Linux-Hardware Digest #712, Volume #10            Fri, 9 Jul 99 06:13:43 EDT

  Re: SoundBlaster Live! ("Edward W. Nowak")
  Re: ESS688 Soundchip without tone ("ph")
  Re: modem mystery (Lorenzo Maccone)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (kls)
  Onboard Graphics adapter, upgrade to PCI Graphics Blaster Riva TNT
  Re: Where can i get i740 AGP chipset driver???? (Juan Jose Martinez)
  Onboard ATI Mach64 (fried) and PCI Graphics Blaster Riva TNT 16MB
  Re: SoundBlaster Live! (Richard Wilkinson)
  asus TNT v3400 problems ("W Thompson")
  Re: Where can i get i740 AGP chipset driver???? (Camilo Mesias)
  The cool wheel ("Asim Shankar")
  Re: Epson Stylus Colour 440 (Duncan Grisby)
  Re: how to find video monitor hsync and vsync info? (Arthur Rinkel)
  Re: Resizing partitions on the fly? (Wolfrider)


From: "Edward W. Nowak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: SoundBlaster Live!
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 00:14:36 -0700

Ronald Haynes wrote:

> Hi, there are now drivers for this card, go to the
> linux hardware database
> and follow the links from there...
> R Haynes
> Once you get them, how do you load the drivers into RH Linux 6.0?



From: "ph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ESS688 Soundchip without tone
Date: 9 Jul 1999 08:03:51 GMT

Eric Wick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scritto nell'articolo
<7m41vl$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >collection of modules for various sound card. Now I can play Cdda and
> >MP3 files (problems with midi ones...)and there is no need of a
> >dos-init.
> Thanks
> Yesterday i compile the OSS as Modules. So i can setup the sb16 without
MPU and 
> have inserted the opl3 with his real io-addres. Suddenly the speaker
gives me a 
> back-coupling and the sound runs. It runs without Dos-Setup and thats
> cause the Notebook is Linux-Only:-)
> Tip of the Day maybe: Sometimes Modules are more flexible than hard
> drivers.
> Bye
> Eric

Can you play midi with this configuration? If you can, please send me your
modules configuration.
I'm looking for a solution for midi.


Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 10:08:08 +0200
From: Lorenzo Maccone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: modem mystery

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Probably it's just an IRQ conflict: check if IRQ 3 or 4 (which are usually
used for external serial ports) are used by something. Eventually change
your IRQs using the BIOS (if your serial ports are on the motherboard) and
the setserial program.

Kenneth Been wrote:

> I just bought a Viking 56K external modem.  I tried it with a friend's
> computer, with win95, and it worked ok.  On my Linux box, it is very
> slow to even respond to commands, like the connect command or various AT
> commands that I try sending it from kermit.
> For example, I try this command (from the Serial-HOWTO):
> ATE1Q0V1
> and it takes probably 15 seconds or more just to echo the command back
> to the terminal.  When I dial out, it does dial (after some delay), but
> then it fails somehow in making the connection, sometimes because of a
> timeout, and sometimes other reasons.
> None of these problems happen with my old 14.4 internal modem, which
> leads me to believe it is not a problem with Linux.
> But if it is not a Linux problem, and the modem works ok on windows,
> could it be a problem with the serial port on this computer?  (I've
> never used it before.)  Is there any way to test the port?
> Or do I need to configure the modem somehow with one of the AT
> commands?  Maybe when we loaded the driver under win95, it did some
> configuration that I'm not getting on Linux?
> Thanks in advance...
> Ken


