Linux-Hardware Digest #157, Volume #10            Tue, 4 May 99 14:13:33 EDT

  Redhat 6.0... the good, the bad, and the ugly ("Jeff Volckaert")
  Re: waiting the moment ("soltec")
  Re: 2.2.5 Kernel is dead ("David Murray")
  Re: Scanner ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Does Linux support AVA-1502 or AIC-6x60 SCSI ? (George O)
  How good is a Riva TNT for svgalib? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: STB 4400 Velocity? ("John Leopold")
  Re: How good is a Riva TNT for svgalib? (Pasztor Szilard)
  Re: scsi (steve)
  Re: Winmodem Rip Off Baskets (**Nick Brown)
  Re: Dual screen ("Jeff Volckaert")
  Re: xwindows and display problems ("Jeff Volckaert")
  Re: Which Eicon ISDN card? (miko)
  Re: X-SVGA-Server mit CL-GD 5426! (Vaclav Stepan)
  Re: Redhat Linux w/ AMD K6-2 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Does Linux work on AMD K6-3 processors? ("Scott Simpson")
  Re: Riva 128 Question ("Intel Team SocGen")
  Re: ppp-connction and CD-writer  (-->????) (Eric Potter)
  Re: Problem with ZIP drive ("Manula")


From: "Jeff Volckaert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Redhat 6.0... the good, the bad, and the ugly
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 09:52:16 -0400

Hello Everybody,

I just did two Redhat 6.0 installs over the weekend and thought some people
might like to read some comments.  Overall I'm really impressed.  Every
Redhat version since 3.0.3 has raised my expectations of Linux and not let
me down.

The good:

The single disk ftp install is great.  It's also nice to test the X setup
during install.

The bootup process is nicer since they added green OKs (Red faileds) and
changed the X login screen to a much more stylish graphic.

I LOVE the login option to select Gnome, KDE, etc on login.  Great job

The desktops keep getting better all the time, this is no exception.  This
is my first experience using Gnome and I love it.  Just need better
installed themes now.  Can't they work a deal with or

All my hardware (with the exception of my Hauppauge tuner card) works
flawlessly.  Ensonique sound, Riva128 video, 13G seagate drive and ne2000
network included.

The Bad:

I've had a few hard locks.  Ouch!  Some of my first with Linux (which i've
been using for over 3 years).  Not a good trend to start.

LICQ segment faults now... could be LICQ though.

Still haven't got XawTV working with my Hauppauge tuner card.  I'll have to
mess around with hand loading modules like I had to do with Redhat
5.2+2.2.5.  Just hoping I wouldn't have to.

The Ugly:

The Ultima Online client will not run under Gnome but will under WindowMaker
(without sound though, but that's Origin's prob).

DHCP will not work with my Cable modem.  My workstations DHCP fine to my
Linux DHCP server though.  This one really hurts and prevents me from
upgrading my firewall until it's fixed.  I'm told that Redhat now uses a
program called pump instead of dhcpcd.


From: "soltec" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: waiting the moment
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 15:06:38 +0200

Lo único que permite que montes una red con Linux y Windows, que yo conozca
es SAMBA. Si no, sólo puedes acceder a WWW y FTP. Samba permite que Linux
trabaje como cliente o como servidor de una red Windows. Lo divertido será
encntrar una tarjeta de cable telefónico para portátil soportada por Linux.

cv13p11 escribió en mensaje <01be9293$eec6b400$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>la cuestion es la siguiente:
>me gustaria conectar un ordenador portatil con linux 2.0.35 a una red que
>tiene conectados 15 ordenadores en red mediante tarjetas de red tipo
>ethernet, con cable telefonico y con W95 como sisteme operativo. si ejecuto
>el programa  "winipcfg"  en una de las maquinas de la red, obtengo como
>winipcfg: x.x.x    dir. adap: 00-40-05-3B-1E-FF
> dns:
> ip:
> masc:
> gw:
>con lo que deduzco que las diferentes máquinas se identifican por el nº de
>identificacion del adaptador de red ¿no?,
>todavia no tengo la tarjeta de red PCMCIA por lo que acepto sugerencias,
>pero una vez la tenga ¿como la tengo que configurar para adoptar la
>personalidad de una de las de la red, y poder así utilizar el linux en
>dicha red? ( linsniff, nmap, ftp, etc ); hasta ahora he utilizado un modem
>PCMCIA desde linux y ningun problema, pero no tengo conocimientos todavia
>en asuntos de redes locales desde linux, sí un poco desde windows, y de los
>protocolos de comunicacion, pero me urge el tema de la conexion desde mi
>portatil con linux a la red local de la que hablo, con el fin de utilizar
>alguno de los servicios que ofrecen algunas de sus máquinas.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>I´d like to connect my notebook with linux 2.0.35 OS to a network with more
>than 15 comps. connected by ethernet cards, with telefone connexion and W95
>.... when I execute winipcfg from windows in one of those machines:
>winipcfg: x.x.x    dir. adap: 00-40-05-3B-1E-FF
> dns:
> ip:
> masc:
> gw:
>I must buy a ethernet PCMCIA card, and then: how must I configure it in
>linux to arrive there to the place of were the network is, and connect my
>notebook to use it like the other machine (but with linux, and its net
>programs: linsniff, nmap, etc), and use the services them are running; I
>know some of linux, networks and protocols, but not of local networks on
>unix systems: can you help me?
> -how to configure my ethernet PCMCIA easy ( not much time to be on local
>network!!! )
> -how to use linux programs inside local network.


