Linux-Hardware Digest #677, Volume #10            Mon, 5 Jul 99 23:13:37 EDT

  eject from an internal Jaz drive (Dimitri Papadopoulos)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? ("Suleyman Karabuk")
  Re: System hangs when switching virtual consoles ("Thorsten Heit")
  Linux Quake2 Riva TNT question (Kent Tessman)
  Problem with S3 Trio3D under X (Bela Pecsek)
  Re: SCSI reset to detect scanner (jean-charles campagne)
  Re: Help! ISP dial-up. (Michael Perry)
  dtc3181 scsi driver for scanner ("Jason Cox")
  Re: How much space for each partition? ("inferno")
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? ("Gene Heskett")
  trouble with Partition table in RH 5.2 ("SIC Scott")
  RH5.1 and AWE 64 ("Jim Williams")
  Re: Summary and Clarification (Celeron, what's the catch?) (kls)
  Re: driver for AMCC S5933 (Eric Hegstrom)
  Re: Please help with Zip 100 IDE access error (Terrapin)
  Re: Add 2nd vfat IDE to linux box (John McKown)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? ("Suleyman Karabuk")
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Chris Robato Yao)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (kls)
  Re: Rackmount cases ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  dual processor setup? (William Zhao)
  Re: Need Iomega Ditto 3200 (3.2G)  Tape Drive info (Scott Alfter)
  Re: S3 ViRGE DX/GX PCI (375/385) Modeline ("Guo Quin")


From: Dimitri Papadopoulos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: eject from an internal Jaz drive
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 1999 20:37:00 +0200


I cannot eject from my internal SCSI Jaz drive using the command `eject'.
I can eject from a CD-ROM drive on the same SCSI chain. Details follow...

1) My computer has:
   - Iomega SCSI Jaz drive
   - Plextor SCSI CD-ROM drive
   - Adaptec AHA-2940A Ultra SCSI
   - eject 2.0.2
   - RedHat 5.1 / Linux 2.0.34 / glibc 2.0.7

2) I try to `eject' a Jaz disk from the /dev/sda4 Jaz drive.
   - It works for root:
        # eject -sv /dev/sda4
        eject: device name is `/dev/sda4'
        eject: expanded name is `/dev/sda4'
        eject: `/dev/sda4' is not mounted
        eject: `/dev/sda4' is not a mount point
        eject: `/dev/sda4' is a multipartition device
        eject: trying to eject `/dev/sda4' using SCSI commands
        eject: SCSI eject succeeded
   - It does not work for non-root users - it is _not_ a file permission
     problem as I tried rwxrwxrwx permissions on the device:
        $ eject -sv /dev/sda4
        eject: device name is `/dev/sda4'
        eject: expanded name is `/dev/sda4'
        eject: `/dev/sda4' is not mounted
        eject: `/dev/sda4' is not a mount point
        eject: `/dev/sda4' is a multipartition device
        eject: trying to eject `/dev/sda4' using SCSI commands
        eject: SCSI eject failed
        eject: unable to eject, last error: Permission denied
        $ ls -l /dev/sda4
        brwxrwxrwx   1 root     disk       8,   4 May  5  1998 /dev/sda4
   - Compare with ejecting a CD-ROM from the /dev/scd0 CD-ROM drive:
        $ eject -rv /dev/scd0
        eject: device name is `/dev/scd0'
        eject: expanded name is `/dev/scd0'
        eject: `/dev/scd0' is not mounted
        eject: `/dev/scd0' is not a mount point
        eject: `/dev/scd0' is not a multipartition device
        eject: trying to eject `/dev/scd0' using CD-ROM eject command
        eject: CD-ROM eject command succeeded
        $ ls -l /dev/scd0
        brw-rw-r--   1 root     disk      11,   0 May  5  1998 /dev/scd0

3) At work, we have a Dell computer with:
   - Iomega SCSI Jaz drive
   - SCSI CD-ROM drive
   - RedHat 5.1
   Ejecting CD-ROMs and Jaz disks works without problem.

