Linux-Hardware Digest #769, Volume #10           Thu, 15 Jul 99 06:13:27 EDT

  Re: Celeron, what's the catch? (Colin Andrew Percival)
  Some problem with 3Com 3c509b & RedHat 6.0 - Any Help appreciated ! ("mimmo.princpe")
  Re: Promise Ultra 33 ("David Martin")
  Re: MGE UPS ESV 11+ (Sungho Kim)
  TXPro-Mainboard: "Busmaster disabled" (Ekkard Gerlach)
  Re: Windows easy to install? BULLSHIT! (Brian Hartman)
  Awe64 and GusPnP in RH6.0 ("Robin Fernandes [hybrid^bmp]")
  I am Able to play sound files only as root. Pl. Help! (Rajram56)
  Re: isapnp error ("Majid-Nikoma")
  Yamaha OPL3SA pnp grief ("Ian MacLaren")
  Re: HELP! RedHat 6.0 won't recognize cdrom (Hunch)
  Mouse Problem! ("BGS")
  Getting printer, sound working ("Nick Tyrrell")


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Colin Andrew Percival)
Subject: Re: Celeron, what's the catch?
Date: 15 Jul 1999 07:45:17 GMT

: Colin Andrew Percival ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: : David T. Wang ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: : : Wow! processors that snoop the address bus and actually checking 
: : : their cache states against the MESI protocol?  Amazing!
: :   Hey, not all caches use MESI.  H&P only describe an ESI cache.
: Really?  I was pretty sure that they describe a couple different one's,
: including MESI. 

  Well, I meant in Quantitive; I haven't read anything else from them.  In
Quantitative they give ESI and a directory-based scheme, but no MESI.

Colin Percival


From: "mimmo.princpe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Some problem with 3Com 3c509b & RedHat 6.0 - Any Help appreciated !
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 08:39:06 +0200

        My machine is running in Linux 2.2.5-15 RedHat 6.0.
After starting system , everythings seems [OK] , but when i try to send
somethings via Eth0 (3c509), like ping command  i receive the message:
"Transmit timed out, Tx_status 00 status 2000 TX FIFO room 1456".
I try to set off the PnP (Plag and pray) bit with dos utility of 3Com ( ref.
How-to-Ethernet-5 Vendor/Manufacturer ...3Com...)and restart system but
The network (hardware resource) is tested and is O.K. No problems occurred
in Win98 with the same config.

Any help appreciated,

Mimmo Principe - Rome



From: "David Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Promise Ultra 33
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 00:21:37 -0700

I have one of those Promise DMA-33 controller cards and it works pretty
good, boosting my Pentium Pro 200 to response times hardly distinguishable
from consumer Pentium II 450's.  Red Hat Linux will install just fine on
your computer, provided:

The boot disk for Linux must be in one of the first two (E)IDE slots
utilized on a system.  So you would have to install it on a hard drive
either on the motherboard's primary (E)IDE ribbon, or else have no hard disk
running off the motherboard until you reach the Promise channels.  In that
case the first hard drive seen on the system will appear to to Linux as
hde1, at which point you can install Linux on either hde or hdf.

If you get the "LI" prompt and perhaps a freeze after that, you'll need to
delete the errant LILO code from the Master Boot Record of said boot
hard-drive before you can proceed.  Boot from a DOS disk and run "fdisk
/mbr" on c: to restore it to pristine, evil empire DOS.

Follow the "custom" install path so you can manually partition the necessary
Linux partitions.  Use 300MB for the root partition and stuff a good bulk of
the disk space into partition "/usr ".

TURBO1010 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7m0j7c$2s7$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> The UDMA howto doesn't work.  It may help if you displace ide0 and ide1,
> it wont go through.  I have installed, but on reboot, lilo says li.  Can't
> get past that.
> I heard of people installing RedHat, and SuSE without any problems on this
> card.
> Tim Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini/Ultra-DMA
> >
> > > Has anyone out there had any luck with the Promise Ultra 33?  I'm
> a
> >
> > --
> > direct replies substitute timothymoore for user name
> >
> > "Everything is permitted.  Nothing is forbidden."
> >                                    WS Burroughs.


From: Sungho Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MGE UPS ESV 11+
Date: 15 Jul 1999 07:15:21 GMT

Johan Fredrik Øhman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Hi there, I have a strange problem.  I have just bought the MGE UPS ESV 11+
: (uninteruptable power supply).
: It works perfect under windows, but I have major problems in linux.

: I'm using own linux software, but I keep getting "Connection
: lost" message after some minutes.
: Personally I suspect the software to be outdated,   (its using cua0  instead
: if ttyS0.....)

: Anyway, I would like to know is there is anybody out there who uses this or
: a similar model under linux,  it will become easier for me to track down the
: bug.

