Linux-Hardware Digest #753, Volume #10           Tue, 13 Jul 99 18:13:28 EDT

  Re: HELP:Upgrading to RedHat 6.0 "fouled" up my system ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Some difficult to work with 3Com 3c509B card --- Can you help me ? ("Mimmo a Mclink 
  Soundblaster16 PnP ... :( (Tsmanlyman)
  Floating Point Exception on Cyrix with MP3s (Pete Hollobon)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Artur Swietanowski)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Artur Swietanowski)
  Re: What about DVD Drives ? (Tsmanlyman)
  Re: Headless Multia? (Andre Kostur)
  Re: Linux/KDE; KDat backup on dat tape proggy (Barry Samuels)
  Re: Sound Blaster Live! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Dual boot Win9x and Solaris using LILO ("Administrator")
  Simple Tech 56K V90 PCMCIA modem working under Linux ? (Id Est)
  Re: Sound Blaster Live! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Limit Access By Time or Date (Brian McCullough)
  multiple modem's ("w.stoeger")
  Re: How Close is the Mobo temp to the CPU temp???? (Allen)
  Fastest CPU for 60ns simm memory? (Peter Hecke)
  Re: Headless Multia? ("Marco Ruiter")


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: HELP:Upgrading to RedHat 6.0 "fouled" up my system
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 18:52:49 GMT

Or you can run xf86config.  If you really want to run install from the
cd though.  Boot off a 98 system diskette (or other with dos cdrom
drivers) and run the batch file off the CD (dosutils\autoboot.bat).

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Shice Beoney) wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Jul 1999 09:55:40 -0700 in comp.os.linux.setup, Tom
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered the following profound gem of wisdom:
> <snip>
> >Does anyone know whewre I can get a boot floppy for RedHat 6.0 and
> >this whole thing again?
> Tom,
> Using an ftp client (or, gag, a web browser) go to, then
> from the pub/linux/RedHat/linux/redhat/redhat-6.0/i386/dosutils,
> download the file rawrite.exe
> Then, from the pub/linux/RedHat/linux/redhat/redhat-6.0/i386/images
> directory, download boot.img. Put a formatted diskette in your a
> drive, and run rawrite. Tell it the location on your hd of boot.img,
> then the location of your diskette (it should ask you that) and it
> should then write the boot disk for you.
> HTH!
> --
> "While removing all youre clothes does not mean youre nekkid, it does
mean you
> will have trouble walking thru the mall un-noticed." -Wurk, in

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: "Mimmo a Mclink (News)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Some difficult to work with 3Com 3c509B card --- Can you help me ?
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 21:01:06 +0200

        My machine is running in Linux 2.2.5-15 RedHat 6.0.
After starting system , everythings seems [OK] , but when i try to send
somethings via Eth0 (3c509), like ping command  i receive the message:
"Transmit timed out, Tx_status 00 status 2000 TX FIFO room 1456".
I try to set off the PnP (Plag and pray) bit with dos utility of 3Com ( ref.
How-to-Ethernet-5 Vendor/Manufacturer ...3Com...)and restart system but
The network (hardware resource) is tested and is O.K.

Any help appreciated,

Mimmo Principe - Rome



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tsmanlyman)
Subject: Soundblaster16 PnP ... :(
Date: 13 Jul 1999 19:11:24 GMT

   Howdy all.. I can't get my sb16pnp to work at all, and I'm sick of dicking
with it. I have compiled kernels with various port, DMA and IRQ options, used
sndconfig, played with pnpdump and isapnp tools, all to no avail. Here are my
windows settings, could this help shed light on the situation?

IRQ 10
DMA 1, 0
IO  0240-024F
IO  0330-0331
IO  0388-038B

BTW .. these settings are often different from boot to boot. 
What a pain in the ass. It's easier to set up a modem and compile X !!

