Linux-Hardware Digest #146, Volume #10            Sun, 2 May 99 23:13:34 EDT

  Re: Buslogic PCI SCSI adaptors - $30 (M. Buchenrieder)
  Diamond Monster Cards ("Daniel Gooderidge")
  Re: FIC 2013 Compatability (Andrew Comech)
  RH 6.0 and NE2000 (Brendan Rempel)
  Re: SMP mobo? (Do-Hoon Kwon)
  Re: awe 64 isapnp and quake2&3 ("dpc")
  Von Windows und Linux über einen LinuxServer drucken ("Nicolas Keller")
  AHA-2940U2W ("Ricardo Canani")
  Riva TNT SDK (OpenGL) (Jens Schwepe)
  Re: /dev/hda1 has reached maximal mount count, check forced (Paul J Gans)
  Re: AMD K6-2 Problems (Dariusz Duraj)
  RedHat 5.2 & Dell Inspiron 7000 ("Derek S. Smigelski")
  Any External Modem? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Looking for input and ideas for new install of RH 5.2 with UDMA66 ("Supernews")
  Re: SMP mobo? (bryan)
  Re: S3 Trio 3D Driver ("Barnabas Peter, WAN")
  Re: Is there a 3D video card... (Randy Heineke)
  Re: 2 CDROM drives (Bob Martin)
  Re: SBLive's new driver ("B & C Duffey")
  Re: CDROM Server ("Mark Swope")


Crossposted-To: comp.periphs.scsi,
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Subject: Re: Buslogic PCI SCSI adaptors - $30
Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 21:00:35 GMT

[Note FollowUp-To: header !]

"Tony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>No it isn't

>They don't work with Linux

Rubbish. These work just fine (and have been working that way since the
pre-2.x kernels) .

Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
          Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
    Note: If you want me to send you email, don't munge your address.


From: "Daniel Gooderidge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Diamond Monster Cards
Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 08:06:51 +1000

I have a Diamond Monster Sound Card.

Can they be used within Linux and how do I set it up.


Daniel Gooderidge


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Comech)
Subject: Re: FIC 2013 Compatability
Date: 2 May 1999 21:17:36 -0500

Silly me: I meant to write that as far as I remember one could
NOT use today's memory with newer Slot-A motherboards...

On 1 May 1999 19:02:49 -0500, Andrew Comech wrote:
>On Fri, 30 Apr 1999 15:05:55 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>I am considering building a new computer based on,
>>FIC 2013 motherboard W/2MB cache
>>AMD K6-2 400
>>128 Mb RAM
>>AGP Graphics card (not sure which one)
>>This would have to run Windows but I plan on
>>having 2 Hard Drives and running LINUX also.
>>Are there any known compatability problems
>>with this setup?
>>Anything I should look out for?
>FIC 2013 works great with 1MB of cache, so I wonder why it would 
>not with 2MB.
>Another thing is, you only need 2MB of cache (which is extra $20) 
>for more than 256MB of RAM; are you sure you will ever buy this 
>much? (As far as I remember, you could use all that memory with 

>newer Slot-A motherboards.)

Looking for a Linux-compatible V.90 modem? See


From: Brendan Rempel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RH 6.0 and NE2000
Date: Sun, 02 May 1999 19:22:55 -0600

Hey all,

I just installed Redhat 6.0 and it seems to have some difficulty
accessing the Internet.  This is really strange because the Redhat 5.2
version installed and accessed the same Internet connection flawlessly.
This is kind of embarrassing because I have to reboot into Windows to
send this email.

The specifics are an NE2000 PCI network card connected to an ethernet
connection connected to a cable modem.  The IP addresses are obtained
through DHCP.  I followed the default Workstation install and later
re-tried again with a custom install.  Booting into (imagine a really
small font) Windows remains capable of accessing the same network card
and Internet connection.

I also noticed that the isapnp.conf file has been drastically changed
from 5.2 to 6.0 and seems to be more configurable through the
control-panel program.  The control-panel showed the eth0 device as
active but no IP or DNS entries returned.  The inetd is running and I
can make connections to localhost.

If anybody has any ideas or solutions to this problem, it would be
greatly appreciated.



