Linux-Hardware Digest #19, Volume #10            Wed, 14 Apr 99 01:13:54 EDT

  Re: sound blaster live (Alpine)
  Re: LT Winmodem? (Michel)
  Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?) (Chris 
  Re: sndconfig - PnP problems (Thomas Keats)
  Re: What's the int for, was Re: [Fwd: Source Code To <snip> (Thomas Keats)
  Re: Xeon vs non-Xeon PII/PIII systems (Michael Bannister)
  Trust UPS 625 Energy Protector ("Raul M. P. Carvalho")
  Re: Building a Better Distribution. (WAS: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 
2000 Rah! Rah! Session   falls flat)) (Thomas Keats)
  Re: Mac SCSI Scanner on a Linux _PC_ SCSI system? (jedi)
  Re: Vendor warning - ComputerWarehouse (Thomas Keats)
  Re: Off-topic: AMD processors ? ("Jeff Volckaert")
  Diamond Speed Star A-50 8MB AGP ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Need Sound Card Suggestions (David A. Rogers)
  Re: Soundpro 3d onboard (Maxim Sadsag)
  Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?) ("Martin 
  Re: e-machines for linux (Mathew J Binkley)
  Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?) ("Martin 
  Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?) (Steffen Kluge)
  Help: "attemp to access beyond end of device" ("Alan M. Collins")
  Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?) (Steffen Kluge)
  need reccs for new motherboard and ultra wide scsi HW for Linux (Earl Mitchell)
  Re: Mac SCSI Scanner on a Linux _PC_ SCSI system? (westonpa)


From: Alpine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: sound blaster live
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 19:22:04 -0400

it is a sound blaster live
i have tried all of the sound blaster and ensonique modules that came
with the red hat 5.2 linux
no results that worked in any way
i would either get a device busy  error
or no sound produced
i have called creative and spoken to there technicians and been informed
that creative
did not support linux and had no intention of supporting it
another victim of microsoftcrap
i have tried 4front technologies and have been informed that the drivers
are still many months from development from there company
    was hopeing that some one had found anything that would work


From: Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LT Winmodem?
Date: 13 Apr 1999 22:05:05 -0500

Michel TALON wrote:
> > Could you be a little more vague? (:
> Try DejaNews search in comp.os.linux.development.system
> you will discover vague assertions on the existence of a Linux driver
> for Winmodems. I assume that the author had access to information
> he is reluctant to release at the moment.

Did that message appear on April 1st?

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then try Linux's preemptive multitasking
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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Costello)
Subject: Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 23:29:30 GMT

In article <7ev8ri$mk9$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, westprog wrote:
> You make the point. The paragraph just written is harder to read because it
> doesn't use upper case. Lower case is easier to read than upper case - that's
> why WRITING LIKE THIS IS SO ANNOYING - but a stream of lower case is harder to
> read. myfilename is much, much harder to read than MyFileName. my_file_name is
> quite easy to read, but harder to type. MyFileName should not, not, not be a
> different file to MyFilename.

   Stop whining and write your own FS.

* Using TSO is like kicking a dead whale down the *
* beach.   -- S. C. Johnson                       *


From: Thomas Keats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.install,
Subject: Re: sndconfig - PnP problems
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 23:45:59 -0400

Wayne Kovsky wrote:

> Thomas Keats wrote:
> > Could it be somehting with RedHat 5.2??
> Could be -- I initially was running RedHat 5.1 on the system that has
> the AWE64 in it, and all was well.  I later installed RedHat 5.2 (from
> scratch) on a different hard drive in that same system, and again all
> was well.  Upgraded to kernel 5.0.36, and still all was well.  Then
> suddenly (nothing like this is ever "sudden", of course, this simply
> means "after I had been using the system for awhile and doing all kinds
> of things with it, one of which must have caused this problem but I have
> no idea what it was" ;-), I lost both my AWE64 and my Ethernet card; I
> couldn't get either to work.  Booting from the original hard drive
> (still RedHat 5.1), everything still worked well.  Ultimately, I copied
> the /etc/conf.modules file from the 5.1 system onto the 5.2 system, then
> ran "isapnp" to generate a new /etc/isapnp.conf file, and now all is
> well again on the 5.2 system.

Maybe i should just try nother pnpdump then.  ONe thing i noticed afterwards was
that the PowerSupply fan quit.  I spliced a new/used working fan in. but the
problem persisted.

Coincedendtally, at the same time i noticed sound gone, my eth0 was missing as
well, i had been playing with named and dns. i dont know if that would cause my
problem however.  I have since gotten the PCI realtek NE2000 card working (with
netcfg) but not the AWE64, doom just aint the same wiht out it.