Please respond via e-mail... I'm newsgroup blind :(



From: Pete Hollobon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Floating Point Exception on Cyrix with MP3s
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 19:35:31 +0100


I'm running a Cyrix PR166+, with 48Mb ram.  Kernel 2.2.10, though
tried several, including 2.0.34.

When I play or encode an MP3, it crashes after a seemingly random
amount of time with a floating point exception.  I've tried lowering
the memory speed in the bios, turning off internal and external
caches, limited memory usage - everything.  It doesn't occur
when I use FPU emulation, but it won't play in realtime if I use

Last year, the fan went and the CPU got a bit hot for a while.  Does
anyone have any ideas what's going on here - I can't find any info at all.


// pete hollobon           01904 655877            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
// 07808 316321        SMS (140 chars max): [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Artur Swietanowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 21:22:01 +0200

Anthony Hill wrote:
> On Mon, 05 Jul 1999 21:17:06 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrzej
> Popowski) wrote:
> >These are times for compiling Linux kernel with different CPU set:
> >
> >CPU                    time in seconds
> >P2 350                 416
> >Celeron 450            353
> >Celeron 550            314
> >Celeron 450 + P2 350   273
> >2*P2 350               256
>         Hmm, by my calculations that makes the dual PII 350 chips
> 62.5% faster then the single PII 350MHz chip. 

We're talking kernel compilation here. Disk I/O is heavy. Memory 
usage is heavy, too. A single process (say, compilation of one 
source file) takes up a very small portion of time. There are 
thousands of processes run over this time, with all possible 

In short: this is not really a comparison of two CPU's, but of 
two complete systems.

Furthermore, the speedup will depend on the number of parallel jobs 
(a) make is allowed to run (the parameter on the command line 
    limits this),
(b) make may run at any given time, due to dependencies.

Note (b) above arises from the simple fact, that many jobs simply 
have to be run sequentially. As for (a), I observed better speedups 
on a dual PII with the number of jobs specified as 4 and even 10, 
than with just 2.

> Hmm, not bad, but not exactly an improvement that makes me want to 
> rush out and get a dual setup right away, especially since most 
> programs are likely to see less of an improvement then this.

This depends on your definition of most programs. Programs, which 
do a lot of sequential tuff, like I/O to one IDE disk will not see 
as much improvement from the second CPU, as they might from Level 0 
RAID. Simply put, consider what you need the setup for, and then buy, 
not the other way around.

>         It's interesting to note that the dual PII 350MHz chips were
> faster then the Celeron 450+PII 350.  I wonder if this is caused by
> the simple fact that PIIs work better in multiprocessing systems, or
> because the running SMP systems with asynchronous processors causes
> other problems. 

I'd guess the cache size matters, since the overall use of memory 
is pretty high. I don't now of any advantage of PII in 

Artur Swietanowski                    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institut für Statistik,  Operations Research  und  Computerverfahren,
Universität Wien,     Universitätsstr. 5,    A-1010 Wien,     Austria
tel. +43 (1) 427 738 620                     fax  +43 (1) 427 738 629


From: Artur Swietanowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 21:28:35 +0200

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Robato Yao) writes:
> > (Salem Lee Ganzhorn) writes: >Chris Robato Yao
> > ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: >: its time, while the CPU is
> > idle.  Spreadsheets and compiling won't be >: taking advantage of
> > duals since most of them aren't designed for it, but > >gmake.. you
> > will see huge gains in compiling with multiple processors.
> >
> > When you're doing multiple compiles at the same time, possibly.
> Wouldn't it be possible to do a makefile that does exactly that

In the days of old (ca. 1995) I did exactly this on an 8 processor 
shared memory Cray Superserver 6400 (later upgraded to 16 
processors). The speedups were tremendous, partly due to the fact 
the the disk subsystem and the memory management was really 
efficent. My single (un-niced) compilation was practically 
overtaking the whole machine, but 1.6 MB of C++ code was usually 
recompiled in under 2 minutes. It took ca. 45 mins. on a single 
Sparc workstation to do the same. 

