Linux-Hardware Digest #857, Volume #10           Tue, 27 Jul 99 01:13:38 EDT

  Re: Bootable Cd for Linux ("Andrew J. Norman")
  isapnp.exe ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  What PCI sound cards supported by SuSE 6.1 (Roland Behunin)
  anny dvdram support for toshiba dvd-rams? (frank)
  Re: X-Terminal ethernet cards ("Andrew J. Norman")
  Re: What PCI sound cards supported by SuSE 6.1 (Brian Walton)
  Re: Who makes good AMD boxes? (Peter Buelow)
  atyfb framebuffer configuration (Ray Sutton)
  X and Asus V3800 - RH6 Was: Help With Configuring X-windows (Christopher Moore)
  Re: [Q] HPT366 Ultra/66 chipset support? (Alan Jones)
  Re: cdrecord-1.8a23 for Linux (Peter Stein)
  Re: HELP! RedHat 6.0 won't recognize cdrom ("jhager")
  Frankensteining RH5.1 & 6.0? (Matthew C Roberts)
  awake computer from standby-mode (Gerhard Siegesmund)


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
From: "Andrew J. Norman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Bootable Cd for Linux
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 01:24:50 GMT


The standard "mkisofs" package will support "El Torito" bootable CDs.  To
use this simply create a boot image (ussual a floppy disk which you can
dd into a image file) after you have this simply follow the directions in
the manpage (for mkisofs) and you can create the CD image.  To write it to
a disk consider one of the many CDR packages (cdrecord or cdwrite or....)
which will burn your image onto your disk.

        Andrew J. Norman
Dept. of Physics                        Phone: 757-221-3571
College of William & Mary               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
 what is essential is invisible to the eye" -The Little Prince

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Bruno Quesnel wrote:

> I'm interested in doing bootable images of custom distribution for the
> companies site for install and recovery plan.
> Can someone tel me of a piece of software or methode to make this
> possible.
> Thanks in advance
> --
> Unix is user-friendly; it's just a little particular about which
>                    users it is friendly to.
> Bruno Quesnel                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Genie Electrique                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Electrical engineering                       VA2 BMG
> Ecole de technologie Superieure

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: noconv



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,
Subject: isapnp.exe
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 02:02:45 GMT

Can anyone tell me where I can download the DOS binaries for the
isapnptools?  I need the pnpdump.exe and isapnp.exe.


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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Roland Behunin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: What PCI sound cards supported by SuSE 6.1
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 20:08:44 -0600

Hi Folks,

Well, it says there is some support for PCI sound cards.  The one that came
with my computer was not supported, and a Spacewalker PCI Wavetable sound
card was not support (one I had around here).

Anyway, if I am going to go looking for a PCI sound card - what one do I want?

(I have the only ISA slot in my computer using the SCSI card for my scanner).

Thanks in advance


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (frank)
Subject: anny dvdram support for toshiba dvd-rams?
Date: 27 Jul 1999 02:52:11 +0200

Hallo there I was wonderinf if there is aany support for DVD-rams
with in Linux 2.2.x?

Ive got A toshiba DVD-Ram
And I once downloaded A little pach what makes  scsi.c check the device
twice but when I want to write to it or want to format it it kills
my SCSI devices :(

I downloaderd that npatch at
but this patch does not work for me :((((
So where can I find a good working patch?



From: "Andrew J. Norman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: X-Terminal ethernet cards
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 01:34:16 GMT


The simplest method of doing the "diskless" thing is to buy a normal
NE2000 compatible card (normally about $10, you may be able to get them in
bulk for about $5) and a few eproms (depending on your card they usually
cost about a dollar, radio shack will sometimes carry them, although mine
recently stopped stocking all the "cool" electronics--meaning logic chips,
proms, most of their was a dark day indeed) and an eprom
programmer (these should cost about $20-40 depending on what kind of
features you want) You can create the proper prom images using the
"netboot" package and then burn it into your eproms....

The only expensive part of the endeavor is the programmer (but if you
enjoy programming chips or are doing it for a whole department filled with
machines then it can be a justifiable expense)

Another options is to run pseudo-diskless using a floppy with a netboot
image as a surrogate for the actually eprom (I've got a machine running
that way and it works well)  

        Andrew J. Norman
Dept. of Physics                        Phone: 757-221-3571
College of William & Mary               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
 what is essential is invisible to the eye" -The Little Prince

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, sagolsem wrote:

> I want to run a diskless X-Terminal on redhat 5.2. I saw a ne2000 compatible
> card with bootrom at which is costing $90.
> Can anybody suggest a cheaper card ?
> Sago

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: noconv



From: Brian Walton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What PCI sound cards supported by SuSE 6.1
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 02:32:17 +0000

I have had good luck with the Ensoniq chip cards, Creative brand and the
original Ensoniq brand.