From: "David Murray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2.2.5 Kernel is dead
Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 14:50:07 GMT

Another problem is what I did.. I forgot to compile in virtual terminals
and so there was nowhere for the display to go.. so it stayed blank!  Older
kernels compile this in regardless!

> > Don't worry, your kernel is not dead....
> > 
> > I've the same problem. I'm trying to boot linux via bootp and nfs-root,
and I


Subject: Re: Scanner
Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 15:37:25 GMT

In article <7gmpa1$8hm$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Andre Malafaya Baptista" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all.
> Does kernel 2.2.7 support parallel port scanners?
> I would like to put mine to work...
> TIA,
> André
(Sorry if this reply shows up twice, my unsenet interface from work is messy).

Try looking at

I believe this is the normal way for Linux users to talk to their scanner. 
They support a bunch of devices, but I would not hold my breath waiting for a
parallel port scanner to be supported, this tends to be a proprietary
implementation that is a painfull waste of time for most open source

I have not tried this with any of my scanners, so I am not an expert.  I only
posted because you were the only recent question besides mine without an
answer, and now that I have answered it I can enjoy some self pity at being
ignored :)

Bill Kilgallon

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (George O)
Subject: Does Linux support AVA-1502 or AIC-6x60 SCSI ?
Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 08:07:05 GMT


I have tried to make Linux as my primary working OS recently.

Everything seems OK. The only problem I had met is, my SCSI card,
Adaptec AVA-1502AE or AIC 6x60 plug&play SCSI Host Adapter,
seems not supported by Linux.

Is there any patch file out there that could make those SCSI cards
work under Linux?

My Linux kernel is 2.0.36.

Thanks in advance.


Subject: How good is a Riva TNT for svgalib?
Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 12:44:20 GMT

Hi - I've decided to upgrade my video card from a S3 Virge to a TNT
The S3 has been fine for X windows, but seems very slow for svgalib stuff
(I used to have a 1MB CL 5434 which was quicker!)
I'm running a Cyrix MII 300 with Voodoo 1 (which I'd keep for back
compatibility for 3d stuff under Linux)

1) Is svgalib performance good(ish) for this card?
2) Anyone know of any other problems I should be aware of?
(I know that I need to upgrade to XFree 86 - I've already done it!)
3) Anyone know whether I'm right about the S3 card (ie. is it me, or is
the card known to be lacklustre for svgalib)?

Thanks in advance,
Mike Diack

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From: "John Leopold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: STB 4400 Velocity?
Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 12:11:31 GMT

The Xfree86 version included in RH 6 has a Riva TNT driver in it. Works
fine. Some discrepancies in monitor definitions, but the card is fine.
However they do not (according to truly support the hardware
acceleration aspect.

Wayne Sweet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7gl7t7$t8q$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I have order RH 6.0 and am wondering if anyone has found a driver for the
> STB 4400 Velocity (Nvidia Riva TNT engine)?
> It was not listed on the "Hardware HowTo".
> Wayne


From: Pasztor Szilard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How good is a Riva TNT for svgalib?
Date: 4 May 1999 13:00:29 GMT

> 1) Is svgalib performance good(ish) for this card?
> 2) Anyone know of any other problems I should be aware of?
> (I know that I need to upgrade to XFree 86 - I've already done it!)
> 3) Anyone know whether I'm right about the S3 card (ie. is it me, or is
> the card known to be lacklustre for svgalib)?

