Linux-Hardware Digest #709, Volume #10            Thu, 8 Jul 99 23:13:34 EDT

  Re: LI ("TURBO1010")
  Linux/KDE; KDat backup on dat tape proggy ("Gene Heskett")
  Re: SoundBlaster Live! ("Geoff")
  Re: Diamond Fire GL 1000 PRO (Sonny)
  Re: X setup with a S3 Trio3D 365 ("Castor")
  Re: Problem with S3 Trio3D under X ("Castor")
  LI ("TURBO1010")
  Re: S3 Trio3D Driver ("Castor")
  Re: scsi disk is not auto-detected during boot. (Villy Kruse)
  Re: To RAID or not to RAID? -that is the question... ("Ron Reaugh")
  Re: Mounting probelm extended VFAT 32 (Marc Mutz)
  Re: S3 Trio3D Driver (ellis)
  Rage 128 and Linux? ("Brian J")
  Re: LILO and append to Detect SCSI controller at boot (Jean-Michel Dault)
  Re: LI (Brad Felmey)
  Slow modem! ("Paul & Valerie")
  Linux on Compaq Prosignia 150? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Help! Can't print in Linux from a compiled kernel (Carl Fink)
  Non-Windows digital cameras? (Ken)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Leo Cambilargiu)
  Video Card Recommendation? (Flash)
  Re: Non-Windows digital cameras? (Jay Lensgraf)
  Re: LI (Michael Argy)
  Re: SCSI v. IDE boot conflict (Linux-only system) (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: HELP w/ Isapnptools! (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: AGP Board and Linux ("jskipper")


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera,alt.linux,alt.linux.sux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: LI
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 17:05:14 -0700

Now that you mention it, it could be that.  I checked the promise card, and
since I disabled the primary ide controller on the board, it has hda and
hde.  It may be trying to boot from hda, and you're right, I partitioned all
7.2 gigs.  How small of a partition should I make on that drive to be able
to boot in?  But I should still be able to boot from the boot disk.

Brad Felmey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Thu, 8 Jul 1999 15:04:25 -0700, "TURBO1010"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted:
> >Help.  Finally got Linux installed again, my computer.  I have a Tyan
> >256 megs of ram.  Adaptec 2940U2W, with an IBM 9.1 gig LVD drive.  The
> >install went smooth, was able to recompile the kernel, and enable smp
> >support.  So I decide to throw in a Promise UDMA controller, that went
> >pretty good too.  The card was detected with no problems.  I added 2 more
> >ide hard drives, connected to the controller, was able to fdisk them, and
> >format them in linux.  Edited fstab, and moved /home and /usr over to the
> >new drives.  Cool, everything is working perfect.  I decide to IP
> >masquerade, and so I rebuild the kernel.  That went smooth, no problems.
> >run Lilo, now that the new drives are mounted, and it complains that
> >/dev/sda1 is not the first drive, but it still installs on sda1.  I go to
> >reboot, and get LI.  That's all that I get.  I can't boot back in.  I try
> >the lisa disk, type in boot root=/dev/sda1 and it appears to start, but
> >throws me right back into installing Caldera.  It wont let me boot.  I
> >the install/boot disk, with the same parameters, boot root=/dev/sda1 and
> >the same thing, throws me right back to the install.  Tried booting from
> >with the same parameters, and I get the same error message.  I reboot and
> >get LI.  Anyone know what I need to do to get back into my system,
> >reinstalling the software?  I figure if I can get in there, and umount
> >other drives, then I could run lilo, and configure my system.
> I think what you're seeing is LILO installed mbr on hda. Check your
> BIOS settings (possibly Promise card settings as well), make sure
> they're set to SCSI boot. I'll bet what's happening is that the BIOS
> is pointing to hda as mbr, and since hda is probably >1024, LILO is
> coughing.
> --
> Brad Felmey


Date: 08 Jul 99 20:07:37 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux/KDE; KDat backup on dat tape proggy
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,

Unrot13 this;

I hope this gets through to the list.  Replies do, but originals don't seem
to for some unk reason.  My ISP sucks, I have to get news from
elsewhere.  What else is new.....

The real question:

Has anyone managed to get the KDat proggy to run their dat drive yet?

