the Windows concepts.
>glad I don't have to go to those lengths any more to write a "Hello World"

The silly wizard in Visual C++ 6.0 that writes a simple WindowProc, message
loop, and dialog proc is probably where Microsoft should have started so
many years ago.  Useful and hackable.

>And even in 1999 everybody still uses char * for their strings...

Yeah, I do.  For me, its a matter of disciplining myself against it.  I have
my own string class, and used to use that for a lot of stuff, but lately,
I've discovered that _bstr_t is actually not so bad when dealing with
Windows stuff.

My only hesitance against the standard library c++ string is that I do not
know how cross platform it is, or isn't.  At work, I do a lot of compile and
ge to work on Windows NT, then recompile on Unix, and do exhaustive
certification there, where it will be deployed.  I have even have a stupid
little daemon I wrote under NT that watches my project directories and
always FTP's the source to my dev area under Solaris.  It makes it seem like
cross platform development is pretty convenient, actually.


Subject: Kensington "Expert Mouse 5.0" w/ Linux
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:52:27 GMT

        So I have this trackball, called the "Expert Mouse 5.0" made by
Kensington.  I really like it, except for the fact that I can't get any of
the 4 buttons to act like a middle button.  I can't even get pressing two
buttons at once to work.  I've tried emulate 3 button, and generic 3
button, and (on the off chance they were related to each other) Kensington
Thinking Mouse.  It behaves the same way no matter what.  Has anyone else
had any luck getting the other buttons to work?  I've looked around on the
web for a driver specific to this trackball and haven't found any.
Kensington seems not to know that Unix of any flavor exists.  Any ideas?
Zane AE

Zane A. Crawford (AE)         __o       zane at ugcs dot caltech dot edu
home : 831.457.0318         _`\<,_
work : 831.427.7842        (*)/ (*)     "If we don't change direction soon,
BS, E&AS, Caltech 1998                   we'll end up where we're going."
finger me for my PGP key


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Subject: Re: US Robotics Fax Modem
Date: 18 Mar 1999 04:34:30 GMT

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999 16:02:32 +0100, Yannick Carlinet wrote:

>For the fax, I don't think there is a software which does that, but if
>there is, I would >be interested too.

Try hylafax or SuSEfax. You should be able to find them at

Donovan Rebbechi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Web designer for Independence -- Linux for the Masses 


From: "James Kosin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3com US Robotics: I can't make a decision!
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:01:30 GMT

I've been using an external 5+ years.  I tried internal and got fed up after
2 months.

-- James Kosin

Justin B Willoughby wrote in message
<7cn7lr$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Or get an external modem! I won't go back to an internal modem now that I
>have been using an external for the last 6+ months.
>- Justin
>mezcal ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes:
>> On Mon, 15 Mar 1999 22:40:31 -0500, "omega" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Get the model with jumpers.
>> mez
>>>I am a new linux user!
>>>Please can you tell me which`` 3com us robotics modem`` do I have to buy:
>>>1-Model 5685-00, Voice Faxmodem (56K, x2, V.90)Pnp:Yes.Jumpers:Yes
>>>Interface:8-bit ISA.
>>>2-Model 5685, Voice Faxmodem (56K, x2, V.90)
>>>PnP: Yes.Jumpers:No.Interface:16-bit ISA.
>>>I need a modem for windows too.
>>>And what do you recommand internal or external?
>>>Many thanks.
>   _/     _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/    _/ _/   _/   RULES!!!!!!! * LINUX RULES *
>  _/       _/    _/_/  _/  _/    _/   _/_/     Justin Willoughby
> _/       _/    _/  _/_/  _/    _/     _/
>_/_/_/ _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/_/_/_/    _/ _/     ------ Jesus Is Lord ------


Subject: Q:Video capture for Linux
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:00:51 GMT

Anyone know what or which hardware did Linux support doing video 
capture?  Like Tekram C210, Flyview Video, Winview 601....etc.etc...  And 
any application can make use of them?  I know the Matrox rainbow runner 
won't work, but what is other choice?!?

TIA for any information provided.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sam E. Trenholme)
Subject: Re: Multi-channel soundcard for Linux
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:00:36 GMT

>I think Sonorus has Linux drivers for their StudI/O card.