Roland Behunin wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> Well, it says there is some support for PCI sound cards.  The one that came
> with my computer was not supported, and a Spacewalker PCI Wavetable sound
> card was not support (one I had around here).
> Anyway, if I am going to go looking for a PCI sound card - what one do I want?
> (I have the only ISA slot in my computer using the SCSI card for my scanner).
> Thanks in advance
> roland


From: Peter Buelow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Who makes good AMD boxes?
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 20:21:22 -0500

Dan LaPine wrote:

> Try Ikon Technology (1-888-ikon-tec)
> go with the k6-3 450
> use Epox MVP3G-M ATX mb
> get a toshiba ide 40x
> get a maxtor 8.4 udma hd
> go for the 128meg SDRam
> Matrox G200 16 meg agp
> let 'em know that you don't need/want Windoze
> Got a ps/2 keyboard?
> Dan LaPine
> lapine @ uiuc . edu
> "David A. Rogers" wrote:
> > Here's what I'm looking for:
> > AMD K6-2 or K6-3 at 450
> > Good quality Motherboard (suggestions?)
> > 64MB ram
> > CD ROM
> > 8-9 gig hd
> > Linux compat AGP video _card_ (not on-board video)
> >
> > That's all I need.  Don't need sound.  Don't need a monitor.
> >
> > Who makes a good quality box at a decent price?
> >
> > Thanks for any information you might give.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > dar

Barebones systems as well as prebuilt and made to order stuff for pretty
good prices. I love them and they handle most of my personal purchases.

Peter Buelow


From: Ray Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: atyfb framebuffer configuration
Date: 27 Jul 1999 02:31:17 GMT

I have 2 PC boxes running Linux one has a Matrox Mystique 220, the other a
ATI Mach64 card (range Pro). Using the frame buffer with the matrox driver
works fine (all consoles appear with the required resolution). However with
the ATI card the parameters passed to the Kernel
(video=atyfb:1280x1024,font:sub12x22,cmode:16UL) work fine for the primary
console (tty1) giving a 160x64 screen but switching to another console
reverts to a much lower resolution (80x30 at a guess) and requires fbset to
reset to the higher resolution. 

This wouldn't be a big deal except my monitor (hitachi superscan 751) makes
iritating noises & flickers while changing mode which about as pleasant as
fingernail on a chalkboard.

Any thoughs on how to set this up so that all consoles start in the higher
resolution without having to reset the mode after login ? 

Is this just a difference in style between the guys(or gals) who wrote the
drivers ?

Im currently running the Caldera openLinux 2.2 with a vanilla 2.2.9 kernel
(I couldn't get the 2.2.5 shipped with Caldera to compile even after
reinstalling from the source)



==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


From: vhold@NO* (Christopher Moore)
Subject: X and Asus V3800 - RH6 Was: Help With Configuring X-windows
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 03:04:42 GMT

I have a similar problem with my Asus V3800TVR.
I ran xf86config, and chose the "Riva TNT" chipset (it's actually a TNT 2) 
followed the directions NOT to pick a clock setting & not to probe, but I'm 
ending up in 320*200 or something close... making x virtualy useless.
I've looked through my XF86Config file, but I don't know enough to see my 
mistake.... any suggestions?

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake thusly:
>During the Installation of Redhat Linux 6.0 I came across the monitor and
>video card setup. Since my card wasn't listed, I chose to quit that portion
>of the installation and later configured everything in /etc/X11/XF86Config.
>I have a SIS 620 video card, which shares memory with my ram, and my monitor
>is a 17" Relisys 772. I am certain that my monitors h-sync and v-sync ranges
>are accurate, since they were obtained from the manual, but I still enter a
>320x200 mode and can only view a small portion of the screeen. The virtual
>desktop does not work in this mode (for the people who keep telling me it
>should). Through reading man files and reading logs I have gathered the
>following information :
>Found in the manual - " If your chipset does not support doublescan you get
>a 'squashed' resolution like 320x200."
>Found in the Log file - (--) SVGA : PCI  : SIS Unknown chipset (0x6306) rev
>42, Memory @ 0xe7000000, MMIO @ 0xe7ef0000, I10 @ 0xcc00
>                                      (--) SVGA : chipset : generic
>                                      (--) SVGA : videoram : 64 K
>                                      (--) SVGA : clocks : 25.18
>If anyone has any suggestions or know where I can find helpful information
>please email me at : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 |״ שששששששששששששששששששששששששש ״|:|״ שששששששששששששששששששששששששש ״|
 |                                                               |
 | -- Christopher Moore                                          |
 | "When the going gets wierd, the weird turn pro." -- HST       |
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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alan Jones)
Subject: Re: [Q] HPT366 Ultra/66 chipset support?
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 05:17:50 GMT

On 26 Jul 1999 13:55:36 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Dan Delaney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>:    I just got an ABIT BE6 motherboard which has the HPT366 chipset for
>: Ultra66 drives. Does the latest kernel support this chipset yet? Has
>: anyone successfully installed a Linux using this chipset? If so, which
>: distribution?
>I have recently contacted HighPoint with the same question, and
>they responded that although they are willing to make drivers for
>non-Windows operating systems, I should really contact Abit for
>that.  Okay, so I contacted Abit, and their FAE replied that they
>will coordinate with HighPoint for a solution.
>And that's it!  What does that mean?  To me that means HPT-366
>will not have a valid Linux driver for a while.  Keep in mind
>that they do not yet have a driver for W2K either, and many
>people has reported problems with their NT driver.  That should
>keep them busy for a while.
>(Yes, I also mentioned to them that they can release the docs and
>let us write the driver, but somehow they don't seem to be interested.
>Patience, patience, patience... )
>-- Chuan-kai Lin

