Linux-Hardware Digest #192, Volume #11            Mon, 6 Sep 99 16:13:27 EDT

  Need help configuring cs4236 sound on HiNote (Alexander R Svirsky)
  Re: Netgear FA310TX (Charles E. Taylor IV)
  Processor temp increasing while idle (Anthony Sims)
  Need help with suspend problem on HiNote (Alexander R Svirsky)
  3Com PnP Data/FAX modem ("Anil Rao")
  Re: AGP-CARD ("gm")
  Req.: Experience with SyJet Drive (SyQuest) (David Rabanus)
  Re: Netgear FA310TX ("Michael Faurot")
  Re: AudioPCI and Mandrake 6.0 (Henrik Carlqvist)
  [A] Trackman Marble FX ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Using two different sound cards simultaneously (Erik Steffl)
  Re: 3.5 drive turns into 5.25 drive!!! (OldUncleMe)
  Re: hooray! PS/2 /w Linux at 115200 bps! (Georg Schwarz)
  Re: LINUX and SCSI Adaptec AIC 7890 ("Ron Joscher")
  Re: EZ-BIOS and LILO (Norman Levin)
  Modem hangs every 10 minutes ("Steven P. Hicks")
  Re: Using SPARCPrinter under Linux. Can't recompile Ghostscript because of missing 
files (Bill Unruh)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alexander R Svirsky)
Subject: Need help configuring cs4236 sound on HiNote
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 17:26:03 GMT

I am at the end of my rope, which is usually when I ask for help.  ;-)  I
have been trying to get sound to work on a Digital HiNote VP715 and have
been banging hy head against the wall for days.

System info:
DEC HiNote VP715
Pentium MMX
Sound: Crystal 4236?  4232?  I get mixed reports depending on whose
drivers I am using.
Linux: Caldera OpenLinux 2.2
Kernel: 2.2.5 recompiled for APM support

I have tried the modules that came with the Caldera distribution.  I have
tried ALSA drivers.  I have tried the evaluation OSS drivers.  All fail. 
I am either missing something very basic or there is some hardware
weirdness here that I need to work around.

The problem:
Loaded sound drivers do not properly access the sound device.  The
symptoms are the same when using the default unmodified Caldera 2.2.5
kernel and the kernel with compiled APM support.

Using the modules that came with the Caldera 2.2 distribution:
Modules ad1848, uart401, cs4232 and opl3 are loaded via the
/etc/modules/2.2.5/.default file.  Options for the cs4232 are io=0x530
irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0.

All modules load without failure during boot.  The usual loud "pop" is
heard when cs4232 loads.  Attempts to use sound result in a strange
repeating cycle where every 0.5 seconds of sound is repeated three times
and preceded by a "pop".  For example, if I played a .wav file containing
the phrase "How are you?" I would hear "POP How How How POP are are are
POP you you you."

The encouraging news is that if I use COAS to unload and then reload the
cs4232 module, the problem disappears and sound works as it should, except
for the "POP" which I may have to live with.

Using ALSA 0.4.1:
When the ALSA 0.4.1 drivers are used, the symptoms are much different.
The ALSA driver may be loaded and does so without error when the option
"snd_cport=0x120" is used when manually loading the module.  When the
module loads, five loud POPs come out of the speakers.  Further attempts
to use sound however result in silence.

I have not tried unmuting the mixer as instructed because the ./configure
script for the ALSA utilities fails from some compiler error.  The
compiler error did not occur while compiling the alsa drivers and libs, so
I don't know where to go with this one.

Using OSS:
The OSS evaluation drivers also fail.  I had the most optimism for this
solution.  When loaded, the OSS driver automatically selects IRQ 7 instead
of 5.  Not what I expected, but I won't argue with it.  Loading the module
causes the one POP, but there is silence when I try to use sound.

I would appreciate any help and suggestions.  I will be happy to post any
file dumps needed for troubleshooting.  There must be some kludge to get
the cs4232 module working other than unloading and reloading.

