Linux-Hardware Digest #109, Volume #11           Fri, 27 Aug 99 05:13:28 EDT

  Re: Problem : Routing (dbp)
  An Acer Hole! (MACKENZIE)
  Re: I HATE LT WIN MODEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: CD-RW drive making me crazy.. (David C.)
  Opps...... (Andy Johnstone)
  Re: Linux on AMD K6-2/400? (Crash2000)
  Zip drive and Linux (Brian Stevens)
  Re: Tekram dc390 scsi card (Robert)
  Flashpath and Linux? (Joe Pfeiffer)
  Re: Ghostscript unrecoverable error...? (Bill D)
  Re: K7 Athlon! (David Fox)
  zero-length partition, input/output error, couldn't "mv" directory name. couldn't 
e2fsck. (Lyndon F. Bartels)
  Iomega Jaz 2GB under Linux ("Frank Welzel")
  Re: Problem : DHCP ("William B. Cattell")
  Re: Which book? (Craig Rasband)
  Re: Linux on IBM RISC System/6000 F50?! (Alberto Varesio)
  Re: can I tell a winmodem by looking at it? ("Wilbur Killebrew")
  Help PCMCIA.... ("IceCold")
  Microtek ScanMaker X6EL Scanner on Linux (Ross Williams)


Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 12:42:04 +0800
Subject: Re: Problem : Routing

Thomas Kaemer wrote:

> This can be a nameserverproblem. Try route -n .

Yes, thank you very much!

Please reply me at [EMAIL PROTECTED], thank you.


Subject: Re: Yamaha DS-XG
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 04:11:10 GMT

Unfortunately no. If you do a search on DS-XG you'll see that many folks
are asking the same question. 4front sells a driver that "works" esp if
you have the card and not the on-board sound. Their driver is $30 and I
think the smart move is to simply buy an inexpensive supported card.
Esoniq 1371 is about the same price and you won't have to fiddle it for
each new kernel.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Kevin White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is this card supported in linux?
> --
> Kevin White, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> "At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
>   At last we will have revenge."
>       -- Darth Maul to Darth Sidious, The Phantom Menace

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Subject: An Acer Hole!
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 05:08:21 GMT

If I can't find a driver for my Acer Scanner and Acer CD RW. I'll be Scanless and 
there'll be a
big hole where my CD-RW used to be. Can someone tell me how to set these things up to 

              ,dP"'         `"Qb,
        ,d88buP"               "Qud88b,
       dP"   8'   ..       ..   `8   "Qb
      dP" .::8 _ :.@;  _  ;@.: _ 8::. "Qb
     ,8' .::dP"       `.'       "Qb::. `8,
     dP .:::8(      `--^--'      )8:::. Qb
     8' ::::"Qba,..,       ,..,adP":::: `8
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 q, `b,       `b  a88a. .a88a  d'       ,d' ,p
 `q,  `b,      8      8.8      8      ,d"  ,p'
  `"Q888`b,    `Q8888P" "Q8888P'    ,d'888P"'
         "Q888P"             "Q888P"


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,
Subject: Re: I HATE LT WIN MODEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 18:57:25 GMT

On Sun, 22 Aug 1999 22:40:15 -0400, george <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Win modems are also known as controllerless modems. They rely on the
system CPU to run the phone - computer interface. Traditional modems
have an on board processor to handle this task. Depending on the
machine and the amount of data being transferred, the system can take
a significant performance hit when managing the modem. This is also
true for certian sound cards which also rely on the system processor
to do the work. Beware of inexpensive products. It likely doesn't
perform as well as it's more expensive competitors.

>Not to be rude, but Win modems do not work under Linux.  Hence the name "Win"
>modem - they only work under Windows.  This is because the hardware
>manufacturer was very cheep and decided that rather than add the extra
>components to make it a real modem, they would supply drivers - for windows
>only - to make the modem work.
>liuyb wrote:
>> I have a lt win modem, but I can't let it work in linux. I tried all means
>> and spend a lot of time , the result is the same. So I hate it.
>>   I HATE WIN MODEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>George Nimmer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Linux - The choice of a GNU generation


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David C.)
Subject: Re: CD-RW drive making me crazy..
Date: 26 Aug 1999 12:01:41 -0400

"Russ Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'm having a really weird time with my JVC XR-W2080 drive. It's listed
> as working with CDRecord, and it does... If I use a CDRW. But only
> partly. If I then try to verify the CD (using X-CDRoast) it fails
> after a while... If I mount the disk, everything appears to be there,
> and I don't have any problems with the CD.
> I can't get a CDR to burn properly for anything, but the same image
> will then burn to a CDRW without problems.

