Linux-Hardware Digest #710, Volume #10            Fri, 9 Jul 99 02:13:24 EDT

  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Chris Robato Yao)
  Re: Diamond Supra Express 56i Modem (Henry Davies)
  Re: SbLive Linux drivers and RH 6.0 (Mike Simos)
  Re: AMI MEGARAID (Mike Simos)
  Re: RH6 linux and RAID (Mike Simos)
  Re: DPT SmartRaid III, EATA driver module issues with kernel 2.2.5 (Mike Simos)
  Re: embedded computers (Tim Keating)
  Re: where can fine voodo 3000 driver for linux ?? ("Bobby D. Bryant")
  Re: ATAPI Zip Drive Linux 2.0.10 fails ("Bobby D. Bryant")
  Re: SoundBlaster Live! ("Stephen A. Horvath")
  Re: Can we write to NTFS? ("Chris")
  abit bp6 dual celeron board. (j)
  Fibre channel ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  [Help!] X window setup for Trident 3DImage 9850 AGP ("Jongmin Shin")
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (kls)
  Re: Getting sound to work on an IBM thinkpad 1451 ("andy_hwang")
  Re: abit bp6 dual celeron board. (Bryan)
  IDE ZIP Drive (Susan)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Stephen M. Caplan)
  Re: Is There a Linux Release that Does Not Use HLT? (Mike Frisch)
  Special! ("Apelsin")
  Re: how to's (Frank Hahn)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Stephen M. Caplan)
  Re: scsi disk is not auto-detected during boot. (Steven Howe)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Robato Yao)
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: 9 Jul 1999 01:06:38 GMT
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Robato Yao)

>In article <Rd8h3.6529$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
>>chrisv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i
>>diskussionsgruppsmeddelandet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> On Wed, 07 Jul 1999 19:48:23 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael) wrote:
>>> >a celeron with 128 cache is sufficient for gamers, but its not for
>>> >business use with numerous multiple windows open.  To deny this is to
>>> >deny the effect of main memory speed on the processor.
>>> Nonsense.  The extra cache of the k6-3 does you no good whatsover for
>>> having "numerous multiple windows open."  Do  you really think that
>>> the extra peasly 128k helps with this?  Not.
>>I indeed thinks he's right. Just built a K6-III 450 system for a friend, and
>>I must say it responds quicker and "feels" faster overall compared to my
>>PIII at 504. That is, of course, in non-FPU intensive apps.
>Now all we need is a celeron owner with k63 experience to report back:)
>Seeing as how the only l2 cache difference is the size.

I am a Celeron(s) owner with a K6-III 450 and the Cel at 550 to boot.  

I must say that a K6-III 450 feels smoother than the Celeron on Windows 
applications, especially when you got many of them opened, and until I 
got my Celeron oc'ed to 550 is when the Celeron more or less starts 
feeling a bit equal.   Even having many big Windows applications opened,
they all feel like butter with the K6-III 450.  

Even then, I would notice that for instance, when *starting* games, such
as when games are loading textures, e.g. Descent 3, the K6-III is 
faster, despite the system having slower hard drives.

Of course the Cel 366 is much cheaper than a K6-III 450, but to obtain a
Cel 366 that can overclock to 550 requires a considerable amount of 
preparation and research, and for me that extra labor along with the 
loss of warranty offsets the price advantage somewhat.

One must also remember that the K6-III is also unequal in terms of the 
*L1* size, which is 64K, and double of that of the Celeron, and the 
K6-III enjoys the presence of an L3 cache from the motherboard, which 
can be as big as a 1MB.  The K6-III can bypass L1 and L2 to "snoop" at 
data for the L3 simultaneously.  Thus the total cache size of the K6-III
can be more than double of the Celeron (32K+128K), which is 
64K+256K+1MB.   The K6-III also has a more aggressive integer processing
unit to boot, which is why a K6-2 core processor can more than keep up 
with a PII or Cel with a backside cache even though the K6-2 is stiffled
with a much slower frontside cache.  

If one is looking at ZDNet's CPUMark99, the best bet against the K6-III 
in terms of integer performance would be the Xeon, Warrior Processor.



(And the NUMBER ONE top oxy-MORON
1.   Microsoft Works
---From the Top 50 Oxymorons (thanks to Richard Kennedy)


From: Henry Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Diamond Supra Express 56i Modem
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 01:47:02 +0000

Some of the modems in that family are reported to be WinModems (only
work in windows - no hope in Linux) some are real modems.  The one I
have is a real modem (it is ISA).

Check your particular modem.  There is a list of modems and their Linux
compatibility (I forgot where).

