Linux-Hardware Digest #838, Volume #10           Sat, 24 Jul 99 14:13:32 EDT

  Redhat and Gateway 2500 ("Clifford Dawson")
  Re: AOpen ALN325 PCI Ethernet Card ("Dr. Francisco V. Santacruz S.")
  Re: partition woes II (Norman Levin)
  LinkSys HPN100 Network card ("Tim Sander")
  Re: partition woes II ("Charles Sullivan")
  Faster CPU, more RAM, slower HDD access??? (Steve Simons)
  Re: USB mouse with linux help (Michel Catudal)
  Re: Advice on accessing CD-ROM changer disks from Samba? ("Steve Snyder")
  Re: spin down HDD (Joe Price)
  Re: SB16 VibraX (Greg H)
  Remote Booting Of X-Terminal ("Brian Schell")
  My GUS PnP does not work in RH6.0 ("Francis Lee")
  Re: my hdparm specs question (John Jacques)
  Re: Matrox Millenium G 200 SD 16 MD ("Lars Amsel")
  Re: no operating system? (John Patrick Krut)
  Re: hda: read_intr error=0x59 DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error (Les 


From: "Clifford Dawson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Redhat and Gateway 2500
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 08:01:47 -0500

     I posted a question in this newsgroup earlier about getting the modem
in the Gateway 2500 working, and I finally tripped over the solution (thanks
to a website devoted to Linux and this particular laptop model). It seems
that if you install Redhat after restarting from Windows instead of turning
the laptop off, Linux won't recognize the PCMCIA card. It skips the question
about whether you need that support on installation. Everything works fine
now, although I'm still battling with user ID's other than root. Staroffice,
for example, won't come up at all unless you sign in under root. I'm sure
there is an easy answer somewhere, but at least my modem works now.



From: "Dr. Francisco V. Santacruz S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AOpen ALN325 PCI Ethernet Card
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 08:36:48 -0300

Thanks a lot. I will try that.


Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 09:15:54 -0500
From: Norman Levin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: partition woes II

It appears that your first two partitions (sum > 8.2M) puts you over the 1024
cylinder mark for linux boot.  
Norman Levin
vm/dynAmIX inc.


From: "Tim Sander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: LinkSys HPN100 Network card
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 10:00:09 -0400

I've just installed Mandrake 6.0 with the 2.2.9 kernel.  I finally got it to
work with my CL Riva TNT in X, but I still can't get either my sound card or
my network card to work.  Since the NIC is most critical, can anyone help me
with it?  It is a LinkSys HPN100 Home Phone Network Card based on an AMD
chip.  It offers both 1Mbps phone and 10Mbps RJ45 Ethernet connections.  I'm
using the phone line under Windows 98, but want to be able to use Linux
without sacrificing my network.  LinkSys is no help.  They only suggest
using the Tulip driver for their other cards and make no suggestion at all
for this one.  Someone suggested the pcnet32 driver, but I'm not sure how to
go back and make that  work.  I need some help with the syntax of giving the
setup program it's parameters...and more.

Oh, the sound card is a CL Blaster Live Value, if anyone has suggestions for



From: "Charles Sullivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: partition woes II
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 11:16:22 -0400

Your partition numbers look a little strange - logical
partitions within the extended partition should start
at 5.

Your BIOS is evidently using LBA, hence the 254 heads.
You should go into the 'expert' mode of fdisk and set
the number of cylinders to the correct LBA value, which
appears to be 1584.  Then go back to the main menu to
create your partitions.

I suggest you create a /boot partition of about 10 Meg
somewhere below cylinder 1024 so you'll be able to
boot using LILO.

RH 5.1 has all sorts of difficulties with large hard disks.
For Win 95 in the primary partition and Linux on the
remainder of the drive it can be made to work with not too
much difficulty - the tricky part comes from requiring that
Win 95 access the other Win partitions above Linux in the
extended partition.  You might try creating your other
Win partitions as primary partitions.  (I'm not sure why
you want 3 Win partitions - FAT 16 partitions can be as
large as 2 Gb.)

