Linux-Hardware Digest #763, Volume #10           Wed, 14 Jul 99 19:13:39 EDT

  Re: CPU Question (Alex Lam)
  Re: Zip plus always busy ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Linux-Mandrake on Panasonic CF-S51 (Tse Ming Yeung)
  Epson stylus 640 and opticpro 9336T ... hard time in Linux ? ("Rohit Bhargav")
  Twin turbo video card (Giorgio Gasparotto)
  Re: Fastest CPU for 60ns simm memory? (C. C. McPherson)
  bad drives? Can't boot -- error loading shared libraries ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: PCMCIA Ethernet networking problem ("Erik D. Hansen")
  Small Linux (x86) needed, similar to NetWinder ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Question about serial multiport configuration and kernel 2.2.x. ("Alessandro 
  capture videomode settings from Windows? (Klaus Vink)
  Re: QUE: SCSI Yamaha 4416S not recognised ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Mounting probelm extended VFAT 32 (Daniel Grace)
  Re: /dev/lp0 nor /dev/lp1 getting detected (Brian Marr)
  GVC internal PCI modem (Oehlke)
  Re: Linux/KDE; KDat backup on dat tape proggy (Barry Samuels)
  Re: Please help - RAID driver needed (Mike Simos)
  Re: Compact Flash vs. SSFDC Smart Media (Marco Castellon)
  Re: Help: My printer is not getting detected. (gareth)


From: Alex Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,redhat.general
Subject: Re: CPU Question
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 07:25:25 -0700

Johan Kullstam wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (The 2-Belo) writes:
> > Joceli Mayer wrote:
> >
> > >[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > >> I am in the market for a new computer and my first priority is to get Linux
> > >> running on it, but I need to know some things about a CPU.  I have recently
> > >> been looking at an Intel Celeron processor, and I was wondering if Linux
> > >> is compatible with this processor, and some of the pitfalls, if any, I may
> > >> come across if I go with the Celeron.
> > >>
> > >> ------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------
> > >>         
> > >
> > >It works. Also  check for an AMD K6-3 or K6-2, cheaper and
> > >faster than celeron. Also there is the new K7 chip, they rule all intel chips
> > >in a performance-price tradeoff, so far ...
> >
> > A Celeron is essentially a Pentium without the on-board cache memory. The
> > structure of the chip itself is no different.
> even the old celeron without cache uses the pentium-ii/pentium-iii core.
> the celerons today are pentium-ii with a smallish 128KB l2 cache.
> however this cache runs at clock speed as opposed to p-ii which run
> l2 cache at half-speed.  it's basically a toss-up as to which is
> faster (for same clock rate) the celeron or pentium-ii.
A P-II is still  faster than a Celeron at the same clock speed with
disk access intensive tasks like a big, fat assed database server.

I have both Celeron and P-II boxes. The AMD K 6-2 are pretty nice too.
I'm running one as well.

> all indications are that the amd-k7 will be a performance winner.
> however, it may be a few months yet before you can get a k7 and mobo.
Mobos for the K-7 should hit the market by August. Words are out that
SMP - up to 8 cpu - K-7 boards will be out soon as well.

Alex Lam.

> --
> johan kullstam

*remove all the Xs (upper case X) if reply by e mail.
** no more M$ Windoze.


Subject: Re: Zip plus always busy
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 08:14:37 -0700

you can't be in the directory that you mounted the disk on.


From: Tse Ming Yeung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux-Mandrake on Panasonic CF-S51
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 03:40:14 +0800

I have tried to install Linux-Mandrake 6.0 into Panasonic CF-S51 from
harddisk installation,
but there is error occurred in the step of "creat bootdisk" and I can't
install LILO too.

But I don't know what the error is. It only tell me that error occurred.

Should I change the setting in BIOS may solve the problem?

When I installed in my slow desktop, no such problem occurred!

Anyone can help me?


From: "Rohit Bhargav" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Epson stylus 640 and opticpro 9336T ... hard time in Linux ?
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 21:36:39 +0200

Hi all,

Can i use
Epson stylus 640 (inkjet printer)
opticpro 9336T (scanner)

in Linux  ? or can i expect some problems ?

