Linux-Hardware Digest #626, Volume #10           Tue, 29 Jun 99 21:13:48 EDT

  mounting mitsumi 2801 CDR (Jeremiah David Lee)
  Re: Ensoniq Audio PCI 1370 (SoundBlaster 64/128 PCI) ("HillBoy")
  monitor shuts off, why? (John Miller)
  Re: ADSL versus Cable modem. (Alex Lam)
  old conner 40MB ide drive ("Pierre Wulveryck")
  Re: Cyrix MII MediaGX all-in-one mobo (Greg H)
  Re: Matrox G400 on SuSE 6.1 (wizard)
  Need Iomega Ditto 3200 (3.2G)  Tape Drive info (Ron Gibson)
  Re: What is the best Fast Ethernet 100Mbs card for linux??? ("Matthew Hager S.")
  Re: Guillemont soundcards under linux? (Daniel LEROY)
  Re: Linux Buying Advice Wanted.... ("Matthew Hager S.")
  Re: Windows easy to install? BULLSHIT! (Geoff Winans)
  Re: kppp (Peter Christy)
  FS:  Nidec 43 CFM Temp Sensor Case fans and 25 CFM Blowers! ("Samurai")
  Re: SOYO SY-5EMA+ Motherboard problems ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Linux And USB Ports ("Phillip Lee")
  Re: Intel could nip dual-Celeron move in bud (Christopher Browne)
  Symbios Logic 53C400A Hp Version SCSI card. (Jordi)
  Re: Intel could nip dual-Celeron move in bud (Christopher Browne)
  Re: FS:  Nidec 43 CFM Temp Sensor Case fans and 25 CFM Blowers! (kls)


From: Jeremiah David Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: mounting mitsumi 2801 CDR
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 13:23:20 -0400

        I just bought a Mitsumi 2801 CD-R, and after recompiling the
kernel to take out the ATAPI CD-ROM support so that I could load the
ide-scsi module, I still can't get it to work.  It's configured as the
Master drive on the secondary IDE channel, having a slave of another
cdrom drive.

        cdrecord finds the drive fine when I do a "cdrecord -scanbus",
and even when I start to try to burn something, it looks like it's
going to work.  Output is below.  One thing that concerns me is the
fact that I can't seem to mount the drive through the sg or sr devs; 
I've only tried the first few, but they give me these messages (and
I'm doing all of these commands with enough privileges, too):
~$ mount /dev/sr0 /mnt
mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/sr0 as a block device
       (maybe `insmod driver'?)
~$ mount /dev/sg0 /mnt
mount: /dev/sg0 is not a block device

        Am I supposed to have the SCSI cdrom or disk support loaded?
Since I can't figure out how to mount the damn thing, I can't see
whether there is something more fundamental going wrong...

        I'm not a linux newbie, but this has me confounded...I've
followed the HOWTO to a T, as well as trying some different things
when that didn't work.  Please reply to this account, any help will 
be appreciated.  <the output from cdrecord is below, don't forget>


(I've tried both cdrecord 1.6.1 and 1.8a22, they both give me the same

~$ /opt/schily/bin/cdrecord -v speed=1 dev=0,0,0 -data /cd_image
Cdrecord release 1.8a22 Copyright (C) 1995-1999 Jörg Schilling
TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
scsidev: '0,0,0'
scsibus: 0 target: 0 lun: 0
atapi: 1
Device type    : Removable CD-ROM
Version        : 0
Response Format: 1
Vendor_info    : 'MITSUMI '
Identifikation : 'CR-2801TE       '
Revision       : '1.07'
Device seems to be: Philips CDD-522.
Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R driver (mmc_cdr).
Driver flags   : SWABAUDIO
Drive buf size : 409600 = 400 KB
FIFO size      : 4194304 = 4096 KB
Track 01: data   50 MB        
Total size:      57 MB (05:42.97) = 25723 sectors
Lout start:      58 MB (05:44/73) = 25723 sectors
Current Secsize: -1
ATIP info from disk:
  Indicated writing power: 5
  Is not unrestricted
  Is not erasable
  ATIP start of lead in:  -11080 (97:34/20)
  ATIP start of lead out: 335100 (74:30/00)
Disk type: Cyanine, AZO or similar
Manuf. index: 11
Manufacturer: Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
Blocks total: 335100 Blocks current: 335100 Blocks remaining: 309377
RBlocks total: 342460 RBlocks current: 342460 RBlocks remaining: 316737
Starting to write CD/DVD at speed 1 in write mode for single session.
Last chance to quit, starting real write in 1 seconds.
Waiting for reader process to fill input-buffer ... input-buffer ready.
Starting new track at sector: 0
Track 01:   0 of  50 MB written./opt/schily/bin/cdrecord: Input/output error. 
write_g1: scsi sendcmd: retryable error
CDB:  2A 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 06 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 28 00 00 00
Sense Key: 0x6 Unit Attention, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x28 Qual 0x00 (not ready to ready change, medium may have changed) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid) 
cmd finished after 0.003s timeout 40s

