Linux-Hardware Digest #791, Volume #10           Sun, 18 Jul 99 19:13:30 EDT

  Re: Problems with using 2 ethernet cards -- please help! (Steve Arnold)
  Radio card installation problems.... (root)
  Re: About to build Linux RAID box.  Need advice. (Chris Mauritz)
  second hard disk (Stephen Tawn)
  Re: Building a Linux Box - comments? (wizard)
  (yet another) soundcard problem (Bruno MEUNIER)
  PC Chips TX AGP Pro M/B? (Ian Briggs)
  Exabyte NS-8 hardware compression? (Rohan Oberoi)
  DirecPC PCI  ("David A. Kimball")
  Linux & HP710C, will it work ? (Kris \"Duke\" Vandecruys)
  Re: Ricoh CD-RW MP-6200A being read as floppy (DGehler)
  Re: ASUS V3800TNT2 (Kris \"Duke\" Vandecruys)
  Re: Linux & HP710C, will it work ? ("jams")
  Re: recovery nightmare, corrupt part'n table/MBR (Matthias Kilian)
  Re: second hard disk ("Prasanth Kumar")
  Re: How much space for each partition? ("TURBO1010")
  Number Nine SR9 video? (Rick Herrick)
  LS-120? (Phillip McGregor)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Arnold)
Subject: Re: Problems with using 2 ethernet cards -- please help!
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 20:15:19 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Pelly) wrote:

>I'm trying to use 2 ethernet cards in my linux box to enable ip
>masquerading. However, I'm having problems getting both ethernet cards
>to work. I've got an Intel EtherExpress Pro 10/100 and a NetGear
>FA-310 card (I think those are the right model #'s). According to the
>ethernet-HOWTO, I can pass arguments to the kernel through LILO to
>tell it I'm using two ethernet cards. However, I'm not using LILO to
>boot linux -- I'm using a boot floppy instead. 


>Either of the cards will load fine individually (ie, when I take the
>other out), but both won't work in the machine at the same time.
>So does anybody know how to tell the kernel to load both cards? I'm
>running RH 5.2. 

There's probably a way I don't know about, but without using lilo, I don't 
know of any other way except changing the kernel driver source.  I'd say 
installing lilo is the best way to go; you can use it boot different linux 
kernels, ie, add a stanza to lilo.conf to boot your latest custom kernel in 
test mode, so you can easily go back to your orignal kernel if something 
doesn't work right.

Assuming there are no conflicts between the two NICs, you can add the line:

append = "ether=9,0x360,eth1"

to the right section of lilo.conf and you should be in business.  The same 
thing (without the quotes) will work from the LILO: boot prompt.  Just don't 
specify the first ethernet card (eth0); you only need to specify the ones 
beyond the first one.

HTH, Steve


From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Radio card installation problems....
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 21:24:48 +0200

Is there anyone in this cruel world who can help me out?

I just installed RedHat 6.0 and I have a Aztech Radio card in my system
which works fine in Windows98. I checked the port, and it's on port
350.  But somehow, when I recompile my kernel with the Video4Linux
driver & the Aztech driver, the card gives no reaction at all.

First I tried to compile the driver into the kernel, but there was no
reaction. After that, I compiled the kernel again, but now the drivers
as modules. With the 'insmod' command on the 'radio-aztech.o' I get the
message that the resource is busy. In any case, there's no /dev/radio*
or some other device whatsoever to be found in the '/dev/' directory.
And the worst thing of all: documentation on this subject is very

I'ld appreciate any help on this problem....




From: Chris Mauritz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: About to build Linux RAID box.  Need advice.
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 19:56:14 GMT

Scott Marlowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sincero arcadio wrote:

>> Floyd Davidson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> : the total power per unit is about 40 watts, and 8 of them adds up to
>> : more than 250 watts!  Probably the best solution there is a pair of 250
>> : watt supplies.
>>         Oohh ... now theres an idea I haven't thought of!  Use a pair of
>> 250watt power supplies.  I've been doing searches for power supplies
>> greater than 300W and those things are actually pretty expensive (like
>> close to $100 or even more)!  Using two 250W supplies would definitely be
>> cheaper.  Now, i wonder how I would hook it up so one switch would power
>> on both power supplies ... doesn't sound too hard, but I'm no electrician.

> If you're going to the trouble to build a large RAID array, you might wanna
> look at a large all in one enclosure that has dual redundant power supplies.

