Linux-Hardware Digest #697, Volume #10            Wed, 7 Jul 99 20:13:36 EDT

  Re: 3C515 NIC probs ("D.A.K.")
  Re: Linux and Maxtor hard drives? (Mike Frisch)
  Re: SbLive Linux drivers and RH 6.0 (Russell E. Smith)
  Re: To RAID or not to RAID? -that is the question... ("Roger Hamlett")
  Re: OFFTOPIC: Cost/Performance SCSI/IDE (Stuart R. Fuller)
  Re: Promise Ultra 33 ("TURBO1010")
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Michael)
  Re: Add 2nd vfat IDE to linux box (David Graham)
  Re: SCSI v. IDE boot conflict (Linux-only system) (Alex Lam)
  HELP w/ Isapnptools! ("ZombieSeed")
  Re: UDMA 66 Support ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: UDMA 66 Support ("Bully Cakes")
  Re: how do I resolve conflict between s3 sonicvibes sound card and video? 
  Re: Maestro 2 Soundcard under Linux (Stefan Bellon)
  BANSHEE - problem with ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: File Server Hardware ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Netzero on Linux (Brian Hall)
  Re: how do I resolve conflict between s3 sonicvibes sound card and  ("Willem J. 
  Sound Card (thefly)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Jay Patrick Howard)
  Re: FWD. Toshiba back-tracks on anti-Linux stance (Alex Lam)
  Install on Jaz disk (George Sadusk)
  Re: Rackmount cases ("Allan Wingenback")
  Internal Modem ("Asim Shankar")


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.redhat
Subject: Re: 3C515 NIC probs
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 14:08:00 -0400

I posted this as a reply to a similar message.

I had to rebuid my kernel to support the card I have (3Com 3c515). It works
pretty well. The kernel re-build was not hard, just time consuming. Look in
the "Kernel" HOWTO file. I took the defaults for most of the configuration


Don Awalt wrote:
> Anyone successfully running on the NIC 3C515-TX?  Autoprobe did not find it,
> I am kinda lost on how to get the card recognized in RH 6.0...


PS. Please remove -ignore from my address when replying. It is there
    to keep the spammers at bay.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Frisch)
Subject: Re: Linux and Maxtor hard drives?
Date: 7 Jul 1999 02:54:50 GMT

On Wed, 07 Jul 1999 02:15:38 GMT, Geoff Stanbury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi, I'm wondering if Maxtor IDE hard drives work with Linux.  See, I
>was about to buy a new hard drive today - a Maxtor 17.0 gigabyte IDE -
>when I saw a big ugly sticker on the front of the box that said
>"Windows 95 required."

It'll work fine with Linux.  Just keep in mind that with these large
drives, you still have to have the boot partition remain under the 1024
cylinder barrier (even with LBA).  To circumvent this problem in RedHat, I
simply create a 10MB /boot partition at the beginning of the disk.


  Mike Frisch                         Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Northstar Technologies        WWW:
  Newmarket, Ontario, CANADA


From: Russell E. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SbLive Linux drivers and RH 6.0
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 11:40:11 -0600

Thats were I originally got the drivers. 

Russell E. Smith

On Wed, 07 Jul 1999, Carsten Cimander wrote:
>Hi Russel,
>perhaps try the link
>there you'll hopefully find the desired.
>Have fun!
>"Russell E. Smith" schrieb:
>> I'm having a problem getting the Linux drivers for the SoundBlaster Live!
>> working under RedHat 6.0.
>--- snipp
> What can I do?


From: "Roger Hamlett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.databases.informix,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.periphs.scsi
Subject: Re: To RAID or not to RAID? -that is the question...
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 18:25:41 +0100

Tony C wrote in message <931333286.482062@cacheraq001>...
>Not even close :)
>Raid 5 is NOT mirroring. Raid 5 does an XOR of the data spread across
>multiple drives and stores that result on the parity drive. The parity
>usually calculated at the block level and the data is stripped across
>drives in the Raid set. When a data drive fails, the data on that drive
>volume can be 'regenerated' by XORing the parity data with the data on
>surviving devices.