Sonorus does not directly support Linux.  The OSS sound driver from
4front-tech, however, lists the Sonorus STUDI/O: 

As someone else mentioned, Hoontech has Linux support:

Here is a list of Linux Sound Drivers: 

- Sam

Email address here:
Music I write here:
Mp3 reviews here:


From: Ed Wilts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SiS 6326
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:01:43 GMT

Markus Hillenbrand wrote:

> Hi,
> can anyone tell me how to set up the Device section of
> /etc/XF86Config to be used with an SiS 6326 AGP graphic
> card? Under Windows, I can use 1280x1024x16 in 85 Hz, but I
> am not able to use this mode under Linux. When I start the
> XServer, it says "Maximum allowed dot-clock: 111 MHz" but
> the card has a maximum allowed dot-clock of 175 MHz.
> System: SuSE Linux 6.0 with XFree86

This is what I am using for my Diamond Speedstar A50 with 8MB video memory.
I'm running at 1024x768x16bit for now.


Section "Device"
    Identifier  "My Video Card"
    VendorName  "Unknown"
    BoardName   "Unknown"
    VideoRam    8192
    Option "no_bitblt"
    Option "no_imageblt"
    Option "sw_cursor"
    # Option "no_accel" # Use this if acceleration is causing problems
    # Option "fifo_moderate"
    # Option "fifo_conserv"
    # Option "fifo_aggresive"
    # Option "fast_vram"
    # Option "pci_burst_on"
    # Option "xaa_benchmark" # DON'T use with "ext_eng_queue" !!!
    # Option "ext_eng_queue" # Turbo-queue. This can cause drawing
                             # errors, but gives some accel
    # Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate


Subject: Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session     falls 
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:57:53 GMT

In Steve Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Zenin wrote:
:>         Sorry, complex systems require training.  Even simple systems
:>         require training.
: True, true, but the whole point of computerization is to make labor saving
: devices.

        Do not make the mistake that "easy to learn" means that it is
        "efficient to use".

        I prefer CLI for many tasks *BECAUSE* it saves me quite a bit of
        labor.  Even very common, simple things like:

        $ for file in `find . -name '*.html'`; do $EDITOR $file; done

        Is that an "easy to learn" interface?  No, not at all.  However,
        once it's learned it saves *TONS* of labor.  And no, the above can
        not *in any way* be done in an "easy to learn" interface simply
        because next week I'll want to do:

        $ for dir in `find . -type d`; do
        > mkdir $dir/icons
        > for image in `find $dir -name '*.jpg'`; do
        > convert -geometry 64x64 $image $dir/icons/`basename $image`
        > done
        > done

        You can make all the easy to learn GUI tools you like, but they will
        *never* be more efficient or labor saving to use for many (most?)
        tasks then similar CLI tools, simple because it is *impossible* for
        you or anyone else to keep up with the needs of the user from one
        minute to the next.

        And yes, I and thousands of other "archaic" CLI users do type stuff
        like the above off the top of our heads on command lines all day
        long.  Most of us are not "programmers" or "expert computer users"
        by any stretch either.

-Zenin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])           From The Blue Camel we learn:
BSD:  A psychoactive drug, popular in the 80s, probably developed at UC
Berkeley or thereabouts.  Similar in many ways to the prescription-only
medication called "System V", but infinitely more useful. (Or, at least,
more fun.)  The full chemical name is "Berkeley Standard Distribution".


From: "Özgür Ayten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Asus V3400TNT X configuration problems
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:00:37 GMT

I have the same graphics card and i use xFree86 with SUSE 6.0.
It works fine................
So al you have to do is get the new xFree86

Emil Hägerlund wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I have been trying to configure my new graphics card, Asus V3400TNT 16 Mb,
>in Slackware 3.6 but without much luck. Does anyone have the same card and
>go it working? Or can someone give me some good piece of advice?
>/thanks in advance, Emil!


From: Yan Seiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: printer tweaking advice
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:59:40 GMT

I have a Xerox C55 color laser.  It prints really slowly using IRQs, but
pretty fast using polling.

Is there a debugging tool that I can use to see the actual transfer rate
to an lpt port?

I am running RH 5.1.




