Linux-Hardware Digest #96, Volume #10            Sat, 24 Apr 99 23:13:39 EDT

  Re: Plextor 32X SCSI CD (Eric Potter)
  Adaptec 2940U2W ("TURBO1010")
  Re: LILO and large hard disk ("David Travers")
  Re: Linux Newbie Web Site Updated ("ne...")
  Re: i740 drivers for Linux (John Thompson)
  Re: Pacbell ADSL (Aeros)
  Re: Iomega Zip100 in Linux (Monte Milanuk)
  ALi Chipset (Bob Sully)
  Re: Hang up with Adaptec 2940U2W (David Thompson)
  Re: HELP +++ SB128PCI +++ HOW ??? ("Michael J. Cavanaugh")
  Re: Problems with Mill II + Iiyama 502pro, with Win98 AND Linux
  Re: Setting up the modem (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: booting problem. (Joe Harvell)
  Re: Paralell Port Zip Drive (Tim Moore)
  Intel Pentium III Xeon Chip ("Bruce P. Morin")


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Potter)
Subject: Re: Plextor 32X SCSI CD
Date: 24 Apr 1999 18:44:32 GMT

Phil D. enlightened this group thus:
> I'm having problems with time-out errors using Plextor's 32X CDROM drive.   The drive
> mounts OK, and sometimes it will work for a little while, but then nothing.   It is
> connected to a Fireport 40 card using the ncr53C8XX driver.   I have a Zip drive 
>also on
> the same card which works fine.
> I am running RedHat 5.2, dual booting with win98.     The CDROM works perfectly in
> windows or DOS.   I had this problem with Linux from day one, had to copy the Redhat 
> to a hard drive partition to install.   I've since upgraded the kernel to 2.2.3 but 
> problem with the CD persists.   Otherwise, all is currently rosy in Linux-land.
> Anyone have any advice to offer?
> Phil D.

Sorry my first post got messed up.  I had the same problem with my Fireport 20.
I fixed it by going into the SCSI card setup utility and reducing the transfer
rate to 10 MB/sec.

   *  ^  \     ___@      
 *^  / \  \   |  \       
 / \/   \  \__|   \      
/  /   ^ \  \     
  /       \  \           Eric Potter
 /  ^   ^  \  \          


Subject: Adaptec 2940U2W
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 14:49:35 -0700

How do I install Linux 1.3 on this card?  I can't seem to get the module
loaded.  Any help on this would be apprecitated.  Thanks.


From: "David Travers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: LILO and large hard disk
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 00:09:37 +0100

Make a /boot partation and ensure that it is below cylinder 1024. Linux will
not boot (i think) if kernel is in cylinder greater than 1024.

The rest of the system can be created as usual.

Paul Pop wrote in message <5keU2.42237$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I have a Fujitsu 8.4Gb hard disk on my system with an Asus TX97-E
>motherboard. For some reason the BIOS does not recognize the full size of
>the hard disk if I use LBA. The only option that works is NORMAL. With
>however, the number of cylinders is 16,383. When I run Linux' fdisk it
>me that the number of cylinders exceeds 1024. This is what the partition
>table looks like:
>Device        Boot    Begin    Start        End        Blocks        Id
>/dev/hda1                       1            1      1020        514048+
>DOS 16-bit > =32M
>/dev/hda2    *           1021     1021    15359     7614432     83
>Linux native
>/dev/hda3              15360   16129    16383       128520     82
>Linux swap
>My problem is that Linux does not boot from the hard disk (it boots fine
>from the floppy made during installation). I've installed LILO in theboot
>record of the root file system. I've used the "append = hd=16383,16,63" in
>the /etc/lilo.conf file. When I run lilo at the prompt I get the following
>geo_comp_addr: Cylinder number is too big (3119 > 1023).
>(Where does this come from?)
>I ran lilo -l and it told me that it added both the Linux and the DOS
>partitions. However I still can't boot from the hard disk (system just
>with no messages, I do not even get L.). In the DOS partition I have WinNT
>and it sees the entire disk. Any help is greatly appreciated.
>Best regards,
>Paul Pop


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc,redhat.comfig,redhat.general
From: "ne..." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Newbie Web Site Updated
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 23:38:41 GMT

[posted & mailed]
On Apr 24, 1999 at 23:17, Diane Adams eloquently wrote:

>I just finished updating my web site. The site has links and information
>about Linux. I have designed the site to help newbies to Linux find
>informationon the OS. I would greatly appreciate it if you just checked
>it out and let me know what you think, I can use all of the input I can
>get. Thanks to all of the people who comented on the site already. I
>hope you like the new additions. The address is:
IMHO U left out two important sites:

- Freshmeat -
- Deja News -

perfect guest:
        One who makes his host feel at home.