I have an SSI external box, with a WangDat 3400DX in it which is seen by
the aha1540 cards bios, and again by the boot scans while loading linux,
and the tape control program 'mt' can access the drive just fine.

System is RH5.2/2.2.10 with all the updates to run 2.2.10 installed and
functional (I think)

But, KDat, which looks to be a pretty decent gui based back/restore
thingy, absolutely refuses to even scan the scsi buss using the same
device as mt is (a freshly made /dev/nst0) when I tested that, choosing
instead to cover all its sins with a simple "no tape in drive" message.
Messages to the author have gone un-acknowledged for about 20 hrs now.

The drive does work, I just made a 3 gig backup of this machine with it.
In record time compared to the QIC drive that normally lives on this

Any other suggestions folks, keeping in mind my relative newbie status

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040 50 megs fast/2 megs chip
    Ch. Eng. @ WDTV-5          |A2091,GuruRom,1g Seagate,CDROM,Multiface III
                               |Buddha + 4 gig WDC drive, 525 meg tape
                               |Stylus Pro, EnPrint, Picasso-II, 17" vga
         RC5-Moo! 690kkeys/sec isn't much, but it all helps
email gene underscore heskett at iolinc dot net


From: "Geoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: SoundBlaster Live!
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 22:59:48 +0100

I installed them the other day on redhat 6.0

Got the CD player working after forcing the package but i'll be damned if I
can make any wave audio devices function.
If anyone has any ideas...


Mark Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8CZg3.52$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Asim
> Try this
> Regards
> Mark
> Asim Shankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:7m1g50$k0i$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > hi!
> >
> > I have a Creative Labs SoundBlaster Live! Value soundcard.
> >
> > The Creative site says that they are currently no drivers for Linux
> created
> > by them.
> >
> > Can I still get sound through it in Linux by any means?
> >
> > Thanx,
> >
> > -- Asim
> >
> >
> >


Subject: Re: Diamond Fire GL 1000 PRO
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 00:03:16 GMT

I believe that card uses the permedia2 chipset, for which I believe
there is a server.  Use the XF86_3DLabs server for that card.
Good Luck


From: "Castor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: X setup with a S3 Trio3D 365
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 21:15:59 +0200
Reply-To: "Castor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:01bec80d$f07ff400$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi all,
>   Anyone had any luck getting anything better that 640x400 with a S3
> Trio3D.
> Would love to here from you!
> Cheers,
> Alan
Support for this card will be included in xfree86 3.3.4. This new version
was announced for June, but we're still waiting!
Till it's released, you'll have to use the Frame Buffer Device (see



From: "Castor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem with S3 Trio3D under X
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 21:18:28 +0200
Reply-To: "Castor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Bela Pecsek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Dear all,
> I have just upgraded my computer and have made a mistake of buying an S3
> Trio3D VGA card. Unfortunately I could not configure the card under
> XFree since it seems not to be supported.

Use the Frame Buffer Device. (see
Xfree86 3.3.4 is coming soon, it will support the Trio 3D.



Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera,alt.linux,alt.linux.sux,alt.os.linux
Subject: LI
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 15:04:25 -0700

Help.  Finally got Linux installed again, my computer.  I have a Tyan 1564/D
256 megs of ram.  Adaptec 2940U2W, with an IBM 9.1 gig LVD drive.  The
install went smooth, was able to recompile the kernel, and enable smp
support.  So I decide to throw in a Promise UDMA controller, that went
pretty good too.  The card was detected with no problems.  I added 2 more
ide hard drives, connected to the controller, was able to fdisk them, and
format them in linux.  Edited fstab, and moved /home and /usr over to the
new drives.  Cool, everything is working perfect.  I decide to IP
masquerade, and so I rebuild the kernel.  That went smooth, no problems.  I
run Lilo, now that the new drives are mounted, and it complains that
/dev/sda1 is not the first drive, but it still installs on sda1.  I go to
reboot, and get LI.  That's all that I get.  I can't boot back in.  I try
the lisa disk, type in boot root=/dev/sda1 and it appears to start, but it
throws me right back into installing Caldera.  It wont let me boot.  I tried
the install/boot disk, with the same parameters, boot root=/dev/sda1 and get
the same thing, throws me right back to the install.  Tried booting from CD
with the same parameters, and I get the same error message.  I reboot and
get LI.  Anyone know what I need to do to get back into my system, without
reinstalling the software?  I figure if I can get in there, and umount the
other drives, then I could run lilo, and configure my system.

