Linux-Hardware Digest #73, Volume #11            Sun, 22 Aug 99 16:13:36 EDT

  Re: Newbie: null-modem or ethernet? (Rob Clark)
  Re: Abit BP6, dual Celeron, overclocking, Video Card and more...... (Vincent Fox)
  Re: es1371 sound problems (Steven Ponsford)
  Compaq LTE 5300 and RH 6.0 - mouse detect lockup ("KJH")
  Lirc and Kwintv (Berco van Gool)
  Check out the reality ("tycho")
  Spontaneous rebooting of LINUX Red Hat 5.2 and 6.0. ("Lechos³aw  £adno")
  OkiPage 4w Plus in Linux ("Jon A. Rønningen")
  Re: Token Ring 16/4 Speed Problem (Dave Brown)
  Re: How to I remove Lilo (Christopher B Stank)
  YAMP (Yet Another Modem Problem) ("David Safar")
  Re: Suggestion: External Modem on RH6.0 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  SB16 MPU-401 midi (Naito)
  Quake 3 Arena (Justin Fisher)
  Re: Compaq LTE 5300 and RH 6.0 - mouse detect lockup ("Hans Zangger")


Subject: Re: Newbie: null-modem or ethernet?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Clark)
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 17:24:40 GMT

In article <7pp9p8$7mf$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Kovalev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Need to connect 3 comps together, they're almost in the same place,
>and I was wondering, what would be better-to have some ethernet
>startup kit, like 2-3 NIC, hup and some cable, or just
>hook them up via "null-modem".
>If the last one, any ideas/links, how exactly could I do this?
>What soft do I need? Didn't find anything on "null-modem on linux"
>so far. Any disadvantages?

Using ethernet cards would be a lot easier to set up, easier to expand,
and be faster.  However, it is more expensive.  Having said that, my local
computer shop has used 10Base-T NICs for $5 each.  Occasionally they have
a 3Com 509B for $10.

If you are strapped for cash and willing to figure out the routing, the
null modem solution will be slow, but will work.

>If the first one (ethernet), what will happen if the hub is "10/100"
>2 out of 3 NIC are 10/100 pci, but one NIC just needs to be ISA (old
>machine). Is there any 10/100 ISA cards out there?

Yes, for example the 3Com 3c515.  You can argue both ways on whether this
a cost effective route.

>Does it make any sense to have 10/100 hub if one of the cards is 10 at most?
>Will it work with it at all?
>Any suggestions/links/advice - strongly appreciated.

You will notice the difference in speed-- get the high speed hub.     [null modem]   [Ethernet]



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vincent Fox)
Subject: Re: Abit BP6, dual Celeron, overclocking, Video Card and more......
Date: 22 Aug 1999 17:29:18 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Huib Wouters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I am running Linux on an old Pentium 60 with 48MB and its time to speed
>things up. I would like to upgrade, or renew, my system by plugging in a
>new motherboard, processor, memory and, at a later stage, harddisk and
>video card.

>I would like to try a dual celeron system with the Abit BP6 board and
>not I am looking for some advice. On the net I've found many reports of
>people using this board and overclocking the processors but I'm not
>quite sure which solution is best. So if anyone has some first hand
>experience please let me know!!!!!!

Look, overlocking is a RISK. I understand that when I go to
buy 3 Celeron 366's, that probably 2 of them will work stably
at 550. The other I eat the cost of (actually put it in GirlFriend
PC running at stock 366), as I find it unethical to expect my
local Mom & Pop to take a chip back as defective when it isn't.
At any rate, OC if you want but realize it's for the tinkerer.
For people scared of overclocking, I recommend just buying
a pair of Celeron 400's or whatever and running them at
their rated speed. They are still pretty damn fast!  You
wouldn't see the diff between 66 and 100 MHz FSB operation
in anything but the most esoteric applications. It's over-rated.
For me 100 MHz FSB is just a safe point at which to run my
cheap 366 Celerons overclocked, without also overclocking my
PCI or AGP bus, as at both 66 and 100 the dividers take care
of making sure the PCI is at 33 and the AGP at 66. At other speeds
like 83 you are overclocking your PCI and AGP bus as well, and
I'd rather not bring that many variables into play.

