Linux-Hardware Digest #764, Volume #10           Wed, 14 Jul 99 22:13:37 EDT

  Re: How Close is the Mobo temp to the CPU temp???? (Ian Stirling)
  Problems with using 2 ethernet cards -- please help! (John Pelly)
  Re: /dev/lp0 nor /dev/lp1 getting detected ("Thierry Andriamirado")
  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Keith R. Williams)
  Re: Compact Flash vs. SSFDC Smart Media (Phil Askey)
  redhat 6.0 install fails upon hdd format ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  solo 9150 3com 575 setup (krings)
  Problems to install 16/4 auto token-ring (Walter Motta)
  Re: xf86config+i740 ("Alex Roussel")
  Re: GVC internal PCI modem (Rob Clark)
  Re: VIA VT82C570 and Busmastering under Linux? ("Gene Heskett")
  office intranet (j)
  Anyone get this Cumetrix deal? (Sis530 card) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  isapnp error ("Majid-Nikoma")
  Re: Embedding linux and changing the world (Ken)
  Hauppauge (bt878 chip) video capture (Steven Berson)
  Re: tft t55d under linux? (David Fox)
  question about lpr and ghostscript... (Dave Howland)


From: Ian Stirling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How Close is the Mobo temp to the CPU temp????
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 22:35:50 GMT

Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>       Look in the automotive gadget section of the nearest K-Mart too
>(or Wal-Mart?).  Their normal price for such is about $10,  with temp
>ranges that are -50 F to 158 F.

But getting an accurate measure of CPU temperature is hard to do.
You need to at least drill a hole through the heatsink, to the CPU, to
get a reasonably accurate figure.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Pelly)
Subject: Problems with using 2 ethernet cards -- please help!
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 23:57:23 GMT

I'm trying to use 2 ethernet cards in my linux box to enable ip
masquerading. However, I'm having problems getting both ethernet cards
to work. I've got an Intel EtherExpress Pro 10/100 and a NetGear
FA-310 card (I think those are the right model #'s). According to the
ethernet-HOWTO, I can pass arguments to the kernel through LILO to
tell it I'm using two ethernet cards. However, I'm not using LILO to
boot linux -- I'm using a boot floppy instead. 

Either of the cards will load fine individually (ie, when I take the
other out), but both won't work in the machine at the same time.

So does anybody know how to tell the kernel to load both cards? I'm
running RH 5.2. 

John Pelly


From: "Thierry Andriamirado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: /dev/lp0 nor /dev/lp1 getting detected
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 01:24:06 +0200

Brian Marr a écrit dans le message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...

>Try putting this line in /etc/conf.modules
>alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc

>#PRINTTOOL3## LOCAL bjc600 360x360 a4 {} BJC600 8 {}
> :sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp:\
> :mx#0:\
> :sh:\
> :lp=/dev/par0:\
> :if=/var/spool/lpd/lp/filter:

That's it!!!!!!!! thank you Brian!

And as mentioned in the /usr/src/linux/xxxxx/parport.txt, I included exactly
these lines in my /etc/conf/modules :

alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
options parport_pc io=0x378 irq=7

>This enabled me to print from root only, but may get you going. I would
>be interest in any improvements to this. I am not logged in as root most
>of the time.

It works for me, even I'm not root.
Some owner problems?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Keith R. Williams)
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: 14 Jul 1999 23:53:11 GMT

On Wed, 14 Jul 1999 16:35:31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (kls) wrote:

> In article <7mi5pp$po4$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
> >
> >In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (kls) writes:
> >>In article <7mfilk$s0d$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
> >>>
> >>>In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (kls) writes:
> >>>>Coming back from a hiatus from the computer, i c the lil' fud gremlins 
> have 
> >>>>been busy:)
> >>>>
> >>>>In article <7m8p8t$1a8$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
> >>>>>>Can't say I've ever heard of damaged hard drives from overclocking
> >>>>>
> >>>>>This happens.  This happened already to me, and this can 
> >>>>>happen to anyone trying to risk their drives, for example, 83MHz.  File 
> >>>>>system damage is already a common known fact for overclocking hard 
> >>>>>drives.  You can reduce damage by turning off UDMA and going down to PIO
> >>>>>2, but that will take performance off your hard drive.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>Reducing the ide mode reduces the speed from overclocked back to normal.
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>It reduces PERFORMANCE you thick head! 
> >>
> >>Yes, it reduces performance.  What happens to the performance when you 
> >>overclock the bus?:)
> >
> >Timing gets off.  
> Timing speeds up.

..and misses the data.  Point Chris.