I really suggest you get a newer version.  RH 6.0 installs
relatively smoothly and you can get it from
for $7.

steven taylor wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>            partition woes
>       Date: 
>            Fri, 23 Jul 1999 13:04:36 -0400
>       From: 
>            steven taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Newsgroups: 
>            comp.os.linux.hardware
>I just installed a 13gb HD (my old 2.1gb died), and decided to go ahead
>and upgrade the whole dern box (K2-400, 128mb ram). I've been using
>Linux for about 5 years now (I don't think that this problem is a new
>one), anyway I can't get the HD to partition the way I would like it to.
>Here's what I've set up:
>Maxtor DiamondMax 91303D6 (13gb, IDE)
>ASUS P5a shows: 
>Size: 13031
>CYLS: 25249
>HEAD: 16
>PRECOMP: 65535
>LANDZ: 25248
>I installed everything, booted up a win95 (osr2) floppy, ran fdisk and
>partitioned as follows: (by the way I did NOT use the Large disk support
>option in WIN95 fdisk)
>Partition 1: Active  Primary DOS 502MB  FAT16 # I'm going to use this
>for WIN95
>Partition 2:         Extended DOS  11923MB
>Partition 3:   Logical UNKNOWN 126MB #Going to use this for Linux swap
>"       " 4:      "      "     502MB #Linux / 
>"       " 5:      "      "     1028MB # Linux /usr
>"       " 6:      "      "     2047MB # Linux /usr/local/
>"       " 7:      "      "     2047MB #Linux /storage_drive for backing
>up my laptop
>"       " 8:      "     FAT16  502MB  # win95 partitions
>"       " 9:      "      "     502MB    "
>Partition 19:  Logical  UNKNOWN 651MB 
>Anyway the DOS/WIN95 fdisk happily set the partitions (all as FAT16
>type), and 
>I installed WIN95 on the first (primary,active) partition - no problems.
>Then I stuck the RH5.1 boot diskette and CDROM in, booted up the
>machine, started the
>install program in expert mode got to the partitioning menu, chose
>fdisk, hit 'p'
>for "print the partition table", and got this output:
>Disk /tmp/hda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 1024 cylinders
>Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes
>Device     Boot     Begin   Start       End       Blocks       Id      
>/tmp/hda1    *        1       1          64      514048+        6     
>DOS 16-bit >=32M
>/tmp/hda2             65      65        1584   12209400         f      
>Partition 2 has different physical/logical endings:
>phys=(1023, 254, 63) logical=(1583, 254, 63)
>Well, I can't change anything in the extended partition because I can't
>use it!
>HELP !!
>(I hope that this mailer doesn't scramble the message - if it does let
>me know
>and I'll re-post it)
>P.S. Go ahead and post your reply to the NG, I'm sure I'm not the only
>one to have this
>problem - but - please email me with your help as well (I check my email
>more often).
>Thanks a lot !!


From: Steve Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Faster CPU, more RAM, slower HDD access???
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 12:30:07 -0400

Hello all, here's an interesting one for you.

Old system:
Packard Bell PB640 motherboard, P120, 48Mb SIMM RAMM

New system:
TX98B motherboard (onboard soundcard disabled), P233MMX, 64Mb SDRAM

6.4 Gb WDC HDD, 428Mb Seagate HDD, Mitsumi CR280T CD-R, Samsung 40x CD.
SoundBlaster 16 pnp, RedHat 5.2 with 2.2.2 kernel, OSS sound driver.

Now then, with my old system, MP3s which I'd created sounded fine,

Now though, even with a comparatively whizz-bang system, I find that
there are lots of pops and dragging effects, as though the HDD is having
trouble keeping up.

Apart from the on-board soundcard being disabled in the BIOS, everything
is at default settings.

I really would appreciate an solution to this since the main reason
I upgraded was so that I could encode MP3s faster.

Please copy replies to email address, thanks.


From: Michel Catudal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: USB mouse with linux help
Date: 24 Jul 1999 10:35:07 -0500

Daniel wrote:
> I'm new with linux.  I just installed redhat 6.0, but I don't know how
> to get my USB mouse to work with linux.  Please help.
> Daniel

You don't . Use a standard PS/2 or serial mouse.

You may eventually, there are people working on USB support but
it is still in development. To be absolutely certain that you
won't have a problem is just to use a regular mouse for now.

Make a search on the newsgroups and you may find something that
works for you. In my opinion, it is still too early to play with,
specially for a newbie.

