Linux-Hardware Digest #826, Volume #10           Fri, 23 Jul 99 00:13:41 EDT

  Re: Yamaha DS-XG card (Tung-Sheng Lin)
  Re: XServer problems with Ati Rage 128 ("Martin Kutz")
  Re: 2 NICS... one box (Doug Kelly)
  Re: Networking (Lam Nguyen)
  Re: Diamond SupraExpress 56i v.90 (Steve Macko)
  Re: S3 Trio3D and XFree86 3.3.4 (kc)
  Re: Why Build Box? (Robert V. Grizzard)
  Re: Promise Ultra/66 EIDE Controller (Lam Nguyen)
  Re: kppp can only run once (Robert Sheskin)
  What is LVD SCSI? (John Jacques)
  2nc case for HD's (John Jacques)
  Writing to Windows Partition From Linux Partition (Wretch)
  New Linux user Hardware checklist ("James Jose")
  Re: What is LVD SCSI? ("TURBO1010")
  Re: Linux Training (M. David Allen)
  Re: New Linux user Hardware checklist (chris pitzel)
  PCI Controller chip Announcement ("Khan Kibria")
  Re: hook a normal printer directly up to a network? (Leslie Mikesell)
  vxt2000 on RH 6.0 (Greg Harding)
  Re: CS4280 Sound Chip problem (Scott J. Simmons)
  Can ESS688 sound card work in linux ? ("Tony")
  Re: BT878 video capture based cards...


From: Tung-Sheng Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Yamaha DS-XG card
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 17:24:33 -0700

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<br>I installed slackware 4.0 and the Yamaha DS-XG sound card works under
linux. I use the default kernel.
<p>Steve Maughan wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Does anyone know how to set up the Yamaha DS-XG sound
card under linux?
<br>I've been playing around in the sound config utility but so far it
<br>hasn't worked... Any ideas would be much appreciated.
<p>Steve Maughan
<p>&nbsp; Don't run away from your problems...
<br>&nbsp; Riding is much faster.</blockquote>


From: "Martin Kutz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: XServer problems with Ati Rage 128
Date: 23 Jul 1999 01:00:15 GMT

Jeff McWilliams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote
> In article <01bed495$8a381760$2a01a8c0@solo>, Martin Kutz wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I am installing Linux on a system with an ATI Rage 128. I can't get the
> >XServer running (not even with the standard VGA16 server, neither with
> >SVGA server). I have S.u.S.E. version 6.0, does it contain an
> >server I haven't discovered yet, or do you know where I can get one?
> >
> >martin.
> Use Dejanews to search this group for numerous other posts regarding the 
> Rage  128.  Only way to make it work is to use VESA Framebuffer support
> in a 2.2.x kernel and the Framebuffer X server.

Thanks for the advise, I looked it up and it was very disappointing. The
Rage 128 doesn't seem to work. But I could possibly exchange it against an
ATI Xpert98. Others did already ask the question how this one works with X
in this newsgroup, but the only answer was that your should buy a matrox.
Doesn't help me much. So here the modified question again:

How does the Xpert98 work with X ?

thanx in advance, martin.


From: Doug Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 2 NICS... one box
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 18:33:57 -0600

Benjamin G. Chase wrote:
> I am requesting the help of anyone that feels that they are capable of the
> task.  I have a Linux Redhat 6.0 server that I would like to use IP
> forwarding with to get access to the rest of my network.  Unfortunately, I
> just started using  DSL, which requires a network card and uses DHCP.  That
> would not be so bad except that my network is all using static IPs.  I have
> configured the 2 NICs, both of which are Linksys 10/100s, one to use DHCP,
> and the other to use manual setup, but I can only get one or the other
> working.  If the DHCP card is working, the static card isn't and vice versa.
> Please help, I have been working on this without sleep for about 2 days now.
> If this isn't possible to do, I would like to know before I kill myself
> trying.  Thanks.  Please send me a mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED] , because I
> am not really familiar with the groups yet and may not find your response.
> Again thank you for your help.  B. CHASE

