Linux-Hardware Digest #332, Volume #10           Wed, 26 May 99 13:13:31 EDT

  Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?) ("Osvaldo 
Pinali Doederlein")
  Re: How do u install an LS-120 (garv)
  IntergraphTD-4 and Weitek 9100 video card ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: SBLive...please help (David Tansley)
  Re: DLT 7000 performance problem under linux (hvergonet)
  Next ("Yann Pérottin")
  Re: Dual Celeron's and SMP Performance Problems (Johan Kullstam)
  Problem with debiant and 3c509 ("Micky")
  Re: Boot off SCSI not IDE ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  RH6.0 & logitech busmouse (Richard Sniderman)
  Re: Yamaha XG users ("K G Tee")
  FOR SALE: RocketPort Serial Card (Bill)
  Re: Sybase ASE on Linux faq needed (Michael Peppler)
  Problem to install X on FOSA 3100C notebook (ITSD)
  awe64 + debian = :-( (Tero Hakala)
  Re: building a dual processor system? (Suran)
  Caldera 2.2 and Compaq 3200 RAID controller ("Laith Suheimat")
  Re: Caldera 2.2 and Compaq 3200 RAID controller ("Tony Platt")
  floppy drive questions (sleb)
  Re: 3D card with Video TV output (Robert Woodworth)
  redhat 6 on a digital ultra 2000 laptop ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: TEKRAM SCSI adaptators and 2.2.x kernels (bryan)
  Re: Recommend video board? (Robert Woodworth)
  Re: Boot off SCSI not IDE (Nick Zentena)
  Re: SMP safe hardware (Suran)


From: "Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?)
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 15:17:22 +0200

westprog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7igp9s$l99$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>   "Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well, ideally it's a two-step process - if Java succeeds taking over
> > the world, the next logical thing is having Java chips and OS as
> > mainstream
> > platforms.  The guys using LISP-machines also had that hope, but so
> > far Java is being more successful.  :)
> I think that similar things were around for UCSD Pascal as well. They
> all have the same limitation - what if you want to use some other
> language?

I never used UCSD Pascal, although I know that it was one of the most
visible pioneers of pcode.  So I don't know the technology in UCSDP.
There's many ways to do bytecodes and JVMs.  Java is not particularly
friendly to other languages, but people are anyway producing dozens of
compilers implementing other languages in the JVM... and I guess some
cleanroom, open source JVM could have extensions to be more friendly to any
language.  Why don't the Smalltalk vendors build a JVM that runs Java
bytecode, but also happens to run ST efficiently?  I don't understand why
those guys, as well as every PhD with his or her favorite home-brewed
oddball language, keep bitching that "Java VM is too Java-centric!!" as if
we should expect Sun to support all languages on earth, including competing

> > > I believe that the security found in Java bytecode can be replicated
> > > in  native code, but only with
> > magic?  :-))
> What about Java compilers? Wouldn't they produce machine code as secure
> as bytecode?

Theoretically yes, the problem is that you can't verify the safeness of the
code.  Whoever compiled that code you downloaded from the Net may have used
a buggy compiler, or have been attacked by a virus, or have used some unsafe
extension or library which includes really unsafe code.

> CORBA supports exceptions across processes and networks, which is nice.
> I know that you can wrap the HRESULT's, but it's an annoyance.

Yes, and you can't have return values because MS in their infinite wisdom
decided to use the return value for this standard and brain-damaged error
code, so we need out parameters instead...

> > (un)install
> > software packages, I needed to get a new build of the JDK as the
> > 117-v2
> > wouldn't run with the new glibc libraries (kinda equivalent of msvcrt)
> > and
> > so on.  :)  It's easy throwing stones while your own roof is not yet
> > finished.
> It seems that the packaging of Linux is underway.

I think the Linux guys are moving right and nice.  The next thing they need
is some consistency.  Critical things like C libraries should be submitted
to validation suites.  Loads of regression testing should exist.  I think
the distro vendors do this work so-so, they should come together and have
some Linux Checking Organization.  Those hackers working in experimental,
compatibility-breaking features in dependable components, should manage
confusion better.  Just like I can install several kernels in the same Linux
setup and switch with LILO, there should be good mechanisms to switch btw
stable/approved libs and other components, and experimental ones.  The
current solution is having a big pile of links in places like /lib, which
looks like those student's circuit boards looking like a christmas tree
after a twister.  :)

> > The important factor is that such technologies must become very
> > popular to
> > justify their inclusion in the "core".  The good things is that modern
> > OSen
> > are flexible enough to accept such things as extensions.
> They don't have to go in the core, really - they just need to be
> services with well specified interfaces. Spell checking is an obvious
> example of a service which is useful for many applications. It shouldn't
> be part of the inner OS, but nor should there be a seperate spell
> checker for every program.

