Linux-Hardware Digest #742, Volume #10           Mon, 12 Jul 99 08:13:27 EDT

  Re: Non-Windows digital cameras? (Jonas Palm)
  Re: HELP!!!  Anyone???  Someone???  Please??? ("R.K.Aa")
  Re: Online shop in California (Andreas heydendael)
  Re: BogoMips... ("Bobby D. Bryant")
  Re: Dell Inspiron compatibility?  What is best laptop? (Trond Eivind Glomsrød)
  Re: Ensoniq AudioPCI ES1371 not PnP in RH Linux 6.0 ("Amir J. Katz")
  Voodoo2's TNT2's and Sound cards (Obsolete)
  Re: Cant get Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI to work (Rory)
  SB PCI64: internal TV tuner connector (Lars J. Aas)
  Re: Need Switch/Relay Output For Alarms (Kari Laine)
  Hiding drive from Win 98 ("bb")
  Re: 9GB-IBM-harddisk blocks linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  ppp btw mac and linux-pc without ethernet (ali-bengali)
  Problem Xserver and NF 5500M20 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux/KDE; KDat backup on dat tape proggy (Marc SCHAEFER)
  Re: SCSI v. IDE boot conflict (Linux-only system) ("Jürgen Pfann")


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonas Palm)
Subject: Re: Non-Windows digital cameras?
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 19:34:52 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What's a good digital camera for use on systems other than Windows?
> I'm looking for something to produce images on the web. I mostly use
> OS/2, but also use Linux, and less frequently NT4 and Win98. I can see
> having a Mac in the future.

Can only speak for the mac, but that market is well served by Olympus,
Nikon, et cetera. Additionally, there is camera-agnostic utilites
available for the mac.

No problem, nor likely to be one forseeable future considering how 
popular macs are in imaging (thank God for ColorSync!). Easier
to avoid sRGB in that part of the computing world as well.

  Jonas Palm


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: HELP!!!  Anyone???  Someone???  Please???
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 10:46:40 +0200

Randy wrote:
>     Okay...  I can't take this anymore...  I cannot seem to get anything to
> work with the resolution in Xwindows...  I have a Diamond SpeedStar A50 8MB
> AGP video card, it has a SiS6326 AGP Controller...  I have an Impression 50
> Plus 15in. (13.8in. viewable)...  Horizontal Sync rates are 30-55 KHz...
> Vertical Sync rates are 50-120....  the Max resolution is 1024 dotsX768 line
> (at 60Hz)... I'd love to be able to have 800x600 res. with at least 256
> color...  Supposedly, the A50 uses the SVGA driver, but the only driver that
> I can get to work to the point where I don't have any display problems is
> VGA16...  with 16 color and a resolution of 640x480...  put I have to scroll
> around on the screen to see everything...

I don't know the card but you write you have to scroll around on the
to see everything:

There's such a thing as "virtual resolution" you can set for X, and you
obviously set a virtual resolution larger than the visible resolution
is also the whole point of virtual resolutions)
However - this also chomps up card memory, and if you set that virtual
resolution too
high - can't get as many colors as you would be able to run with
otherwise, for instance.

Test out setting a virtual resolution to the same size as the visible
With a 8 mb card you should be able to run 1024*768 in 32 bit truecolor.

See if you can use xconfigurator - it will probe the card settings you
choose and you can go back and forth in the setup menus till you find
something that's reasonable. Then *afterwards* you can fine-tune the
setup with manual editing of modelines, particularly if they seem to be
a bit too high strung for your monitor.



From: Andreas heydendael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Online shop in California
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 11:34:57 +0200

Well, reading closely reveals that this person is not really interested in
the computer itself but the shop. far as that goes I can't say
anything. But for computers.....Hell yeah....I'm not an expert (although
some people regard me as one) but even then......don't know....Ah
hell.....never mind :))

On 3 May 1999, Johan Kullstam wrote:

> > Hello
> > 
> > I would like to know what online shop is good to buy via web 
> > in California.
> what is it you are trying to purchase?
> computers?
> linux?
> linux computers?
> toasters?
> the online shop itself?
> -- 
> johan kullstam

Andreas Heydendael

Nothing in this email can be used against this user. For he doesn't know
what he's doing............Using pine as IMAP client??..........Excelent 


From: "Bobby D. Bryant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: BogoMips...
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 04:32:45 -0500

ChenthilWhelan wrote:

> Also can someone help me how to enable the logo at startup plz....

