Linux-Hardware Digest #756, Volume #10           Wed, 14 Jul 99 01:13:36 EDT

  Re: What about DVD Drives ? ("Alex Roussel")
  Re: cant get xwindows happening (David Pollack)
  Re: Blaster Banshee AGP and Linux (Heyday)
  Epson Color 600 and Debian 2.1 (Josh Morris)
  SCSI adaptor for ZIP 250? (Pat Palmer)
  Zip plus always busy (Jonathan Busey)
  Zip drive auto sleep (Jonathan Busey)
  Re: my okidata okipage 6e printer won't print ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Dave)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Marc Mutz)
  Re: tft t55d under linux? (Marc Mutz)
  Re: Dev's won't work??? (Marc Mutz)
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (David T. Wang)


From: "Alex Roussel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What about DVD Drives ?
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 22:55:42 -0400

Tsmanlyman wrote in message
>VERY COOL. Soon I'll be able to kill windows entirely :) I got a Q now
>are there any drivers for the newer DVD burners? I'd love to get into 4gig
>storage CDs.. :)
>  Send replies via e-mail !

yes, actually, that's why I got so confused. Source:

mystBurn 1.1.2-80 stable with dvd-recording is out

"CD-Recording program that support bootable CD, Multisession, Rock Ridge,
Iso9660, Audio-CD, direct copy's and all Mac-Format's dvd-recording and
many more.  you can make tar backupsets on one or more CDs on fly."

The software might be in german though. :-(


From: David Pollack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,aus.computers.linux
Subject: Re: cant get xwindows happening
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 21:23:24 -0700

You might want to try and get the newest version of X if you haven't
done so.

Nico wrote:
> keiron wrote:
> >
> > During my linux install, my video card was not recognised (STB Velocity
> > 4400)
> >
> > I selected SVGA instead, and matched the monitor. I then selected 800 x 600
> > 8 bit coulour. However, the install couldnt determine the amount of RAM. I
> > selected 8Mb (its actually 16Mb). When i typed startx, I got the message
> > that i didnt have enough video ram to start it.
> >
> > Im really lost and confused here, as I have been using linux for, oh, about
> > 10 minutes, and all I could do was stare at a command prompt!!
> >
> > I guess I want to know what I should be setting my card to, if there are
> > drivers or whatever available, and how I install them from the prompt!!
> >
> > tks in advance,
> >
> > Keiron
> Take a look at
> Search your card get the server and install it.
> If your card isn't in there then do a search at a search engine on "STB
> Velocity 4400" and linux and driver
> Nocturnus


From: Heyday <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: Re: Blaster Banshee AGP and Linux
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 04:34:52 GMT

That worked!  I only have one more problem.  I need to lower my
resolution to 800X600 but I can't for the life of me figure it out.
I've looked at my x86config file but do not know what to change.  Any



In article <7mdrvb$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "kryliss" <> wrote:
> Go to your mandrake CD then go to Mandrake/RPMS then do rpm -Uvh
> XFree86-VGA16* after that then do the 3dfx updates. That's how I get
mine to
> install.
> Terrapin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > On Sun, 11 Jul 1999 06:12:01 GMT, Heyday <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> >
> > >I'm trying to install these but it keeps saying I need X86Free_16
> > >installed.
> >
> > Load the specific XFree86 package it asked for. This will contain
> > font drivers and other stuff you need for that card. The only XFree
> > rpms that are loaded during install are the basic ones.
> >
> > > I'm running Mandrake and beleive I have set this up.  I have
> > >been able to get it running by loading the drivers on the Creative
> > >website, but the resolution is too small and I can't figure out how
> > >change it.  I've tried CRL+ALT+"-" and CRL+ALT+NUMLOCK+"-" and no
> > > I've looked at the X86config file but do not understand it.
> > >have any suggestions?
> > >
> > >Thanks
> > >
> > >Joel
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >In article <U2Xf3.5609$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > >  "Ken Potter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> It's taken me 3 nights to get my Creative Banshee working with
> > >Linux.... 1st
> > >> I tired RedHat 6, didn't like it, then went to Mandrake. I had to
> > >quite a
> > >> bit (for newbie little me) of tinkering to get it to work with X.
> > >Here's the
> > >> URL you should start with:
> > >> http://glide/
> > >> What a PITA... and my Intellimouse still doesn't work :-)
> > >> -Ken P.
> > >>
> > >> >
> > >> > Now, if I get a Blaster Banshee video card, will it work with
> > >> > Mandrake 6.0 distribution?  Anyone have the Blaster Banshee
> > >card
> > >> > working with Mandrake 6.0??
> > >> >
> > >> > Joe
> > >> >
> > >>
> > >>
> >

