Linux-Hardware Digest #847, Volume #10           Sun, 25 Jul 99 20:13:23 EDT

  Re: Soundblaster Live - SuSE 6.0 (Ronald Haynes)
  S3Trio 3D and Red Hat 5.1 ("marc broomhead")
  serial port 1 (Jason D. Timmons)
  Re: Soundblaster Live - SuSE 6.0 (Rene van Hoek)
  Re: #@$%&%( WINMODEMS are a pain in the A#$^& ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: building efficient fileserver on Linux - hardware questions (Jeff McWilliams)
  Asus vs. Abit ("stephen")
  Re: Asus vs. Abit (Oliver Hach)
  Re: RedHat 6.0  - Internal modems ("e.t.")
  Re: Asus vs. Abit (Frank v Waveren)
  RedHat 6.0  - Internal modems (Bob)
  Re: Plustek Driver for Kernel 2.2.x (Dave Croal)
  Asus AMD K6-2 450Mhz 128K system ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: x-windows with i740 display adapter (Ric Stephens)
  Linux guru help (tony)
  Re: serial port 1 (Frank v Waveren)
  Re: Linux, newbe, hard and sofware question (Matthew van de Werken)


From: Ronald Haynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Soundblaster Live - SuSE 6.0
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 12:16:14 -0700

Hi, I do a 
                modprobe soundcore
                insmod -f sblive

and it works fine.


R Haynes

chad evan peiper wrote:
> HI there. I am running SuSE 6.0 and I have been struggling with getting my
> Soundblaster live to work. Could anyone, (if at all possible) send me the
> procedure to get drivers working.
> I recompile the kernel with modular sound
> i copy the sblive.2.0xxxx to the  /lib/modules/2.x.y/misc/sbliv.o
> and then i do the insmod -f sblive  and it does not work.
> i get the following:
> /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/sblive.o: unresolved symbol unregister_sound_dsp
> /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/sblive.o: unresolved symbol unregister_sound_midi
> /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/sblive.o: unresolved symbol register_sound_dsp
> /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/sblive.o: unresolved symbol register_sound_mixer
> /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/sblive.o: unresolved symbol
> unregister_sound_mixer
> /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/sblive.o: unresolved symbol
> unregister_sound_special
> /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/sblive.o: unresolved symbol
> register_sound_special
> /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/sblive.o: unresolved symbol register_sound_midi
> any help would be GREATLY appreciated. I have been trying for months.
> thanks
> Chad
> --
> ||____________|O___I____,.::"|____}___I___Chad Evan Peiper__K9NOR_______
> ||_o___|%.____|____I___|"____|___{____I____Violinist-of-all-trades___________
> ||_o___|______|____I___|____O|.___}[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ||____O|___________I__O|______________I______University of Illinois, UC____


From: "marc broomhead" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: S3Trio 3D and Red Hat 5.1
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 07:33:13 +1200

can anyone please tell me how to get the "startx" programme working with  a
built in AGP graphics card on motherboard using  "S3 Trio 3D"  chipset.

I cannot seem to find the correct drive and Red Hat 5.1 doesn't seem to find
it automatically


Marc Broomhead
Senior Programmer
Balance Business Systems Ltd


From: Jason D. Timmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: serial port 1
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 14:23:09 -0500


   How do I find out which dev serial port 1 is?


AMD-K6-2 350mhz


Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 21:27:30 +0200
From: Rene van Hoek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Soundblaster Live - SuSE 6.0

chad evan peiper wrote:
> HI there. I am running SuSE 6.0 and I have been struggling with getting my
> Soundblaster live to work. Could anyone, (if at all possible) send me the
> procedure to get drivers working.
> I recompile the kernel with modular sound
> i copy the sblive.2.0xxxx to the  /lib/modules/2.x.y/misc/sbliv.o
> and then i do the insmod -f sblive  and it does not work.
> --
> ||____________|O___I____,.::"|____}___I___Chad Evan Peiper__K9NOR_______
> ||_o___|%.____|____I___|"____|___{____I____Violinist-of-all-trades___________
> ||_o___|______|____I___|____O|.___}[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ||____O|___________I__O|______________I______University of Illinois, UC____

You should try:
        modprobe sblive

When this doens't work check you settings in '/etc/conf.modules' and try

Met vriendelijke groet / With kind regards,

Rene van Hoek
ICQ: 18563404


Subject: Re: #@$%&%( WINMODEMS are a pain in the A#$^&
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 20:23:06 GMT

On Sat, 24 Jul 1999 11:25:34, "Little Fish" <Little Fish @ 
Bigpond.splash> wrote:

> There should be a separte HELL for Salespeople who sell Winmodems.

what about the idiots who buy them????

