Linux-Hardware Digest #681, Volume #10            Tue, 6 Jul 99 07:13:24 EDT

  S3 aurora 64V+ problem (Jason Zhang)
  Fw: bttv tv tuner ("José Pablo Fernández Quintana")
  help: linux quake2 voodoo3 2000 (shermans)
  SCSI MO mounting problem ("Benzene Ring")
  Q: Acer Altos 11000 with Linux SMP (root)
  Lexmark printer with RH 5.2 ("Benzene Ring")
  Re: APM: Halt crashes when trying to poweroff. (Chris Mahmood)
  DMX 3181 LE - SCSI-treiber - existiert einer? ("Andreas")
  *** Need modem recommendation for LINUX (__Fred Simmler)
  Re: Which NIC in Fujitsu ErgoPro C4/33? (Chris Mahmood)
  Re: can't get Internal Modem working (Chris Mahmood)
  Re: Adaptec 2940 UW SCSI Problem (Warwick Ward-Cox)
  AMD K6-2 and Linux (Alessio Checcucci)
  Prob. w/ SBLive (Yuri van Oers)
  Newbie problems! ("Jose A. Jones")
  Re: Running X on an LCD (Chad Scherrer)


From: Jason Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: S3 aurora 64V+ problem
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 15:31:16 +0800

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hi, everyone:
    I have a Compaq ARMADA 7770 Ladtop, which comes with s3 aurora 64V+
video card. It can display at least 800by640 in windows, but when I
install the linux, the linux just regard it as 8 pixel color and size of
640by480. What it happens? Is it bug or I can find some patch for that?


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fn:Jason Zhang



From: "José Pablo Fernández Quintana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fw: bttv tv tuner
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 09:17:49 +0200

   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
>Hello, I saw you posted some info on how you got tv to work under

No, I don't have tv to work, I only have solve a problem with /dev/bttv.
I run xawtv with out problems but see nothing, I can't sintonize any tv

>DGA:  version mismatch -- disabled
>The app-defaults file is not correctly installed.
>I have been on the net for weeks trying to get this to work with no
>avail.  I have RedHat 6.0 with kernel 2.2.5-15.  If you have any help,
>please let me know
I use the same RedHat 6.0, no problem with DGA. Perhaps you have installed a
new or old version of XFree86 whitch have no DGA suport.

José Pablo Fernández Quintana
Servicio de informática
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Tel: 91-6249821


From: shermans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: help: linux quake2 voodoo3 2000
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 08:15:08 GMT

i recently purchased a new motherboard, and cpu. this
new mb has an agp port so i bought a voodoo3 2000.
is there anyone who can direct me to a good place to
find a howto, or if anyone has it working, might help.
i run debian 2.0


From: "Benzene Ring" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup,hk.comp.os.linux,linux.redhat.install
Subject: SCSI MO mounting problem
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 16:58:29 +0800

I have a SCSI MO with lowest ID setting (it is detected as /dev/sda) I
cannot mount it using the following command:
mount /dev/sda /mnt/mo
where /mnt/mo is created my me
What is the problem? How can I mount it?

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (root)
Subject: Q: Acer Altos 11000 with Linux SMP
Date: 6 Jul 1999 09:22:47 GMT


I´am in need for a faster Server (DB/WWW) which should be able to
do SMP. Since we just have an Acer Altos 19000 and support is fine, I 
thought of an Acer Altos 11000. My question is, is anybody running such
a box - I know the smaller 1100 is certified now for RedHat, however the
11000 uses another chipset (82440 GX instead of the 82440 BX of the 1100)
and has an different on-board GC (ATI 264 VT).
I also like to use a Mylex Raid DAC960PG/PJ in that box. 

Any suggestions ?




From: "Benzene Ring" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup,hk.comp.os.linux,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Lexmark printer with RH 5.2
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 17:01:36 +0800

I cannot find Lexmark 5770 modle in RH 5.2, what other printer type I can
chose in order to use it?

Register and get paid when you are online!!
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From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: APM: Halt crashes when trying to poweroff.
Date: 04 Jul 1999 20:12:41 -0700

what kind of BIOS do you have?  It may be buggy, check
/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/kernel/apm.c and see if it mentions anything.


From: "Andreas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: de.comp.os.unix.linux.hardware
Subject: DMX 3181 LE - SCSI-treiber - existiert einer?
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 11:14:47 +0200

Sagt mal, kennt jemand die SCSI-Karte "DMX3181LE"  (ISA) , welche im
Mustek12000SP mitgeliefert wurde ???

Diese würde ich gerne in meinem Linux 2.2.3'er S.U.S.E - System integrieren.
Z.B. als Modul. Hab allerdings nur einen dtc3180-Treiber als Modul gefunden.

Kann mir da jemand helfen  ?


