Linux-Hardware Digest #863, Volume #10           Tue, 27 Jul 99 18:13:30 EDT

  Linux and scanners (Ahmed Sowaileh)
  Re: Awe64 & Modules... (John Patrick Krut)
  Re: Need advice on Building Linux-only box. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: $299 linux pc hardware questions (Justin B Willoughby)
  Re: external CD-ROM (Rodney Myrvaagnes)
  Linux hardware questions? (Pdpsnarfa1)
  NEC superscript 870? ("Kirk Wythers")
  Re: scroller for logitech OEM Model M-S48 ("R.K.Aa")
  can two distributions share a swap partition? ("J. Blair")
  Recommendation for RH5.1 PCI soundcard? (Brent Burton)
  Installing Solaris 7 on Intel (pranade)
  Re: [Q] HPT366 Ultra/66 chipset support? (Dan Delaney)
  Re: S3 TRIO 3D (Philippe Conde)
  Re: can two distributions share a swap partition? (Rod Roark)
  Re: Modem for Linux (Grant Henson)
  tha sound  ..silent!! (zackary)
  Re: hp-ux print to deskjet 895 or 890 using JetDirect ("Pat Crean")
  Kangaroo-mouse under Redhat 6.0 X-server ("Cybersnake")
  Re: 1 or 2 HD's (Grant Henson)
  Re: $299 linux pc hardware questions (John Hagen)
  HP Colorado 5Gb tape backup (Richard McClary)
  Linux and MCA busses..? ("Gerwin")
  Re: IDE Disk Dead Dead Dead after X Config (David C.)
  Re: building efficient fileserver on Linux - hardware questions (Joe Matuscak)
  Re: RedHat 6.0  - Internal modems (Johan Kullstam)


From: Ahmed Sowaileh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux and scanners
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 20:07:53 +0300

Hi everybody,
I am a webmaster and a programmer. I use an image scanner in my work on
Windows95. Can you tell me if I can use the scanner on Linux. This can
convince me to switch to Linux.

Many thanks.


From: John Patrick Krut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Awe64 & Modules...
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 13:14:23 -0400

.        Wow - thanks for the info - I would have
really preferred that "a full kernal recompile" wouldn't have
been in order as I have never done it and will have to
read up on where to start.

        I was aware that 32 voices was the limit - though
it is hard to believe that Creative will not aid LINUX
users - after all, they sell sound cards and, generally
speaking, anyone with an OS requires sound cards...
If they don't sell as many to LINUX users, you would
figure they'd help (if for nothing else) just for publicity

Peter Buelow wrote:

> John Patrick Krut wrote:
> > Hello again,
> >
> >         I have RH5.2 and an awe64 sound card...
> Yes, this means a full kernel recompile. You can however make them
> modules so that it is easier to configure and test. Although, and I
> haven't looked very recently, but I think that even the newest kernel
> only supports AWE32 sound as the other 32 voices (whatever they are) are
> software driven and not hardware and therefore require Creative Labs
> help which they haven't given. Essentially, due to the nature of the
> card, AWE32 is the highest you can expect. Good luck.
> Peter Buelow


      HaveAGoodLife * * * * * * * ResistanceIsFutile
* * * * * * * * * * * * * -jpk- * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Subject: Re: Need advice on Building Linux-only box.
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 20:21:28 GMT

On 27 Jul 1999 19:14:26 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Ripton) wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On Tue, 27 Jul 1999 17:06:50 +0300, Abdullah Ramazanoglu
> ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> 
> >> I assume that you mean an overclocked celeron. Because there is no need
> >> to buy a Slot1 (more expensive) otherwise.
> >
> >As far as I know Asus P2B-F is only available with Slot 1 so no matter
> >what CPU you buy it will have to be a Slot 1.
> No, that's what the slotket adapters are for.

