Linux-Hardware Digest #110, Volume #10           Tue, 27 Apr 99 22:14:55 EDT

  Re: Programmers are gods (The Ghost In The Machine)
  2.2 & dual CPU ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  problems with Caldera 1.3 ("Kevin")
  linux cd-rom install ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  ideal video card (Jimmy Sieben)
  Mustek 1200 ED Parallel Port Scanner (Trevor Glen)
  AD1812 based sound card - drivers??? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: LILO and large hard disk (Jim Henderson)
  Trouble in X window ("Takashi Masuda")
  Re: MouseWheel support in Linux (Brian Servis)
  Re: restoring keyboard repeat (**Nick Brown)
  Pro's and Con's of different backup choices (Lev Tarasoff)
  Poor Graphics Performance with 486/S3 86C805 ("Patrick")
  RH 5.2, USR 56 Pnp modem (NOT Winmodem)) - Finally! ("HiVizDiver")
  Help! DVD-RAM on Linux (Rick Johnson)
  Mem performance ("Andre Malafaya Baptista")
  Problem detecting SCSI disk. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: S3 Virge/DX (again) (Jan Wielemaker)
  SB16 and SCC-1 and MIDI (David Ripton)
  Re: Hang up with Adaptec 2940U2W and SMP (laurent collot)
  Re: How to get Panasonic CD-ROM 2 work? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: SMP : How do I know if it's working ok. Use top? (laurent collot)
  Re: Hardware recommendation for Samba server... (Barry Voeten)
  Re: Sorry, but... Is this hardware compatable? (Barry Voeten)
  Re: Junst when I thought everything was OK...ESS Maestro Sound (Thomas Schüler)
  Re: SB 16 *PCI* (Simon Holgate)
  Snappy 3.0 (Elvis)
  Help  !   ( Linux on a LapTop ) (unknown)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (The Ghost In The Machine)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,
Subject: Re: Programmers are gods
Date: 27 Apr 1999 17:45:43 GMT

On Tue, 27 Apr 1999 13:38:44 GMT, westprog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article <7g2f92$vpj$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

[largish snip]

>An extra clue would be given by
> bool IsCDRom(char cDriveLetter, DRIVE_INFO &tzDriveInfo)
>(or on some setups)
> BOOL IsCDRom(char cDriveLetter, DRIVE_INFO &tzDriveInfo)
>This makes it immediately obvious that the function returns true or false.
>(I know that bool is not a real type in C/C++, but its purpose is quite
>different to an int.)

Actually, GNU C++ has had 'bool' as a builtin type for awhile now.

[rest snipped]

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Yet Another *tonnnng* Useless Fact. :-)


Subject: 2.2 & dual CPU
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 00:49:11 GMT

I am putting together a Linux box with either Redhat 6 or OpenLinux 2.2.
Since Linux now is SMP-capable I thought I'd have a couple of P2-350 (they
are really cheap these days). Would Linux use both processors by default or
do I need special software that can use both processors?

My main application is custom simulations in S+ (stat package) which can
really benefit from more processing power.

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From: "Kevin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: problems with Caldera 1.3
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 07:55:10 -0500
Reply-To: "Kevin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I''m sort of a newbie and have used redhat 5.2 and caldera. Redhat won't
find my 3c509b and caldera does fine. However caldera has failed to boot and
required reinstalls twice. Both times after trying to mount my nt drive in
fstab. I seem to have problems with mounting in caldera where redhat was
easy. any advice. Please reply to email


Subject: linux cd-rom install
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 05:39:08 GMT

Problems installing a Funai cd-rom in Linux, or problems installing any IDE or
ATAPI cd-rom in Linux?

>From "The Complete RedHat Linux 5.2 Installation Guide", pg. 35:

If you have an ATAPI CD-ROM, and the installation program fails to find it
(in other words, it asks you what type of CD-ROM you have), you must restart
the installation, and enter linux hdX=cdrom Replace the X with one of the
following letters, depending on the interface the unit is connected to, and
wether it is configured as master or slave: a  First IDE controller, master b
 First IDE controller, slave c  Secondary IDE controler, master d  Secondary
IDE controller, slave

Example:  linux hdc=cdrom  (for a cd-rom set as secondary master)

I hope this helps.