I know there is an h/w compatibilty list ... but am oo lazy right now to
look it up....


- Rohit


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Giorgio Gasparotto)
Subject: Twin turbo video card
Date: 9 Jul 1999 07:13:04 GMT

Does anybody know if exist a driver for the IMS twin turbo 128 video card 
for LINUX PC ?

Best regards

Giorgio Gasparotto


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (C. C. McPherson)
Subject: Re: Fastest CPU for 60ns simm memory?
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 16:27:25 -0400

> I wish to upgrade my motherboard/CPU to a faster combination.  
Currently, I 
> have 60ns 72 pin (non-EDO) simms and would like to use them on the new
> motherboard.
> So my question is, what is the fastest CPU that can run reliably with my 
> existing simms?  
> I am looking at a Tyan 1590S socket seven motherboard with either a 233MMX
> Pentium or AMD 350.  I would underclock the CPU's if necessary.
> In the future, I will upgraded to faster memory.  For now, I am trying to 
> keep the costs down.
> Thanks
I am running my 72 pin FPM (non-EDO) simms with a AMD K6 2-400, 
and I have not had a problem. I am in your boat, I want to keep 
the cost down, so I'll be upgrading piece by piece. BTW I am 
using a cheap MTECH m-549 mobo


Subject: bad drives? Can't boot -- error loading shared libraries
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 20:25:55 GMT

Hi all.. I've got a problem.  We have a machine that was
semi-canibalized over the past week for it's video card and NIC.  Today
I was supposed to put the box back together.  I'm told it worked
flawlessly before, though I'd never touched it before.

I put in a new video card and it's old NIC and proceeded to boot the box
up.  It went through it's POST, gave me a LILO prompt, and began to load
redhat 6.  It went through it's hardware detection stuff without any
problems, then I get the following sequence of messages:

Partition check:
 hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4 <hda5 hda6 hda7 hda8 hda9 hda10>
 hdb: hdb1 hdb2 hdb3 hdb4 <hdb5 hdb6 hdb7 hdb8 hdb9>
VFS: Mounted root (ext2) read-only
hda: irq timeout: status 0x58 (DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest)
hda: DMA disabled
hdb: DMA disabled
ide0: reset: Success
init: error loading shared libraries
/lib/ : Undefined symbol _nl_C_LC_CTYPE_CLASS

At this point it freezes.  It appears to me that the box is dying as
soon as it attempts to read from the root partition.  The DMA disabled
and ide0 reset are suspicious to me, but I don't know for sure what they

The relevent hardware configuration:
Tyan Tiger II mb (single PII/333,384mb RAM)
 (2) Maxtor 8.x gb IDE hdds
ATI Xpert agp video card
3com 905x NIC

What I've tried:

0) Verified all hardware connections (swapped cables, checked jumpers,
double checked all connections, etc)
1) Looked through BIOS to force DMA on the disks or reserve an IRQ for
the controller or something -- nothing unusual found
2) Reset BIOS to original configuration and re-scanned for drives
(picked up just fine).
3) Took both drives out and put them in as secondary drives on a working
machine.  I was able to mount the root partition off the old master, but
got lots of ext2 errors.  I ran e2fsck on it and let it fix tons of
problems -- probably upwards of 100 problems ("unattached" inodes,
various stuff wrong in inodes, etc).  I could then read the disk just
fine... So I put the drives back in the original machine hoping I'd be
able to boot (since I repaired the errors, etc).. No joy, same errors.

Do I have a bad disk?  Is there anything I can do?  Anyone know what's
wrong???  Some of the data on there has to be backed up if at all
possible, so I'm considering putting the drives back in a working box
and dumping their data off.  If I do this is it safe to run e2fsck on
them before reads to ensure I get as much data as possible??? Ideally I
could fix this problem and then back it up properly...

I'd appreciate any insight anyone has to offer as I'm truly out of
ideas.  Thank you!

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: "Erik D. Hansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Re: PCMCIA Ethernet networking problem
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 13:43:18 -0400

Sounds like you ethernet card is deaf...

