Linux-Hardware Digest #841, Volume #10           Sun, 25 Jul 99 00:13:22 EDT

  2 Sound Questions
 (John Patrick Krut)
  Re: Toshiba Portégé Laptop (Nelson Ricciardi)
  Re: Toshiba Portégé Laptop (Nelson Ricciardi)
  scsi emulation (yushi)
  M598 w/ SiS530 Xfree86 3.3.4 troubles (tj)
  #@$%&%( WINMODEMS are a pain in the A#$^& ("Little Fish")
  Re: Linux/xDSL in Tacoma ("mm")
  How do I change SCSI cards in Red Hat 6.0? (Anthony Valentine)
  Re: Where should I buy PC *parts* onine? (Justin B Willoughby)
  Re: Mobo for linux server (Axis)
  Dire need of direction and help with HOW TOs ("Nick")
  Re: Modem for Linux (Axis)
  18+ ONLY 101373 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Sexy Stuff 78563 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Hardware Lists? (Wizard)
  Help: ATAPI Tape timeouts (Paul Schmidt)
  1371 Errors: "es1371: dma timed out??" (Paul 'Tok' Kiela)


From: John Patrick Krut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 2 Sound Questions
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 21:16:38 -0400

OK, I am working X in RH5.2 - the graphics are working fine,
however, although AWE64 (my sound card) plays for the
sound start-up program:

        1.    I am looking to add sound to X - such as when it starts
up, closes down, etc. etc.

        2.    I have been using the vers of communicator (netscape) that

comes with RH5.2 - when I get to a page that has sound and I click on
the icon, I get the message

      "a plugin for the mime type audio/x-midi was not found"

        I have downloaded another (newer) version of communicator but
not installed it yet - I am hoping to come across a plugin for this
version...  Any Suggestions???

HaveAGoodLife   *****   ResistanceIsFutile

      ************ jpk ************


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nelson Ricciardi)
Subject: Re: Toshiba Portégé Laptop
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 00:39:02 GMT

Kevin, was reading your message again. I'm installing RedHat 5.2
They don't have 1024 x 600 our of the box, do they? At least I'm not
able to find it.

On 22 Jul 1999 22:15:16 -0600, Kevin Fenzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>>>> "Nelson" == Nelson Ricciardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Nelson> I´d like to install Linux on my Portégé 300 CT.  But the
>Nelson> Toshiba web site doesn´t have any info, drivers, etc.
>of course not... ;)
>Nelson> Can someone put me in the right direction?
>Nelson> Is there anybody here with the same notebook using Linux?
>Nelson> Should I stop and find another brand/model of notebook.
>Nelson> I´d really appreciate any help.
>The portege 300ct works just fine with linux...I have one and love
>The bad news: 
>- It's got a winmodem in it. You will have to use a pcmcia modem. 
>- It has some weird problem where you must make sure to eject all
>  pcmcia cards before suspending it, or it will never come back from
>  suspend. 
>Other than those things it works great! The screen looks really nice
>in 1024x600 X. ;) 
>You should be able to do a normal install from any of the major
>distributions out of the box. 
>If you need a XF86Config let me know. 
>Nelson> Thanks in advance
>Nelson> Nelson


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nelson Ricciardi)
Subject: Re: Toshiba Portégé Laptop
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 00:38:00 GMT

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for your offer. I believe I will take it.

I'm a NEWBIE in Linux (and in Unix in general). I have years of
experience with NT, DOS, W95, even those old TRS-80.

But Linux is making me mad. It's not easy to setup the OS to the 300CT
screen, is it?

I think I really need that configuration file. I really don't have a
clue on how to make my screen use 1240 x 600 and how to make the mouse
behave accordinly.

Second: I have a Toshiba bay at work where the mouse is a PS/2. At
home it's a standart serial. I need to know hot to change

About the modem, it's said and new to me. No one ever told me that.
But I have 2 PCMCIA modens that I can use. One is a wonderful 3COM

I did not install PCMCIA support yet. I'm still trying to fell
confortable in this new environment.

Anyway, I appreciate your reply and your help.