write track data: error after 32768 bytes
Sense Bytes: 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05
Writing  time:   80.651s
/opt/schily/bin/cdrecord: Input/output error. close track/session: scsi sendcmd: 
retryable error
CDB:  5B 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 10 04 00 00
Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x10 Qual 0x04 (id crc or ecc error) [No matching qualifier] Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid) 
cmd finished after 0.001s timeout 480s
Fixating time:    0.005s
/opt/schily/bin/cdrecord: fifo had 129 puts and 2 gets.
/opt/schily/bin/cdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 1 times full, min fill was 99%.


From: "HillBoy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Ensoniq Audio PCI 1370 (SoundBlaster 64/128 PCI)
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 21:22:45 GMT

I've had RH Linux 6.0 up and running for 45 days now and I have yet to get
it to play any sounds with this card. RH is misconfiguring it but I haven't
figured out how to set it up manually.

Ralph Blach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Has anybody had any experience with the Ensoniq Audio PCI 1370
> (SoundBlaster 64/128 PCI) ?
> Will it configure easily and reliably?
> Before I by one I want comments.
> Thanks
> Chip


From: John Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: monitor shuts off, why?
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 12:35:14 -0500

I'm using a Trident 3D Image 985 AGP video card which is supported with
xf86.  The monitor is a lower end Dell 828L, 1024x768 at 60hz.

I go through the xf86config script and enter the correct values for my
monitor and video card.  I'm using the svga server which is the
recommended server for the card.

The 680x400 mode works fine.  But when I use the 800x600 mode, the monitor
shuts down into standby mode.  The stranger thing is that it seems to be
dependent on the order in which I specify the modes, whether the server
goes into 800x600 first or later.  When I do get it to work, the display
is not very stable; it gets interference when the hard drive is accessed
or when the mouse is moved around the screen.

The dot clock freq is 50, but the monitor's bandwidth is 65 and the
refresh rate is 45 whereas the max refresh rate is 55.  So, my monitor
should be able to handle it.  I'm not asking for much, just 800x600 at
65hz or so.

Is the monitor flaky or is the video card touchy?  Anyone have any ideas?

-John Miller


From: Alex Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ADSL versus Cable modem.
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 09:43:34 -0700

Charles Sullivan wrote:
> An article in our local newspaper announced that the phone company (Bell
> South)
> had begun offering ADSL service and that the cable company (Time Warner)
> would be offering Cable modem service within the next few months.  The
> article
> claimed that download speeds would be about the same but uploads via Cable
> modem would be somewhat faster.  In both cases the company would come and
> install the required modem.
> Because of the way things seem to be nowadays,  I assume both companies
> will be supporting operation only under MS Windows and that I'll be on my
> own
> if I want to use Linux.
> What kind of questions will I need to ask to insure that whatever service I
> go with
> will be compatible with Linux?   Are there "Winmodems" for Cable and/or
> Any pros and cons?  (ADSL looks like it will be more expensive).
> Regards,
> Charles Sullivan          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

1. DON'T tell your telco you're using Linux if you choose ADSL.
   You really don't need their support, or their specialized software.
   I am using ADSL here in the West Coast with PacBell. Just have your
   card properly installed and reconized vefore hand. Then, when the
service guy
   finished his wiring and initially tested the connection from his
lap top, connect      the RJ45 cable from the DSL box to your NIC.
you'll get a manuel, a set of IP,         gateway, DNS, and netmask
number. Just put those numbers in your network config        file from
root, save it, logout from root, then login as a regular user, you're
2. You CAN use any browser, newsreader, mail client.
3.  After you're connected. You'll have to goto their web site to
register and creat      your e mail account and dial up account. If
you're also using Bell as your ISP.