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From: Jimmy Sieben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ideal video card
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 07:16:49 GMT

    Hello, I am helping a friend purchase a AMD-based Linux box soon,
and I was wondering what video card I should recommend to him. The
machine will probably end up running RedHat (possibly 6.0). He doesn't
want to have to fool with Xservers too much (getting X up on my TNT was
no easy task), but I haven't had experience with any other cards. What
do you recommend for good performance, ease-of-installation, and price?
Any help is greatly appreciated.


Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 16:28:02 +0930
From: Trevor Glen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mustek 1200 ED Parallel Port Scanner

Hi All,

I am looking for some help in installing a Mustek 1200 ED Parallel Port
Scanner in Debian GNU/Linux. I have downloaded, installed and read the
man pages for SANE, but it's docs on parallel port scanners are a bit
lacking. If anyone has had any luck installing this scanner (or anything
similar), please let me know,



Subject: AD1812 based sound card - drivers???
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 07:14:32 GMT


anyone using Analog Logic's AD1812 based sound cards. i have a
Pnp Action Media card based on that DSP. any drivers for Linux?


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From: Jim Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: LILO and large hard disk
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 10:17:58 -0600

eisme@theoldsameplace wrote:
> Try redhat 5.2 if you want to setup linux quick. (free with Linux
> Unleashed for Redhat about $40 US)

FWIW, the cost of the book pays for the software; I found the book to
not be terribly helpful; I'm still pretty new to Linux, but I found that
when I needed to look something up in _RedHat Linux Unleashed_, the
subject wasn't covered in enough detail (if covered at all).

I'm still looking, for example, for a good reference on IPX
connectivity.  It seems to be pretty flaky in RH52.

But things like the reference to the LILO howto/doc to fix LILO problems
(and just *how* am I supposed to reference these docs if they're on the
Linux partition when I can't boot Linux? ;-) ) rather than putting
actual troubleshooting tips in the book make the usefulness of this book
less than stellar.  Fortunately, the value I was looking for was the
CDs, and it did have those.

Jim Henderson
Novell Support Connection SysOp -

Homepage at (email instructions
located here)

Please note that as an NSC SysOp, I do not provide support for Novell
products on a personal basis - if you need help with a Novell product,
please post a reply in the public newsgroup or visit the Novell support
forums at the URL above.


From: "Takashi Masuda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Trouble in X window
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 21:30:25 +0900

Help!! X window doesn't start on my PC.
I use ATI Rage LT Pro AGP with an 15" LCD.
Kernel version is 2.0.36.
Thank in advance.

Takashi Masuda


From: Brian Servis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MouseWheel support in Linux
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 07:29:47 -0500

bryan wrote:
> Brian Servis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : Are you using one with the thumb button?
> I have both the 'molded' model (very curvy, at a slant, with grey
> rubber on the sides) and the RF cordless.  both map the wheel to MB4
> and MB5.  you have to config some xf86 options - do a dejanews search
> on 'wheel mouse linux' and I'm sure you'll find the ref.
>   I can't get my MouseMan+ PS/2
> : thumb button to work under and svga driver with kernel 2.2.6.
> : It used to work great under, mach64.  I have followed all the
> : device on to no
> : avail.
> I think that's the ref I used.  is yours the OEM or retail?

Retail MouseMan+ model M-CW47.  The thing is it worked before with 
and mach64. After the upgrade to and svga the thumb button no longer 
is found.