Lorenzo Maccone

Dipartimento di Fisica "A.Volta"
Lab. di Ottica Quantistica
Via U.Bassi 6
27100 Pavia - Italy.
Tel.:             0382-507696
Email:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Probably it's just an IRQ&nbsp;conflict:&nbsp;check if IRQ&nbsp;3 or 4
(which are usually used for external serial ports)&nbsp;are used by something.
Eventually change your IRQs using the BIOS (if your serial ports are on
the motherboard) and the setserial program.
<p>Kenneth Been wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>I just bought a Viking 56K external modem.&nbsp;
I tried it with a friend's
<br>computer, with win95, and it worked ok.&nbsp; On my Linux box, it is
<br>slow to even respond to commands, like the connect command or various
<br>commands that I try sending it from kermit.
<p>For example, I try this command (from the Serial-HOWTO):
<p>and it takes probably 15 seconds or more just to echo the command back
<br>to the terminal.&nbsp; When I dial out, it does dial (after some delay),
<br>then it fails somehow in making the connection, sometimes because of
<br>timeout, and sometimes other reasons.
<p>None of these problems happen with my old 14.4 internal modem, which
<br>leads me to believe it is not a problem with Linux.
<p>But if it is not a Linux problem, and the modem works ok on windows,
<br>could it be a problem with the serial port on this computer?&nbsp;
<br>never used it before.)&nbsp; Is there any way to test the port?
<p>Or do I need to configure the modem somehow with one of the AT
<br>commands?&nbsp; Maybe when we loaded the driver under win95, it did
<br>configuration that I'm not getting on Linux?
<p>Thanks in advance...



Dipartimento di Fisica "A.Volta"
Lab. di Ottica Quantistica
Via U.Bassi 6
27100 Pavia - Italy.



Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 08:05:27 GMT

In article <7m40vb$hmi$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
>>In article <7m3huu$64h$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
>>>I am a Celeron(s) owner with a K6-III 450 and the Cel at 550 to boot.  
>>>I must say that a K6-III 450 feels smoother than the Celeron on Windows 
>>>applications, especially when you got many of them opened, and until I 
>>>got my Celeron oc'ed to 550 is when the Celeron more or less starts 
>>>feeling a bit equal.   Even having many big Windows applications opened,
>>>they all feel like butter with the K6-III 450.  
>>>Even then, I would notice that for instance, when *starting* games, such
>>>as when games are loading textures, e.g. Descent 3, the K6-III is 
>>>faster, despite the system having slower hard drives.
>>Indeed, the k63 is quicker mhz/mhz, I've no problem going along with this.
>>Interestingly enough, 550/450 is 1.22~ which is about equal to what we've 
>>gone over before as being the ratio of how much faster the k63 is in linux 
>>compilation(23.5%).  Until a dual celeron comes into play, which, as we've 
>>also covered, one can get for the same amount of $.  
>Not really.  Like I said, the K6-3's performance is much more consistent
>than a dual Celeron, where sometimes you're faster, but a lot of times, 
>you're much slower as well.  

Now, now, Chris, much slower?:)  "got my Celeron oc'ed to 550 is when the 
Celeron more or less starts feeling a bit equal".  

>So it's even slightly faster than a Cel 550 on integer.  It felt like 
>>>Of course the Cel 366 is much cheaper than a K6-III 450, but to obtain a
>>>Cel 366 that can overclock to 550 requires a considerable amount of 
>>>preparation and research, and for me that extra labor along with the 
>>>loss of warranty offsets the price advantage somewhat.
>>Grasping as straws here Chris, even if I agreed that to obtain a cel 366 & 
>>to 550 'requires a considerable amount of prep & research'(which I don't):)
>It does.  You need to particularly look for week 14-25 Malay PPGA 
>Celeron 366, and many retailers are not interested to inform you what 

week 14-25 Malay PPGA are already known to be good overclockers which does
not imply all others aren't.  It's just those are the known ones from people 
buying them & reporting back. 

>exactly is their stock.  You also need a slotket with adjustable 
>voltage, and even there, you still have to take a crap shot.   

Not if one went with an abit bp6(which is damn appealing even w/o it's dual

>You practically have to burn in your Celeron at 2.3v or 2.4v for a period of
>time, before you can back down to 2.2v.  And of course, if you burn it 
>out, there is no warranty from overclocking is there. 