Thanks in advance.


From: "Castor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: S3 Trio3D Driver
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 21:22:41 +0200
Reply-To: "Castor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:7m2stq$bh5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> In article <7lvsf7$1f2q$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> IBM News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Does anyone know where to find a driver for the
> >new S3 Trio3D chipset, I've looked everywhere!?!?
> It's included in the SVGA xfree86 server.

Nonsense. Use the FBDev ( this means NO
ACCELERATION but unless you are a game freak you'll barely notice the
difference) or wait till Xfree86 3.3.4 is released (coming soon, according
to the XFree86 people). Sorry, but there is no other solution, this card is
NOT supported at all for the moment.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Villy Kruse)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: scsi disk is not auto-detected during boot.
Date: 8 Jul 1999 09:33:31 +0200

In article <7lvgnh$js5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Eyal Lupu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have Red-Hat 6.0 machine, until today it had only one IDE disk. Today I
>added a SCSI interface
>(Adaptec AHA-2940U2) and an IBM SCSI disk.
>Here is my problem:
>The SCSI bus is not been auto-detected during the boot process. By loading
>the module manually
>(insmod aic7xxx) everything  works just fine. I added the the alias entry to
>/etc/conf.modules (alias scsi_hostadapter aic7xxx), still - no good.
>Any ideas?

I have these options in conf.modules (RH5.1)

alias scsi_hostadapter aic7xxx

This adapter only controls a tape unit, and whenever I open the tape unit
this adapter and the scsi tape modules gets loaded.

In your case you could add the insmod command to /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit 
at some point before mounting the file systems and after the depmod stuff.

If the scsi disk contained the root file system you would have to make
an initrd file (mkinitrd) and include that with /etc/lilo.conf.
(man lilo for details).  A standard redhat install will make this happen
as part of the install process.



From: "Ron Reaugh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.databases.informix,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.periphs.scsi
Subject: Re: To RAID or not to RAID? -that is the question...
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 16:40:47 -0700

Eyal Lupu wrote in message <7m35si$o4u$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Finally someone got it right.... :-)
>All you wrote it true. I just want to emphasize one point:
>I have help to design and implement a lot of systems which used RAID,
>in many cases the customers preferred the RAID-1 over RAID-5 solution
>because they could implement it by SOFTWARE and reduce the cost. This
>may have some side effects:
>A. The writes will be slower, since we actually write twice.

Only for software/firmware RAID and not hardware RAID.

>B. Increase CPU load.

Only for software/firmware RAID and not hardware RAID.

>C. Might reduce I/O throughput.
>but, if one uses a HARDWARE controller, we can avoid the above.


Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 23:51:44 +0200
From: Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mounting probelm extended VFAT 32

Henk Toorman wrote:
> No command seems to work.
Which ones did you try and how did they fail?


Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          
University of Bielefeld, Dep. of Mathematics / Dep. of Physics

PGP-keyID's:   0xd46ce9ab (RSA), 0x7ae55b9e (DSS), 0x31748570 (DH)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (ellis)
Subject: Re: S3 Trio3D Driver
Date: 9 Jul 1999 00:27:27 GMT

In article <7m349j$8ae$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Castor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Nonsense. Use the FBDev ( this means NO
>ACCELERATION but unless you are a game freak you'll barely notice the
>difference) or wait till Xfree86 3.3.4 is released (coming soon, according
>to the XFree86 people). Sorry, but there is no other solution, this card is
>NOT supported at all for the moment.

I missed read the table and canceled the post.



From: "Brian J" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Rage 128 and Linux?
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 20:42:17 -0500

Anyone get Rage 128GL and X-Windows working?
Anyone working on drivers?



From: Jean-Michel Dault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: Re: LILO and append to Detect SCSI controller at boot
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 01:07:14 +0000

You have to add a SCSI-related line in /etc/conf.modules, so that mkinitrd
adds the right module.
"man mkinitrd" and there's something about it.