What you are trying to do is eminently possible, and is working fine on
the machine I'm posting from.  You don't really supply enough
information to fully debug your problem, but there are a couple of
-make sure that you have separate configurations for eth0 and eth1 (in
redhat these are in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts).  I'm not sure
whether you have much control over how the interfaces get assigned - you
might have to play trial and error to figure out which is which.  dhcpcd
will automatically attach to eth0 unless you explicitly pass the
interface (which the RH init scripts will do if you set up ifcfg-eth0
and ifcfg-eth1)

-check your default route. this is something I haven't had problems
with, but it doesn't look right to me.  When I dhcp (us west dsl) no
default route gets set.  Since us west can give out addresses on
different subnets, I can't even hard-code this in the rc scripts.  It
appears that the default route is assigned to the last interface
configured, so this might be causing problems.

Other than that, more info is probably necessary.


From: Lam Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Networking
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 01:36:02 GMT

Andrew Scutt wrote:

> Hi, I need to run a Linux(RH6) box with 2 intel pro network cards, both on
> the same subnet, where if one card dies the other kicks in, hardware
> redundancy in other words.
> Any ideas?
> Is it possible?
> --
> Regards
> Andy

Yes, It is possible. The challenge is efficiently and correctly detecting the
problem card.


From: Steve Macko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Diamond SupraExpress 56i v.90
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 01:36:40 +0000

Roy Grimm wrote:

> "C. C. McPherson" wrote:
> >
> > As far as the supra express goes, you might want to reference
> >
> Thanks for the link.  Looks like it should be supported.
> > I currently use a supra express (most of the time) with no
> > problems. I think your problem is the CHAP authentication. You
> > may want to look at the HOWTO for PPP, it contains info on the
> > CHAP. Also check the HOWTO for Shadow Password.
> I printed out the modem howto, the PPP howto and the PPP faq.  After
> reading them, I think I'm missing something with the CHAP
> authentication.  I found that my ISP has a "unix-variant" newsgroup.  I
> may be able to get the specifics from someone there.
> Thanks for the help.
> Roy

If it connected with minicom, it will work... eventually! I am using a
Supra Express 56i SP with no problems. When I first tried to set it up,
there were 2 problems. 1-- the modem worked with minicom but it was SLOW
to recognize any AT commands. If this happens, it is an irq conflict. 2---
I couldn't get all the scripts set up, so I called my ISP. They told me to
use the network config tool in Red Hat. I went to the add interface option
and it walked me through it....



Subject: Re: S3 Trio3D and XFree86 3.3.4
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 21:40:17 -0400

Daniel R Risacher wrote:
> Sorry if this has been asked before.  Allegedly, Xfree86 3.3.4
> included support for the S3 Trio3D chip, but it doesn't work for me.
> Has anyone else gotten these to work together?  Was the Trio3D support
> perhaps pushed back into 3.3.5?
> No luck with and the Trio3D either.
> --
>          Ceci n'est pas une signature.
> Daniel Risacher              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am running a Trio3D card with Xfree86 3.3.4 under Redhat 6.0 as I
write this email.  I downloaded the SVGA server, made a couple
adjustments to /etc/X11/XF86Config as it works pretty well (at least for
the last 23 hours...:)

What isn't working by the way??


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert V. Grizzard)
Subject: Re: Why Build Box?
Date: 23 Jul 1999 01:16:36 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
>On 21 Jul 1999 22:52:13 -0500, John Doe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>There is no noticable performance difference between my $100 system and
>>system based on dual pII boxes unless you are doing fluid dynamics
>Perhaps you should actually try a faster system before making such bold
>and inaccurate statements.  You're further digging a hole for yourself.