From: Do-Hoon Kwon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SMP mobo?
Date: Sun, 02 May 1999 21:21:15 -0400

> On Sun, 2 May 1999 01:09:25 -0700, Ryan Lovett
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm thinking about getting a dual PII-400 SMP linux box and I'm looking
> >around for a quality motherboard. Any recommendations for a non-SCSI
> >440BX? I'm not interested in those particularly suited for overclocking.
> >
> >Gigabyte, Abit, Asus?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Ryan
> >

 I'm using Gigabyte 6BXD for 7 months with RedHat 5.2 and happy with it.
Right now, a $156 deal for one from seems like
a good one.
 Hope this helps.

Do-Hoon Kwon


From: "dpc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: awe 64 isapnp and quake2&3
Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 18:13:00 -0400

Did you enable sound support while configuring the kernel? And if so, did
you compile it into the kernel or as a mod?  Something simple but can be

Jusitn Desilets wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>when I first installed linux i was able to get sound support in quake2.
>Then I upgraded kernels to 2.2.5 and i lost sound support in the game.
>the documentation mentions something about /dev/dsp is what it uses for
>sound but I am still new and don't know what that means.  I can get
>normal sounds like the water drops to play if i enable the sound mod
>through Afterstep. but if i run sndconfig it dosen't detect the card.
>it says that i don't have a kernel new enough for support.


From: "Nicolas Keller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Von Windows und Linux über einen LinuxServer drucken
Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 23:27:19 +0200

Seit Wochen versuche ich verzweifelt folgende Konfiguration zum Laufen zu
Ich will von meinem Arbeitscomputer auf meinen LinuxServer (486er) drucken.
Auf dem Arbeitscomputer laufen Linux und Windows in friedlichem
Einvernehmen. Zwischenzeitlich hatte ich es auch mal geschafft, von Windows
aus zu drucken, durch weiteres Rumprobieren, um auch von Linux aus drucken
zu können habe ich aber alles wieder zerschossen.

Kann mir jemand eine Schrittanleitung geben?
Auf dem Arbeitsrechner läuft Windows 98 und SUSE 6.1, auf dem
Server SUSE 6.0 Der Drucker ist ein HP Deskjet 500 (JA! Die Dinger gibts
Ghostscript ist installiert.

Und noch eine Frage, wo kann ich genaue Fehlermeldungen abfangen?
Ich weiß, dass solche allgemeinen Fragen in NG nicht sonderlich beliebt
sind und hätte gerne genaue Fehlermedlungen beigelegt, leider weiß ich
nicht, wo ich diese finden kann.

Vielen Dank!
Nicolas Keller


Reply-To: "Ricardo Canani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Ricardo Canani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: AHA-2940U2W
Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 22:22:53 -0300

    Hi !

    Does anybody know if Linux Kernel 2.0.36 supports Adaptec
AHA-2940U2W ?

    Any help is welcome.

Ricardo Canani
Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil


From: Jens Schwepe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Riva TNT SDK (OpenGL)
Date: Sun, 02 May 1999 00:31:13 +0200

Hi folks,

I want to use my TNT Card with programming OpenGL apps.

Who knows where to get specs or a programming sdk (the libraries for
OpenGL respectively) ?
I sent an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] two weeks ago, but they seem to
ignore me :-(

thnx a lot

Jens Schwepe


Universitaet Bremen
MZH Raum 3190, Fon: 0421 - 218 3572
Barkhof Raum 3370 (Eingang P. Boy), Fon 0421 - 218 4361

"Mutter ist der Name fuer Gott
 auf den Lippen und in den Herzen der Kinder dieser Welt."


From: Paul J Gans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: /dev/hda1 has reached maximal mount count, check forced
Date: 3 May 1999 01:51:16 GMT

In comp.os.linux.development.system Jens Kristian Søgaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Peter Mutsaers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Why on earth would one check after a fixed amount of reboots?
>> If it were after a specific period of time had elapsed it might make
>> sense, but still. I know of no other UNIX doing this. If the shutdown

>I'm not completely sure, but I think Linux does both. I.e. checking
>after a fixed set of mounts, and after a fixed period of time. This is
>f.ex. a dump of one of my filesystem:

>       Last mount time:          Mon Apr  5 18:33:13 1999
>       Last write time:          Sun May  2 20:23:44 1999
>       Mount count:              4
>       Maximum mount count:      20
>       Last checked:             Sun Apr  4 04:11:56 1999
>       Check interval:           15552000 (6 months)
>       Next check after:         Fri Oct  1 04:11:56 199

>This means that if I remounted this filesystem on the 2nd of October,
>it would check the filesystem... even though it hasn't yet reached
>it's maximum mount count of 20.