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From: Josh Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Epson Color 600 and Debian 2.1
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 00:49:10 -0500

Has anyone got this printer to work with Debian.  I'm running Debian 2.1
with a 2.2.10 compiled kernel.  I installed Ghostscript 5.10 per a site
recommended by the Ghostscript download page for Debian et al. distros. 
However, I have absolutely no idea how to set up this printer under Debian. 
I can do it under Red Hat quite easily, but unfortunately I haven't been
able to get the printer to work using Debian.  Does someone know of a site
that goes through this step by step, or maybe if they can post or e-mail me
their printcap and corresponding filter file.  It was easy with Red Hat
(kudos to them for that tool), and I'd like to explore Debian's strengths
and weaknesses.  I've looked at magicfilter (which I couldn't find a entry
for this printer and the only one I could get working was monochrome and
flaky at that) and I've even tried copying over the files generated by Red
Hat (which obviously didn't work - wouldn't it be nice if all Linux
distributions played nicely together?).  Any help is appreciated.  Thanks!

Josh Morris


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pat Palmer)
Subject: SCSI adaptor for ZIP 250?
Date: 13 Jul 1999 10:23:27 -0600

I would like to add a SCSI zip drive (the 250mb version) to a Linux
system running RedHat 6.0.  I know from the experience of a friend
that the Adaptec 2940UW works fine, but that costs about $280, and it
seems like overkill to me -- I can't think of any other use I am
likely to have for SCSI except possibly for a scanner sometime.  (I
want the scsi version only because I want to use the drive on other
platforms also.)  

I looked at Adaptec's web page, and it seems that the 2906 would be
adequate.  But, will that work with my version of Linux?  (I am
interested in backup of user files, not booting or anything else
interesting.  Does anyone have any experience with this?  I have PCI
and ISA slots available, and I assume that any of these adaptors would
work with Windows 95 also -- maybe this is naive?

Second, I originally assumed that I would simply use mtools and keep
everything in the "lowest common denominator" MS-dos file system, but
it seems that people are formatting these disks with Linux file
systems successfully.  Is this a correct understanding?  

Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- I think the
automatically generated From: line works, but I am not confident of

Pat Palmer 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonathan Busey)
Subject: Zip plus always busy
Date: 13 Jul 1999 16:55:31 GMT

This question involves unmounting my zip plus parallel port drive. 
Any time after I've mounted it I can't unmount, even when no one is
accessing any files on it and its resources aren't used.  Instead I
get the message "umount: /mnt/zip: device is busy"
That sure is annoying.
Here's the relevant line from my fstab:
/dev/sda4               /mnt/zip                auto    user,noauto,defaults 0 0
Thanks a mil,


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonathan Busey)
Subject: Zip drive auto sleep
Date: 13 Jul 1999 16:57:18 GMT

This question concerns the auto-shutoff time of my (or any) parport
Zip plus drive.  I would like to set it too like 2 minutes or so, but
hdparm blabbers "operation not supported on SCSI disks" at me whenever
I try to set the shut off time with it.  the background humming drives
my girlfriend crazy and is starting to make her hate computers.  You
gotta help me.
Thanks a mil,


Subject: Re: my okidata okipage 6e printer won't print
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 17:05:46 GMT

The OKIPAGE 6e printer supports PCL (The OKIPAGE 4w, 4wPlus, 6w and 8w
printers are Windows only.)  If you get just a blinking LED, the
probable reason is that it is not being set to PCL mode before sending
the PCL data.  (The OKIPAGE 6e also supports 'Hiper-W' mode).  You can
do that by adding the sequence "%-12345X@PJL ENTER LANGUAGE=PCL" at
the start of the job, where the square character is an escape character