Oh well....then he should buy a 370pin Celeron + converter. Jeez...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Justin B Willoughby)
Subject: Re: $299 linux pc hardware questions
Date: 27 Jul 1999 17:17:45 GMT
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Justin B Willoughby)

Robert J. Sprawls ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes:
> On 12 Jul 1999 10:44:26 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mohd H Misnan) writes:
>>> On 09 Jul 1999 09:44:37 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> >Linux systems with 2 button mice....UGH!!!!!!!!
>>> And err.. what wrong with 2 button mouse?
>>Don't use X windows eh?  X uses 3 buttons, yes you can do emulation,
>>but thats a hack and if you are selling systems to be linux only,
>>it shouldn't have 2 button mice.
> Just out of curiosity, who still makes 3-button mice? I have seen one
> on the market for some time.

Logitech! The only mice I buy!

- Justin
   _/     _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/    _/ _/   _/   RULES!! * LINUX RULES *
  _/       _/    _/_/  _/  _/    _/   _/_/     Justin Willoughby
 _/       _/    _/  _/_/  _/    _/     _/
_/_/_/ _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/_/_/_/    _/ _/     ---- Jesus Is Lord ----


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rodney Myrvaagnes)
Subject: Re: external CD-ROM
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 19:45:10 GMT

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999 20:15:55 -0500, Peter Buelow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

That URL only lists the internal HP drives. However, there is a link
to a more detailed listing. The second site says the 7200e needs a
patch, which is linked right there.

>Yes, the HP drives are supported. Check this URL out and play around.
>Good luck.
>Peter Buelow


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pdpsnarfa1)
Subject: Linux hardware questions?
Date: 27 Jul 1999 20:31:51 GMT

Anyone can post Linux hardware probs here at 
Check it out!


From: "Kirk Wythers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NEC superscript 870?
Date: 27 Jul 1999 20:34:47 GMT

Has anyone had any luck printing to a superscript 870 under redhat?




Subject: Re: scroller for logitech OEM Model M-S48
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 22:33:55 +0200

Pedro Sam wrote:
> Hi, I'm trying to get the scroller on my Logitech OEM Model M-S48 mouse
> to work with X.  Have anyone had any luck with this particular mouse and
> in particular Zaxismapping?  I heard a rumor some where that this OEM
> version of logitech M-S48 doesn't work with Z because the circuit board
> is made by Zoltrix, but the boxed version does?

Seems your out of luck. Swap it with a neighbour's ?

                                  --  To E-mail, delete "spam" --


From: "J. Blair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: can two distributions share a swap partition?
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 15:41:34 -0500

if i have a multi-boot system, can two different distributions (red hat and
debian) share the same swap partition?  is there any tweaking that needs to
be done?  thanks, jimmy


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brent Burton)
Subject: Recommendation for RH5.1 PCI soundcard?
Date: 27 Jul 1999 20:42:32 GMT

I'm running Redhat 5.1, kernel 2.0.x.

What's the best PCI soundcard that's supported under this
distribution?  (either natively or through ALSA)

What's the cheapest PCI soundcard that's supported, and decent?

much thanks,

 Brent  | brentb@
 Burton |


From: pranade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Installing Solaris 7 on Intel
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 10:07:37 -0400

I know this is wrong group, but expect somebody to help me.

To all dedicated Solaris user,

I have a problem installing SunOS Release 5.7 Version Generic_106542-02

I have Compaq Presario 5190 system. I invested all my money to purchase
system for the use as solaris 7 learning system.

It's Configuration is

AMD K6-2-3D processor
128 MB RAM
12 GB HDD1
13 GB HDD2
DVD drive
56K ITU V.90 Modem

When Installing Solaris 7 Intel platform It comes to prompt where it
which kind of installation I have to choose,
After selecting any of kind It comes with below message and reboot

panic:page fault on cpu 0
drvconfig:page fault
Bad kernel fault at addr=0x8

Please help me with kind of situation. I searched sun site for any patch
driver but very unfortunate to find it.


Prakash Ranade


From: Dan Delaney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Q] HPT366 Ultra/66 chipset support?
Date: 27 Jul 1999 20:47:18 GMT

Alan Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I just bought a BP6 with the same chip set.  I'm still waiting for a
: case.  I don't plan to add an Ata-66 drive anytime soon.  I've heard
: Abit does not have the best reliability.  Should I have that tested?
: I assume Ata-66 works for DOS and Win95/98 with the included drivers.
: Will IDE 3 and 4 work under Linux now with Ata-33 and older drives?