Subject: Re: PCI PNP Modem...
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:40:01 GMT

"Özgür Ayten" wrote:
> Is there no way whatsoever to get your pci pnp modem with an enumerator work
> under linux...??

There's a very, very, VERY slim chance that you may have the one of two PCI
modems that works with Linux, but that is highly unlikely.
Reply to "cwv [at] idirect (dot) com"


Subject: Re: $2500.00 DREAM machine
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:01:58 GMT

compaqs are horrible computers.  They are shoddily built and often are not
expandable.  You can rarely put a new motherboard into a compaq.  I bought
my computer from and was extremely impressed by the
quality of the  hardware and especially by the quality of the service.

>    If you know what you are doing, and buy right, you can not beat building
> yourself.  If you don't know what you are doing, you can cripple yourself,
> and cause enough frustration to choke a horse. :-)  In that case, I
> recommend going to and ordering a refurbished computer.
> <They also have great monitors that are built like tanks>  Stay away from
> the consumer line, the Presario.  They like things like WinModems, and use
> cheaper components.  Stick with the Business products, like the DeskPro, the
> Workstation, the Prosignia...  Then get a good current distribution <Like
> the one at  It has the latest X, KDE, and ect, and
> is easier to install than most> and install it.
>    Dell has consistency issues.  You can get 4 machines with consecutive
> serial numbers, and all of them will have different chipsets on the
> motherboard, video card, or NIC.  A real driver hell.  I have no experience
> with VAresearch, ASlabs, or Penguin...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Morely Dotes)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: For all you Nicrosoft lovers
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:00:16 GMT

>But I say it again, why would you care what they read - UNLESS of
>course, you were committing a crime. No one wants to answer that
>question directly, for some stupid reason.

Let me try this one, then:  Are you screwing your 10-year-old cousin?

Don't want to answer that, and the very fact that anyone would even ask pisses 
you off?

Now you know how people feel when *their* privacy is invaded.

>You send loads of your private information to the IRS, and willingly.

Who does?  The IRS gets the bare minimum from me required to comply with 
the law.

>Why the hell isn't anyone complaining about THAT?

Who's not complaining?  I write my congresscritters regularly.  If it were up 
to me, the IRS would be disbanded, income tax abolished and outlawed, and 
Microsoft's management would be sacrificed to Finagle.

>Doesn't make sense.

Then you aren't asking the right questions.

 "Opt-out is a cop-out."  -  Jerry Bookter
 [ No "courtesy copies" via e-mail, please. ] 
 This message was tested on small, cute, furry animals
 who cried piteously while it was being read to them.


From: "Özgür Ayten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PCI PNP Modem...
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:00:49 GMT

Is there no way whatsoever to get your pci pnp modem with an enumerator work
under linux...??

thanks already...


P II 400 with Asus V3400TNT 16mb
SUSE 6.0 with linux 2.0.36


Subject: Re: I still havent been able to get 1024x768 at 16bpp on my Emachines 
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:02:02 GMT

Bob Williams wrote:
> I am now trying to find a way to use the internal modem. Any
> suggestions?

What kind of modem do you have?
Reply to "cwv [at] idirect (dot) com"


Subject: I can't set lancard SureCom 10/100 pci in Redhat 5.2
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:52:42 GMT

Hi all
I select ne2k-pci.o in netconf but they don't work and
 I try to use driver from SureCom but they don't work again.
Please tell me the detail instruction to install lan card and
instruction to turn off PnP because I don't understand.
                                                    thank you verymuch

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: David Shaffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FS: PC Equipment
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:00:21 GMT

$800 - OBO

mini tower
350 K6-2 128M 3G
yamaha sound
ati agp graphics
etherexpress net
mouse is a mouse systems infrared mouse.. kinda like the sgi/sun style

dual boot BeOS / OpenLinux 1.2

comes w/ CDs pamplets/docs/books

* has beware and GG mirrored - lots o' toys

* apparently this version has a severe memory leak in kde.. kinda funny
to me since i use twm & fvwm anyway.  other than that, it has the
standard linux toys.
* could not get the sound card to work in conjunction w/ net card
* never got the middle button on the mouse to work in X

i will rebuild this machine in any partition config you want.   i do
want to transfer the BeOS and OpenLinux though.

also, a motherboard only..  used as a bench tool
486dx100 w/ 32M  2-72pin 4-30pin
trident video
ide card ( maker  ??? )
SMC net

i want to sell all to one person/entity

this is the last of my x86 toys ... i hope someone will enjoy them as
much as i did.


