Linux-Hardware Digest #149, Volume #11           Tue, 31 Aug 99 19:13:33 EDT

  Re: X11 not giving me more than generic resolution (Howard Mann)
  Re: 3COM Ethernet Card PROBLEM... (Jason Harmon)
  Re: hooray! PS/2 /w Linux at 115200 bps! (David C.)
  Aiee, Killing interrupthandler! (Marcus)
  Eicon Diva Mobile PC Card with Linux (Carl-Wilhelm Hustad)
  Parallel port scanner... (Simon Ross)
  Re: Tape support (John Lange)
  Resource conflicts ("BDozer")
  3C509 cards alive, but not working... (Brian Fritz)
  Re: can I tell a winmodem by looking at it? (Ron Gibson)
  Re: QuickCam VC + parallel port ? (Peter Caffin)
  Matrox Marvel G200 (Andreas Schmitz)
  Linux and ESS Soundcards ("Dave Willis")
  Re: X proggies don't connect to server...! ("Sean Lincolne")
  Re: 3C509 cards alive, but not working... (C. C. McPherson)
  HP OfficeJet Pro 1150C setup (Robert Ramsey)
  Re: WinModems (Jack)
  Magicsound Card
  Re: HP OfficeJet Pro 1150C setup ("Marout Yasuo Borms")
  Re: Please recommend a SILENT 10/100 Ethernet hub (David Ripton)
  Does Zoltrix Modem FM-VSP65i3 work under linux? ("Maciej Pura")


From: Howard Mann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: X11 not giving me more than generic resolution
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 15:31:02 GMT

Julius Goth wrote:
> Actually, I am responding to my own posting for a good reason.  I think I
> found out why the i740 doesn't work.  It is set up properly, and no it's
> not the XF86Config file.  The problem I believe is the fact that I am 
> RH 5.2 and as such the XFree86 server is out of date (v3.3.2.3), and I am
> required to use 3.3.4 to actually use the i740 driver.  Rather than
> upgrading to RH6, which I may do if the answer to too complicated, I wish
> to install the new XF86 Server.  Can someone point me to step by step
> installation instructions for doing this properly?  Thanks.

RPM's are available at :


Howard Mann.

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jason Harmon)
Subject: Re: 3COM Ethernet Card PROBLEM...
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 20:13:32 GMT

On Fri, 27 Aug 1999 19:31:05 GMT, LhD Administrator

>Kristaps Licis wrote:
>> I would greatly appreciate any insights as to possible solutions to the
>> following problem: RedHat 6.0 installation would not recognize the 
>> ethernet card [model - 3C905C or "TORNADO" according to Vertex
>Could you provide messages and better description of what happens when you 
>try to load the module manually?
>Also, have you tried cold-booting from Win98 into Linux, just to make sure?

I don't know exactly what error Kristaps is getting but I too have a
Dell PC with one of these cards. When I try to load the module, it
says that the device or resource is busy. If the driver is compiled
into the kernel, it says

"Delaying eth0 initialization"
"Bringing up network interface eth0"

I looked at /proc/pci and the card is there as an unknown card from
3com at the correct IRQ and I/O.
I did notice that the AGP video card was sharing the same IRQ, but
that's the only possible conflict I can see. Like Kristaps, mine works
fine in 98.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David C.)
Subject: Re: hooray! PS/2 /w Linux at 115200 bps!
Date: 31 Aug 1999 12:05:35 -0400

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Georg Schwarz) writes:
> For those who are interested: I'm now successfully running a PPP null
> modem connection (in fact a wireless connection, but the hardware
> needn't know about it) with an IBM PS/2 model 70 (20 MHz 386) as the
> PPP server at 115200 bps serial port speed. The PS/2 is running Linux
> 2.0.35. A quick test gave me somewhat over 8 kByte/s on a longer ftp
> download, but I suspect the wireless part is the limiting factor.
> Honestly, I hadn't thought it would work, since everyone I had asked
> had suggested that the model 70 wouldn't do mare the 38400 bps.

I must've missed the original request.  I would have thought all along
that it can do 115200.  I've had 8Mhz 8088 boxes run their serial ports
at 57600, and I've had 10Mhz 286 boxes run their serial ports at 115200.
(In both cases, using 8-bit I/O cards and null-modem connections to
other computers, transferring files with X/Y/ZMODEM protocols using
Procomm Plus under DOS.)

