Linux-Hardware Digest #396, Volume #10            Wed, 2 Jun 99 23:13:35 EDT

  Re: eMachines as linux boxes ("Marc B. Sitkin")
  3com External VSP downstream Cable modem? (Mercy)
  New Custom Linux System (Simon Cunnington)
  Re: 3com External VSP downstream Cable modem? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: free computer5 ("John")
  Re: Xfree86 and KDE ("Lee Sharp")
  Re: DLT 7000 performance problem under linux (David Bullock)
  How do I capture video? ("David Murray")
  Re: Windows easy to install? BULLSHIT! ("Gary M. & Lori E. Sprang")
  Any experience with Plustek scanner? ("David Murray")
  Re: choosing an OS for a retired Sun workstation (Chris Frost)
  scanner SANE 1.0.1 pnm device (Vinh Le)
  Kodak DC 210 Plus camera and jcam software (Michael Gaskin)
  Re: What's ECC? (was: Is it possible to build a sub-$500 Linux machine) (Vladimir 
  Re: Problems Problems........ ("David Murray")
  Re: eMachines as linux boxes (Bob Mende Pie)
  Linux w/ HP Laserjet 3100XI?? (Prov Mgr.)
  linux newbie needs help adding i740 support for xfree86 (*[EMAIL PROTECTED]*)
  Jaz drive, pcmci, no luck... (Peter Gleckler)
  Re: Weird Pentium III issue... (Eric Ladner)


From: "Marc B. Sitkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: eMachines as linux boxes
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 00:53:57 GMT

Eddie wrote:

> Anyone think the eMachine 333cs (Cyrix MII-333 , 32 MB Ram , Soundcard Crystal
> CS 4235, ATI Rage IIc agp, 2 GIG HDD (yeah.. the only real limitation but I
> can live with a 2 gig linux anyway) ) is a decent linux box that would be my
> secondary machine? (I want to run it alongside my windows desktop which is the
> powerhorse machine for me)
> My question is more on the side of:
> -is the cyrix MII 333 known to be CRAPPY or is it a decent CPU?
> -Is the video card 'decent' enough for 1024 or 800*600 resolutions? (although
> I dont plan on running a monitor on it - remote administration! =]
> -could I get 'better' for cheaper somewhere else?
> Thx,
>         Eddie

I am running an emachine (my model had an AMD k-6 350mhz chip). I had a problem
with Xwindows getting the video card to work, so I put in an old card I had
around. I've had several problems with lockups, probably due to low memory. I've
since added extra ram, bringing it up to 64 meg, and it seems to be better. I use
it primarily for mail serving, but also have kde and netscape going most of the
time. I'm also using RH 5.2, and might try putting 6.0 on it soon.


Subject: 3com External VSP downstream Cable modem?
Date: 2 Jun 1999 16:49:46 GMT

Has anyone gotten this cable modem to work under linux?
I have the internal version and It will not work with linux... 
(please don't try to help the internal will not work... )
I am wondering if the external version will work...
Anyone with information please e-mail me as soon as possible.. I'm going 
to drop the cable modem service if the external does not work with Linux.

Damon C. Richardson


From: Simon Cunnington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: New Custom Linux System
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 17:42:48 +0100


I'm very shortly going to get myself a new custom system specifically
for linux, obviously. However I'll probably have win98 SE just for games

and initially DVD Movies.

I'm aware that DVD, is not currently supported by linux, and that
is being undertaken. I assume that I can install linux using the DVD
by exploiting cdrom compatibility, or if thats not possible copying the
image onto a win98 partition and installing from there. Right?

One of the most important aspects of the system I would like advice on,
is the graphics card. I'm thinking of an AGP card, with lots of ram
capabilities, and dvd aswell, if pos.

Sound cabapility under linux, is not of high priority at the moment. So
if its a case of waiting 6 months for a sound driver, then thats okay.

I would also like advice on 3 button mouses and external modems.

My initial thoughts for are as follows.

     AMD K2 (K3 hopefully, budget permitting)
     10GB HD,
     Internal Zip Drive,
     ATI Rage Fury ????
     SB Live       ????
     Creative DVD Encore 6x
     3 Button Mouse          (What's recommended?)
     External Modem 56K      (What's recommended?)
     17" Monitor

I'm also aware that there a potential problems regarding motherboards
and AMD chips, regarding timing.