>First about the dual processor board. If I'm right its a matter of
>replacing the old board (my old PCI video card and IDE drives should
>still work) install the SMP kernel RPM. Liliconf and reboot, ....
>finished. Is it really that simple or am I overlooking something?

Yep. That simple.

>What about memory on the BP6 board. Most boards have 4 SIMM connectors
>and you have to use 2 (+ 2) identical SIMM modules. The BP6 board has 3
>SIMM connectors. Can I use just 1 128MB SIMM module or do I have to use
>at least two modules (e.g. 2 modules of 64MB)? What about the so called
>ECC memory, it's more expensive but do I see a big performance
>difference with the standard 100Mhz memory?

DIMMS are already doubled, you do not hafta put two in.
You can put one, two, or three, all of different sizes.

>The Ultra ATA/66 is supported with the 2.2 kernel?

No, not yet. But it does leave you expansion room for
later to have the ports, for when the kernel does support
it in a stable fashion. There are some patches out like
Draco that add ATA/66 support but I wouldn't use it myself
on my news-server.

>And what about overclocking? The prices of the Celeron PPGA have really
>dropped; 336MHz for $80, 400MHz for $100. Only the 466 and 500MHz
>versions are quite expensive. I've seen reports of people overclocking
>the 366MHz version to 550MHz. If I want to go to 500 or 550MHz, what
>Celeron should I buy? Is a 400MHz safer than a 366MHz or is this just
>Intel marketing bullshit. What about the suffixes A, PPGA,
>Mendoccio..... what version to look for?

PPGA=Socket 370 is what you need for BP6.

>What is the best cooler if I want to overclock my system? Do these
>freezer coolers (-30C !!!) really exist? And what about the price? I can
>buy $50  cooler but then a 500Mhz in-a-box Celeron is also an option!!!

If you overclock, get something like the ComputerNerds Alpha
heatsink to keep it cool. Peltiers are over-rated. If the chip
will run stable at 550 say with a $7 heatsink, it will run.
Period. I put an Alpha heatsink on there just to make sure it
stays cool enough to have a long life. The Peltiers are IMHO
overkill. I agree with Andy at, the frenzy to 
refrigerate is garbage after a certain point. If the chip will
work at 500+, cooling has little to do with stability, more to
do with long life of the chip. Some will, some won't. That 1 out
of 3 366's that wouldn't overclock for me, it didn't matter if
I put it in the freezer, it just wouldn't overclock. Actually
I picked up a $10 heatsink from my Mom&Pop store the other day
that is doing a surprisingly good job on a 366@550. Look for 
something with a lot more fins and a bigger fan than the usual
486 variety and it will probably work well. A very *THIN* coat
of heatsink paste will do wonders for heat transfer, remove any
graphite pad if your heatsink has one.

>And for the final upgrade. I now have an old Mach64 video card and a 15"
>monitor. If I find a good priced 17" or 19" screen I would like to buy a
>good video card. With the existing Linux drivers, what to look for RIVA
>TNT2, Matrox Millenium G400? Any card that goes well with the dual
>Celeron board?

I'm using a G200, works good. Dunno about the G400.

>What about a low budget card to go with my old 15" monitor (1024x768 is
>OK but I'd like some more speed and more colors), any suggestions?

>I know these are a lot of questions but if anyone reads all of the above
>and can give me some good advice, thanks a lot!!!