> : Thanks,
> : Brian
> : bryan wrote:
> : >
> : > logitech RETAIL wheel mouse.  works for me ;-)
> : >
> : > Alex Kaufman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : > : Greetings all,
> : >
> : > : Happily running on Linux for quite a while now. Thing is, I'd like to
> : > : get myself one of those mousewheels, but before I cough up the $, I'd
> : > : like to be sure that it will work in Linux so that the money won't be
> : > : wasted. Well, will it work? I'm running on Mandrake 5.3 BTW, Kernel
> : > : 2.0.36.
> : >
> : > : Thanks ahead,
> : > : Alex Kaufman
> : >
> : > --
> : > Bryan
> --
> Bryan


From: **Nick Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: restoring keyboard repeat
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 15:20:03 +0200

I was wondering why my repeat rate is sometimes slow (I occasionally
disconnect my KB to tap into its 5V line for an external disk).  This is
on a Dell OptiPlex.  If you get an answer, I'd like to hear it.

Phil Howard wrote:
> When I disconnect the keyboard and connect it back, the repeat rate
> changes to slower.  Simply doing a soft reboot (e.g. Ctrl-Alt-Del or
> "shutdown -r now") will, when the system is back up, restore the full
> keyboard repeat rate.

Nick Brown, Strasbourg, France (Nick(dot)Brown(at)coe(dot)int)

Protect yourself against Word 95/97 viruses, free - check out


Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 10:09:57 -0400
From: Lev Tarasoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Pro's and Con's of different backup choices

Can anybody point me to an FAQ on pro's and con's of different backup
media For Linux? A couple of years ago I installed an exabyte eagle
(not TR3) on my workstation and never got it to work properly.  So I
would like a recommendation for backup hardware (tape, 250 mb zip,
CDRW,?) that would be easy to install under RH5.2, reliable, easy to
access after a complete crash, and reasonably cheap. My machines are

thanks for any help


PS please cc replies to me as I'm not on the newsgroup that much


From: "Patrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Poor Graphics Performance with 486/S3 86C805
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 14:19:14 +0100


I've just installed Redhat 5.2 on a Dell 486 66Mhz with
28M RAM. Graphics hardware is S3 86C805 with 1M

The system works fine except for one niggling problem.
Graphics performance is sluggish when running something
which requires fast screen updates such asXGalaga.
It seems as if screen updates are only happening
once a second or so making the game unplayable. Its not
related to disk activity and happens under light system loads.
The X installation runs perfectly in all other respects.

Does anyone out have an idea how to improve this or do
I have to live with it?

Any help appreciated,



From: "HiVizDiver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RH 5.2, USR 56 Pnp modem (NOT Winmodem)) - Finally!
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 10:17:56 -0400

    Well, after two weeks of cursing and pulling my hair out, I finally got
my modem to work perfectly under Linux. I thought I'd be smart and upgrade
my kernel to 2.2.6, to get PnP support. Heh. What a fool I was. Finally, I
started messing around with the few jumpers on my board (my modem
documentation said nothing about the jumpers), I managed to get the modem on
Com 2, using all the correct port and IRQ settings. Voila, Minicom dialed my
modem, ezPPP dialed my modem, Usernet dialed my modem... I was very happy.
So the moral of the story is, if you are using a PnP modem, one way to save
yourself a lot of headache is to try and disable the PnP on the modem,
despite what the 2.2.6 kernel may claim about PnP support. (Although I have
to say that with a little bit of tweaking, it worked wonderfully with my SB
AWE64 PnP - thanks to isapnptools.)


Jeff Wilson
"Gentlemen! There's no fighting in here! This is the War Room!" - Dr.


From: Rick Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help! DVD-RAM on Linux
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 09:19:52 -0400


Can anyone tell me what I might need to do to get my new
Panasonic LF-D101 DVD-RAM drive (its a rewriteable phase-change 
optical drive) working with Linux? It works fine under Windows,
but Linux doesn't seem to recognize it.

Any help is appreciated.

Rick Johnson


From: "Andre Malafaya Baptista" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mem performance
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 15:27:25 +0100

This is not a Linux-specific question but here it goes to all you

I have a 64Mb DIMM and a 128Mb DIMM.
What combination is best (if any is best) for performance: 128Mb on first
bank and 64Mb on second bank, or vice-versa?



Subject: Problem detecting SCSI disk.
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 14:27:41 GMT


I have 2 SCSI controllers - an AIC-7890 on the motherboard, and an AIC-1542

The Card has a single 9Gb drive and a HP DDS drive on it, and the on board
controller has 1 4.5Gb drive and 2 18Gb drives.