Hope this helps,

In article <7l9lmv$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Dan Shackelford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is this perhaps a Windows only printer? I think it might be .. since
it is
> Oki PAGE .. I believe it uses a Windows GDI driver to create the
output. Can
> you boot in straight DOS, not DOS shell, and use the PRN command and
it will
> print? If it wont print then ... then you may have a printer that
> Windows as a host to actually print.
> Yosef Zlochower wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >
> >
> >Gary I Kahn wrote:
> >
> >> > The printer light  just blinks and nothing is printed. I tried
> adjusting
> >> > all options for the ljet4  (send EOF .....supress headers etc)
> >> > (under printool) ; nothing seems to work.
> >>
> >> 1. Try printing to the printer under Windows, if you have it
> >> available, to rule out a hardware problem.
> >>
> >> 2.  Could you please be more specific about the blinking?  Has
> >> the printer finished its warmup cycle?  Is it in the non-blinking
> >> light stage before you attempt to print?  Is the blinking fast or
> >> slow?  Slow is about once per second, and indicates that the
> >> printer is receiving data.  Fast blinking is noticeably more than
> >> once per second, and indicates a problem.  For me, the most
> >> common problem has been the out-of-paper condition.  Other than
> >> that, I've had one paper-jam and a couple of instances of my not
> >> having closed the paper drawer completely.
> >>
> >> I used the Red Hat Linux Print System Manager to configure my
> >> printer under RH5.1 and RH6.0.  Here's what I used to get it
> >> running:
> >>
> >> Name: lp
> >> Spool Directory: /var/spool/lpd/lp
> >> File Limit in Kb: 0
> >> Printer Device: /dev/lp0
> >> Input Filter: *auto* - LaserJet4
> >> Supress Headers is checked.
> >>
> >> On the Filter screen:
> >> Printer Type: HP LaserJet 4/5/6 series
> >> Resolution: 300x300
> >> Paper Size: letter
> >> Color Depth: default
> >> Printing Options:  1 page per output page
> >> Margins:  18 pts for each.
> >>
> >> Gary Kahn
> >
> >Sorry for not being specific. The blinking was slow and was due to
> printer
> >recieving data. I did wait for the warmup cycle to be completed
> >attempting to print. My printer works fine under win 98 (both as an
> 6e
> >and as an hp 4).
> >I tried the above settings, it
> >still won't print.
> >Any additional help would be appreciated
> >
> >        Yosef
> >

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Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 17:34:32 GMT

On 12 Jul 1999 00:54:13 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Keith R. Williams) wrote:

>Nope.  But I have to laugh.  You say that 90% of the accesses are
>caught by the L1 and you get a 10% boost by going from 16K to 
>32K.  That leaves 1% of the performance for the L2 and main 
>memory.  Neat!

Your argument is flawed. The performance boost gained from increasing
L1 cache size depends significantly on the penalty for a L1 miss. If a
L1 miss takes for (an extreme) example 1 second to resolve then
increasing L1 size is going to give a massive boost to performance. 



Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 18:51:30 +0200
From: Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?

Keith R. Williams wrote:
> > _Every_ read access is first checked against L1.
> Nope. Accesses to memory are broadcast and the first to "pick up"
> the address as valid responds.
If that is right (and I'm not able to confirm nor tell you wrong) what
will be the cache that 'wins'? L1! So practically, I'm right in my
assertion that every read access is checked against L1. I withdraw the
'first' though. But that was not really my point...

> > In 90% of the code
> > accesses and - if you have a fine algorithm - also 80-90% of the data
> > accesses the L1 hits. So the speed of the L1 is significant. Agreed?
> No. I don't agree. Not even close.  Certainly the latency of the
> L1 is important.  The L1 is usually a line wide to the CPU and a
> one cycle latency so the processor won't stall. Certainly nowhere
> near 90% of the memory accesses are caught by the L1.
Can you prove me wrong? I guess that modern CPU's do a prefetch of code
cache lines so's to minimize the L1 fails. They calculate the target of
a branch and load the code there speculatively, i.e. the cache line is
filled even before the CPU needs to access that memory location, i.e.
the L1 hits.

> > But also the _size_ of the L1 is significant, because it is so much
> > smaller than the L2. Going from 16K to 32K will bring you some kind of
> > performance 'boost' (like 10%), going from 256K to 512K L2 will give you
> > <2%.
> Nope.  But I have to laugh.  You say that 90% of the accesses are
> caught by the L1 and you get a 10% boost by going from 16K to
> 32K.  That leaves 1% of the performance for the L2 and main
> memory.  Neat!
Well, if 16K of L1 catch 90% of accesses then 32K will just lift that
to, say, 95%. The 10% were more meant as an upper bound. Don't take
those numbers to be precise. If it was that 80% of all accesses hit L1,
how would that change my argument (line-of-tought? what's the word?)?