CABLE- mediaone have a very good section on their web site dedicated
to Linux set up with cable modem.

Most cable services do not allow you to run your own server. @home is
now putting a cap of 128k upstream for its residential customers
because of network abuse - such as running warez ftp and web servers.

Alex Lam.

*remove all the Xs (upper case X) if reply by e mail.
** no more M$ Windoze.


From: "Pierre Wulveryck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: old conner 40MB ide drive
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 23:33:01 +0200

I want to recover data from a old conner hard disk (type 17 for bios).

This drive in declared to bios as type 17, has 17 sector only but linux
tries to read sector 26 and more...

I tried append="hdc=977,36,17" in lilo.conf, but nothing changes.
Are the parameters in the right order ? Is it another thing to try.



Subject: Re: Cyrix MII MediaGX all-in-one mobo
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 21:58:23 GMT

Michael Wellman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now that I think of it, I probably read about this on the Xfree home 
> page.  As far as adding another card I don't know.  I believe you 
> could though.  My board has a sound chip but I can disable it.  In 
> Wondows I use an Aureal Vortex PCI sound card, In Linux I use an isa 
> Gus Max.  And if I want, I can still activate the sound chip

   Thanks again for the help.

   Greg H.


From: wizard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Matrox G400 on SuSE 6.1
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 19:05:36 -0400

James Young wrote:

> Chris Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:7l4hpt$fqg$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > I'm considering buying the Matrox G400 video card and as I can find no
> > support on for the card (its a bit new), I was wondering if
> > anybody new whether it would be possible to use some standard driver
> support
> > within X. I'm not particularly interested in the 3d support under linux,
> > just decent 2d support.
> As I understand it, the G400 is not directly supported yet in X.  However,
> you should be able to get it running with the SVGA X server, or the
> frame-buffer X server if you compile in VESA frame-buffer support into the
> Linux kernel.  What you won't get is any graphics acceleration, so it could
> be quite slow under X, although it should still be perfectly usable.  I
> suspect the G400 will be supported directly quite soon, though, as the
> underlying architecture isn't too dissimilar to the G200, which already has
> good accelerated support, and Matrox cards seem to be quite popular with the
> XFree86 programmers.
> Marm

They may be even more popular with the users of X11!!!    I find the
performance of the G200 to be excellent under both NT and Linux.    The next
machine I build will have a Matrox card in it, might even be a G400.

?That covers 2D, but I'm loloking for any comments on Linux 3d drivers.    Is
there one thats better than others with the G200.   esp interest in OpenGL



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ron Gibson)
Subject: Need Iomega Ditto 3200 (3.2G)  Tape Drive info
Date: 29 Jun 1999 22:26:42 GMT

I'm considering getting an Iomega 3200 (3.2 G) floppy connected internal
tape backup.

What problems might be encountered with a Pentium II system if any.

Other comments are recommended especially on any locations for
refurbished or closeouts on Travans units (URL or phone number)

Please, I'm not interested in an high end DAT unit or SCSI unit if any
kind unless I can buy it for $75.

                      email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Matthew Hager S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What is the best Fast Ethernet 100Mbs card for linux???
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 18:01:42 -0500

interzone wrote:
> Which one are known to work the best with linux? Not in speed, in term
> of stability , and compatibility...

IMHO, and I may get lambasted for this, I use the 3Com 90x family of
10/100 PCI ethernet cards.  (This includes the Cyclone, Boomerang,  They are widely integrated into professional systems and have a
viable driver built into the 2.2.x kernel.  I wouldn't say they are the
BEST 10/100 cards available performance wise, but they have alot of
support information available and fairly decent driver support.  