Without the card installed, and just the 3 disks, all is well.  However, with
the card inserted as well, the 9Gb drive and tape are fine, and the 1st 2
drives on the on board controller are fine, but the last disk, although
reported by the BIOS as Linux is starting, cannot be found as /dev/hdd.

Has anyone seen this before?  Is there a limit to the number of disks that can
be used?

Is there a bug with the AGA7890 module that makes it not find the 2nd 18 Gb
disk, because its the same as the 1st 18Gb disk?

If anyone has any ideas, I'd be very grateful!  Please CC any replies to

Many thanks,

Chris Malcolm

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jan Wielemaker)
Subject: Re: S3 Virge/DX (again)
Date: 27 Apr 1999 13:33:17 GMT

On Tue, 27 Apr 1999 07:07:06 -0400, Pat Crean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>1) Yes, it will work.
>2)  Yes, you can just grab the server and it will work.
>3)  XF86_SVGA is the recommended XFree86 server for the S3 Virge.  XF86_S3V,
>however works better with some applications.  In particular, Netscape and
>WordPerfect work perfectly with the S3V server (at 24bpp) but have problems
>displaying icons (either colors or bitmaps) with the SVGA server.  xanim won't
>work at all with the SVGA server, Star Office 5.0 works with the SVGA server,
>but causes an extreme hardware lockup if you try to use it with the S3V server.

Having an anonymous S3V card, I'm still not happy.  I replaced my ATI
Mach 64 board as it couldn't deal with 1152x910 at 16bpp by this S3V
card.  Since then I experience hard lock-ups from time to time, either
using the S3V driver or the SVGA driver.  This got worse as I got a
new monitor and could move from 68 to 75 Hz refresh rate.  As the
initial card `lost some pixels' from time to time, I got a
replacement, but still with the same results (though no lost pixels

As NT 4.0 has produced same-type of lockups using the same hardware
and the vendors drivers, it looks like a hardware (timing) problem,
possibly related to copy-rectangle operations.  Is there anyone who
knows the reason?  Is it a driver bug or malfunctioning hardware.

I'm strongly considering to move to a Matrox Millenium 200 or similar ...

        Regards --- Jan


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Ripton)
Subject: SB16 and SCC-1 and MIDI
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 14:44:53 GMT

Continuing a thread from about a week back that's expired
off my news server:

I have a non-PnP SB16 and a Roland SCC-1.  Configuring them
under the 2.2.6 kernel since both have jumpers (as God
intended sound cards to have); make xconfig, pick SB and 
MPU-401 (static, not as modules), and type the correct IRQ, 
IO, and DMA values into the boxes.  That didn't work.  The 
trick I thought of last night was to enter the SCC-1's IRQ 
and IO in both places for MIDI.  That worked, for one out of 
the three MIDI players on my system.

The remaining problem is that two out of three MIDI players 
I tried aren't flexible enough to handle this configuration.
kmidi just whines constantly about being unable to open the 
output device.  (I think it's hardwired to /dev/sequencer.)
playmidi works but sents its output to the SB16 instead of 
the SCC-1, regardless of what I put after -D.  (I think it
should use /dev/midi00 for -D 0, /dev/midi01 for -D 1, etc.,
but it magically finds the SB16 regardless.)  kmid works 
great, and even lets me switch back and forth between midi 
devices in the middle of playing a song.

I'd like to figure out how to make playmidi use (and 
preferably default to) the SCC-1, but since kmid works it's 
not a very high priority.  I'll be removing kmidi from the
system; one KDE-specific MIDI player is enough.

The moral of the story: when you're doing something atypical
and having problems, sometimes it's not your kernel-level 
configuration.  Sometimes it's inflexible user-level tools.
So try several.

David Ripton    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
spamgard(tm): To email me, put "geek" in your Subject line.