4) I traced the system calls.
   - For root:
        # strace eject -s /dev/sda4
        open("/dev/sda4", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK)  = 3
        ioctl(3, FIBMAP, 0xbffff430)            = 0
        ioctl(3, FIBMAP, 0xbffff430)            = 0
        ioctl(3, FIBMAP, 0xbffff430)            = 0
        close(3)                                = 0
   - For non-root users:
        $ strace eject -s /dev/sda4
        open("/dev/sda4", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK)  = 3
        ioctl(3, FIBMAP, 0xbffff3f0)            = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)

5) I had a look at the `eject' code:
     scsi_cmd.cmd[0] = ALLOW_MEDIUM_REMOVAL;
     status = ioctl(fd, SCSI_IOCTL_SEND_COMMAND, (void *)&scsi_cmd);
     scsi_cmd.cmd[0] = START_STOP;
     status = ioctl(fd, SCSI_IOCTL_SEND_COMMAND, (void *)&scsi_cmd);
     scsi_cmd.cmd[0] = START_STOP;
     status = ioctl(fd, SCSI_IOCTL_SEND_COMMAND, (void *)&scsi_cmd);
   So I get an `EACCESS' error on the first `ioctl' call, the one with
   I cannot download the glibc sources to look at the `ioctl' code
   - too big. Any ideas?


From: "Suleyman Karabuk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 1999 18:56:55 -0400

>I believe that PII is a better choice for scientific computing.

I would like to rephrase my last conclusion as;I believe that PII is a
better choice for running optimization software.

There may be mathematical software such as finding prime numbers etc.. which
may work better with a smallerbut faster cache.

Suleyman Karabuk


From: "Thorsten Heit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: System hangs when switching virtual consoles
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 00:08:19 +0200

> Update:
> When I stop gpm, everything seems to work fine :-o

Sorry, doesn't help always :-(


From: Kent Tessman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux Quake2 Riva TNT question
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 1999 16:23:21 -0400

Out of a need to Get Things Working, I've tried to get Quake2 to run on
my Red Hat 5.2 Linux installation.

I downloaded Nvidia's drivers and installed the X-GLX-glibc-i386-dyn
package.  As directed in the Nvidia Linux FAQ, I linked
/usr/lib/ and /usr/lib/ to
/usr/X11R6/lib/ (the newly installed library).

Then, as another post regarding Q2 and Linux suggested, I linked all the
library links in the actual /usr/local/games/quake2 directory to
.1.0 as well.

Trying then to execute "./quake2 +set vid_ref glx +set gl_driver" I get as far as this:

        ------ Loading ------
        ref_gl version: GL 0.01
        Segmentation fault

Is it obvious what I've got set up wrong?




From: Bela Pecsek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problem with S3 Trio3D under X
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 1999 22:50:33 +0200

Dear all,

I have just upgraded my computer and have made a mistake of buying an S3
Trio3D VGA card. Unfortunately I could not configure the card under
XFree since it seems not to be supported.

Is there any way to make it to work under X or I have to by a new one.
If that's the only way than could you please recommend a card that is
relatively cheap with good 3D performance.


Best Regards


From: jean-charles campagne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SCSI reset to detect scanner
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 01:58:07 +0200

John Thompson wrote:

> Gerald Willmann wrote:
> >
> > On Sun, 4 Jul 1999, John Thompson wrote:
> >
> > > If you have the SCSI support as a module you can unload the
> > > module and then reload it to re-initalize the SCSI bus.  But
> > > if your root filesystem is on the same SCSI bus you can't
> > > compile your SCSI support as a module or you won't be able
> > > to mount the root filesystem when you boot up.
> > I use a module and it boots up just fine with an initrd.
> That's because your root filesystem is on the ramdisk.
> --