Artur Swietanowski                    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institut für Statistik,  Operations Research  und  Computerverfahren,
Universität Wien,     Universitätsstr. 5,    A-1010 Wien,     Austria
tel. +43 (1) 427 738 620                     fax  +43 (1) 427 738 629


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tsmanlyman)
Subject: Re: What about DVD Drives ?
Date: 13 Jul 1999 18:29:35 GMT

VERY COOL. Soon I'll be able to kill windows entirely :) I got a Q now tho..
are there any drivers for the newer DVD burners? I'd love to get into 4gig
storage CDs.. :)

  Send replies via e-mail !


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.alpha
Subject: Re: Headless Multia?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andre Kostur)
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 19:58:30 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul G. Fitzgerald) wrote in 
<7mg277$rf9$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>I was told that running my Multia without a keyboard or mouse would fry
>the motherboard. I am skeptical about that statement, so I decided to
>ask here. I would like to run my Multia with only a power cable and
>ethernet cable attached to the machine.

Hmm... that's _exactly_ how I have mine set up.... Ethernet and Power 

 12:25pm  up 59 days, 17:37,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Barry Samuels)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,
Subject: Re: Linux/KDE; KDat backup on dat tape proggy
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 19:24:24 GMT

On Tue, 13 Jul 1999 01:24:59, "Gene Heskett" 

> And by golly, there it is, with a lot more options set that make sense
> for this drive.  Lemme fill in the blanks...
>  BS> Example:
> ---------
>  BS> #KDE Config File
>  BS> [KDE Setup]
> ejectOnUnmount=true
> defaultTapeSize=8388608
> lockOnMount=true
> loadOnMount=true
> tapeDevice=mt
> [KfileDialogSettings]
> ejectOnUnmount=true
> defaultTapeSize=8388608
> lockOnMount=true
> loadOnMount=true
> tapeDevice=/dev/tape
> tapeBlockSize=512
> ------EOF
>  BS> tapeBlockSize=1024
>  BS> tapeDevice=/dev/nst0
> Now, I note that there are 2 tapeDevice= statements there, as are most
> of the rest of the conf file's statements.  Do I need to fix something
> there since with the exception of the tapeDevice, nothing else is
> visible in the prefs pulldown when clicked on..

I would suggest the following:

In the [KDE Setup] section copy the tapeBlockSize line from the 
[KFileDialogSettings] section assuming that it is correct for your 

Change the tapeDevice in [KDE Setup] to /dev/nst0.

Comment out the whole section under the [KFileDialogSettings] header.

Assuming that the defaultTapeSize is correct for your drive - try it 

Best wishes

Barry Samuels


Subject: Re: Sound Blaster Live!
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 20:10:03 GMT

Never mind -- I found it. For anyone else looking for the same thing:


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From: "Administrator" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Dual boot Win9x and Solaris using LILO
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 12:49:50 -0700

Thank you in advance.

I have a primary master with one partition and windows installed.  I also
have a secondary master with one fdisk partition and Solaris x86 installed.
I'd like to use LILO to load each OS at boot, rather than booting Solaris
from floppy.  I found an excellent FAQ at
but I think the author assumes that Linux is also installed.  I do not have
Linux installed at this time.

I have created the lilo.conf/lilo.message already.  I have created a
boot.img and a rescue.img and copied the lilo executable and config files to
another floppy.  When I boot the rescue disk and run lilo from the other
floppy, I get a "segmentation fault".  I'm wondering if maybe some libraries
are necessary as well.  The Redhat help docs on the distribution indicate
that the rescue image is for a situation like my own, so I am wondering why
they opted to omit lilo from the tools on the rescue disk??

Any suggestions?

-Eddie Anzalone, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Simple Tech 56K V90 PCMCIA modem working under Linux ?
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 20:05:29 GMT

just saw a 56K V90 PCMCIA modem from "Simple Tech" at a local dealer
for about $90 (US).  has anybody got one working under Linux ?