This is a description of RAID-3. RAID-5 is basically identical, but
there is no 'parity drive', instead the parity location, rotates through
the members of the drive set. This makes performance better in random
I/O, but worse in fast consecutive block fetches.
><rest snipped, as 'spot on'>


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stuart R. Fuller)
Subject: Re: OFFTOPIC: Cost/Performance SCSI/IDE
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 22:00:02 GMT

John McKown ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: OK, I'm stupid. Can anyone out there explain to me why a SCSI hard drive
: costs about twice as much as a similiarly sized IDE hard drive? 

While the SCSI interface requires more processing power in the disk drive, the
real reason is that people will pay more for a SCSI drive than an IDE drive.
And, as long as they do, the manufacturer will charge what the market will



Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Promise Ultra 33
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 15:09:46 -0700

The UDMA howto doesn't work.  It may help if you displace ide0 and ide1, but
it wont go through.  I have installed, but on reboot, lilo says li.  Can't
get past that.
I heard of people installing RedHat, and SuSE without any problems on this

Tim Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini/Ultra-DMA
> > Has anyone out there had any luck with the Promise Ultra 33?  I'm having
> --
> direct replies substitute timothymoore for user name
> "Everything is permitted.  Nothing is forbidden."
>                                    WS Burroughs.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael)
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 17:59:53 GMT

Jay Patrick Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>In Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>: Amen to that.  That's the problem in all these discussions.  As a
>: business user, the K6 III runs rings around the Celeron 466 on the way
>: I use Windows.
>Just based on the way I use Win95, I would think the difference between a
>Cel 466 and K63-450 would be almost imperceptible.  Using my lowly Pentium
>200 (non-mmx), only really nasty webpages show a noticeable delay before
>On that topic, it seems Netscape's algorithm for rendering nested tables
>is not very smart.  Not sure about IE.  This could be a good
>benchmark...heh.  See how well your wiz-bang Celeron or K6-III handles
> (depth = 11)
> (depth = 12)
>These seem to be the magic numbers.  10 and below load fine, 11 took my
>P200 30 seconds to render, I gave up on 12 after waiting a minute and a
Must be something wrong with that site.  It merely shows a simple
graphic and is instantaneous on my system.  No lag whatsoever, but
somehow I don't think I am seeing what you want me to see.



From: David Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Add 2nd vfat IDE to linux box
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 11:39:21 -0400

I didn't see the original post, but this sounds like a problem I see
once in a while.  If I mess with hard drives, LILO quits working, even
if I only mess with drives that, AFAIK, are unaffected.

F'rinstance, I have a SCSI HD (sda) with Linux only, an IDE HD (hda)
with NT, and LILO on a floppy.  After I installed a 2nd IDE HD (hdb),
bootup would hang at "LI" -- no idea why that would make a difference. 
The 2nd HD wasn't mentioned anywhere in any LILO stanza.

Solution:  boot with a boot floppy.  Rerun LILO.  Everything worked
again after that.

When I took the 2nd HD back out, LILO hung again.  Same solution.

David Graham
> I thought you may be on to something, but I've tried all combinations
> with the 2 drives, none seem to work. I have the hda set as master, and
> the new drive as slave, both on the 1st channel. Setting 1 on each
> channel makes no difference. I still get 'LI'. Would having 2 IDE's and
> 1 SCSI cause this?
> >
> > On Sun, 04 Jul 1999 19:34:22 -0400, Tom Elsesser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >have a 4.3gig IDE that has win progs on it which I want to install,
> > >however lilo will not get past "li"if I have the 2nd IDE drive hooked
> > >up. How can I reconfigure Lilo to"see" the 2nd IDE and not stall ?
> >


From: Alex Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SCSI v. IDE boot conflict (Linux-only system)
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 14:59:06 -0700