I do have this set also

thanks all for the ideas, i'll give it a try.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Perry)
Crossposted-To: sg.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Help! ISP dial-up.
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 1999 21:02:46 GMT

On Sun, 4 Jul 1999 13:22:53 +0800, ambient <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I am using RH 6.0 , but could not get to configure dial-up to my ISP. I
>hvae used netcfg to set primary DNS and secondary DNS under the nameserver.
>also added the PPP0 ,
>I have succeeded in dialling in ( heard the modem dialling ) and get
>connected. But it gets disconnected soon after about 30s. i tried using
>netscape ro surf but was reported the messaegs" could not find server
>I also laucnched the pppd /dev/modem , no help though.
>So can anybody provide any suggestions? Thanks.
I would try wvdial instead of the netcfg thing.  It will set the correct
dialing string after probing the modem.  It runs in console mode which is
nice also.  You will have to ensure that /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/hosts are
correctly setup.  There is a rpm for redhat I believe, but the tarball
archive compiles quite nicely on just about every distribution I have tried
it on. I am using it on RedHat 6.

Michael Perry -         .o0O  Gnome -              
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         ( c)  Where great feet think alike!!
"Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself" -Cicero


From: "Jason Cox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: dtc3181 scsi driver for scanner
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 1999 16:50:52 +1000

I've just purchased a acer scanner m/n 310s. It uses a DTC3181 scsi
controller set at 0x2c0. Anyone out there know of a suitable driver . I've
tryed to hack the kernel dtc driver code with out any luck.
Jason .


From: "inferno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.linux,alt.linux.sux,alt.os.linux.caldera
Subject: Re: How much space for each partition?
Date: Sun, 4 Jul 1999 23:33:46 -0700

You might think about a /var partition. You could always add a /tmp
partition too.


Date: 05 Jul 99 02:34:45 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?

Unrot13 this;

Gene Heskett sends Greetings to FM ;

If you permit an old fart with an 8th grade education and a GED to
comment here, keep this in mind:

1;  TANSTAAFL (There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch)

2;  Freedom is worth many times what a name brand education is.  And its
often far more educational.

3;  Based on the first two items, I'd sure be looking at other sources
for both the computer, and for the education.

While *they* think its nice to have a captive audience for their
"Proprietary Program" thats so much better than the competition (in
their view) and thats much easier if all the hardware is alike, but
*you* will learn far more about the computer and its uses, if *you* have
to be the one to make the platform of your choice work within the
framework of *their* system.

The school should be able to discuss the differences in an intelligent
manner, giving out freely the details of how this and that works so that
you can interface, and in doing that you'll learn a lot that you would
not learn in a structured classroom.  If they refuse to divulge those
"proprietary" details, then run, do not walk, first to a lawyer to get
your money back, and while pressing that issue, to another school.

I've found that the huge majority of schools are in it for the money.
Some are worth it, many are not.  But there is one universal thing they
understand, and thats taking your money elsewhere if they don't give you
what you *need*.  Note that I didn't say what you *wanted*, thats another
whole discussion, and often somewhat pointless.

$0.02 from somebody who's been there, and done a lot of thats in 64

> -> An overwhelming consensus against buying a computer from
> college

> I might or might not have much choice regarding this issue.
> This college has strict computer-ownership requirements and
> it will be a hassle to fit a new system into them. I have
> recently checked Dell's website and the price was fairly
> similar (Dell's definitely overpriced, at least as far as I
> know). Although I'm sure I can get a better deal outside, I
> might be eligible for financial aid if I buy one from
> college. (I'm still waiting for the mail package which
> should have all this relevent information including prices).

> -> Celeron's performance (favors comparably against PII/PIII
> for price/performance although trails slightly behind in
> some areas)

> I guess Celeron suffices for my purposes.

> -> Get K6-3/K7/*

> Well I don't think I really have any choice, if I buy one
> from college. I'll look into K6-2/3 if I get to choose my
> own system. I have neither the bucks nor the time for K7,
> having already ordered a small laptop.

