Linux-Hardware Digest #734, Volume #10           Sun, 11 Jul 99 12:13:26 EDT

  WACOM sous Linux ? (cristalmhs)
  Re: Getting Ftape to work with a Ditto 2GB Parallel Port Tape Drive (Thomas)
  Re: WACOM sous Linux ? (Bruce Stephens)
  Re: 2.2 and Proliant 2500 scsi nondetect ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Reboot with APM Problem (Matthias Brantner)
  Re: Ensoniq AudioPCI and microphone weirdness ? (Mircea)
  Re: Windows easy to install? BULLSHIT! (John Bell)
  HELP!!! "Kernel Panic: No init Found" (Jinsong Zhang)
  Re: HELP!!! "Kernel Panic: No init Found" (John Bell)
  Re: Getting Ftape to work with a Ditto 2GB Parallel Port Tape Drive (Thomas Andrews)
  Re: Windows easy to install? BULLSHIT! (Hobbyistİ)
  Re: Windows easy to install? BULLSHIT! (Hobbyistİ)
  Re: Will My Wheel Mouse Work w/ Linux? ("Geoff")
  Re: Will My Wheel Mouse Work w/ Linux? (Bryan)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Andrzej Popowski)


From: cristalmhs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: WACOM sous Linux ?
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 13:21:04 +0200

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Ou pourrais-je trouver un driver pour que mon linux supporte une
tablette WACOM avec stylet ?
Merci pour votre aide...

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From: Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Getting Ftape to work with a Ditto 2GB Parallel Port Tape Drive
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 13:52:37 +0200

Same problem this side... The way I read the doc's, the parallel port
interface is proprietary, and the ftape HOWTO (in RH5.2 anyway) states
clearly that ftape *doesn't* support these devices. Do any of you fellas
have info indicating that these interfaces _are_ supported ? Someone in
our local Linux user group suggested that the interface used "some
lightweight version of SCSI" and suggested I search  for ppa in the SCSI
doc's. I'm going to look there next...
TIA Thomas

Melvin Branch wrote:
> If you ever get an answer please e-mail me.  I've been trying to get mine
> working for over 6 months.  I even tried redhat support they told me,  join a
> newsgroup or follow the "HOW TO" documents.  Needless to say these alternates
> have been utterly useless.  Hope you have better luck then I did.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris O'Neill) wrote:
> >Okay, I give up.......  What's the secret????  I've been mucking for
> >two days trying to get my Ditto 2GB parallel port tape drive (LPT1) to
> >work with RedHat Linux 6.0 but haven't had any success.  I've tried
> >recompiling the kernel, setting-up boot-time parameters in lilo, and
> >all sorts of other gunk.  (Sigh!)  And, yes, I *have* read the
> >Ftape-HOWTO and other documents, but I find them somewhat cryptic.
> >(Sigh!)
> >
> >Can someone out there who's using this drive with Linux puhleeeze send
> >me an e-mail walking me through the steps to get it going????  (Sigh!)
> >
> >Thanks, in advance, for any assistance anyone can offer.
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >Chris O'Neill


From: Bruce Stephens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: WACOM sous Linux ?
Date: 11 Jul 1999 13:03:24 +0100

cristalmhs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Ou pourrais-je trouver un driver pour que mon linux supporte une
> tablette WACOM avec stylet ?
> Merci pour votre aide...



Subject: Re: 2.2 and Proliant 2500 scsi nondetect
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 14:25:01 GMT

I have a working Redhat 6.0 installation on an IDE hard drive which
I am sticking into the proliant to attempt to use the scsi drives there.

When booting with a 2.0.36 kernel from the hard drive or
floppy, the Compaq NCR SCSI is detected and works fine.

However when using a 2.2 kernel it is not detected at all.
It does appear in the /proc/pci. I have tried all the combinations
of options for the NCR driver.

Only thing I have not done is passed options to LILO,
have never done that in the past. What options should I pass ?