Hope this helps...



Subject: Re: Guillemont soundcards under linux?
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 20:20:44 GMT

After lot of time spent and lost trying to have my maxi sound dynamic=20
3D to work
under Linux I decided to buy the OSS licence. Wav and Audio CD's look=20
decent, but
I find Midi rather poor. Frankly much better quality under WIN9X for=20
this card. I
heard this might be due to the lack of co-operation of Guillemot, so I=20
do not blame Linux=20

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Message d'origine <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Le 28/06/1999, =E0 20:30:57 h, TheKidi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> vous a =E9c=
sur le sujet suivant Guillemont soundcards under linux?:

> Hi,

> Does somebody have some experiance about with maxisound sound card? Or=

> where can I try to get a driver or something?

> Every help is welcome!

> Cheers!

> TheKidi ;-))

> ------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------


From: "Matthew Hager S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Buying Advice Wanted....
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 18:24:00 -0500

I don't have alot of experience with system vendors that sell Linux
boxes.  Red Hat would probably be the best distro to have installed for
a new user.

Linux will never be as "dumbed-down" to the point of Win9x, or even NT. 
The learning curve will be smaller with RH and KDE/Gnome as opposed to a
Slackware type install, but will still exist.

When looking for a system vendor I've found in my experience that
support can be the deciding factor.  I've often recommended to my
clients to buy from reputable companies such as HP, Gateway, Dell, etc. 
Those that offer 24/7 technical support earn kudos with me.  I had heard
that Dell was planning to offer a RedHat box, not sure though.

Best of luck to you...

Iowa State University Extension
EXNET System Administration


From: Geoff Winans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windows easy to install? BULLSHIT!
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 16:42:31 -0700


>         No, the term would be database FRONTEND. A dbms is what Oracle
>         and friends are, thus the confusion and the throwing of the
>         sharp objects.
> [deletia]
> --

Don't forget the flaming fishnets, and other dangerous firey paraphanalia.


~Geoff Winans.


From: Peter Christy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: kppp
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 19:47:07 +0100

On Tue, 29 Jun 1999, Laine Walker-Avina wrote:
>I got the modem to work. (see kppp and modem)! But, it doesnt connect all of
>the way it just stops and after it connects with the remote modem it just
>say that 'pppd had died unexpectedly' or something to that effect. I have
>At&t for my ISP and i have to use CHAP.

Read the kppp documentation on "lock files".

As a default, most Linux installations let the system handle the lock file -
kppp wants to do it itself - if you have both the system AND kppp trying to use
the lock file, pppd will die unexpectedly immediately after connecting.

kppp's use of the lock file is a check box in the setups, the systems is in a
script file somwhere (the documentation says where!). I've handed my lock file
over to kppp, and it works fine.



From: "Samurai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FS:  Nidec 43 CFM Temp Sensor Case fans and 25 CFM Blowers!
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 16:13:27 -0700

If you are interested in cooling solutions that have worked great for me in
my Celeron 300A@504 2.3 volts/Abit Bx6 Rev2, check out the auctions below.
Three smart fans and a blower in my full tower lowered my ambient temp 20
degrees over normal fans.;



Subject: Re: SOYO SY-5EMA+ Motherboard problems ?
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 23:28:41 GMT

In article <7jl94p$jln$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "TVS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have recently installed RedHat 6.0 on a system with a AMD K6-2
350MHz &
> Soyo Motherboard with ETEQ (???) chipset.
> When I give the shutdown command I get an error and the system
> I have no problems running on my old PC (200MMX with intel
> Is there any support for the functions of this motherboard ?
I have a new AMD K6-2 350 in a SOYO SY-5EMM mobo with 128mb PC-100 and a
Samsung 8gb EIDE HD, and it does the same thing. I am a linux rookie, so
I was unable to tell if the replies so far provided solution or just
clarification of the problem.