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From: "Steve Snyder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Steve Snyder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Advice on accessing CD-ROM changer disks from Samba?
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 15:37:56 GMT

On Fri, 23 Jul 1999 17:58:38 +0059, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>There is now a kernel patch which allows the different slots of an
>ATAPI changer to be mounted simultaneously 
>(  I have not tried this yet
>since my ATAPI changer is on my Alpha and I can't get it to compile
>on that system.

It won't compile on my system (RH v6.0, kernel v2.2.10, Intel Celeron
CPU) when building it into the kernel image and won't load when built
as a module.  In either case I get the same error:  the symbol memset
is not found.

Thanks for the response.

***** Steve Snyder *****


From: Joe Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: spin down HDD
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 16:21:42 GMT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Lindoze 2000 wrote:

> I use hdparm to spin down my HDD after 1/2 hr or so.
> the problem is, it spins up again after 1/2 hr. then it spins back down.
> has anyone had that problem?
> why wont it stay asleep?
> the system seems idle. no hdd activity detected.
> --
> ########################################################
> ##                                                    ##
> ##                         ##
> ##                                                    ##
> ########################################################

Check your 'cron ' jobs.  Could be swap space 'kswapd' I think is the

Nevaeh Technologies, Inc. Development Team Leader
Phone (810) 757-6867 Fax (810) 757-6493

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Lindoze 2000 wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>I use hdparm to spin down my HDD after 1/2 hr or
<br>the problem is, it spins up again after 1/2 hr. then it spins back
<br>has anyone had that problem?
<br>why wont it stay asleep?
<br>the system seems idle. no hdd activity detected.
<br>## <a 
Check your 'cron ' jobs.&nbsp; Could be swap space 'kswapd' I think is
the daemon.
Nevaeh Technologies, Inc. Development Team Leader
Phone (810) 757-6867 Fax (810) 757-6493</pre>



Subject: Re: SB16 VibraX
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 21:07:58 GMT

In comp.os.linux.hardware ben bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know if the VibraX can be made to work 100%
> with Linux 2.2.* kernels.  I have various success with the
> stock Slackware oss drivers and the trial oss driver from
> opensound, but I seem to get DMA errors (for the 16bit
> device) intermittently.  wavplay, cat > /dev/audio,
> seem to work, as does cd audio, but rvplayer (yes the patched
> version) fails silently.  Is this card a loser?

   The version of sndconfig included in Red Hat 6.0 sets up
this card just fine (I presume you mean the Waveffects card).
au files played through /dev/audio, x11amp, playmidi, and so
on run fine.
   I would presume, then, that if you install the same versions
of sndconfig _and_ isapnptools that Red Hat 6.0 has, you can
get your card to work, too.  Email me and I will send you copies
of my isapnp.conf and conf.modules (includes the lines for setting
up the soundcard in the kernel).  You may be able to get it to
work with those files alone.

   Greg H.

ROT-13 encoded email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Brian Schell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Remote Booting Of X-Terminal
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 13:06:15 -0400


I just picked up one of the Diskless Network Cards from Linux System Labs.
It's a network card with a bootprom essentially- no hard drive or floppy.
It's supposed to load & run X-Windows directly from the server. I've
followed the instructions on their website ( and
I've gotten the server configured just about right. Now I've run into a snag
that hopefully someone can shed some light on.

1. I turn on the workstation machine, and it searches for the server.
2. It finds the server and reports the correct IP#s for both itself and the
3. It loads the kernel with no problem
4. It begins to run X-Windows- I can see the gray screen with the "X" cursor
on it.
5. No login prompt or Window Manager- just the gray screen & X cursor. How
do I get a login prompt or what did I forget?

Note: According to the Diskless Nodes HOWTO, Which really
doesn't apply to this setup, but has a few helpful pointers) I am at the
point where I should type "X -query server" but there is no term window. It
just boots to the "X". There should be something on the server that
instructs something to open a login window or start a Window Manager
Session... What do I do now?

I'm 99% of the way there, but I'm stuck at this point. Any suggestions?


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From: "Francis Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: My GUS PnP does not work in RH6.0
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 00:58:45 +0800

I have installed RH6.0 but my GUS PnP does not work anytime.  When I try to
configure the card with utility "sndconfig", it can detect my card and let
me to configure the settings manually.