Well, spell checking is not performance critical.  A Java garbage collector,
interpreter or thread scheduler is...



From: garv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do u install an LS-120
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 06:10:30 -0700

Lee Sharp wrote:

> Gene Heskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> > Gene Heskett sends Greetings to Lee Sharp;
> >  LS>   I also still have trouble with them as single drives under NT,
> >  LS>   Solaris,
> >  LS> and Linux.  I have made NT work, but the rest...
> > I'm not (knock on my skull as a sub for wood) haveing any problems other
> > than when I mount the disks, I sometimes get a recommendation that I
> > should run fsck on the 'unknown' file system.  Since the data is still
> > there, I've ignored that for the most part, and the one time I ran all 3
> > of the disks in service currently thru e2fsck, they were just fine.
>    Mounting was never the issue.  It was booting, or formatting, or making
> boot floppies that was the problem.  It is almost impossable to get them to
> make a bootable 1.44 floppy in anything but Win9x, and damned hard under
> NT.  If you have solutions, I would love them!

I first fdisk the ls-120 to get rid of fat. Then make filesystem.

Boot disk (on 1.44 diskette in ls-120 drive):

mount and cd to /images dir

dd if=boot.img of=/dev/hdc bs=1440

lilo: cd /boot

same deal. I

dd if=boot.0300 of=/dev/hdc bs=1440

or something like that.


Subject: IntergraphTD-4 and Weitek 9100 video card
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 13:28:30 GMT

Has anyone successfully installed Linux on an
Intergraph TD-4? In particular the video card
(shows as a Weitek 9100 in NT) is detected as a
P9100 but will not configure successfully. Any


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---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Tansley)
Subject: Re: SBLive...please help
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 13:52:18 GMT

Jim Chisholm ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Assuming (?) you're using a 2.2.5.xx kernel, just follow the README for *manual*
: installation, rename sblive.o-2.2.5 to sblive.o

Damn, forgot to mention....using a 2.0.36 kernel at the moment.
I suppose I'll give 2.2.5 a try.
I tried the manual install though, and still no luck.



From: hvergonet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DLT 7000 performance problem under linux
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 17:16:20 +0200

Thanks Guys,

Yes,  it's really a buffering problem. I'm now using
   cpio -oacvC 32768 < files > /dev/st0
and getting a 20 fold speed increase !

Backup speed is now limited by the hard disk transfer rate !


Henk Vergonet.
REDWOOD Software and services B.V.
fax  :+31.30.6354550


From: "Yann Pérottin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Next
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 17:20:53 +0200

How to mount an optic scsi under linux, the optic disk has been initialized
under NEXT system 3.2



Subject: PCMCIA Combo Card
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 15:12:27 GMT

Has anyone ever setup a PCMCIA combo card
containing a modem and RJ-45 ethernet network
connection. My card is a Xircom. I can get the
modem side of things to work but I haven't had
any luck on the network side of things. Running
RedHat 6.0 on IBM Thinkpad 365ED.


--== Sent via ==--
---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---


From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.comp.hardware.overclocking,csu.unix.linux
Subject: Re: Dual Celeron's and SMP Performance Problems
Date: 26 May 1999 11:08:52 -0400

Totally Lost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Linux is not well multi-threaded, and has a pretty large foot print
> with very little locality in either the OS or it's primary applications.
> I would expect that for many users, dual Celeron's may have a negative
> performance impact much of the time.
> To observe that Dual Celron's produce an observed improvement under
> certain lightly loading applications may be true. To assert that
> they scale under modest to heavy work loads is probably a huge mistake.
> To expect that they will scale well under Linux with heavy loads is
> almost certainly folly.

this depends on the type of loads.  i do number crunching and have a
quad ppro-200 (512k cache) machine.  the jobs are trivially
parallelizable (i need to run many to build up stats, i can run
multiple copies of the same job with differing random number seeds)
and involve little or no disk activity.  the quad box really does give
four times the performance of my older single ppro-200 (256k cache).
with four jobs active i have 399% user cpu loading.  since i am never
in the kernel for much, i didn't seem much improvement going from
2.0.x to 2.2.x (once the shopping deadlock problem in 2.0.34 and lower
got fixed - 2.0.34 and below could only handle two cpus).

johan kullstam


From: "Micky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problem with debiant and 3c509
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 15:50:28 +0200

I try to install linux debiant 2.1 but I cannot setting the NIC 3C509
Someone can help me?



