Linux-Hardware Digest #748, Volume #10           Tue, 13 Jul 99 01:13:37 EDT

  Re: About to scream: Adaptec AHA1520B ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Michael)
  Re: Recommendation sought:  good AGP video card (Michael Meissner)
  Re: Redhat 6.0... the good, the bad, and the ugly (Michael Meissner)
  Is Xircom's pc card supported??? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Graphic Card : ATI Expert 98 ("Larry Blumer, Jr.")
  Re: Bogus hard disk sizes from manufacturers ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Dev's won't work??? ("Thierry ANDRIAMIRADO")
  Re: i740 ("basic")
  Re: 10 GB IDE backup system for Linux. Does it exist ? (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Asus TNT v3400 (Chris Williams)
  Use CD-R all the time? (John McKown)
  Re: Problems with the new Nvidia TNT driver ("Chris Williams")
  Re: Which board for Celeron A366? (Karlo Szabo)
  Kernel Panic, initrd problem? (Eric Ries)
  Re: $299 linux pc hardware questions ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Dev's won't work??? (Ron Gibson)
  Re: RH6 w/TNT2,  X res is about 320x200, can't change, can't navigate eaily ("Mark 


Subject: Re: About to scream: Adaptec AHA1520B
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 02:01:44 GMT

check the scsi howto there is one or to i/o adx and only one or two
irq's that the driver looks at.  you may not be using the right ones

In article <7mdn2b$vua$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> I've been working this one off and on for a week.
> I have three different PC's, one 486/ISA and two
> P75/PCI/ISA's, and two different Adaptec cards,
> an AHA1520B and an AHA1522B. I cannot get any of
> the three PC's to see either of the SCSI cards
> under RH Linux 5.2 (kernel 2.0.36). I am
> installing one card at a time in an ISA slot,
> connected to a known good 4G Seagate HD.
> I have tried changing the IRQ of the cards,
> enabling/disabling the on-board BIOS,
> enabling/disabling PnP on the cards, reserving
> the IRQ, IO, etc. under the PC BIOS. The SCSI-
> SELECT BIOS message appears, and DOS and NT can
> see the cards without error. Looking in /proc,
> the cards do not appear in any file:
> ./interrupts, ./ioports, ./pci, etc.
> If I perform an explicit insmod (such as "insmod -
> v aha152x"), I get the message "..../aha152x.o:
> init_module: Device or resource busy". If I issue
> a kernel command-line param, nothing changes.
> I am at my wits end. Any assistance would be
> happily received either in this newsgroup, or at
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks in advance for saving
> my sanity!
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael)
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 01:21:28 GMT