Gotta' tell ya, there really and *truly* is no difference between his hundred 
dollar system and what I have now.  Based on that factoid, I have three 

1)  Waste my bill by shipping it off to him,
2)  Continue tolerating somewhat less than stellar performance, but save my 
bill in the process, or
3)  Put that bill together with another one and most of a third and get the 
pieces and parts I need to complete this project.

1 is definitely out.

2 has possibilities -- if I can tolerate the lo-o-ong waits while certain 
processes complete.  If I could the wait, though, I wouldn't be looking to get 
more speed from my computer.

Looks like it's #3 by default.


From: Lam Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Promise Ultra/66 EIDE Controller
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 01:31:40 GMT

Tim Moore wrote:

> > Is there a recent distribution of Linux that works with Promise
> > Technology's Ultra/66 EIDE controller?
> No.

I use Redhat 6.0 and the experimental kernel 2.3.10, the card is recognized

> > I know RedHat 5.2 had problems
> > with Promise IDE controllers...
> I've used U/33 PCI controller in kernels 2.0.34-37, 2.2.5 and 2.2.10
> without a problem.  Even Promise's old ISA bus EIDE 2 channel controller
> works transparently in an old Dell 486.
> --
> direct replies substitute timothymoore for user name
> "Everything is permitted.  Nothing is forbidden."
>                                    WS Burroughs.


From: Robert Sheskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: kppp can only run once
Date: 22 Jul 1999 21:15:31 -0500

>>>>> "Psycho" == Psycho  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Psycho> I am able to run kppp and connect to Internet without
    Psycho> problem but once I disconnect, I never able to connect
    Psycho> again. After dial, it just disconnect itself with message
    Psycho> like "terminated unexpectly" or something.. is this a
    Psycho> known problem? Any workaround???

Make sure you are running the latest version on kppp. I had this problem 
with earlier versions.

Robert Sheskin
Replace "nospam" with "tidalwave" for email
ICQ 5788323
AIM RobertLS


From: John Jacques <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: What is LVD SCSI?
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 22:21:08 -0400

Hello, I've been looking over SCSI controller cards and the newer models
have LVD support. What does this mean? Thanks!


From: John Jacques <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 2nc case for HD's
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 22:27:33 -0400

I need some clearity please:

I noticed the pictures of SCSI controller cards have a cable adapter,
which I assume is for running a cable to another case that holds the
scsi drives. Is this what it is for?
If so:
How long can the cable be?
There's one cable connection, so, I take it the drives are chained
together or does the cable split off?
Is there perofrmance loss for using external drives, like radio
interference on the cables?

John Jacques


From: Wretch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Writing to Windows Partition From Linux Partition
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 22:59:07 -0400

Hi -- I received a Lexmark 3200 color inkjet printer as a present,
and long after I finally set the thing up on my home computer
I had the horrific realization that Lexmark is yet another Microsoft
minion, and printing directly from Linux (Redhat 5.1) seems hopeless.
It's too late to return the printer, so I'm kind of stuck.

So, I'm wondering if I can generate files in my linux partition
and write them from there directly to my Windows 98 partition, 
and then print the files from there once I've rebooted to the
Windows OS.  If anyone can point me in the right direction (a link, any
literature, etc.) I'd be greatly appreciative.




From: "James Jose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: New Linux user Hardware checklist
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 13:05:16 +1000

    I'm soon going to be installing Linux for the first time, I'm ordering
Linux Mandrake 6.0..

Does anyone know if any of the following hardware will cause a problem?

I have
gigabyte GA-6BA motherboard (Intel BX)
64 megs PC100 SDRAM
Intel Celeron 300a@450a
generic 8meg Intel i740 (Videoexcel) (AGP)
Avance Logic als100+ soundcard (ISA)
Lifeview Flyvideo EZY video capture card (PCI)
SMC EZ Card PCI 10 Adapter
Quantum Fireball CR 8.4
Westerd Digital Caviar 1.2
Sound CDU701 (32x IDE)

Also I will be needing drivers for most (if availible)

Thanx in advance :)



Subject: Re: What is LVD SCSI?
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 19:19:57 -0700