I have since upgraded from that case and that posersupply with AMD K6-233 to a
ATX case with a BCM/GVC VP1541 running a AMD K6-2/380 overcloaked to 400mhz. Was
a simple swap, and i noticed a speed change, (466 bogomips to 801 bogomips).
doom doesnt crash at all now, but without sound it is stale.

AWE64 problem persists, could there have been too high a temperature in the case
from no fan in the powersupply? could it have toasted the AWE64??

Maybe i will just wait until Debian 2.1 and RedHat 5.9(BETA) comes from
cheapbytes and do a complete reinstall.


From: Thomas Keats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What's the int for, was Re: [Fwd: Source Code To <snip>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 23:54:12 -0400

> If you know that then you already have the answer to your question - the
> return value of the initial invocation of main() (or only invocation in C++)
> is used to produce the termination status of the program in the environment.
> In Unix it becomes the program status value that e.g. $? gives you.
> >I guess it has something to do with piping?
> Not really.
> >Bear in mind here that most of my serious programming has been for a
> >place that does everything in MS-DOG, which doesn't use any features
> >invented since the Stone Age.
> In DOS I believe it determines the ``error level'' in COMMAND.COM.
> --
> -----------------------------------------
> Lawrence Kirby | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Wilts, England | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -----------------------------------------

 Never did i ever think that this humourus file, which was sent to me, when posted,
would create such a discussion.


void main() -- your best worst friend..


From: Michael Bannister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Xeon vs non-Xeon PII/PIII systems
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 23:46:44 -0400

Morgan Pittkin wrote:

> John Burton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Sascha Bohnenkamp wrote:
> > >
> > > >We're planning to purchase a new workstation and are trying to decide
> if
> > > >the Xeon chip offers any advantages over a comparable non-Xeon chip
> > > >which would be useful to us.  My understanding is that the Xeon's
> faster
> > > no -- xeon with same cache size is NOT faster, but you could build a 4
> cpu
> > > xeon system --- not possible with p3 or p2
> >
> > Hmmm...I was under the impression that the L2 cache on the Xeon ran at
> > processor speed, where the cache on the others ran at 1/2 processor
> > speed...
> >
> > John
> that's right, also you can get up to 8 xeons in one system.

Is there any difference between the Xeon's and the normal Pentiums besides
the cache and multiprocessing?


Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 14:39:38 +0100
From: "Raul M. P. Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Trust UPS 625 Energy Protector

Hi all,
   I'd like to use the remote port of my UPS in my Unix station, but
all the related software in the UPS-HOWTO does not work the way I want.
   I think this is a "smart" UPS and it cames already with a serial
cable, but I'd like more details on the communication, like baud rate, n
bits, etc, as well as the command language and responses to and from the
    Any help will be precious.
 Raul Miguel Pinheiro de Carvalho
 ISR - Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica, Porto


From: Thomas Keats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Building a Better Distribution. (WAS: X munges the graphics card? (Re: 
Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session   falls flat))
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 23:11:49 -0400

> That would be good for all distributions. Slackware defaults to a
> password-free root! Red Hat makes you specify the root password. Your idea
> would be even better, letting the owner specify a root password AND a
> username of a normal account so he doesn't get into the dangerous habit of
> doing everything as root. BTW, you did guess correctly that I have that
> dangerous habit of doing everything as root.

I believe Debian offers the choice of setting up a user and password on install.
And hey, its true GNU.

> Thanks for the input! The ideal distro for general sale would end up being
> like Red Hat to allow choice of packages but your idea of defining a
> normal account is a good addition. It would also be good to allow choice
> of boot methods for both LILO and Loadlin fans.
> --
> CAUTION: Email Spam Killer in use. Leave this line in your reply! 152680
>  First Law of Economics: You can't sell product to people without money.
> 3869387 bytes of spam mail deleted. 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jedi)
Subject: Re: Mac SCSI Scanner on a Linux _PC_ SCSI system?
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 20:54:44 -0700

On 13 Apr 1999 20:01:13 -0700, westonpa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I am having a hard time finding a low cost SCSI scanner. So far, the ones
>which I want are either discontinued, or the only SCSI version is for 
>a Mac. So my question is, can a Mac SCSI scanner work under a PC linux 
>system? If so, then I will quickly by one.

        The real question is : is it on the SANE supported list?

        Very likely, a SCSI flatbed will be.


  "I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die     |||
   while you discuss this invasion in committe."          / | \

        In search of sane PPP docs? Try


From: Thomas Keats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Vendor warning - ComputerWarehouse
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 23:59:15 -0400

Better then the rest of us getting ripped off as well. find a reputable firm and
try to stick with them.