Greg Yantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael) writes:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (chrisv) wrote:
>> >On Sun, 11 Jul 1999 04:27:39 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael) wrote:
>> >>And of course you said a few days ago that the celeron was as quick as
>> >>the k6 III in this area.... change of tune?  Shall I quote?
>> >Wrong again.  Here's what I said:
>> ><quote>
>> >Get real.  There's something wrong with your machine.  Celerons are
>> >very snappy in Windows, much more so than AMD machines I have seen.
>Celeron's are indeed pretty snappy in Windows. 
>> Dude you better go get an English class for reading comprehension.
>> Add logic after you get basic English.  If you don't think the clear
>> implication of your statement is that Celerons are faster than AMD
>> k6's comes from that quote, there is no sense in talking and so I
>> won't.  The fact that you would quote again and still not understand
>> what YOU said is scary.
>The AMD machines he's seen may or may not have been K6-III's. They 
>may have been K6-2's, and from my personal experience I would have
>to agree. I own a K6-2 and a Celeron, and the Celeron subjectively
>"feels" a little bit quicker. YMMV.
>Most benchmarks I've seen show the K6-III as being faster than a
>Celeron for integer work, but not by a huge margin.
>> >Please show where I state that Celery is faster than K6-III.  I stand
>> >by the above statement.  
>> Scary.  Real scary to me.
>You're being an overly pedantic twit and ignoring the real issue.
>Annoying. Real annoying to me.
>> >My real "point" here is that the slight differences in "CPU speed"
>> >cannot explain your statements that your AMD machine responded
>> >"instantaneously" while the Intel machine took "a second or so".  If
>> >there's really that dramatic a difference, it AIN'T (as you claimed)
>> >because the AMD chip has twice the L2 chache, or that is so much
>> >faster overall.  These chips are not that different in performance,
>> >and other variables in the system can easily out-weigh the differences
>> >in raw CPU power.
>This paragraph is the real point. If your observed performance difference
>is *that* different between the 2 machines, there must be some other
>factor at work.
>> Fine you're correct, my observations are wrong Happy Now?
>Noone ever suggested your observations were wrong, simply that there's
>another variable you haven't accounted for. 
>> >I have a friend with a K6-2 machine that is dramatically less
>> >responsive than my Celery machine, and I don't for a minute think that
>> >it's because his CPU is so slow.  There's obviously something else
>> >going on, to the detriment of his machine.
>Reasonable statement. If two machines with CPU's that are in the same
>ballpark, performance-wise behave noticably differently, there must
>be some other factor affecting performance.
>> Who even was talking about k6-2's ...all my references were to k6
>> 3...never to a k6 2.  Ok this is the end of my responses to your
>> childish reponses to me.  
>OK, since you were unable to understand his statement, I explained it
>for you. Hope it helps.
>> You are impolite, rude, and lack reading comprehension so there's no 
>> point in discussing this.
>A glorious self-portrait. Why did you even start this in the first place? 
He calls me idiot, and other names, and you say this is my self
portrait?  if you followed the thread, you'll see that I only referred
to k6 III's  Now why don't you defend his statement in logic to me as
well instead of telling me the celerons are snappy in Windows.  This
thread was about the observation of increasing caches and their effect
on multi-tasking.  under 98 ((well part  of this thread)). Chris
added nothing but insults to this thread and is now back paddling
talking about k6 II's to which no one even considered till today. If
you believe that .  "Celerons are
>> >very snappy in Windows, much more so than AMD machines I have seen." means 
that a k6 III is faster than a celeron then no hope in discussing
this.   My entire point related to the k6 III and its larger L2 cache
and L3 level cache and its effects.  There's nothing wrong with any of
the machines.  Under the context of which I spoke, and you'll have to
read them all like 15 messages, the celeron is lagging....and I see
the same lag take effect, when I progressively turn off the caches in
the k6 III.  Don't come and obfusicate the issue by bringing in the k6
II's please.  This is about the effect of larger caches on reasonably
similar cpu's and its effect on Windows multitasking in a business
environment.  Not about ICQ and Games or Frames per second. That's not
the way I was discussing this.  Now If i called you idiot like I been
called by Chris, then you can say I have a self portrait.  But I won't
call you idiot.



Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Recommendation sought:  good AGP video card
From: Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 12 Jul 1999 22:28:01 -0400

carlos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi everyone,
> I am in the process of selecting an AGP video card for a new computer and I
> am looking for recommendations...  I plan to use it with a 19" monitor at
> 1600x1200.  The requirements are good XFree support and sharp images and text
> at the abovementioned resolution.  I will probably use it with 16bit
> color---I can't see the difference wrt 24bit :-(.  I don't care for gaming
> speeds or TV in/out.  OpenGL acceleration would be nice but not essential and
> I can't spend a fortune... (if I save enough, I might be able to get a
> 2xPIII@500MHz for a nice SMP setup).

I always run my Viper 550 TNT video card at 1600x1200, 32 bits/pixel using a 19
446Xpro Nokia montitor.  I currently run it at 82Hz due to also using a Cybex
switchbox.  Before I put in the Cybex, I was running it at 85Hz.  Nice and
sharp.  Now, my video card is a PCI card, since my motherboard (Intel 4400GX+
server) doesn't have an AGP card, but I imagine the AGP card should be just as
well.  Note you need XFree (which is the current version).

Michael Meissner, Cygnus Solutions
PMB 198, 174 Littleton Road #3, Westford, Massachusetts 01886
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      phone: 978-486-9304     fax: 978-692-4482


Subject: Re: Redhat 6.0... the good, the bad, and the ugly
From: Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 12 Jul 1999 22:32:40 -0400

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Zippy the Pinhead) writes:

> RH 6.0 does add a host name entry after finding your NIC.
> On Thu, 13 May 1999 21:08:06 GMT, Richard Birchall
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >  "dpc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Upgraded to RH 6.0 from 5.9.7 - Everything seemed to go well.  I
> >> logged in, started X and was in Gnome.  After a few minutes of using
> >> it (had some terminals open, netscape had been open/closed, etc) I
> >> tried to start another terminal, and it wouldn't work...Tried to
> >> start netscape, no go.  Tried to start anything else....nothing.  OK,
> >> so let's logout - can't do that either. Finally have to do a
> >> Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to get out.