Mark Douthwaite wrote:
> I have a Pentium 166mmx PC running Win 95 and dual booting with Linux
> Red Hat 5.2.
> I cannot get my modem to work at all.  I have tried using netcfg but
> with no joy.  Also, I cannot get the ppp interface to stay 'active'.
> Everytime I go back into netcfg it is shown as inactive again.
> I know this is probably basic but I'm very new to Linux.
> Any help appreciated.  Thanks.
> Mark Douthwaite.


From: Mike Simos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SbLive Linux drivers and RH 6.0
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 02:38:09 GMT

"Russell E. Smith" wrote:
> I'm having a problem getting the Linux drivers for the SoundBlaster Live!
> working under RedHat 6.0. I get everything set up correctly (put sblive.o
> into /lib/modules/misc, and edited /etc/conf.modules to point to the drivers
> correctly) but when I'm booting the system, at the line for loading the
> sound drivers it tells me the module is for kernel 2.2.5 and I have 2.2.5-15
> and wont load. What can I do?

Type insmod -f sblive

To find out more type man insmod.



From: Mike Simos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 02:49:35 GMT

Joe Yau wrote:
> Hi all expert,
>         I guess this is due to the problem of the Astor II Chasis which is used
> to connect to the Single Adaptor SCSI Harddisks. The Astor II Chasis
> (HSBP M5) will also occupy SCSI ID 6, when red hat try to scan the SCSI
> harddisks, it will hang when it reach this ID.
>         But before Red Hat try to probe the AMI MEGARAID, it have an option to
> let me pass the parameters to it. So, is there any parametes I can use
> to solve this problem ? Please let me know if you got any idea. Thanks
> for your help!

You need to upgrade the firmware on the motherboard and the HSBP. Go to
You need to upgrade the firmware and the back plane. By just upgrading
firmware won't upgrade the backplane. So once you upgrade one, reboot
and upgrade the other. You'll know if you did it correctly if RedHat
doesn't hang.
Then you should upgrade the BIOS to version 11.

I have got it working without any problems. Good luck.



From: Mike Simos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RH6 linux and RAID
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 02:55:45 GMT

Jenine Von Essen wrote:
> Is it possible to have a (3) drive raid array with linux and also boot
> of it.  This is hardware raid, not software raid.

Yes it is possible, I have done it. Supported RAID controllers are at
Also DPT ( has a driver for Linux for their RAID
I have used AMI's RAID controllers without any problems.



From: Mike Simos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,
Subject: Re: DPT SmartRaid III, EATA driver module issues with kernel 2.2.5
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 03:00:10 GMT

Try reading
It should answer your questions.



From: Tim Keating <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: embedded computers
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 02:29:48 GMT

Brett Alexander wrote:
> Hello I am Computer Engineering student and for my senior design project I
> am using the Explorer II microcontroller (EXPLRII) to interface with a
> desktop computer, through the serial port. I was wondering if Linux could
> be used as a viable operating system for the embedded computer. If anyone
> has any valuable advice it would most helpful. Thank you.
> Brett
> ------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------

Take a wander over to and do a search on
"embedded".  Lots of different takes on Linux on small and embedded


Linus' Corollary to Parkinson's Law: Linux expands to run all the
        computers available.
        Alan W. Frame in uk.comp.os.linux


From: "Bobby D. Bryant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: where can fine voodo 3000 driver for linux ??
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 22:14:38 -0500

Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas


From: "Bobby D. Bryant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ATAPI Zip Drive Linux 2.0.10 fails
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 22:11:34 -0500


> Incidentally, is ataflop.c still under development?  The date on it is
> December 1998, the last logged change seems to be March 1997.
> I believe IOMEGA may have changed some of its internals in the meantime,
> which could explain the problems....

Your header indicates that "2.0.10" is a typo for "2.2.10", right?  If so,
and if the failure is in terms of i/o errors, there are other current
threads in this group discussing the problem.  (E.g., "Please help with Zip
100 IDE access error".)

Write me if above assumptions are correct and you can't find the threads.

Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas


From: "Stephen A. Horvath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: SoundBlaster Live!
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 02:01:00 +0000

i tried the install (manual and auto) and it complained that I was using
the dual processor version of the kernal (2.2.5-15smp).  Would anyone
know how to get past this?  I am running RH6.


Dave Howland wrote:
> there are:
> they're in beta, so creative doesn't exactly advertise them... but they do
> exist.
> dave


From: "Chris" <chris @>
Subject: Re: Can we write to NTFS?
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 22:38:14 -0500

That sound good to me.  I really could care less if I can't delete files off of
an NTFS partition, I only wan't to be able to replace corrupted system files or
recover usefull data files without having to re-install NT or pull the drive and
install it in a different NT box.  It would be much nicer to use single boot
disk to fix the bloated NT.