> -> Celeron 300a has a shorter cache latency than a Celeron
> 466 (Chris Robato Yao)

> Somehow I didn't quite understand how this is the case. So
> for CPU's, 300@450 is fastr than genuine 450? Or is this a
> particular case for Celerons?

> Thanks a lot for all the replies.

> Dan.

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040 50 megs fast/2 megs chip
    Ch. Eng. @ WDTV-5          |A2091,GuruRom,1g Seagate,CDROM,Multiface III
                               |Buddha + 4 gig WDC drive, 525 meg tape
                               |Stylus Pro, EnPrint, Picasso-II, 17" vga
         RC5-Moo! 690kkeys/sec isn't much, but it all helps
email gene underscore heskett at iolinc dot net


Subject: trouble with Partition table in RH 5.2
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 1999 16:34:41 -0500

I have a questions.  We have a second SCSI hard drive, and when you go into
expert mode in fdisk, and then p to print the partition tables, partitions
2-7 all show the exact same start and end points.  this drive does have more
than 1024 cylinders.  Everything is working fine, but is this normal?

remove nospamplease from e-mail to reply


From: "Jim Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RH5.1 and AWE 64
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 1999 19:04:05 -0500

I've just built a new Linux box, and it's the 3rd time I've tried getting
sound to work with no success. The first two machines were very different,
with different soundcards (1 proprietary, 1 SB16.) But now I'm using an AWE
64. Soundconf detects it, then allows me to set the i/o irq and dma
settings. I don't know what the correct ones would be, but every combination
I've tried has the same answer "error running modprob" or something like
that (I'll look it up again in a minute.)

Does anyone have an idea as to what kind of problem this indicates? What am
I doing wrong?


Subject: Re: Summary and Clarification (Celeron, what's the catch?)
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 1999 22:43:04 GMT

In article <7lo9iu$l9t$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
>Somehow I didn't quite understand how this is the case. So
>for CPU's, 300@450 is fastr than genuine 450? 

You understand perfectly.  


From: Eric Hegstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: driver for AMCC S5933
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 1999 17:55:18 -0700

  A nice gentleman from Italy shared some development code he had worked
on for the s5933. It seems to work pretty darn well. 
His name is Andrea Cisternino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

His source code was at

If you have trouble I can probably find a copy to send you.


"Dr. Oleg P. Nikolayev" wrote:
> Dears:
> Is there driver for AMCC S5933 (Linux Red Hat for PC Pentium)?
> If there is, as it to teceive?
> Thanks, Oleg
> --
> Dr. Oleg P. Nikolayev
> Graduate School of Applied Science - Voice: 972-2-65-84694
> Dept. of Psychology - Voice: 972-2-58-81089, Fax: 972-2-5825659
> The Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Eric Hegstrom                          .~.
Senior Software Engineer               /V\  
Sonoran Scanners, Inc.                // \\          L I N U X
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        /(   )\  >don't fear the penguin<
520-617-0072 x402                     ^^-^^


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Terrapin)
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Please help with Zip 100 IDE access error
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 1999 23:31:12 GMT

On Mon, 05 Jul 1999 19:42:32 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>I am running Red Hat Linux 6.0, kernel version 2.2.5-15.
>I have an IDE system with a 4.3Gb hard drive as the master on IDE0, an
>IOMEGA Zip 100Mb as the slave on IDE0, and a CD-Rom as the master on
>IDE1 (this is where I stopped moving cables, jumpers, and drives...).

I had some problems with my intitial windows setup in selecting where
my drives went. What I had to do back then was to put the HD on
primary/master, the CDROM on secondary master and the IDE Zip100 on
the secondary/slave. (You can try with your configuration - just
change the hddx to hdbx)

hdd4 will be the vfat ZIP drive and was picked up automatically by
RH6. I just had to run linuxconf and set my preferences. If the disk
is formatted w/ linux, it will be hdd1 and the type will have to be
ext2. You can make an entry for both. 