Just for kicks, have you tried doing the burn at a slower speed?  You
may have success at 1X, but failure at 2X, or success at 2X and failure
at 4X.  (Of course, if you're failing at 1X, then that's a different

I'm guessing at this, because most drives have a lower top-speed for
CDRW media than for CDR media.

-- David


From: Andy Johnstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Opps......
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 23:08:38 -0400

Not really a linux question per say (altho the system will be running
linux) but i'll ask anyway.  I built a 2nd computer, and used my k6-2
300 in it until i could dig up a 450 k6-2.  New system works great, but
now the old system doesn't ever produce a video sig, and after about
30secs it gives one long uninterupted beep, not stopping until i kill
the power.  What does that mean?  I'm used to getting beep error codes,
not a continuos tone.  Bios is Award, trio3d video board..but i don't
even get the card info i used to.  Any ideas? Ram not in right, ect?

Please post all replies here...i can't get into my email :(  Damn



From: Crash2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions,cs.amd,cx686.amdk6.and.others
Subject: Re: Linux on AMD K6-2/400?
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 05:46:14 GMT

"K. Eggleston" wrote:
hey I'm using an amd 400 3dnow with a asus p5a m/b, i run windows 98,
and redhat linux 6.0 no problems at all (except sound in linux with my
isa pnp card dammit)

> Out of desperation for more speed for M$ NT 4.0, I went to my local
> bargain geek-shop and bought a Gigabyte motherboard along with AMD K6-
> 2/400 chip.  This is the first time I've bought a non-Intel MB, but
> everyone told me I'd have no probs.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Stevens)
Subject: Zip drive and Linux
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 05:58:15 GMT

I have SuSe linux 6.1 running on my new machine (as supplied) but I
have not yet figured out how to access the built in zip drive.

Please could some one tell me what steps I need to do to get it
recognised by the system

Thank You


From: Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tekram dc390 scsi card
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 06:00:24 GMT

> Thanks for the help!! I will give it a try tomorow!


From: Joe Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Flashpath and Linux?
Date: 26 Aug 1999 22:16:59 -0600

I'm curious about using a Flashpath (a gadget that lets you put a
Smartmedia card into a floppy disk drive and read it like a floppy)
with Linux.

First question:  does it really make the Smartmedia look just like a
floppy, so a computer that is unaware of the diffeence can just treat
it like a floppy?

Second question:  if the answer to the first question is ``no,'' are
there Linux drivers available for it?

Third question:  if the answer to the second question is ``no,'' are
specs available (writing Yet Another Device Driver wouldn't be a
really big problem for me if I had to...)?
Joseph J. Pfeiffer, Jr., Ph.D.       Phone -- (505) 646-1605
Department of Computer Science       FAX   -- (505) 646-1002
New Mexico State University


Subject: Re: Ghostscript unrecoverable error...?
Date: 26 Aug 1999 02:46:12 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Magnus Ehinger  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm having trouble printing from Linux.
>Linux (Redhat 5.2) was installed. The printer prints ASCII text nicely
>(tried it in printtool), but if I open GhostView and print any .ps file,
>I get the following error (printed by the printer):
>Unrecoverable error: rangecheck in .putdeviceprops

I got this exact error with RedHat 5.2 and an HP 540 printer, which
uses the same driver.  Try telling it to use 8bpp instead in the
printer configuration screen, and it'll be happy.



From: d s f o x @ c o g s c i . u c s d . e d u (David Fox)
Subject: Re: K7 Athlon!
Date: 26 Aug 1999 22:03:32 -0700

"Phoenix Multi-Tech Inc." <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Does anyone have any information on Linux running with the new K7
> Athlon, 500mhz and up?