From: laurent collot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hang up with Adaptec 2940U2W and SMP
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 16:48:42 +0000

David Thompson wrote:

> >         I have a server with:
> >
> >         2 P-II.
> >         4 HD 9Gb. Ultra Wide Scsi 2 : 80Mb/seg.
> >
> >         1 Adaptec 2940U2W
> >
> > I have installed RH 5.2 with kernel 2.2.5 and all work fine.
> >
> > The problem come when we move a big file from ftp, CD or from disk to
> > disk. suddenly, the system make a bep, switch on the diskette unit's
> > led and hang up.
> >
> >         Anybody have the same problem?
> I've had an Adaptec 2940 for quite a while (linux 0.99.6). I ran into
> behavior like this (hanging with big files) and eventually bought a
> BusLogic Bt-948 to avoid the mess. <...>

I have exactly the same symptom, running Linux hydra 2.2.5 #12 SMP (2 PII-450MHz, 
256Mb SDRAM, 2x Adaptec
2940 UW + IBM 4GB LVD)

The machine works fine as long as I do not move large amounts of data over the adaptec 
(this is not a
processor problem, since I tested this on a 2 processes job, cpu intensive with no 
disk access and no
swap) from/to disks or other SCSI2 peripherals (this is not either a LVD dependant 
Last but not least, all the Adaptec cards I tried (bios 1.23, bios 1.25 & 1.32) work 
flawlessly in a NT4
SP3 machine...

Any idea?

Laurent Collot.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,
Subject: Re: How to get Panasonic CD-ROM 2 work?
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 14:29:17 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Alan W. Jurgensen" 
>I have an older OPTi 82C929 sound card with proprietary panasonic CR-562
>I'm tring to install Red-Hat 5.2 ... no dice.  Have tried
>soundblaster/panasonic CD-ROM type... but wont detect it.
>So, Ive verified it works in dos with Opti Sound/CD-ROM drivers...
>Tried Toms 1 Disk Linux system... and tried loading isp16 cd-rom driver which
>states opti support...  It seems to load and detect
>cdrom interface ok... BUT how to access drive? what is the device file?  HELP

Under RH5.1 the /dev/cdrom is the device I reference
but that is also a sym link to /dev/hdc... the actual
device name.

If you suspect that the drivers are loaded and are
detecting the drive then try mounting it with:

        mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

This assumes that /mnt/cdrom exists, if not then just
create /cdrom and mount it there. Make sure you do the
following when done, umount /dev/cdrom to unmount the
device. Aside from that read the man pages for mount
and umount. Good luck.


>Does slackware have support for this drive/card combo?
>any help appreciated, al-man
>          +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
>                 Alan W. Jurgensen  -  Full Compass Systems        
>              phone: (608) 831-7330 - email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>          +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+


From: laurent collot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.periphs.scsi
Subject: Re: SMP : How do I know if it's working ok. Use top?
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 16:53:28 +0000

Curt Timmerman wrote:

> If you run xosview, it will show the load and interrupts on both CPU's.

xosview is broken with newer 2.2.x SMP kernels since the proc reporting changed
-> endless loop...

Laurent Collot


From: Barry Voeten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hardware recommendation for Samba server...
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 14:50:21 +0000

Daniel Tremitiere wrote:
> I'd like to apologize in advance for the basic nature of these questions...but
> then, if I knew the answers, I wouldn't be asking.
> I'm setting up a network for a small, and certainly not rich, elementary
> school; although they need Windows to run educational software on the client
> machines, I plan on using Linux and Samba for the server end of things.  The
> server will be used to provide home directories for students and faculty, and
> to maintain Windows profiles.  It will occasionally be used to standardize the
> software distributions on the client machines, but speed isn't important in
> this (it'll likely be done at night.)  I don't anticipate running programs off
> the network.
> My question is this: what are the minimum hardware requirements for acceptable
> performance in a system like this?  The network will be 10base-T at first,
> but will be upgraded to 100Mbps as soon as it's feasible.  I have my ideas as
> to what might be an appropriate configuration, but I'd really appreciate any
> input on the subject.
> Thanks,
> Dan Tremitiere

It just depends on how hard they're going use it. How many clients?
I would start with a normal modern system with scsi stuff.
Usually, pentium servers just stand waiting. 