 I asked
> for a REAL MODEM FOR LINUX!!! When I setup my Redhat 5.2 I couldn't get my
> modem to work! When I purchased the computer, a PC100, with the
> Instructions" THIS IS TO BE A LINUX MACHINE." I already had the software,
> all that I needed was my new Celeron 300a/36X cdrom/1.44 Floppy/ Zip 100 and
> a MODEM.  This modem (?) wouldn't work so I decided to setup a duel OS just
> to try out another familiar environment "WIND-CRASH-DOZE" . The modem(?)
> worked! Now this was interesting indeed. I was now confronted with having to
> open my tower too inspect the modem(?). The Answer, a WEB EXEL 52pt-3511
> #$^&^%&^) )*(&&*(*(& WINMODEM. On Monday I am going to give this Sales
> person a Technical lesson with a SIZE 9 boot. And boy-o-boy am I pissed.
> Little Fish
> P.S. "Modem: A stand alone piece of equipment that MOdulates and DEModulates
> data to and from a data stream.
> "WINMODEM": a quick way to tie up CPU resources and make Manfactures look
> silly for disregarding 30% of the Market.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff McWilliams)
Subject: Re: building efficient fileserver on Linux - hardware questions
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 20:32:10 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Scott Marlowe wrote:
>What chance?  That they'll melt down, Intel will figure out how to use the ether to
>poison SMP on Celerons, what?  What chance?


>I'd like to ask if you've benchmarked dual Celerons in a server versus dual PIIs.  All
>the numbers I've seen, from single user right up to large load, say that the Celeron
>and PII are neck and neck, not more than 5% advantage on a PII.  While I'll admit 
>may not officially support the dual celeron, as long as it's eating AMDs market share,
>I don't think they're gonna worry about it much.
>I've benchmarked PPros with 256k, 512k, and 1024k cache, and the difference between 
>three, under multi-threaded server file, print and applications was within a few
>percentage points, much like the Celeron and the PII.
>Remeber, the Celeron is basically the EXACT same cache technology as the Pentium Pro,
>which was the king of all server processors just a few short years ago.  Should I down
>all my old PPRo machines until I can get PIIs installed cause they're so 
>I'd feel a lot better about a server with hardware RAID and dual Celerons than 
>RAID and a dual PIIs.

You actually make a very good point.  I haven't seen benchmarks either. 
My statements were made based on the presence of the larger L2 cache
in the PII's and Intel's official non-support of SMP celerons.

I would love to see some benchmarks of Linux SMP server systems, using 
different load tests for say, Apache, Samba, running many X clients,
and some big databases like say, PostGresql, Oracle, etc.  Maybe the 
database tests could be run in conjunction with Apache and PHP  or 
JSP or some other dynamic content generating engine.  I'd feel better 
being able to see some sort of benchmark like that.  

Jeff McWilliams - Advanced Development Engineer, ACE Technologies


From: "stephen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Asus vs. Abit
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 02:16:40 -0700


What's your experience with Asus and Abit motherboards?

Which one is more reliable?
Which one is better quality?
Which one has less DOA?



From: Oliver Hach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Asus vs. Abit
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 23:47:40 +0200

stephen wrote:
> Hello:
> What's your experience with Asus and Abit motherboards?
> Which one is more reliable?
> Which one is better quality?
> Which one has less DOA?

I don't know which one is better but I didn't have any problems with my
But the Ali Chipset is only supported by Kernel 2.3.x .... :(


> Thanks
> Stephen


From: "e.t." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RedHat 6.0  - Internal modems
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 17:41:48 -0500

>From what I have heard, the conventional wisdom is to buy an external modem.
That's what I intend to do.

-EdT., ICQ # 17313062
"Note to spammers:  my 'delete' key is connected to YOUR ISP.
Also, if you send me UCE, I reserve the right to post your spew
on my Web site, with the appropriate color commentary, for others
to have a good laugh at your expense."
Bob wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I've just installed RedHat 6.0 and everything works fine except
>the Rockwell based WinModem (as expected).
>I'll buy I new internal modem. Checked the
>but there are quite a few ifs and buts.
>I was looking for a "Tier 1" internal modem but it only lists a modem
>that's unknown to me (Actiontec PM-6500-LKI).