> I know alot of us are out building our own servers and workstations.
> Here's an unfortunate experience I had with one vendor
> ComputerWarehouse (
> 1) Ordered a ASUS P5A motherboard from their website.  Their online system
> said it was in stock. 2) Waited a week. No delivery. 3) Hit their website to
> track my order.  Guess what?  No info forthcoming!!! No record of my order.
> 4) Called my credit card company. As I guessed, they had ALREADY charged my
> card. 5) Called ComputerWarehouse's 1-916 whatever number.  It's a voicemail
> box.  No one will answer. 6) Sent email asking for info.  A day later, no
> response. 7) Sent another email.  Two days later, still no response. 8) I've
> had to contest the charge to my card with my credit card company. Major pain.
> IMHO, WWW.COMPUTERWAREHOUSE.COM is a ripoff. I will be avoiding them like the
> plague in the future.  That's COMPUTERWAREHOUSE, www.computerwarehouse, in
> case you missed it earlier.
> By the way, I placed an order for about 6 others items the same day with PC
> Progress (  They delivered within the week as
> promised.  They're a good company in my opinion.
> Sorry to occupy the forum.  But I had to vent.

just dont do it to quietly ok?;')

> R. McLin
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: "Jeff Volckaert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Off-topic: AMD processors ?
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 12:35:31 -0400

Search on, they have several places with K6-300 chips for
under $40.

Jeff Volckaert

**Nick Brown wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Sorry if this is off-topic, but my news feed here doesn't cover all the
>Does anyone know if it's still possible to get AMD K6 (not K6-2) chips
>?  I'm looking to upgrade a socket 7 system which I can clock at up to
>283 MHz and I understand that an AMD K6-300 will work, but that a K6-2
>won't fit (and in any case, I'm on a budget :-) ).
>Nick Brown, Strasbourg, France (Nick(dot)Brown(at)coe(dot)fr)
>Protect yourself against Word 95/97 viruses, free - check out


Subject: Diamond Speed Star A-50 8MB AGP
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 03:49:00 GMT

 I want to built my computer but I don't know that "Diamond Speed Star A-50
8MB AGP" compatible with linux system.And it don't compatible what there are
video card that compatible.thank you for helpping.

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David A. Rogers)
Subject: Re: Need Sound Card Suggestions
Date: 13 Apr 1999 20:45:29 GMT

On 12 Apr 1999 13:18:49 -0700, David Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> speaketh
>Every time I ask about sound quality I hear how easy they are to set
>up!  In my experience the AWE-64 has just OK sound quality, though its
>a big step above the real cheap ones.

If you can afford it, get a cheap SB16 and an _external_ midi box.  I have a
Roland SC 55 (IIRC) box.  I can verify that this sounds really fine.  It is
not a cheap option though.



From: Maxim Sadsag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Soundpro 3d onboard
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 00:24:07 +0300

Erwin van Akkeren wrote:

> On Mon, 12 Apr 1999 17:01:50 +0300, Maxim Sadsag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >Hello People,
> >I recently bought an PC100 mainboard with an "PCI Sound Pro CMI 8338 3D"
> >sound
> >card on board. Under Win9x the card installed the drivers with the cd.
> >But
> >under linux (Redhat-5.2) it cannot be autoprobed by the sndconfig tool.
> >An device is detected on the pci bus as Multimedia controller on IRQ9
> >and i/o DE00h, Unknown Vendor, Unknown device but I don't know how to
> >setup the card.
> >Can someone help me figure this out?
> I've never heard of the CMI8338, but I assume it is a typo and that
> you actually mean the CMI8330. You can find a mini-HOWTO
> a
> Regards,
> Erwin
> --
> Remove NO_SPAM from my address to reply via email.

No It's not a typo. CMI8338 is a new chip (maybe you would like to check the
homepage at found in some BX mainboards I think.
It's PCI so I can't you the method
described from this Mini-Howto. But I loaded the DOS drivers and then boot
linux. Under DOS uses
I/O=220 IRQ=5 DMA=1 DMA16=5 (SB16 mode) but when I try to load the sb.o
module with these
settings it loads but it shows the following message
Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
SB 4.13 detected OK (220)
sb: Interrupt test on IRQ5 failed - Probable IRQ conflict
Then when I try to play a sound file (e.g. mp3 with x11amp or wav with sox),
the sound is very clear
but it plays with gaps and it always jumps to other positions in the file.
Kernel reports the following
error -->>> Sound: DMA (output) timed out - IRQ/DRQ config error?
But I am sure there isn't any conflict.
Any ideas?