JeremyDunn wrote:
> Summary:  Linux-only system boots ok from SCSI drive.  Added IDE drive to the
> system.  Now, can't boot from SCSI.  Linux on SCSI still runs fine if I boot
> from floppy. IDE drive partitioned, formatted, and works normally under Linux.
> What I had: SuSE 6.0 system, IN-2000 SCSI controller, Seagate 2.0G SCSI
> hard-drive, K62-400 processor.  /dev/sda partitioned 1,2,3.  Boots (LILO) from
> /dev/sda3 just fine, every time.
> What I did: added Maxtor 13G IDE drive as Master on Secondary IDE channel
> (Primary is turned off- what the heck).  CD-ROM moved from Master to Slave on
> Secondary (I only have 1 IDE cable!) and jumpers reconfigured.
> Now what happens: BIOS auto-detects Maxtor ok, CD-ROM ok.  IN-2000 Bios starts
> ok.  Then *somebody* (IN-2000 BIOS??) says "-1 other hard disk found" Then I
> get a motherboard BIOS error, "Not found any [active partition] on HDD" (there
> is no bootable partition on the Maxtor drive).   Then boot proceeds from
> floppy, or stops, depending on BIOS settings.
> I can boot from floppy ok, then launch my existing system from /dev/sda3.  I
> also partitioned, formatted, and can read the Maxtor drive ok from Linux (as
> /dev/hdc1,2,3,4).  I just can't get the system to boot from the SCSI drive as
> it used to do.
> I've tried setting the BIOS to boot as : SCSI, C, A.  Also tried D, A, SCSI
> (get rid of the IDE in boot sequence), etc.  Doesn't help.  If I unplug the IDE
> cable, boots just fine off the SCSI drive as it always did.  Of course, I could
> switch the drives around and boot from IDE.  But I *want* the SCSI as the
> primary boot device.
> Any ideas?
> - Jeremy

If you have both IDE and SCSI drives. It'll default to the primary IDE
drive for booting. If I remember correctly. Nothing is wrong.

Alex Lam.

*remove all the Xs (upper case X) if reply by e mail.
** no more M$ Windoze.


From: "ZombieSeed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HELP w/ Isapnptools!
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 18:44:51 -0400

I just cannot get this modem to work. Under Windows, it's on COM3 IRQ: 4
Port: 3E8. Linux thinks it's under COM4 (/dev/ttyS3). Why is that? I have
ISAPNP and I THINK I'm doing everything right...

(in /etc directory)

1.) pnpdump > isapnp.conf
2.) open isapnp.conf and uncomment (#) the lines that contain
            (IO 0 (BASE 0x03e8))
     and then
            (INT 0 (IRQ 4 (MODE +L)))
     and finally
            (ACT Y)

3.) save the file
4.) isapnp isapnp.conf

This didn't work. Then I tried "setserial /dev/ttyS3 port 0x03e8 irq 4".

Still nothing.

This is very frustrating and confusing... I'd appreciate any help!

Thanks in advance.


Subject: Re: UDMA 66 Support
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 21:59:59 GMT

Thanks for the link, it was very helpful.  Does this mean that anyone
using Abit's BP6 is forced to use UDMA/33 (if it works) or slower?  With
all the people talking about dual celerons with UDMA/66 based on this
board, I hope they check out that how-to.  They said that 2.3.? was
including UDMA/66 support, so hopefully that will come around.  As an
aside, does anyone know how UDMA/33 or UDMA/66 will compare with SCSI?
I'm putting together a file server for 10 users, and I'd like to avoid
the SCSI expense if possible, and UDMA seems tantalizingly like the
solution.....if it works  :-)

In article <7m05a5$481$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Bully Cakes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No! Ultra DMA33 is not supported very well for the kernel 2.2.x
> Ultra DMA66 IS NOT supported by the kernel 2.2.x
> I tried to install Red Hat 6.0 on a Gateway PC (P III + Promise U DMA
> controller + 12GB U66 HD)
> but failed.
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:7lvmqn$dga$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Does anyone know if Linux supports UDMA 66?  If not, is support in
> > works, and is there somewhere I can look to for more info?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Stephen Muench
> >
> >
> > Sent via
> > Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: "Bully Cakes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: UDMA 66 Support
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 02:13:27 +0800

No! Ultra DMA33 is not supported very well for the kernel 2.2.x
Ultra DMA66 IS NOT supported by the kernel 2.2.x