On 22 Jul 1999 22:15:16 -0600, Kevin Fenzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>>>> "Nelson" == Nelson Ricciardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Nelson> I´d like to install Linux on my Portégé 300 CT.  But the
>Nelson> Toshiba web site doesn´t have any info, drivers, etc.
>of course not... ;)
>Nelson> Can someone put me in the right direction?
>Nelson> Is there anybody here with the same notebook using Linux?
>Nelson> Should I stop and find another brand/model of notebook.
>Nelson> I´d really appreciate any help.
>The portege 300ct works just fine with linux...I have one and love
>The bad news: 
>- It's got a winmodem in it. You will have to use a pcmcia modem. 
>- It has some weird problem where you must make sure to eject all
>  pcmcia cards before suspending it, or it will never come back from
>  suspend. 
>Other than those things it works great! The screen looks really nice
>in 1024x600 X. ;) 
>You should be able to do a normal install from any of the major
>distributions out of the box. 
>If you need a XF86Config let me know. 
>Nelson> Thanks in advance
>Nelson> Nelson


Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 01:08:44 GMT

In article <7l817n$ne5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] did eloquently scribble:
> = I feel offended...Red Hat instalation offers an option to install in
> = BRAZILIAN...this language doesn't exist. It's like calling AMERICAN

Why do you fell offended???  You're neither Brazilian nor Portuguese!
And anyway,when the people of a country speak a language that
originated in another country, they always introduce some changes.
Calling the language spoken in Brazil Brazilian Portuguese doesn't
offend anyone. No country is the "owner" of any language, no people has
to pay royalties for speaking a language that originated abroad.

> = Note: PORTUGUESE is the language spoken in Brazil and after English
> = Spanish is the third European language in the world. I love Brazil
> = I'm sorry people there still speak PORTUGUESE

Why are you sorry we speak PORTUGUSE? It's very true, no doubt about
it, but I see no reason to be sorry. And anyway, we speak our
Portuguse, without degrading the language we speak it our way,
Brazilian Portuguse reflects the soul of Brazilian people. The same
that happens in USA, I guess.


Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: yushi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: scsi emulation
Date: 25 Jul 1999 01:31:15 GMT

I'm using an atapi  cdrw . it works well using scsi emulation .
but I can't play my vcd using it .
any idea to solve this ?

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Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: M598 w/ SiS530 Xfree86 3.3.4 troubles
Date: 25 Jul 1999 01:31:15 GMT

I just installed the new xserver ver 3.3.4 but I can't seem to get 
anything configured above 8bit color and 800x600 resolution.  The 
motherboard is a PCChips (PCCraps) M598 w/ SiS 530 AGP video and I'm 
running S.u.S.E. 6.1 (if that makes any difference).  Any help would be 
greatly appreciated as I'm trying my best to pull the Micro$oft needle out 
of my arm and can't afford a better MB & Video card right yet.


==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


From: "Little Fish" <Little Fish @ Bigpond.splash>
Subject: #@$%&%( WINMODEMS are a pain in the A#$^&
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 21:25:34 +1000

There should be a separte HELL for Salespeople who sell Winmodems. I asked
for a REAL MODEM FOR LINUX!!! When I setup my Redhat 5.2 I couldn't get my
modem to work! When I purchased the computer, a PC100, with the
Instructions" THIS IS TO BE A LINUX MACHINE." I already had the software,
all that I needed was my new Celeron 300a/36X cdrom/1.44 Floppy/ Zip 100 and
a MODEM.  This modem (?) wouldn't work so I decided to setup a duel OS just
to try out another familiar environment "WIND-CRASH-DOZE" . The modem(?)
worked! Now this was interesting indeed. I was now confronted with having to
open my tower too inspect the modem(?). The Answer, a WEB EXEL 52pt-3511
#$^&^%&^) )*(&&*(*(& WINMODEM. On Monday I am going to give this Sales
person a Technical lesson with a SIZE 9 boot. And boy-o-boy am I pissed.

Little Fish
P.S. "Modem: A stand alone piece of equipment that MOdulates and DEModulates
data to and from a data stream.
"WINMODEM": a quick way to tie up CPU resources and make Manfactures look
silly for disregarding 30% of the Market.


From: "mm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux/xDSL in Tacoma
Crossposted-To: tacoma.general,comp.os.linux.setup
Date: 24 Jul 1999 19:02:11 -0800

Hi Scott,
A Linux-ADSL FAQ would be a great service, and i commend you for 
volunteering.  I can't help with the FAQ because i don't know squat 
about Linux and i don't know squat about ADSL.  But i sure would 
like to read whatever hints you have, because i plan to install 
Linux on my laptop in a month or two, and i plan to get ADSL when 
US Werst has it available in my neighborhood (allegedly October '99).

Here are a couple questions to get you started off:

One of my roommates is running Win3.1; the other runs Win95; i'll 
be running Linux.  What's the best way to share an ADSL among 
three computers running different OS like this?  (My plan was to 
set up a small LAN, maybe on ethernet, and have the LAN tied into 
the ADSL.  Is this a good idea?)

