Linux-Hardware Digest #369, Volume #10           Sun, 30 May 99 18:13:37 EDT

  Re: SiS 6326 Daytona graphic card (Matthew Monacelli)
  hauppauge wintv pci (Dieter Franzke)
  Vibra16 onboard ("Lorenzo Lutti")
  Re: Tape Backup Question (Hugh Fader)
  Re: Mylex BT-950 Flashpoint SCSI Adapter (Dieter Rohlfing)
  ioremap vremap : unresolved symbol with insmod (Daniel Lintjens)
  Re: Slackware 3.6, PS2 M77 and 2.88 Floppy (Richard R Urena)
  Re: Using more than 4 IDE devices ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Zip Disks fail to Mount ("Marc B. Sitkin")
  Re: Newbie humble Q: can't run autoboot.bat at D:\ (Eugene Strulyov)
  EPROM reader/programmer for Motorola MC6870 (Charles)
  Tornado modem ("eelco")
  X-Server ("Dr. Markus Pflaum")
  Re: Quickcam VC (Walt Shekrota)
  Re: Reboot command fails, post setup reboot fails ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: removing cooling fans--how dangerous? (slye5)
  Re: ABit BH6: 4 PCI cards (Andy)
  Re: eject a cdrom ("Gene Heskett")
  Scanner & SANE with 2.2 Kernels - anyone managed it? (Phillip Deackes)
  IRQ 61, TLB IPI problem (Andrew Daviel)
  @home & networks  8559 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: Matthew Monacelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SiS 6326 Daytona graphic card
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 13:58:25 -0400

Let me know if you fix this, I am having the same problem with the SiS6326 4MB
AGP card.


W-Mark wrote:

> Hello,
> I've a problem with X11R6 (KDE) and a Daytona SiS6326 AGP graphic-card.
> The screen isn't shown correctly.
> Details:
> I installed a Daytona SiS 6326 AGP card in my second PC.
> Everything worked fine but as I couldn't find a suitable driver for this
> card I choose the driver called "SiS6326".
> When I started X11 (KDE) the screen was screwed, I couldn't see anything
> right.
> Well, I edited with vi my XF86Config-file (without knowledge about this
> file) and I've re-commented an options-line "fast-vram".
> Since then I've been able to see everything on my screen, but there're a lot
> of drawing-errors like these:
>     - I cannot see the programe-bar sometimes
>     - I cannot read the letters of some programmes
>        (on my 1st machine with a Riva128 I can see them!)
>     - If I move a windows around, it redraws not correctly
>     - Sometimes my pointer changes into a white box
>     - Tree-view items (for example in the KDE-control center) are black
> instead of white
>        but when I chose one of the objects inside they become normal for a
> couple of seconds
> Can somebody help me?
> --==>> Nothing is what it seems to be <<==--
> ICQ: 37094347


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dieter Franzke)
Subject: hauppauge wintv pci
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 18:48:22 GMT

my wintv pci card is running well under win98.
Under Linux suse 6.1 Kernel 2.5 the card won=B4t run.
Neither xtvscreen nor kwintv work!
All packages are installed but nothing happened!




From: "Lorenzo Lutti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Vibra16 onboard
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 21:38:08 +0200

I have an Intel EV motherboard with an integrated soundcard based on Vibra 16S
chipset. How can I make working this soundcard? HOWTOs assert that it's
compatible with SB16, but in my case this isn't true: it appears totally
inexisting to kernel.

Bye! Lorenzo Lutti


From: Hugh Fader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tape Backup Question
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 14:12:24 GMT

The Hardware-HOWTO mentions a module called ide-tape. However, this is the only
documentation I can find anywhere about this. Can anybody share with us how to use
this? Does it make the IDE tape look like a SCSI, floppy interface tape or
something else?

A more broad question is where do you find information on any module? There are a
whole bunch of them and the information seems to be scattered among HOWTO's and
web sites.