From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: i740 drivers for Linux
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 18:46:55 -0600

> Currently I am (attempting) to use Redhat 5.2 with a 8 Mb AG240 i740 video
> card (also running through a 12Mb Voodoo II).
> I have already got the Xbf_i740 drivers, and can't get X to run in more than
> 16 colours.
> Is there any other driver other than the generic i740 driver which can be
> used?

How did you set up/configure the server?  I have the
XBF_i740 server running at 65k colors with an 8MB AGP board.




Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Pacbell ADSL
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 18:00:18 -0700

Where are you at?  I have pacbell adsl service and its been awesome!  Never had
a down moment at all and its used all the time.  This is based in the LA area


bryan wrote:

> In comp.os.linux.hardware garv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : Ting wrote:
> : > I signed up with Pacbell's $49/mon ADSL service. They will provide
> : > Kingston KNE40T NIC. Does anybody know whether this card
> : > works with Linux? If it does, what kind of options should I compile
> : > into kernel (NE2000 support, etc)? I am using RedHat 5.2.
> : Go talk to Brian at, who is running Linux and praising ADSL.
> see my web page for MY adsl story. (section: adsl).
> you can see how much downtime I've experienced due to pacbell dsl.
> the modem goes offline for no reason at all.  and the atm circuit (at
> the redback switch) goes down a lot, also.
> to be fair, some of the outages you'll see on my 'ping page' are due
> to my own system reboots (hardware upgrades, kernel rebuilds, etc).
> but the majority of the 'red marks' on that ping page are due to
> pacbell and their dsl.
> I have their premium service ($200/mo for 1.5meg down and 384k up).
> when it works, its great.  but its hardly reliable enough to base a
> business on.  not really even reliable enough to work from home on.
> sigh.
> --
> Bryan
> >> AntiSpam: change numbers to letters before emailing (1 -> i, 0 -> o)


From: Monte Milanuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Iomega Zip100 in Linux
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 18:42:27 -0600

Well, I believe it may vary whether or not you have the Parallel Port
version (something about ppa comes to mind), orthe ATAPI/IDE version.  I
have the IDE internal version, and it is listed under /dev/hdd4.  I
don't recall exactly where the hdd4 comes from, but I think it had to do
w/ something about how Macs addressed the hardware(?!?).  I sometimes
have need of zipdisks in both ext2 and fat32 (so I can bring stuff home
from work), so I will set the zip drive under /zip/ext2 or /zip/vfat,
and when I mount them via icons in KDE, they are automagically mounted
under the proper filesystem and format.  Hope this helps.


Slip Gun wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just purchased a Zip100 drive and would like to get it running
> under redhat 5.2. How exactly would I go about mounting it? (and what
> part of /dev is it in?)
> Cheers,
> Ed

Food for thought...

" This year will go down in history.  For the first time,
 a civilized nation has full gun registration.  Our 
streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the
 world will follow our lead into the future!"

                                - Adolph Hitler, 1935

Something about those who refuse to learn from the past 
are condemned to relive it comes to mind.

Monte Milanuk


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Sully)
Subject: ALi Chipset
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 14:27:26 -0700

Hey all -
        I just compilled 2.2.6.  I have been waiting a while for support of
the ALi M15xx chipset on my motherboard (since it's not yet supported, I
can't utilize the Ultra-DMA feature for hard-drive access).  Any idea =
it might be supported?  Thanks.
Bob Sully - Simi Valley, California, USA

"The weather is here - wish you were beautiful." - J. Buffett


From: David Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hang up with Adaptec 2940U2W
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 20:56:35 -0500

>         I have a server with:
>         2 P-II.
>         4 HD 9Gb. Ultra Wide Scsi 2 : 80Mb/seg.
>         1 Adaptec 2940U2W
> I have installed RH 5.2 with kernel 2.2.5 and all work fine.
> The problem come when we move a big file from ftp, CD or from disk to
> disk. suddenly, the system make a bep, switch on the diskette unit's
> led and hang up.
>         Anybody have the same problem?