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank v Waveren)
Subject: Re: Asus vs. Abit
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 23:19:53 GMT

In article <Qrfm3.74$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "stephen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hello:
> What's your experience with Asus and Abit motherboards?
> Which one is more reliable?
> Which one is better quality?
> Which one has less DOA?
> Thanks
> Stephen

I'm currently using an abit LX6 and I love it. Their site is a bit chaotic, 
but there is enough support.

                        Frank v Waveren
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        ICQ# 10074100


Subject: RedHat 6.0  - Internal modems
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 22:21:11 GMT

I've just installed RedHat 6.0 and everything works fine except
the Rockwell based WinModem (as expected).

I'll buy I new internal modem. Checked the
but there are quite a few ifs and buts.

I was looking for a "Tier 1" internal modem but it only lists a modem
that's unknown to me (Actiontec PM-6500-LKI).




From: Dave Croal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Plustek Driver for Kernel 2.2.x
Date: 25 Jul 1999 22:31:15 GMT

Holger Dahm wrote:
> In former days i worked with kernel 2.0.36 (DLD). There was no problem
> to compile the alpha plustek scanner driver for SANE (see
> Now i=B4m working
> with kernel 2.2.5 (SuSe 6.1). It seems, that some struct=B4s were changed
> in the kernel source (e.g. file_operations). so the struct=B4s of the old
> plustek driver source are initialed wrong by compiling time. this
> affects only in some warnings, but the result is, that every scan
> results in a black image. However, is there someone who has already run
> into this problem and has a solution.
> greetings, dahm

I do not have a solution, I have the exact same problem under RedHat 6.0,
kernel 2.2.15. Did you send your findings to Rick? 

Dave Croal 

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


Subject: Asus AMD K6-2 450Mhz 128K system
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 22:54:13 GMT

Hey, I am having the same problem with my new setup.
I have an ASUS P5A with AMD-K6-2 450 MHz and 128 PC100
RAM and 1006 BIOS. so what is the problem?  I tried to
install windows95, 98 and Mandrake 6.0 and got errors trying
to install Microsoft OS and Kernal Panic trying to install the
Mandrake.  I checked the ASUS web site for jumper settings and
made corrections for the processor.  The only thing I am unsure of is
the settings for the Bus Voltage?  In the manual it shows a
3 pins for that jumper and 1-2 is 3.4 and 2-3 is 3.6 (I can't remember
the exact wording) but I have six pins in that area and all the
instructions show three.  Do I need a new M/B a new processor or
a new stick of RAM.  HELP, HELP, HELP.  Looks like I am
not alone on this.  No, I am not overclocking the processor.

Thanks for help in advance.

You can also send replys to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "r.tolga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Patrick van Beem wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > Today, I tried to install the SuSe 6.1 on my new Asus P5a mobo
> > running an AMD K6-2 450Mhz with 1M L2 cache and 128M SDRam. With no
> > The system boots OK from the first CD-Rom but then gives a kernal
panic and
> > halts. Same when I use the boot-disk. Is any part of this hardware
> > supported? Any one any ID? Or running on a similair system?
> >
> > The rest of the system consists of:
> >  13G Maxtor UDMA HD
> >  Hauppauge video digitizer / TV tuner (PCI)
> >  Asus V3400-AGP gfx card with TV-out
> >  Ne2000 comp. ISA network card
> >  Motorola 57k6 internal PCI
> >  Soundblaster 64 PCI
> >  AOpen 6x DVD
> >
> > BTW: W98 is running extremely instable on this machine, BeOS 4.0
runs just
> > fine...
> >
> > Greetings,
> >
> > Patrick van Beem
> I use a similar system
> 8.4 Maxtor UDMA HD
> FlyView video digitizer / TV tuner (PCI)
> S3 Savage 3D (S3_391) card with TV out
> Ne2000 comp. ISA network card
> Zoltrix 56K External
> Rockwell chips. 33600 ISA modem.
> Soundblaster Live Value
> Asus P5Ab Mb (CMI8330 disabled form the bios!)
> AMD K6/350 oclocked @400 Mhz
> Running Win98 and Linux Mandrake 5.3 perfectly.
> 1. Your problem may because of an unsuccessful o'clocking.
> The instable Win98 may be a clue for this.
> If the system is over clocked,
> try it with the original clocks.
> Win 98 system shows any conflicts (io)?
> 2. Try booting the system by decreasing the peripherals
> one by one. DVD may be the first, then other PCI hardware...
> Does this solve the problem, concentrate on the problematic
> device
> for you instability problem...
> 3. If no success, it may bee a mobo problem...
> Instable win98 may be a clue for this also.
> By the way i had bought a K6/450 cpu first,
> but in the first week i understand that it was
> actually a "remark" !!! Show you CPU to someone who
> can understand the difference. Most important clue is
> you cannot overclock it because its already done, and
> it wont work with the origianl Asus jumper settings for that
> CPU Mhz.
> Look at the Asus mb booklet and compare the CPU jumper
> settings, bus and
> clock freqs etc. If the problem is this (i hope it is not)
> please contact me again via email.
> g. luck :-)