Nitin Mule wrote:

> Check the documentation for hardware compatibilty at Re links
> for backup software, check I use Arkeia.
> Nitin.
> Hugh Fader wrote:
> > Gary,
> >
> > Which IDE drive to you use? I am thinking of getting an Aiwa Bolt drive, but
> > want to be sure it runs under Linux.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Gary Huckabay wrote:
> >
> > > Phil Buckley wrote:
> > > >
> > > > My boss just ordered our first server for our small office (6 users).
> > > > When it arrives we will be adding a tape drive to it. The box itself is
> > > > a Dell (10GB HD) with RH 6.0 loaded. Could someone offer up suggestions
> > > > on what would be our best bet as far as particular brand (so as to make
> > > > installation easier on me - a linux newbie) and also backup software (I
> > > > am leaning towards BRU).
> > > >
> > > > TIA,
> > > > Phil Buckley
> > >
> > > Phil, I use one of the IDE tape drives.  Each tape holds 8g compressed
> > > and the software I use is "tob."  Tob is free.
> > >
> > > Gary


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dieter Rohlfing)
Subject: Re: Mylex BT-950 Flashpoint SCSI Adapter
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 20:36:24 GMT

I'm using the Mylex BT-950 Flashpoint SCSI Adapter in 2 PCs, with IBM
DCAS 4.1 GB on the 16-bit side and a Plextor CDROM on the 8-bit side.
Kernel is 2.0.36. Works for me without any problems for more than 18
months.On Fri, 28 May 1999 17:52:10 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>I need some help with this one.  I have obtained this adapter, as well
>as an HP T4000s Tape Drive, an NEC SCSI CD-Rom Drive, and a SCSI Zip
>Drive.  I am attempting to install the Host adapter on a Redhat 5.2
>machine with kernel 2.0.36.  I am trying only one device at a time right
>now to try and get it to work.
>scsi0 channel 0 : resetting for second half of retries.
>SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0.
>scsi0: Resetting BusLogic BT-950 due to Target 2
>scsi0: *** BusLogic BT-950 Initialized Successfully ***

Check target 2 (whatever device that may be), the controller has some
problems with that device: termination? Active termination is allways
better than passive termination.

Per default the Mylex controller automatically sets the termination on
the adapter side. This feature works with Mylex controllers, but not
with Adaptec controllers. Maybe you should set the adapter's termination

In case you have another controller: do the devices work with that

Dieter Rohlfing


From: Daniel Lintjens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: ioremap vremap : unresolved symbol with insmod
Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 09:10:23 -0400

Hi folks,

I am writing a device driver and I need to use the ioremap function to
access the boards memory.

Now when I compile it with this line    

        ACTadress = (unsigned long) ioremap (ACT40BASEMEMADRRS, 16 * 1024);

it compiles great, no warnigns, no nothing. When I try to do an insmod
however, I get an unresolved symbol error. Same if I use vremap (the old
name?) but then I get a compiler warning saying that I impleced device
this function.

Anyone out there who know's what i'm doing wrong ? I use the 2.2 kernel.
Should this work with 2.0 ?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard R Urena)
Subject: Re: Slackware 3.6, PS2 M77 and 2.88 Floppy
Date: 30 May 1999 14:21:11 -0400

Chuck Bland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>I can boot the machine from floppy into LINUX or DOS. I can access the
>floppy from DOS, but not from LINUX. When I try to mount it, LINUX
>complains of a segment error. MTOOLs won't talk to it either.

Try to mount /dev/fd0u2880


Subject: Re: Using more than 4 IDE devices
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 16:39:33 GMT

According to Jordi  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> The problem is that I ALREADY have the spare IDE disks and I would like to
> be able to use them. If I go for SCSI it's buying the controller and the
> disk, which is a LOT more expensive and would leave those IDE HD's in the
> drawer of the desk. What I was looking for is a way of using what I have, as
> cheap as possible. A PCI controller should be cheap, don't you think?

Depending on how many of those IDE drives you have and their actual
capacity, it may be cost effective just to throw them in an old PC and
set it up as an NFS file server.  If the drives aren't ultra-IDE
anyhow, you won't loose too much throwing them in an old 486, which
people are practically giving away these days.  Set them up with
striping and you'll be able to improve performance a bit as well.  If
you need throughput for large files, 100 Mbps ethernet cards are
pretty cheap these days too.

No, it's not the best solution, but if you already have the extra
hardware it could be a free one...