I tried to install Red Hat 6.0 on a Gateway PC (P III + Promise U DMA 66
controller + 12GB U66 HD)
but failed.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7lvmqn$dga$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Does anyone know if Linux supports UDMA 66?  If not, is support in the
> works, and is there somewhere I can look to for more info?
> Thanks,
> Stephen Muench
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Subject: Re: how do I resolve conflict between s3 sonicvibes sound card and video?
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 15:23:37 -0700

Try cat /proc/interrutps and see what's sharing the same IRQ, if the 2 cards
are sharing, then try to swap them out.  But from what I understand, it
doesn't matter if something else shares the irq with the video card.
Willem J. Atsma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I have RH 6 running happily. I want to add my s3 sonicvibes sound card
> which should be supported, but it seems to conflict with the video card
> as soon as X starts (after X starts the screen goes blank). Without the
> soundcard all works well. I suspect a interrupt conflict occurs but I
> don't know how to work around it. Both cards are on the pci-bus.
> thanks,
> Willem


From: Stefan Bellon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable,comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Maestro 2 Soundcard under Linux
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 00:17:58 +0200

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
   lefebvre herve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Stuart Moffatt wrote:
> > 
> > Has anyone had any luck using a Maestro soundcard under Linux ?  I
> > recently installed Red Hat 6.0 onto my laptop (a Transmonde Vibrant
> > LS),

> There is a driver in the latest ac-patches for kernel 2.2.10

Assuming ac stands for Alan Cox, where do I get his patches from?

> It's experimental.

Well, if it's better than the OSS one which is clicking about twice a
second even if no sound is played ...



 Stefan Bellon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Acorn RiscPC * StrongARM 202 MHz * 66 MB RAM



Subject: BANSHEE - problem with
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 22:06:13 GMT

hi all, i'm ABSOLUTE newbie in Linux, so sorry if my question will
be so stupid...
I've installed right today Mandrake 5.3 (glibc2.0), but i've some
problems with my graphic card, a Voodoo Banshee.
I've installed, as mentioned in, 
1-the new X server, XFree86_3DFX-SVGA-3.3.3-5.i386.rpm AND
2-the XSetup XFree86_3DFX-XF86Setup-3.3.3-5.i386.rpm, 
3-the Device3Dfx-2.2-3.src.rpm
4-the Glide software for my system Glide_V3-2.60-5.i386.glibc20.rpm

At the last point
1-the system can't found the file
2-The XConfigurator stop to work and exit with a core dumped :(

Can you help me?
Can you suggest me different documentation about Banshee under Linux?

Thanks a lot,



Subject: Re: File Server Hardware
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 22:18:07 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Brian McCullough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ... <snip> ... two applications, a contact manager and an accounting
> > package ... <snip> ... and plan to run an e-mail server and a web
> > server for the internet.
> Don't do it. Not a good idea to have a mission critical machine on the
> internet.  You are just asking for trouble. Worst case is that someone
> hacks you web server/e-mail/contact manager/accounting machine and
> wipes the drives.

GOD NO!!!  I'd never do that....  The machine is intranet only... e-mail
server and web server will be for onsite use only.  I don't plan on
offering any services to the Internet.

> Oh, were you going to add a tape back up to this system?

Of course :-) , I just didn't mention it since the system will back up
at night when i'm not too worried about the server crawling because no
one will be around.

> > At a later point I may move the web and/or e-mail server over to
> > another machine
> A low end Celeron or Pentium will handle apache web server and
> Users checking there mail will most likely be the greatest load on
> machine.  You might even looking to setting up this machine as a
> firewall/proxy server as well.

Exactly what I was planning to do.  The web server/e-mail server would
still be internal only, and the internet connection would be for sending
external e-mail and some light web browsing, through a firewall/proxy
server.  While I'm not to worried about someone hacking into the system
because I will have a dynamic IP address, I figured that I'd rather be
safe than sorry.  No point pushing my luck!

