Linux-Hardware Digest #721, Volume #10           Sat, 10 Jul 99 02:13:31 EDT

  Do laptops work well with Linux? ("wes")
  Re: Any CD Burners for linux? (Michael Meissner)
  Re: SCSI v. IDE boot conflict (Linux-only system) (Rich Piotrowski)
  Re: Need advice on modem (Michel Catudal)
  2.2 SMP brief lockups (Myca-Boo)
  Re: (despite my occasional anti-linux post, read this) was Re: Monitor  ("Robert M. 
  Re: Tekram DC-390F SCSI Card ? (Bryan)
  Re: PROBLEM SOLVED! cdrecord and HP7500e (Minbari)
  Re: Cant get Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI to work (Lev Babiev)
  Re: embedded computers (Mohd H Misnan)
  Re: BTOS OS (Mohd H Misnan)
  PC100 BXCel Motherboard and Intel740 AGP Video Card (gg)
  Re: Any CD Burners for linux? (Frank Sweetser)
  Re: dial tone (Joceli Mayer)
  Real Player 5.0 (Larry Barlow)
  Will My Wheel Mouse Work w/ Linux? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  how to shut down monitor w/out cutting back CPU speed ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Non-Windows digital cameras? (Jon Winters)


From: "wes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Do laptops work well with Linux?
Date: 10 Jul 1999 03:35:55 GMT




Subject: Re: Any CD Burners for linux?
From: Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 10 Jul 1999 00:15:45 -0400

Krishna Behara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Would like any information on CD burners that
> are compatible with linux.

For what its worth, my TEAC CD-R56S scsi CD-R has worked just fine (6x at
writing, 24x reading) using the xcdroast package and TekRam 390U scsi

Michael Meissner, Cygnus Solutions
PMB 198, 174 Littleton Road #3, Westford, Massachusetts 01886
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      phone: 978-486-9304     fax: 978-692-4482


From: Rich Piotrowski <rpiotrow*nospammin'*>
Subject: Re: SCSI v. IDE boot conflict (Linux-only system)
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 22:47:29 -0500

On Wed, 07 Jul 1999, JeremyDunn wrote:
>Summary:  Linux-only system boots ok from SCSI drive.  Added IDE drive to the
>system.  Now, can't boot from SCSI.  Linux on SCSI still runs fine if I boot
>from floppy. IDE drive partitioned, formatted, and works normally under Linux.
>What I had: SuSE 6.0 system, IN-2000 SCSI controller, Seagate 2.0G SCSI
>hard-drive, K62-400 processor.  /dev/sda partitioned 1,2,3.  Boots (LILO) from
>/dev/sda3 just fine, every time.
>What I did: added Maxtor 13G IDE drive as Master on Secondary IDE channel
>(Primary is turned off- what the heck).  CD-ROM moved from Master to Slave on
>Secondary (I only have 1 IDE cable!) and jumpers reconfigured.
>Now what happens: BIOS auto-detects Maxtor ok, CD-ROM ok.  IN-2000 Bios starts
>ok.  Then *somebody* (IN-2000 BIOS??) says "-1 other hard disk found" Then I
>get a motherboard BIOS error, "Not found any [active partition] on HDD" (there
>is no bootable partition on the Maxtor drive).   Then boot proceeds from
>floppy, or stops, depending on BIOS settings.
>I can boot from floppy ok, then launch my existing system from /dev/sda3.  I
>also partitioned, formatted, and can read the Maxtor drive ok from Linux (as
>/dev/hdc1,2,3,4).  I just can't get the system to boot from the SCSI drive as
>it used to do.
>I've tried setting the BIOS to boot as : SCSI, C, A.  Also tried D, A, SCSI
>(get rid of the IDE in boot sequence), etc.  Doesn't help.  If I unplug the IDE
>cable, boots just fine off the SCSI drive as it always did.  Of course, I could
>switch the drives around and boot from IDE.  But I *want* the SCSI as the
>primary boot device.
>Any ideas?
>- Jeremy


I am suprised at the number of times this question comes up!

Try reading:

and see if that solves your problem. The answer is towards the end of the page.