Jean-Michel Dault

Jeffrey Knox wrote:

> Hello:
> I install the Linux-Mandrake 6.0 version 2 weeks ago. At the time I didn't
> have a SCSI controller. I purchase one the other day, an Adaptec 1520B, I
> found out that my kernal will not detect it during the boot. I can install
> the module manually from a command line with
> insmod aha152x aha152x=0x140,10,7,1     it detects it,  loads and works
> fine...Only have tape drive hooked up.
> According to the How To's I found on the install cd, I should be able to
> over-ride the settings so my scsi adapter will be detected at bootup by
> adding an append command to /etc/lilo.conf. The the sequence I used to do
> this is as follows
> mkinitrd  /boot/initrd-2.2.9-27mdk.img initrd-2.2.9-27mdk
> append="aha152x=0x140,10,7,1"     is added to the file /etc/lilo.conf and
> saved
> /sbin/lilo
> shutdown -r now
> When the system reboots it still says SCSI : 0 Hosts
> Anyone know what I am doing wrong?
> Jeffrey


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brad Felmey)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera,alt.linux,alt.linux.sux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: LI
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 01:12:58 GMT

On Thu, 8 Jul 1999 17:05:14 -0700, "TURBO1010"

>Now that you mention it, it could be that.  I checked the promise card, and
>since I disabled the primary ide controller on the board, it has hda and
>hde.  It may be trying to boot from hda, and you're right, I partitioned all
>7.2 gigs.  How small of a partition should I make on that drive to be able
>to boot in?  But I should still be able to boot from the boot disk.

I usually make xda1 (hda/sda) about 20MB. It's dead space, but with
multi-gig drives, who cares?

You're right, of course, the boot disk should still work.
Brad Felmey


From: "Paul & Valerie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Slow modem!
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 20:56:36 -0500

I have a USR Sportster 56k internal modem.  It connects at 46600 in Windows,
but will only connect at 14.4 in Linux- Red Hat 6 and formerly with 5.2.
All the settings are correct and the speed is set on the highest option.
I've tried the others also.  I've tried different dialers.  Also, I checked
the /etc/ppp/option and it was completely empty.  If anyone could help, it
would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks-  Paul


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Linux on Compaq Prosignia 150?
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 01:42:48 GMT

I'm looking to buy a new Linux-friendly laptop; my first
pick would be the Compaq Prosignia 150.  Has anyone
installed Linux on one of these, or (alternatively)
know of any hardware incompatibilities?


Jonathan Ellis

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Carl Fink)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,alt.uu.comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: Help! Can't print in Linux from a compiled kernel
Date: 9 Jul 1999 00:00:10 GMT

On Thu, 8 Jul 1999 10:28:06 -0500 dkmallick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>I am using Linux-Mandrake 6.0 on a Pentium II 333.Everything prints fine
>from the kernel 2.2.9 that came with the distribution. Howver, I cannot
>print anything from kernel 2.2.5 that I had to compile just so that I can
>use my sound card. I made sure that I compiled this kernel with parallel
>port support, printer support etc.

Check daemon.log in your /var/log directory for error messages from
lpd.  Type

        ps aux | grep lpd

and see if lpd is in fact running.  If it isn't, become superuser and
type lpd at the shell prompt, and see if you get any error messages
from the program explaining why it can't start.
Carl Fink               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum


Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 18:09:09 -0700
Subject: Non-Windows digital cameras?

What's a good digital camera for use on systems other than Windows?

I'm looking for something to produce images on the web. I mostly use
OS/2, but also use Linux, and less frequently NT4 and Win98. I can see
having a Mac in the future.