Thanks for your help,
Stephen Muench

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Hall)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Netzero on Linux
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 23:21:12 GMT

Correct. However, it is a Java app, packaged in a Windows executable. There
should be no problem running it on Linux, once it has been ripped out of its
Windows outer shell. Someone should start an email campaign to get these
guys to release a Linux version... Can you imagine- a $200 box, running
Linux, with FREE net access? I think that could capture a large segment of
the market, the one that is still not online.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Anita Lewis wrote:
>netzero does not work on linux


From: "Willem J. Atsma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how do I resolve conflict between s3 sonicvibes sound card and 
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 12:11:42 -0700

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I figured it out and thought I'd share:

Boot the system without the soundcard in it, and run 'sndconfig' from the
command line. This will attempt to find a sound card and fail, and in the
process delete your old default settings.

Shutdown the system and turn it off. Put the pci soundcard in. The pnp
module should now correctly identify the card's presence without getting
confused by old settings, and you can run sndconfig again to set up the

When I set up my sound card ('Miss Melody' from 'best union', a S3
sonic-vibes based card) it correctly identified the card as being a S3
SonicVibes, but reported an error playing the sound. I am guessing this is
because of a partial implementation of the S3 recommended design specs.
After ignoring the error the card appears to work fine.


"Willem J. Atsma" wrote:

> Hi,
> I have RH 6 running happily. I want to add my s3 sonicvibes sound card
> which should be supported, but it seems to conflict with the video card
> as soon as X starts (after X starts the screen goes blank). Without the
> soundcard all works well. I suspect a interrupt conflict occurs but I
> don't know how to work around it. Both cards are on the pci-bus.
> thanks,
> Willem

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Willem J. Atsma
Content-Disposition: attachment;

n:Atsma;Willem J.
tel;fax:604 - 822 2403
tel;work:604 - 822 8785
org:Mechanical Engineering, UBC;Neuromotor Control Lab
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Willem J. Atsma



From: thefly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sound Card
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 05:24:31 -0500

New to Linux.....awesome....
Need help getting sound card configured.  I have a ESS PCI 1938  and it
doesn't recognize it.
Finally got 3dfx card working...

Anyone know of easy fix for big-time newbie?


From: Jay Patrick Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: 7 Jul 1999 14:43:50 -0500

In Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: Must be something wrong with that site.  It merely shows a simple
: graphic and is instantaneous on my system.  No lag whatsoever, but
: somehow I don't think I am seeing what you want me to see.

Netscape should choke trying to load these.  If you loaded 13.html
successfully, you're probably using IE.  That, or your copy of Netscape
has development sentience and re-coded itself using a O(n) algorithm.


From: Alex Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: FWD. Toshiba back-tracks on anti-Linux stance
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 12:00:57 -0700

Anthony Campbell wrote:
> On Wed, 07 Jul 1999 06:52:37 -0700, Alex Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >-----------------FWD------------------
> > Posted 07/07/99 1:35pm by Tony Smith, The Register, London, UK.
> >
> > Toshiba back-tracks on anti-Linux stance
> >
> > Toshiba appears to have reversed its policy on Linux and decided to
> >support the open source OS on its notebook PCs after all.
> >
> > To prove it, the company's Japan-based Computer Engineering Group has
> >opened a Web site devoted to users keen to run Linux on their Toshiba
> >laptops.
> >
> > The site, which went live on 1 July, doesn't offer much information
> >right now, but it's a start. The site promises full details of how to
> >install Linux on Toshiba's notebooks, though it doesn't say when this
> >will happen.
> >
> > Other promised features include the creation of an information desk
> >for developers, Linux installation information and a list of supported
> >hardware, both PCs and peripherals.
> >
> > The company's move follows Australian notebook owner Geoffrey
> >Bennett's attempt to get Toshiba to refund to him the cost of the
> >bundled copy of Windows 95. Bennett eventually got his money back, and
> >sparked a worldwide protest against Microsoft in the process. ®
> >
> >source-
> >-------------------------------------------------------------
> This is interesting. I returned my registration card when I bought a
> Toshiba laptop few months ago, suggesting that there should be support for
> Linux. Recently I received a personalized letter from Toshiba, thanking me
> for my remarks (though not specifically mentioning Linux) and asking me to
> join a small panel of users to give them feedback from time to time.  In
> view of what you say, this may well be connected with their apparent
> conversion to supporting Linux. This is all good news.
> Anthony
Sure it is good news. Maybe finally, Linuxers will have lots of laptop
options from a a major manufacturer.