Rich Piotrowski


From: Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Need advice on modem
Date: 9 Jul 1999 20:43:22 -0500

Aamer Sachedina wrote:
> Hello Folks:
> I have a 486 100Mhz box... It's a bit old but it does what I need.
> I run Linux and Windows.
> I need to get a faster modem.. I dropped by the local Computer City and
> all they have are Win Modems!  Heck all I want is a Modem with jumpers
> on it so that I can set the COMM port and IRQ to get it to work with
> Linux.. like my 14.4 Boca.
> Can you guys recommend me a relatively inexpensive 56K internal modem
> which will work with Linux as well as with Windows.  I'd really
> appreciate it.
> -Aamer
> --
> Aamer Sachedina
> aamers@ca dot ibm dot com

Viking External at CompUSA, for around $100, I got one a few weeks
ago and it works great. Watch out if you have win98, my Win 98
crashed because I forgot to remove the old modem driver before I
booted with the new modem. Win 98 will need for you to install
the driver on the disk. With Linux it works beautifully.

use OS/2 for a crash proof work environment
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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Myca-Boo)
Subject: 2.2 SMP brief lockups
Date: 10 Jul 1999 04:30:38 GMT

Howdy folks,

I have a dual PII tyan thunder II that I run kernel 2.2.10 on.  With SMP enabled, and 
both CPU's loaded (two setiathome clients) I can watch xosview freeze up briefly until 
a packet comes in from the network and interrupts it.  I've seen it freeze up in the 
middle of a kernel compile and then unfreeze as soon as I ping it.  Has anyone had 
this type of problem?  I've experienced it from 2.2.2 on up and I'm not sure if it's a 
hardware problem or not.  this same machine did not exhibit this problem with NT 
(previous operator).

thanks for the help,


Linux, the choice of a GNU generation


From: "Robert M. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: (despite my occasional anti-linux post, read this) was Re: Monitor 
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 04:31:14 GMT

I made the severe mistake of attempting to "upgrade" a RH 5.2
installation to RH 6.0 system.
This was a bad move. I ended up with a running *mangled* system. I
wanted to continue to use the software already on the system (Applix). I
lost the setup and was unable to get pppd working at all. I gave up
after a week. I had used redhat 2.0 through this version. The Applix cd
was damaged by my 2 year old daughter and I had a course comming up that
needed a word processor.
Screwed, bigtime. Not redhats fault of course...
I bought a copy of SuSE 6.1.
I have the programming tools and the word processor in the same bargain
with StarOffice. I bear redhat no ill. The distribution is a fine one.
The SuSE setup and Yast works very well and is recommended for
beginners. For those of us who are tiring of messing around with
installation problems, this distribution is recommended also. In my case
the bonus (a choice between staroffice and wordperfect for thirty bucks)
is a steal.


Barry Smith wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Jun 1999, ToXIc MYsT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Redhat is by far the easiest OS that I have ever installed.  I can install
> >a fresh version of redhat in about 15-20 tops.  I haven't tried SuSE but as
> >far as i'm concerned RedHat is a very easy install.
> That sounds encouraging. All my friends use RedHat, and I wanted to stay
> with that. Not being "ME too", but to get some help if things go wrong.
> --
> Barry Smith
> Email: sax (at) <--  I don't want ANY spam!

Bob Taylor @ Home with Janet, Katie, Anna &
        Welcome to SuSE Linux 6.1 (i386) Kernel 2.2.5
        Peregrine Login:


From: Bryan <Bryan@[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tekram DC-390F SCSI Card ?
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 04:16:26 GMT

Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Bryan <Bryan@[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

: > Richard Bumby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: > 
: > : In linux, older kernels (before 2.0.3x) needed some help from files on
: > : the TekrAm site, but the current 53C8xx driver gives you support right
: > : out of the box.
: > 
: > except for ONE minor nit - the disk activity led doesn't work ;-(
: > 
: > it does under 'doze - I know I have mine hooked up ok - but under the linux
: > driver, the led display is not operational.  anyone know why?

: Back when I had TekRam scsi controllers as my main scsi, the led display worked
: for me using 2.2.x kernels.  I vaguely remember real old drivers not supporting
: the LED.

I tried the 2.0.36 driver from the tekram site and it used the led,
but the 2.2 driver I'm using keeps it dark ;-(

maybe I'm using the wrong driver.  there are SEVERAL that appear to be
very similar - which one would you recommend I use?


Bryan, http://www.Grateful.Net - Linux/Web-based Network Management
->->-> to email me, you must hunt the WUMPUS and kill it.


From: Minbari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PROBLEM SOLVED! cdrecord and HP7500e
Date: 10 Jul 1999 00:37:31 -0400


Hi, Thanks a lot for this. I was struggling a whole afternoon (well,
only one afternoon...:-) on my new HP7510e CDRW, and you really saved my
day!!!!! It worked for me too. I am glad I checked this newsgroup
in time. 

One more thing, speed=2 didn't work for me, I could only use
speed=1 (I was using EPP for the parallel port and delay
was set to 0 in the boot command line.) I was only trying dummy mode though.
Maybe we should send your patch and the problem to the developers,
see what they can do. 

Have a nice day.