My concerns are hardware compatibility and file format interoperability.
Memory card cameras would be ok if they use a standard card for which a
reader is available on various platforms, and the card stores images in
a standard format and filesystem. A floppy-based camera has the
advantage of very high portability, but the disadvantage of very little



From: Leo Cambilargiu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 11:54:57 +1000

> >     Well, as a user of Linux off and on for the past 4 years now,
> >I'd say that it's still a bit trickier then that if you want a nice
> >Linux setup.  Sure, you can just answer "Yes" to all the easy
> >questions and hope that it works (with a number of modern
> >distributions it usually does), however I find it tough to recommend
> >that someone custom build their computer only to not customize
> >anything in their software setup all in the same message.  One of the
> >real nice points about Linux (aside from the fact that it doesn't
> >crash on me several times a week :> ) is that you can make extensive
> >customizations to it.
> Really.  Exactly how many different text editors would you have if you
> installed them all?  A dozen?  You'd have tons of useless crap.  You
> may as well stay with Microsoft!   8)

May I say, You are perfectly welcome to continue using MS.  We all know in
Linux, text editing is a personal preference, nobody makes us use Word.
And maybe we can also CHOOSE to install ONE editor.

Food for thought, BRAIN required.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Video Card Recommendation?
Date: 9 Jul 1999 02:26:21 GMT
Reply-To: Flash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi, I m finally getting around to replacing my 2Mb video card, and I am
looking for a recommendation.

This is what I run on the machine

Windowmaker 0.60.0 on XFree86
RH Linux 5.2, kernel 2.2.x
Viewsonic 19" Monitor
Pentium 200
64Mb RAM
PCI Bus only.

I would like to get the most out of my new, beautiful Viewsonic G790, and
increase my resolution to maybe 1280x1024, 24bit color.

I would like to stick to around $150.

If anyone can give me a good recommendation for a card that is very
XFree86-friendly, PCI, and will support high refresh rates and
resolutions, I would be most grateful.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jay Lensgraf)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.os2.setup.misc,comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc,
Subject: Re: Non-Windows digital cameras?
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 02:25:17 GMT

On Fri, 9 Jul 1999 01:09:09, Ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What's a good digital camera for use on systems other than Windows?
> I'm looking for something to produce images on the web. I mostly use
> OS/2, but also use Linux, and less frequently NT4 and Win98. I can see
> having a Mac in the future.
> My concerns are hardware compatibility and file format interoperability.
> Memory card cameras would be ok if they use a standard card for which a
> reader is available on various platforms, and the card stores images in
> a standard format and filesystem. A floppy-based camera has the
> advantage of very high portability, but the disadvantage of very little
> storage.
> -- 
> Ken


This page:  
shows a list of cameras supported by the "Digital Camera Image 
Transfer Utility for OS/2".

My solution to the problem of wanting to use my camera with windows, 
OS/2, and Linux was to buy a Sony Mavica which as you know records 
standard JPEG or bitmap files onto a 1.44.mb floppy disk.  Yes, you do
have to carry around lots of floppies, but you'll probably have to 
carry *something* around no matter which camera you get.  With the 
floppies, there are no compatability worries, the pictures are easy to
share on the spot, and you don't need a "wire" of any kind to get the 
images into the computer.

Happy hunting,


From: Michael Argy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera,alt.linux,alt.linux.sux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: LI
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 20:43:27 -0500

10 MB should be more than enough, just make sure it's below cyl. 1023. (delete
your existing partition and make this the first one; give it /boot as a mount

My old system would hang just like that, saying LI, and it was because I did
not specify linear (LBA) addressing on my hard drive.  You can do this during
setup, or, if you can boot it from a boot disk, type   lilo -l    once you're
in a shell, and it should boot from there. (that's a lowercase L, by the way!)


TURBO1010 wrote:

