Linux-Hardware Digest #792, Volume #9            Sat, 20 Mar 99 20:13:35 EST

  Re: Redhat and modem please read (Rob Clark)
  Re: RedHat for Big Harddirve?? ("Mike Bryant")
  Re: Redhat and modem please read ("Jeff Shultz")
  Re: BT speedway, red hat 5.1/2, hisax?? howto?? (Jason Clifford)
  Re: Modem problems with a Diamond SupraExpress.  Can dial but recieving VERY slow!! 
  installation of is64ph ISDN card (MIBO)
  Re: My modem doesn't respond to AT command. (Colin)
  Re: What videocard do you use? (Colin)
  Re: Multi-channel soundcard for Linux (Andreas Eggenschwiler)
  Re: Playing sound files just get noise? ("A Bit Scruffy")
  Re: SiS 5597/5598 video (A. Huckstep)
  Re: HP LaserJet 1100 with ghostscript?
  Modem/IR conflicting? (Jim Hill)
  Re: AOpen external modem FM56-EX on Linux, get it? (Andrew Comech)
  Linux Router on 3 1/2" sized compact PC ("Jack Levin")
  IDT Winchip ("BSI Produktnews")
  Re: Multi-channel soundcard for Linux (BL) now with ODIU backup support ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: What videocard do you use? (Andrew Comech)
  Re: Is Windows for idiots? (Kay Schulz)
  3Com 3C905B ("Welf")


Subject: Re: Redhat and modem please read
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Clark)
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 22:15:11 GMT

In article <7d15gt$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Elmer D'paz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have Redhat 5.2 and I can't make my Diamond SupraMax 56i moden to work
>with it. I don't believe it's a winmodem. Is there a program to canfigure
>it. is there any body using this modem. what can I do about it.

It is a Windows-only modem:

Not much you can do about it :(



From: "Mike Bryant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RedHat for Big Harddirve??
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 17:17:44 -0500

Try using 'sda=cylinders,heads,sectors' at the linux: prompt.  This solved
the problem for me, but I am using EIDE...

- Mike

Jeremy Ma wrote in message <7d0kmi$mfm$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Hi  Thanks in advance for anyone's help
>I try to install red had 5.2 on my IBM PC Server 325 with 9.1 gig scsi and
>have problem creating boot sector because linux only accept harddrive below
>1024 sectors but my harddirve have 1111 sectors.


From: "Jeff Shultz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Redhat and modem please read
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 14:13:31 -0800 (PST)
Reply-To: "Jeff Shultz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On 20 Mar 1999 21:55:41 GMT, Elmer D'paz wrote:

:>I have Redhat 5.2 and I can't make my Diamond SupraMax 56i moden to work
:>with it. I don't believe it's a winmodem. Is there a program to canfigure
:>it. is there any body using this modem. what can I do about it.
Okay, I'm pretty sure I've gotten one of those to work under NT, so
no, I don't think it's a winmodem either.  You do need to find out
what it considers to be it's default COMx and possibly IRQ, though. 

>From there, treat it as a generic modem at that port. 

Jeff Shultz
Here an OS, there an OS... I need more computers.


From: Jason Clifford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: BT speedway, red hat 5.1/2, hisax?? howto??
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 22:03:56 +0000

On Fri, 19 Mar 1999, Abalt Travel Ltd wrote:

> You know what I would REALLY need a step by step  How to do it!
> I got  few  bits but still I have few part missing!

Grab the RPMS for all the isdn stuff in my anon ftp public area and
install them. 

I have just added RPMs for a newer release of linuxconf for which there
are a couple of additional rpms - mgetty and isdnadmin. The later makes
setting up isdn trivial.

Jason Clifford                       
              Linux Consultancy and Support Services
             PC and Server systems with Linux/FreeBSD


Subject: Re: Modem problems with a Diamond SupraExpress.  Can dial but recieving VERY 
Date: 20 Mar 1999 22:31:48 GMT

I just did because that is what com it was on in my windows setup.  I 
shall try it on com 1, but i do not think it will fix the problem.