> > To sum up: L1 speed and size is 90% significant.
> >            L2 speed and size is ~10% significant.
> >            L3 speed and size is <~2% significant.
> We cannot agree on the premis of this argument, so we are surely
> not going to agree on the conclusion. If you'd run your own
> numbers you'd see that you're over 100%.
You missed the tilde, indicating that the numbers be approximate.

> > This does not hold, if you have many CPU's in a UMA. In this case you
> > can see significant speed-ups from larger L2/L3 caches, given every CPU
> > has its own.
> UMA?  Me thinks you have to learn the jargon.  SMP is what you're
> discussing (UMA is a graphics architecture). I wasn't touching
> SMP.  That's a different argument, but not unrelated.
I thought of UMA as a MP system where all (or large groups) of the CPUs
share a common main memory (e.g. std. intel SMP), as opposed to systems
where each CPU has it's own piece of RAM (e.g. transputers or DSP
farms). I was fully aware of UMA being (also?) used for framebuffer
integration into main memory. If you want to deny the question mark
above, please tell me the 'jargon' acronym for what I have just
described (maybe SMA?).


Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          
University of Bielefeld, Dep. of Mathematics / Dep. of Physics

PGP-keyID's:   0xd46ce9ab (RSA), 0x7ae55b9e (DSS/DH)


Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 19:17:41 +0200
From: Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: tft t55d under linux?

Daniel Baechli wrote:
> The graphic card for the t55d is suggested to be the Matrox G200 Graphics
> 2D/3D Controller with 8MB SDRAM (up to 16MB), IBM P&D. Can someone please
> tell me if there is a possible setup for the t55d with the matrox card and
> furthermore if it is better regarding linux-compatibility to buy the PCI- or
> AGP-version of the matrox card?
I don't think you will be able to make the above combination work w/o
involving the framebuffer device. You may be able to do that, if the DFP
is an analog on, as oppsed to digital ones, what is what the P&D
connector implies. But P&D is a kind of all-in-one connector, so the
above is not clear to me.


Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          
University of Bielefeld, Dep. of Mathematics / Dep. of Physics

PGP-keyID's:   0xd46ce9ab (RSA), 0x7ae55b9e (DSS/DH)


Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 19:13:49 +0200
From: Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Dev's won't work???

key wrote:
> You can try the command below, but you may need to have vesa mode enabled
> from within lilo.conf: (see fbdev mini-howto for more detail)
> mknod  /dev/fb0 c 29 0
??? Why do you need fb to mknod a character device? - ah, I see: You
mistaked fb for _fd_...


Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          
University of Bielefeld, Dep. of Mathematics / Dep. of Physics

PGP-keyID's:   0xd46ce9ab (RSA), 0x7ae55b9e (DSS/DH)
key wrote:


Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: 14 Jul 1999 04:05:16 GMT

Colin Andrew Percival ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: : If the data is not available on the cache of one processor, does the 
: : first processor look for it on the cache of the second processor?  

: : You surely know a lot about caches do you?

:   I wasn't going to wade into this flamewar, but actually, yes, the first
: processor _does_ look for data in the 2nd processor's cache.
:   The first processor (after possibly asserting BR0 to ask for the bus)
: puts a memory read request onto the processor-chipset (frontside) bus
: indicating that it wants to read a certain location in memory.
:   The chipset sees this and starts working on it.
:   Simultaneously, the 2nd processor's cache looks at the request, and
: checks to see if that data is inside it.
:   If the data is not in the 2nd processor's cache, all proceeds as in a
: single processor machine, and data is read from memory via the chipset.
:   However, if it is in the 2nd processor's cache, the 2nd processor
: asserts #BOFF (backoff) to tell the chipset to release the bus, and
: provides the data itself.

: Colin Percival
: PS. I've simplified somewhat in my description (the P6 bus is
: transaction-oriented) but the above is essentially correct.

Did anyone tell you that you're a snoop? 

main(){while(1){switch(rand()%7){case 0:printf("Illogical.\n");break;case 1:
printf("Balderdash.\n");break;case 2:printf("Non sequitur.\n");break;case 3:
printf("Incorrect.\n");break;case 4: printf("See what I mean\?\n");break;
case 5:printf("Irrelevant.\n");break;case 6:printf("Poppycock\n");break;}}}



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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