I suppose the most useful advice that anyone can give me, is what
to completely avoid.

I am intending to use SuSe 6.1 with the new system. I thought I would
try another distribution.

If you can email me directly, I will be most grateful.


   (Remove the No.Spam.Thanks. )




Subject: Re: 3com External VSP downstream Cable modem?
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 17:23:37 GMT

According to Mercy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Has anyone gotten this cable modem to work under linux?
> I have the internal version and It will not work with linux... 
> (please don't try to help the internal will not work... )
> I am wondering if the external version will work...
> Anyone with information please e-mail me as soon as possible.. I'm going 
> to drop the cable modem service if the external does not work with Linux.

This is the first I've heard of internal cable modems, but I'm not
sure I'd want one even if they did work.

External cable modems, at least the ones that I've seen, are treated
at the hardware level as just another 10BaseT host.  They do some
really funky routing stuff, but you really don't need to worry about
that.  With an external cable modem, all you need is a support
ethernet card, which is a known problem to solve under Linux.



From: "John" <John_B52 (at)>
Subject: Re: free computer5
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 17:26:01 -0400

what sounded the dumbest was the 5th anniversary bit, especially since dell
has been around since 1984.

I check to make sure on their web page, noticed they are factory installing
RED HAT Linux 6.0 on their computers now, anyone else doing that? bye bye
bill gates.

webmaster wrote in message <7eg4sd$bsp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Free Computer at
>DELL IS GIVING AWAY 500 FREE PENTIUM 500 Computers to celebrate their 5th
>Hurry and if you are one of the first 500 people you win a new computer!!!

  -----------== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News ==----------       The Largest Usenet Servers in the World!
======== Over 73,000 Newsgroups = Including  Dedicated  Binaries Servers =======


From: "Lee Sharp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Xfree86 and KDE
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 17:26:04 GMT

Raul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
<7j3ka0$ff3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> Dear Sir/Madam,

   Less formal, pleae.  This is Usenet. :-)

> Greetings, I am a rookie user to Linux. I had recently installed RH5.2 in
> computer.
> I know that there are some configurations had to be set in order to make
> hardwares support the Xwindow and the name of it is Xfree86. But my
> is I don't know what to do to make it work with my computer and how to
> them up.

   To start, form the command line, type "XF86Setup" and it is case
sensitive.  This will give you a GUI etup to X.  Once you have X setup, you
can run Xwindows with the command "startx" again, case sensitive.

> ALso, I have another problem is that I don't know how install the KDE in
> Linux, can anyone give me an advice pls?

   You will need to get a copy of KDE, and install the package.  You may be
better off to get a distribution with KDE allready installed.  Project
Independence has a very good beginner version at
 It is essentially Red Hat 5.2 with the latest packages, including KDE. 
Mandrake also has a distrib, 5.3, for $2 at cheapbytes.  RedHat 6.0 has
KDE, but some people have had issues with it.

> Looking forwward to replys! Thx for help.

   No trouble.  Good luck.

SCSI is *NOT* magic. There are *fundamental technical reasons* why it is
necessary to sacrifice a young goat to your SCSI chain now and then. *
Black holes are where God divided by zero. - I am speaking as an
individual, not as a representative of any company, organization or other
entity.  I am solely responsible for my words.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Bullock)
Subject: Re: DLT 7000 performance problem under linux
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 01:48:33 GMT

I used to work for a company (1) that made a RAID-3 DLT array using
the DLT4000's(2).  The system had 4 data DLT's and 1 parity DLT
running 5 internal SCSI channels.

The biggest performance problem we had was buffer underruns.  The host
would dump out data as quickly as possible, and the tape array would
write it faster than it was coming in.  Due to the high streaming
speed of the tape, the tape wouldn't be able to stop instantly.  It
would overshoot and have to rewind and relocate the end of the data so
that it could write the next set of blocks.

Really killed the performance.  I don't think I ever saw a unit fully
stream and obtain the spec'd figures in our brochures.  But we
couldn't really do much to speed up the host I guess...

