Linux-Hardware Digest #860, Volume #10           Tue, 27 Jul 99 09:13:37 EDT

  Re: HP 1100 laser printer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Help!! Red Hat 6.0 & S3 Trio 3D (James)
  Toshiba DVD-RAM and Linux (Christian Mund)
  Re: Advice on Linux and LS-120 drive? (Richard Parsons)
  Re: Toshiba DVD-RAM and Linux (Stefaan A Eeckels)
  [Fwd: more mouse problems] (Jan Buys)
  Re: SCSI 53C416 and RH 4.2 ("Alex Abreu")
  Re: Frankensteining RH5.1 & 6.0? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: external CD-ROM (Grant Guenther)
  Re: HP7200e (parallel port) (Grant Guenther)
  Re: Red Hat 5.2 on a 386 (Abdullah Ramazanoglu)
  Re: A problem with memory detection (Lew Pitcher)
  thinkpad urgent problem mouse (^Mr^)
  Problem with Zoltrix TV Max (Wayne Steppe)


Subject: Re: HP 1100 laser printer
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 09:09:36 GMT

In article <jPFl3.61$3v1.5306@nntp1>,
  "Jake_Paws" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think the hp 1100 is a windows only printer.
Look in the book to see if it
> lists a emulation. Like for instance a HP
Laserjet Series II. Then use that
> driver instead.
> Also check the hp website or just call hp.
> tivoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I have an HP 1100 laser printer that I can't
print to out of Linux.
> > When I print, it sends the job through but
only prints a few lines of
> > junk at the top of the first page then blank
pages after that.  How do I
> > fix that?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Mcc
> >

I get the same behavior but under Windows 95 and I
find (with the help of HP customer support) that
the BIOS setting for the Parallel Port Mode was
not correct (Integrated Pheripherals section). I
change it to ECP+EPP and it works fine. I don't
know if it will help you under Linux but you can
try it.

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Subject: Re: Help!! Red Hat 6.0 & S3 Trio 3D
Date: 27 Jul 1999 08:31:16 GMT

I've searched the and it said 3.3.4 has been released on 
July 21 and S3 Trio 3D chipset is supported in this new release.  But I 
went thru the web page and find no place to download this release.

Any one help?

Sea wrote:
> Help me please
> I have just installed RH6.0, and i own a video card S3 Trio 3D, it seems
> that the Xconfigurator recognize the card, but when i start the X Server, 
> starts only in 16-colours VGA mode
> Indeed it is a bit frustrating, i tried to edit the XF86Config file, but 
> seems that i found no way to force X to use the SVGA mode.
> Ther'is another initialization file?
> Moreover, the Clock of the card is bounded to 28.32Mhz !!! while i should 
> up to 90!
> Does anyone know how to solve mi problem???
> ... :-(
> nospam please <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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From: Christian Mund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Toshiba DVD-RAM and Linux
Date: 27 Jul 1999 08:31:16 GMT

I am the proud owner of a TOSHIBA SD-W1101 DVD-RAM Drive and want to know,
if there is anyone out there, who is able to use this Drive with Linux.

The Drive works in a 2-LUN Mode, LUN0 = CDROM and LUN1 = Optical Device.
Reading from a DVD-Media works fine, but when i try to write, the
Drive hangs up the SCSI-Bus.
I tried to track this problem a little bit, but i am not so familiar with
debugging Kernels .
dmesg says : "aborting command due to timeout : write(6)
              timed out: reset"
Using the strace-command i can see, that thwe Device-Hang occurs, when the
Kernel does an fsync.

On the Web, there are patches for other DVD-RAM Drives ( HITACHI GF-1050,
PANASONIC LD-1001 ). These Drives had all the same problem : 
They work in a 1LUN Mode and the Kernel detects them as CD-ROMs and not as 
Devices with wite-access.The only change in the Kernel is, that these
patches declare these devices as opticals or direct access devices (like
Disks), nothing else.The patches work great with Linux.
I got the Inquiry-Pages from these Drives and found out, that the TOSHIBA
has write-cache and the PANASONIC,HITACHI don´t.

Could it be, that there is a problem with the way, Linux cache pages are
organized compared to the cache on Devices ?

Has anyone solved this ?
Is there any possibilty to track down the SCSI-Commands send out by the
Kernel ?

Any hints welcome and .. Sorry for my poor english.
With kind regards,
Christian Mund     

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


From: Richard Parsons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Advice on Linux and LS-120 drive?
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 12:30:36 +0200

Lo there

I use the LS120 and mount it as a hard drive......

mount -t vfat /dev/hdd /mnt/LS120

or create a link called something like 'ls120' that points to the hard drive
block device driver.

that works okay for me and I can read the disks under win.....koff... (you
know the name)

Peter Buelow wrote:

> Steve Snyder wrote:
> > I've got RH 6.0 installed on a system with an LS-120 drive.  Because
> > all the other storage devices are SCSI, this drive is identified as
> > /dev/hda.  I've got a few questions regarding Linux's view of the
> > LS-120 drive.
> >
> > 1. When I run LILO to install a new kernel onto my SCSI hard disk
> > (/dev/sda3), it issues a lot of complaints about /dev/hda (the
> > LS-120 drive) as well.  LILO does what it's supposed to, and I have no
> > trouble with booting off the hard disk.  I am troubled though by the
> > screen full of warnings.  LILO complains that /dev/hda has 2 sizes,
> > 128MB and 0MB.  Hmm.  Why should it care about /dev/hda at all when
> > I'm handling /dev/sda3?
> >
> > 2. Ideally, I want the LS-120 to be treated like a big floppy.  Linux,
> > though, seems to want to treat it like a hard disk.  The distinction
> > is the use of partitions.  I'd rather not have partitions at all, while
> > Linux wants to write the filesystem and files to a specific partition
> > number (e.g.  /dev/hda1).  Since the drive is accessed via the device
> > driver ide_floppy.o, the system is presumably aware that the device is
> > not a fixed hard disk.  Is there a way I can do without partitions
> > altogether?
> >
> > Thank you.
> >
> > ***** Steve Snyder *****
> Follow the other reply. He is on the right track.  For the most part,
> since it is an IDE device and not a floppy device, it will never look like
> a floppy (although, you can't just call /dev/fd, you have to call
> /dev/fd?). The zip is much the same. Since Linux treats all of these (even
> the floppy somewhat) as block devices, you have to put them in, mount
> them, and then use them. Errors in this case, if they aren't fatal, should
> be ignored IMHO. This is fairly new hardware and until someone comes out
> with a good driver for it, you may have to live with some shortcomings.
> You may search to see if someone already has a good plugin driver for it.
> Don't know, sorry. Good luck.
> Peter Buelow

Richard Parsons

Corporate Mail  - richard at cellpt dot co dot za
Cellular Mail   - rp at sms dot cellpt dot co dot za
Personal Email  - caveman at surgeons dot co dot za

=======/\/\/\/\/\ [ STANDARD DISCLAIMER ]/\/\/\/\/\=======

The opinions expressed here are not those of my employer,my wife,my church, or
myself ...But they are the opinions of Elvis as revealed to me through the
medium of my pet hamster, Lee Harvey Oswald...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stefaan A Eeckels)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: Toshiba DVD-RAM and Linux
Date: 27 Jul 1999 09:54:32 GMT

In article <7njqok$ie4$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Christian Mund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am the proud owner of a TOSHIBA SD-W1101 DVD-RAM Drive and want to know,
> if there is anyone out there, who is able to use this Drive with Linux.
> The Drive works in a 2-LUN Mode, LUN0 = CDROM and LUN1 = Optical Device.
> Reading from a DVD-Media works fine, but when i try to write, the
> Drive hangs up the SCSI-Bus.
I have the Panasonic PD drive (a CD-ROM/650Mb optical combo), that also
uses a 2-LUN approach. With the 2.0.36 kernel, this device works

> I tried to track this problem a little bit, but i am not so familiar with
> debugging Kernels .
> dmesg says : "aborting command due to timeout : write(6)
>               timed out: reset"
> Using the strace-command i can see, that thwe Device-Hang occurs, when the
> Kernel does an fsync.
This looks suspiciously like hardware problems. 


> I got the Inquiry-Pages from these Drives and found out, that the TOSHIBA
> has write-cache and the PANASONIC,HITACHI don´t.
> Could it be, that there is a problem with the way, Linux cache pages are
> organized compared to the cache on Devices ?
I don't think so.

> Has anyone solved this ?
> Is there any possibilty to track down the SCSI-Commands send out by the
> Kernel ?
You should compile the kernel with SCSI-debugging enabled. 
The commands that are issued are written to syslog (usually
the messages file).


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From: Jan Buys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: [Fwd: more mouse problems]
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 12:26:55 +0200

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From: Jan Buys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: more mouse problems
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 16:28:21 +0200
Organization: Alcatel Bell
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Hello all,

I'm new to Linux and already experiencing troubles.  It seems that my mouse
(ordinary microsoft serial mouse) won't work under X unless I run 'mouseconfig
--kickstart' each time I start the X environment.  But still then I experience
that the windows on the screen regularly spontanuously lose scope and that it's
hard to give them back scope (I must click on their icon in the taskbar).  It
feels as if my mouse is clicking automatically outside the window - maybe this
is an insane explanation - anyway I don't have that problem when working with a
window manager that gives scope to the window under the cursor instead of upon
clicking of the mouse.

Anyone recognizing this situation ?


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From: "Alex Abreu" <simonet@(spam? no thanx)>
Subject: Re: SCSI 53C416 and RH 4.2
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 02:36:16 -0500

Thanks a lot for the link, Robert. I've already downloaded it and the latest
version of IsaPnpTools (1.18).