> Hi,
> I just burned my first CD-RW under Linux with cdrecord 1.8a22 and a
> HP7500e and I want to share the solution with you all.
> Cdrecord was getting from the command structure only the bytes that
> needed to be sent to the device according to the group the command
> belonged to.  Since "inquiry" belongs to group zero only six bytes were
> used to form the CDB and the rest were garbage.  The patch I am
> attaching to this message sends the right amount of bytes from the
> command structure but then fills up the rest of the CDB with zeros.
> There might be other problems, I don't know that much about CDBs and
> ATAPI and have not found pointers to that type of information on the
> net.  Maybe zeroing the rest of the CDB is a poor idea.  Anyhow, *IT
> Just unpack the source and 'patch -p0 < patch-cdrecord-1.8.a22.txt' from
> the main directory (cdrecord-1.8).
> Have fun!
> Bye, Eduardo.
> --------------EE19DAE08F0FC4162929487B
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii;
>  name="patch-cdrecord-1.8a22.txt"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Content-Disposition: inline;
>  filename="patch-cdrecord-1.8a22.txt"
> --- libscg/scsi-linux-pg.c.orig Sat Jun 26 20:41:47 1999
> +++ libscg/scsi-linux-pg.c      Sat Jun 26 20:42:04 1999
> @@ -293,8 +293,11 @@
>         whp->dlen    = sp->size;
>         whp->timeout = sp->timeout;
> -       for(i=0;i<sp->cdb_len;i++)
> -               whp->packet[i] = sp->cdb.cmd_cdb[i];
> +       for(i=0;i<12;i++)
> +               if (i < sp->cdb_len)
> +                       whp->packet[i] = sp->cdb.cmd_cdb[i];
> +               else
> +                       whp->packet[i] = 0;
>         i = WHSIZE;
>         if (!inward)
> --------------EE19DAE08F0FC4162929487B--
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Lev Babiev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cant get Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI to work
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 00:36:51 -0400

Muuga wrote:
>  Alot of ppl swear by this card(thats why I bought it), but it doesnt
> configure too well under linux.
> Under Win98 its  irq=11 I/O=220 DMA=1
> of course it works great under windoze :/
> this is what it looks like under /proc/pci
> #PCI devices found:  Bus  0, device  10, function  0:
> #    Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq Unknown device (rev 6).
> #      Vendor id=1274.  Device id=1371.      Slow devsel.  IRQ 11.  Master
What gave you an idea that AudioPCI is hardware compatible with
soundblaster? ;-)
Actually the soundblaster is emulated by the very windows driver afaik.
You have
to compile kernel with support for es1370 or es1371. I'm not sure if
2.0.37 has it
(but my guess is not). 2.2.x series have it, also ALSA has support for
it. I am
using ALSA with 2.3.6 kernel - works like a charm.

    - Lev

> #Capable.  Latency=64.  Min Gnt=12.Max Lat=128.      I/O at 0xe800.
> and    /etc/conf.modules
> #alias sound sb
> #options -k sb io=0x220 irq=11 dma=1
> I running RH 5.1 with a recompliled 2.0.37 kernel
> on a FIC 503+ k6 300
> I must have recompiled 2 dozen times(just for the sound section of make
> menuconfig , since I got the card.
> i get this on boot up :
> #Sound initialization started
> #Sound initialization complete
> not once did I get something in between :(
> maybe im missing something in the sound configuration part of compilation?
> CONFIG_YM3812=y
> SBC_BASE=220
> SBC_IRQ=11
> SB_DMA2=-1
> if you have this card and got it working under linux , please tell me how
> you have you box configured.
>  Thanks

"I don't think Microsoft is       | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
evil in itself; I just think they | 
make really crappy                | irc: CrazyLion, #linuxlounge @ EFnet
operating systems."               | 
 - Linus Torvalds                 | Linux forever!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mohd H Misnan)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: embedded computers
Date: 10 Jul 1999 00:54:13 GMT

On 8 Jul 1999 20:30:55 GMT, Brett Alexander wrote:
>Hello I am Computer Engineering student and for my senior design project I 
>am using the Explorer II microcontroller (EXPLRII) to interface with a 
>desktop computer, through the serial port. I was wondering if Linux could 
>be used as a viable operating system for the embedded computer. If anyone 
>has any valuable advice it would most helpful. Thank you.

Linux does support embedded computer but I don't think it can run on the above
mentioned controller. You can get it up and running on many SBC which uses 386sx
and above uP tho.

|Mohd Hamid Misnan       | [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|iMac/233RevB/MacOS 8.6  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     |
|AMDK6-2/300/Linux2.2.10 |   |
-Do it big or stay in bed.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mohd H Misnan)
Subject: Re: BTOS OS
Date: 10 Jul 1999 00:49:18 GMT

On Wed, 7 Jul 1999 19:27:38 -0400, kookoo wrote:
>Looking for BTOS os filesystem support module

Don't think there is any, try Unisys..

|Mohd Hamid Misnan       | [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|iMac/233RevB/MacOS 8.6  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     |
|AMDK6-2/300/Linux2.2.10 |   |
-Love is grand; divorce, twenty grand.