I have upgraded my S3 Virge to Riva TNT. The X server is great, svgalib
seems exactly as slow as it was on my Virge.

               |   I don't need a brain. I have a computer.   |
  Jordan Rudess Rulez             


From: steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: scsi
Date: 4 May 1999 13:20:46 +0100
Reply-To: steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Doug Hamlin wrote:
>> does RH60 support the iomega zip zoom card?
>> if not where can i find some sort of support for it?
>IIRC, the ZIP zoom card is a rebadged Adaptec 1510 so you
>should be able to use the AHA152x support to make it work.

Yes it does work. (I have one)

Stephen Kennedy -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: **Nick Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Winmodem Rip Off Baskets
Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 15:02:28 +0200

I sympathise about the Winmodem issue, but...

> I bought a Pace 56k Internal modem from a local computer store for 59.99.  It
> was an ISA modem and works perfectly with Windows, Linux and anything else you
> care to throw at it.  Having recommended this modem to a friend, I went in and
> purchased what I thought was the same one for him, again for 59.99.

... you're not telling me they were in an _identical_ box ?  I suspect
you've done the same as I did at the supermarket last week, and I ended
up with diet lemonade instead of regular because the labels were rather
similar.  The operative word is "thought" - you need to check the part
number (I suggest also looking at the bar code).

If the equipment does not work as described in its own documentation (in
the box), or as described to you at the time of purchase by in-store
displays or the sales staff, then you are in line for a refund under the
Sale of Goods (Implied Terms) Act, if memory serves.  But if you
discover that you have diet lemonade instead of regular (ie, nobody told
you that it was a non-Winmodem), and the product is marked as such, the
store doesn't even have to take it back with a re-stocking charge.  You
are free to take your business elsewhere next time.

Nick Brown, Strasbourg, France (Nick(dot)Brown(at)coe(dot)int)

Protect yourself against Word 95/97 viruses, free - check out


From: "Jeff Volckaert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Dual screen
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 09:09:39 -0400

I wish I could say yes since I love that feature under win98, but no it
can't.  Xfree86 4.0 is supposed to have multihead features, but that doesn't
have any kind of release date yet.

Jeff Volckaert

Alexander C.M. den Engelsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7gk591$sp3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Is it possible to install Redhat 5.2 with dual screen mode?
> I've got 2 monitors with a
> s3 virge and s3 64vtrio
> Thx


From: "Jeff Volckaert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: xwindows and display problems
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 09:11:23 -0400

I had a similiar problem with Redhat 6.0 using my 19" monitor.  I reran
Xconfigurator and selected  a standard 1024x768 monitor and it fixed it.

Jeff Volckaert

Greg Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Hi , I've just installed linux (red hat 5) and I'm having problems with
> > Xwindows, the display jerks everytime I click on anything and the
> > is quite small. I have an stb velocity video card (onboard)and I let
> > auto probe for the resolution and it seemed to work - no errors. The
> > problem is I don't have a clue where to fidle with settings or whatever
> > see if I can change this and I can't find anything in the docs to help
> > start. If anyone can give me any pointers I'd be delighted
> >
> > -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
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> I recently installed Redhat 5.2, have an STB Velocity vidoe card and
> the same problem.  In my case , the problem seemed to be with my
> MS Intellimouse.  I was using xf86config and once I choose the  generic
> mouse (instead of choosing the mouse I really have)all was fine.   I did
> out some of the lower resolutions.  Do not know if your mouse is causing
> problems but it may be worth a try.
> Greg


From: miko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Which Eicon ISDN card?
Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 15:10:57 +0200

I think the passive models are supported (i only tryed diva2.0 isa version) but
NOT the active ones (diva pro).

JCG wrote:

> Hello all:
> I would like to know of experiences with different Eicon ISDN cards and linux.
> Which one would you reccomend to use with Suse linux 5.3 (kernel 2.0.35)?
> I have gone through a lot of FAQs, mailing-list archives, etc, and there is
> too much information. I ended up not knowing exactly which card does work and
> which one does not.  :-)
> Thanks for your help.
> --
> Julio C Gutierrez
> Besam Iberica
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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vaclav Stepan)
Subject: Re: X-SVGA-Server mit CL-GD 5426!
Date: 4 May 1999 19:19:32 +0100

Daniel Wagner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Hello out there,

: I've the following problem with X:
: If i want to use 800x600 pixels with 16bpp the X-Server doesn't startup and
: displays an errormessage:
: screens found...

: Can anybody help me?