> Super Micro makes a case (SC-800/SC-800A) that has 11 5.25 HH bays, and dual
> 350 or 400 watt hot swappable supplies.  When it positively absolutely has to
> stay up, these are pretty nice choices, and run about $500 to $600.

> I've seen larger enclosures with 18-22 5.25 HH bays with dual 400s running
> about $1,000 or so.

Or simply get whatever case makes you happy.  Then throw away the made-in-Taiwan
cheesy power supply and put in a dual hot-swappable supply from PC Power and
Cooling.  They make a dual hot swappable 600watt ATX unit that will fit in most
tower enclosures and has a MTBF of 2,000,000 hours.  It costs $370.  Check out:

I don't work for the guys...I'm just really happy with all the stuff I've
gotten from them over the years.  They also make a really nice solid steel
tower case with 10 5.25hh drive bays for under $300.



Christopher Mauritz


From: Stephen Tawn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: second hard disk
Date: 18 Jul 1999 19:18:16 GMT

I have a 2Gb hard disk with win98 on it and i have a new 10Gb hard disk 
that i want to install linux on.  should i put the new disk in as a slave 
to the first, or put it on the secondary ide which i have a cd-rom drive on 
at the moment? are there any limitations of lilo and a second drive?


From: wizard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Building a Linux Box - comments?
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 15:16:41 -0400

Mark wrote:

> Hello,
>    I'm buiding my first Linux Box, here's my current list of hardware,
> comments welcome reguarding performace/price and compatibility.
> Mark
> Mother Board  - Abit BE6                         ~$120
> CPU           - P3 450                           ~$280
> RAM           - 128 MB PC100 generic             ~$100
> Hard Drive    - Quantum Fireball KA ATA/66 9.1GB ~$150
> Graphics Card - Creative TNT 16 MB               ~$ 80
> Sound Card    - SB Live Value (OEM)              ~$ 50
> CD-ROM        - Samsung 40X                      ~$ 40
> Modem         - Zoom Model #2919                 ~$ 60
> Mouse         - MS Intellimouse PS2              ~$ 20
> Keyboard      - MS Natural PS2                   ~$ 20
> Floppy        - Sony 1.44MB                      ~$ 15
> Case          - Inwin Mini-Tower                 ~$ 50
>                                        Total     ~$985

Not bad at all.    I would consider the ASUS P2B line of boards.    Do
realize also that Linux currently has little if any support for the P3
extended instructions.     Not knowing what you intend to do with the
machine I might reccomend that you go the dual Celeron route.    Abit has
just the board for this.     The reallity is that you will get much
better overall performance if you run multiple programs or servers.

Personally I have used the Matrox line of video cards as the hardware is
excellent and the Xfree drivers very good.    I can't comment on the TNT
drivers as I have not used this card with Xfree, however if there is a
problem you could allways go the commercial route.

I'm of the opinion that two smaller hardrives are better than one.    If
your going the IDE route that would mean a controller for each disk.
This would mean the purchase of an interface for the CDROM.    While I'm
thinking about CDROM you might want to make that a reader writer.     It
is simply amazing how nice it is to be able to write to thoose little
disks.    Esp. if you download many updates for Linux or other software
from the net.

The rest is unfamiliar to me, make sure that modem is not a WinModem.



Subject: (yet another) soundcard problem
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 22:23:11 +0200

Hello !

I'm using Linux RH 5.2 on a P133 with 16-bit IsaPnp sound card based on
the OPTi 82C924 chip (at least that's what the doc says ... ). I've read
lots of howto manpages etc. but still I can't get a sound out of my box.
Could someone help ? 

Thank you


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ian Briggs)
Subject: PC Chips TX AGP Pro M/B?
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 20:15:54 GMT

Anyone have any good/bad experiences with a PC Chips TX AGP Pro
motherboard running Linux?  (I'm looking for something cheap to go with an
existing Cyrix M II.  Other budget possibilities from my supplier are:
Micronics C200 and Gigabyte GA-5AX.)

Also, can anyone tell me the difference between the different types of
DIMM: Unbuffered 100MHz Spec, Unbuffered 66MHz Spec, ECC 100MHz Spec, ECC



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rohan Oberoi)
Subject: Exabyte NS-8 hardware compression?
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 19:51:59 GMT

I have an Exabyte NS-8 (TR-4 with hardware compression, I believe)
that seems to be working normally on my SCSI bus.