Tom's hardware page had a writeup that included info about Linux.
Once you can get a motherboard it should run well -- I watch for
availability at, they seem to be waiting anxiously
for these to arrive.
David Fox              xoF divaD
UCSD HCI Lab                                         baL ICH DSCU


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lyndon F. Bartels)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: zero-length partition, input/output error, couldn't "mv" directory name. 
couldn't e2fsck.
Date: 27 Aug 1999 04:22:10 GMT


I've come across an interesting problem.

I have a system running RH 6.0. It has 3 SCSI drives. (2 4.5G, 1 9.1G). I just 
added the 9.1.
I wanted to move some data from another, older linux box to this one. 
(Upgrading hardware)
First, I fdisked the drive into one partition. That seemed to go well.
Next I made a file structure on it. (See capture below.)
Then I mounted it. (# mount /dev/sdc1 /htdocs-01)
Fourth, I nfs-mounted the file structure I wanted to copy.
Fifth, I cd-ed to the directory on the source.
Sixth, I copied the files from the nfs volume to the local volume (cp -va * 
Everything seemed to copy OK there too. I did a "df" to compare the "used" 
column and they
were really close. The target took up a little less than the source. I figured 
this was because
of "compaction". If that makes any sense.
I dismounted the nfs volume. No need in damaging the source. (Not until I'm 
sure everything's OK)
Next I wanted to start moving some files around. Everything was going OK, then 
all of a sudden,
I got an input error. (See the capture below.) Also, when I did a "ls" some of 
the sub-directories
in this directory were missing. 

I tried to figure out what was wrong. I got some messages in the log file 
about the drive not
being ready. I dismount the structure, and tried to e2fsck it. (also see 
I rebooted the computer, and since I had altered /etc/fstab to reflect this 
new device, it tried
to mount it on boot up. The computer spun its wheels for a long time fscking 
the structure, and
finally mounted it. Seemingly OK.

I went to the same directory and attempted the same "mv" command and it worked 
OK. And the
"missing" sub-directories were back. Everything seems OK.

Any ideas? I don't want to continue too far with this migration until I know 
my hardware's OK.
Tell me what you need to know. What information can I give you?

I captured some stuff, the mkefs, df, etc, from the machine. Hope this helps.

Thanks in advance,

Lyndon F. Bartels

# mke2fs /dev/sdc1
mke2fs 1.14, 9-Jan-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09 
Linux ext2 filesystem format 
Filesystem label= 
2220032 inodes, 8875881 blocks 
443794 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user 
First data block=1 
Block size=1024 (log=0) 
Fragment size=1024 (log=0) 
1084 block groups 
8192 blocks per group, 8192 fragments per group 
2048 inodes per group 
Superblock backups stored on blocks:  
        8193, 16385, 24577, 32769, 40961, 49153, 57345, 65537, 73729, 81921,  
        90113, 98305, 106497, 114689, 122881, 131073, 139265, 147457, 155649, 
        163841, 172033, 180225, 188417, 196609, 204801, 212993, 221185, 
        237569, 245761, 253953, 262145, 270337, 278529, 286721, 294913, 
        311297, 319489, 327681, 335873, 344065, 352257, 360449, 368641, 
        8445953, 8454145, 8462337, 8470529, 8478721, 8486913, 8495105, 
        8511489, 8519681, 8527873, 8536065, 8544257, 8552449, 8560641, 
        8577025, 8585217, 8593409, 8601601, 8609793, 8617985, 8626177, 
        8642561, 8650753, 8658945, 8667137, 8675329, 8683521, 8691713, 
        8708097, 8716289, 8724481, 8732673, 8740865, 8749057, 8757249, 
        8773633, 8781825, 8790017, 8798209, 8806401, 8814593, 8822785, 
        8839169, 8847361, 8855553, 8863745, 8871937 

Writing inode tables: done                             
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done .

# mv Fred fred
mv: cannot create directory `fred': Input/output error 
# cd / 
# cd / 
# e2fsck /dev/sdc1 
e2fsck 1.14, 9-Jan-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09 
e2fsck: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while 
g to open /dev/sdc1 
Could this be a zero-length partition? 

# df 
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on 
/dev/sda1               256592     32664    210676  13% / 
/dev/sda2               264366        34    250677   0% /tmp 
/dev/sda3              1492343    487748    927483  34% /home 
/dev/sda4              2283813    393255   1772481  18% /usr 
/dev/sdb2               451007      8554    419159   2% /var 
/dev/sdb3              1492343        32   1415199   0% /usr/local 
/dev/sdb4              2283813    202294   1963442   9% /httpd 
/dev/sdc1              8558268   1063770   7050704  13% /htdocs-01 

/var/log/messages capture.