Is this after a warm reboot into Linux from Windows?  I've found problems
with PCMCIA cards after a warm reboot from Windows.  Does this same thing
happen if you cold start your machine into Linux?


Mike Carden wrote:

> Hey, thanks for responding ..
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, crayfish
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
> >Mike Carden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >You might have to give us your configuration instead of just writing
> >that everything is ok :) In fact, if something is not working, there
> >has to be a problem, and I do not think this is a interrupt prob (as
> >somebody else wrote).
> >
> Fair comment, but what's wrong? Where should I be looking?
> What config files should I post to help?
> >1. Can you see the replys on your linux box?
> Nothing at all.
> >
> >2. How did you connect your linux box?
> Didn't touch a thing apart from reboot into Linux rather than win98
> > Do you get any other traffic to
> >your linux box (can you telnet to it)? If not, there might be a prob
> >with your wiring.
> No traffic on the cable gets recognised at all.
> Can not be a cable problem as the other os works fine.
> >
> >greetings, Crayfish
> Any ideas?
> >
> >
> >
> >> I've a big problem which none of the documentation has helped with!
> >
> >> Configuration:-
> >
> >> Pentium II laptop with Xircom Realport 10/100+Modem 56
> >> Redhat 6.0 new install.
> >
> >> Problem.
> >
> >> The hardware works fine with win95/98/nt including the xircom
> >
> >> I get a real weird problem with linux 6.0.
> >
> >> The linux machine puts packets onto the network with no problem.
> >> I can see them with a sniffer.
> >> They are mainly arp packets of course until I manually add an entry via
> >> arp -s for another machine.
> >> When I do this and then a ping, I see the icmp traffic in both
> >> directions with the sniffer. The linux box sees no replys ( the led on
> >> the xircom flickers though as one would expect ).
> >
> >> ifconfig -a reports no packets RX TX or collisions.
> >
> >> network addresses, netmasks etc are all correct and the other machine
> >> populates it's MAC arp table with the linux boxes ether address
> >> correctly.
> >
> >> Anybody got any ideas?
> >
> >> Thanks.
> >
> >
> >
> >> --
> >> Mike Carden
> --
> Mike Carden


Subject: Small Linux (x86) needed, similar to NetWinder
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 20:38:58 GMT


We are in need of a very small x-86 based system.
Something like the NetWinder, but using the x-86

It needs 64MB of memory, and 2GB of disk.  It 
needs to be small, like the size of a textbook,
and it needs a 10/100 network connection.

We would even consider a bareboard that has an
IDE/SCSI interface, a network interface, and
a way to install Linux (VGA/keyboard port).

We would like to run 2.2+, and we need 
a 300MHZ or greater Pentium.

K6 would do as well.

Please contact "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" if you have such
a beast.

Mike Leo

Michael Leo


From: "Alessandro Staltari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Question about serial multiport configuration and kernel 2.2.x.
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 23:58:36 +0200

I know linux serial driver in kernel 2.2.x can handle multport serial boards
with standard 16650 UARTS using the same hardware interrupt for all ports.
I read it is possible to set up the serial driver so that it will check an
I/O port (if the multiport serial board provides it) comparing its contents
with user provided bitmasks to see which ports caused the interrupt instead
of polling all them, but it seems limited to boards having no more than 4
ports. Is it true?

I have a serial multiport board with 8 ports and the requests of each port
are mapped on one of the 8 bits of an I/O port.

Does the serial driver supports 8 ports mapped on the same I/O ports or I
have to configure my 8 ports serial  board like as I had two boards with 4

If the driver has the 4 ports limit how hard is it shifting the limit to 8?

If the driver can already handle all the 8 ports, which is the sintax for


Alessandro Staltari


From: Klaus Vink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: capture videomode settings from Windows?
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 22:56:30 +0200

I want to get TV-out on my SG200A(AGP) video-card working, the card is
based on S3 Virge/GX2 chipset and (using a SVGA monitor) it works wery
well using Xfree SGVA server.

If the monitor is disconnected during hard-boot, the video board
automatically switches to TV-out - and booting Windows is possible in to
the usual GUI at 480*640 pixels.