I can do "mt -f /dev/st0 retension" and it winds and rewinds
normally.  I have run backups using "tar cvlf /dev/st0 ." and it seems
to run fine (haven't tested restore).

What I'm unsure about is how to check whether hardware compression is
turned on.  The Exabyte web site is not very helpful.

"mt -f /dev/st0 compression on" just returns.  

"mt -f /dev/st0 setdensity 140" returns a bunch of errors:

st0: Error with sense data: extra data not valid Current error
st09:00: sense key Illegal request
Additional sense indicates Invalid field in parameter list
/dev/st0: Input/output error

Am I doing something wrong, perhaps using the wrong code?  If anyone
has one of these drives and uses them for backups, I'd appreciate your
letting me know if you used a command to set compression.

If replying by email, please remove TAKETHISOUT from my address.



From: "David A. Kimball" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DirecPC PCI 
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 16:04:28 -0400

Has anyone created a driver for DirecPC PCI satellite card ?  Using
Mandrake 6.0


From: Kris \"Duke\" Vandecruys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux & HP710C, will it work ?
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 23:00:12 +0200


has anyone ever made a linux print on a HP710C
if so please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i tried hooking the printer to a win98 and print with samba, but then it
hangs with BSOD

any comments, suggestions are more then welcome


Subject: Re: Ricoh CD-RW MP-6200A being read as floppy
Date: 18 Jul 1999 20:31:06 GMT

Dan Hill wrote:
> I am having a problem get my box to recognize my ricoh MP-6200A as a=20
> cdrom.  It thinks that it, /dev/hdc, is a floppy.  My dmesg that shows=20
> what I am talking about is below.  I followed the instructions for=20
> setting up the kernel for use with cdrecord.
> Thanks in advance for the help.
> Dan
> ###  Start dmesg  ###
I'm using SuSE 6.1 and had the same problem with the Ricoh MP6200A.
I configured the CDRW in the bios with autodetect. Therfore the mode was 
set to PIO3. With this settings I got Kernel OOPS when starting YAST. 
The solution was to set the transfer mode in the bios to "standard" (even 
PIO1 doesn't work). After this change the CDRW is identified correctly.


==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


From: Kris \"Duke\" Vandecruys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ASUS V3800TNT2
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 23:02:48 +0200

Kristian L. Petersen wrote:

> Hey
> I have just install. linux suse 6.1, and I have a ASUS V3800TNT2 ULTRA, but
> I cant find any drivers for it.
> Can anyone help????????? should hold a set of TNT/TNT2 generic X servers, which are
devel but really good i think... no problem running my viper550 and none with
the Maxi Gamer xentor TNT2 16

try it



From: "jams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux & HP710C, will it work ?
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 17:30:15 -0400

I just bought the 712C which apparently uses the same driver (or one very
similar).  Go to and download the software.  Be sure to
read the INSTALL-MORE file in the tarball.  It doesn't support color yet,
but text is great.


<Kris \ Duke" Vandecruys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote in message
> hi,
> has anyone ever made a linux print on a HP710C
> if so please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> i tried hooking the printer to a win98 and print with samba, but then it
> hangs with BSOD
> any comments, suggestions are more then welcome
> tnx
> Kris


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Kilian)
Subject: Re: recovery nightmare, corrupt part'n table/MBR
Date: 18 Jul 1999 21:01:47 GMT

> The question is, does fdisk write anywhere OTHER THAN the MBR.  
> If so, the procedure outlined above will destroy the info on disk that
> I am desperately trying to recover.

As long as you are not creating or deleting logical partitision (i.e. modify
any extended partition), only the MBR will be changed.

> Alternatively, if fdisk does indeed write to disk, should I not be able to
> use that info to reconstruct the partition table somehow?

I've always a printout of the current partitioning. You can create it with
fdisk -l -u (the -u is important to get start and end positions of partitions
in sectors rather than cylinders). This his *very* valuable for crash

FYI: To find ext2 partitions when you've lost your mbr (and your partition
printout), you could use the program "findsuper", which searches a device for
ext2 superblocks.  It is included in the
e2fsprogs package. Since it is not installed (nor compiled) per default, you
should do it yourself:

- extract e2fsprogs (I've version 1.13)
- change into the "misc" directory
- cc -o findsuper findsuper.c
- copy the executable to a save place (i.e. not on your harddisk). Best place
  could be your rescue boot-disk.