While you may be able to over-clock the PCI bus and drop the PIO 
mode to compensate for the disk drive, you're still stuck with 
PIO. You're not going to get any benefit from DMA. If the bus is 
over-clocked, there is no backing off on DMA.

> >>>Not even the overclocking newgroup recommend any form of 83MHz use against 
> >>>the hard disk.
> >>
> >>
> >>I havn't made any recommendation to use 83MHz bus.  
> >
> >But you almost did.  
> >
> >Overclocking with any other means other than a 100Mhz bus is risky.  
> Most things handle 75MHz fine, most don't for 83.  Multipliers aren't 
> set uniformly for many mb's so one really needs to look it up for each one.

Since this is a Celeron thread, it would be a cold day in hell to
see an Intel based motherboard with a non-integral PCI divisor. 
Clocking an INtel based board at anything other than 66MHz or 
100MHz is a risk.  It's possible Via has done a /2.5 divisor on 
its P6 chipset.
> When oc'ing past 100mhz, if the pci & agp speeds end up around what they'd be 
> for 75MHz then it's usually ok. 

Maybe.  Maybe not. However, I don't over-clock (but am running an
83MHz bus).

> >>
> >>You tried to add up things where it was already counted(the averaged scores 
> of 
> >>the singles) or where the cpu has little or no impact(hd & video benchmarks)
> >>or the best one of all, quake in different resolutions:)  To avoid having to 
> >>respond to this we've moved onto 'the bottom line':)  OK.  Vast majority of 
> >>users use w95/98, play games, & surf the web, with some money management & 
> >>word usage on the side.  If were going to talk about the better system for 
> >
> >All of which dual Celerons are darn useless.
> PHHHBB:)  you cut the sentence in half which makes moot the rebuttle you 
> respond with.
> >>them it'll be a single celeron over a k63 because of games(and the vast 
> >>majority of users do agree:).  & ignoring the performance issues, there's 
> >>the little issue of cost. 
> >
> >How can a single Celeron be better?  

Better than an AMD?  I'm with Chris here.  Better than a dual? 
Well if that's your workload, save a buck or buy a better disk 

> overall performance. 
> The only thing it's better are for 
> >games
> yep:)

Some of us do non-game things, as hard as that may be to accept.

 <blather got boring> 



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phil Askey)
Subject: Re: Compact Flash vs. SSFDC Smart Media
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 00:00:03 GMT

Marco Castellon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>To answer some of your questions:
>The information that you have on SSFDC is a little bit out of date. The density of
>this memory format has increased significantly in the last few months, I think
>right now it is up to 128MBytes, which surpasses the densities available for

It is up to 64MB, 128MB will not be available until higher density
flash chips become available which will probably April/May next year.


Digital cameras, news, reviews, photography tips, forums,
60 camera comparison database, 850+ photos in the gallery.

(remove NoSPAM to email)


Subject: redhat 6.0 install fails upon hdd format
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 20:08:41 -0400

Hello all-

    I am trying to install rh6.0 onto a slightly older intel machine. I
have tried 3 hdd in the install but they all fail when install is
creadting the file system on the HD. The last HDD I used (and failed)
was a 3 gig western digital. However I put that dirve into the current
system I am using now and I was able to install without a problem. The
hang occurs specifically during the "writting inodes table xx/xxx".

I don't know much about the hardware in the machine that does not work
but here is what I was able to find out,

motherboard is Hot557 v1.5 made by Spacewalker.
the chipset is intel i430vx. I think the board was made back in 96.
I have a pentium 133 in there and 16 meg of memory. There is also  a 36x
max cd.

I have exhausted all information resources I know. Any help is greatly



From: krings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: solo 9150 3com 575 setup
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 17:16:27 -0700

Hi there, 

trying to find setup procedures for redhat 6.0 for
3com 575 PCMCIA 10.100 networking card on Gateway solo 9150... 
any pointers?

sorry if this has been answered before




Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 20:09:48 -0400
From: Walter Motta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problems to install 16/4 auto token-ring


    I'm trying to install IBM 16/4 auto ISA token ring  card in my Red
Hat linux, kernel version 2.0.36.  I already tested with all memory
ranges and all IRQ, but linux still can't see my token ring.  When I run
isadump, it recognizes my adapter without any problems, but when I run
modprobe ibmtr it doesn't recognize my adapter.  Does any one have a
walk through or a driver that can help me ?