/dev/hdd4   /mnt/zip-dos   vfat  user,noauto,(whatever you want) 1 1
/dev/hdd1   /mnt/zip-linux   ext2  user,noauto,(whatever you want) 1 

(The following will allow you to read your Windows partitions.
 This will create new directories and modify fstab for you.)
Config->File systems->Access local drive:-
    base tab:
      partition:   /dev/hdd4 (for my IDE Zip100)
      type:        vfat  (choose from menu)
      mount point: /mnt/zip
        (Note: Gnome expects this to be in /mnt in order to get desktop
        icons to automatically mount/unmount/eject and open a file
    options tab:
      <set> User mountable
      <set> Not mount at boot time
    dos options tab:
      default user id   terp (this will allow terp to rwx)
      default group id   (blank or what you want)
      default permission   (blank or what security level you want)
      default translation mode  (I leave blank)

>When I attempt to use the Zip drive to move data to or from the system,
>I am getting the following messges on the console and in the
>/var/log/messages file (note: this is only two 'sets' of errors, I get
>many more at different sector numbers,)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John McKown)
Subject: Re: Add 2nd vfat IDE to linux box
Date: 6 Jul 1999 00:38:01 GMT

On Mon, 05 Jul 1999 16:00:53 -0400, Tom Elsesser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I thought you may be on to something, but I've tried all combinations
>with the 2 drives, none seem to work. I have the hda set as master, and
>the new drive as slave, both on the 1st channel. Setting 1 on each
>channel makes no difference. I still get 'LI'. Would having 2 IDE's and
>1 SCSI cause this?
I can't think of how the SCSI would cause problems. But I'm not very 
SCSI literate. I loaded the source to LILO onto my HD so that I could look
at it (not that I'm a real guru at that). There was an interesting paragraph
in the README file. It is below:

LI The first stage boot loader was able to load the second stage boot
   loader, but has failed to execute it. This can either be caused by a
   geometry mismatch or by moving /boot/boot.b without running the map

Just looking at that doesn't seem to explain why it would boot when
you have only 1 HD, but not when you connected the second HD. Do you have
Windows? If so, are you able to boot into Windows when the second HD is
installed? When I start asking about Windows, you know that I'm stumped!

Hopefully somebody out there will have some better suggestions.



From: "Suleyman Karabuk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 1999 18:49:00 -0400

If you are talking about MIP models then you are right but I still think
that even for those problems regular PII will outperform the Celeron.
Usually you will need high computing power for bigger problems thogh so I
believe that PII is a better choice for scientific computing.

> Nobody?:-)  There are many smaller models in the ~4K equation size - many
> of them quite difficult numerically.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Robato Yao)
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: 6 Jul 1999 01:08:57 GMT
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Robato Yao)

>In article <7lq0ss$55bkm$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
>>In Chris Robato Yao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Mike Frisch) writes:
>>>>On 4 Jul 1999 01:49:20 GMT, Chris Robato Yao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>>>>Not if you use a 3DNow enabled compiler like Codewarrior.  
>>>>>If it is compiled with 3DNow, chances are it can be much faster.  
>>>>Agreed, but Linux (the kernel) does not use any of the advantages of 3DNow
>>>>to my knowledge.  It does not use any of the features of the PIII either,
>>>>for that matter.
>>> Linux greatly benefits from processor with very strong integer 
>>> performance, and the K6 core is the ticket.  But if you do compiling as 
>>> well, the combination of the K6 core + 64K L1, full speed 256K L2 and 
>>> 512K-1MB L3, is going to better than the Celeron with 32K L1 and full 
>>> speed 128K L2 or the PIII's 32K L1, and half speed 512K L2.
>>The Celeron 300A at 450 does very well, but the K6-III is slightly
>Problem is for the cost of a k6-3 you can get a celeron dual which blows past 

Nope, they don't.  

You have a very poor understanding of multiprocessing.  