        "Who needs horror movies when we have Microsoft"?
         -- Christine Comaford, PC Week, 27/9/95


From: Steven Ponsford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: es1371 sound problems
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 10:45:35 -0700

Randy and Danyon wrote:
> I was wondering if someone could help me out.....
> I have a Ensoniq audiopci97 soundcard (chipset 1371) (built onto
> motherboard). I am running redhat 6.0 with kernel 2.2.11. I compiled the
> kernel with sound support using the 1371 chipset. So when I boot I see :
> es1371: version v0.13 time 12:40:13 Aug 14 1999
> es1371: found adapter at io 0xef00 irq 11
> es1371: features: joystick 0x200
> es1371: codec vendor TRA revision 3
> es1371: codec features none
> es1371: stereo enhancement: no 3D stereo enhancement
> Sound initialization started
> Sound initialization complete
> If I cat /dev/sndstat I see............
> [root@user-38lc7sb /dev]# cat sndstat
> OSS/Free:3.8s2++-971130
> Load type: Driver compiled into kernel
> Kernel: Linux user-38lc7sb 2.2.11 #3 Sat Aug 14 12:54:07 EDT 1999 i686
> Config options: 0
> Installed drivers:
> Card config:
> Audio devices:
> Synth devices:
> Midi devices:
> Timers:
> 0: System clock
> Mixers:
> So I am stuck..... How do I get sound working................I thought I had
> it according to the mini-howto on sound but I don't. Should I try
> and use their drivers???
> Any Help is appreciated.......
> Randy

It's not part of OSS/Free so it won't display under /dev/sndstat.  Do a 
'lspci' as root to see if your sound card was initialized.  There should
be a line like this somewhere in the lspci output like this
00:10.0 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq ES1371 [AudioPCI-97] (rev
If you see that then start the esound daemon,by typing in 
'esd' at your shell prompt.  If you hear the esound startup sound you
should be setup for sound.  I've tried the alsa drivers and they work
fine too, there's just a little bit more configurating to be done with
Esound has its own soundplay utilities all beginning with esd,
(e.g., esdplay, esdcat, esdfilt, etc.) so use those to play/manipulate
sound files.  If there are some sound programs that rely on OSS you can
usually start them up with 'esddsp <name>' which should redirect OSS dsp
output to esound. Here are a list of programs I use which work with
    TiMidity++ 2.30 - compiled in esound support
    Soundtracker 0.30 - start with "esddsp soundtracker"
    xmms - esound plugin support
    vsa 0.9 - with esound startup like this 'esd -tcp -port 16001', then 
configure vsa to listen on port 16001.  This works cool, because now
TiMidity finally has a good visual effect plugin :).  Also works
with xmms if you setup the esoundplugin to listen on port 16001.
The only problem I've really encountered is with the G2RealPlayer, but
you can disable esound before starting realplay and let the USS 
handle sound.
Hope this helps.


Subject: Compaq LTE 5300 and RH 6.0 - mouse detect lockup
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 11:48:31 -0500

When installing RH 6.0 to a Compaq LTE 5300 laptop, the install program
always locks up at the "Probing found some sort of PS/2 mouse ..." screen,
requiring a hard reboot.  Doesn't matter if I'm using the built-in pointer
stick or an external mouse connected to the mouse port.  Can anyone point me
to some information on how to work around this?  Thanks!



From: Berco van Gool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Lirc and Kwintv
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 19:29:38 +0200


Since several weeks I have an Irman. I use the Irman Library and the
software from the Lirc project. I have configured Lirc and the test
software from Lirc works (irw) good. But if I want to connect kwintv (a
television program for Linux) to Lirc. It don't workcorrectly.

If I use the Infrared remote control setup from Kwintv and I press some
remote control buttons every button generates the same very long code,
but the button name is generated good.
I can't use a remote control for kwintv. Can you tell me what I have to
Is it a bug or a configuration problem?

I hope you can help me.

Greetings   Berco.


From: "tycho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Check out the reality
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 18:22:22 GMT

The upgrade you refer to is expensive because it is no longer available from
Matrox.  Do not blame Matrox for the high price of an exotic piece of
hardware.  For example,  upgrades they stock:

8MB SDRAM for G200 US$49 (CAN$69)
8Mb SGRAM for G200  US$59 (CAN$89)
4MB and 6MB SGRAM for Mystique/220 US$15 (CAN$20 ) and US$20 (CAN$30 )

These are reasonable prices for video memory upgrades.