I have only one problem left: I cannot find a suitable IO address for the
card. Although isadump says that the IO address is in the range 0x0200 ~
0xff10 (32 bytes), I cannot find a suitable address in that range.

do you by chance have a clue on what is a good IO address for the Sym53c416




Subject: Re: Frankensteining RH5.1 & 6.0?
Date: 27 Jul 1999 13:47:20 +0100

Matthew C Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's the problem: the software that I use (its commercial-ware) was
> released for RH5.1 and is pretty problematic under 5.2 & 6.0. I do have
> the 5.2 & 6.0 CDs though. I'd like to buy a new video card and am trying
> to decide between a Matrox Millennium I or a G200. They are both w/in my
> budget. The Millennium I is pretty well supported under RH5.1. And I think
> that the G200 runs under 6.0. 

> My question is can I use the code from the 6.0 CD to rebuild the 5.1
> kernel to run the G200? I actually have a similar situation w/ a RealTek
> 8129 NIC--but I've had it for a while.
You don't have to rebuild the kernel to use your video card (barring
unsupported models that can only be used with a framebuffer), just
upgrade to the latest XFree86 (3.3.4 now, but the G200 is already
supported by
Probably the G200 is your best bet: it's a very good 2D card and 3D
support is in the works (see

Alain Borel


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Guenther)
Subject: Re: external CD-ROM
Date: 27 Jul 1999 11:05:21 GMT

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999 14:23:50 GMT, Serge Marelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I'm looking for an external (portable) CD-ROM reader (and possibly
>writer) mainly for a system (old 486) which will be running Linux (and
>has no internal CD reader - don't ask, won't fit).  Oh, and the system
>doesn't have a SCSI adapter (yet - don't know if it will accept one).
>So I thought about different possibilities:
>       HP external CD-writer, parallel port
>       Freecom external portable handy CD-reader
>       Freecom external portable handy CD-writer
>The Freecom drives seem really nice and handy, but they don't seem to
>have a driver for Linux...
>I don't know about the HP one.

All the above devices are supported in the standard 2.2 kernels.

But, you may need to get an add-in EPP port for your machine, the
standard parallel port may be unsuitable.


and also read Documentation/paride.txt in your kernel source tree.

Grant R. Guenther                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Guenther)
Subject: Re: HP7200e (parallel port)
Date: 27 Jul 1999 11:09:20 GMT

On Tue, 27 Jul 1999 09:32:22 +0200, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>What do i have to do to burn CD's with a HP7200e (parallel port)?

Start at

Grant R. Guenther                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Abdullah Ramazanoglu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Red Hat 5.2 on a 386
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 15:01:58 +0300

Carl Baines wrote:
> Has anyone ever loaded this version RH5.2 on a 386 machine? It has
> a CD and 8meg of ram. It says on the box that it would load on a 386
> if installed properly. I would like to try it but I don't want to waste a
> lot
> of time.

Never tried Linux on 386 but I have 486-80 + 16M ram wich runs fine when
I don't run X. With X, it still gives a tolerable performance. It swaps
terribly when I open Netscape on top that. The problem is not CPU, but
If you do try, either don't install or disable unused daemons (like
sendmail, inn, nfs, bind, nis etc.)
Also compile your kernel and make everthing as module except absolute
minimum (ELF and ext2 supports)
Also I would recommend trying 16M and see how much it differs in

Abdullah Ramazanoglu    ( aramazanoglu AT demirbank DOT com DOT tr )


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lew Pitcher)
Subject: Re: A problem with memory detection
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 11:59:37 GMT

In your BIOS setup, there will be an option to "Enable the Memory hole at 15Mb"
Disable this setting, and reboot.

On Tue, 27 Jul 1999 11:34:54 +0200, "Olive" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Linux detected 13250 KB of memory whereas 192 Mo are installed. How should
>it be made so that it detects all?
>Kernel : 2.2.5-15
>P 450.

Lew Pitcher
System Consultant, Integration Solutions Architecture
Toronto Dominion Bank


(Opinions expressed are my own, not my employer's.)


Subject: thinkpad urgent problem mouse
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 09:04:43 +0800

i have a thinkpad 760ed with windows 95 & linux installed ( slackware )
i believe the mouse i'm using is a ps 2 , the red thing on my thinkpad's
keyboard .
recently , i was in vi editing a file , and i think i noticed the mouse
cursor dragged automatically to the top right of my screen, and i
couldn't move it .. i didn't pay attention to it , and rebooted .. when
it started-up , when they showed the 32 MB ram thing , it also showed
the number 8611 .. and it automatically went into the cmos setup ..
after that , i pressed F1 and it allowed me to boot my os ( linux ) ..
guess what , i could move my mouse .. in windows & in linux ... so , i
searched for the numbers " 8611 " and it gave me error msg's ..
and it said error 8611 had something to do with the pointing device
error on the system board .
anyone with any ideas whatsoever , please e-mail me at my e-mail address


From: Wayne Steppe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problem with Zoltrix TV Max
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 15:04:54 +0200


I am having a problem with my Zoltrix TV - MAX card (or should that be

I have the bttv drivers modules and they are loading fine I am using
kwintv and it looks great. except I get no sound.

BUT when I exit the tv app (I tried xawtv and xtv as well) then the
sound comes on.

I had the same problem in windoze but I got a new drivers from the
Zoltrix site that fixed it. I have got a crappy CM??? sound card built
onto the Mother board so this could also be the problem.

Does anybody have any advice on this ?





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