(And the NUMBER ONE top oxy-MORON
1.   Microsoft Works
---From the Top 50 Oxymorons (thanks to Richard Kennedy)


Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 02:06:45 GMT

In article <7lrkv9$b09$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
>>In article <7lq0ss$55bkm$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
>>>In Chris Robato Yao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Mike Frisch) writes:
>>>>>On 4 Jul 1999 01:49:20 GMT, Chris Robato Yao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>>>>>Not if you use a 3DNow enabled compiler like Codewarrior.  
>>>>>>If it is compiled with 3DNow, chances are it can be much faster.  
>>>>>Agreed, but Linux (the kernel) does not use any of the advantages of 3DNow
>>>>>to my knowledge.  It does not use any of the features of the PIII either,
>>>>>for that matter.
>>>> Linux greatly benefits from processor with very strong integer 
>>>> performance, and the K6 core is the ticket.  But if you do compiling as 
>>>> well, the combination of the K6 core + 64K L1, full speed 256K L2 and 
>>>> 512K-1MB L3, is going to better than the Celeron with 32K L1 and full 
>>>> speed 128K L2 or the PIII's 32K L1, and half speed 512K L2.
>>>The Celeron 300A at 450 does very well, but the K6-III is slightly
>>Problem is for the cost of a k6-3 you can get a celeron dual which blows past 
>Nope, they don't.  
>You have a very poor understanding of multiprocessing.  
>(And the NUMBER ONE top MORON
>1.   >Chris

Nope, I don't.
& you have a ver poor ability of looking up benchmark results. 


Subject: Re: Rackmount cases
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 01:26:40 GMT

Thanks to all that replied.  I think that my solution is to get 19"
rackmounted shelves and put a single computer on each shelf.  It will
not be as neat as I originally hoped for but better than what I have


Scott Boss
Atlanta Perl Mongers Fearless Leader

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: William Zhao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: dual processor setup?
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 02:10:15 GMT


Those of you who runs a dual processor setup with Linux, do you notice
performance gain? I'm interested in finding out about how good the 2.2
supports SMP. If there is noticeable performance gain, what type of
do you run to see that?

Any comments or opinions are welcome. 




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott Alfter)
Subject: Re: Need Iomega Ditto 3200 (3.2G)  Tape Drive info
Date: 6 Jul 1999 01:59:07 GMT

In article <377a0309$1$naqerl$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On 06/29/99 at 10:26 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ron Gibson) said:
>>I'm considering getting an Iomega 3200 (3.2 G) floppy connected internal
>>tape backup.
>Wow... that's GOTTA be slow.
>Why don't you try a DITTOEASY 3200 external Parallel port.

Ugh...parallel is even slower than floppy, and it brings your system to a
crawl while it runs.  IDE or SCSI is the only way to fly.  (I replaced a
Ditto 3200 a while back with an Exabyte Eagle TR-4i.  I think Exabyte has
discontinued the drive, but it's much faster than the Ditto ever was.  The
extra capacity (4GB vs. 1.6GB for the Ditto) is also nice.  Comparable
drives are available from Seagate and HP.)

(BTW, I had the Ditto Dash 2MB/s accelerator with mine.  It helped, but it
was still no match for the new drive.)

 / v \
(IIGS(  Scott Alfter (salfter at (yo no quiero spam) delphi dot com)


From: "Guo Quin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: S3 ViRGE DX/GX PCI (375/385) Modeline
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 00:36:18 GMT

Run SETUP---> in linux and you will see S3V[irge]/GX exists  (supported).



Andrew Hon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Does anyone know what is the correct modeline for S3 Virge DX/GX
> (375/385) video card?  My X windows is not working property and I need
> to solve this problem right away.
> I have seen there is a tool for generating modeline for X from Freshmeat
> site, but I couldn't find it now.  Does anybody know the name of that
> program???  I think I saw that program within 3 months.
> Please reply this msg via email to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" !!!
> Thanks in advance.
> andrew



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