From: Barry Voeten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Sorry, but... Is this hardware compatable?
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 14:32:46 +0000

Have dell assure you it is!
I guess with more scsi your chances might be better.
Older stuff mostly works too.

Adler wrote:
> I'd like to but a "Dimension® XPS T450, Pentium® lll Processor at 450 MHz",
> says Dell.
> I'm not sure if the following hardware is compatable:
>    8MB ATI XPERT 98D 3D AGP Graphics Card
>    CD-ROM--says "40X Max Variable CD-ROM Drive" (?)
>    Yamaha XG 64V Wavetable Sound
>    3Com® USRobotics V.90* PCI Telephony WinModem for Sound
>       (i don't think it is--I hear winmodems need Windows)
Heard that too.

>    10/20GB EIDE TR5 Tape Backup
>       If this doesn't work, what tape drive should I get?
> And seperately:
>    does video capture work? Should I get a fast HD? How fast?
> Any help is greatly appreciated (As you can see, I'm pretty lost on hardware)
> Thanks,
> Andrew de los Reyes


From: Thomas Schüler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Junst when I thought everything was OK...ESS Maestro Sound
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 12:55:59 +0200

afaik there are two possibilities :
1. the 2.2.x-ac kernels, wich can be found at your local mirror (in
the people subdir)
 2. you can try the comm. version of OSS, they have a beta
driver for ESS Maestros (


Thomas Schüler


From: Simon Holgate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SB 16 *PCI*
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 17:03:52 +0100

Thanks for the comments. (I had tried the pnpdump just in case, even
though I didn't think it would work - but I am kind of desperate!)

> What does cat /proc/interrupts show ?  And can you get some info, from
> the BIOS or maybe Windows (they call it "resources"), about which
> interrupts are being assigned to the card ?

The BIOS can be configured to assign either ISA or PCI PnP to each IRQ.
This doesn't seem to have any effect. I don't know how to get any other
info from the BIOS.

 cat /proc/interrupts
  0:    2972412          XT-PIC  timer
  1:        112          XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:          0          XT-PIC  cascade
  3:    5763225          XT-PIC  NE2000
 12:        386          XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
 13:          1          XT-PIC  fpu
 14:      16735          XT-PIC  ide0
NMI:          0

> Simon Holgate wrote:
> > Card config:
> > (Sound Blaster at 0x220 irq 5 drq 1,5)
> > (SB MPU-401 at 0x330 irq 1 drq 0)
> IRQ 1 ??? I don't think so.  That's the keyboard.

Yes, I noticed that before. However, the card isn't even detected so I'm
not convinced that the obvious IRQ conflict is the main problem here
(though I'll fix it anyway).

> > Does anyone have any advice/suggestions? Is it likely that the SB16 ISA
> > drivers would work with a PCI card anyway? (There is nothing about a
> > commmercial OSS driver for the SB16 PCI on the 4Front web site either)
> In my experience, almost every SB card works at least reasonably with
> the SB16 drivers,
> at least with Creative's Windows drivers.

What isn't clear to me is whether the drivers are dependent upon the bus
design i.e. whether the Linux SB16 ISA driver would have any chance of
working. Of course I have the windows drivers from Creative on CD but
the only DOS machine I access to doesn't have a CDROM.

Further comments and ideas will be much appreciated!



Simon Holgate,                       Tel: (+44) (0151) 794 4102
Department of Earth Sciences,           (Rm  114, Oceanography)
University of Liverpool,                     Geology - 794 5202
P.O. Box 147,                            (Rm B17, Herdman Bldg)
Liverpool, L69 3BX                   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Snappy 3.0
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 11:53:29 -0400

Does the snappy 3.0 work with Linux (currently using Caldera OL 2.2)

If not, any web cams that do?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (unknown)
Subject: Help  !   ( Linux on a LapTop )
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 13:53:30 GMT

I need some info on Setting up the Network with a Laptop. I'm using
redhat 5.2  the install does not detect PCMCIA stuff. Help...

Email me at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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