I don't think so. It's been my experience that Linux simply "doesn't see"
the IDE 3 and 4 ports. Someone just emailed be a URL to a Kernel patch
that should work with the HPT366 chipset:
I'll probably be trying it out this weekend.
-- Dan
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                Daniel G. Delaney
 PGP Public Key: /~dionysos/pgp.html


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Philippe Conde)
Subject: Re: S3 TRIO 3D
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 23:05:02 GMT

On Thu, 1 Jul 1999 04:18:01 -0500, "Groves Powers"

>Mike Frisch wrote in message ...
>>On Fri, 02 Jul 1999 11:23:51 -0100, Dr D. Galanakis
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>I am running Redhat 6.0 on a PII 350 MHz computer.
>>>My graphics card is based on S3 TRIO 3D for which there are no drivers
>>>under Linux and the system runs at 640x480 resolution. Does anyone know
>>>how I can increase the resolution?
>>You cannot until XFree86 3.3.4 is released later this year...
>I'm in the same boat. IBM 300PL P2/350 with an S3 Trio built onto the MB.
>There's some information about VesaFB (framebuffering) from the
>site, but I don't know if the Trio is fully Vesa 2.0 compliant. Anyone?
>Here's a link from a gentleman than used VesaFB with a VooDoo Banshee:

I have the same system and I have installed the vesaFB and it work
with a resolution of 1024*768



From: Rod Roark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: can two distributions share a swap partition?
Date: 27 Jul 1999 20:59:46 GMT

J. Blair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>if i have a multi-boot system, can two different distributions (red hat and
>debian) share the same swap partition?  is there any tweaking that needs to
>be done?  thanks, jimmy

Yes, no tweaking required.

-- Rod
Sunset Systems                           Preconfigured Linux Computers                      and Custom Software


From: Grant Henson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Modem for Linux
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 14:01:32 -0700

Mark Lyttle wrote:

> Dear All
> This is the first time I have posted on this group and I'm not
> completely sure its the right one, so apologies up front if it's not.
> My question is two fold
> 1) I have a US Robotics Sportster Voice 38k modem (internal) which I
> can't get to work with Linux. Somewhere in the PPP FAQ or some other of
> the related documents I've read this week, I think I read that Linux
> does not support PCI modems. Does anybody know if this is the case.

Some modems ("WinModems") lack parts of the driver that have to be
compensated for by code that is internal to Windows and secret.  Those are
the modems that absolutely won't work with Linux.  As long as a modem is
not called a "WinModem" it potentially can work with Linux, even if it is
PCI.  Although, some PCI modems lack a UART, and need special drivers to
work with Linux.

> 2) Assuming that I need to replace my modem (I was thinking of a v90
> modem anyway) can anybody suggest one that will work with Linux and
> Windows 95 (dual boot).

I have a ZOOM external 56K faxmodem, model 2949L that works very well with
both Win98 and Linux.  I think it was about US$90.

Grant Henson, Ph.D.
3600 Sierra Ridge #3204
Richmond, California 94806


From: zackary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: redhat.config,redhat.general
Subject: tha sound  ..silent!!
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 18:31:29 GMT

 i would like seek answer about my soundcard (i guess)configuration and 
how to make it works. i used pentium 300 celeron, with 32mb-100mhz memory, 
4.3gb hdisk, creative lab cdrom with infra red 32x, motherboard(PnP 
ability) with built in agp 8mb, and soundcard type: terrasound 128 3d -
pci.And i'm using redhat 6.0 as the only os on my hdisk.
 The problem is when i try to play mp3 through X11amp(i'm not really sure 
the name of the mp3 player)the player varnish, then when i try to play cd 
song with the cdplayer, cd spins, counter counts but no sound throught out 
the speaker. pls help me. anyone. thank u

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


From: "Pat Crean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: hp-ux print to deskjet 895 or 890 using JetDirect
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 14:31:47 -0400

Go to to
get the ghostscript drivers for the hp895 (thanks, Matt) --- you might want
to also upgrade to ghostscript-5.50.