Subject: Re: Boot off SCSI not IDE
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 14:56:06 GMT

According to Greg Bastian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I have a machine with an existing SCSI hard drive.  I want to continue
> booting off this drive (not off the IDE drive).
> I can't find anything in the BIOS to help.

The BIOS setup on your motherboard will not contains any SCSI
information unless you have a SCSI controller on the motherboard.

Whether you can boot from the SCSI card depends entirly on the BIOS of
your **SCSI** card.  If your SCSI card does not have a boot BIOS, you
won't be able to boot from it.

However, I *think* you can install LILO on the IDE boot disk (or
probably even a floppy) and boot directly into Linux on the SCSI drive
from LILO.  I've been fortunate enough never to be stuck with a SCSI
card w/o a full boot BIOS and I do not know the level of BIOS support
provided by some of the "lesser" cards.

Worst case, you can *always* boot into linux from a boot floppy or
from loadin under dos/windows.



From: Richard Sniderman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install
Subject: RH6.0 & logitech busmouse
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 13:27:32 GMT

I have a Logitech 3 button busmouse - Mouse MAN Deluxe-Bus 
model M-PK32. I have just installed RedHat 6.0 on my i486.
The mouse was functioning in Windows 95 prior to the upgrade.
I have been unsuccessful in getting it operational in either
text mode or X & have read most of what I can find via a net search.

Any help would be appreciated. I've included what I think is
all the relevant diagonostic info.

Thanks! Richard.

[root@linux486 /root]# cat /etc/sysconfig/mouse
FULLNAME="Logitech Bus Mouse"

[root@linux486 sbin]# dmesg | tail -1
Logitech bus mouse detected, using IRQ 5

[root@linux486 X11]# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
busmouse                1720   1
ne                      6480   1  (autoclean)
8390                    5920   0  (autoclean) [ne]

( I tried adding "options busmouse mouse_irq=5" to /etc/conf.modules
which did not help)

[root@linux486 X11]# ls -l /dev/mouse
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           11 May 25 22:57 /dev/mouse ->

[root@linux486 X11]# ls -l /dev/logibm
crw-rw-r--   1 root     root      10,   0 May  5  1998 /dev/logibm

[root@linux486 /root]# ps -aef | grep gpm
root       991     1  0 08:54 ?        00:00:00 gpm -t bm
root       993   976  0 08:54 pts/1    00:00:00 grep gpm 

[root@linux486 /root]# cat /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config
. . .

# **********************************************************************
# Pointer section
# **********************************************************************

Section "Pointer"
    Protocol    "BusMouse"
    Device      "/dev/logibm"


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Yamaha XG users
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 21:22:08 +0800

Get a less pricey Yamaha 719 ISA card if you have an ISA slot to spare. This
card works fine in RH 5.2 & 6.0. I have been using it for a while now. Plays
midi and is full duplex too.

Gene Heskett wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Hello audio types!
>I just bought a Yamaha XG sound card, pci style, that uses the YFM724F-V
>chip.  On reading the fine print, this thing is beginning to  sound like
>a winmodem!  Midi is supported, but not the synth unless you are running
>some flavor of M$ drivers.
>Since this is a fairly close to stock RH5.2 install, is there any hope
>of being able to use this thing in its full duplex modes, or as a self
>contained GM device?
>If not, I guess it goes back to the store in the morning, and replaced
>with an AWE 64, but thats a much pricier solution than I want just for a
>little background music.
>Cheers, Gene
>  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040 50 megs fast/2 megs chip
>    Ch. Eng. @ WDTV-5          |A2091,GuruRom,1g Seagate,CDROM,Multiface
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  or  |Buddha + 4 gig WDC drive, 525 meg tape
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|Stylus Pro, EnPrint, Picasso-II, 17" vga
>         RC5-Moo! 22kkeys/sec isn't much, but it all helps


Subject: FOR SALE: RocketPort Serial Card
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 13:37:11 GMT

RocketPort Multiport Serial Card

Model # DEB1984 16-Port PCI Controller with RS232 Distribution Box. Asking $450.

15 RS232 Cables, Standard molded PVC, 28AWG, stranded overall foil shield,
shell-to-shell drain wire, DB25-6'. $65 plus shipping for all cables.

Everything here is in excellent working condition. I used to run a Windows
NT 4.0 RAS service with this RocketPort PCI board and cables.

If interested, please reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



"what you don't know won't hurt."