I just bought a BP6 with the same chip set.  I'm still waiting for a
case.  I don't plan to add an Ata-66 drive anytime soon.  I've heard
Abit does not have the best reliability.  Should I have that tested?
I assume Ata-66 works for DOS and Win95/98 with the included drivers.
Will IDE 3 and 4 work under Linux now with Ata-33 and older drives?

Alan Jones


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Stein)
Subject: Re: cdrecord-1.8a23 for Linux
Date: 27 Jul 1999 04:03:07 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Stein) writes:
>> Has anyone tried recording an audio CD with the -dao (disk at once)
>> option? The inference from the man page is that as opposed to
>> "track at once" (cdrecord-1.6) the -dao option will eliminate the
>> annoying 2 second gaps between tracks. I compiled cdrecord-1.8a23
>> under 2.2.9 last night, but it was too late to try any burning.
>> If anyone has already tried this please let me know. I already
>> own plenty of coasters! :-)
>       Yes. I found that it wasn't suported on my drive (Mitsumi
>CR-2801TE). Apparently though most of the current round of drives do
>support it though.
>             Tim.

I just burned a CD on my Yamaha 4416S and it turned out perfect
(no 2 sec gaps). 

Vielen Dank Joerg!

Peter Stein


From: "jhager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: HELP! RedHat 6.0 won't recognize cdrom
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 00:15:09 -0400

You'r welcome, glad it worked for your problem too.
 I have since added the command (hdd=cdrom) to my
lilo "kernal boot  paramiters" using linuxconf as root, and
no longer have to type it in at the lilo: prompt at boot time

relay ;)

Hunch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> With my cdrom on Secondary Master RH 6 just hung for a while and
> detected nothing.
> The command you posted worked, thanks.
> (:Hunch:)
> relay wrote:
> >
> > I have this problem... when I watched the system msg.s at boot
> > it identify the  the cdrom (on /dev/hdd) as an "IDE floppy device"
> > and would not let me mount it.
> > I found that having a CD in the drive at boot fixed this autodetect
> error,
> > perhaps it checked the file system on the disk, who knows... no REALLY
> > who knows?
> > the REAL <g> fix is to type this in at the lilo boot prompt:
> >
> >     linux hdX=cdrom
> >
> > where X is the ide device (hda=primary master, hdb=primary slave,
> > hdc=secondary master, hdd=secondary slave)
> > I haven't tried to add this to the lilo config as "kernal boot
> paramiters",
> > but
> > I'm hoping that will work.
> >
> > hope this helps!
> >
> >
> > Chris Blanos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > I'm getting a an error on a clean RedHat 6.0 install. My cdrom works
> > > fine for the install, as it did on a earlier RedHat 5.2 install.
> > >
> > > However, everytime I try to mount the cdrom, I get the error:
> > >
> > > # mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom
> > > mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/hdc as a block device
> > >        (maybe `insmod driver'?)
> > >
> > > I believe the cdrom should be 'hdc' but it isn't even detected during
> > > boot up.
> > >
> > > Does anyone have any ideas?
> > >
> > > Thanks in advance.
> > >
> > > - Chris
> > >
> > > -------------------------------------------------------------
> > > Chris Blanos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |  3d Animator & Perl Hacker
> > >      |  Need CGI? Got ya covered!
> > > -------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> ------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew C Roberts)
Subject: Frankensteining RH5.1 & 6.0?
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 00:14:02 -0400

Here's the problem: the software that I use (its commercial-ware) was
released for RH5.1 and is pretty problematic under 5.2 & 6.0. I do have
the 5.2 & 6.0 CDs though. I'd like to buy a new video card and am trying
to decide between a Matrox Millennium I or a G200. They are both w/in my
budget. The Millennium I is pretty well supported under RH5.1. And I think
that the G200 runs under 6.0. 

My question is can I use the code from the 6.0 CD to rebuild the 5.1
kernel to run the G200? I actually have a similar situation w/ a RealTek
8129 NIC--but I've had it for a while.

Any thoughts on this? Which card is a better bet?

Muchos Gracias,


Matthew C Roberts
North Carolina State University
Please remove DIESPAMDIE from email address before replying.


Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 09:04:19 +0200
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gerhard Siegesmund)
Subject: awake computer from standby-mode

Hello all

Is it somehow possible to awake the computer from standby-mode at a
given time? I am using apm -S to put the computer into standby-mode. But
now I want to awake it at 4:00 to run some cronjobs. Is it possible? My
motherboard is a gigabyte ga686bx. I am running Linux 2.2.9. 

  --== Jerri ==--
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] to get PGP Public Key



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