From: "Prasanth Kumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: second hard disk
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 21:58:31 GMT

You shouldn't have any problems...atleast I have been able to put it on the
secondary ide adapter.
You can also gain a little performance improvement if you put the linux swap
partition on the original
drive to split the load among the two adapters.

Stephen Tawn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7mt99o$2nf3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I have a 2Gb hard disk with win98 on it and i have a new 10Gb hard disk
> that i want to install linux on.  should i put the new disk in as a slave
> to the first, or put it on the secondary ide which i have a cd-rom drive
> at the moment? are there any limitations of lilo and a second drive?


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.linux,alt.linux.sux,alt.os.linux.caldera
Subject: Re: How much space for each partition?
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 15:17:29 -0700

Ok, the way that I did it, I moved, or actually used tar to copy the whole
directory over to the new drive.  Once I did that, I edited FSTAB, with the
new mountpoint.  On the original usr, I renamed it, to usr.old, created a
new mount point /usr.  Once I saw everything was working correctly on the
new drive, I deleted usr.old.  This left more space on the original drive.
This worked, pretty good too, except that the Promise card that I was using,
has a conflict with my board, and locks the computer up hard.  I know it's
not linux, as it does the same in windows.  For now, I'll stick to all SCSI.

John Krupka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm interested in this problem too and it seems to me that you didn't
> address his problem.  If I understand him correctly, he wants the
> "/usr" itself to reside on the new drive.  Wouldn't this require mounting
> new drive to the existing "/usr" directory as the mount point?  You'd
still have
> to move some files around but simply moving the files over to the new
device, as
> you've done, will leave "/usr" on the original drive, with the same lack
> space.
> Am I missing something?  Wouldn't you want to do something like: untar to
> dir on the new drive (e.g. "newdir", clean out the old "/usr", mount the
> drive to "/usr" then "cd /usr; mv newdir ." ?
> John
> Marc Mutz wrote:
> > TURBO1010 wrote:
> > >
> > > Can I initially just have a / (root) partition and a /home (home)
> > > on sda1 and sda3.  Then add more hard drives later, and move /usr and
> > > over to the other hard drive?
> > >
> > Yes. It's easy and straight forward.
> > If your proposed new /usr is /dev/sdb1 then do the following:
> > mkdir /mnt{,/sdb1}
> > mount -t ext2 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1
> > (cd /usr; tar cf - .) | (cd /mnt/sdb1; tar xf -)
> >
> > done. Read the harddisk-upgrade mini-HOWTO (or similar) for more.
> >
> > Marc
> >
> > --
> > Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         
> > University of Bielefeld, Dep. of Mathematics / Dep. of Physics
> >
> > PGP-keyID's:   0xd46ce9ab (RSA), 0x7ae55b9e (DSS), 0x31748570 (DH)
> --
> vi vi vi, the editor of the beast


From: Rick Herrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Number Nine SR9 video?
Date: 18 Jul 1999 14:54:09 PDT

Has anyone gotten the Number Nine SR9 card working with XFree86?  I've
not been able to get it working at anything better than VGA16.  SVGA
acts weird (no screens) and none of the S3 drivers work at all.

I've also tried the VesaFB solution and can't seem to get that to work
at all.  I never get the penguin logo, so I guess I just suck :^)

Any help or information would be greatly appreciated!!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phillip McGregor)
Subject: LS-120?
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 15:04:10 GMT


Sorry if this is an inappropriate newsgroup for this query ... 

I've just installed the latest Mandrake Linux distribution, based on
Redhat 6.0, and most things are working OK ... however, the system
will not mount the LS-120 (MATSHITA LS-120 VER 4 06 according to
Windows) as a floppy drive using the floppy icon on the KDE desktop.
This is rather a problem as I have the LS-120 *instead* of a floppy
drive (taking up an IDE port) ... and I would like to be able to read
(at least) 3.5" disks (if not the 120 MB ones <sigh>)

Anyone out there managed to install an LS-120 so it will mount under
Linux? Any pointers (simple ones, please, I'm a Linux newbie :-) would
be greatly appreciated!

Phil McGregor
Phillip McGregor (Space Opera (FGU), Rigger Black Book (FASA)
YES! StaRPlay:Armageddon and Dark Star are now available from



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