From: Michael Peppler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Sybase ASE on Linux faq needed
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 07:52:14 -0700

John Bjorgen wrote:
> There is a wealth of information at:

And there's an (admittedly) small FAQ at


> >
> >> Hello everyone,
> >>
> >> Can someone plese post a faq on Sybase ASE installation in Redhat Linux?
> -snip-

Michael Peppler         -||-  Data Migrations Inc.
Int. Sybase User Group  -||-
Sybase on Linux mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Problem to install X on FOSA 3100C notebook
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 23:08:13 +0800


I am trying to install Redhat 6.0 on FOSA 3100C notebook.  I got the
display problem when setting the X configuration.

It comes with 1024x768 LCD, ATI 3D with 4Mb.

When I chose ATI MASH64 3D II  as  video card, and "LCD panel 1024 x768"
as monitor, a blank white screen was displayed.

If I chose "LCD panel 800 x 600" or "LCD panel 640 x 480",  it had
double vision.  The screen was overlayed on the lower part of the

How should I set the X display correctly?  Thanks.



From: Tero Hakala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: awe64 + debian = :-(
Date: 26 May 1999 15:24:06 GMT

I've run into some trouble while setting sb awe64 on my debian system...
I compiled kernel with awe drivers and used isapnp to setup the card.
At first I couldn't get any initialization message in bootup and 
/dev/sndstat showed that no card was detected.. I tried a little bit
of everything and eventually maganed to change my Bios' pnp setup
so that the right irq (5) was more probable to get assigned to 
blaster.. That seemed to do something because now I get correct
initialization messages and sndstat displays as it should be. 
However I'm unable to play anything, dmesg shows "IRQ/DRQ config
error" and isapnp complains all kinds of conflicts.. .
I feel like out of ideas, I've read tons of help files and tried
everything I could think of, but without any luck..
Any suggestions?  There must be someone who has got this thing
work properly.



Subject: Re: building a dual processor system?
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 18:17:42 +0200

Tim Moore wrote:
> bryan wrote:
> >
> > 2 celerons if you can get 300a chips and overclock them.  get the
> > right slotkets - do some net.research to find out about these.
> Celerons are SMP-disabled by intel.
Get one of the newer PPGA->Slot one adaptors with this nice little

But for a web-server with real load you may be better of with PII(I)
the cache-size can be the real problem.
And losts of ram + a good raid 0/1 . (at least if you want to take big
loads and
don't want your HDD's to give you a real hadache(scince it's a
production system))
Search this newsgroup for my adress and you will find a thread with a
who is really knowihng what he speaks of for SMP further down.



From: "Laith Suheimat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Caldera 2.2 and Compaq 3200 RAID controller
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 15:10:28 +0100


I am installing Caldera Linux 2.2 on a Compaq 5500 with 6 x 18 GB disks on a
Compaq 3200 Smart Array RAID Controller.

Does Caldera 2.2 have built in support for the 3200 controller, or do I need
to configure the kernel [yikes!]?

Also, does anyone have any recommendations for RAID configurations? RAID 5
across all disks, or RAID 1 on two and RAID 5 on 4 others? [the server's
only role will be that of a webserver].

Thanks in advance,

Laith Suheimat


From: "Tony Platt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Caldera 2.2 and Compaq 3200 RAID controller
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 01:46:10 +1000

I would suggest raid 5 across all 5


with 3 drives you lose 33% space
4 drives 25%
5 drives 20%

more space using the 6 drives

look at

for the kernel patch

and related info

Tony Platt

Laith Suheimat wrote in message <7igvfl$6n6$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I am installing Caldera Linux 2.2 on a Compaq 5500 with 6 x 18 GB disks on
>Compaq 3200 Smart Array RAID Controller.
>Does Caldera 2.2 have built in support for the 3200 controller, or do I
>to configure the kernel [yikes!]?
>Also, does anyone have any recommendations for RAID configurations? RAID 5
>across all disks, or RAID 1 on two and RAID 5 on 4 others? [the server's
>only role will be that of a webserver].
>Thanks in advance,
>Laith Suheimat


From: sleb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: floppy drive questions
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 09:26:48 -0500

hey folks,
scenario: if i try to boot off of the floppy, and this first floppy is
not a boot disk, the system will not allow a second boot disk.  a reboot
is needed.  the system works fine if indeed the first boot disk is good,
i'm just wondering why it won't allow me to switch to a second boot disk
if the first one is bad or i accidentally put in the wrong disk.  ????
any help appreciated.