In article <iPqf3.1763$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Tony Platt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Marc Mutz wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >>
> >> I am attempting to upgrade from 2.0.36 to 2.2.9 on a proliant
> >> however the 2.2.9 is not seeing the proliant's ncr scsi.
> >>
> >> The 2.0.36 was working with the scsi however.
> >>
> >To begin with the simplest: Have you compiled in the driver for your
> >scsi card?
> >Go through any sub-items of the ncr driver and {dis,en}able as you
> >
> >Marc
> Gday Marc, I believe the drivers have changed in the 2.2 kernel's.
They are
> suposedly better/faster.
> I don't know tho as I don't use 2.2 kernels.....
> Give us a list of the things you have tried, to get er up an
> ie did you try passing any options to Lilo???
> did you try an old boot disk with the new CDROM ???
> Tony

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Matthias Brantner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Reboot with APM Problem
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 15:40:31 +0200

Devon Taylor schrieb:

> Try Everyone I know buys from them. And everything
> they have is really cheap!

What should I buy there? Didn't you understand my question?
    Matthias Brantner

Matthias Brantner EDV-Service & Vertrieb
Tel.: 07422-245965
Mobil: 0171-3800938


From: Mircea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Ensoniq AudioPCI and microphone weirdness ?
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 09:54:32 -0400

"Gabriel L. Somlo" wrote:
> Hi.
> I recently got an Ensoniq AudioPCI ES1371. When I tried to record stuff
> with a regular
> microphone from BestBuy, it didn't work. I mean I used sox to record a
> wav of me speaking
> into the mike, and it only recorded some garbled noise with a hint of my
> voice in the
> background.
> Did any of this happen to any of you guys ? I run Slack 4.0 with kernel
> 2.2.6, with the
> sound driver that came with the kernel. 

The same thing here. es1371, Slack 4.0, 2.2.6; using krecord, I get
noise with a very faint voice in the background. I haven't tried an
amplified mic yet, but that's a good idea. Of course, I turned the mic
volume to maximum in the mixer. Beside that, I haven't got the slightest



From: John Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windows easy to install? BULLSHIT!
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 09:40:38 -0500

Brian Hartman wrote:
>     Actually, IIS is gaining adherents faster than Apache, and has been rated better 
> than Apache by some reviewers.

Actually, IIS sites are dropping like flies in front of the Apache
and Zeus onslaught - IIS usage as a percentage of the total has
in the last two Netcraft web server surveys. As for being "better" than
it depends on what you want to do - if you're a dyed in the wool ASP
shop with FrontPage weenies stuffed in all your cubicles, then IIS is
you use. If you actually want a site that works worth a damn... well,

> And the MacOS, as an OS, *is*
> better than Windows.  Windows was based on it, after all.  The thing that you've got 
>to > come to terms with is that what you call "prettiness"
> actually does make the OS easier to use. 

Makes it easier to use - for novices and wannabes. Anyone with
any professional skill ambitions migrates to the command line

> One simple example:  You want to move 50 files, all with different extensions,
> from one directory to another. Would you rather drag and drop them, or drop down
> to a command line?  I think it's safe to say you'd rather drag and drop.

I can whip a GUI person's butt any day with a command line. I would
bet good money that a person in a GUI cannot beat:

mv olddir/* newdir &

That will move all those files with different extensions quite
nicely, as I move on to other tasks. Meanwhile, GUI-Boy(tm) is
still moving his hand around on the mouse and clicking like mad
to issue events that don't accomplish anything. What's the other
hand doing all this time? Let's not go there :-P.

> The same for
> account creation:  Would you rather add a user through a command line 
> interface or through a GUI that laid your choices out for you and just made
> you pick?

Command line, hands down. Add a couple hundred users a day and
you'll understand why. Hell, we don't even add users with the GUI
under NT anymore.

>     My point is that GUIs aren't just fluff.  They make life easier.  If Linux 
> developers pooh-pooh GUI interfaces because of some misguided elitist
> techie pride, they'll only have themselves to blame when Linux goes the way of OS/2.

Ah yes, another Windoze advocate threatening Linux with the fate
of OS/2. We in the Linux camp have been laughing at that statement
for so long our sides hurt. Try to come up with a comparison that
actually makes sense next time.
    Sr. System Administrator - Vignette Corporation
  Parturiunt montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. - Horace


From: Jinsong Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: HELP!!! "Kernel Panic: No init Found"
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 10:48:38 -0400

After a computer crash. I cannot boot linux anymore.

For kernel 2.0.36: It stops after "mounted root .... readonly" message.

For kernel 2.2.10: It stops after saying "Kernel Panic. No init found.
Try use init= option passing to kernel"

After booting from floopy disk. I checked that both /etc/inittab and
/sbin/init are there.

I don't know what is the problem and how to pass init= option to kernel.

Please help!!!