Aug 26 22:26:49 gl1500 kernel: scsidisk I/O error: dev 08:21, sector 2  
Aug 26 22:27:06 gl1500 PAM_pwdb[480]: (su) session closed for user root 
Aug 26 22:27:09 gl1500 PAM_pwdb[468]: (login) session closed for user lfb 
Aug 26 22:27:26 gl1500 kernel: (scsi0:0:2:0) Performing Domain validation.  
Aug 26 22:27:26 gl1500 kernel: (scsi0:0:2:0) Successfully completed Domain 
Aug 26 22:27:26 gl1500 kernel: SCSI disk error : host 0 channel 0 id 2 lun 0 
urn code = 28000002  
Aug 26 22:27:26 gl1500 kernel: extra data not valid Current error sd08:21: 
 key Not Ready  
Aug 26 22:27:26 gl1500 kernel: Additional sense indicates Logical unit not 
, manual intervention required  
Aug 26 22:27:26 gl1500 kernel: scsidisk I/O error: dev 08:21, sector 2  


From: "Frank Welzel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Iomega Jaz 2GB under Linux
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 08:47:02 +0200

i want boot from a Jaz 2GB direkt and not with a disk !!!


From: "William B. Cattell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem : DHCP
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 06:20:02 GMT

Naor Lipa wrote:
> I've a problem with DHCP.
> Each time i start my RH linux 6 , it gets another IP from the DHCP server,
> The server in a nt Workstation.
> I guess the problem is with linux connection to it.
> How should i fix it?

There's a new version of pump available on Red Hat's site. 
The update addresses issues linux has with Microsquish's
DHCP sever.
Park not thy Harley in the darkness of thine garage, that it 
may collect dust for want of being oft ridden. Ride thy
with thy brethren, and rejoice in the spirit of the road.


From: Craig Rasband <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Which book?
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 23:18:21 -0700

"L. Friedman" wrote:
> Well, the 24hours book is going to be just the basics, and little
> more.  I've personally used Que's book, and have been quite pleased
> with it.  Haven't looked at Sam's RH, although others have said good
> things about it.  So, i'd pick between Que and Sam's RH.

    I agree. Until recently, I worked in a computer store, where
we had all these books.  Being somewhat of a newbie myself, I was
always trying to find the best book for me, and so I have about
six books on Linux.  I have the Sams' 24 hours book, and I
haven't found it very useful, as it just seems to tell how things
are done, but not really how to DO it.  The Red Hat book might be
good, but I don't have it.  I think the best one I have is
probably the QUE Using Linux, and I recommended it to some of my
customers, too.  The one I have is not the Special Edition; I
think the Special Edition has more stuff in it.  The Using Linux
book seems to be one of the only ones that doesn't assume that
you know something. I like a book that treats me as if I know
absolutely nothing. 

     Imagine a person who has Never Seen an automobile.  He asks
"How do you change the direction of the vehicle?"  He's told "You
turn the wheels to the left or to the right."  He asks "How can
you turn the wheels while you're sitting inside the car?"  He's
told "You use the steering wheel."  He asks "Where is that?" He's
told "It's right in front of the driver's seat."  He says "Uh
huh. Umm, which seat is the driver's seat?"  That's me, when it
comes to Linux. How do I tell the steering wheel from the braking

Craig Rasband


From: Alberto Varesio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux on IBM RISC System/6000 F50?!
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 09:10:07 +0200

Sorry for the mess, my mailer is going crazy ...


> By way of hand-me-downs, a professor I work for
> has acquired an IBM RISC System/6000 F50, or so
> the front of the machine says. Also has "PowerPC"
> written on the front.
> Has anyone ever got Linux installed on such a
> beast?

Not yet I think, it's a bit new and expensive piece of HW.

> I've installed Linux on three different computers.
> All ranging in at: 200-400 MHz K6 or Pentium,
> 64-128 Megs RAM, 5-10 Gigs HD, Intel Ethernet
> cards, Sound Blaster sound cards, and other common
> things. Used Red Hat, Caldera, and Debian.