From: Robert Woodworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3D card with Video TV output
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 09:44:34 -0600

> Carlos Uchoa wrote:
> >
> > Please, Help me
> >
> > I would like to Know if Trident image 64 or Diamond Viper 550 cards work
> > fine with linux and XFRee86 or Motif.
> > Is it possible to get a linux driver to that graphic boards ?
> Should... The Viper 550 is I think a Riva 128 or TNT or something of
> that nature... The SVGA server in the current XFree86 ( I think
> is most recent) should work fine. Don't know about the Trident.
> > I will use Video TV and RGB-S output. Will It work under Linux?
> Don't know about those specifically, but I've got a Canopus Total3d 128V
> (Riva 128) in one of my machines, and it'll boot straight to the TV-out
> in console mode with no problems. I can't get X to work though, I might
> have to fiddle with the mode settings or something. (That is, it runs
> but the display on the TV is horribly scrambled.)
> Hope this helps somehow...
> -- brion vibber ([EMAIL PROTECTED] | [EMAIL PROTECTED])

I have a Real-3D with an i740.  X works fine with a Sony monitor, but
the TV-out only works in console mode (no X).  I would really like to
get X working with TV out. 

Does anyone have a TV-out card working with X????


Subject: redhat 6 on a digital ultra 2000 laptop
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 15:44:16 GMT


I'm trying to install redhat 6.0 on my digital ultra 2000 notebook.
I've allready installed redhat 5.2 without any problems, but whenever i
get to the mouse probeing the computer hangs? Is it posibil to use the
old mouseconfig v3.1.x instead of the new v3.9 that apparantly is the
reason here ?

Anyone ?


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---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---


From: bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: TEKRAM SCSI adaptators and 2.2.x kernels
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 14:24:56 GMT

tekram cards work fine with 2.2

it did take me a bit of experimenting to find WHICH ncr-based driver to use.

for 2.0 kernels, tekram supplies their own code.  but not for 2.2, I think.

I ended up using the standard (default selected) driver in the 2.2
set.  the only problem is that the led for activity doesn't work.  but
the disks run fine so that's really what matters ;-)

Dominique LEDUCQ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Hello,

: I've heard that there were no more drivers for the TEKRAM SCSI adaptators in
: the 2.2.x kernels ? Is it exact ? Is it possible to use another driver safely ?
: What would you buy as an UW adaptator to use with both 2.0.35 and 2.2.x kernels
: ?

: Dominique.



From: Robert Woodworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Recommend video board?
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 09:50:38 -0600

Johan Kullstam wrote:
> "Christopher R. Carlen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I am looking for a board, in the price range $50 to $100.  I am not
> > particularly concerned about 3D.
> >
> > Any suggestions appreciated.
> matrox millenium ii
> i have this card and it rocks for X.
> --
> johan kullstam

I agree with the Matrox MII
I've had one for 2yrs.  Excellent.


From: Nick Zentena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Boot off SCSI not IDE
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 15:45:04 GMT


> The BIOS setup on your motherboard will not contains any SCSI
> information unless you have a SCSI controller on the motherboard.

        Thats not always true. My current Asus MB [P2B-F] doesn't have a scsi
controller onboard but will let you boot off a scsi disk by setting the
bios that way. The mb ships with the scsi bios onboard. [symbios/ncr] My
old Asus mb had the same ability.


Nick Zentena
SuSE 6.1 Linux 2.2.9 <Don't expect much-)>


Subject: Re: SMP safe hardware
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 17:48:34 +0200

Jorgen Austvik wrote:
> I have read about different problems (hangs) with different hardware
> (Adaptec 2940UW, 3c905b) on Linux SMP computers.

I'm using an 2940uw for QUITE some time on a dual PII and never had any

May you mail me with a description of the problems? I'm allways
interested in
SMP-problems (parallel programming is a hobby of mine) and if you can't
state some
you should not worry about it. Hardware will always run on an SMP as on
uniprocessor and if the kernel-driver is working very good on uni. the
only thing
I would expect to happen (if it is written without any thoughts of
and such) is a performance-impact when doing heavy IO on it.

> Can anyone point me to a site that has information about what Linux
> hardware (espesially NIC's) that are SMP safe? (I have looked for a
> site like this for quite some time, does one exsist at all?)
Don't know of one but if someone knows PLEASY mail me the URL. I'm
allways willing
to help make such a site not needed.

> (Or maybe someone has a recomandation, that they know works well?)
See above.

I'm leaving this in to reach him:
> Best Regards, Jřrgen
> _____________________________________________________________
> Student, Computer Science, Norwegian University of Technology
> austvik(at)




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