Rob Clark wrote:
> In article <7cukh9$4ht$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dan  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >This is the problem.  My modem is detected at boot time and I have done 
> >of the pnpdump to isapnp.conf stuff and I have also done a setserial on 
> >com3, which is where the modem is located.  I can get it to dial into 
> >isp, but when it connects, it recieves like 4-5 characters every 10 
> >or so.  After so much time, the connection is dropped I assume because 
> >timeout on the isp end.  I don't understand!!!  I am dialing using 
> >Also I used setserial to get out any irq conflicts I think.  I don't 
> >understand what is going on.  Can ANYONE help???   PLEASE!!! Thanks.
> Super slow modems are usually explained by IRQ/address mismatches or
> conflicts. Is there a particular reason you used COM3 instead of COM1?

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


Subject: installation of is64ph ISDN card
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 23:37:34 +0100

1. I am a complete newbie
2. I have LINUX 2.0.36 (and SuSE 6.0 installed)
3. I have an is64ph internal ISDN card
4. I downloaded the isdn4k-utils-3.0beta2 file
5. Could someone tell me (quite detailed) how to install this it?

Most gratefully,

Mike Bosschaert


Subject: Re: My modem doesn't respond to AT command.
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 10:34:00 -0500

Tadashi Ochi wrote:
> Hi, everyone.
> I need your help! On RedHat Linux 5.1, I use minicom to configure my US
> Robotics Sportster 28.8k Internal FaxModem, and it does not respond to AT
> command (no "OK" message, but just blank). However, when I type
> "ATDT1234567," I can hear the sound of connection, but it disconnect
> immediately after it finishes dialing. My modem is connected to COM 2, so I
> set it up "/dev/ttyS1" as serial device setting. Since I can hear the
> dialing sound and the modem works well on my Windows NT,  I believe that
> there is an answer to make my modem work on my RH Linux 5.1. Got any
> ideas? -- Please tell me. Thank you very much.
> Tadashi Ochi

Try "ATE1" and see if you get some output.
Reply to "cwv [at] idirect (dot) com"


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: What videocard do you use?
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 10:45:15 -0500

Andrew Comech wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to hear your experience with cheap videocards;
> precisely, at which resolutions YOU RUN THEM,
> and what is the  best refresh and color depth.
> Also, if there is something specific in the configuration.

The resolution and refresh rate also depends on what type of monitor you
are using.
Reply to "cwv [at] idirect (dot) com"


Subject: Re: Multi-channel soundcard for Linux
From: Andreas Eggenschwiler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 20 Mar 1999 14:20:42 +0000

"TBianco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I know Sonorus (dual ADAT I/Os board) and Creemware (Pulsar, 2 ADATs, 2
> Analogs, 2 SPDIF + 4 SHARC DSP) are already supporting linux (Sonorus) or
> going to (creamware)
> Both of em are pretty good besides the fact they are among the few
> supporting linux

They are not supporting linux. They do support a company that without 
hesitation signs NDAs in order to sell binary only kernel modules. They 
do not release hardware specs but are not honest enough to openly state
their linux-hostile attitude. On the long run linux will die if there is
no access to open hardware any more. By letting "O"SS sign NDAs they can
claim to support linux and prevent the linux (or *BSD) community from 
voting with their wallet for open (not OSS-speak open) hardware. "O"SS is
meant to make the only weapon the linux community has ineffective.



From: "A Bit Scruffy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,alt.os.linux.slackware
Subject: Re: Playing sound files just get noise?
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 23:13:16 +0100

Wav files catted thru /dev/audio make a lovely screeching sound. Try a .au
file or install wavplay.


Rene Nederhand schrieb in Nachricht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>According to the readme file It cat won't work!
>Try the recommended software
>Peter Herttrich wrote:
>> In alt.os.linux.slackware Eric Wurbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Kevin White wrote:
>> >>  (snip)
>> >> cat filename.wav > /dev/dsp
>> >> I just get noise.  It almost sounds like there is some pattern to it,
>> >> like it's trying to play the right file, but is just really has a lot
>> >> messed up noise in it as well.  Any suggestions?
>> > This is a byte ordering problem ! First make a test with a .au file
>> > Then use sox to reverse byte ordering in your .wav file
>> if i remember right the .au files will go through /dev/audio, not
>> /dev/dsp.
>> > best regards
>> > Eric
>> > --
>> > le dernier hébergeur gratuit (sans pub obligatoire...) frappé ==>
>> >
>> --
>>           Microsoft has been doing a really bad job on their OS.
>>                               Linus Torvalds


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (A. Huckstep)
Subject: Re: SiS 5597/5598 video
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 23:26:57 GMT

Sounds like the best way to make this SiS chipset work is to download
and install the latest XFree86 which has full support for this
chipset.  I intend to do this...