More power to Linux.

Alex Lam.
> --
> Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
> Book Reviews:
> "The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
> Moves on..."   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

*remove all the Xs (upper case X) if reply by e mail.
** no more M$ Windoze.


From: George Sadusk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Install on Jaz disk
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 14:08:46 -0400

I am trying to install Redhat 6 on a Jaz drive without much luck. I
realize that I can't boot from the Jaz drive, but I thought once
installed I could boot from a floppy. At first the install stopped at
the mouse configuration with an error, then after several tries
(including removing the partitions), it now does an abnormal termination
with a signal 11 during the copying of the packages. Has anybody used a
Jaz drive? Is it possible?

George Sadusk
Library of Congress


From: "Allan Wingenback" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Rackmount cases
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 23:15:01 GMT

Check out Antec.  They've got 7" high rackmount AT & ATX cases at fairly
good prices.  I've just implemented 4 of them.

Alex Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> wizard wrote:
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > > Hello All,
> > >
> > > I am looking for Rackmount cases for regular AT & ATX motherboards.  I
> > > have a whole whopping mess of various makes/models of PCs in my Data
> > > Center.  I would like to rackmount them to save space.  I do not want
> > > have to buy all new computers to do this.  Does anyone know where I
> > > buy such cases?
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > > Scott
> > >
> > > --
> > > Scott Boss
> > > Atlanta Perl Mongers Fearless Leader
> > > website:
> > > community:
> > >
> > > Sent via
> > > Share what you know. Learn what you don't.
> >
> > Scott;
> >
> > Unless you find a source I don't know about, the cost of a Rack mount
> > case will kill this idea.    In fact at todays prices you could buy
> > new hardware.   On the other hand the one industrial "desktop" case I've
> > had extensive experience with wasn't worth a hill of beans.    If the
> > of floor space is so excessive that you feel you need to continue, try
> > looking at hardware supplied by Industrial Computer Source.    As stated
> > before I don't think thier desktop case is worth the money they charge
> > give them a shot.    One other company I've hasd good luck with, for
> > industrial computing, is American Advantech.    Not sure if they supply
> > type of case your looking for.    One thing to look out for if you do go
> > the rack mount route is the possiblity for drastically increased cooling
> > requirements if all of thoose PCs end up in the same rack.
> >
> > One thing that can be suggested, that works really well for very lowcost
> > solutions, is to employe the commercial wire racks that are so popular
> > these days.    By selecting one desktop or tower case that meets your
> > a nice and very servicable installation can be had.    The shelves on
> > theese racks are adjustable and many are available on wheels.   I would
> > the first to admit that they are not as space efficient as a rack but
> > are cheap and may work well with existing hardware.
> >
> > The story is quite different if you are buying new hardware.    Here you
> > can get different solutions that fit into one or two rack units.
> > any of the Linux rags to see who offers what.    I would also suggest
> > your'e not likely to get taken to the cleaners in the same manner that
> > would when buying just a case.
> >
> > Best of luck
> > Dave
> I've 5 boxes cramped into my small SOHO. My solution to save space
> from my very large table is I use desk top cases with all the boxes,
> then, get a stereo rack system and put all the boxes in. Instant rack
> system without the high costs of computer rack cases and rack mount.
> And you're not limited to the ugly looking industrial grade hardware.
> Alex Lam.
> --
> *remove all the Xs (upper case X) if reply by e mail.
> ** no more M$ Windoze.


From: "Asim Shankar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Internal Modem
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 01:22:41 +0530


I have an internal ISA Plug-N-Play USRobotics 33.6Kbps FAX modem.
I just installed Caldera OpenLinux 2.2

How do I get the modem working in Linux??

I retrieved some info from the Windows' Device Manager, namely the IO
addresses and IRQ for the modem, if that helps. It's also assigned COM3 in

IO - 03E8-03EF
IRQ - 5

Please tell me how to get this modem functional for Kppp etc.


-- Asim Shankar



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