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Ric Stephens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: x-windows with i740 display adapter
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 23:47:45 GMT

gurbinder wrote:

> Hi all
> Can some one tell me how to confgure x-windows with Intel i740 chip on
> display adapter. Please Keep in mind i am going to install linux first time.
> I have red hat  linux ver 6.0.
> thanks all
> gurbinder

I just did this today on Mandrake 6.o (same as RedHat).  Very easy!  Get from:




as root do:

rpm -ivh XBF-i740-glibc-1.0.0-1.i386.rpm

cd /

do tar -xvf xf86config-glibc-1.0.0.i386.tgz

run xf86config and  define monitor & card properly - I chose the generic i740
and it works just fine and very fast.  for more detailed directions read:

good luck!


From: tony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux guru help
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 19:48:12 -0400

I just installed RH6, and the machine is g5-166 from gateway.
I have two problems.

   The command shutdown -h now, halt, halt -p always go to reboot
   I can see the following messages: system is halted, power down. Then
machine reboot again.


Every time go to X, the screen flickers a bit. But the config file
contains the correct info.
about vedio card and monitor

The vedio card is STB ViRGE/GX 3D pci

monitor is Nec MultiSync XV15

h frequencies 31-65
v frequencies 50-100

So what is the problem? please!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank v Waveren)
Subject: Re: serial port 1
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 23:23:00 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Jason D. Timmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hello,
>    How do I find out which dev serial port 1 is?
> -jason
> RH6.0
> AMD-K6-2 350mhz


                        Frank v Waveren
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        ICQ# 10074100


From: Matthew van de Werken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.uu.comp.os.linux.questions,aus.computers.linux
Subject: Re: Linux, newbe, hard and sofware question
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 09:03:37 +1000

Responses in original text:

Elector wrote:
> First of all, I realy hope one or more of these news-groups where I've
> posted this message is the right one. If not, then I'm very sorry.
> Second, I'm a TOTAL newbie with Linux.
> Now to my questions.
> I'm thinking about building a machine (PC) just for Linux, and to that
> I have a few hardware-related questions.
> 1. Is 64MB RAM enough (I realy hope so)

Yes, for file, print and internet serving, for a small-ish # of clients.

> 2. Is a Pentium 200, or something in that area, fast enough?

Yes (same conditions as above).

> 3. Where can I find a list of supported hardware, I have a couple of
> PCI-Cards I would like to use, but don't know if they are supported?

One of the HOWTOs is a hardware compatibility list.

> And now the software questions.
> 1. Can a "Linux-Box" run a gateway for my Winblows, so that I won't
> notice on the Windows-PC (you know log onto NT-Domains, use network
> printers and so on)?

Yes, run SAMBA for file and print serving (looks like NT Server to Win
9x), and ip-chains etc fot internet firewall. This can be much more
secure than a win9x computer as the internet host, too.

> 2. Are there any programs that will let me remote controll it from a
> Windows-PC?

Yes. Others have suggested VNC, but that would be really only useful for
controlling the Windows box from Linux. Use X-windows - that's what it's
for, and it's native. Run Telnet on the Windows box, and get MI/X, a
freeware X server for windows to run X apps from the windows machine. Or
you could get a commercial X-server for windows. These generally work
great. I run it all the time at home - I have a Linux file and print
server, and I never turn the monitor on.

> 3. It is possible to run a Linux-Machine without other OS'es
> installed, right, I mean only Linux on the HD?

Yes, although some hardware will require Windows or DOS to set up. I'd
suggest having a small-ish (~250MB) partition at the start of the first
hard disk with Windows/DOS just in case you need it.

> 4. Can Linux read/write FAT16/32 and NTFS, without any problems?

I think this question is more whether Linux can see Windows shared
drives and vice versa - yes it can. Samba does all this and more.

> That's about it for now, hope to se some good answers from you.
> Thanks in advance.

No worries - happy Linuxing.




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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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