From: "Marc B. Sitkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Zip Disks fail to Mount
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 16:39:36 GMT

I've got a problem mounting Zip disks. Some will mount perfectly well,
others not at all. All are formated for Windows file systems, and work
on windows machines (or Mac's)
They simply refuse to mount or reformat on Linux. Any help in pointing
me to a solution would be greatly appreciated.

marc sitkin


From: Eugene Strulyov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Newbie humble Q: can't run autoboot.bat at D:\
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 19:50:41 GMT

just put the CD in, go to BIOS and change the boot sequence so it boots
from CD

> Hi Group,
>     I hope somebody can point me to a better place if this is not the
> appropriated ng to discauss this question.
>      I got the redhat linux 5.2 installation guide with the free CD from
>  Soon I realized that I need the boot discatte, or run autoboot
> at cd-rom.  However, at dos prompt the machine can't recognize d drive.  I
> suppose I need some driver.  However this is school's box I'm messing around
> with.  I have absolutely no idea where to start.
>   I suppose I can get a bootdisk from a new linux distro (openLinux2.2 is
> cheap) or get a linux 5.2 box from ebay.  Any other recommendation?  Any
> program that can format a floppy disk in linux format and make a linux
> bootdisk from the dos prompt?
>      Any input is greatly apprecated.
>                          CY
> -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
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From: Charles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: EPROM reader/programmer for Motorola MC6870
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 13:27:15 -0700

I am looking for an EPROM reader/programmer for Motorola MC68701 cpu
chip that I can use with a 80286 or higher PC.

charles k5hqr


From: "eelco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Tornado modem
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 11:06:05 +0200


Could anybody give me some information if it possible to configure a Tornado
SFM560-PR (PCI) modem under Linux. It is a cheap "Windows-build" internal

Greetings Eelco Geels


From: "Dr. Markus Pflaum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: X-Server
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 22:48:27 +0200

Subject:              X-Server Konfiguration
Date:                  Sun, 16 May 1999 23:50:18 +0200
From:                  Moritz Schottenloher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi everyone,

ich habe ein Highscreen Advanced III (von Vobis) der mit der
GrafikarteATI 3D Rage   LT Pro (auch ATI 3D LT Charger genannt) laeuft.
Ich kann nicht, egal mit welchem server, das X-Window installieren. Wer
hat aehnliche Probleme geahbt und kann mir helfen,

i have a notebook, Highscreen Advanced III (company: VObis) which runs
with the grafikcard ATI 3D Rage LT Pro, which is also named ATI 3D Rage
LT Charger.
I cannot install the X-server with this grafikcard. Who can help me,

Moritz Schottenloher
please send message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Walt Shekrota <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Quickcam VC
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 16:56:16 -0400

Mark Everhard wrote:

> Hi,
> Has anyone been able to get the Quickcam VC to work?


There is a package supposedly in the alpha stage not yet avail by the
same author of package for OS2.
As you must know Logitech has been less than open with the specification
for these. Hope their sales reflect their inability to play with others.
We can probably expect something soon. I too have one from recent market
dumping ..... was $30.
Sorry but I don't have any good new .... perhaps someone else.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Reboot command fails, post setup reboot fails
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 19:19:03 GMT

I have tried "shutdown -r now" as well and it doesn't work either.

I can see from my description why you thought I was confused about the
Pentium IIs.  We have "CPU Cards" I think is the term.  Basically the
cpus, RAM, i/o, etc. are on a card that plugs into a backplane.  It is
a modified CS500 rack-mount machine.


In article <7iqi38$bub$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Anderson) wrote:
> >Rebooting manually results in a perfectly valid Linux installation.
> >However, issuing the "reboot" or "shutdown" commands result in the
> >failure ...
> >
> Firstly, you really shouldn't use reboot to reboot the system,
secondly - are
> you using shutdown -r now?
> >The systems have dual Pentium II 450Mhz, 256 MB RAM, AMI BIOS,
> >SCSI cards.  Also, the CPUs are on cards, not on the "main" board.
> >
> I see from the above statement that you are new to pentium IIs...