From: Wasim Juned <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Problems installing Debian 2.0 on toshiba laptop
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:00:10 GMT

Siw Njċtun wrote:
> At first I tried to boot the computer from the CD by changing the boot
> sequence BIOS setting. However, that was the only BIOS setting I changed. It
> appeared the computer tried to boot Linux but aborted immediately every
> time.

Did you try the CD in another machine?

Wasim Juned 


From: Scott Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: UDMA and Asus P5A
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:01:07 GMT

Geoff Shukin wrote:

> Hi!
> I am wanting to learn more about Linux and the use of
> UDMA (UDMA2) drives on my system.

. . .

> Is there a resource available that might explain this more thoroughly?
> Could there be a bug or incompatibility with the Asus P5A and the Kernel
> version I am using (RedHat 5.2 , no mods)?
> Thanks
> Geoff


An upgrade to the 2.2 kernel will get your P5A to work with UDMA.  I wasn't

able to get UDMA going on my P5A with the 2.0.36.  I tried to patch it up
using the UDMA code but failed.  (FWIW my disk is a Seagate).

Good luck,



Crossposted-To: comp.sys.hp.hardware
Subject: HP Vectra XU 5/90 CPU Jumpers (Was: RH 5.2 & ..(AM 79C974 PCscsi)
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:02:31 GMT

In article <7coff8$ggk$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> J24 is moved over when a second CPU is added. That's it only documented
> function. Should be silkscreened on the board. Sounds like you've already done
> that if you've got dual 90's in there.

Unfortunately, I don't know if J24 was in the right place when I got the
machine. My board is says "J24 Pipeline" and can be set to "on" or "off". 
What should it be when a second processor is present?

If it means that with dual processors, the L2 pipeline cache should be "off"
(disabled), then that's a real bummer.  but I think it just means "turn off
pipelining when using dual processors but still use the L2 cache - just
syncronize the 2 cpu's cacheing so they don't write over each other's L2

> Dual MMX Overdrives won't work. Just a single, and I believe it has to be in
> the second socket.
> PCI chipset is Neptune, so the hottest combo HP shipped in the XU5 line was a
> dual 133, and that had a different motherboard & bios.
> The XU90 used Vcc CPU's only.

If I remember right, Vcc (STD) means "3.135V - 3.465V", VRE means "3.4V -
3.6V", and MMX uses the split voltage that definitely won't work on the 5/90.
 If so, Intel did make at least one Vcc (Std) voltage P133 non-MMX series,
s-spec'd as SK106.  Now, if those were dual processor capable cpus, they
should work in the 5/90.

I just spent 45 minutes trying various processors in my Vectra XU 5/90 and
have managed to decode the dip switches into a table of cpu speeds, bus
speeds, and clock multipliers.  I had to work my way backwords from the clock
speed to the bus speed and multiplier, but I'm 99.9% sure I got it right.

SW1   SW6    SW7   CPU Clock      Bus   Multiplier
ON    ON     OFF     80 Mhz     40 Mhz     2.0
ON    OFF    ON     100 Mhz     50 Mhz     2.0
ON    OFF    OFF    120 Mhz     60 Mhz     2.0
ON    ON     ON     133 Mhz     66 Mhz     2.0
OFF   ON     OFF     60 Mhz     40 Mhz     1.5
OFF   OFF    ON      75 Mhz     50 Mhz     1.5
OFF   OFF    OFF     90 Mhz     60 Mhz     1.5
OFF   ON     ON     100 Mhz     66 Mhz     1.5

Or, in short:

CPU Clock Multiplier

2.0x  ON
1.5x  OFF

System Bus Speed

        SW6  SW7
40 Mhz  ON   OFF
50 Mhz  OFF  ON
60 Mhz  OFF  OFF
66 Mhz  ON   ON

Jeff Davis
jdavisdj <remove-spam-decoy>

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: Yuri Karaban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux on a Celeron?
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:52:58 GMT


> by making another copy of the files on the disk and comparing the two
> disk copies.  Finally I reduced the clock speed from 450 MHz to 300 MHz
My Celeron 300A works perfectly at 338 MHz (75MHz bus clock).
I tryed 85 MHz bus clock but my all data was lost :(
> and the problem disappeared.  I repeated the experiment with Caldera
> OpenLinux and the results were the same.  Win95 didn't show any problems
> at either clock speed (not that one can be sure there weren't any).