If we're already at the point of overclocking, the risk of increased voltage
is moot as far as warranty is concerned(already decided we don't need no 
stinkn warranty:)

>A K6-III 450 is now under $200, and you only need to just buy it and 
>install it, and no need to worry about week blah blah blah, set voltage 
>and burn in blah blah blah, slotket blah blah blah, then sacrifice a 
>virgin or two and pray it works. Just remember about the rule comparing 
>overclocked processors versus nonoverclocked ones.  A K6-III 450 
>running at 450MHz is guaranteed while a Cel 366 at 550 will always 
>be a risk.  

>From what reports there have been of oc'ing success, it's not as bad as
at the level of virgin sacrificing:)

It's still possible for me to overclock the K6-III all the 
>way to 500MHz.
>>>One must also remember that the K6-III is also unequal in terms of the 
>>>*L1* size, which is 64K, and double of that of the Celeron, and the 
>>>K6-III enjoys the presence of an L3 cache from the motherboard, which 
>>>can be as big as a 1MB.  The K6-III can bypass L1 and L2 to "snoop" at 
>>>data for the L3 simultaneously.  Thus the total cache size of the K6-III
>>>can be more than double of the Celeron (32K+128K), which is 
>>P2 guys could oo-lala about having 4-way set assoc. cache vs k6's 2-way but
>>it doesn't matter.  Bottom line is the performance.  
>>>The K6-III also has a more aggressive integer processing
>>>unit to boot, which is why a K6-2 core processor can more than keep up 
>>>with a PII or Cel with a backside cache even though the K6-2 is stiffled
>>>with a much slower frontside cache.  
>>>If one is looking at ZDNet's CPUMark99, the best bet against the K6-III 
>>>in terms of integer performance would be the Xeon, Warrior Processor.
>>Dual celeron 'whips the lamas(k63's) ass'.   
>Did you hear what I said in my previous posts?
>Multiprocessing does not do shit on many applications. Check the Ars 
>Technica website and look for their dual cpu God Machine vs. Nerd 
>Machine duel, 

I have. I'm the one that initially pointed out the url remember?

>and you will see that on many benchmarks, particularly 
>with games

Ooo-who:) games, do you really wanna go there? 

>and ZDNet application benchmarks among others, dual 
>processing meant squat.

yep, word proccessing & it's ilk.  Now, are they speed limited?  & then you
ask, well then, which apps are?  & then you ask, well, do duals help THOSE 
apps out?  & as we've already gone over, for many of them, yes.  This applies
to the consistency issue you speak of. 

>Plus there is no 100% guarantee that a dual Celeron will work reliably 
>everytime and without problems, so again, that's a crap shot.

Yeah, but by user reports, they're good odds. 


Subject: Onboard Graphics adapter, upgrade to PCI Graphics Blaster Riva TNT
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 07:30:57 GMT

I don't know if I have a problem yet, but I just ordered a Graphics Blaster
Riva TNT 16MB card because my onboard adapter has lost the ability to
maintain the proper sync pulse ratings at lower resolutions. This is not
sucha  bad problem, but when I reboot, the Bios screen just rolls like my
vertical hold is messed up. 
        So I ordered a card without thinking to ask whether I can let Linux choose
which card to use. Will it always default to the onboard adapter, or can I
change this? Or, does linux just go, like it usually does?
        Also, do I have to change anything for X besides choosing the appropriate
        Any input you may have will be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


From: Juan Jose Martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Where can i get i740 AGP chipset driver????
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 07:30:55 GMT

> I am using Rehat 6.0,  i am looking for a driver for 8 meg AGP i740
> chipset video card. Where can i get it???

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Onboard ATI Mach64 (fried) and PCI Graphics Blaster Riva TNT 16MB
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 07:30:56 GMT

I fried my onboard ATI Mach64 by using the default settings for Xfree86. So
I purchased a PCI Graphics Blaster Riva TNT 16MB card. 

I was wondering if I have to do anything special to make linux recognize
the new video card, and not to default to the onboard adapter.
Also, do I have to do anything special to set up X, besides choose a new
server to run it on? I've upgraded to XFree86 and downloaded the
drivers for the card from nVidia. 

Thank you for any suggestions or comments you may have.