The PS/2 would have to be pretty brain-dead if it's ports (on a 386/20)
couldn't do as well as the ports on an 8-bit I/O card installed in a

-- David


From: Marcus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Aiee, Killing interrupthandler!
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 19:01:55 +0200

Hi, I have a pII with 387 megs of RAM a 2 gig HDD and Debian 2.1 (kernel
2.2.12) installed... Yhe thing is that the commputer constantly crashes.
Givving *alot* of nummbers (and a stackdump) and at last it says
something about: "Aiee, Killing interrupthandler!"

Uhm, What does this meen? Is it bad RAM? Before I only had 128 megs then
I installed 256 extra and it seems as though it crashes even more since
I installed the last 256 megs. Could it be the first 128 megs?
I have disabled the soundcard (I though that was the problem first) but
it keeps crashing

                        // talos / AINT
                        // www:
                        // email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Carl-Wilhelm Hustad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Eicon Diva Mobile PC Card with Linux
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 20:26:31 +0000

I have a Compaq Armada 7792DMT laptop with dual boot (Linux + NT). As
part of the NT installation I use a Diva Mobile PCMCIA card having both
ISDN and analogue modem connections. Needless to say I far prefer the
RedHat 6.0 operating system to NT and hope eventually to remove NT when
I become fully compatible with our MS work environment.

I am currently trying to get the PCMCIA card to function seamlessly
under Linux and had very little problems with contacting my ISP using
the analogue connection. However despite reading extensively through
isdn4linux, checking and searching dejanews, I have still
not the faintest idea as to how to get the card to work with the ISDN

Could someone possible confirm as to whether it is indeed possible to
use this card with linux. (The eicon web site appears to have extensive
explanations for win95, 98 and NT, while mentioning linux only once in
conjunction with the TA ISDN modem). And possibly just point me in the
right direction.

Thanx in advance, Carl-W.


Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 21:36:08 +0000
From: Simon Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Parallel port scanner...


I've just gotten a "Microtek Phantom 330 CX" parallel scanner. (It was a
freebee!) I've just been scanning through my Kernel setup for the
parallel stuff and am a bit unsure as to which items to use. I've looked
for a HOWTO and checked a few web sites for info but I'm stuck.
Anyone out there use a parallel scanner under Linux. I'm running a
version of RedHat 6.0.


"You can't be a real country unless you have a
BEER and an airline. It helps if you have some
kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons,
but at the very least you need a BEER."
--Frank Zappa


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Lange)
Subject: Re: Tape support
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 17:14:09 GMT

On Thu, 26 Aug 1999 02:00:11 -0500, fulton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>The Hardware Compatibility HOWTO says that "Drives that
>connect to the parallel port (e.g., Colorado Trakker)" are NOT

It does indeed say that, BUT then in the:

"28. Appendix C. Supported Parallel Port devices" section is says:
--- snip ---
28.3 Tape drives 

- Hewlett-Packard Colorado Tracker 250 tape drive (all except the
- Hewlett-Packard HP Colorado 5GB tape drive 
- Iomega Ditto tape drive 
- MicroSolutions backpack 8000t, 8000td tape drives 
--- snip ---

So whats the truth you ask? Well it gets more confusing by the
moment... There is a Linux Parallel Port support home page at:

Which is probably your best bet. It lists the devices that will work.
When I clicked on the link for Iomega Ditto, I got this warning:

"WARNING: Don't use ftape-4.02 or ftape-4.03-pre-1 with parallel port
tape drives. ftape-4.03-pre-2 fixes the problem, but use at your own


So it works (maybe). Dosn't sound to promising for backups that you
need to KNOW work...

In my case, I'm trying to use a Colorado 5GB external.

John Lange
(take out _nospam to reply)

>Jens Reimann wrote:
>> Hello,
>> is there a possibility to get a IOMega Ditto 2GB tape on a parallel port
>> working with Linux? And how?
>> Jens Reimann
>>         [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "BDozer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Resource conflicts
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 23:03:54 +0300

I have RedHat 5.2 and I had no problems with my DiamondSupra 33.6 PnP modem
(installed with isapnptools) but I upgraded to RH 6 and now I get confict
messages when executing isapnp. How to track down the conflicting hardware.
Could this be a false conflict?

Sincerely BDozer


From: Brian Fritz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 3C509 cards alive, but not working...
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 15:16:19 GMT

I picked up a couple of second hand 3C509 NIC's a few weeks back and at
first, they both worked great. I'd planned to use one of them in a firewall 
bridge configuration. 

This is the point where I'm not sure where cause and effect kick in. I
downloaded the config utilities from 3com so I could know and adjust the
IRQ and port. I also tried them in the 486/133 VESA buss box that I'm 
intending to be my firewall.

Somewhere in here, is where the problem started.