Note to the original poster.  There was a fairly serious bug in Rh 6.0 that
would leave xterm's running.  Maybe you ran out of pty's or memory to run new
programs.  Its fixed in the updates at

Michael Meissner, Cygnus Solutions
PMB 198, 174 Littleton Road #3, Westford, Massachusetts 01886
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      phone: 978-486-9304     fax: 978-692-4482


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Is Xircom's pc card supported???
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 01:58:02 GMT

  I just wondering if anyone knows whether the Xircom's RealPort CardBus
Ethernet 10/100+Modem 56
( is
supported by RH Linux 6.0?

I was thinking of getting it since they are having a promotion. Please
feedback any advice/suggestions. Any info is greatly appreciated.


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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: "Larry Blumer, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Graphic Card : ATI Expert 98
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 02:53:46 GMT


> Just as a quick aside:
> Most of this thread has expired, so I don't know if this will be
> helpful, but I've got the ATI Expert 98 and it works just fine. I set
> it up with the straight ATI driver package. It allows me to go up to
> 1280X1024 with no problems from XConfigurator in Redhat 5.2.
> Robb
> On 12 Jun 1999 16:30:03 GMT, Howard Mann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >       [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charles E Taylor IV) writes:
> >> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >>      Chuck Snively <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> When you run Xconfigurator, you don't have to chose a curtain video card. You can
> >>> choose "Unsupported Card", go to the next screen and choose the SVGA server. I
> >>> have done this. This works, I have the same card.
> >>
> >> Why would you do this, when Xconfigurator works with this card as is?
> >>
> >> Well, as is in the latest release of X they made available on their
> >> errata pages for Redhat 5.2 ...
> >>
> >I believe some clarification is in order:
> >
> >When a program like XConfigurator is used, one may be able
> >to specify one's videocard from the proffered list.
> >
> >This will put the name of the videocard in the Graphics Device
> >section of XF86Config and specify the correct X -server to be linked
> >to X.  Great.
> >
> >However, having the "name" of the videocard  in XF86Config
> >is of no consequence per se.
> >
> >Specifying and linking the correct X-server to X is, obviously,
> >crucial.
> >
> >Thus, choosing " unlisted" or "unsupported" card, but then specifying
> >the correct X-server is indeed O.K.
> >
> >Cheers,
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >Howard Mann
> >
> >(a LINUX website for newbies)
> >Smart Linuxers search at:
> >

I have found my Xpert card to be finicky about the monitor selection in Xconfigurator.
I toyed with various "generic" as well as "custom"  monitor types, and  Xconfigurator
allowed 640x480 @ 8 bpp (which worked fine) and nothing more.  Only after experimenting
with other monitor types were the higher resolutions unlocked.



Subject: Re: Bogus hard disk sizes from manufacturers
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 02:39:14 GMT

David Fox wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Craig Ruff) writes:
> > It is called "The Marketing Unit of Disk Capacity", aka Marketing
> > {Mega,Giga}bytes.  This unit of measurement is actually very useful,
> > as it can mean whatever the manufacturer means.
> It does *not* mean whatever the manufacturer [wants it to] mean.  It
> is an honest attempt by the manufacturers to be both clear and
> competitive.  Remember, kilo didn't always mean 1024, for the most
> part it still means 1000.

Except in this case, IBM's "kilo" is not 1000 nor 1024, it's 1006.38
and 16.8 GB = 8.4 GB * 1.9996

Their website does not show the actual number of sectors, so you don't know
really unless you actually buy one.  The specs are at (with no real numbers)

So yeah, in the world of marketing, units mean whatever the manufacturer
wants it to mean.  


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Dev's won't work???
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 02:34:56 +0200

Ron Gibson a écrit dans le message ...

>just recently down loaded the latest Slackware off Sunsite and when
>trying to get my old data from a previous install archive to tape I
>discovered that several "dev"'s will not work.
>For instance invoking commands such as "ftape" or "fd0" I get a no such
>device message.  However when viewing the directory with MC the devices
>and or links are there and they have been made.