Alexander R Svirsky   N1PRW     /_______ {       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                          ^ .


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charles E. Taylor IV)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Netgear FA310TX
Date: 6 Sep 1999 17:16:18 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "James M. Wadkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Anyway, I have no idea how on a linux
> system to upgrade to the newer drivers everyone is talking about. Where can I
> find the info on how to install this driver and get it working

[newsgroups trimmed]

Netgear provides a replacement tulip driver on the disk that comes
with the card.  It's a kernel module - copy over the old one in the
kernel source tree and build the new tulip.o module.

They may also have this driver on their website, but I haven't looked
as it was on the floppy.

Charles E. "Rick" Taylor, IV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"We got the MRxL, and you got none!"


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony Sims)
Subject: Processor temp increasing while idle
Date: 6 Sep 1999 10:51:42 GMT

I've come across this rather strange quirk of my system. My kernel is
configured to make CPU idle calls when it's doing nothing, so as you'd
expect, the processor runs quite cool while the system is under quite a
light load, but becomes much hotter after prolonged heavy use.

The strange thing is that when the system is under a VERY light load, the
processor temperature rises dramaticly. I was wondering if there might be a
bug in my kernel, or maybe I'm running a processor intensive daemon that
only performs operations when there's a lot of processor time to spare.

I'm using an AMD K6-2 300, with an AOpen AX59Pro (rev 1.1). The kernel is
2.2.10 with lm_sensors 2.3.4.

Normally the following are running:

consd - demand getty spawner
jsr - joystick reboot daemon
xdm and X server

I've tried using top and friends to investigate the problem, but they use
too much processor time and prevent the problem from occurring.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I apologize if most of what I have written is total rubbish

Anthony Sims 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alexander R Svirsky)
Subject: Need help with suspend problem on HiNote
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 17:41:39 GMT

I need some help finding a workaround to a notebook suspend problem.  The
short story is that the video freaks out when I return from suspend mode.

DEC HiNote VP715
Pentium MMX
Linux: Caldera OpenLinux 2.2
Kernel: 2.2.5 with compiled APM support.

If I close the screen lid or otherwise put the notebook into suspend mode
while using the KDE desktop, I can't recover the desktop without an
emergency logout using Ctrl-Alt-Backspace.  When the HiNote resumes from
suspnd mode, the image of the desktop briefly flashes before the LCD goes
dark.  Half a second later the LCD returns with a grey, streaked,
flickering screen.  Linux is still running and has not crashed.
Ctrl-Alt-Backspace quickly returns me back to the login screen.

I would appreciate any help or suggestions.  I will be happy to post file
dumps or any other info needed to help troubleshoot.

Alexander R Svirsky   N1PRW     /_______ {       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                          ^ .


From: "Anil Rao" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 3Com PnP Data/FAX modem
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 10:24:43 -0700
Reply-To: "Anil Rao" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am having problems getting my 3Com v90 PnP data/fax modem to work.  It is
NOT a winmodem.

Here's what I did.

(1) I ran the program pnpdump and I sent the output to the file isapnp.conf.
(2) I put the file isapnp.conf in the directory /etc.
(3) I then edited the file isapnp.conf to find a base address and IRQ that
did not cause
      a conflict (i.e. the output of running "isapnp isapnp.conf" said that
the device had
      been configure "OK").
(4) I then tried all of the ports for my modem (/dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyS1,
/dev/ttyS2, and /dev/ttyS3).

Nothing seems to work to get linux to activate the modem.

Any help would be appreciated.




From: "gm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]  REMOVE NOSPAM to reply>
Subject: Re: AGP-CARD
Reply-To: "gm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]  remove NO_SPAM to reply>
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 16:19:51 GMT

the i740 chipset was not supported in that release.  
You need a more recent X server.  The most recent is
3.3.5, recommended strongly.  Check the chipset,
as this was added to more recent  X versions.  There is
also an X server on redhat's site. 
> Well, I've got an asus agp-videocard and I can't get X running...
the card has
> the intel 740 chipset... does anybody know this problem and how to
solve it?
> I'm running redhat 5.1
> reactions via email please ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: David Rabanus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Req.: Experience with SyJet Drive (SyQuest)
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 11:47:14 -0700

Does anybody have any experience with the SyQuest SyJet 1.5 GB
harddrive under Linux? I anticipate some difficulties since there
is some special s/w necessray even under DOS/Windows/OS2...