: Daniel

: PS: If I use any mode with 8bpp X works really fine.
There's some problem with mapping the upper 512 K of the graphic card memory. If there 
was no progress, you won't be able to get more than 8bpp if you have more than 16 MB 
RAM. It's all discussed in the Cirrus-howto (or something like that).

Vaclav Stepan


Subject: Re: Redhat Linux w/ AMD K6-2
Date: 4 May 1999 12:45:08 GMT

David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:     Does anyone know whether Redhat Linux 5.1 supports AMD K6-2?

K6-2/333 runs just fine with RH5.2

| Bernhard Kuhn                (kuhn[at]  O|||OO||OO| |
| Laboratory for Process Control and Real-Time Systems  O|||O|O|O|O |
| Technische Universität München  Tel.+49-89-289-23732  O|||OO||OO| |
| 80290 München, Germany          Room 3944 Fax -23555  OOO|O|||O|O |


From: "Scott Simpson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Does Linux work on AMD K6-3 processors?
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 10:09:34 -0700

I have an AMD K6 200MHz and the first chip I got would get
signal 11 errors when compiling under Linux. I replaced the
CPU with another one and Linux ran fine. The CPU was bad.


From: "Intel Team SocGen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Riva 128 Question
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 15:40:06 +0200

You have to install the other related rpm before, you know the new
version of the libs, the fonts, XFree and the VGA16 server if you
intend to use XFSetup, the graphical tool you can use to configure your X
server . And only after that, you will be able to install the SVGA server
without any conflict.


Jason Bond a écrit dans le message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I'm trying to get my Cooview Riva 128 graphics card to
>work with Red Hat 5.2.  I have this program called
>XFree86-SVGA-3_3_3-1_i386.rpm that was supposed to be
>for Riva chipsets, but when I try and install it using the rpm I get
>the following error message:
>/usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_SVGA conflicts with file from
>/usr/X11R6/man/man1/XF86_SVGA.1x conflicts with file
>from XFree86-SVGA-
>error: XFree86-SVGA-3_3_3-1_i386.rpm cannot be installed
>Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>  Jason


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Potter)
Subject: Re: ppp-connction and CD-writer  (-->????)
Date: 4 May 1999 16:54:59 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

Max enlightened this group thus:
> Hi,
> has anybody got an idea about how the following problem is caused and
> thus hints on how to solve it? Here goes...
> When my (ATAPI-IDE MitsumiCR-4801TE) writer is writing while I am on
> the net, the connection will be fine as long as the writer is not
> actually WRITING (red lamp off between tracks and so on, whatever).
> But when the lamp is actually on, the net-connection will almost
> freeze. It (only the connection, nothing else!) is dog-slow and (as
> far as I can see) the only thing that works are nameserver lookups,
> because hosts get resolved correctly.
> The system load while writing is not especially high and the same
> problem appears when I write with less speed (1x, 2x) than the nominal
> 4x.
> I am using SuSE 6.0, kernel 2.2.7 with scsi-host-adapter emulation for
> the IDE writer. Everything else on request. (I just cannot figure out
> what configuration details would be of any help on this one.)
> This really puzzles me.
> It is not a real fault as everything else works fine and the writer is
> just great, its just a *little* annoying.
> If anyone knows what to do, please let me know. If anybody needs help
> with this kind of writer -> I'll see what I can do.
> Cheers
> Max

While I do not have this exact same problem, I did experience a similar slow
down in my ppp connection after I started a high I/O and cpu intensive process
(doing a full backup).  The problem was solved, however, when I upgraded from
2.2.6 to 2.2.7.  My setup may differ from yours in that I am using SCSI hard 
disks.  One thing that I would recommend, that you try Joerg Schilling's SCSI
generic driver, which is available from the cdrecord home page.  He is the
author of cdrecord, and he suggests that his driver is superior to the one that
is supplied in the Linux source tree.
   *  ^  \     ___@      
 *^  / \  \   |  \       
 / \/   \  \__|   \      
/  /   ^ \  \     
  /       \  \           Eric Potter
 /  ^   ^  \  \          


From: "Manula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem with ZIP drive
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 17:42:40 +0100

It is a ZIP Plus drive (it says AutoDetect on the cable).  I had the
parallel port set to EPP+ECP in BIOS and changed it to EPP and got it
working with ppa but it doesn't seem to work with imm.  Earlier when I tried
ppa, it told me to use imm instead.  Anyway, it seems to work now, so I am
happy with that.  I will however play with it when I have some time to see
if I can get it to work with imm.




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