I'm having the   same problem. I updated my RedHat 5.2 to RH6 so my printer
doesn't work anymore!!
I discovered that my /dev/lp symbolink link disapeared and I re-created it!
But it doesn't work anymore! any idea?



From: "basic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: i740
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 20:27:35 -0700 last decent resolution and terrific colour. Except, when I
went through the xf86config, I, somehow, reconfigured my mouse and it doen't
work. So I tab my way around in Gnome. Is there any way to 'break out' of
the Gnome interface so I can edit my xf86config file?

Thanks Joceli, those files did the trick!


Subject: Re: 10 GB IDE backup system for Linux. Does it exist ?
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 12 Jul 1999 23:04:18 -0400

Karim El Founas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello, I'm searching a IDE backup system for a Linux (RH5.2) that
> support about 10 Gb. Something like a Travan drive. Is there somebody
> who known which manufacturer make this kind of backup ? At which price ?
> What's your advices about it ?

a 2nd ide harddrive is about $150.  i have two boxen and mirror my
stuff over the lan.  getting a throwaway computer and harddrive is
cheaper than most tape solutions.

J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
Don't Fear the Penguin!


From: Chris Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Asus TNT v3400
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 11:16:55 +0800

AFAIK the XFree86 version that comes with RH5.2 is not recent enough to have the
TNT chipset support. Download the latest driver (probably the RPM's from RedHat
are easiest. Ensure you get the SVGA server RPM also). Upgrade your packages and
you should be able to select the TNT driver. By the way, if you're using
Xconfigurator that comes with RH, you'll need to update the RPM for that also.

Hope this helps

Chris Williams

W Thompson wrote:

> I recently got a new AGP card, asus TNT v3400, its a 2D/3D card with a riva
> TNT chip.
> I am haveing trouble configuring xwindows (redhat 5.2), it worked perfectly
> fine with my
> old AGP card, Trident 3DImage.
> I tried to reconfigure it and used the asus riva128 driver but when i try to
> run xwindows the screen goes all black and there are colours over the
> screen.
> I am not to knowledgable on the subject so could someone please tell me if i
> have to get a new driver or is there something else i have to do.
> thanks in advance
> ~Wayne~


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John McKown)
Subject: Use CD-R all the time?
Date: 13 Jul 1999 03:19:52 GMT

I have a minor problem. My old system just died. It was 3 years old and
I was planning on replacing it anyway. That's not the problem. The problem
is that it happened unexpectedly and I *had* to get a new machine ASAP.
I'm not into really building my own. So I went to Frys Electronics and
picked up what seems to be a good, albeit unknown to me, system (NexStar).
Anyway. This system came with the usual stuff. I immediately put my stuff
into it. In particular, it came with a 10Gb HD (hda) + IDE CD-ROM (hdc).
Well, of course I wanted my old HDs (3 of them). I also transplanted my
SCSI adapter. Attached to the SCSI is an external CD-Recordable and
a tape drive. Well, I left in the new CD-ROM, but made it hdd. I then put in 
my 3 HDs (8.5G, 2.5G, & 6.4G). 
Now I am considering one of the following:
1) remove the IDE CD-ROM and put the 10Gb in as hdd. This means that I
will need to use the SCSI CD-Recordable as my only CD. This is OK by me,
but I vaguely remember somebody, somewhere saying this was not a good idea.
Something about the "head" being heavier and so the drive motor for the 
head will wear out sooner. Is this true? Or sometimes true depending on the
model of the CD-Recorder (Mine is a Caravelle model CDR-N820S)?
2) Install another IDE controller. I would then make the 10G hdd and
move the IDE CD-ROM to this new controller (hde?). Or would it be better
to leave the CD where it is and put the 10G on hde? If I go this route,
I'd probably get a Promise Ultra/66. I don't know if this is totally
supported. I'm running RH 6.0 (kernel 2.2.5-15). I've read some messages
that say it works and other say that it doesn't.