Thanks in advance - David


From: "Michael Faurot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.networking,
Subject: Re: Netgear FA310TX
Date: 6 Sep 1999 18:50:06 GMT

In comp.os.linux.development.system James M. Wadkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Okay folks, I need a little point in the right direct. I have finally
: given into the linux thing and dumped my NT server ( on loan , that s
: the real reason). I have just puchased 6 Netgear FA310TX PCI Card and
: upgraded all my machines and hub to 100Mbit. I have linux installed
: and started on my server. It worked fine with the western didgital
: module to run my kingston 10Mbit card. When I reinstalled the system
: (debian) from scratch, I choose the the tulip module for I believe
: 21040 (i'm not sure now). The system see's both netgear cards on boot
: up but, they do not appeart to wrking. Anyway, I have no idea how on
: a linux system to upgrade to the newer drivers everyone is talking
: about. Where can I find the info on how to install this driver and get
: it working

Get the latest source for the Tulip chipset cards at Donald Becker's

Take the C source file "tulip.c" you've just downloaded and put it into
the kernel directory tree.  Assuming you've installed your kernel sources
in the typical location, put "tulip.c" in /usr/src/linux/drivers/net.
Now rebuild the kernel.

 Michael | mfaurot  | You can go anywhere you want if you look serious and
 Faurot  | | carry a clipboard.


From: Henrik Carlqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AudioPCI and Mandrake 6.0
Date: Sun, 05 Sep 1999 20:03:24 +0200

SamIam wrote:
> Now here's the funny thing.  I'm now able to play the CD as a user or
> root but I only get system sounds as root.  I try to click on the box
> to enable system sounds as user and it won't let me. 

I'm not familiar with Mandrake, but I would guess that he permissions on
/dev/audio, /dev/dsp and maybe /dev/mixer will not allow anyone but the
owner (root) to use the devices. Try if this helps:

chmod a+rw /dev/audio /dev/dsp /dev/mixer

regards Henrik

spammer strikeback:


Subject: [A] Trackman Marble FX
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 16:34:24 +0200

Hi everybody,

since some folks told me it would work, I bought a Logitech Trackman Marble
FX and it works just fine. Protocol Microsoft and all is set!

Thanx everybody,

Henrik Becker

Henrik Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
> powered by Linux, KDE and WindowMaker | This EMail is 100% Micro$oft FREE <

Vorfreude ist die schoenste Freude!
Aber auch die Duemmste: geniesse den Augenblick!


From: Erik Steffl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Using two different sound cards simultaneously
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 11:05:52 -0700

  I was using both soundblaster awe 63 and ess 1869, but I had various
problems, both in linux and windows.

  the problems:

  1) when I rebooted the system (without turning it off for at least 5
min.) the system didn't boot - win complained about the himem.sys (it
did not load), linux complained about bad crc while loading kernel).

  2) I got problems when playing sound - in win there was lot of noise
during start of playing of audio file (not always but often), in linux I
got interrupted audio play (less often but still often enough).

  the 2) might have been just misconfiguration but I have no idea how
would I get rid of 1).

  that's my experince wioth having two soundcards. other than that, both
of them worked. except of midi, I still had only one synth working, OSS
guys said that that's limitation of hardware. but mixers and audio
worked on both cards. it is easier top set it up using commercial OSS
(or demo of commercial OSS).