When I turn on the power, I don't see the LED on the hub light up. However,
the card is probed and recognized, and if I boot into DOS the diagnostics
swear the card is fine. I swap the two cards and the same result. I put in
a NE2000 card, and it works fine.

It's like there's an open circuit in the RJ-45 jack on both NICs.
s and the same result. I put in
a NE2000 card, and it works fine.

Any idea of what's going on?



Any idea of what's going on?




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ron Gibson)
Subject: Re: can I tell a winmodem by looking at it?
Date: 31 Aug 1999 11:53:40 GMT

On Tue, 31 Aug 1999 07:30:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder) wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ron Gibson) writes:

> >> What you do have to check is the modem description. If the box mentions
> >> "HSP", "HCF" or "requires Win*", then it's definitely a Winmodem.
> >> If it doesn't, let the vendor confirm that this modem will work in 
> >> native DOS .
> >That's not quite true either.  
> >Only an hour ago I looked at a 3Com
> >Sportster Model 5687 and on the outside of the shrink wrapped box it said
> >"Requires Windows 95 or 98" and it was an ISA jumpered modem.  
> This is a real modem . The 5687 is a standard 56K V.90/X2 internal
> ISA modem. When in doubt, check the manufacturer's webpage prior to shelling
> out your bucks :)

Yep, did that too. I'm leery of some packaging practices.

The good news is for anybody looking for a good reliable modem this is a
good deal right now.  I bought the OEM version for $99 a few weeks ago
when lightning fried my old 33.6.  I didn't get the retail box at that
time because it was selling for $139.  Now it's on sale for $109/w a $20
rebate.  I would have bought it for the software included alone, much
less the fact that you have 3COM's full warranty.  I loaded RapidComms
fax software from the old modem and upgraded it and it is very nice.

This modem easily works with any OS and I recommend it highly.

                      email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Peter Caffin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: QuickCam VC + parallel port ?
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 20:09:50 +0000

William Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anyone successfully setup Connectix QuickCam VC (parallel port) on
> Linux?  If yes, then can you give me few pointers on how to setup the
> parallel port, and what program you used?  Even though it works okey
> on Win95, I'm trying to run it (or any cam) on Linux.

>From the kernel source help (kernel 2.2.12):


  This is the video4linux driver for the colour version of the 
  Connectix Quickcam. If you have one of these cameras, say Y here,
  otherwise say N. This driver does not work with the original 
  monochrome Quickcam, Quickcam VC or QuickClip. It is also available 
  as a module (c-qcam.o).

Essentially, the Quickcam VC is not supported. Logitech are
refusing to release the hardware specs, so I doubt it will be in the
near future.

Complain to Logitech and see if you can get a refund from the store you
bought it from. Sorry about the bad news.

--:     _           _    _ _
 _oo__ |_|_ |__  _ |  _ |_|_o _  peter at ptcc dot it dot net dot au |
//`'\_ | (/_|(/_|  |_(_|| | || |       |
/                            PO Box 869, Hillarys WA 6923, AUSTRALIA |


From: Andreas Schmitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Matrox Marvel G200
Date: 31 Aug 1999 12:55:35 GMT

Hi folks!

Anyone got an idea how to get this card to work under linux? I just tried
using the SVGA-Server (with the other Matrox chips like Millenium G200
etc.), but it didn't work. I thought about a commercial solution, but I
didn't find anything about it. Has anyone got this to work?

BTW: It would be even cooler to get the video-functions of that card to
work, but I think there is no way to? (Video-for-Linux etc.)

Thanks in advance,

Greetings, Andreas

If you are afraid of loneliness, don't marry.
                -- Anton Chekhov


From: "Dave Willis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux and ESS Soundcards
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 16:55:09 -0400

Hi.  I am brand new to Linux and just installed Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 on a
K6 266 PC with an ESS Solo PCI Plug and Play soundcard.  Can anybody advise
me on what to do to get it to work with Linux?  I'd appreciate any advice by
e-mailing me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by post here.  Thanks!  Hopefully I
can gain some knowledge and help others to learn what seems to be a great OS
without the help of Bill Gates...

David C. Willis
Information Services
860.572.5302 x4053
Mystic Seaport Museum, Inc.
The Museum of America and the Sea


From: "Sean Lincolne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: X proggies don't connect to server...!
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 20:05:07 +1000
Reply-To: "Sean Lincolne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Double-check your DNS settings, host file and resolv.conf.  I had similar
problems when I was playing with a DNS server where the system running the X
applications was unable to lookup the system that was running the X server.