Are you asking how to make X windows start automatically when you boot?

Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Trond Eivind Glomsrød)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Dell Inspiron compatibility?  What is best laptop?
Date: 12 Jul 1999 11:37:22 +0200

Serban-Mihai Popescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> However, the new I3500 makes use of a dreaded Neomagic MagicMedia
> chipset; not only it's not supported by the XBF_ servers for
> Neomagic

It is. As well as XFree.

>but it has also some unsupported hw for the sound system. AFAIK, for
>the time being there is no way for making the sound work.

It works most of the time with OSS - there are also multiple mini
how-tos on getting it to work with the standard linux sound driver.

I run a 3500, and it works well.


From: "Amir J. Katz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Ensoniq AudioPCI ES1371 not PnP in RH Linux 6.0
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 10:11:14 +0300

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Maybe, but RH Linux 6.0 does not set up a sound card during installation.
You must run 'sndconfig' manually afterwards (manual says so, and so does
RH tech support).

leoxx wrote:

> >When I run 'sndconfig' on my RH Linux 6.0, it claims that there are no
> >PnP sound cards. However, the Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI (ES1371) is
> >Plug-and-Play, so what's the deal here?
> I think PnP PCI devices don't need the sndconfig stuff.  PCI has
> always been plug and play so there is no need for special hackery.
> --
> JR

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From: Obsolete <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Voodoo2's TNT2's and Sound cards
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 16:39:55 +1000

ok can anyone help me with this one.....

i'm currently building a new pc and i have a few issues i need to sort
the first is to do with video cards.

I currently have 2 diamond monster voodoo2's SLI'd, and i'm thinking of
adding a TNT2 to the graphics department... what i need to know is
weather i will have any problems with conflicts and whether i will be
able to get drivers for them all.

The second isssue is with sound cards.... i'm looking for a high end
card that is compatible with both win32 and linux..... i've heard that
the SB live has drivers (for red hat i think) and i'd like to know if
there are drivers for other linux flavours and if not can i convert the
red hat drivers..... not only that but are their better cards to use...
any help would be appreciated


Subject: Re: Cant get Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI to work
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 04:59:36 -0500

I got it working!
under ALSA,under 2.0.37 kernel

I bought the card cheap from 25 bux total
It has a 1373 chipset on the physical board , but ID's in linux as a 1371

Thanks to all that posted.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lars J. Aas)
Subject: SB PCI64: internal TV tuner connector
Date: 12 Jul 1999 10:00:49 GMT


I have a Miro Studio PCTV Pro card which I have connected to my
SoundBlaster PCI 64 (es1370 AudioPCI) through the internal TV tuner
connector.  Under Windblows I have a separate mixer for this channel
called TV tuner.  Under Linux I can adjust the volume on line1 and
it will affect the TV audio volume, but I believe that mixer also
handles the external line in connector.  I can also adjust the volume
with gmix on another mixer if I insmod msp3400, but it seems I can't
access that mixer from xawtv.  Has anyone set up a combination of
the SBPCI64 card and a TV card and gotten the sound set up properly
(I mean *really* properly ;)?

  Lars J


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kari Laine)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux
Subject: Re: Need Switch/Relay Output For Alarms
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 09:25:04 GMT

On Sat, 29 May 1999 15:56:25 -0700, "Art Botterell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Has anyone here made a switch- or relay- output board work under Linux?  If
>so, which board and where did you find the driver?

I need also that kind of board. It would be nice if it could drive
220V directly. If not I can connect there some extra relays.
I am going to use it to boot automatically those NT boxes which spend
half of they life in BSOD. 

If that very unlikely event would happen that Linux would crash. Is
there a watchdog card which would monitor that linux box and boot it
in an event of crach.