Good luck

Thaler and Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7nkjd5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Greetings,
> Has someone solved the problem of HP-UX printing postscript, pdf, or html
> files to a Deskjet 895Cse?  If yes, please tell me about it.  If you have
> any ideas, plese tell me.


From: "Cybersnake" <cybersnake @ alt2600 . com>
Subject: Kangaroo-mouse under Redhat 6.0 X-server
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 21:50:01 +0200

Hiya all,
i got a little problem with my new Mouse.
If i installed it, and select the proper "driver" for it, the curser jumps
left and right when i move the mouse. something like 2 steps left and 1 step
right when i move to the left.
i tried another mouse, but no chance. i tried all "drivers" in mouseconfig
but no luck.
I reinstalled the whole system and once more no luck. I also changed the
resolution of the monitor, but maybe you'll guess, no luck.

i would be very, very happy for any comment that can help me.

I have a 3 button mouse(logitech M-S48) with a scroll wheel and a PS/2

Thanks for any help in advance.

Best Regards,



From: Grant Henson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 1 or 2 HD's
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 13:42:59 -0700

DigitalShadowz wrote:

>     I am building a new system and want to use both Linux and win98.  Is it
> preferred to run both on a single HD that is partitioned, or to pick up two
> HD's or does it not matter?  I am new to Linux and want the freedom to be
> able to play with it with out too much risk to my other data.  Also anyone
> know of somewhere with good prices on SCSI controllers/drives?  Thx in
> advance.
> DS

I set up my system with two HD's mainly just because I happened to have two
small HD's instead of one big one, but I think my setup will satisfy your
needs as well.  I used the partitioning software that comes with Caldera
OpenLinux to set up a Win98 partition on one drive and Linux partitions on the
other.  I had to physically swap the drives in order to do this (if you have
two drives connected as master and slave, the boot loader gets confused even
if you set the jumpers on the drives correctly.  )  When you partition the Win
drive, it blows away any factory installed software of course, so you have to
reinstall it later.

Then I connected both drives, with the Linux drive as master and the Win drive
as slave.  If I want to boot from the Win drive, I change the PROM settings
during boot so that the system boots from the 2nd drive (the slave, the Win
drive) and reboot.  Then if I want to use Linux later, I reboot, change the
PROM settings so that the machine boots from the Linux drive, and reboot.
Sounds complicated, but I was never able to get the boot manager software that
comes with Caldera OpenLinux (LILO) to work.  (That software is supposed to
let you choose between Linux and Windows without changing PROM settings.  It
may be that it doesn't work for me because I have two separate drives.).  My
current setup uses LILO when I set my PROM to boot from the Linux drive, but
since there's only one OS on that drive, it's somewhat superfluous to go
through LILO.  Anyway, the whole thing works well; it even correctly starts up
the dynamic drive overlay that Windows needs in order to handle large HD's.

With this setup, you don't have to worry about messing up your Windows data
while playing with Linux.  Linux recognizes both drives, but it sees the
Windows partitions on the slave drive and won't touch them.  Windows doesn't
even recognize the existence of the Linux drive, so there's no problem there.
Basically you have two different computers to use depending on which drive you
decide to boot from.

BTW, my hardware is: an eMachines 266 with one Fujitsu 3.2GB drive (the Linux
drive) and one Hitachi 2.1GB drive (the Win drive).  The whole thing was under
$500 including software, not including monitor.

Grant Henson, Ph.D.
3600 Sierra Ridge #3204
Richmond, California 94806


Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 12:23:17 +0000
From: John Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: $299 linux pc hardware questions

Rod Roark wrote:
> Richard Petty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>Just out of curiosity, who still makes 3-button mice? I have seen one
> >>on the market for some time.
> >
> >
> >
> >This lists USB sources only, but ought to get the message across about how
> >many vendors are making 3-button mice...
> Logitech has a perfectly decent and cheap PS/2 model.  Works great
> for me.

Ask for Logitech model S-35. 

They are PS/2 and work great. I paid ~ $14 for mine and it's a quality product.
Three buttons, nice click action and it's low profile (easy on the wrist). Each
button has a slight depression on it so you can tell where your hand is on the
mouse without looking.

And bonus, it's not a damn wheelmouse or some other monstrosity.