Low Voltage Differential

John Jacques <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello, I've been looking over SCSI controller cards and the newer models
> have LVD support. What does this mean? Thanks!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. David Allen)
Subject: Re: Linux Training
Date: 23 Jul 1999 03:12:30 GMT

In article <7n7qgv$iko$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "JamesH" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hello,
> Can anyone recommend a good Linux Training Organization?
> Has anyone used or heard anything about Linuxcare or Redhat training?
> Jim Holloway
> GTS, Inc.
> 800 888-9874 ext. 203

Redhat does a linux certification program, I've heard that it's quite good,
but I know for sure that it's long and OBSCENELY expensive.  Maybe that's just
me and my broke ass though.  If you're part of a big company that can pay it,
why not?

Haven't heard anything about linuxcare.

David Allen
People are like onions -- you cut them up, and they make you cry.


From: chris pitzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: New Linux user Hardware checklist
Date: 23 Jul 1999 03:11:30 GMT

>gigabyte GA-6BA motherboard (Intel BX)
>64 megs PC100 SDRAM
>Intel Celeron 300a@450a

Not always reliable.  Tons of posts in the newsgroups relating to Celeron
300a problems and problems with such overclocked systems.  Just because a
few hardware websites seem to be hyping overclocking lately, doesn't mean
that it actually works reliably.

>Westerd Digital Caviar 1.2
>Sound CDU701 (32x IDE)
>Also I will be needing drivers for most (if availible)

Find out what drivers and products are supported by the distribution you
wish to load, and then purchase that hardware.  Oh yeah -- get more than
64mb of RAM.  You'll regret not buying 128mb..


From: "Khan Kibria" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PCI Controller chip Announcement
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 19:59:00 -0700

Dear Colleges:

Interconnect Systems Solution is announcing the availability of PCI-ISA-001,
a low cost PCI controller chip targeted for migrating cost sensitive ISA
adapter cards into PCI architecture. Please contact me for the Data-sheet
and the Samples.

The features of this chip are,

- PCI interface

   o 3.3.v PCI compliant I/O.

   o 5v tolerant PCI I/O.

   o 32–bit 33 MHz PCI 2.1 Local Bus.

   o Configuration registers support for maximum of 3 add-in functions.

   o PCI master/target capable.

- ISA like add-on interface

   o 8–bit data, 11–bit address.

   o Interface supports full DMA capability consistent with ISA DMA

   o Independent address mappings of each add-in function within the 11–bit
address space.

- Built in DMA engine

   o Engine can access both I/O and memory space on the PCI side.

   o Engine can access both address mapped and the DMA space in the ISA like

- 4-pin Serial Non-volatile RAM interface

   o Auto download of Serial E2PROM content at reset time for

   o Field upgrade support, In-Circuit Serial E2PROM update can be performed
from the PCI side.

Best regards,

Khan Kibria,

Postal address:
Interconnect Systems Solution
22691 Lambert Street, Suite 503
Lake Forest, CA 92630, USA.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: hook a normal printer directly up to a network?
Date: 22 Jul 1999 21:54:04 -0500

In article <7n5qsf$8i0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Human <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>But then the problem will be how could I print postscript or from
>netscape to that printer on the network using external print server?
>Ihave successful in putting the printer on the network which share by
>some windoz (NT/98) machines with some linux machines.  The only problem 
>I have is I can print plain text tto the printer from linux but dont
>know how to put in filter for print under netscape or others.  The
>HOW-TO only mentioned the filter if you are connecting the machine to
>the linux machine directly, but didnt mention if the printer is on
>network.  Would someone able to give me some hints on that?

RedHat's control-panel print tool will set up the needed filters
for most printer including conversion to/from postscript and 
delivery to remote lpd or windows-shared printers.