With ADSL, i'll have a static IP address, right?  How feasible is 
it to get a top-level domain name and register it to my ADSL IP 
number?  (At least for email purposes; i doubt a high-volume 
WWW or FTP site would work effectively on ADSL.  But, is it 
feasible to run a low-volume WWW site from a living room 486 over 

And of course, what do i need to do to make the modem US Werst 
supplies work with Linux, and how do i get Linux and the US Werst 
software to recognize each other (wait -- i bet USW is running 
some sort of Unix, right?  I guess that part should be pretty 
simple?  But still, how is it done?), etc. etc.

Best wishes,  - Mike M.      mm @ foxinternet. net
(crossposting to a couple of Linux newsgroups, but followup not set)

Scott Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> I just set up USWerst's DSL service using Linux.  It actually was pretty
> painless.  Since USWest only officially supports Win95 and Mac I thought
> it might be worthwhile to put together a mini FAQ on the subject.  If
> there's anyone intrested in helping out with something like that I would
> like to hear from you.
> -Scott Hunter


From: Anthony Valentine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: How do I change SCSI cards in Red Hat 6.0?
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 17:24:53 -0800

Hello Everyone!

I have quick question about SCSI cards and Red Hat 6.0. . .

I currently use and Advansys SCSI card (which works fine) but I woulf
like to upgrade it to an Adaptec  2940UW.  The aic7xxx.o module supports
the Adaptec card, but I cannot get Red Hat to load this module on boot.

I have changed the following line in /etc/conf.modules from:
alias scsi_hostadapter advansys
alias scsi_hostadapter aic7xxx
but Red Hat still tries to load the advansys module.

I have not been able to find any other files that appear (to me at
least) to select a scsi module to load on boot.  So, aside from
compiling Adaptec support directly into my kernel, how can I make Red
Hat see the Adaptec instead of the Advansys?

Thanks very much for your help!!

Anthony Valentine


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Justin B Willoughby)
Subject: Re: Where should I buy PC *parts* onine?
Date: 25 Jul 1999 02:05:16 GMT
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Justin B Willoughby)

Bob ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes:
> On Mon, 19 Jul 1999 05:23:19 GMT, Neville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I think I have a good handle on what I need to get, but I have no clue
>> where to buy. I've checked and pricewatch for the lowest
>> priced places, but I'd prefer to buy everything (mobo, cpu, memory, HD,
>> case, etc.) from one place at a reasonable price.

I have gotten stuff from & does not have as large of a selection but they do have
pretty good prices.

I like 's layout and how their search works but they don't have
nice pictures of the products just descriptions.

I have ordered a few times from but they were short on
sales and support people both times I places orders and follow ups so I
decided it was not worth my time. Things may be better now.

- Justin
   _/     _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/    _/ _/   _/   RULES!! * LINUX RULES *
  _/       _/    _/_/  _/  _/    _/   _/_/     Justin Willoughby
 _/       _/    _/  _/_/  _/    _/     _/
_/_/_/ _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/_/_/_/    _/ _/     ---- Jesus Is Lord ----


Subject: Re: Mobo for linux server
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 20:04:20 -0700

Yan Seiner wrote:
> I am setting up a linux server (no x, dual homed, 100baseT eth).  My old
> P5-166 is about maxed out.  Any suggestions for a reliable mobo+CPU
> combo?  I'm thinking somewhere along the lines of a PII-350.
> Performance is not really an issue; rock solid reliability and cost are
> more important.
> Thanks,
> Yan
> --
>            __      __
>           | /      /
>            /------/
>        -- / \    / \ --
>      /   /\  \  /  /\   \
>     |   /  |  \/--|--    |
>      \    /        \    /
>        ~~            ~~
> "The older I get, the faster I was."

The ASUS P2B that the other respondent suggested is a good one, but you
might want to consider the P2BF, which has more PCI slots and more
memory slots, or the P2BS which has onboard SCSI.

DON'T waste your money on a dual Celeron configuration--Celeron's
onboard cache is not large enough to support dual processor utilization
effectively.  A single Celeron 333A will give you more than double the
performance of a P166, and currently offers the best price/performance
ratio on the market.  If you need more horsepower, go with dual PII
400.  ASUS also makes dual CPU boards.


From: "Nick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Dire need of direction and help with HOW TOs
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 19:52:24 -0700

I have read the How To for installing a modem and found it utterly useless.
The programs it references to use are not in the 6.0 version of Red Hat
Linux.  The sites that it references for further help are not up or are
currently offline.  I am really hoping someone could lend a hand to a new
comer to Linux.  If you would just email me your responces I would be
grately appreciative.