They are used on IBM RS6000 workstations (PowerPC's to you) and my AMD K6-2
system, among other things. It's just a straight-ahead product oriented toward
Unix and X which is why they are scarce.

You will have to look for them but they're out there. Comp-USA used to carry
them but I can't say if they still stock them. I found no Net resellers that had
them, either. You might have to order from Logitech.

PS.  When I found a small local Seattle vendor that had 'em, I bought 2 because
I like them so much...  :-)


john hagen ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Richard McClary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: HP Colorado 5Gb tape backup
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 16:29:28 -0500

My boss & I just spent about an hour trying to set up backups on our new
linux box (RH 6).  The tape device is an HP Colorado 5 Gb (Travan?),
internal EIDE.

We are not able to mount this device correctly.  FWIW, the boss is an
HP-UX administrator with umpteen yr unix experience.

We HAVE tried mounting what appear to be appropriate device names from
the command line, and we have attempted using the BRU package in X.

Anyone have success mounting this drive?  TIA
Richard D. McClary                    | Systems Administrator
ASPCA-National Animal Poison          | 
    Control Center                    | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1717 S. Philo Rd, Suite 36, Urbana, IL| (217) 337-5030 ext. 261


From: "Gerwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux and MCA busses..?
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 23:38:19 +0200

Is there anyone who has a working version of linux on a MCA bus ?
This buss is used in a PS/2 from ibm wich we will use as a server..

Please more info..


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David C.)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: IDE Disk Dead Dead Dead after X Config
Date: 27 Jul 1999 17:09:13 -0400

ekaulaki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Redhat 6.2
> XF86
> 3DImage 975
> Set resolution to 1024x768 for 8,16,24
> Halted
> The power on ROM code no longer sees my 3.1Gb IDE drive.
> Is this a coincidence, or did I somehow kill it?

I'd guess coincidence.  While it may be possible for software to send a
code to the drive that confuses it into unresponsiveness, I would be
very very surprised to learn of any such code that would cause a failure
that survives a power-cycle.

I assume you've actually powered the system down and haven't just been
trying to reboot/reset it, right?

Check your CMOS and make sure it has the correct drive parameters.  If
it doesn't have an auto-detect mode (or if that's not working) try
entering (or re-entering) the drive's geometry values.  They are usually
printed on the drive's cover.

-- David


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joe Matuscak)
Subject: Re: building efficient fileserver on Linux - hardware questions
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 17:35:49 -0400

> If you REALLY want fast I/O, buy hardware RAID arrays.  There are several that work
> with Linux well, 

Im looking at using raid more for reliability than performance. In 
looking at stuff on Red Hat's site, it sounds like you cant use a raid 
set for all of your Linux partitions, particularly root. Is that the 


From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RedHat 6.0  - Internal modems
Date: 27 Jul 1999 17:12:26 -0400

wizard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> In most cases I would never reccomend an external modem.  I have a
> USR internal modem that has worked fine with linux for years.  Just
> make sure you can set the base address of the unit and interrupt.
> There is no wisdom at all in selecting an external modem.

sure there is!

aside from avoiding the dread winmodem, you can also avoid
1) taking up a precious mobo slot
2) opening the case
3) plug and pray
4) jumpers
5) rebooting your machine to reboot the modem

with external modems you get
1) blinkenlights (great for debugging)
2) ability to use it with non-pc hardware
3) compatibility with next year's mobos without isa slots

56k down and 33.6k up is all a POTS line is ever going to support.
they've taken QAM, error correction coding and digital processing
about as far as possible.  now you have to fight Shannon and you are
not likely to win that battle.  therefore, buying a good, external 56k
modem will serve for as long as POTS remains a viable connexion.

> If nothing else make sure the modem
> indicates that it supports unix.

> External modems are fine if you never intend to use your serial
> ports and you don't mind trowing away money on hardware you don't
> need.  Also as far as I'am concerned an internal modem is far more
> flexible and reliable.

how is it more flexible?  can you use it with a sun sparcstation?  if
not, how can you say it supports unix?

how is it more reliable?  this is just unsubstatiated random opinion
with no basis in reality.

johan kullstam



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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