If I boot Linux, the system get up running nicely in textmode on
TV-output. But when I try to find videomodes using XF86Setup I loose
sync on the TVset no matter what I try. I suspect some inverted sync.
pulses or other special setting is needed.

So the question is: Can I somehow sneek scanrates, sync., ect. from the
working Windows setup??
    Klaus Vink


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: QUE: SCSI Yamaha 4416S not recognised
Date: 12 Jul 1999 21:09:49 GMT


> Hello to everyone and have a nice week.

> I have the following problem:

> My machine has an Adaptec 2940UW [or 2940U2W] SCSI controller.
> I have a Plextor SCSI cdrom and a Yamaha 4416S CD-RW.
> Linux cannot recognise the Yahama CD-RW.

I guess it's a problem of your linux adaptec driver playing together
with your drive. Mine works fine on a symbios chip. What I would try

- check for a current BIOS for the yamaha
- check for adaptec driver options that disables ultra scsi for that
  drive (20MB/s downto 10MB/s)

Good luck!

Daniel Dorau                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<< If a train stops at a trainstation, what happens at a workstation? >>
       PGP key available, send mail with 'Subject: send pgp key' 
            fingerprint: 8D7E0B2F9E2E5338  DB7B24742E8B2EAE 


From: Daniel Grace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mounting probelm extended VFAT 32
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 14:20:55 -0700

Henk Toorman wrote:
> I can mount my C-drive which is a 16bits FAT primary partition.
> But I have problem to mount the drives D and E which are part of the
> extended partition which is 32 bit FAT..
> No command seems to work.
> Who can help me to solve this problem?

Provided that it's compiled in or made as a module, kernels 2.2.x and up
support FAT32 as vfat, I'm not sure about the earlier ones however.

I don't use extended partitions, I prefer to have multiple primaries
instead, but I seem to remember reading somewhere that they start at
/dev/hd?5, allowing for four primary partitions in /dev/hd?1 to
/dev/hd?4. So, if D is your first logical drive on the extended
partition on /dev/hda, it would be /dev/hda5.  Then again, I could be


Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 07:00:21 +0930
From: Brian Marr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: /dev/lp0 nor /dev/lp1 getting detected

> It's not a hardware problem. When Linux initialize the printer during
> boot process, it seems ok!
> As I need to print my resumes it really annoys me, makes me crazy!
> Any ideas please?
> --

I had a similar problem. 

Try putting this line in /etc/conf.modules

alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc

I then used printool.

#PRINTTOOL3## LOCAL bjc600 360x360 a4 {} BJC600 8 {}
##PRINTTOOL3## LOCAL bjc600 360x360 a4 {} BJC600 8 {}

This enabled me to print from root only, but may get you going. I would
be interest in any improvements to this. I am not logged in as root most
of the time.

Brian Marr


From: Oehlke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: GVC internal PCI modem
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 18:13:59 -0300

hey all,
I have an internal GVC 56k pci modem and I am trying to set it up for
linux redhat 6.

the compnay has no drivers but I am thinking I can fudge this thing
somehow to get it to work.  I am 100% sure it isnt a winmodem.

should setserial work ok?

detailed instructions on something to try here would be greatly



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Barry Samuels)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,
Subject: Re: Linux/KDE; KDat backup on dat tape proggy
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 21:27:46 GMT

On Wed, 14 Jul 1999 01:30:42, "Gene Heskett" 

> >> Now, I note that there are 2 tapeDevice= statements there, as are most
> >> of the rest of the conf file's statements.  Do I need to fix something
> >> there since with the exception of the tapeDevice, nothing else is
> >> visible in the prefs pulldown when clicked on..

I am very quickly running out of ideas now!

I have just noticed your remark above abount the preferences panel.  
If the tape device really is the only option visible then something is
wrong.  There should be a number of other controls including a 
'default tape size' combo and various checkboxes.

> No difference Barry.

I am not at all familiar with Redhat so it might be worth searching to
see if you have a second copy of kdatrc anywhere.  However if any 
changes you make to the device in kdatrc then appear in the 
preferences panel then that is probably the kdatrc that is being used.

There should also be help available.  Did you install this as an RPM 
or from source?  It's begining to sound as though you have a faulty 
installation ( grasping a straws here ).