: --

Now I'm using MPE UPS ESV 11+ with Redhat 6.0 .

The driver in the homepage of MGE is based on glibc 2.0.x

But it worked well without any problem.

Please read documents carefully..

Sungho Kim   
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED],  
Mail: 373-1 Ku-Seong Dong, Yu-Song Gu, Taejeon, Korea ZIP:305-701


From: Ekkard Gerlach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: TXPro-Mainboard: "Busmaster disabled"
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 09:07:06 +0200



From: Brian Hartman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windows easy to install? BULLSHIT!
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 09:17:11 -0400

Shice Beoney wrote:

> On Fri, 9 Jul 1999 13:41:05 -0500 in comp.os.linux.setup,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hobbyist©) uttered the following profound gem of
> wisdom:
> >On Fri, 9 Jul 1999 10:53:45 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] scrawled these
> >sagacious words ...
> >
> >: On Fri, 09 Jul 1999 11:08:35 -0400, Brian Hartman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >: >I can't and won't defend M$ product support.  However, the sources of support 
>are far more numerous for M$ than for Linux.  Besides the
> >: >Usenet newsgroups, there are countless articles in mainstream computer magazines 
>catered to solving problems in both Windows and its apps.
> >: >My experience of Linux is that you're limited essentially to Usenet and chat 
>groups.  (Again, there are notable exceptions to this rule, but
> >: >not many).  My argument continues to be that if you're not paying for the 
>product, the programmer has no reason to support it, other than the
> >: >kindness of his/her own heart.
> >:
> >:      What is a magazine but an overpriced Web Page commited to paper
> >:      with far too many banner ads? Most of the popular computer press
> >:      is a joke, especially Ziff Davis.
> >:
> >: [detetia]
> >
> >
> >It's really amazing how these linux shortcomings are rationalised in
> >these ridiculous ways.
> >
> >Hey linux is hard to install and configure => Well you shouldn't be doing
> >that by yourself. A trained professional should be doing it so your
> >difficulties are irrelevant.
> It took me an hour and a half to install RedHat. Then about a week of
> playing with it in my spare time to get it working the way I wanted.
> Now that I've gone through it once, I could probably do the
> install/configuration inside of 2 hours. I didn't have any problems
> that I couldn't solve with RTFM, a few dejanews searches, and the
> comp.os.linux.* NGs. I don't have a single bit of formal training. So
> either I'm some kind of genius computer prodigy, or Linux isn't nearly
> as hard to install as some make it out to be, and while I'd like to
> believe the former, I'm pretty sure it's the latter.
> >Hey, Linux lacks some spiffiness in it's appearance. It looks so dusky
> >and dry.... => You microsoft weenies seem to love the glitzy appearance
> >that gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling .... blah, blah, blah. {I
> >don't know about you, but I like when my car looks good and also
> >functions well. The fact that it functions well, doesn't mean that it's
> >looks are unimportant. A car dealer with that viewpoint will soon be out
> >of business. The same goes for a proposed desktop OS.}
> Gee, by that logic, Sun should be out of business and Apache should be
> one of the least-used web servers on the market. Is Outlook Express a
> better newsreader than Forte Agent because it's "prettier"? Hell, by
> that argument, the MacOS is better than windows. Not to mention NeXt
> and probably Amiga as well.

    Actually, IIS is gaining adherents faster than Apache, and has been rated better 
than Apache by some reviewers.  And the MacOS, as an OS, *is*
better than Windows.  Windows was based on it, after all.  The thing that you've got 
to come to terms with is that what you call "prettiness"
actually does make the OS easier to use.  One simple example:  You want to move 50 
files, all with different extensions, from one directory to
another.  Would you rather drag and drop them, or drop down to a command line?  I 
think it's safe to say you'd rather drag and drop.  The same for
account creation:  Would you rather add a user through a command line interface or 
through a GUI that laid your choices out for you and just made
you pick?
    My point is that GUIs aren't just fluff.  They make life easier.  If Linux 
developers pooh-pooh GUI interfaces because of some misguided elitist
techie pride, they'll only have themselves to blame when Linux goes the way of OS/2.

> <snip>
> --
> "Ma cheri... Wait, she'll hate that, she hateth it when I write in
> French. I usually conduct my correthpondence in fag, but it'th amazing
> how often they're the thame thing!" -Scott Thompson as Buddy Cole the
> drag queen, The Kids In The Hall


From: "Robin Fernandes [hybrid^bmp]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Awe64 and GusPnP in RH6.0
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 1999 15:37:58 +0200

I've just installed Red Hat 6.0 and now I need to get some sound going.
I have both a SB AWE64 and a GusPnP, and I would quite like the two
cards to work.
Sndconfig detects the GusPnP, but the playback is buggy (the first sound
that is played loops, and only stops if I reboot).
If I set the AWE64 up manually in sndconfig, with the same settings that
I use under NT, it sais that IRQ 5 is conflicting (whereas in NT it is
set up for IRQ 5 and it works fine).
So I can't get either card to work right.
Can anyone give a hand?