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jess Gehin)
Subject: Re: Dell Inspiron 7k
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:02:08 GMT


On 18 Mar 1999 01:57:03 GMT, BigKingFrg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Could anyone tell me how to get X windows to run on my Dell Inp. 7k w/ the
>14.1" screen, as far as the horiz. and vert. sync ranges are concerned?
>Also im running Redhat 5.1 and i would like to know what ethernet/modems will
>work under Linus--the Megaherts 10 Mbps/56k in particular--or somewhere that i
>could find a list?
>Thanks y'all.


Jess Gehin


From: Eric Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: CD music....HELP!
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:01:21 GMT

Hello Folks!!!

I need someone's help.

My soundcard is working fine, I am running a P-166 /w Red Hat Linux 5.2

I have  OPL-SA3 intergrated sound card but can only configure it using
Sound Blaster drivers with the following configuration :

DMA=1 (at least one of the DMAs)

I can play wav files without a problems.....MIDIs too...

Only one problem : I cannot play ANY audio CDs....they play all
right...but no music comes out of my speakers... Anyone have ANY tips?

Thanks a whole bunch



From: Dan Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PCI PNP Modem...
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:02:06 GMT

Özgür Ayten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Is there no way whatsoever to get your pci pnp modem with an enumerator work
: under linux...??

if( modem_type == pci ) modem = winmodem;
if( modem == winmodem ) you = screwed;

           Dan Nguyen            | It is with true love as it is with ghosts;
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         | everyone talks of it, but few have seen it. |                    -La Rochefocauld, Maxims


From: Gary Momarison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hardware RAID-controllers supported under Linux.
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:54:01 GMT


> I'm trying to find out which hardware PCI-controllers are supported under
> Linux. Can anyone tell me some options for hardware RAID-systems that will
> work under Linux?

Some are in

Look for Linux info at and in
Gary's Encyclopedia at


Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:02:11 GMT

i am wondering if you know of any MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 video digitizers
which work under Redhat 5.2 or where I can find this information?
Also, I am interested in adding a DVD-ROM but don't know of any that
work under Redhat.  Any suggestions? Thanks.


From: Bill Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HP 2100 and ghostscript
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:54:02 GMT
Reply-To: Bill Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I was wondering: does the HP Laserjet 2100 work with ghostscript?
The ghostscript web page says:
lj5gray  H-P LaserJet 5 & 6 family, gray-scale bitmap;

But I am about to buy the  2100 and plan to use ghostscript. I noticed    
this printer uses PCL 6 instead of PCL 5; in any case, does this printer  
work OK with ghostscript?

Thanks very much for any help.

Bill Simpson


Subject: Re: celeron 300a vs 333, 366, 400... celerons
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:02:10 GMT

dsyates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I keep hearing what a good deal the celerons(with 128 l2 cache are). But
: all I here about is the 300a. Is this because it is the cheapest, or the
: easiest to overclock ?Why would someone recommend the 300 a over the
: 333, 366, 400, or 450 celerons, with cache, if I were to purchase one of
: these, what motherboard should I buy?

the 300a is the easiest to overclock, since the cache can run at 100mhz and
the multiplier works out right.

asus is a great mobo to buy.  I buy no others if I can help it.

: Opinions on the longevity of slot 1 vs socket 370's would also be
: appreciated. Some celerons run on socket 370, right? Which should I opt
: for?

no one buys for more than a few yrs lifetime.  there IS no longevity.  sorry
;-)  so buy either socket factor.  it doesn't matter ;-)

: why should I get a celeron instead of an amd k6-2 or -3. or  a p2 for
: that matter?

unfortunately, the intel mobo chipsets are more widely used and more stable.
I have several k6 systems and while they work well for linux in most
situations, sometimes the intel BX set is more stable.  



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