I am sorry you paid $210 in 1997 for a video card that does not meet yout
expectations today, but video technology (and computer tech in general) is
advancing so rapidly that we all suffer the same fate.  If you can't stand
the heat get out of the kitchen.

Matrox is a very reputable firm and at the top of the industry in terms of
video image quality.  (Disclaimer: This is not a measure of gross frames per
second in 3D games, so give me a break!)  I have used their products for
many years and am very happy with them, as are many others.

JAMES CLARK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Open letter to the Matrox con
> Dear Matrox People;
>  I have spent the last month or more trying to FIND the memory
> 12mb UpGrade for my Matrox Millennium II 4Mb Graphics card.
> (The Matrox Millennium II 4Mb card cost me (retail) $210.00 in 1997).
> After many calls to Manufacturers, Suppliers, and Dealers, your support
> people recommended, I finally found one that had the 4Mb to 12Mb memory
> Up Grade IN STOCK!.
> They wanted to charge me over $245.00 for an 8Mb Ram chip!!
> Needless to say, you have lost this! customer, and many others.
> No one... is dumb enough to pay more for memory than the device it's
> used in.
> But they are smart enough, to know when a company tried to "Rip them
> off"
> I also intend to post this information in all Graphics related
> newsgroups, and magazines...
> (Even Bill Gates wouldn't stoop that low, OR pull that trick!)
> (-C-I-S-)-Crystal Information Soulutions-(-C-I-S-)


From: "Lechos³aw  £adno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Spontaneous rebooting of LINUX Red Hat 5.2 and 6.0.
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 19:59:13 +0200

Lechoslaw Ladno
Poland Warsaw

Sorry for my English. I know that it is very bad , but I am beginner in
LINUX and I have the problem I can not solve. I think that only Your Group
can help me to do it.
I tried to install LINUX RED HAT 5.2 and 6.0 on my computer. Every time I
met the same difficulties. I had to do installation several times because my
computer spontaneously rebooted during it ( in various moments, without any
rules and error messages). At last I installed that system successfully.
Unfortunately I still can not work under it. During the work under LINUX  my
computer very often spontaneously reboots ( as before without any rules,
error messages and in various moments ) in text and graphic mode. The file
system is destroyed after each spontaneous rebooting because it have not
been cleanly unmounted. I have tried to install new kernel (2.2.9) but that
problem still exists.
I have also Windows 98 on my machine ( on the other partition) and there is
no problem with it.
I am sure that the distribution of my LINUX is good and works properly on
other machines.
My system consists of :
      ACORP ( type 6BX67 AGP,PCI,ISA, SLOT1,
       (my set is 100 MHz)
      Award Modular ver. 4.51PG 12/17/98 for 6BX67 PCI/ISA/AGP ver.1.3_C,
      Plug and Play Extension version 1.0A , SMBIOS/DM version 2.01
      Main Board Intel 82443BX PCI
      Enhanced I/O Winbond 83997
      Intel 82371EB
      Pentium II 400MHz
      128 MB 2x DIMM SDRAM 64 MB PC 100 MHz
      SEGATE 10240 ST310240A
      HITACHI GD 2500
      ACORP HCF 56000 BPS with VOICE function
      M3309 of ACER Laboratories Inc.
      ISA NE2000 compatible ( connected to the other computer 486DX)
      type PnP BELINEA 105080.

Thank you very much for your help and any suggestion what to do.


From: "Jon A. Rønningen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: OkiPage 4w Plus in Linux
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 20:44:36 +0200


Do anybody know know to get OkiPage 4w Plus to work on Redhat Linux 6.0?

-- Jon A. Rønningen


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Brown)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Token Ring 16/4 Speed Problem
Date: 22 Aug 99 18:56:42 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Harold Hotelling wrote:
>Anybody know how to disable Auto Speed Detection in the token ring
>module ibmtr.o?
>My Linux box has a Turbo 16/4 Token Ring card from IBM in it, and I'm
>trying to network it with a token ring XStation.

