Linux-Hardware Digest #696, Volume #10            Wed, 7 Jul 99 18:14:00 EDT

  H.P. Deskjet 870Cxi setup? (Leslie Donaldson)
  eth0 & slackware4.0 ("Rbtech")
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Alex Lam)
  how to's ("Rbtech")
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? ("Dean Kent")
  Re: Can we write to NTFS? (Carsten Cimander)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Pete Olson)
  Re: eth0 & slackware4.0 (Mircea)
  Re: laser-printer for linux (Dave Ulrick)
  Re: CPU Question (Joceli Mayer)
  Re: MAKE error when compiling FTAPE-4.02 (David Graham)
  CPU Question
  Re: scsi disk is not auto-detected during boot. (Carsten Cimander)
  Re: Hoe to config my modem? (Carsten Cimander)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Jay Patrick Howard)
  Re: Soundblaster Live Value and SuSE Linux 6.0 (Carsten Cimander)
  Re: Tekram-Controller (Richard Bumby)


From: Leslie Donaldson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: H.P. Deskjet 870Cxi setup?
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 12:20:09 -0500

  I just got an H.P. Deskjet 870Cxi color printer and was wondering
if anyone has the magical incantation for gs to make it print in color.
currently I have the following setup 

 LOCAL djet500 300x300 letter {} DeskJet500Mono 1 {}

but only get Black and White.

System redhat5.2 heavily upgraded.

Please drop me an email due to the heavy usenet traffic. thanks

Leslie Donaldson
/----------------------------\ Current Contractor: Onsite
|    Leslie F. Donaldson     | Current Customer  : Wntergy Nuclear
|    Computer Contractor     | Skills:
| Have Computer will travel. | WWW  :
\----------------------------/ Email: mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Goth Code V1.1: GoCS$$ TYg(T6,T9) B11Bk!^1 C6b-- P0(1,7) M+ a24 n---
                H6'11" g m---- w+ r+++ D--~!% h+ s10 k+++ R-- Ssw


From: "Rbtech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: eth0 & slackware4.0
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 04:26:40 -0700

> for some reason when i run netconfig i can put all my network info in but
> dosnt ask me about my ethernet card so i thought mayber somehow it just
> detected it when i try to ping my gateway it sais :
> network is unreachable.
> i did notice however that when it boots up in the whole blurb that goes by
> it sais eth0 unkown interface.
> i think maybe it doesnt realize that its there...
> i have a 3com 3c509b.  is there a file i can edit to put the eth0 in
> or how can i get it to recognize it?
> thank you for your time
> richard
> my email is:


From: Alex Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 13:31:58 -0700

Erik Corry wrote:
> In Chris Robato Yao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Frisch) writes:
> >>On 4 Jul 1999 01:49:20 GMT, Chris Robato Yao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>Not if you use a 3DNow enabled compiler like Codewarrior.
> >>>
> >>>If it is compiled with 3DNow, chances are it can be much faster.
> >>
> >>Agreed, but Linux (the kernel) does not use any of the advantages of 3DNow
> >>to my knowledge.  It does not use any of the features of the PIII either,
> >>for that matter.
> > Linux greatly benefits from processor with very strong integer
> > performance, and the K6 core is the ticket.  But if you do compiling as
> > well, the combination of the K6 core + 64K L1, full speed 256K L2 and
> > 512K-1MB L3, is going to better than the Celeron with 32K L1 and full
> > speed 128K L2 or the PIII's 32K L1, and half speed 512K L2.
> See
I got "file not found" from this url.

Alex Lam.

> The Celeron 300A at 450 does very well, but the K6-III is slightly
> better.
> --
> Erik Corry [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Ceterum censeo, Microsoftem esse delendam!

*remove all the Xs (upper case X) if reply by e mail.
** no more M$ Windoze.


From: "Rbtech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux.slakware
Subject: how to's
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 04:33:33 -0700

can anyone point me in the direction of the howto's for kernel recompiling?
I would greatly appreciate it.
thank you


From: "Dean Kent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 10:30:35 -0700

Oops!   my default browser is IE.    My office system is a P166MMX, so I
tried it here.   Netscape 4.01 goes to lunch and takes the rest of the day
off.  IE comes back in less than a second (this is with the 13 nested

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Jay Patrick Howard wrote in message <7m00qa$rrl$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>: K6-2 300 (non o'c) - about 2 seconds...
>This under Netscape I presume?  Win9x?  Hmmm.  It is surprising that your
>system would handle those so much faster.  Obviously the K6-2 300 is much
>quicker than my P200, but by that much of a margin?  Let me add some more
>depth levels and see what that does.  If this gets exponentially slower,
>it shouldn't take much more to bring even a K7 to its knees.
>If you're bored, try:


From: Carsten Cimander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can we write to NTFS?
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 19:25:39 +0200

Hi David,

in SuSE 6.1 distribution (Kernel 2.2.5) there is a trial (alpha or beta
I don't remember, sorry) driver which also can write to NTFS.