Subject: Re: Sound Blaster Live!
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 20:00:55 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "CyShArK" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> that i got a driver in that was supposed to work with the
> sblive  ...

What is this driver and

And, more importantly, where do I get it because I have a Sound Blaster
Live! as well...

(I have RH 6.0 [from sunsite] and kernel 2.2.5-15 as distributed, though
I am planning to upgrade if possible)


Kenneth Arnold

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From: Brian McCullough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Limit Access By Time or Date
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 15:01:10 -0500

Todd Davis wrote:

> limit access to files and/or resources by time/date.
It can be done, it will just take a little time to get
the scripts setup right.

you could write two scripts 1) to change the permissions
on the dial up script so your kids can use it, 2) and one
that sets permissions so they can not use it.

Then as root submit these two scripts to cron or crontab

man cron
man crontab

you could write a setuid script wrapper to check who is
using the file and what time it is.


From: "w.stoeger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: multiple modem's
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 22:41:33 +0200

hi ng,

would like to install and operate 2 different modems under suse 6.1


ttys0: mouse
ttys1: irq4 usr 56k modem (allready running)
ttys2: irq 5 should be linked to a internal 14400 fax modem.

hw: p5/100/64mb/4gb hd as a data stoage and comm server. ws are 2
po3/450/128mb/10gb devices linked by samba.

fax support should be network wide faxin/faxout.

reason for two modems is as there are two different telephone lines.

tnx and regards to all :-)



Subject: Re: How Close is the Mobo temp to the CPU temp????
Date: 13 Jul 1999 20:39:55 GMT

        Look in the automotive gadget section of the nearest K-Mart too
(or Wal-Mart?).  Their normal price for such is about $10,  with temp
ranges that are -50 F to 158 F.

On Tue, 13 Jul 1999 00:36:55 -0400, "Ron Keller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>What I have found worked very well was getting an indoor/outdoor thermometer
>from the SHACK. The indoor reads ambient room temp and place the probe for
>the outdoor reading into the fins of the heatsink against the plate which
>contacts the CPU. Great way to establish comparisons between enviromental
>temp and machine temp. For instance, I am running a celeron 466 @ 583 and my
>cpu operates at 5.5 degrees F above room temp.
>When they are on sale, they are usually less than $20, and they run forever
>on a couple AAA batteries, and the info is always right in front of you, no
>need to query the BIOs or have a program running in the background.


(email addy; user ID portion has a numeral one in place of word
onespoiler, and of course, delete the bogus secondary domain of nospam.)
PC/hardware Guru, and Linux Newbie


From: Peter Hecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fastest CPU for 60ns simm memory?
Date: 13 Jul 1999 20:36:01 GMT

I wish to upgrade my motherboard/CPU to a faster combination.  Currently, I 
have 60ns 72 pin (non-EDO) simms and would like to use them on the new

So my question is, what is the fastest CPU that can run reliably with my 
existing simms?  

I am looking at a Tyan 1590S socket seven motherboard with either a 233MMX
Pentium or AMD 350.  I would underclock the CPU's if necessary.

In the future, I will upgraded to faster memory.  For now, I am trying to 
keep the costs down.



From: "Marco Ruiter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.alpha
Subject: Re: Headless Multia?
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 23:13:07 +0200


believe me , it's perfectly safe to do that.
It can do terminal to com port from the bios as standard, they won't do that
for nothing.
I had a cople of those multia's. And that really doesn't happen.

with kind regards Marco Ruiter

Paul G. Fitzgerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7mg277$rf9$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hello,
> I was told that running my Multia without a keyboard or mouse would fry
> the motherboard. I am skeptical about that statement, so I decided to
> ask here. I would like to run my Multia with only a power cable and
> ethernet cable attached to the machine.
> Thanks,
> Paul
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.



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