Brian Hall wrote:
> I have two sound cards I'd like to use at the same time, a ISA SB16 and a PCI
> Ensoniq 1371. I've made a cable to connect the output of the 1371 to the Line
> In of the SB16, and compiled them both as modules. I have the system set to
> use the SB16 as the default sound card. I can install the 1371 module, but when
> I send sound to /dev/dsp1 I get nothing out. Can this be done, or am I wasting
> my time? System is RedHat6 with the 2.2.12 kernel.
> BTW, the reason I want to do this is that the SB16 has good tone controls and
> hardward MIDI, but the Ensoniq has smoother sound with Xmame.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (OldUncleMe)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: 3.5 drive turns into 5.25 drive!!!
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 17:33:08 GMT

Dma for floppy drive controller should be 02, probably.
IRQ for fdc should 06 pretty certainly.
You should try removing the fdc as well as the drive listing itself in
Device manager.  Also try putting the drive on the other position on the
drive cable, there are usually two.  Make sure that pin 1 on the mobo is
hooked to pin 1 on the drive (red stripe for reference).  Check for any
switches or jumpers on the drive that may have some applicable effect.
Try a different and known good drive in exchange for the suspect drive.
Try booting windows/dos from a boot disk.....  good luck,    /ts

It was: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 17:31:07 GMT  and with STARTLING insight,  "Jim
  posted "Re: 3.5 drive turns into 5.25 drive!!!" 
 to "comp.os.linux.setup" :


-->Thanks Brett...actually I tried that...and still no luck!  I even opened 

-->the computer, unhooked the drive, rebooted, then rehooked and rebooted in 

-->the hopes that i could make the computer find it but no.  

-->thanks again though...




-->B. Allen wrote:


-->> Try going into device manager in Windows (start, control panel, system,

-->> device manager tab), find the drive and click on remove.  Then restart

-->> windows and see if it detects it again correctly, or use the add new

-->> hardware feature.


-->> Brett

              tenox  @  home  dat   com


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Georg Schwarz)
Subject: Re: hooray! PS/2 /w Linux at 115200 bps!
Date: 6 Sep 1999 13:09:19 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David C.) writes:

>> well, I knew brand 486 PCs that failed with anything more than 19200
>> bps.

>Probably a software thing.

yes, too true. They were running MS Windows :-)

>That's why buffered UARTs like the 16550AFN come in handy - they can
>greatly reduce the number of interrupts.  With a 16-byte buffer,
>software only has to handle 1 interrupt in 16 - or 720 per second for a
>saturated 115200bps link.

otherwise I think I couln't drive PPP at 115200 bps on a 20 MHz 386 (and
there's still no substatial load from that!)
Institut für Theoretische Physik  +49 30 314-24254   FAX -21130  IRC kuroi
Technische Universität Berlin  


From: "Ron Joscher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LINUX and SCSI Adaptec AIC 7890
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 13:47:46 -0400

Mathias Margulies wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>   Could someone tell me how to install LINUX on a DELL with a 18Go hard
>drive and SCSI Adaptec AIC 7890 adapter ? Current distributions like
>RedHat6.0 or Mandrake6.0 don't work.


Have you rebuilt your kernel? Make sure you have a current initrd.img in the
/boot directory especially if you have SCSI modules.
Command line = "mkinitrd /boot/initrd.img-2.2.5-15 2.2.5-15".
Change the 2.2.5-15 to whatever version the Kernel and/or Modules are. Also
check that the is current. Without a proper Initrd image the
Kernel cannot link with the modules.
If anyone can add to this, feel free as I am new to RH6.0.

Ron Joscher


Date: Sun, 05 Sep 1999 22:36:08 -0400
From: Norman Levin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: EZ-BIOS and LILO

"Cameron L. Spitzer" wrote:
> EZ-BIOS is a pain in the ass, next time don't use it.
But it may be possible to remove ezbios.  Check on
"Maxtor" webpage.  There's step by step info on how to check
your disk to see if it can run without ezbios.  Then you can
remove it if you pass the test.

Norman Levin
vm/dynAmIX inc.


From: "Steven P. Hicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,uk.comp.os.linux,btinternet.linux
Subject: Modem hangs every 10 minutes
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 20:59:53 +0100

I have a Pace 56 Solo modem and my BT internet connection drops every 10
minutes or so.
I have a dual boot machine and in Windows NT I had the same problem
until I checked the "User error control" in Modem settings.
Is there anything I can do in Linux. I am using kppp.