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: slye5 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt,alt.comp.hardware.overclocking
Subject: Re: removing cooling fans--how dangerous?
Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 20:06:15 -0800

very very dangerous

**** Posted from RemarQ - - Discussions Start Here (tm) ****


Subject: Re: ABit BH6: 4 PCI cards
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 21:16:33 GMT

On Fri, 28 May 1999 18:49:06 -0500, "kryliss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The palet snoop realy only affects mpeg.
I'd say you have a conflict between the network cards.
I have 5 pci cards, plus an AGP 3DFX Voodoo3, and have no problems
under Win98 or Linux.

>Try turning off VGA pallet snooping... and also set the board to non plug
>and play OS.
>Roland Olsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Hi,
>> I have big problems when trying to plug in 3 PCI network cards (3Com
>> 3C905TX) and one Matrox Mystique PCI card onto an ABit BH6 motherboard.
>> Info: BIOS version 4.51PG (2A69KA1E), Redhat Linux 6.0 (kernel 2.2.5),
>> Celeron 333A, 128Mb RAM.
>> The BIOS just won't POST with this configuration. I have tried to move
>> the cards around between slots but have had no luck. I have found only
>> one configuration that makes it POST after resetting a few times (it
>> crashed after a few seconds when booting Linux):
>>       [AGP empty]
>>    1: Matrox Mystique
>>    2: 3C905TX
>>    3: 3C905TX
>>    4: [empty]
>>    5: 3C905TX
>> However, if I remove one network card, it boots up without problems. I
>> have also tried to use an AGP-based video card and it seems to work as
>> well. Too bad I can't use that video card (not supported in Linux).
>> I have disabled the second serial port and the parallel port in the BIOS
>> to maybe free up some IRQs but it looks the same... :(
>> Does anyone know how I am supposed fix this?
>> Regards,
>> /Roland
>> --
>> Roland Olsson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Tel: 0709-322 055
>> Crepido Systems AB -
>> Box 6131 - Besök: Västra Hamngatan 8
>> 400 60 Göteborg - Tel: 031-7432 711


Date: 30 May 99 17:00:34 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: eject a cdrom

Gene Heskett sends Greetings to Peter Bismuti;

 PB> My cd is stuck in my cdrom drive, how can I eject it?  I do not
 PB> have the 'eject' command on my computer, should I have it?

If the cd is 'mount'ed, then the eject is disabled.  If thats the case,
do an 'umount' on the mountpoint, which should free the disk.

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040 50 megs fast/2 megs chip
    Ch. Eng. @ WDTV-5          |A2091,GuruRom,1g Seagate,CDROM,Multiface III
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  or  |Buddha + 4 gig WDC drive, 525 meg tape
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|Stylus Pro, EnPrint, Picasso-II, 17" vga
         RC5-Moo! 22kkeys/sec isn't much, but it all helps


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phillip Deackes)
Subject: Scanner & SANE with 2.2 Kernels - anyone managed it?
Date: 30 May 1999 21:24:06 GMT

I had my Agfa Snapscan 310 SCSI scanner working under SANE, but since I
upgraded to the 2.2 kernels it has not worked. When I invoke either
xscanimage or Gimp's scanner interface I can select the scanner, but
when I go to scan, the scanner LED blinks constantly and does nothing.

Can anyone confirm the problem, or are the rest of you blindly carrying
on using your scanners with not a problem in sight?

Many thanks.

Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux (Potato) 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Daviel)
Subject: IRQ 61, TLB IPI problem
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.asus
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 21:36:14 GMT

I've got a dual Celeron system, ASUS 100MHz m/b. running RedHat 6.0 Linux
Dual 366MHz 370-pin PGA o/c to bus 85, CPU 450.

After running hard for 10 hours or so (mprime + setiathome)
I get :
Unexpected IRQ vector 61 on CPU #1
Stuck on TBL IPI wait (CPU #0)

This with kernel 2.2.5, and also 2.3.2 SMP

First time with 2.3.2, the system locked.
With 2.2.5, it hung in there for a couple of minutes with
lots of these errors, ethernet couldn't interrupt etc. then hung.
Hung to black screen (was in console mode, running softdog)
3finger salute no good, reset button no good (maybe didn't hold it 
>4 seconds), front panel power off no good. Pulled the power for
1 minute - that worked, eventually.

Ideas ??

Andrew Daviel
Deniable unless digitally signed.


Subject: @home & networks  8559
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 20:39:00 GMT

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