But if you don't want to go to that trouble you can make it work in
VGA 640x480x16 mode as follows.  You'll need to have XConfigurator on
you machine.  XConfigurator is the only X setup routine that I found
to create a config file that would work with this chipset.

Run XConfigurator, do not choose unlisted card, instead choose Generic
VGA.  Choose whatever type of monitor maps to yours, if it's not
listed choose custom and choose the custom profile closest to your
monitor.  Since your only looking at VGA anyways it doesn't hurt to be
conservative.  When it asks about probing you can probe if you chose
Generic VGA as your card.  If you chose anything else even just SVGA
the probe will fail.  If it asks about setting up symbolic links or
saving files choose default or yes since you probably don't have a
working configuration that you're worried about saving.

One other thing.  If you're using a 3 button mouse you'll have to
manually change the config file since XConfigurator assumes a
Microsoft 2 button mouse.  Open the config file in whatever text
editor you prefer and find the mouse section, enter "MouseSystems" in
place of "Microsoft" and you're good to go.

On the other hand it maybe it is less trouble to download and install
the newer version of X.   :^ )


Crossposted-To: aus.computers.linux
Subject: Re: HP LaserJet 1100 with ghostscript?
Date: 20 Mar 1999 23:14:49 GMT

> eloki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  Has anyone got this printer working properly with ghostscript 5.10+? 
>>Taking a look at the 1100's page on HP and the ghostscript homepage, I see
>>that the 1100 supports PCL5e, whereas most of the laserjets that ghostscript
>>supports seem to be PCL3.
>>  I'm not too sure of the compatibilities between PCL5e and PCL3.. anyone
>>got any experience with it?
> Well, part way.  I'm running gs-aladdin 5.50 (Debian packaging).  The printer
> is run via apsfilter, set up for PCL4.  Seems to work fine, if no fireball.
> It would be much faster to have a true PostScript printer (like at work).
> No real complaints so far, though.  Nice printing.  If it is more reliable
> than the Brother printer that it replaced, I will be quite satisfied.

I have a HP 1100A and its has been working perfectly using the HP Laserjet
4/5/6 selection from the RedHat printer control panel, which of course
sets up the ghostscript preamble.

Here is my /etc/printcap

##PRINTTOOL3## LOCAL ljet4 600x600 a4 {} LaserJet4 Default 1
##PRINTTOOL3## LOCAL ljet4 600x600 a4 {} LaserJet4 Default 1

Hope this helps.
Cheers, Grahame

Anti-Spamming Enabled in FQDN.
Email: gmkelly (at) zip (dot) com (dot) au 
Sydney Linux User Group - Member


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Hill)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Modem/IR conflicting?
Date: 20 Mar 1999 22:58:48 GMT

I've recently been fighting a Transmonde Vivante XL with an internal
modem.  In all ways but one, the computer is fantastic, but I can _not_
get the modem working with Linux...the symptoms are similar to an IRQ
conflict I once had on a desktop and I'm wondering if anyone can point
me in the right direction.

The machine comes with 3 serial devices: a 9-pin port, an internal
modem, and an IR port.  In the Windows World, COM1 is assigned to the
9-pin port, and COM2 is selected at bootup time between the modem and the
IR port.  According to my BIOS, I'm configured to use the modem, but any
efforts to use the device fail.  It won't initialize, dial, or in any
way acknowledge its own existence.

Boot messages show that /dev/ttyS1 is a 16550A FIFO and the address is
correctly seen as 0x2F8, but after boot, `cat /proc/interrupts` shows
nothing on 4 (where it's supposed to be).

I once saw this when I had an onboard serial port and my PalmPilot
cradle fighting for the same IRQ, so I'm thinking there might be some
sort of device contention between the modem and IR.  Anyone seen
something enough like this before, or have a suggestion?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]            

                  "Visualize world peace...good.
                Now wake up and smell the coffee."