The only "intuitive" interface is the nipple. After that, it's all learned.

Jürgen Pfann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Curious as I am, I gave R/W a try in my SuSE 6.1 system (Kernel 2.2.5),
> just to see if it's ready for everyday use.
> IMHO, it's not : I can copy files from ext2 to the (locally) mounted
> NTFS partition, seems to be o.K. : ASCII files are viewable & editable,
> script files executable, 16bit Win files (from a mounted DOS part.)
> executable in Wine, etc.
> But when it comes to delete these files again, they only get truncated
> to 0 bytes; that's not what I call deletion...
> I guess, with the next kernel rebuild I'll turn off R/W support again...
> CU
> Juergen
> Chris wrote:
> >
> > David Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > <clip>
> > > You might look for "ntfsdos" - a DOS driver which allows NTFS access.
> > > Don't remember whether it is R/W or just R/O.
> >
> > Still R/O unless you want to buy it.
> >
> > >
> > > Is it feasible for you to use smbmount on a Linux box to mount the NT
> > > shares and do the repairs remotely?
> > >
> > > David Graham
> >
> > You missed the point.  This is to repair a crashed NT box, like to replace a
> > coruped system file and such.
> >
> > I've seen lots of "Yes it exists" but has anyone used it?  Does it work at
> > Does it destroy permissions?
> >
> > --
> > Chris


Date: Thu, 08 Jul 1999 20:23:51 -0700
Subject: abit bp6 dual celeron board.

anybody have one?  do they work okay with linux or be?

any info would be helpful.



Subject: Fibre channel
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 03:19:27 GMT


        While trying to get the best deal on a new hard drive, I had the
mistake of buying a very nice fibre channel one (From an auction site).
To be honest, I thought the term "fibre channel" was some marketing
gimmick and that it would work with the normal EIDE protocol. I soon
discovered that I was wrong. This seems to be a very good protocol that
linux supports. I am only missing the controller card. If anyone know
really anything about this protocol, it's use in linux, as well as a
place to get a <100$ controller, I would be very grateful. Thanks.

Jake Kassen

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: "Jongmin Shin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: [Help!] X window setup for Trident 3DImage 9850 AGP
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 13:16:33 +0900

Hi, everyone!

My graphic card is Trident 3DImage 9850 (AGP).  It was not easy to set up X
window for that.

Only 640x480 mode is available...  :-(

Where can I get the right driver for my graphic card, or is there anybody
who can advice me?

Thanks in advance.

Good luck with you.


Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 04:13:28 GMT

In article <7m3huu$64h$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
>I am a Celeron(s) owner with a K6-III 450 and the Cel at 550 to boot.  
>I must say that a K6-III 450 feels smoother than the Celeron on Windows 
>applications, especially when you got many of them opened, and until I 
>got my Celeron oc'ed to 550 is when the Celeron more or less starts 
>feeling a bit equal.   Even having many big Windows applications opened,
>they all feel like butter with the K6-III 450.  
>Even then, I would notice that for instance, when *starting* games, such
>as when games are loading textures, e.g. Descent 3, the K6-III is 
>faster, despite the system having slower hard drives.

Indeed, the k63 is quicker mhz/mhz, I've no problem going along with this.
Interestingly enough, 550/450 is 1.22~ which is about equal to what we've 
gone over before as being the ratio of how much faster the k63 is in linux 
compilation(23.5%).  Until a dual celeron comes into play, which, as we've 
also covered, one can get for the same amount of $.  

>Of course the Cel 366 is much cheaper than a K6-III 450, but to obtain a
>Cel 366 that can overclock to 550 requires a considerable amount of 
>preparation and research, and for me that extra labor along with the 
>loss of warranty offsets the price advantage somewhat.

Grasping as straws here Chris, even if I agreed that to obtain a cel 366 & oc 
to 550 'requires a considerable amount of prep & research'(which I don't):)

>One must also remember that the K6-III is also unequal in terms of the 
>*L1* size, which is 64K, and double of that of the Celeron, and the 
>K6-III enjoys the presence of an L3 cache from the motherboard, which 
>can be as big as a 1MB.  The K6-III can bypass L1 and L2 to "snoop" at 
>data for the L3 simultaneously.  Thus the total cache size of the K6-III
>can be more than double of the Celeron (32K+128K), which is 

P2 guys could oo-lala about having 4-way set assoc. cache vs k6's 2-way but
it doesn't matter.  Bottom line is the performance.  

>The K6-III also has a more aggressive integer processing
>unit to boot, which is why a K6-2 core processor can more than keep up 
>with a PII or Cel with a backside cache even though the K6-2 is stiffled
>with a much slower frontside cache.  
>If one is looking at ZDNet's CPUMark99, the best bet against the K6-III 
>in terms of integer performance would be the Xeon, Warrior Processor.