Subject: *** Need modem recommendation for LINUX
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (__Fred Simmler)
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 10:04:53 GMT

I am running Redhat 6.0 on a PC and need to buy a 56K Flex/V90 modem.  I am
trying to get away from ISA slot modems because the newer motherboards
are almost eliminating them.  I would like to stay with an internal modem
but I am not sure if there are any PCI slot modems that are not
"software modems".  Are there any PCI modems that are compatable with
Linux?  Am I locked into going to an external modem?  What is a good


From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Which NIC in Fujitsu ErgoPro C4/33?
Date: 05 Jul 1999 09:33:41 -0700

This is a laptop?  Try . 
Also, Fujitsu has a small amount of info at their site.


From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: can't get Internal Modem working
Date: 04 Jul 1999 20:18:28 -0700

Does 'DOS support' mean it's not a winmodem?  What does 'setserial -g
/dev/cua?' report?  


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Warwick Ward-Cox)
Subject: Re: Adaptec 2940 UW SCSI Problem
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 09:58:29 GMT

Problem solverd upgraded to 2.2.10 kernel and scsi working very well.

Warwick Ward-Cox

On Thu, 01 Jul 1999 15:31:24 GMT, "Andrew J. Norman"

>The problem is your termination of the SCSI chain.
>Just so you know the Adaptec 2940UW will actually work with improper
>termination (well kinda that is)  However you will start to notice
>messages like you are getting.  The solution is to terminate both the high
>and low ends of your SCSI chain.  To do this:
>1) If you have both external and internal devices you must terminate the
>external chain with a 68pin wide ACTIVE terminator on the last
>device. (I've tried a passive and a passthrough termination and they just
>are not the same)  If you have no external devices you need to set your
>termination on the AH2940UW via it's bios (go into the SCSI hit
>cntrl-a like the screen for ez-scsi says) and turn on the termination.
>You will have three options "ON/ON" "OFF/ON" "ON/OFF" corresponding
>HIGH/LOW termination (meaning external/internal if you read the docs
>carefully) In the case that you have both external and internal devices
>the setting should be "OFF/OFF" indicating that you will provide all
>termination properly other wise you need the "ON/OFF" or "OFF/ON"
>depending on which side of the bus you are using.
>In the case of internal devices....again the last device on the chain MUST
>be terminated.  This is normally done on a seagate drive by means of a
>jumper on the back jumper block (if you read the docs on your drive you
>will see a jump number which turns on active termination.  Alternatively
>your drive may have a resistor block for passive termination, in which
>case make sure that it is filled with the correct load and that any
>jumpers that short this block out are set properly.
>The last thing to mention is that this error can also be caused by a
>T-configuration of the card (i.e. using the external, wide-internal,
>narrow-internal simulatenously)  While this will work sometimes (I ran a
>narrow CD-R off the T for a while until I could hunt down a good 50-68 pin
>adapter) It will give errors and should prove unreliable.
>Interestingly Win/95/98/NT were not able to detect that my termination was
>incorrect or that I had T'd the bus (this in contrast to Linux screaming
>bloody murder about it)  The most remarkable part of the whole thing was
>that the system when shipped by a Large well known dealer (who will remain
>nameless, but shame on them anyways) was configured with EVERY device on
>the SCSI bus terminated (note: ONLY the last device can be terminated if
>things are going to work right) and when I say EVERY I mean the disk,
>tape, CD, etc....shame shame on them....but it does tell me that the
>AH2940 is very good at picking up heavily attenuated signals...kudos to
>Well good luck with your new toy, remember that it really is all about
>termination.  When all else fails check the manual that came with the
>AH2490 as it has a section on termination and cable lengths.
>       Andrew J. Norman
>Dept. of Physics                        Phone: 757-221-3571
>College of William & Mary               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
> what is essential is invisible to the eye" -The Little Prince
>On Wed, 30 Jun 1999, Warwick Ward-Cox wrote:
>> I'm running Redhat 5.2 on a Compaq Deskpro 350
>> Kernel 2.0.36 stock standard
>> 128 Meg ram
>> I have a 4.3 Gig IDE drive working fine, and have just added a
>> AHA-2940UW SCSI adapter and a 9 Gig Seagate Barracuda drive to the
>> system
>> I did an insmod aix7xxx.o to install the scsi module it found the
>> controller and drive all normally.
>> I've managed to partition the drive and create the file systems.
>> My problem now comes in that after I copied about 2 gig's of data into
>> the partitions without any hassles I'm now getting the following
>> messages repeated every 30 seconds or so :
>> SCSI host 0 aborted (PID xxxxx) timed out  - restarting
>> SCSI bus being reset for host 0 .....................................
>> Has anyone got any ideas on what is causing this?
>Many thanks in advance
>> Warwick.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Replace no-spam in email address with mighty
>Version: 2.6.3i
>Charset: noconv


From: Alessio Checcucci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: AMD K6-2 and Linux
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 12:07:27 +0200

Please anyone may help me?

I bought a new machine 2 months ago:

                    AMD K6-2 350
                    Motherboard FIC PA-2013 (2Mbyte cache)
                    128 Mbyte PC100 SDRAM (8 ns)
                    Video card Matrox Millenium G200 LE (8Mbyte SDRAM)
                    ASUS 40X CD-ROM
                    IBM DTTA-351010 HDD
                    Soundblaster PCI64V Sound card
                    Adaptec 2904 SCSI controller

At the beginning i installed Suse 5.1 and the Slackware 3.6. And i get
the first problem. During the installation the system hung randomly and
i wasn't able to end the installation successfully.