From: Rajram56 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc,
Subject: I am Able to play sound files only as root. Pl. Help!
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 00:57:34 -0700

i used sndconfig to configure my PCI128 card. i can only play sound
files when i am logged in as root. have tried changing permissions of
 foo=mixer,audio,sequencer,midi,dsp to 666, but to no avail.
 any pointers would be helpful
i have redhat6.0 installed
thanks rajeev


From: "Majid-Nikoma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: isapnp error
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 10:23:29 +0200

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:
7mjoh7$5ge$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> In article <7mi4vb$qc2$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   "Majid-Nikoma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am trying to istall my ISA-Modem Aztech AZT4019 , I have this Error
> in
> > isapnp.conf:
> > "Card1.....[My sound card, no problems]
> > ......
> > # Card2: (Serial identifier 71 ff ff ff ff 98 02 2a e0)
> >  #Vendor Id xAJ0298, No Serial Number (-1), Checksum 0x71.
> >  #Ident byte 0, (e0) differs from resource data (07)
> >  # Assuming the Card is broken and this is the start of the resource
> data
> > unknown tag 00 ...
> > Resource data dump aborted "
> >
> > can anybody help me ???
> >
> >
> AZT4019 is a PCI modem, not ISA.
> This card will not work on Linux because it is a Controllerless modem
> (some call it winmodem). There is only driver support for Windows for
> the time being.
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.
Thanks for your Comment, but my Modem is not a Winmodem, it is  ISA- PNP


From: "Ian MacLaren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Yamaha OPL3SA pnp grief
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 09:31:12 +0100

Has anyone got one of these cards to work in Redhat 6.0 ?

Windows NT is happy but I get a resource conflict at I/O address 300.  The
irq and I/O settings are identical to NT.

I know its not the greatest card and I could buy a Soundblaster but all I
want is to hear the progress of the internal modem when dialing.

As I'm new to Linux, the isapnp.conf is a bit daunting ...



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: HELP! RedHat 6.0 won't recognize cdrom
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 08:32:41 GMT

With my cdrom on Secondary Master RH 6 just hung for a while and
detected nothing.
The command you posted worked, thanks.

relay wrote:
> I have this problem... when I watched the system msg.s at boot
> it identify the  the cdrom (on /dev/hdd) as an "IDE floppy device"
> and would not let me mount it.
> I found that having a CD in the drive at boot fixed this autodetect 
> perhaps it checked the file system on the disk, who knows... no REALLY
> who knows?
> the REAL <g> fix is to type this in at the lilo boot prompt:
>     linux hdX=cdrom
> where X is the ide device (hda=primary master, hdb=primary slave,
> hdc=secondary master, hdd=secondary slave)
> I haven't tried to add this to the lilo config as "kernal boot 
> but
> I'm hoping that will work.
> hope this helps!
> Chris Blanos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I'm getting a an error on a clean RedHat 6.0 install. My cdrom works
> > fine for the install, as it did on a earlier RedHat 5.2 install.
> >
> > However, everytime I try to mount the cdrom, I get the error:
> >
> > # mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom
> > mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/hdc as a block device
> >        (maybe `insmod driver'?)
> >
> > I believe the cdrom should be 'hdc' but it isn't even detected during
> > boot up.
> >
> > Does anyone have any ideas?
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > - Chris
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------------------
> > Chris Blanos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |  3d Animator & Perl Hacker
> >      |  Need CGI? Got ya covered!
> > -------------------------------------------------------------

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


Subject: Mouse Problem!
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 15:45:59 -0400

My Kensington Expert mouse will not work in RH 5.2. It will quickly jump to
the upper right of my screen when touched. In both console mode and in X. If
you move the ball it acts like you are clicking the mouse button.
It is set for a PS/2 mouse and I have tried all the different options in the
Anyone had this type of problem?
Should I upgrade to RH 6? If so how?
Should I try to install GPM again, could that be my problem(I know that X
doesn't use GPM)
Advice would be great.


From: "Nick Tyrrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Getting printer, sound working
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 10:43:04 +0200

Hi folks

I have two printers attached to my PC:

LPT1:    Minolta PagePro 6L
LPT2:    Lexmark 1100

I have SuSE 6.1 installed.  Neither printer seems to be supported in YaST.

Any hints on how to get at least one of these working?

Also, I have a cheapo SB-compatible (it says here, although it uses its own
drivers under Win98) sound card.  I can find very little in the SuSE manual
about getting a sound card set up (other than "it's not straightforward").
Any pointers?

Ta muchly

Nick Tyrrell



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