As I have a few more days to return/exchange this mobo, I would
appreciate bigtime if anyone can clarify -will this mobo run RedHat6 w/o
shutdown crashes? Thanks!!!

Steve Z

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: "Phillip Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux And USB Ports
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 14:58:59 -0500

I'm getting a cable modem which will be attached to my Linux PC via the USB
port. Can anyone help me figure out how to get Linux to communicate with the
USB port ????


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Intel could nip dual-Celeron move in bud
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 23:54:10 GMT

On Tue, 29 Jun 1999 08:51:17 -0400, Jeff Volckaert
>That will just shift the mind share away from them and onto AMD.  If Intel
>doesn't want to sell two celerons then I'm sure AMD would be happy to sell
>two K7s.  I just hope the K7s drop below $200 in the next few months.

I rather doubt it. 

There are few systems available yet, so there clearly has not been
opportunity for K7 chips to start falling in price. 

... Furthermore, the competition is not between K7's and Celerons; K7's
appear more comparable to Xeons, which means that K7's can sell for
somewhat more than $200. 

... Furthermore, there haven't even been announcements of upcoming
availability of SMP motherboards for K7.  You can't have systems before
you have motherboards. 

I would be entirely unsurprised to see K7 systems *start* to hit store
shelves in September, thereby coinciding with school years (possibly of
most significance for university budgets :-)).  And for SMP to not be
visible until end of year.  I could be wrong; SMP could take longer... 
"MSDOS didn't get as bad as it is overnight -- it took over ten years
of careful development."


Subject: Symbios Logic 53C400A Hp Version SCSI card.
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 02:03:37 +0000

Hello all.

I have a 53C400 Scsi card from Symbios, which came with my HP 4P
It's an ISA card, and the chip is labelled Symbios Logic 53C400A Hp
I'm having problems to get it detected by the kernel. I'm using the
driver provided with the 2.2.x kernels for this card, or at least I
think it is 
g_NCR5380. Ok. I have to build it into the kernel. If I probe the
module, the kernel crashes. I have used the "append" command of LiLo as
the README said, providing the IRQ & IO port that Windows is using.
(IRQ=5, IO=x0280).
This is, a line in lilo like
append "ncr53c400=0x280,5"

Booting this I get this error:
scsi0: scsi bus busy, waiting up to five seconds
scsi0: bus busy, attempting abort

And... nothing else happens.

Anyone knows if this card "HP Version" is supported by that driver or by
any other?

For additional info, let's say I'm using kernel 2.2.9 on a Debian
Potato, in a Pentium 150 with 64Mb Ram.

Thank you in advance,


     =-=                                             =-=
     =-=               Oskuro, Iluna...              =-=
     =-=     e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]        =-=
     =-=         =-=
     =-=     MUD: telnet 23        =-=
     =-=                                             =-=


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Intel could nip dual-Celeron move in bud
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 23:54:51 GMT

On Tue, 29 Jun 1999 08:45:55 -0700, Alex Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>But AMD doesn't have any SMP cpu yet.

The issue isn't so much the CPU; it's the motherboard. 

- There are few StrongARM systems for Linux... because despite cheap
CPUs, there are no cheap motherboards. 

- There are few MIPS systems for Linux... because despite cheap CPUs,
there are no cheap motherboards. 

And there are *NO* AMD SMP systems available because there are no cheap
SMP motherboards that work with AMD chips. 
Life's a duck, and then you sigh.


Subject: Re: FS:  Nidec 43 CFM Temp Sensor Case fans and 25 CFM Blowers!
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 23:57:59 GMT

>If you are interested in cooling solutions that have worked great for me in
>my Celeron 300A@504 2.3 volts/Abit Bx6 Rev2, check out the auctions below.
>Three smart fans and a blower in my full tower lowered my ambient temp 20
>degrees over normal fans.

Spend another $15 for cable extensions(monitor, kb, mouse, joystick, speakers) 
& stick that loud boy in the closet with the door closed.  As for cooling, 
peltiers + homemade water cooling is the ticket for me(MUCH better cooling & 
MUCH quieter. I understand the water cooling enough not to be freaked out by 
it. a non-issue to me). 



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