From: John Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: HELP!!! "Kernel Panic: No init Found"
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 10:02:24 -0500

Jinsong Zhang wrote:
> After a computer crash. I cannot boot linux anymore.
> For kernel 2.0.36: It stops after "mounted root .... readonly" message.
> For kernel 2.2.10: It stops after saying "Kernel Panic. No init found.
> Try use init= option passing to kernel"
> After booting from floopy disk. I checked that both /etc/inittab and
> /sbin/init are there.
> I don't know what is the problem and how to pass init= option to kernel.
> Please help!!!
> Jinsong

Looks like your root file system was corrupted
due to the crash. This may have screwed up the
info for the file /sbin/init, hence the error.

You can specify to the kernel command line under LILO
which program Linux should use for init (as opposed
to the default of /sbin/init). When you reboot the
system, at the LILO prompt hit the tab key, then
type the following:

linux init=/bin/sh

That will make the kernel launch /bin/sh as the "init"
executable, which drops you immediately to a command
prompt. At that point you should be able to perform
any necessary maintenance. I would recommend running
a fsck pass on your root partition for starters ;-).

If you can't init with /bin/sh you have bigger problems...

Hope this helps,
    Sr. System Administrator - Vignette Corporation
  Parturiunt montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. - Horace


From: Thomas Andrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Getting Ftape to work with a Ditto 2GB Parallel Port Tape Drive
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 15:16:51 +0200

Oops... I think I have the answer:
Check out

7.6 Tape Drives 
...bla bla bla...
Incompatible Tape Drives 
The following types of tape drives are not compatible with Red Hat
    Parallel-port tape drives 

Cheers fellas,

> Melvin Branch wrote:
> >
> > If you ever get an answer please e-mail me.  I've been trying to get mine
> > working for over 6 months.  I even tried redhat support they told me,  join a
> > newsgroup or follow the "HOW TO" documents.  Needless to say these alternates
> > have been utterly useless.  Hope you have better luck then I did.
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris O'Neill) wrote:
> > >Okay, I give up.......  What's the secret????  I've been mucking for
> > >two days trying to get my Ditto 2GB parallel port tape drive (LPT1) to
> > >work with RedHat Linux 6.0 but haven't had any success.  I've tried
> > >recompiling the kernel, setting-up boot-time parameters in lilo, and
> > >all sorts of other gunk.  (Sigh!)  And, yes, I *have* read the
> > >Ftape-HOWTO and other documents, but I find them somewhat cryptic.
> > >(Sigh!)
> > >
> > >Can someone out there who's using this drive with Linux puhleeeze send
> > >me an e-mail walking me through the steps to get it going????  (Sigh!)
> > >
> > >Thanks, in advance, for any assistance anyone can offer.
> > >
> > >Regards,
> > >
> > >Chris O'Neill


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hobbyistİ)
Subject: Re: Windows easy to install? BULLSHIT!
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 10:30:00 -0500

On Sat, 10 Jul 1999 20:09:52 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] scrawled these 
sagacious words ...

:     Better in some instances is irrelevant. The notorious static 
:       webserving benchmarks touted much as of late are a good example
:       of this. One does not need what one is not using. Being to saturate
:       an 100BaseT or even 4 is irrelevant when you are serving on a DS3
:       and serving dynamic content no less.

How refreshing to hear this argument from you. Splendid. Most of linux's 
key strengths are irrelevant to me because I can either reproduce them 
with what I'm presently using or I'm not interested in those strengths at 

A Hobbyist.

I use what works best for me and not what works best
for others.

    >>>Down with the irrational OS zealot!!!<<<


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hobbyistİ)
Subject: Re: Windows easy to install? BULLSHIT!
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 10:30:05 -0500

On Sat, 10 Jul 1999 20:02:44 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] scrawled these 
sagacious words ...

:       Hardly. The Linux Gazette and the Linux Journal has such things.
:       The concept is not the problem, the implementation typically is.
:       Besides, why would you bother with a medium that has such a great
:       lag for direct support?

Now that's a totally different approach to your original position. I 
agree with you on that last statement.


What started all this was one writer saying that he gets a lot of windows 
helpers from magazines and popular media websites.

You proceeded to say:

        "What is a magazine but an overpriced Web Page committed to paper
        with far too many banner ads? Most of the popular computer press
        is a joke, especially Ziff Davis."