Dual celeron 'whips the lamas(k63's) ass'.   


From: "andy_hwang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Getting sound to work on an IBM thinkpad 1451
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 23:59:45 +0800



    0      0     0     0
  <|<    /|\    \|/     /|>
   / \    <\     />     >\          §Ú¬O¤p¬L°Õ  ^o^ ~~ Andy_Hwang
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7m34os$nkh$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I'm trying to get sound to work under RH 6.0 on my thinkpad i series
> 1451. The sound hardware is a YAMAHA OPL3-SAx Audio System. I've tried
> various things that are posted on various laptop linux pages, but none
> seem to help.
> Has anyone out there got it to work on this model thinkpad? If so, how'd
> you do it and what is your setup?
> Thanks!
> Please reply in private to
> Philip Greer
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Bryan <Bryan@[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: abit bp6 dual celeron board.
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 04:23:56 GMT

j <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: anybody have one?  do they work okay with linux or be?

using one with 2 cel433 chips and the latest mandrake linux right now ;-)

Bryan, http://www.Grateful.Net - Linux/Web-based Network Management
->->-> to email me, you must hunt the WUMPUS and kill it.


Subject: IDE ZIP Drive
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 04:23:03 GMT

I have seen conflicting information on the net about support for
IDE Zip drives. I am buying a new system and I would like
to have it configured with an internal IDE drive because it
is a cheaper solution than SCSI. 

The new system will have NT installed (for the wife) and I 
plan to install Redhat. If support is not available today, do 
you think there will be support in the near future? Any advise
is appreciated.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen M. Caplan)
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: 9 Jul 1999 05:09:57 GMT

Andrzej Popowski ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> >> CPU                        time in seconds
> >> Celeron 450 + P2 350       273
> >> Cel. 450 + Cel. 550        233
> >> Celeron 550 + P2 350       223

> CPUs are synchronous, 

Maybe we're running off a different definition of "synchronous".  From your
description, the bus speeds are synchronous not the CPU speeds (since the
multipliers are different).  

In any case, I'm quite impressed (and surprised) that these combinations work.
I'd be interested to see how your benchmarks results differ when reversing the
order of the CPUs.   (ie, with your Celeron 550 + PII 350, switch the CPU
sockets to see if the threads are still allocated the same).



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Frisch)
Subject: Re: Is There a Linux Release that Does Not Use HLT?
Date: 2 Jul 1999 14:53:05 GMT

On 2 Jul 1999 07:35:20 -0500, David H. Copp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Is there a Linux release that does not rely on HLT to put an idle process to 
>sleep? I have already tried Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 without success.

It is the kernel doing this and every Linux dist uses the same Linux


  Mike Frisch                         Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Northstar Technologies        WWW:
  Newmarket, Ontario, CANADA


From: "Apelsin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Special!
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 07:51:55 +0400



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank Hahn)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux.slakware
Subject: Re: how to's
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 03:10:25 GMT

On Wed, 7 Jul 1999 21:05:47 -0500, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Is a list of all the HowTo's. Book mark it.
>Rbtech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>news:7m0dn1$8p$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> can anyone point me in the direction of the howto's for kernel recompiling?
>> I would greatly appreciate it.
Also, look at the files included in the kernel source file.  There are
a couple of file in the top level which tell you just about everything.

Frank Hahn

Scott's first Law:
        No matter what goes wrong, it will probably look right.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen M. Caplan)
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: 9 Jul 1999 04:56:03 GMT

Marc Mutz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Steve, what is this clearmake and where do I get it. I'm currently (not
> very hard, though) searching for a pvm-aware make so's one can spread
> the whole job over the cluster.

Clearmake is part of commercial package Clearcase from Rational software.  See and

It does not use PVM, and it's load balancing is pretty basic.



From: Steven Howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: scsi disk is not auto-detected during boot.
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 05:40:10 GMT

Eyal Lupu wrote:

> I have Red-Hat 6.0 machine, until today it had only one IDE disk. Today I
> added a SCSI interface
> (Adaptec AHA-2940U2) and an IBM SCSI disk.
> Here is my problem:
> The SCSI bus is not been auto-detected during the boot process. By loading
> the module manually
> (insmod aic7xxx) everything  works just fine. I added the the alias entry to
> /etc/conf.modules (alias scsi_hostadapter aic7xxx), still - no good.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Eyal

SCSI disks are loaded from the initial ram disk  (initrd).
Are you using a initrd?  cat /etc/lilo.conf
using RedHat do an upgrade, using the SCSI install disks.   It should detect
create a good initrd, without messing up your current install to much.

Steven Howe



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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