I tried to put my processor and memory in an identical system, and it
seems to work, so i supposed my motherboard was defective (maybe the
VIA chipset). Then i tried lowering the FSB clock to 95Mhz (using the
processor at 333Mhz) and the system worked perfectly.

Now i get a new PA-2013 board, but the problem persists. I am not able
to install Slackware 4.0 or Redhat 6.0. The installation process hangs,
the CDROM stop running and the only way to continue is an hardware
The strange thing is that the whole system works under windows'98.

What can i try???

Thanks for help me--

Alessio Checcucci
Osservatorio astrofisico di Arcetri
L.go E. Fermi, 5
50125 Firenze (Italy)
Tel. +39-055-2752(206) or (299)
Fax  +39-055-2752(292)


From: Yuri van Oers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Prob. w/ SBLive
Date: 6 Jul 1999 10:03:12 GMT


I've got an SBLive, downloaded v0.2 drivers from creative.
Tried to install them, but when I do 'insmod sblive' I get this kind of
Unresolved external symbol: register_dsp
(or something like that)
I probably didn't enable something somewhere, but I dunno what/where.
Can anyone help?
(SuSE Linux 6.1, kernel 2.2.5)

Please reply by mail (as well).

Yuri van Oers


From: "Jose A. Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Newbie problems!
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 10:27:40 GMT

Hi, I'm a newbie and had few questions/problems.

1.    I created a regular account so that I didn't had to log in as
root. The problem is that when I try to use the dial up (kpp) it gives
me this error. "pppd not properly installed. The ppd binary must be
installed witht he SUID bit set. Contact your system administrator" It
works fine under root, but not this regular user. I it as part of the
"root" group.
2.    My sound card doesn't work. I have an IBM Thinkpad 310ED laptop
with an OPL-3 SAx sound card, I tried all of the settings with no joy.
Can anyone help me out here please. You can send me responses to
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" Thanks in advance for all of your help.


Linux rules, windoze blows!


From: Chad Scherrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Running X on an LCD
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 10:30:51 GMT

Thanks for the help, but I'm afraid I still don't understand. If there are 
no traditional scan frequencies, where do you get the numbers for 
Section "Monitor"?
The Dell Inspiron 7000 has the same video card, the same size (15") 
screen, and the same resolution (1024x768), but the XF86Config file people 
are using for the Dell still doesn't work. What variables could I possibly 
change? Could the issue be that the two laptops have different BIOSes or 

PS - No luck yet on the Linux Laptop page.

=====Original Message=====
From: Valentin Guillen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 1999 10:17 PM
To: Chad Scherrer
Subject: Re: Running X on an LCD


That's true about the LCD screen being totally different than a traditional
monitor, and not having traditional "scan frequencies".

Including  a section in your X config file which contains the info which
would correspond to a 60hz scan frequency has done the trick on my laptop.
My box has a Chips&Tech 65554 chipset with 2meg vid mem.  It works like a
champ.  Here is my config file I'm using with MetroX.

Section "Files"
    LogFile    "/var/log/Xerrors"
    RgbPath    "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/Metro/rgb"
    ModulePath  "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/Metro/modules"
    FontPath    "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc"
    FontPath    "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi"
    FontPath    "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi"
    FontPath    "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"
    FontPath    "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo"


Section "Module"
       Load "libextmod.a"


Section "Vendor"
     Identifier  "Metro Link"
     Option      "KbdDesc"  "English: USA        / 102 key Keyboard"
     Option      "MouseDesc"   "PS/2 Compatible"
     Option      "ScreenLayoutIndex"  "0"

Section "Keyboard"

    Protocol "Standard"
    XkbKeymap  "xfree86(us_EN)"


Section "Pointer"
    Protocol    "PS/2"
    Device      "/dev/mouse"
    Buttons   2

Section "Monitor"

    Identifier  "Monitor0"
    ModelName   "GENERIC  800x600 @60Hz  14 inch"
    DisplaySize  246   184
    HorizSync    30.0 - 90.0
    VertRefresh  48.0 - 90.0
    ModeLine     "640x480"  28.32  640  656  752  800   480  490  492  525
-hsync -vsync
    ModeLine     "800x600"  35.40  800  824  896  1024  600  601  603  625
-hsync -vsync


Section         "Device"
    Identifier  "graphics0"
    BoardName   "No-Name"
    VideoRam     2048
    Driver       "ct"

Section         "Screen"
    Identifier  "screen0"
    Device      "graphics0"
    Monitor     "monitor0"
    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       16
        Modes      "800x600" "640x480"
        Virtual   1024   768
        ViewPort   0    0


I wrote the config file from scratch, because the configuration utility
didn't even have an entry for selecting this particular chipset.  I have
virtual res of 1024x768 enabled, although this screen has a max physical 
of 800x600.

Perhaps you'll find further info, or even a working config file for your 
at this address:

Write back if I can help you figure more out!

Valentin Guillen
remove capitalized letters to email me
remueve mayusculas para enviarme email

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