Any help will be very welcome,

thanks in advance,

Walter Motta


From: "Alex Roussel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: xf86config+i740
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 20:37:45 -0400

if it is a intellimouse PS/2, the line for protocol in the Mouse section in
your /etc/Config should read "IMPS/2" instead of IntelliMouse.

good luck

basic wrote in message <7A1j3.10$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Hi, I have been trying to set up my system for my i740 (Diamond StealthII)
>card. I install the XBF - i740 glibc and the xf86config to help set it up.
>The video section is set up beautifully but the new xf86config screws up my
>MS intellimouse. I have absolutely no mouse control, but beautiful video.
>soon as I touch the mouse it move to a high corner and quits responding. In
>the xf86config....mouse setup section, I have tried virtually all the
>Does anyone have any suggestion?


Subject: Re: GVC internal PCI modem
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Clark)
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 00:41:38 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Oehlke  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>hey all,
>I have an internal GVC 56k pci modem and I am trying to set it up for
>linux redhat 6.
>the compnay has no drivers but I am thinking I can fudge this thing
>somehow to get it to work.  I am 100% sure it isnt a winmodem.

Why are you so sure?  I'm curious because I haven't heard about this

>should setserial work ok?


>detailed instructions on something to try here would be greatly



Date: 14 Jul 99 19:33:49 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: VIA VT82C570 and Busmastering under Linux?

Unrot13 this;

Gene Heskett sends Greetings to Helmut Holle;

 HH> Hallo,

 HH> is anyone running a VIA 82C570 Chipset with Harddisk-Busmastering
 HH> under Linux?

 HH> I have a old FIC PA2000 Board with this chipset and I want to
 HH> improve the speed a bit?

 HH> How to configure Linux?

I'm (not on this machine obviously) running a slightly different VIA
chipset, a 538 IIRC.

In the linux kernel, while doing a make config or make xconfig, be sure
and turn on the "Prompt for experimental (etc) drivers?" switch, the
first one in the xconfig menu.  Then, later on, you will be allowed to
turn on a few options that would otherwise be ghosted out.  Turn the DMA
on for your chipset if its listed, and recompile and install the kernel.

At this point, you may want to check the drives involved, which are
running in some default fallback PIO mode now, to see what UDMA mode
they are set too, since drives that I know about won't fallback from
UDMA66 that does work to UDMA33 that does, but to a PIO mode.

WD has a drive switcher utility, called ata_66.exe or some such, you can
get it from their site, needs a messydos boot to run it.  I haven't the
foggiest how Maxtor handles that switch.  With their recent track record
at wustl, I'd be afraid to trust them as doorstops and certainly not
with *my* data.

2 things.  First, this advice only good for kernels 2.2.9 or better
according to my recollection, and the drives must be flashed to use the
UDMA33 mode by default.  The VIA chipset I have, on a TYAN S1590S board,
does not support UDMA66.

I've got 2 WD's, 4g and 13g running that way, and getting 8-13 m/s read
speeds with about 3% cpu average.  RH5.2 install, with 2.2.10 kernel.

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040 50 megs fast/2 megs chip
    Ch. Eng. @ WDTV-5          |A2091,GuruRom,1g Seagate,CDROM,Multiface III
                               |Buddha + 4 gig WDC drive, 525 meg tape
                               |Stylus Pro, EnPrint, Picasso-II, 17" vga
         RC5-Moo! 690kkeys/sec isn't much, but it all helps
email gene underscore heskett at iolinc dot net


Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 15:21:00 -0700
Subject: office intranet

looking to build an office intranet.  got the linux firewall machine
between the adsl line and the computers. now i am looking for a 10baseT
hub and card for the machines.  small number of computers so i only need
a 4-8 port hub.  any suggestions as to which are best supported under

thanks in advance.



Subject: Anyone get this Cumetrix deal? (Sis530 card)
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 13:39:47 GMT


Just bought this $219 deal from Cumetrix, which came with everything
except hard drives and monitor.  So I popped in the ones I had, which
had RH5.1 on them, and that part's working well.

The video's giving me trouble, though.  The card, 4M AGP, is based on
SiS530.  It says right in the XFree86 FAQ that there is no support for
this chip yet, although it will be in the next public release (which
should be in early July, which is now).  My question is, how can I
set up my card/monitor so that I can get X up and running until then?
[Previously I was using an old Number9 card with S3 chipset, if that
 adds anything to the discussion.]


Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: "Majid-Nikoma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: isapnp error
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 11:57:04 +0200

I am trying to istall my ISA-Modem Aztech AZT4019 , I have this Error in
"Card1.....[My sound card, no problems]
# Card2: (Serial identifier 71 ff ff ff ff 98 02 2a e0)
 #Vendor Id xAJ0298, No Serial Number (-1), Checksum 0x71.
 #Ident byte 0, (e0) differs from resource data (07)
 # Assuming the Card is broken and this is the start of the resource data
unknown tag 00 ...
Resource data dump aborted "

can anybody help me ???


Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 17:57:00 -0700
Subject: Re: Embedding linux and changing the world
Crossposted-To: comp.arch.embedded

The web server is at

Your proposed price of $200 may be optimistic, but perhaps with a 386
you might be able to hit it. Linux won't run on anything less than that,

Check out the DejaNews archives of comp.arch.embedded for more
information on embedded Linux.

Jason Hihn wrote:
> So any ideas/suggestions/hardware for small embebded linux systems? If I
> remember correctly, there is a matchbox sized Webserver running linux,
> that is about what I'm going for, but not a web server...



From: Steven Berson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Hauppauge (bt878 chip) video capture
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 18:51:17 -0700

I am trying to run vic (a video conferencing tool) on my PII-450 with a
Hauppage WinTV card (based on the Bt878 chip) running Redhat 6.0.  The
card works fine with Windows '98, but when I try to run it on Linux I
only get about two thirds of the window filled with video (and the
remaining third is gargbage).  Also, the video is in black and white
rather than in color.  Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?  I
enclose the output from vic and the kernel messages from
/var/log/messages below.

Please CC a copy of any response directly to me as our server oftens
loses articles.

P.S.  I've managed to get vic running on another machine with a Matrox
Meteor card.
P.P.S.  The vic is from


Jul 14 18:12:08 ear kernel: i2c: initialized
Jul 14 18:12:08 ear kernel: Linux video capture interface: v1.00
Jul 14 18:12:08 ear kernel: bttv0: Brooktree Bt878 (rev 2) bus: 0,
devfn: 136, irq: 5, memory: 0xf4021000.
Jul 14 18:12:08 ear kernel: bttv: 1 Bt8xx card(s) found.
Jul 14 18:12:08 ear kernel: bttv0: model: BT878(Hauppauge new)
Jul 14 18:12:28 ear modprobe: can't locate module char-major-81-1
Jul 14 18:12:28 ear modprobe: can't locate module char-major-81-2
Jul 14 18:12:28 ear modprobe: can't locate module char-major-81-3
Jul 14 18:12:43 ear kernel: bttv0: PLL: 28636363 => 35468950 ... ok


[dartisi@ear dartisi]$ ./vic-2.8ucl4-linux
V4l: trying /dev/video0... ok, BT878(Hauppauge new)
V4l:   color; size: 32x32 => 924x576 (scales)
V4l:   ports: Television Composite1 S-Video
V4l:   depth=0, palette=rgb16
V4l:  ==> format { 411 422 cif } size { small large cif } port {
Television Composite1 S-Video }
V4l: trying /dev/video1... open: No such device
V4l: trying /dev/video2... open: No such device
V4l: trying /dev/video3... open: No such device
v4l: mmap()'ed buffer size = 0x320000


From: d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox)
Subject: Re: tft t55d under linux?
Date: 14 Jul 1999 18:40:40 -0700

Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Daniel Baechli wrote:
> > 
> <snip>
> > 
> > The graphic card for the t55d is suggested to be the Matrox G200 Graphics
> > 2D/3D Controller with 8MB SDRAM (up to 16MB), IBM P&D. Can someone please
> > tell me if there is a possible setup for the t55d with the matrox card and
> > furthermore if it is better regarding linux-compatibility to buy the PCI- or
> > AGP-version of the matrox card?
> > 
> I don't think you will be able to make the above combination work w/o
> involving the framebuffer device. You may be able to do that, if the DFP
> is an analog on, as oppsed to digital ones, what is what the P&D
> connector implies. But P&D is a kind of all-in-one connector, so the
> above is not clear to me.

Can someone explain DFP and P&D to me?  All I know is that my SGI
all-digital monitor is supported under XFree86, I don't see why others
couldn't be in principal.  The question is whether the support exists.
With IBM's current interest in Linux I expect support should be
forthcoming.  A few phone calls might help.

The SGI monitor uses a #9 Revolution IV AGP card, by the way.
David Fox              xoF divaD
UCSD HCI Lab                                         baL ICH DSCU


From: Dave Howland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: question about lpr and ghostscript...
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 21:41:48 -0400

i'm running a debian potato system, with an epson stylus color 600
attached. i've got the printer setup great, using a filter generated by
apsfilter, the stcolor600 uniprint drivers from ghostscript 5.50. but,
there's one things i'd like to be able to do, just a convience really,
which is to be able to print 2 pages onto 1 page. at school (dec alpha) a
simple -N2 flag with lpr seems to do the trick, but that doesn't seem to
be available with my version of lpr... does anybody know how i might set
this up to work?

Dave Howland

RC5-Moo - Hey, 400 KKeys/sec isn't a heck
          of a lot... unless you multiply
          it by 100,000...



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