I guess that first sentence in the quote is referring to linux journal as 
well right? :)

This is a totally different position from merely stating that you don't 
bother with a particular medium if it lags in direct support. I don't 
read linux journal and don't waste my money on it, simply because I don't 
use linux. That doesn't make it crap and a waste of *anyones* money? I'm 
sure that Linux journal is just as biased in it's articles as windows 
magazine is. I've flipped through a couple and linux is portrayed as the 
"holy grail" which it should be I guess because it's a linux journal. <g>

Go visit an OS/2 site and you'll get the impression that OS/2 is still a 
thriving OS for the enduser. I don't hold that against them either. 
That's their business.

:     That seems actually quite bizaare. Whereas
:       articles fit for more than just kitty's box seem remarkably more
:       useful.

Are you speaking of HomePC or Family PC articles. <VBG>
: > 
: >:    Decided to go back to your rock I see...

Now back under my "rock", from whence I came. I'll make sure that I crawl 
back under just as I crawled out from under ..... hahahaha. 

A Hobbyist.

I use what works best for me and not what works best
for others.

    >>>Down with the irrational OS zealot!!!<<<


From: "Geoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Will My Wheel Mouse Work w/ Linux?
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 16:26:02 +0100

I have an intellimouse PS2 variant.

On install of Redhat 6, there is an option for Intellimouse (select the one
with 5 buttons)
the extra 2 are for the scroll axis of button 3.
The wheel scrolling works in file manager and text editors however, Netscape
doesn't make use of the wheel.

Anyone knows a way of getting all applications working with the wheel???


<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:7m889t$cmn$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I appreciate the link, however, i've already tried
> that page. It is rather old and I have a hard time
> sorting through all the stuff there.  I was hoping
> that someone with a similar set up has had success
> with scrolling.  Anyone done it?
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   Tim Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Bryan <Bryan@[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Will My Wheel Mouse Work w/ Linux?
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 15:35:35 GMT

Geoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I have an intellimouse PS2 variant.

: On install of Redhat 6, there is an option for Intellimouse (select the one
: with 5 buttons)
: the extra 2 are for the scroll axis of button 3.
: The wheel scrolling works in file manager and text editors however, Netscape
: doesn't make use of the wheel.

: Anyone knows a way of getting all applications working with the wheel???

unfortunately, there's no single way to do this.  each app needs to
have MB4 and MB5 mapped to the 'right events'.  linux isn't like 'doze
- no single entity controls the current api's.  this is usually good,
but in rare cases like this, its somewhat bad.  there's no one to say
'after this point in time, all apps must use this new standard to deal
with scrolling'.  so we must modify each app to use the scroll wheel
and hope it all comes together sometime soon.

that said, I was able to get the most important apps (to me) to use
the wheel: emacs really shines with it, netscape 4.x works well in the
main window (but the bookmarks list is a mess with the wheel!), rxvt
(xterm-replacement) works like a charm.  what else do you need? ;-)

btw, I just upgraded to metro-x (latest version) since I wanted
dual-head display and didn't care to spend $300 for Xig.  I must say
that metro-x is quite a nice server.  easy to setup (once I got beyond
the redhat/mandrake 6.0 fontserver 'bug'), I -love- running dual
matrox cards on 2 displays now, and [to-topic] the logitech wheel
mouse (retail) works BETTER under metro-x than xfree  the
wheel used to 'stick' and jump a bit under xfree86.  I guess the metro
folks figured out how to tame the little creature and now its smooth
as can be.  QUITE enjoyable to use.

the wheel mouse is SO addictive.  I must admit, I was very skeptical.
but it really is a Great Thing ;-) folks should try them.  only
problem is: when you go to a mouse (like at work) that isn't
wheel-based, you feel out-of-place and have to adjust to the backwards
way of using just 3 buttons ;-)

Bryan, http://www.Grateful.Net - Linux/Web-based Network Management
->->-> to email me, you must hunt the WUMPUS and kill it.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrzej Popowski)
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 15:41:00 GMT

11 Jul 1999 00:42:05 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Robato Yao)

>Abit is the only brand out there with programmable voltages for socket 
>370.  The rest has none.  Without programmable voltages, the success 
>rate of oc'ing Celeron 366s to 550 is not very good.

Look at Asus P3B, A-Open 6BC Pro, Microstar 6163. Probably there are
others (Soyo ?). Seems to be some kind of standard for new boards.

Andrzej Popowski



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