Subject: PC100 BXCel Motherboard and Intel740 AGP Video Card
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 16:35:03 GMT

I  have a PC100 BXcel motherboard model M726
When I installed  Win98 I had to install and ALI 1.6 AGP driver for
the above Motherboard so that my video card (an Intel740) can display
more than 16 Colours and have all the 3D AGP functionality.

Recently I have installed  Mandrake Linux Release 6.0 which
does not support my video card either.  Where can I find a driver for
the above Motherboard and Video Card so that I can use all the
functionality of my Intel 740 Video Card.



From: Frank Sweetser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Any CD Burners for linux?
Date: 10 Jul 1999 01:13:52 -0400

Krishna Behara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Would like any information on CD burners that
> are compatible with linux.

in addition to the FAQ's that people have mentioned, my personal experience
(we (the university) recently purchased a CD burning machine, running
linux, which has been performing backups of school machines, as many as
20-30 disks per day)

 - stay away from smart & friendly.  they take various manufacturers, and
   repackage them.  so it's rather difficult to know what kind of drive
   you're getting.

 - TEAC R55S - got two, both dead in the water after only a few disks.

 - YAMAHA 4416S (4x/4x/16x CDRW), $270 internal SCSI.  pounded probably
   close to 100 CDR's out in the past week, zero problems  - highly
   reccomend it.

Frank Sweetser rasmusin at fsweetser at  | PGP key available RedHat 5.2 kernel 2.2.5        i586 | at public servers
We question most of the mantras around here periodically, in case
you hadn't noticed.  :-)
             -- Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: Joceli Mayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: dial tone
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 22:32:16 -0700

Rui Coelho wrote:

> I want that my modem does not wait for dial tone in the kppp.
> I Want help please ...........
> My modem is a Diamond SuperExpress 56e pro.

Correct me if i wrong, kppp is complaining about a missing dial tone ?
disconnected cable or wrong number ?
 Does your modem work under other program like minicom ? or under
windows ? Did you choose the right port and linked to /dev/modem ?
 is it a winmodem ?
As you see, you didn't provide much information to someone help you out.

Try to read some howtos on modem and ppp, that helps!,
good luck


From: Larry Barlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Real Player 5.0
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 23:11:46 -0500

I had RealPlayer 5.0 working under RH 5.1.  When I upgraded to RH 6.0 it was
broken.  I saw the workaround on RedHat's support page.  I can get it to work
with this workaround.  The workaround consisted of loading some old libraries. 
I put the workaround in a shell script called rvplayer and renamed the rvplayer
executable.  This works in all instances except when it is used as a plugin by
Netscape.  It executes and bring up the player window but does not find the
audio stream.

Has anyone had any success geting Real Player 5.0 to work with RH 6.0 as a
Netscape plugin?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Subject: Will My Wheel Mouse Work w/ Linux?
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 05:16:01 GMT

I 'm running Redhat 6.0, KDE 1.1.1, and Accelerated-x.  I have a MS
Intellimouse (serial).  Is there any chance of getting my scroll feature
to work?  I've tried so far, but with no luck.  thanks

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Subject: how to shut down monitor w/out cutting back CPU speed
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 05:34:15 GMT

Is there a way to shut off the monitor without
cutting back the CPU speed?  The APM modes all
seem to cut everything back.  I leave my Linux
machine running all the time, and I'd like to have
the monitor shut off (or go into standby mode)
automatically after a period of inactivity from
the console, but I still have stuff running in the
background and I'd like to still be able to use
the computer remotely.  Is there a way to do this?


- Russ


Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Jon Winters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Non-Windows digital cameras?
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 00:00:25 -0500

Ken wrote:
> What's a good digital camera for use on systems other than Windows?
> I'm looking for something to produce images on the web. I mostly use
> OS/2, but also use Linux, and less frequently NT4 and Win98. I can see
> having a Mac in the future.
> My concerns are hardware compatibility and file format interoperability.
> Memory card cameras would be ok if they use a standard card for which a
> reader is available on various platforms, and the card stores images in
> a standard format and filesystem. A floppy-based camera has the
> advantage of very high portability, but the disadvantage of very little
> storage.

Wow.... great to see folks from the well.


If you're considering using a digital camera with OS/2 check out the
DCITU program... its great and supports a lot of cameras.  If you're
booted into Linux check out Gphoto.

I've got a camera that uses CF media and I've added a PCMCIA bay to my
desktop machine.  Was easy and Linux thinks the CF cards are little hard
drives.  There is even a Gnome applet that mounts and un-mounts them.

Good luck!!

Jon Winters



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