On the plus side the Ultera controller is pretty sweet - it lets you
do all the RAID functionality transparently to the host - no drivers
other than standard DLT drivers needed.  The down side is that a lot
of software was written with tape capacity assumptions hard coded in
rather than derived from SCSI inquiries.  They didn't expect a DLT4000
to backup 80GB at 40GB an hour :)

If I recall either Ultera(3) or Andataco(4) did some benchmarking and
IIRC had to do memory to tape dumps on their HP to keep up, anything
else I guess had so much overhead that we had buffer underruns.


(1)     Land-5, - I was their Linux guy.

(2)     According to the website they got DLT-7000 working - but they
        hadn't managed to do so before I left, so I've never seen it
        working.  The 7000 required external termination which the
        4000 has jumperable on the board.  We didn't have enough
        room in the shuttle and had a heck of a time getting the bus
        to terminate reliably due to the kludgy test environment

(3)     The OEM of the tape controller -

(4)     One of our OEM customers - we made their Rapid Tape DLT


On Tue, 25 May 1999 16:41:17 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Johannes Niess)

>hvergonet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Dear Linux users,
>># cat files | cpio -ocav | dd bs=32k of=/dev/st0
>>24478883 blocks                  # cpio  (output)   512 byte blocks
>>0+3336377 records in           # dd  (output)
>>0+3336377 records out
>>results in a 12.5GB  (1G = 10^9) backup and uses 7h30, or 28 Meg per
>>minute. The DLT 7000 specs. state that the drive is capable of a
>>sustained data transfer of  600 MB per minute (with compression). During
>>backup the drive continuously spins up and down, maybe we are unable to
>>feed the drive with enough data.
>Looks like it.
>>Please is there someone who could you help us in determining the
>>problem, is it a Linux problem ? Is there a way to boost the backup
>>speed ? Does anyone have experience with DLT 7000 drives ?
>I recommend using amanda as a backup program. It is network capable
>and uses a holding disk to buffer processed output before writing it
>to the tape in one run.
>It is very reliable and convenient for me. More info is at
>Johannes Niess


From: "David Murray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How do I capture video?
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 17:48:12 GMT

I have a Connectix Quickcam (grayscale) and a Media Vision Pro Movie Studio
capture board.  Both are supported by Video for Linux.  After I compile
them into the kernel, what program should I use in order to see the video
from them?  Maybe even take some screen shots? Most of the programs I have
found are for specific hardware devices like the BT8184 or something like
that.. So are there any generic video capture programs to work with
standard Video for Linux devices?  Or am I wrong in thinking that
Video4Linux is supposed to be along the same lines as Video4Windows?


From: "Gary M. & Lori E. Sprang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windows easy to install? BULLSHIT!
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 20:52:16 -0700

Did you say COMPAQ!?

'nuff said.  Had a BAD time with a Compaq dockable running Win95.
Occasionally, things would start going wrong, then before you'd know it,
Win95 wouldn't even boot!  In their mighty wisdom, Compaq made the network
card (in the dock) share the I/O address with LPT1!  SO....if you undocked,
then fired the thing up, it would disable the network.....AND LPT1!  When
you re-docked, you HAD to visit Control panel to tell the computer there IS
an LPT port there, then re-boot.  Ugh.


From: "David Murray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Any experience with Plustek scanner?
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 17:46:14 GMT

I have a Plustek scanner which is supported (so it says) by sane.  However,
I have tried a long time and was never able to get it to work.  Does
anybody have any experiences with them they could share?


Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 01:49:41 +0800

I'm new to Linux ( I'm Using RH 6) and i need help!!!!!
Here's a list of problems I'm facing:

1)It Seems That I Can't Seem to get connected to the net. when i use netcfg,
i Connect, Only To Be Disconnected A few seconds later. (modem used>>> USR
Voice fax data EXT Flashed To v.90)

2)My Monitor refresh rate sucks. I'm using a MAG DJ702E and I Don't know how
to configure it to get optimal refresh rate which is 1024*768@75Hz .
Horizontal Refresh Rates are 30-65kHz. Vert Refresh Rates are 50Hz-120Hz.