However, error is stated that there is a conflict with I/O 0x388 but it is
not available in the list.

In addition, when I check file in /etc/isppnp.conf, it states that it should
be settings for SB emulation.   After I ignore the error signal. my Linux
has become frozen.

Could some can give me any suggestion?  Many thanks.

Best regards,
  Francis Lee


From: John Jacques <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: my hdparm specs question
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 13:42:08 -0400

The rpm -qa line didn't work, but "hdparm -qa /dev/hda" did:

Linux johnjac 2.2.6 #95 Tue Apr 27 19:10:37 CDT 1999 i586 unknown

 Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  4.24 seconds =30.19 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  6.15 seconds =10.41 MB/sec

 Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  5.91 seconds =21.66 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  5.34 seconds =11.99 MB/sec
Hmm.. suspicious results: probably not enough free memory for a proper

 Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  3.58 seconds =35.75 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  5.77 seconds =11.09 MB/sec

 multcount    =  0 (off)
 I/O support  =  0 (default 16-bit)
 unmaskirq    =  0 (off)
 using_dma    =  1 (on)
 keepsettings =  0 (off)
 nowerr       =  0 (off)
 readonly     =  0 (off)
 readahead    =  8 (on)
 geometry     = 1313/255/63, sectors = 21095424, start = 0

Tim Moore wrote:

> Please post the output of:
> uname -a
> dmesg
> hdparm -tT /dev/hda /dev/hda /dev/hda
> rpm -qa | grep hdparm (or just 'hdparm')
> > /dev/hda:
> >  Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  3.98 seconds =32.16 MB/sec
> --
> timothymoore    "Everything is permitted.  Nothing is forbidden."
> bigfoot                                            WS Burroughs.
> com


Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 17:30:32 GMT


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From: "Lars Amsel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Matrox Millenium G 200 SD 16 MD
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 19:33:09 +0200


I just downloaded the newest XFree-Version for SuSE 6.0 with no effect. I
think there should be no problems with my XF86Config. The monitor (Eizo F56)
should display 1024x768 with no problems. Maybe you know a logfile which
tells me what went wrong?
wizard schrieb in Nachricht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>"Bobby D. Bryant" wrote:
>> wizard wrote:
>> > "Bobby D. Bryant" wrote:
>> >
>> > > The card is certainly capable of more under Linux -- I run it a
1280x1024 on my
>> > > distribution.
>> >
>> > I can second that the G200 works at that resolution.    But I'am using
the 8-meg
>> > card so you might want to look into the possibility of an issue here.
I seem to
>> > remember an issue some time back with the 16 meg card.    Also I just
set may
>> > machine up for 1024 x 768 and don't worry about the other resolutions
>> FWIW, I'm using the 8Mb card with an additional 8Mb upgrade.
>> Bobby Bryant
>> Austin, Texas
>You might want to look at Xfrees web site as they have just introduced
Xfree 3.3.4.
>Not sure if the SVGA driver has been upgraded since its last release but
you might want
>to consider this.    Yoy might also want to take a close look at your
config file also.


From: John Patrick Krut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: no operating system?
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 13:45:41 -0400

I run multiple os's and whenever I get out of linux, I
have to use fdisk to "set the active partition" - I just
have a win98 boot disk and get fdisk from there - when
I remove the boot disk and reboot, everything is normal.

Larry Clark wrote:

> now I have a no operating system warning.
> I tried to go to console and load the xfree86_s3v server and it went to
> init kill or something like that....then I did a ctrl-alt-del and backed
> out then tried to restart my system and thats what I got.......dud...what
> happened....I thought it would boot fine.......dud.....


      HaveAGoodLife * * * * * * * ResistanceIsFutile
* * * * * * * * * * * * * -jpk- * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Subject: Re: hda: read_intr error=0x59 DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error
From: Les Schaffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 17:12:22 GMT

>>>>> ">" == Graham Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    >> There are also occasional end_request: I/O Error, dev 03:01,
    >> sector 3719774 (example, but consistent) hda: read_intr
    >> error=0x40 Uncorrectable Error LBASect=3719837 sector=3719774

watch yourself here. when i started getting these a couple years ago,
my drive failed soon thereafter.





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