Have you tried Taper?  It is not as nice an interface as KDat but if 
it works/doesn't work it may prove something.  If you do decide to try
it remember to add '-T s' (without the quotes) to the command line to 
tell it to use SCSI.  If it does work then I would wipe out your 
current KDat installation and re-install.

Best wishes

Barry Samuels


From: Mike Simos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Please help - RAID driver needed
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 22:04:26 GMT

"Michael L. DePolis" wrote:
> I have a dell poweredge 4300, need to Install Red Hat linux on it (5.2
> or 6.0).  This server has a
> PERC2 quad channel RAID controller, which even Dell doesn't have a
> driver for.  Does anyone know of one or a
> substitute driver that may work?

Try installing RedHat 6.0 and boot in expert mode and select AMI
MEGARAID when it asks you if you have any SCSI adapters. Doing a search
at reveals it maybe a AMI MEGARAID controller. Good



Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 16:16:19 -0600
From: Marco Castellon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Compact Flash vs. SSFDC Smart Media

To answer some of your questions:
The information that you have on SSFDC is a little bit out of date. The density of
this memory format has increased significantly in the last few months, I think
right now it is up to 128MBytes, which surpasses the densities available for
CompactFlash (back to this is a soon). The two main promoters and suppliers of
SSFDC are Toshiba and Samsung, whereas for CompactFlash you have a greater variaty
to choose from, e.g. Sharp, SanDisk, Smart Technologies, etc.

Consequently, SSFDC is more popular in Asia and CompactFlash is more popular in
North America, and it will be about 11/2 to 2 years before SSFDC reaches the
surpasses the market share that CompactFlash has in North America.

Back to the density thing, IBM recently announced it Mini HardDrive, which is
340MBytes in size and which is CompactFlash compatible (great, eh!!). They are
currently working on the 720MByte version.

So, in my opinion you may be better off going with CompactFlash for now.

Ken wrote:

> Ok, getting a card-based camera sounds like the best option. Now I'm
> wondering whether I should target CF or SSFDC formats? I looked at the
> SSFDC website ( and it implies that SSFDC is only
> available up to 8mb. Is the site out of date? I'm seeing reference to 48
> mb and 64 mb CF cards in, so CF looks like it has the
> lead in capacity. How about market penetration? Is CF more popular?
> (CF's website is
> BTW, anybody have experience designing equipment that uses these
> formats? I'm designing a new gadget that will need Flash memory and I
> might go with a card slot instead of soldered-down chips and serial
> downloading. I figure anything that can read a PCMCIA hard disk will
> read either format, but just want to confirm that.
> Albert Hall wrote:
> >
> > If you have a camera that uses compact flash and your system supports PCMIA
> > as a drive, all you have to do is plug in the memory card and viola! a drive
> > containing your pictures. Smartmedia has an adapter to fit in a floppy drive.
> > I don't know if you had a Mac with a floppy (not made any more) that it would
> > read it as it would be a Wintel format. Compact flash card readers are
> > available in a USB flavor so a Mac wouldn't be left out if you went that way.
> >
> > Al
> --
> Ken


From: gareth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux
Subject: Re: Help: My printer is not getting detected.
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 23:11:53 +0100

Ateran wrote:

> Hi,
> Linux is having problems detecting my printer.  Printer capability is
> enabled, but still, no results.  I am running Red Hat 6.0.  I tried
> installing RH 5.2, since I had no problems with my printer under that,
> and had the same difficulty.  This makes me think that it's a hardware
> problem.  Recently, I installed a new sound card, could this possibly
> be causing the problem?  Other than that, there have been no changes
> made to my system.  Any ideas on what could be causing this.  If you
> need additional information, just email me or respond to this message,
> and I will post it.
> Thanks in Advance,
> Sam Black
> --
> To respond via e-mail, send to: s_black@big-
> (remove the underscore and the dash).
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

I think you'll find that with the newer kernels the print device has
changed from /dev/lp to /dev/lp0
any older software that defaults to /dev/lp will break (or need to be
told better)

read /usr/src/linux/Documentation/parport.txt and changes.txt for more




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