Subject: Re: Modem for Linux
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 20:08:23 -0700

Mark Lyttle wrote:
> Dear All
> This is the first time I have posted on this group and I'm not
> completely sure its the right one, so apologies up front if it's not.
> My question is two fold
> 1) I have a US Robotics Sportster Voice 38k modem (internal) which I
> can't get to work with Linux. Somewhere in the PPP FAQ or some other of
> the related documents I've read this week, I think I read that Linux
> does not support PCI modems. Does anybody know if this is the case.
> 2) Assuming that I need to replace my modem (I was thinking of a v90
> modem anyway) can anybody suggest one that will work with Linux and
> Windows 95 (dual boot).
> Thanks in anticipation
>   Mark Lyttle

I'm using a USR Sportster 56k PNP modem that is rock-solid under Win95,
NT, and Linux.  No configuration necessary except assigning a port using


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: 18+ ONLY 101373
Date: Saturday, 24 Jul 1999 18:31:50 -0600




Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Sexy Stuff 78563
Date: Saturday, 24 Jul 1999 18:31:54 -0600




Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: XXX 83496
Date: Saturday, 24 Jul 1999 18:31:52 -0600




From: Wizard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Hardware Lists?
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 14:52:23 +1200

Hi all

Does anyone know where i can get a list of ALL compatable hardware list
for Red Hat 5.2 please? 
Like is there a web site or any place where it completely lists all the
compatable hardwares? I mean like a list of all Sound Cards, Video
Cards, Monitors, Modems etc?

please treat this as urgent and please reply asap please....

regards & thanx in advance


From: Paul Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help: ATAPI Tape timeouts
Date: 25 Jul 1999 02:53:12 GMT


I just bought a new Sony SuperStation 10GB ATAPI Tape drive today and and
having headaches getting this thing to work. When I write to the tape
using tar, it will write out some files then the tape drive times out
after a random amount of time(usually within 1 minute) and tar returns
with an I/O error like this: (dev/tape is a link to /dev/ht0) 

tar (grandchild): Cannot write to /dev/tape:
Input/output error tar (grandchild): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Broken pipe

Looking at /var/log/messages I get this:
Jul 24 19:38:35 bigbertha kernel: hdc: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy } 
Jul 24 19:38:35 bigbertha kernel: hdc: ATAPI reset complete 
Jul 24 19:38:35 bigbertha kernel: ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc =  a, key =
2, asc = 3a, ascq =  0 
Jul 24 19:38:35 bigbertha last message repeated 18 times
Jul 24 19:38:35 bigbertha kernel: ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc =  a, key =
2, asc =  4, ascq =  1 
Jul 24 19:38:38 bigbertha last message repeated 81 times
Jul 24 19:38:38 bigbertha kernel: ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc =  1, key =
2, asc =  4, ascq =  1 

Has anyone got this particular tape drive to work?

Abit BP6 + dual celeron 450A, 128MB ram, Diamond Viper 770 AGP, 
Linksys PCI Ethernet card
Kernel 2.2.5-22 SMP build
Sony SuperStation Internal ATAPI Tape drive as master on second IDE

Thanks for any help you can offer,

Paul Schmidt


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul 'Tok' Kiela)
Subject: 1371 Errors: "es1371: dma timed out??"
Date: 24 Jul 1999 23:14:29 -0400

        I'm running kernel 2.2.10, but have found this bug in previous
kerels as well. In fact, starting right after 2.2.3 I believe. 

        I play an Mpeg3 using mpg123, for example, and everying works fine 
for a while, but eventually, after a few minutes, when I do certain things,
like click anywhere in netscape, or open an xterm, or use the disk, or pretty
much anything after a while, my sound skips for a fraction of a second.

        Upon closer examination, dmesg reports the following error message:

        es1371: dma timed out??
        es1371: dma timed out??

        over an over again, seemingly corresponding to the skips.

        Does anyone know what could be causing this problem, or what a 
solution would be?

        Linux 2.2.10
        Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI '97, es1371:

  Bus  0, device  12, function  0:
    Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq Unknown device (rev 2).
      Vendor id=1274. Device id=1371.
      Slow devsel. IRQ 10. Master Capable. Latency=64. Min Gnt=12.Max Lat=128.
      I/O at 0xb400 [0xb401].

        P2-333A, 128mb ram.

        Any help much appreciated, 
        Email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED], or reply here.


-- Paul Kiela - Linux, IRIX, Solaris, NextStep
-- mailto: echo tokvgeminifphysicsfmcmasterfca | sed s/v/@/ | tr f .

"My title isn't Public Relations. If it was, I would have said something nice"



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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