This is true.  I've had ext2 floppies get the message that
the file system had not been checked for too long.  Useful
for floppies as they seem to develop problems with age.

      ----- Paul J. Gans  [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]


From: Dariusz Duraj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AMD K6-2 Problems
Date: Sun, 02 May 1999 22:23:05 GMT

Luis Marquez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello. I am having some problems with  RedHat 5.2 and my new amd k6-2
> 400. After  I installed the cpu, Linux will boot half way then give a
> dump of the memory and registers. I am running kernel version 2.2.6 .
> I though maybe the kernel was freaked out because of the new processor ,
> but  the same thing happens when I boot the install disk to reinstall. I
> sometimes get a blue cursor at the bottom of the window right after the
> install initializes the cdrom. I remember seeing some posts about
> incompatibilities with some mboards and linux with k6-2 processors.
> RedHat has a note on their HCL about some motherboards and k6-2
> processors. They say you might have to keep the chip and replace the
> motherboard. I am using an Iwill XA100 with an amibios ver 1.2 .  If
> anybody has a similar configuration and has gotten it to work I would
> appreciate some info.   Any advice greatly appreciated.

> thanks,

> Luis

hi Luis

first take a look at , it is german.
there it is told that some K6-2 at 100 Mhz bus may cause problems. The solution is 
quite easy-AMD should give you an other CPU.             


Dariusz Duraj                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Derek S. Smigelski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RedHat 5.2 & Dell Inspiron 7000
Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 21:30:53 -0500

I have Redhat 5.2 install and dual booting just fine on my I7K from Dell.  I
need some serious step by step help.  I have been refered to the site and Lila's I7K site many
times and still have no luck.  Here's the problems:

1) Connecting to my local ISP (Setting up PPP)
2) Getting RH to recognize the card services software (PCMCIA cards 1 -
Linksys 10/100 Card & 1 - 56k Modem)
    I have downloaded the pcmcia-cs-3.0.9 and have attempted to follow the
instructions but receive errors when I attempt to
    run 'make config' and described in the instructions.
3) Sound - Mastero -2 (ESS) will not recognize.

If anyone has an I7K and has it configured properly please help !  I am
slightly a newbe at redhat 5.2.

Email :




Subject: Any External Modem?
Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 02:17:36 GMT

Is it true that any external modem will work with linux?  I am looking to
purchase a DATA BRIDGE:ELITE ROCKWELL CHIPSET 56K DATA/FAX external modem for
$53.  Does anyone have have any experience using this modem with Linux?

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From: "Supernews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Looking for input and ideas for new install of RH 5.2 with UDMA66
Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 00:26:09 -0000

Present system is a Celeron 300A, w/64 meg, Abit BX6 MB, Diamond Stealth
3400PCI 4 meg vram operating at 450 mhz

Current drive configuration: Drive 1 Seagate 2.1 gig IDE Win 98 installed
Partitioned to C:
Drive 2,  WD 3.1 gig IDE  Partitioned D: E: F:
Drive 3, CD ROM Atapi
Drive 4, HP7200i RW/CD

I have a WDAC 418000 18 gig with Promise ULTRA66 controller card coming.

Am planning to move the data from Drive 1 and 2 to the WD 18 gig and make
that drive 1 on the Promise card, then move Drive 2,3,and 4 to the promise
card, and disable the onboard controller.

At this point I should have Win 98 booting from Drive 1, nothing on drive 2

I am considering putting RH on drive 2.

Please someone give me some ideas as to the partioning required for RH or if
I should do this another way give me some ideas. I have read the 5.2 manual
and am continuing to read. I have researched the use of the Promise card
with Linux UDMA Mini How to info but I still have some confusion about the
location of the boot partition and also The kernal info, 2.0.35 or later
required, my RH has a much later version will it support the UDMA66

S. Johnson


From: bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SMP mobo?
Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 00:59:21 GMT

asus p2bd

I have 2 of them.  love 'em.

Ryan Lovett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:  I'm thinking about getting a dual PII-400 SMP linux box and I'm looking
: around for a quality motherboard. Any recommendations for a non-SCSI
: 440BX? I'm not interested in those particularly suited for overclocking.

: Gigabyte, Abit, Asus?