As you surely have experienced, a linux-beta driver most often works
more stable than a released and pathed windows driver ;-)

Of course, for your own health (to prevent you from a heart attack) and
of data I strongly recommend to back up your NTFS partition first
(perhaps with a simple "tar cvf ...")


David Murray schrieb:
> I was thinking of making a small Linux bootable disk with NTFS compiled
> into the kernel to help me make some repairs to some NT servers from a
> command prompt.  However, the only information I have been able to find on
> the web about this so far is dated 1997 and says the driver is read-only.
> So.. in newer kernels do we yet read/write access.
> --DavidM


From: Pete Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 16:07:58 -0500

Jay Patrick Howard wrote:
> In Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : Must be something wrong with that site.  It merely shows a simple
> : graphic and is instantaneous on my system.  No lag whatsoever, but
> : somehow I don't think I am seeing what you want me to see.
> Netscape should choke trying to load these.  If you loaded 13.html
> successfully, you're probably using IE.  That, or your copy of Netscape
> has development sentience and re-coded itself using a O(n) algorithm.

Or perhaps your version of Netscape is too new.  Netscape 3.04 loads
16.html in under 10 seconds.  



From: Mircea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: eth0 & slackware4.0
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 17:08:24 -0400

You have to uncomment the line that loads the 3c509 module in
/etc/rc.d/rc.modules, and add the correct arguments (I/O address, irq)
to it, if you need any. 


Rbtech wrote:
> > for some reason when i run netconfig i can put all my network info in but
> it
> > dosnt ask me about my ethernet card so i thought mayber somehow it just
> > detected it when i try to ping my gateway it sais :
> > network is unreachable.
> > i did notice however that when it boots up in the whole blurb that goes by
> > it sais eth0 unkown interface.
> > i think maybe it doesnt realize that its there...
> > i have a 3com 3c509b.  is there a file i can edit to put the eth0 in
> there?
> > or how can i get it to recognize it?
> > thank you for your time
> > richard
> > my email is:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Ulrick)
Subject: Re: laser-printer for linux
Date: 7 Jul 1999 21:27:24 GMT

On 07 Jul 1999 15:51:20 +0200, Felix Natter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>does anyone have hints for buying a laser-printer that
>works well with linux ?
>Right now I've got a HPDJ 660C, and I'm not happy
>with the printing quality when printing from linux (gs).

I get excellent print quality (600x600 dpi) and good print speed from
my HP Laserjet 6L.  Before upgrading the printer's memory from 1 MB to
5 MB, some complex pages were printed fuzzy, but since I added the
memory I've been very happy with the print quality.  As far as
Ghostscript is concerned, I tell it I have a Laserjet 4.  I get
excellent print quality from TeX using dvips.

One caveat: if the "L" in "6L" doesn't stand for "light-duty", it
should.  :-) The paper feed and output trays are rather small.
Besides that, the paper stands almost vertically in the paper feed, so
it could warp over time.  I remove the paper from the printer every
night, then put a dust cover over the printer.  Perhaps due to this
procedure, I've yet to experience a paper jam in the year I've used
the printer.  That's good, because I've heard that the 6L is rather
difficult to unjam.  If it ever jams I'll probably upgrade to a
higher-end printer.

>Felix Natter

Dave Ulrick, Systems Programmer                 Internet:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL, USA


From: Joceli Mayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,redhat.general
Subject: Re: CPU Question
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 21:14:23 +0000


> I am in the market for a new computer and my first priority is to get Linux
> running on it, but I need to know some things about a CPU.  I have recently
> been looking at an Intel Celeron processor, and I was wondering if Linux
> is compatible with this processor, and some of the pitfalls, if any, I may
> come across if I go with the Celeron.
> ------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------

It works. Also  check for an AMD K6-3 or K6-2, cheaper and
faster than celeron. Also there is the new K7 chip, they rule all intel chips
in a performance-price tradeoff, so far ...


From: David Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MAKE error when compiling FTAPE-4.02
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 14:15:22 -0400

Here's a quote from Bob Nielsen in fa.kernel.ftape:

"I believe Red Hat 6.0 uses a 2.2.x kernel.  There are apparently
problems running ftape-4.02 with this.  If 3.04d worked for you
previously, you might try compiling tape support into the kernel,
which contains 3.04d.  It worked for me with a ditto 3200/dash.

Otherwise, try the "unstable" version of ftape at

I had problems like this, with a 2.2.5 kernel, and getting the
"unstable" version solved it for me.  There seem to be changes in some
of the relevant structures from 2.0.x to 2.2.x.

David Graham
> Doesn't the RedHat 6.0 distribution include ftape in the kernel already?
> < snip >
> >  MAS> I'm running RH 6.0 (kernel 2.2.5-15), trying to get my floppy
> >  MAS> tape drive (Colorado) working.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,redhat.general
Subject: CPU Question
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 20:30:53 GMT

I am in the market for a new computer and my first priority is to get Linux 
running on it, but I need to know some things about a CPU.  I have recently 
been looking at an Intel Celeron processor, and I was wondering if Linux
is compatible with this processor, and some of the pitfalls, if any, I may 
come across if I go with the Celeron.