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


From: Richard Wilkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: SoundBlaster Live!
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 07:35:43 +0000

> Got the CD player working after forcing the package but i'll be damned > if I
> can make any wave audio devices function.
> If anyone has any ideas...

On the OSS page it says that their driver only has CD playing
capabilities and that the other sound stuff isn't supported yet.
Maybe Creative have only got this far as well (unless of course it's
the same driver).




From: "W Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: asus TNT v3400 problems
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 18:11:53 +1000

I recently got a new AGP card, asus TNT v3400, its a 2D/3D card with a riva
TNT chip.
I am haveing trouble configuring xwindows, it worked perfectly fine with my
old AGP card, Trident 3DImage.
I tried to reconfigure it and used the asus riva128 driver but when i try to
run xwindows the screen goes all black and there are colours over the
I am not to knowledgable on the subject so could someone please tell me if i
have to get a new driver or is there something else i have to do.

thanks in advance


From: Camilo Mesias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Where can i get i740 AGP chipset driver????
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 09:30:43 +0100

Juan Jose Martinez wrote:
> > I am using Rehat 6.0,  i am looking for a driver for 8 meg AGP i740
> > chipset video card. Where can i get it???

from redhat ftp site or mirrors, in


It's called XBF_I740 or something, works great.

Good luck




From: "Asim Shankar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: The cool wheel
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 13:59:13 +0530


I just installed Caldera OpenLinux 2.2
I have a Logitech FirstMouse+ mouse (basically like the intellimouse - two
buttons, a wheel in the middle which also doubles as a third middle button)

During installation I had selected it to be MouseMan Wheel and in the test
area, it seems to be working (both the wheel scrolling and middle button).

But after it has been installed, the scrolling wheel dosen't work.

How can I get the wheel to work now?


-- Asim


From: Duncan Grisby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Epson Stylus Colour 440
Date: 9 Jul 1999 10:05:57 +0100

In article <7m2gjg$bg4$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Dale Pontius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Out of curiousity, how many jets per color does the 440 have?

21 per colour, and 64 for black, according to a pdf file I downloaded
from Epson. It works fine if I change upOutputPins in stc.upp to 21. I
haven't got around to trying 64 in mono mode.



 -- Duncan Grisby  \  Research Engineer  --
  -- AT&T Laboratories Cambridge          --
   -- --


From: Arthur Rinkel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how to find video monitor hsync and vsync info?
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 09:54:34 +0200

On 8 Jul 1999, Myriam Abramson wrote:

> I have a very very old monitor (8 yrs?) and I can't find the manual
> anywhere.  How do I get the necessary info to configure X?
You could visit where you can find some links to sites
which have lists of monitor specs (if you know your monitor's brand). Do
you know if your monitor is a multisync/scan and what its diagonal size

Grtz, Arthur


From: Wolfrider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: Re: Resizing partitions on the fly?
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 09:02:24 GMT

--I had a similar problem.  (Did you use ' df '?)

--Will try to help more after I get home from work, but basically I
ended up making a symlink from ' /usr/doc ' (as well as some other
things in /usr) to subdirs in ' / ', and moved some things with
' tar ' and ' rm ' virtually out of /usr to the root partition.

--For resizing partitions on the fly, the industry std is == Partition

In article <7m3ec8$653$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Jonathan del Strother" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hiya....
> OK...after about a week of solid fixing, figuring out & frustation, I
have a
> reasonably working Mandrake 6 Linux box......
> BUT...I tried to install something else - no space left on the /usr
> drive...After a lot of figuring (why is it so damn hard to find how
> free space you have in linux?) I discovered that my root partition has
> MB odd free.....AAAAAAAAAARGH
> OK, so a bit of short sighted / newbie - ness on my part, but do I
> have to do the entire thing from scratch. or are there any utilities
> resize the 2 partitions on the fly?  Are there any other solutions -
> spreading the /usr dir over the 2 partitions??
> I have win98 on 1 hard disk, & linux on the other, in 3 partitions
> usr, & swap)
> Any ideas, comment, suggestions?
> Cheers
> Jonathan
> Terminal Linux Newbie

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