I've had an Adaptec 2940 for quite a while (linux 0.99.6). I ran into
behavior like this (hanging with big files) and eventually bought a 
BusLogic Bt-948 to avoid the mess. Then Adaptec starting helping out
the Linux developers. So, I thought I would try the card out with the
new drivers on a machine at work. The hard disk is IDE and the only
thing I have on the 2940 is a Plextor PX-4220 CDRW, so I compile the
aic7xxx driver as a module. With the CDRW turned off, I can insert
the aic7xxx module. Of course, then I can't use the drive. If I 
"modprobe aic7xxx" with the drive on, then the machine pauses 5 seconds
(resetting the bus, I assume) and the machine hangs. (I can tell
the 5 second pause if over because when it hangs the screen appears to
switch to a lower resolution). On reboot, I find these lines 
in /var/log/messages:

Apr 24 19:34:41 bertoni kernel: (scsi0) <Adaptec AHA-294X SCSI host adapter> found at 
PCI 15/0
Apr 24 19:34:41 bertoni kernel: (scsi0) Narrow Channel, SCSI ID=7, 16/255 SCBs
Apr 24 19:34:41 bertoni kernel: (scsi0) Downloading sequencer code... 406 instructions 
Apr 24 19:34:41 bertoni kernel: scsi0 : Adaptec AHA274x/284x/294x (EISA/VLB/PCI-Fast 
SCSI) 5.1.14/3.2.4
Apr 24 19:34:41 bertoni kernel:        <Adaptec AHA-294X SCSI host adapter>
Apr 24 19:34:41 bertoni kernel: scsi : 1 host.
Apr 24 19:42:42 bertoni syslogd 1.3-3: restart.

I have tried kernel 2.2.0-pre4 as well as 2.2.6 (with the stock 
aic7xxx and with the patch from Doug Ledford mentioned on the 
linux-kernel list(4/6/99)) with no luck. I would be really happy
if someone knows what is causing this.

                David Thompson


From: "Michael J. Cavanaugh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP +++ SB128PCI +++ HOW ???
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 02:09:26 +0000

Philippe Vandekerckhove wrote:
> Hi to all,
> I'm very new to Linux ... at the moment running SuSE 6.0 with kernel 2.2.0
> and the KDE 1.1 desktop. All is working great, but I've the Sound Blaster
> 128 PCI in my machine and don't know how to acitvate it and even don't know
> where to look for a suitable driver ?
> Can anybody help this newbie out pse ...

   I'm not familiar with the SuSE distribution but I know that card is
supported by the sndconfig utility in Redhat 5.2--Mandrake 5.3.--  you
can also purchase commercial drivers for it at for
about $20.


Crossposted-To: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.matrox,
Subject: Re: Problems with Mill II + Iiyama 502pro, with Win98 AND Linux
Date: 25 Apr 1999 02:15:34 GMT

Have you tried putting:

Option "sw_cursor"

in the Device section of your XF86Config? I had somewhat similar problems
on my Mill II 8mb PCI and disabling the hardware cursor fixed it. Also
check the Xfree pages for additional notes. Most servers have a dedicated
troubleshooting section there.

Good Luck


On Sun, 25 Apr 1999 00:09:00 +0100, Tommy Kelly 
>This Millenium II plus Iiyama pro502 problem is driving me nuts.
>Thanks to all who have made suggestions so far, but the
>problem is still here.
>Here are the details so far - I'd be grateful for any more help:
>Problem is, after installing the Matrox driver in Win98 I get vertical red
>lines - about a character width (in lo res) apart.  Increasing the res
>makes the lines fainter but they are still there.  Moving windows
>or icons around leaves vertical lines lying around (even after releasing
>the mouse button, so it isn't a delayed response "trail").
>A win98 reinstall seemed to solve things, but it came back again
>after a few days(!?).
>1. Hardware is:
>        Celeron 366, ABIT BH6, Soundblaster Live Value, NE2000-type
>        ethernet adapter, and the Matrox Millenium II (8byte)
>    OS is :
>    Win98, but I'm also seeing the problem now with Linux RH5.2
>2. In Win98 the problem only appears after I install the Matrox driver.
>    Up till then the display is low res, but clean.
>3. I've tried latest driver, latest certified driver, and unified driver.
>    All show the problem.
>4. I've updated the Mill II BIOS.  Didn't help.
>5. I've tried the complete deinstall then reinstall as suggested by
>one poster.  Didn't help.
>6. I reinstalled Win98.  This completely solved the problem for
>a couple of days, then it came back.
>7. I thought Linux was clean but I noticed problems a few days after
>the install.  Faint blue vertical lines against the main background.
>Moving icons around "erased" the faint lines, leaving me with
>the normal blue X background.
>8. Phoned Matrox - they suggested newest drivers and a BIOS
>upgrade (both of which I then tried to no avail).  They also
>suggested an ABIT BIOS upgrade too which I haven't tried.
>But good grief, surely that shouldn't be necessary?
>9. Phone Iiyama.  They said it was unequivocally a card/driver/OS
>   problem - not a monitor one.
>9. Some details I get from the Matrox tools:
>        Accelerator: 2164W
>        RAMDAC Speed: 250MHz
>        VGA BIOS version:    1.5
>        Display driver version:
>        VDD Version:      
>        Powerdesk version:        4.33.045
>10. I am using the Iiyama driver as supplied with the monitor.
>11. Varying resolutions can help (typically the higher the better)
>but never solves it.
>12. I'm using BNC not D-SUB, but surely that wouldn't cause
>rubbish like I am seeing?
>Any ideas?
>Specifically - can I be sure that the monitor isn't busted (I think so)?
>Or the card - could it be damaged (the RAM say)??
>And if not, then what?