Maxim Sadsag


From: "Martin Ozolins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 17:18:29 -0700

Matthias Warkus wrote in message ...
>It was the 13 Apr 1999 12:50:09 -0500...
>..and Leslie Mikesell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> In article <7ev7uv$m12$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> westprog  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> >One of the first things we learn when we are being taught to read is
>> >Bob, BOB, and bob are the same word.
>> Well, there is your problem.  I learned instead that there is a correct
>> place for capitals and that misusing them is a mistake.
>I suppose all these silly things can only happen in languages where
>capitals are a rare occurence. Real languages capitalise nouns.
Name one besides German.
>We handle four billion calls a year, for everyone from presidents and
>kings to the scum of the earth.  So your call doesn't go through once
>in a while, or you get billed for a call or two you didn't make.  We
>don't care.  We don't have to, we're the phone company. -- Lily Tomlin


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mathew J Binkley)
Subject: Re: e-machines for linux
Date: 14 Apr 1999 02:59:24 GMT

Bruce W. Cox ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I'm thinking about getting one of the e-machine computers from office 
: depot. its a celeron 366 with 3.2 gig hd 32 meg of ram ,cd rom,etc
: on their web page  they say that they do no support 
: for either nt or linux. has anyone put linux on one of the e-machines?

A friend of mine bought one (Cyrix 266 based), and you just can't beat it
as a Linux box for the price.  There are a few points that you might
want to consider though.  

1.  If you're using RedHat 5.2, you'll need to download the latest version
    of XFree86 ( I think) to support the on-board video chip (Rage

2.  The modem that comes with the machine is a winmodem.  If you need a
    modem under linux, you'll need to buy a real modem, but I bought an
    el-generico 33.6k for $20 recently, so that shouldn't be too

3.  The CD-ROM drive is a bit flakey under Linux.  Actually, a lot flaky.
    Since I'm drawing from a sample size of one, I don't know if it was
    just our cd drive, or if they are all flakey.  I picked up a 40x
    cd-rom at Best Buy for $25 after rebate, so this isn't too hard to

4.  Absolutely *DO NOT* buy the emachines monitor.  The refresh rate is
    something like 43 Hz at 1024x768, it's enough to give you an epileptic
    fit.  Spend a few extra dollars and get a decent monitor.

If you can live with this, I wholeheartedly recomend E-Machines.  I'm
gonna get one myself as soon as I start my job.

Mathew J. Binkley - Astronomy TA  | "That which we are, we are: one equal 
Wake Forest Univ. - Olin 305a     |  temper of heroic hearts, made weak by
Phone: (336) 758-4951             |  time and fate, but strong in will to
WWW: |  strive, to seek, to find, and not to
     -=* WATCH BABYLON 5 *=-      |  yield." - Ulysses


From: "Martin Ozolins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?)
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 17:17:26 -0700

westprog wrote in message <7ev6p3$l4g$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>In article <7etn8n$2fdg$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell) wrote:
>> In article <7etq2l$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> Jason V. Robertson~ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>This is the reason for case-sensitive operating systems, file systems
>> >>>programming languages. Nobody really wants a system that can't
>> >>>"MyFileName" as the same as "MyFilename", but it saved a few cycles
back in
>> >>>the valve age.
>> >>
>> >>you speak only for yourself here.  i most certainly do want case
>> >>sensitivity in my filesystems and programs.  why use more than one
>> >>case if they don't mean something different?
>> >Case preservation = good.  Case sensitivity - in the filesystem - = bad.
>> Well, we disagree.
>> >It's easy to make arguments for the former, hard to make them against
>> >later.  99% of the time, if you type 'MyFilename' you mean (if it
>> >exists) 'MyFileName'.
>> I prefer not to leave things to  99% guesswork.  I'd rather say what I
>> mean and be expected to mean what I say.
>There is no guesswork in a case-insensitive system. They have been working
>perfectly well long before Unix was thought of.
>> >You prevent more errors by coding to that 99%.  It's
>> >pretty hard to think of legitimate cases for case sensitivity in the
>> >filesystem other than "Unix does it, so I need it."
>> Well, yes - a 20 year history of existing practice and existing files
>> that require consistent handling is a good enough reason for me.  I
>> don't quite understand the 'invent a new API and storage format yearly'
>> mentality that forces you to replace everything at once.
>Firstly - I don't know of any non-Unix-like system that is case sensitive.
>Even the most primitive file loaders, like MDOS*, are able to interpret
>'Dir', 'DIR' and 'dir' without ambiguity or confusion. Case sensitivity was
>popularised by Unix and C.
NTFS is case sensitive, and HPFS too as I recall.
>Secondly - there hasn't been a completely new desktop OS for many years
>(I may be wrong wrt BEOS - I don't know enough about it). MacOS dates back
>1984. I would like to see a new design, based on modern technology and
>concepts, not the PDP-11.
>* Not a spelling mistake
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>       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steffen Kluge)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,
Subject: Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?)
Date: 14 Apr 1999 04:02:56 GMT