  Les Mikesell


Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 03:37:22 -0400
From: Greg Harding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: vxt2000 on RH 6.0

I've asked this question way back when and lost all the info after 3
windoze vomit-type crashes, so if you've responded before, please do so

I have a few of DEC's VXT2000 XTerminals and would like to connect them
to my RedHat 6.0 server (stock install with working network) in a kiosk
application.  My main problem is how to get the VXT's to boot.  There
was an image file, if I remember right, but I'm unsure of the steps I
need to take to configure the terminals or the server.  Any help would
be appreciated and a copy of the image file, or a link to it, would be
*greatly* apreciated.
Please respond either to the group (perhaps this'll prove handy to
somebody else, too) or via email.

Thank you!



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott J. Simmons)
Subject: Re: CS4280 Sound Chip problem
Date: 22 Jul 1999 16:15:34 GMT

On Wed, 21 Jul 1999 14:33:24 -0400, William J. Chimiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I can't configure the sound on an Etower Celeron computer with on-board
>Crystal Scan CS4280:
>I have an Etower Celeron computer with on-board Crystal Scan CS4280
>chip.  I have played with numerous attempts with sndconfig and get the
>old [driver].o busy problem which is usually cleared up when the correct
>driver is chosen.  I am sure the problem is the CS4280 chip which is
>supposedly SoundBlaster Pro compatible.
>sndconfig makes the conf.modules read
>alias sound sb
>pre-install sound insmod sound dmabuf=1
>alias midi opl3
>options opl3 io=0x388
>options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1
># lsmod
>Module                  Size  Used by
>uart401                 5968   0
>sound                  57208   0  [uart401]
>soundlow                 300   0  [sound]
>soundcore               2372   3  [sound]
>3c509                   5812   1  (autoclean)
>nls_iso8859-1           2020   1  (autoclean)
>nls_cp437               3548   1  (autoclean)
>vfat                   11516   1  (autoclean)
>fat                    25664   1  (autoclean) [vfat]
>advansys               67248   2
>init_module: Device or resource busy  x
>x sound: Device or resource bus
>If I rmmod all of these sound modules and do a
># modprobe sound
>/lib/modules/2.2.5-15/misc/sb.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
>sound: Device or resource busy
>#I even tried the
>alias sound ad1848
>pre-install sound insmod sound dmabuf=1
>options ad1848 io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=1
>in the conf.modules.
>Bill Chimiak                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I had similar problem with another driver (RH5.2).  Did you 
   compile the driver into the kernel?  If so then the driver 
   is probably initializing when the kernel boots.  Then the error 

>/lib/modules/2.2.5-15/misc/sb.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
>sound: Device or resource busy

   occurs (when   modprobe sound   is executed)  in rc.sysinit.
   So the driver is compiled into the kernel and also being loaded 
   as a module, causing the init_module conflict.

   I'm not sure what the situation is with the generic kernel.  So 
   if you haven't recompiled your kernel, doing so (with the correct 
   sound options) may help solve the problem.  If you choose to compile 
   the relevant drivers into the kernel instead of loading them as modules 
   (this may be best until you get things lined out), then make sure to 
   look at which modules are being loaded so you don't have the same 

   I solved my problem by compiling in sound support to the kernel 
   and removing any reference to sound from /etc/conf.modules so that 
   modprobe sound  is not executed in rc.sysinit.

   Hope this helps.   
   S. Simmons


Scott J. Simmons, Ph.D.
Department of Natural Sciences
Texas A&M International University
5201 University Boulevard
Laredo, TX  78041


From: "Tony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can ESS688 sound card work in linux ?
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 22:55:34 -0700

hi, there:

i have a ESS688 sound card, i can't config it works in linux(RedHat5.1). Can
anyone help me or suggest me a website about it?
thanks a lot.


Subject: Re: BT878 video capture based cards...
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 20:47:12 -0700

On Thu, 22 Jul 1999 22:46:36 +0000, pasha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>what about sound?
>i cannot get sound from my fly tv II.
>msp module needs some hack i guess...

        You do have the patch cable in don't you?


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