I am running ppp with debug on. Here is what happens when I get an

Sep  5 21:22:52 localhost pppd[619]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Sep  5 21:22:52 localhost pppd[619]: Modem hangup
Sep  5 21:22:52 localhost pppd[619]: Connection terminated.
Sep  5 21:22:52 localhost pppd[619]: Connect time 6.9 minutes.
Sep  5 21:22:52 localhost pppd[619]: Sent 21615 bytes, received 65552
Sep  5 21:22:52 localhost pppd[619]: Exit.phihilippe VENTRILLON wrote:

> I also have a ALS100 sound card.
> I configured it as following
> extract of /etc/conf.modules :
> alias sound sb
> alias midi opl3
> options opl3 io=0x388
> options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=0 mpu_io=0x300
> during kernel compilation I said that it 's a soundblaster compatible
> and that I wanted a generic opl2/3 driver
> It doesn't work too bad but I still have two problems :
> 1) /var/log/messages have a message
>    Sep  6 13:53:46 localhost kernel: SB16: Bad or missing 16 bit DMA
> channel
> 2) It is slow, playing xboing -sound causes hashed game
> Hope it helps
> Nicolas Kisselhoff wrote:
> > Christophe MICHEL wrote:
> > >
> > > hello world
> > > ---------------
> > >
> > >     Anyone succeeded in correctly configure IRQ/DMA for Avance logic
> > > 100+ sound card with linux ?? What values dit you choose ????
> > >
> > > I have tried to put the same values as window's but unsuccessfully.
> > >
> > >     This card worked fine with redhat 5.1 on a spacewalker tx Chipset
> with
> > > an AMD K6 233 but my new IWILL XA100+/AMD K62 350 has made changes to
> > > available irq's and DMA's and I can't figure which ones are the good
> ones. I
> > > have tried almost every configurations in xconfig without any success.
> > >
> > >     Someone has heard about a program that could test available values
> for
> > > sound cards and /or every ISA/PCI devices hooked onto the motherboard
> ????
> >
> >
> > Salut Christophe,
> >
> > le programme dont tu parles n'est pas sndconfig qui est en standard sur
> > RH 5.1 et 5.2 ?
> >
> > Nicolas.
> ------------------  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ------------------


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Using SPARCPrinter under Linux. Can't recompile Ghostscript because of 
missing files
Date: 6 Sep 1999 20:03:22 GMT


>I downloaded the latest version of GhostScript and am trying to
>recompile with support for a SPARCprinter as a device. The problem I
>am having is it looks like the SPARCprinter device driver code that is
>to be compiled into GhostScript, expects to be compiled under Solaris,
>not Linux. 

>Has anyone interfaced the SPARCprinter to a Linux box and made it
>work?? If so, How???

The sparcprinter is a super dumb printer, in which the sparcstation had
to send the information to the printer as raster scans. It also used a
special card in the system as the interface to the printer itself (I am
talking about the original sparcprinter, which is what the ghostscript
file is all about).

I only ever used it on a sparcstation, and had to do some alteration of
th ecode to get it running there.

I could send you those changes, but an not sure how valuable they would

Not that the ghostscript driver needs the sparcprinter drivers from the
Sun distribution. That has source code for the Sparc printer drivers.
How easy the port to Linux would be I do not know. 

Again note that I am talking about the SparcPrinter 1, not the
SparcPrinter 2 which I believe was an entirely different beast ( and as
far as I know not supported by ghostscript.)

These are the comments I made re my changes to gdevsppr.c 

/* March 1996- changes by W. G. Unruh (WGU) a few bug fixes primarily.
The error array was shifted by one, and the lpvio must be tested before it returns
an error condition. Also, I instituted a page counter to the file .pgcnt in
the spool directory, and I also printed the error messages out both to stderr
 and to the file "status" so that lpq could report the error message to the
users. */



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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