3)My Aureal A3D Sound Card Does Not Seem To Be Supported Under Linux. Any

That's About It For Now. Please Mail me or post a reply Here. THANKS! I
Really Appreciate Ur Help.


From: Chris Frost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: choosing an OS for a retired Sun workstation
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 21:13:43 -0500

In comp.sys.sun.hardware W. Jeffrey Rankin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A somewhat related question, I was just looking for Netscape for my SS2
> running RedHat Linux 5.2, but I can only find "x86" versions. Will that
> run on my machine, or should I download a different version?
Drop by

Where x is the number of your favorite netscape server. You'll find complete and
standalone versions of netscape for sparc on linux (which should also run under
openbsd I believe should you prefer openbsd over linux).

It's definately tolderable on my SS2 runing linux (would also be running openbsd if
I had another hd... :( with 64megs of ram, my only gripe is a lack of a wide
assortment of colors (I have a great dislike for 8bit color, and thus stay out of X
much of the time)

- Chris
-- Visit Me at --


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: scanner SANE 1.0.1 pnm device
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 17:53:03 GMT


I need some help with installing SANE, more specifically
getting the virtual pnm scanner devices to work.

I downloaded sane-1.0.1.tar.gz from

I did the configure, make, and make install.  Everything seems
to be there, except when I try "scanimage --list-devices"
I get nothing listed.  "scanimage --list_devices" reports
"no SANE devices found".  "xscanimage" reports "not devices
available."  I'm expecting at least two virtual pnm devices
to be listed like:

device `pnm:0' is a Noname PNM file reader virtual device
device `pnm:1' is a Noname PNM file reader virtual device

This is according to the Tutorial.

Any hints?


Vinh Le


From: Michael Gaskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Kodak DC 210 Plus camera and jcam software
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 17:16:58 +0000

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


I recently purchased a Kodak DC 210 Plus camera and downloaded the jcam
software from  The software came as an RPM and installed
nicely.  The stand-alone applet comes up but I cannot get it to
recognize the camera.

The camera plugs into a 9 pin connector on my serial card/board? which
is equipped with a UART 16550A chip.

The jcam software comes with no help file or installation instructions
and no source code just a jar file and misc. html forms and icons. grr!
Would be nice to see what it's trying to do.

When I try to detect the camera from other than the root user I get
" SerOpenPort failed: 13". Not sure what this means

When I try to detect the camera as the root user the applet closes and
the xwindow gives me the error "platform not supported" which I don't
necessarily believe.

Has anyone had any success with the jcam software and managed to
actually get it working?

Here is some port into which might be helpful.

 stat /dev/ttyS0
  File: "/dev/ttyS0"
  Size: 0            Filetype: Character Device
  Mode: (0640/crw-r-----)         Uid: (    0/    root)  Gid: (   14/
Device:  3,0   Inode: 2063      Links: 1         Device type:  5,0
Access: Tue Jun  1 12:50:01 1999(00000.00:23:02)
Modify: Tue Jun  1 12:50:01 1999(00000.00:23:02)
Change: Tue Jun  1 12:49:10 1999(00000.00:23:53)

stat /dev/ttyS1
  File: "/dev/ttyS1"
  Size: 0            Filetype: Character Device
  Mode: (0644/crw-r--r--)         Uid: (    0/    root)  Gid: (    0/
Device:  3,0   Inode: 2987      Links: 1         Device type:  4,0
Access: Tue May  5 16:32:27 1998(00391.20:41:05)
Modify: Tue May  5 16:32:27 1998(00391.20:41:05)
Change: Fri Oct 30 14:03:09 1998(00213.22:10:23)

and the one I made:

 stat /dev/camera
  File: "/dev/camera"
  Size: 0            Filetype: Character Device
  Mode: (0644/crw-r--r--)         Uid: (    0/    root)  Gid: (    0/
Device:  3,0   Inode: 3418      Links: 1         Device type:  4,0
Access: Tue Jun  1 12:54:14 1999(00000.00:19:40)
Modify: Tue Jun  1 12:54:14 1999(00000.00:19:40)
Change: Tue Jun  1 12:54:14 1999(00000.00:19:40)

I downloaded the libjpeg rpm and when I try to load it I get this:

 rpm -ivh libjpeg-6b-3.i386.rpm
/usr/lib/ conflicts with file from libjpeg6a-6a-2
/usr/bin/cjpeg conflicts with file from libjpeg-6b-7
/usr/bin/djpeg conflicts with file from libjpeg-6b-7
/usr/bin/jpegtran conflicts with file from libjpeg-6b-7
/usr/bin/rdjpgcom conflicts with file from libjpeg-6b-7
/usr/bin/wrjpgcom conflicts with file from libjpeg-6b-7
error: libjpeg-6b-3.i386.rpm cannot be installed

My guess is that my software is newer than what I tried to load so I
didn't force the application.