Best Regards
Kari Laine

LinuxWare Oy
Tel. +358-(0)19-334618  Fax +358-(0)19-334627 
GSM  +358-(0)400-480273 Home +358-(0)19-334616
Hiidenmäenkuja 15, 03100 NUMMELA, FINLAND


From: "bb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Hiding drive from Win 98
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 06:44:17 -0400

I installed Linux on a Win98 machince(drive 2) and then it wasn't displayed,
so windows 'couldn't find' alot of things because the drive letters changed.
I then formatted the drives, re-installed win98, then Linux but this time
windows sees the Linux drive and wants to format it. Both systems work, but
I would like to hide (or not have windows aknowledge) the Linux drive before
I have the same problem. Any ideas how to do this?
TIA, bb


Subject: Re: 9GB-IBM-harddisk blocks linux
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 10:47:53 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Frisch) wrote:
> Check your cabling and/or termination.  Did this
> work under another operating system?  You may wish to ensure the
> on the _drive_ and the controller is current as well.
> Mike.
> --
> ======================================================================
>   Mike Frisch                         Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Northstar Technologies        WWW:
>   Newmarket, Ontario, CANADA
> ======================================================================
Thank you so far and
sorry, that I did not test it under another OS before.
yes, it is working under DOS 6.22 (with 2GB partitions
which also did not work under linux).
Where can I find newer drivers for linux?

Thank you very much.


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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: ali-bengali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: ppp btw mac and linux-pc without ethernet
Date: 12 Jul 1999 10:30:58 GMT

hi everybody,
who can tell me what i have to do to make a ppp connection 
between a linux-pc and a non-ethernet mac via serial line?
now what i exactly want to do is use the linux-box as a server 
and router for the mac so that i can access the internet on my 
mac but use the cheap isdn-hardware in the pc. i have tried to 
make a connection using kermit on the pc and the mac, but that 
is not what i need, because kermit occupies the mac's serial 
port and no other application can use it anymore. so if anyone 
has ever tried something like this, please tell me what to do.



==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


Subject: Problem Xserver and NF 5500M20
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 10:35:07 GMT

After creating new bootdisk I can install RH 6.0 on a NF 5500M20.
Now I have a problem with the X-server. When I start the X-server the
NF 5500M20 crashes.
Do anybody have the same problem I knows a solution?

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,
Subject: Re: Linux/KDE; KDat backup on dat tape proggy
Date: 12 Jul 1999 06:58:38 GMT

In Gene Heskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: On the subject of tar, or cpio, how does one go about selecting the
: files you want to backup vs those you don't?  KDat gives you a choice,
: as does bru from what I've heard.

with cpio, you generate the file with ``find'', and thus you can use
the standard find commands to include/exclude hierarchies or files.

With tar, you can either use the same method, or use the --exclude

Personally, I use either find and cpio, or Amanda with GNU tar.

PS: did you strace kdat to see what device it opens ?  I am sorry
not being able to help you, but I don't really use KDE on a day-to-day


From: "Jürgen Pfann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SCSI v. IDE boot conflict (Linux-only system)
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 13:47:55 +0200