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Comech)
Subject: Re: AOpen external modem FM56-EX on Linux, get it?
Date: 20 Mar 1999 18:33:16 -0500

In article <7csvus$iap$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Sarah Kerrigan wrote:
>i need a modem that is compatible with Linux.  I know external modems are 
>supposed to work but i just want to make sure.  I can get the AOpen FM56-
>EX at a pretty good price.  anyone got anything good or bad to say about 
>it?  thanks.
external modems are good as long as they do not use USB interface.
In case you are not sure whether you want external or internal,
see the list of vendors who sell internal ones (Linux compatible):



From: "Jack Levin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux Router on 3 1/2" sized compact PC
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 15:26:47 -0800


From: "BSI Produktnews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IDT Winchip
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 14:27:14 +0100

 IDT Winchips ab sofort lieferbar:

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Subject: Re: Multi-channel soundcard for Linux
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 13:32:09 GMT

sonorus has a card, but to my knowledge, they are -still- lacking in linux
support.  but they claim to have multichannel support 'any day now' (and have
been saying that for over a year now).

: I need recommendations for a pro-quality soundcard with 8+ outputs and
: S/PDIF I/O that has drivers for Linux.

: Any help appreciated.

: Thanks,
: frank


Subject: now with ODIU backup support
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 23:39:39 GMT

Sellcom has a Y2K ODIU backup support package for all major platforms.

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Comech)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: What videocard do you use?
Date: 20 Mar 1999 19:13:53 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Colin wrote:
>The resolution and refresh rate also depends on what type of monitor you
>are using.

Hmmm... what's `monitor'?



Date: Sat, 20 Mar 1999 21:47:23 +0800
From: Kay Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is Windows for idiots?


Bloody Viking wrote:

> In comp.os.linux.advocacy Richard Steiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : Heheh.  Ah, I love Linux on my PC, 'tis true, but...
> I can appreciate the mainframer mentality, being on a low budget.

I run it on my notebook. MS crashes in average twice a day,
Linux never so far
But I have to keep MS because my publisher insists on winword files

> :  (1) My one true PC desktop OS love is still OS/2.  Okay, you can stop
> :      laughing.  :-)  But Linux makes an excellent secondary OS.
> I tried installing OS/2 but my computer's flaky BIOS didn't like it. Oh,
> well. My loss. It's like me and LILO with Linux.

My love is and ever was NextStep/OpenStep
This was fun
MS is a job
Linux is my freaky character

> :  (2) I'm too young to have been around then (I'm only in my mid-30's,
> :      so the bad code must be some earlier programmer's fault! <grin>),
> :      and
> Yep, it was. The Y2K bug was coded in back in the 1970s. They voded in job
> security!

I'm less concerned about that bug, but more about the Intel PIII security
flaws and
the MS security violations and the effect

> :  (3) Our system doesn't have a problem anyway because we treat dates
> :      and times as a single standard binary counter the way it should
> :      be done, and have done so since this particular system was first
> :      implemented back in 1966.  ;-)
> UNIX uses that system with an epoch too. The UNIX 32-bit expiry is Y2K+38.
> We have time, but why procrastinate? By then, we will be using 64-bit or
> 128-bit by then... hopefully! That says nothing about embedded systems or
> poor people with old used PCs though.
> The RTC expiry is Y2.1K. You could use a 64 bit time_t and have the OS
> backdate the RTC and store the backdating information in a file like
> /etc/backdate. The RTC would be occasionally backdated, the information
> stashed in /etc/backdate and time_t would continue to count the seconds in
> a 64 bit signed integer. The Gregorian Calendar has a full cycle of 400
> years, so this could be done with the /etc/backdate file and a backdate
> daemon. (backdated, anyone?) Better yet, the backdating could be put in
> the kernel so a daemon wouldn't be needed. After all, time_t is found in
> the kernel.
> Of course, this is an ugly way to make Linux last forever, but I can't
> think of a better way, given the nature of PC hardware. One thing we
> learned from Y2K and the mainframes is that old hardware and old software
> WILL be around and need to be remediated. The original UNIX programmers
> actually did give this some thought, as though they were prophets. I don't
> know if Linus thought of Y2K+38 when he coded his first kernel.
> Since I run a computer until it dies for good, I can't help but think of
> this especially with the current Y2K hype. I may well be one of those with
> legacy computers! :)
> --
> CAUTION: Email Spam Killer in use. Leave this line in your reply! 152680
>        Humans never fly. They either ride a flying bus or drive it.
> 3731807 bytes of spam mail deleted. 

// Do you suffer from long term memory loss  ?
//  - I don't remember:-( aus 'amnesia' von Chumbawamba )
Kay Schulz
Senior Software Architect


From: "Welf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 3Com 3C905B
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 01:01:46 GMT

Will the 3Com 3C905-TX network card work with Redhat?



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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