BTW I'm running RedHat 5.0 Apollo with all the trimmings.

I sent off a note to the jcam folks a couple of days ago but so far no

If you can help or point me to another driver please do.

Regards all

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Michael Gaskin
Content-Disposition: attachment;

org:Winsaga Woods Pottery Studio;Owner
adr:;;Box 1, Group 220, R.R. 2;Winnipeg;Manitoba;R3C-2E6;Canada
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Independant Contractor
fn:Michael Gaskin



From: Vladimir Florinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What's ECC? (was: Is it possible to build a sub-$500 Linux machine)
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 19:01:08 -0700

Andrew Comech wrote:
> There are some people who never crashed when DWI and even when using Windows,
> still not everybody follows their example..
> Of course there is no reason to care if this is for games and alike.
> >Parity and ECC are different things.
> My understanding was that at least now these are synonims: either
> there _is_ a 9th bit, or there is not. If it is there, then the
> memory is called parity/"true parity"/ECC... (although there is nothing
> behind this "...and correction" part). Is this wrong?
> >However, you're inadvertantly
> >probably right about it not making much difference.  Most OS's simply
> >crash when a parity error is detected.
> ...Instead of e.g. overwriting data on the hard drive for several days.
> >What does Linux do when a
> >parity error is detected?  One would assume the proper thing would
> >be to kill the offending process and log the error.  If it's in
> >kernel space, dumping core and rebooting...
The systems I was talking about run mostly complex numerical simulations and
occasionally NFS servers (under Solaris). Not a single problem. Also, the price
difference on 256 and 512 MB DIMMS is significant for plain/ECC memory. Of
course, to prove whether or not ECC is useful one would have to perform tests
with both types of memory with enough statistics. But comparing non-ECC memory
to using Windows is not fair at all!

Remember that ECC is "Error correction" while simple parity only reports an
error by throwing a Non-maskable interrupt. As far as I know Linux doesn't have
an interrupt handler that can do things you described. ECC memory does
correction all in hardware and there is no need for an OS intervention. See



From: "David Murray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problems Problems........
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 17:54:53 GMT

> 1)It Seems That I Can't Seem to get connected to the net. when i use
> i Connect, Only To Be Disconnected A few seconds later. (modem used>>>
> Voice fax data EXT Flashed To v.90)

I might be able to help here.  Could you give some more info on the setup
of your modem and PPP?  Maybe give us a cut&paste of the output from the
"route" and "ifconfig" commands so we can look at your network setup?

> 2)My Monitor refresh rate sucks. I'm using a MAG DJ702E and I Don't know
> to configure it to get optimal refresh rate which is 1024*768@75Hz .
> Horizontal Refresh Rates are 30-65kHz. Vert Refresh Rates are 50Hz-120Hz.

This is going to be tough.  It is possible, but you have to edit your
/etc/X11/XF86Config file.  You will have to edit several things within. 
Specifically look for the items for setting your monitor frequencies. 
Change it higher.  It may already be higher, so that wouldn't be the issue.
 Look for your modelines.. it is really a pain in the butt, I have to
confess.  You can run xvidtune to fine tune it, but changing the refresh
rate is not an easy task unless you really know what you are doing in that
XF86Config file.

> 3)My Aureal A3D Sound Card Does Not Seem To Be Supported Under Linux. Any
> solutions??