In article <7ev7uv$m12$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
westprog  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>One of the first things we learn when we are being taught to read is that
>Bob, BOB, and bob are the same word. This is quite a major conceptual
>breakthrough, and it takes a lot of hard work. There are very good reasons
>for this, based on hundreds of years of experience. For example "My car is
>nice. I love my car." We don't even have to think about whether "My" and "my"
>are equivalent, and that the capital "M" is there for readability.

Looks like you are one major conceptual breakthrough behind if
all you've learned is that "Bob", "BOB" and "bob" can be used
interchangeably. "My" and "my" are *not* equivalent, the capital
"M" does have syntactical significance: it indicates the start
of a sentence in this case. If you wrote "I love My car. my car
is nice" then this would be a mistake (or two).


Steffen Kluge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fujitsu Australia Ltd
Keywords: photography, Mozart, UNIX, Islay Malt, dark skies


From: "Alan M. Collins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help: "attemp to access beyond end of device"
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 15:53:42 -0600

I'm trying to install RedHat 5.1 on an older 486 PC (Micronics M4-Li
mainboard).  The system has a Western Digital 730MB IDE drive.
Depending on the BIOS setting for "Large drives", the drive geometry can
be either CYl: 1416, Heads: 16, Sec: 63, or 708/32/63.  (I've tried

Installation goes fine, (all files appear to be copied to the hard
disk),  but when trying to boot (either from hard disk or floppy) I
always receive the error:

Partition check:
attempt to access beyond end of device
03:01: rw=0, want=2, limit=0
EXT2-fs: unable to read super block
attempt to access beyond end of device
03:01: rw=0, want=2, limit=0
FAT bread failed
Kernel panic: ...

I've tried forcing the geometry with the hda (or just hd) parameter from
the LILO prompt, i.e.

  linux hda=1416,16,63 or linux hda=708,32,63

I've tried only partitioning the first 1023 cylinders.  I've tried
various BIOS parameters.  But still I can not get the system to boot.
When re-installing I find the partitions table is corrupt.

Any ideas about how to solve this would be greatly appreciated.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steffen Kluge)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,
Subject: Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?)
Date: 14 Apr 1999 03:34:13 GMT

In article <7f0mtv$kq4$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Martin Ozolins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I suppose all these silly things can only happen in languages where
>>capitals are a rare occurence. Real languages capitalise nouns.
>Name one besides German.

Perl or sh for example. You don't exactly capitalise the first
letter of nouns - you use other noun indicators (like $, @ or %)
instead, but the idea is the same.


Steffen Kluge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fujitsu Australia Ltd
Keywords: photography, Mozart, UNIX, Islay Malt, dark skies


From: Earl Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.asus,comp.periphs.scsi
Subject: need reccs for new motherboard and ultra wide scsi HW for Linux
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 21:17:45 -0700

Time has come to replace my old ASUS motherboard.
I loved this board, had onboard SCSI support and
Linux came up on it with no problem.

Now I need some new reccommendations from guys who are running
Linux with ultra wide SCSI support. What motherboards
and/or SCSI controllers are you using? What's the most
popular ASUS board now? Or is Intel better? Who was able to bring 
up Linux with little or no problems on their hardware? 

appreciate any reccs, thanks



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (westonpa)
Subject: Re: Mac SCSI Scanner on a Linux _PC_ SCSI system?
Date: 13 Apr 1999 21:24:57 -0700

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (jedi) writes:

>On 13 Apr 1999 20:01:13 -0700, westonpa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I am having a hard time finding a low cost SCSI scanner. So far, the ones
>>which I want are either discontinued, or the only SCSI version is for 
>>a Mac. So my question is, can a Mac SCSI scanner work under a PC linux 
>>system? If so, then I will quickly by one.
>       The real question is : is it on the SANE supported list?
>       Very likely, a SCSI flatbed will be.

I am currently interested in the Microtek ScanMaker X6 or E3 plus. Since I 
want a SCSI version, they are both Macs. I was told the E3 plus was discontinued
so I am not sure if the E3 plus I see listed on the web is from an outdated list.



>  "I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die     |||
>   while you discuss this invasion in committe."          / | \

>       In search of sane PPP docs? Try


From: "Gianluca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 00:51:47 +0200

Like object,

tanks of all



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