Hi all,

most of the postings regarding this theme tend to put things
unnecessarily complicated. So I hope to increase clarity with
the mixed IDE-SCSI booting problem by a few simple rules :
1.LILO if used as the master boot manager depends on the system BIOS
  to find the HDs, and also which one to boot from.
2.The BIOS sorts the HDs (nothing about IDE or SCSI yet!) and assigns
  them codings from 0x80 for the first HD, 0x81 for the 2nd, to  
(IDontKnow) for the last.
3.The disk coded 0x80 is *always* the one the system boots from.
4.In most BIOSes IDE "comes first", so 0x80 is the first _IDE_ HD.
5.Modern BIOSes can change boot order, i. e. exchanging the coding      
0x80 with another disk, be it the 2nd, 3rd or 4th IDE HD (I don't
  think more IDEs are supported to be bootable), or be it the
"first"     SCSI HD, the one with the lowest SCSI ID.
  That's what happens when you change "Boot order" in advanced BIOS    
setup (or whatever it's called on your box).
  Lemme repeat that : if you do "D - A - SCSI" for a 2 IDE/ 1 SCSI
  system for instance, the formerly 2nd IDE will be 0x80, the formerly
  first IDE 0x81 and the SCSI HD 0x82.
6.For LILO to be a master boot manager for linux and/or different OSes
  (for instance, 7x linux, 2xWin95, NT, SCO and FreeBSD from 3 HDs in
my    case), LILO has to be installed to the _MBR_ of HD _0x80_.
7.We don't talk about active partitions (no item for a linux-only    
system) or booting different OSes here, 'cause that would introduce  
more complexity again...
8.For SCSI disks, you have to have a hypermodern SCSI-BIOS to change
  the boot order flexibly and dynamically (i. e. without re-jumpering)
  among the SCSI HDs, CDs or MOs; in most cases, only the first HD
  (more precise : the target with the lowest ID) is available.
9.Given rule 1.-8., it's up to you what you write in the "boot ="
  line of /etc/lilo.conf, "dev/hdd" (for the slave on 2nd IDE  
controller) or "/dev/sda", it only has to be a device file accessing
  the whole disk (i. e. the MBR on the very first sector thereof),
  and it has to be the device file for the disk that is currently 0x80,
  in order to boot LILO successfully.
  I repeat : If you'd like to boot from /dev/hdc (supposed it's your
  2nd IDE disk, hdb not installed), put "boot = /dev/hdc" in your
  lilo.conf; but then you _must_ activate the BIOS "D-A-SCSI" order
  to activate your formerly 2nd IDE as the first, and all is well.
10.To keep track for yourself and make things clear, I recommend
  the "disk=" , "bios=" settings in /etc/lilo.conf; modern bioses
  may not really need those parameters (LBA-translation etc.),
  but it helps you keep track of the bios order of your HDs.
  However, AFAIK, it's not possible to change the bios order
  simply by resp. "bios=" statements; you will have to use
 "map-drive" instead !

JeremyDunn wrote:
> Ok, thanks to all who provided what seemed like the right solution. (I actually
> found this myself after my initial posting).  I did finally get something to
> work, but not what I thought.  So, for those of us who really like to
> understand what's going on, can anybody describe why the first few solutions I
> tried *didn't* work, but the last one did?
> 1.  Added IDE drive on secondary/master IDE.  Left boot sequence as SCSI, A, C.
>  On boot, BIOS says "no active partition on HDD".  I assume it means the IDE.
> 2. changed lilo.conf, using the disk/bios args, to tell LILO hard drive
> sequence is swapped at boot.  same thing as above, BIOS can't find any active
> partition.
> 3. formatted IDE drive, partitioned into 4.  Removed disk/bios stuff from
> lilo.conf, and put boot=/dev/hdc (MBR of IDE drive).  Changed BIOS                   
> sequence to C, SCSI, A.  On boot, same thing, BIOS *still* can't see the MBR of
> *either* drive, despite the fact that LILO is in both of them.
> 4. Since I have IDE on secondary IDE controller, tried boot sequence of D,
> SCSI; E, SCSI; F, SCSI.  Same thing.  BIOS can't find any bootable partition.
> 5. Using fdisk, made 1st partition of IDE bootable.  Changed lilo.conf to put
> LILO on /dev/hdc1.  Left boot sequence as C, SCSI.  This time, got                  
>^ can't work. see above.
'LI' then
> failure.  Couldn't get past it.
> 6. (finally!)  Made 1st partition of SCSI bootable, using fdisk.   Put the
> disk/bios stuff back in lilo.conf.  Put lilo in /dev/sda1.  (now it is 
                                                        ^ works only  
with a "standard" DOS-MBR booting the active partition; supposedly
  not working with e.g. a newly-bought, not DOS-formatted drive;
  use /dev/sda instead for a linux-only setup !
in 4
> places!) Switched BIOS to boot SCSI, C, A.  Now it works.
> So the question is, why wouldn't the dumb BIOS see the MBR of either the SCSI
> or the IDE drive, with both drives installed (even with the lilo args set to
> match the switched BIOS disk order)?   And why wouldn't it boot from the first
> partition of the IDE drive?  Of course, I have a working, bootable system at
> this point using (6), but don't understand what went wrong in (3, 4, or 5).
> Chris, Rich, and/or others, your insghts awaited....
> - Jeremy





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