Is this card listed in the compatibility list?  (I haven't checked, but I
don't recall seeing it) or is it compatible with something familiar?  Check
the chipset on it.. see if you see something like ESS1868 or Crystal CS4232
or Creative or Opti or anything like that.. these are common chipsets which
Linux supports.  If your Aureal card has some proprietary chip on it, you
might be out of luck unless the manufacture also supplies Linux Drivers
with their cards.. Which I doubt.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Mende Pie)
Subject: Re: eMachines as linux boxes
Date: 3 Jun 1999 01:48:46 GMT

"Marc B. Sitkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Eddie wrote:

>> Anyone think the eMachine 333cs (Cyrix MII-333 , 32 MB Ram , Soundcard Crystal
>> CS 4235, ATI Rage IIc agp, 2 GIG HDD (yeah.. the only real limitation but I
>> can live with a 2 gig linux anyway) ) is a decent linux box that would be my
>> secondary machine? (I want to run it alongside my windows desktop which is the
>> powerhorse machine for me)
>> My question is more on the side of:
>> -is the cyrix MII 333 known to be CRAPPY or is it a decent CPU?
>> -Is the video card 'decent' enough for 1024 or 800*600 resolutions? (although
>> I dont plan on running a monitor on it - remote administration! =]
>> -could I get 'better' for cheaper somewhere else?
>> Thx,
>>         Eddie

>I am running an emachine (my model had an AMD k-6 350mhz chip). I had a problem
>with Xwindows getting the video card to work, so I put in an old card I had
>around. I've had several problems with lockups, probably due to low memory. I've
>since added extra ram, bringing it up to 64 meg, and it seems to be better. I use
>it primarily for mail serving, but also have kde and netscape going most of the
>time. I'm also using RH 5.2, and might try putting 6.0 on it soon.

  I have a emachine with the 300Mhz AMD K-6/2 in it.   I have had a number of 
problems with the system, but have worked around most of them.   The CDrom only
worked marginally as an audio reader, and since I have used it to make archive
copies of some CDs this was a problem.  I replaced it with a $30 40x cd (which is
less than dealing with emachines support).

  As for the video, I have had good luck with the XF86_Mach86 IF AND ONLY IF
the Mach64 kernel console driver (Experemental code in 2.2.x) is installed.   


                    /Bob...                    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Prov Mgr.)
Subject: Linux w/ HP Laserjet 3100XI??
Date: 2 Jun 1999 11:13:38 -0700

        Anyone know if the multifunction HP Laserjet 3100XI is supported
by linux?  The printer supports "Host based PCL4," whatever that means.



Subject: linux newbie needs help adding i740 support for xfree86
Date: 2 Jun 1999 19:53:20 -0800

i went to and downloaded all of the files from the XBF directory. i 
then used GNOMErpm to attempt to install one of the rpm files (i wasnt sure which 
because the readme.i740 file doesn't talk about redhat 6.0 which is what i'm running, 
only 5.x or 4.x), however, it claimed that none of them were seemed to be rpm 
packages. is there a different file somewhere that adds support for the i740 chipset 
under redhat 6.0? i followed the directions in the README.i740 file, but had the same 
problem when trying to install the rpm file. i'm brand new to linux, so if anybody 
could help me out i'd appreciate it.


From: Peter Gleckler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Jaz drive, pcmci, no luck...
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 02:13:17 +0000

I'm trying to mount a jaz drive from my 
Adaptec slimSCSI (1480A) luck.
I'm working on an IBM thinkpad 600, with redhat 5.2.
Actually, I'm not sure which port to mount!

Any hints?

Many thanks,


Peter Gleckler
Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, L-264
P.O. Box 808
Livermore, CA 94550 USA           Phone: (925) 422-7631
                                    Fax: (925) 422-7675


From: Eric Ladner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Weird Pentium III issue...
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 21:55:30 -0500

Michael Gibson wrote:
> What software are you using that gives you these figures?  I have a PIII 500
> and haven't encountered any problems.  Saying that I am running a fresh install
> of slackware 4 :-)
> Michael

Several tools.  The top from procps-1.2.9-2.  The load monitor
that runs in the toolbar of IceWM.  Some others.  

Interestingly enough, a 'ps aux' doesn't show any time acrued
for the processes that are getting a lot of cpu time via top.

Eric Ladner                       Registered Linux user #6965    
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                Stand up and be counted...
import COM.eladner.disclamer;  



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