Anyway, your opinion and experience in this area is appreciated,


From: "Chris Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problems with the new Nvidia TNT driver
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 11:21:00 +0800

Yep, i've had similar problems. The cursor problem is exactly as you have
described and also running GNOME and Enlightenment give screen corruption.
AFAIK no fix has been reported (maybe we have to wait for XFree86 4.0)

Chris Williams
    B. Joshua Rosen wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
    I was wondering if anyone else has tried the new TNT driver that Nvidia
put on their web site recently? When I tried it I had some problems with
Xemacs, specifically backspace leaves behind a red line when it is used to
delete text. The red line is probably the bottom part of the block cursor.
The old Nvidia TNT driver (The one that's include in redhat 6.0) works fine
on my system, except that it's a little slow.


From: Karlo Szabo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Which board for Celeron A366?
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 13:58:43 +1000

Get the BX6 r2.
It can take up to a 1G of ram, has 5 PCI,2 ISA and 1 AGP.

and if you get a C366 made after week 14
that baby will do 550Mhz no fuss.

Bert Konstantin wrote:
> Which mainboard should I use with a Celeron A366?
> Which board for the Celeron A366 supports more than 128MB cacheable
> area?
> OS: Linux, Win95b, BeOS
> Thanks
> Albert


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Ries)
Subject: Kernel Panic, initrd problem?
Date: 13 Jul 1999 03:28:27 GMT

Greetings all. I've been gone from the linux world for a while, but I
thought I'd come blazing back on the scene with RH 6.0. It works quite
well, but I cannot seem to get the 2.2 kernel recompiled. This was never a
problem back in the 2.0 days, so I can't figure out what's going on.

When I boot my new kernel, I get an error: "Kernel Panic: cannot mount
root VFS" (not exact text)

I have no idea what this means, but I suspect it has something to do with
the fact that RH installs an initrd image, and my new kernel does not.
Anyone have any clue? All I'm trying to do is get my ATAPI CDRW and
Ensoniq AudioPCI to work - you'd think this would be easier!

Any comments/suggestions are welcome.

Thanks so much,




Subject: Re: $299 linux pc hardware questions
Date: 12 Jul 1999 10:44:26 -0400

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mohd H Misnan) writes:

> On 09 Jul 1999 09:44:37 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Linux systems with 2 button mice....UGH!!!!!!!!
> And err.. what wrong with 2 button mouse?
Don't use X windows eh?  X uses 3 buttons, yes you can do emulation,
but thats a hack and if you are selling systems to be linux only,
it shouldn't have 2 button mice.

Tom Evans 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ron Gibson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Dev's won't work???
Date: 13 Jul 1999 04:08:21 GMT

On Mon, 12 Jul 1999 22:48:30, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (brian moore) wrote:

> > For instance invoking commands such as "ftape" or "fd0" I get a no such
> > device message.  However when viewing the directory with MC the devices
> > and or links are there and they have been made.
> Those are not commands, they are devices.
> Just what would you expect executing /dev/fd0 to do?

Oh brother.  I made a typo.  That should read "invoking commands that
includes a dev such as ftape or fd0"

Clear now?

                      email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Mark Pritchard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RH6 w/TNT2,  X res is about 320x200, can't change, can't navigate eaily
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 09:34:11 +1000


>I have a Leadtek S320II on an Abit BX6r2 motherboard, several OS'
>multi-boot. My RH6 install was 'everything'. RH6 detects the card as a

I solved this problem last night with my Leadtek S320II as well :)

Being a complete newbie, I was pretty stoked about finding out how to do it!

Simple steps (hope I'm not teaching you to suck eggs, but this is pretty
detailed) -

1) Grab the latest XFree86 rpms ( from your local RedHat mirror.

2) Install them
    rpm -U XFree86*

3) Run xf86config and choose card 404 (Riva TNT)

3) Grab the RIVA-X-GLX-1.0-glibc-i386-dyn.tar.gz from

4) Unpack this file somewhere
    tar xvf RIVA-X-GLX-1.0-glibc-i386-dyn.tar.gz

5) Run the riva_install script
    bash riva_install

6) Run X :)

>size, I can't even find the exit command on the menu. Its all I can do to
>kill x without a hardware reset.

Read in RedHat Linux Secrets (good book) that you can use Ctrl+Alt+Backspace
to terminate the X-Windows session. You can also use Ctrl+Alt+<plus key> and
Ctrl+Alt+<minus key> to cycle through your resolutions/colour depths.



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