> Now that you mention it, it could be that.  I checked the promise card, and
> since I disabled the primary ide controller on the board, it has hda and
> hde.  It may be trying to boot from hda, and you're right, I partitioned all
> 7.2 gigs.  How small of a partition should I make on that drive to be able
> to boot in?  But I should still be able to boot from the boot disk.
> Brad Felmey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > On Thu, 8 Jul 1999 15:04:25 -0700, "TURBO1010"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted:
> >
> > >Help.  Finally got Linux installed again, my computer.  I have a Tyan
> 1564/D
> > >256 megs of ram.  Adaptec 2940U2W, with an IBM 9.1 gig LVD drive.  The
> > >install went smooth, was able to recompile the kernel, and enable smp
> > >support.  So I decide to throw in a Promise UDMA controller, that went
> > >pretty good too.  The card was detected with no problems.  I added 2 more
> > >ide hard drives, connected to the controller, was able to fdisk them, and
> > >format them in linux.  Edited fstab, and moved /home and /usr over to the
> > >new drives.  Cool, everything is working perfect.  I decide to IP
> > >masquerade, and so I rebuild the kernel.  That went smooth, no problems.
> I
> > >run Lilo, now that the new drives are mounted, and it complains that
> > >/dev/sda1 is not the first drive, but it still installs on sda1.  I go to
> > >reboot, and get LI.  That's all that I get.  I can't boot back in.  I try
> > >the lisa disk, type in boot root=/dev/sda1 and it appears to start, but
> it
> > >throws me right back into installing Caldera.  It wont let me boot.  I
> tried
> > >the install/boot disk, with the same parameters, boot root=/dev/sda1 and
> get
> > >the same thing, throws me right back to the install.  Tried booting from
> CD
> > >with the same parameters, and I get the same error message.  I reboot and
> > >get LI.  Anyone know what I need to do to get back into my system,
> without
> > >reinstalling the software?  I figure if I can get in there, and umount
> the
> > >other drives, then I could run lilo, and configure my system.
> >
> > I think what you're seeing is LILO installed mbr on hda. Check your
> > BIOS settings (possibly Promise card settings as well), make sure
> > they're set to SCSI boot. I'll bet what's happening is that the BIOS
> > is pointing to hda as mbr, and since hda is probably >1024, LILO is
> > coughing.
> > --
> > Brad Felmey


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Subject: Re: SCSI v. IDE boot conflict (Linux-only system)
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 21:40:00 GMT

Alex Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>"M. Buchenrieder" wrote:


>> Rubbish. What do you think the "SCSI" option in the motherboard's
>> BIOS is supposed to do ?
>Then, I was told the wrong info by a Linux hardware vendor. 

It's only true if your BIOS doesn't support booting from SCSI.

>I've SCSI
>boxes and IDE boxes, but not mixing HDDs.

Basically , most of today's PC BIOSes do offer an option to be booting
from SCSI (if present) with IDE drives present. This, however, may or
may not work, depending on the BIOS versions used (or, to be more precise,
depending on the manufacturer-dependant implementation). My brother
tried it with an all-cheapo Pentium board without luck - the SCSI
drive (hanging off of an oldish-but-working 1542CF) would always
get addressed as "D:", never as "C:". Tried it with the same HD and
the same card in one of my boxes - worked like a charm. So there.

Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
          Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
    Note: If you want me to send you email, don't munge your address.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Subject: Re: HELP w/ Isapnptools!
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 21:44:29 GMT

"ZombieSeed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>Where does it say that ?

>COM4 = /dev/ttyS3 (ttyS0= COM1, ttyS1= COM2... right?)

(sigh) Yes. But your isapnp.conf file is setup for 0x3e8h, which
is COM3 (ttyS2). See your previous posting.

>>No surprise. You just configured your (supposedly PNP) modem to
>>ttyS2 . Be aware that the IRQ selected conflicts with the settings
>>of the secondary serial port (ttyS1). Either give your modem a
>>separate IRQ, or disable the onboard COM2 port.

>Ok, I don't know how to do this... how can I give my modem the correct IRQ?

Reedit isapnp.conf for a different IRQ value. Check the output of
"cat /proc/interrupts" for IRQs that are already taken. Note: You'll
only see those actually in use. I'd try IRQ 5 or 11 or some such (depending
on what your system's resources are looking like).

Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
          Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
    Note: If you want me to send you email, don't munge your address.


From: "jskipper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AGP Board and Linux
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 21:14:31 -0500

What resolution can you get with the Voodoo AGP card?
I have a Trident (985) card I'v given up geting it to work in X
and going to buy another card.  Is the Voodoo AGP card 
worth it?

William J. Mittelstadt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> Blanche Cohen wrote:
> > I've been assembling the new box (Abit board, Celeron processor) and
> > chose a 3dfx Voodoo AGP board for the video. Reading the side of the
> > box lists all the MS stuff but nothing about any unix/linux.
> >
> > Will this board work with Linux 5.2/6.0 or should I return it?
> > If it doesn't work, any suggestions?
> >
> > thanks
> I'm running a voodoo3 3000 AGP under Redhat 6.0 with no problems... go to
> url for drivers
> Bill



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