I don't have any experience with the "Turbo" card, but with the 
Auto 16/4 ISA card, you had to use the setup utility that came 
on a diskette (booted DOS of some form), to set the Ring speed.

Dave Brown   Austin, TX


From: Christopher B Stank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to I remove Lilo
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 14:35:30 -0400

You can use a windows xx boot disk, with the fdisk program on it, and then
run the command fdisk /mbr to rewrite the master boot record.  This
removes lilo.  If you wish to reinstall lilo at any time in the future you
will nedd a linux boot disk to reinstall it.

Christopher B. Stank == [EMAIL PROTECTED] & == Senior CompSci Major
Lockheed Martin SS&TS Unix Systems Administrator  == [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Sun, 22 Aug 1999, BD wrote:

benny9>I recently installed linux 5.2 and installed lilo.  Well today I booted
benny9>up my computer and linux partition and everything else (bar my C: drive
benny9>for windoze) was gone.
benny9>So now im stuck with lilo at bootup. How do I delete it?


From: "David Safar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: YAMP (Yet Another Modem Problem)
Date: 22 Aug 1999 12:29:09 PDT

Hi, all.

I have a dual boot Win98/Red Hat Linux 5.2 system with a USR 56k X2/V.90
internal faxmodem.  It is not labelled as a WinModem, and USRs winmodems are
labelled, come in a different color box, etc.

Here's the problem:  When I attempt to use the modem in Linux, it simply
doesn't work.  In minicom, it remains silent when I dial, and the dial
attempt times out.  Under Win98, the modem functions perfectly.

The com port is disabled in BIOS, so there shouldn't be a conflict there.
When I ran statserial, it returned an error.
Using cu to attempt to communicate with the port gave me this:
===== BEGIN CU OUTPUT =====
cu: Got hangup signal

===== END CU OUTPUT =====

Does  anyone know what's going on here and how I can fix it?  I'd really
like to use Linux, but if my modem doesn't work with it, I'm gonna have to
go back to Win98.



Subject: Re: Suggestion: External Modem on RH6.0
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 19:00:41 GMT

Any suggestions for a good internal modem?  Running RH5.2 on a P100 with
no more serails.  Been trying to get a Digicom Systems (Creative Labs)
56K to work but can't get a dial tone. It's not a win-modem as far as I
can tell.
> The Diamond SupraExpress 56e Pro is a good modem and seems to work as
> well under Linux as it does under Windows.  I suggest the extra init
> string
> +MS=12,1
> to get a reliable connection to most ISPs.
> --
> Roger
> Web:
> ICQ: 40038278
> *** IMPORTANT! Please remove 'removethis.' from the reply address ***

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,redhat.config
Subject: SB16 MPU-401 midi
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 19:31:01 GMT

How do I configure my linux to play midis thru the MPU-401 port on my SB16?
I am running RedHat 6 with kernel 2.2.11 and the ALSA 0.4.0 sound drivers.

==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: Justin Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Quake 3 Arena
Date: 22 Aug 1999 18:54:01 GMT

i have mesa-3.1beta2 installed also - and a voodoo3 - when i run linuxquake3
from the q3test rpm it starts up and just has a black screen.  i can hear sound
effects and i actually joined an internet game but i cant get a display for
it.. all i see is a black window.  i can shoot a weapon and hear its report but
no visual at all.. any ideas?

Justin Fisher: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Hans Zangger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Compaq LTE 5300 and RH 6.0 - mouse detect lockup
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 20:21:42 +0200

 i had the same problem. get the newest install images fro redhat. in my
case i just put the cd on an ftp server and installed over the network and
used expert mode. good luck!

Hans Zangger
Global Knowledge Network

"KJH" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7pp9j0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi,
> When installing RH 6.0 to a Compaq LTE 5300 laptop, the install program
> always locks up at the "Probing found some sort of PS/2 mouse ..." screen,
> requiring a hard reboot.  Doesn't matter if I'm using the built-in pointer
> stick or an external mouse connected to the mouse port.  Can anyone point
> to some information on how to work around this?  Thanks!
> Kurt



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