Goos, this will help you whith the hard work you are facing, ... 8-)

> But I've never done it on RISC architecture.
> Though I am quite willing to try. The machine has
> a keyboard. Find one laying around. But it has no
> graphics card. No Operating System currently. No
> monitor (the port in the back has the reverse
> male/female pins of every monitor/cable set I've
> gotten a hold of); might have to go back to the
> professor for that one. Hoping to get an ethernet
> cable into it soon after I write this. Also, it
> does have a floppy and a CDROM drive. Don't know
> if it'll boot floppy or CD first, don't yet have a
> monitor.
> Anyone have ideas on how to attack such a
> situation?
> I was going to get Red Hat for alpha architecture,
> and hopefully a terminal (monitor) for it, and see
> what I could do.

You need Linux for PowerPC, not Alpha. You can find it at and, which is
the only one who states his distribution will ( future ) run on F50 systems.

> Any ideas would be much appreciated.
> Please use my email if possible:
> Greg

Have a look at the postings in this ng regarding 43P, RS/6000, PReP and will be
pointed to people and locations pertinents to your and our problem.
Good luck and let us know your progresses: there is a lot of people trying this.

 Alberto Varesio - AIX Support Professional             Phone: +39-011-41581-11
 EDIST Spa          >>> Crack RC5-64 Moo @ <<<          Fax:   +39-011-41581-80
 Via Goito 51/A     > < mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 10195 Grugliasco (TO) ITALY        
 Attachment smime.p7s is a digital signature, ignore it if mailer can't use it.


From: "Wilbur Killebrew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: can I tell a winmodem by looking at it?
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 08:46:18 -0500

Jeremy Fincher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Is there some telltale electronic device on a modem that will let me know
> looking at it if it's a winmodem or not?  Just some visible circuitry or
> thing on the pcb that will let me know.
> Thanks,
> Jeremy
> ----------------------------------
> If i ever forget to capitalize a proper noun, forgive me.  i'm a big fan
of ee
> cummings
> My ICQ # is 28153190. My AIM/AOL name is either jemfinch02 or Cassius80.
> Have a good day, and good luck in your endeavors!

If you see "HCF" or "DSP" anywhere, it is a winmodem.  HCF = Host Controller
Function.  DSP = "digital signal processor," which, of course, is not really
true.  The Rockwell/Conexion HCF56K chip is a winmodem.

For all practical purposes, if it is a PCI or ISA/EISA board, there is
little chance of it being anything but a winmodem.  To be Linux-compatible,
a modem must be a "smart modem," that is, have a controller that responds to
the Hayes Smart Modem command set AND behave in every way like a 16550 UART
COM port, interrupt, address and all, with no software intervention.  Some
winmodem software apparently disables a COM port and redirects I/O to the
winmodem, so that it appears to be a COM port.  At this time, there is no
such program for Linux, and I would suspect that few, if any, winmodems
behave exactly the same at that level anyway.

For all practical purposes, if you want to use a modem with Linux, it has to
be an external smart modem.  I just bought a US Robotics Sportster to
replace the Amquest AM56KHCF PCI modem that came with my box.  It connects
faster than the Amquest, but is otherwise about the same speed.  Both use a
Rockwell/Conexion 56K smart modem chipset, but the Amquest uses the HCF56K
set and though W98 says it looks like COM2, it definately is a winmodem and
it won't work with Linux.

Wilbur Killebrew.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "IceCold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help PCMCIA....
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 09:42:46 +0200

Hi all
I'm looking for to use a suse 6.1 over my portable...

I've been able to install linux...all right..

And the system recognize my pcmcia an OLICOM ETH/MODEM 33.6...

The problem is tha both I/O addr and Inerrup are wrong (from the one a see
on win98) and i can't use the eth and my modem...

I've already read many howto (pcmcia, net, etc etc) so i'm here for help....

thx in advance, IceCold

PS: sorry for my english .. it's ugly i know but i'll better it...promise..


From: Ross Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.periphs.scanners
Subject: Microtek ScanMaker X6EL Scanner on Linux
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 08:30:08 GMT

Does anyone have experience running the X6EL under Linux? I am thinking
about purchasing one and I would like to hear experiences.

Ross Williams



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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