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


From: Carsten Cimander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: scsi disk is not auto-detected during boot.
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 19:02:19 +0200


as you obviously need the scsi-adapter at boot time to have access
to you disks I recommend to compile the scsi driver into the kernel
and not to load it as a module.
That works fine with my linux box. (I use a Buslogic Flashpoint LT scsi
adapter (Ultra-SCSI).

If you have problems with the kernel size (... too big) when
recompiling, try something like

# cd /usr/src/linux
# make dep clean bzImage

bzImage means "big zImage"

this works with my SuSE 6.1 linux (kernel 2.2.5)

Have fun!

Eyal Lupu schrieb:
> I have Red-Hat 6.0 machine, until today it had only one IDE disk. Today I
> added a SCSI interface
> (Adaptec AHA-2940U2) and an IBM SCSI disk.
> Here is my problem:
> The SCSI bus is not been auto-detected during the boot process. By loading
> the module manually
> (insmod aic7xxx) everything  works just fine. I added the the alias entry to
> /etc/conf.modules (alias scsi_hostadapter aic7xxx), still - no good.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Eyal



From: Carsten Cimander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hoe to config my modem?
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 19:46:56 +0200


you will probably need isapnp tool. (normally it's included in your

try to read read 
man isapnp
man isapnpdump

on the other hand: you are not allone.. there are many people having
with a winmodem.


shenbo schrieb:
> I have a 56K internal modem, can any one teach me how to config my
> modem, or send some references to me.
> Thanks advance,
> Shen Bo

::                            __                               ::
::                           / /                               ::
::     _______   __   __   / /_____   Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum ::
::    / ____ /  / /  / /  /  __   /   Universitaetsstrasse 150 ::
::   / /       / /__/ /  /  /_/  /    44780 Bochum             ::
::  /_/       /______/  /_______/                              ::
::                                                             :: 
:: Carsten Cimander                                            ::
:: Student                                                     ::
:: Lehrstuhl fuer elektrische Steuerung und Regelung           ::
::                                                             ::
:: email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  ::
:: WWW:  ::


From: Jay Patrick Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: 7 Jul 1999 15:42:31 -0500

In David T. Wang 

: : has development sentience and re-coded itself using a O(n) algorithm.

I hate it when I make grammatical "typos" like this.  That's what I get
for trying to improve my sentences via editing - sometimes there are
version conflicts.

: Took me about 15 minutes on a slow RS6K, but Netscape works loading the 
: red/black/red rectangular pattern.

Well that's good to know - at least it works, albeit very inefficiently.


From: Carsten Cimander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Soundblaster Live Value and SuSE Linux 6.0
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 19:49:08 +0200

Hi Mark,

creative offers a driver for the soundblaster live:

I hope that helps.
Have fun!

Mark Thomas schrieb:
> Does anyone know how to get the above mentioned soundcard working with SuSE
> Linux 6.0?  I use pnpdump to try and find it and it doesn't.  Please help!!

::                            __                               ::
::                           / /                               ::
::     _______   __   __   / /_____   Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum ::
::    / ____ /  / /  / /  /  __   /   Universitaetsstrasse 150 ::
::   / /       / /__/ /  /  /_/  /    44780 Bochum             ::
::  /_/       /______/  /_______/                              ::
::                                                             :: 
:: Carsten Cimander                                            ::
:: Student                                                     ::
:: Lehrstuhl fuer elektrische Steuerung und Regelung           ::
::                                                             ::
:: email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  ::
:: WWW:  ::


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Bumby)
Subject: Re: Tekram-Controller
Date: 7 Jul 1999 17:44:12 -0400

"Crossbones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Karl Lewalter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> i want to install SuSE 6.1. My Cd-Rom is connected to a Tekram 390F
>> controller, which is located at 6500h and Irq 10. According to the
>> handbook I added the following parameter before installing : linux
>> ncr53c8xx=0x650,10. But the controller is still not recognized by setup.
>> Can anybody help ?? Thanks ...

> Hmm. I never did add any options, and it worked fine. One thing though: The
>driver might be configured as a module. If so, do an insmod and see if it
>brings it up. If it does, you can always add something to the init scripts
>to insmod it, or just have it compiled in to the kernel.


The Caldera 2.2 distribution was also able to find the controller
without my help.. SuSE should be able to do as well.  It is configured
as a module in that distribution

The original poster should check the port address.  He wrote 6500h in
one place and 0x650 in another.  I'm not at my system now, so I can't
check how mine is configured, or if anything special was done to allow
the module to load correctly.  However, I can confirm that this driver
dows a good job with the TekrAm 390F.

R. T. Bumby **  Rutgers Math || Amer. Math. Monthly Problems Editor 1992--1996
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       ||   
Telephone:    [USA] 732-445-0277 (full-time message line) FAX 732-445-5530



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