I'm no guru on this, but there is a ident service that seems to be used by X
to verify that you have permission to run the program on the server.

J. Blair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7qh08l$s20$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> hello, and thanks for reading the post...ok, i'm running linux-mandrake
> 6.0,
> and i _can_ connect to my ppp server.  however, when i do so, none of
> the x
> programs load!  pretty frustrating.  they load as soon as i kill my
> connection.  i'm using kppp to connect.  i have been able to connect to
> a
> ppp server with success, but i'm a school now and that was at home.  any
> program i open prior to connecting stays working.  thus, i hoped a
> terminal,
> logged on, and tried to load any x program through the command line.
> however, this is the error message i get:
> Xlib:  connection to ":0:0" refused by server
> Xlib:  Client is not authorized to connect to Server
> Error:  can't open display: :0
> any suggestions?  the connection works well in winblows, but i'd really
> like
> to work in linux.  thanks, it's much appreciated.
> cheers,jimmy
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (C. C. McPherson)
Subject: Re: 3C509 cards alive, but not working...
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 16:32:10 -0400

> Brian Fritz wrote:
> > I picked up a couple of second hand 3C509 NIC's a few weeks back and at
> > first, they both worked great. I'd planned to use one of them in a firewall
> > bridge configuration.
> > [cut]
> >
> > Any idea of what's going on?
> Hi,
> it could be an irq conflict with some other devices (especially pci ones)
> The driver does not complain if the card's irq is already in use,
> but it usually produce some stange behaviours.
> Hope it helps
> --
> If you see Chrismas Father, please tell him that
>    the gift I want this year is Peace and Love on earth
If your 3c509 IRQ is being used elsewhere you may want to go to the 3com
site and get the 3c509 setup program at
(dos based). This way you can reset the NIC's configuration, you can also run
lolevel tests to ensure the NIC is okay.  
To e-mail change reply to address to:


From: Robert Ramsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: HP OfficeJet Pro 1150C setup
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 18:31:13 GMT

Does anyone know how I can get my HP OfficeJet Pro 1150C to print?


==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


Subject: Re: WinModems
Date: 31 Aug 1999 21:56:41 GMT

I agree with you. there are so many winmodem, so why is there no driver for 


Crossposted-To: redhat.config,
Subject: Magicsound Card
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 18:31:02 GMT

I was hoping someone out there might be able to help me.
I have a Magicsound 16 PnP sound card. (From I/O Magic) and I am trying to 
install it on Red Hat Linux 5.2 and so far all I've gotten is a lot of 
headaches, I tried the sndconfig program and that didn't take me very far, 
except to the "error opening device /dev/sound" screen. Does anyone know 
where I could get a driver? The documentation is frightfully slim on 
actual settings on the card. Well I hope someone can give me a hand. L8er

==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: "Marout Yasuo Borms" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: HP OfficeJet Pro 1150C setup
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 20:45:14 +0200
Reply-To: "Marout Yasuo Borms" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

if you use aps, you can probably configure it as a postscript [printer on

remember to enable your lpt-port by compiling them in the kernel or loading
the modules

Robert Ramsey heeft geschreven in bericht ...
>Does anyone know how I can get my HP OfficeJet Pro 1150C to print?
>------------------  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ------------------


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Ripton)
Subject: Re: Please recommend a SILENT 10/100 Ethernet hub
Date: 31 Aug 1999 22:01:43 GMT

In article <7qera3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jason C. Cotton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> 1) Can anyone recommend a nice, relatively inexpensive, SILENT, compact,
>>> 8 port 10/100 Ethernet hub?
>>I think the netgear's are fairly quiet.
>OK, I'll take that under advisement. Again, my requirement is for NO fan.

I have a Netgear FE104.  It's 10/100 (dumb not auto-sensing), dirt 
cheap, completely silent, fanless, tiny, and blue.  It's very cute.

The FE108 is the same thing with 4 more ports.  Not quite as cute.

Netgear also sells auto-sensing and switching versions, which of
course cost more.  Some of them probably have fans.  This kind
of info isn't given on the web page, though you could make a guess
based on weight and current draw.  Better yet, call their support
number and ask.

David Ripton    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
spamgard(tm): To email me, put "geek" in your Subject line.


From: "Maciej Pura" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Does Zoltrix Modem FM-VSP65i3 work under linux?
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 13:16:07 GMT

Does Zoltrix Modem FM-VSP56i3 work under linux?
Does it need special driver for linux?
If drivers necessary where I find it?
Can it work under other Unix systems (FreeBSD, SCO, etc.)?
Is it better buy external modem like Zoltrix FM-VSP56e?




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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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