Michal Sabala aka Saahbs
 Linux'er since 0.97 :)
 UIUC Class of 2002; ECE
Linux, hardware, C, Html,
aviation, rc-air models


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux.setup
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Subject: Re: Setting up the modem
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 22:08:42 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Clark) writes:

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>L  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Im using Linux SuSE (2.0.33 Kernel). I have big trouble to work ppp. I
>>used ppp setup, but my modem is on COM4(windows) so ppp-setup says is
>>tty03. But i cant get response.
>>Plz help me..
>>my modem is a compaq presario 56k-df.

>More than likely, your modem is a Windows-only, 


It is . The 56K-DF model is a pure WinModem.

Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
          Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
    Note: If you want me to send you email, don't munge your address.


From: Joe Harvell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: booting problem.
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 00:45:43 +0000


As a first guess, I would check the ownership and permissions on /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit 
and /etc/rc.d/rc.

These are scripts which need to be executed for the system to initialize properly.

It sounds like  your rescue disk just loaded up the basic tools into a ram disk.  If 
you want to fix the problem on your root filesystem, you need to mount your partitions 
under /mnt once you get the rescue disk booted.

For example:

mount /dev/hda1 /mnt
mount /dev/hda5 /mnt/usr
(etc. ...)

This assumes your root partition is on /dev/hda1 and your /usr partition is on 
/dev/hda5.  You can mount and unmount any partitions you need, but is sounds like you 
need to mount your root partition (mount /dev/hda1 /mnt).  Then you can 'cd' into 
/mnt/etc and do an ls -l on rc.sysinit.  Good luck.

Sung-Ho Maeung wrote:

> ===============================
> .......
> INIT: version 2.74 booting
> INIT: cannot execute "/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit"
> INIT:entering runlevel:3
> INIT:cannot execute "/etc/rc.d/rc"
> INIT:ld"1" respawing too fast:disabled for 5 minutes
> INIT:ld"2" respawing too fast:disabled for 5 minutes
> INIT:ld"3" respawing too fast:disabled for 5 minutes
> INIT:ld"4" respawing too fast:disabled for 5 minutes
> INIT:ld"5" respawing too fast:disabled for 5 minutes
> INIT:ld"6" respawing too fast:disabled for 5 minutes
> no more processes left in this runlevel.
> ==============================================
> How can I fix these error messages?
> I tried to get into the system using the resuse.img booting disk,
> but there was not any command to fix it.. it was like base directory and
> files in there when I get into there using the rescued disk,
> I got it from Redhat ftp site.

| Joe Harvell                           TEL +1 972.685.4886            |
| Nortel Networks                       ESN 445.4886                   |
| Carrier Packet Solutions              [EMAIL PROTECTED] |


Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 02:45:49 +0000
From: Tim Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Paralell Port Zip Drive

Set your parallel port to EPP.

For 2.0.3{5,6} kernels there are two config entries, one for SCSI
support, one for parallel port scsi (CONFIG_SCSI_PPA if I remember

Turn on your zip drive before booting.  The kernel will find it by
probing 0x278 & 0x378.

Or you could just read the docs provided with RH5.2:

> I realise this must have been asked a million times but I can't seem to get
> it to work... I'm a newbie - who's first venture out to Linux failed (RH
> 5.1), now I'm back with RedHat 5.2 for another try at it, and already I feel
> right at home (accidentally deleted Win98 too! DOH!)..
> Anyway I have an external ParPort Zip Drive and I can't seem to make it work,
> I'm using RedHat 5.2 (from Macmillan Publishing), and I have an HP 600C
> printer chained to the Zip Drive.
> I could swear I had the Zip working under 5.1 but don't recal how I did that.
> Thanks in advance,
> -Sergio Najera
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
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From: "Bruce P. Morin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Intel Pentium III Xeon Chip
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 02:58:12 GMT


We are contemplating building a Linux server using an Intel Xeon III 500mhz
Processor. I am sure that someone out there is using this and we wanted to
know if there are any issues that we need to be aware of.


Bruce P. Morin



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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