: Thanks,
: Ryan



From: "Barnabas Peter, WAN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: S3 Trio 3D Driver
Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 09:36:01 +0800


I've some point missed.  I'm using a AMD-K6-2 CPU and the OS is Redhat Linus
Thank you!!!

Pls. answer back at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Barnabas Peter, WAN ¼¶¼g©ó¤å³¹ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I'm a new Linux user, Peter.  I'm using a 640x480 resolution in X windows.
>However, my display card is S3 Trio 3D card with 4MB SGRAM.
>It can work better.  Is there anyone can tell where I can download the high
>resolution driver for it.  Thank you!
>Pls. answer back at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Randy Heineke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is there a 3D video card...
Date: Sun, 02 May 1999 21:49:45 -0500

Phil DeBecker wrote:

> Randolph Heineke wrote:
> > I am looking for a video card that can accelerate 1600x1200@85Hz with
> > 24-32bpp in 3D that  has XFree86 drivers.  As far as I can tell:
> >
> > G200                        -( Matrox Millenia)  can't do it at 85 Hz
> > TNT                         -does not have 24-32bpp support in XFree86
> > Savage4                  - not supported in XFree86 yet
> > Voodoo 3 3000      - not supported in XFree86 yet
> > Rage Fury               - not supported in XFree86 yet
> >
> > Please correct me  if I am mistaken.  I am guessing that the G400 will
> > be my first opportunity although Matrox claims that it will be pricy.
> > Can anyone reccomend a cheaper solution with a commercial xserver?
> The Voodoo3 3000 can do 1600x1200@85hz at 32bpp in 2D (it has a 350mhz
> ramdac).   There's an X server for it at that
> has good 2-D acceleration.  This server is available now, and will be
> rolled into the next release of XFree86 (probably version 3.4).  I'm
> using a V3 3000 at home on a 19" monitor at 1280x1024@85hz, 32bpp and it
> works flawlessly.  It will happily go up to 1600x1200 (higher even, but
> the monitor can't do that) but on a 19" it's a bit small.
> Phil

Phil, thanks for the URL.   There seems to be some sort of connection
between Voodoo and glide.  I would think that my question is an easy one
but it is not yet clear to me that  I have got an answer to my question
after looking around a lot more.



Date: Sat, 01 May 1999 20:52:02 -0500
From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2 CDROM drives

have a look in /dev at cdrom. it's just a link to your hardware device,
for example /dev/hdc. you should use whatever device you actually have
it attached to.

"Claus Høyer" wrote:
> Can anyone help me how to set up an additional CDROM drive. It´s recognized
> in boot sequense but which /dev device should i use, and how is the setup in
> fstab ?
> (redhat 5.2)
> Thanks
> Claus Høyer


From: "B & C Duffey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SBLive's new driver
Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 21:53:42 -0400

I need this driver but the ftp site is no good, has anyone donwloaded it yet
and if so can they post it on a web page ?

My Linux box will be complete when I get the BS Live to work !!


Tom Barnes-Lawrence wrote in message <7gf2dn$6r2$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>    Haven't got one of these cards, but have just checked Creative's
>site to check on progress, and there's a driver at last!
>( for those who haven't
>found the page yet)


From: "Mark Swope" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: CDROM Server
Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 21:48:44 -0500

I was getting ready to try this myself.  I'll end up using
an old 486 and several old cdroms scavanged from
dead pcs.  I'll use Samba and allow users to connect
to them.  The only thing that I'll have to work out is whether
I'll be able to allow the users to mount cd's themselves.


ps - I *know* that a cdrom isn't nearly as fast as
a hard drive, local or otherwise.  That's a different

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message ...
>On Sun, 25 Apr 1999, Steve Fowler wrote:
>> Was wondering if anyone has used Linux in setting up a CD-ROM server?  I
>> am working on setting up a CD-ROM server to use on a NT based LAN.
>Yes I used my Linux Box as an NFS server, since your cdrom drive
>becomes part of your file system once you mounted it, i was able
>to access the cdrom from different Linux Boxes over the LAN,
>and i worked fine.
>If your clients are Windows and not Linux, don't use NFS for
>security reasons.
>I suggest you make your cdrom drive a smb share:
>Install Samba and edit your /etc/smb.conf to fit your needs.
>> The
>> server must be able to serve multiple users simultaneously, allow
>> multiple users to access a single CD at the same time and be accessible
>> across the LAN.
>You won't believe it, but a cdrom is not quite as fast as a hard disk.



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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