Linux-Hardware Digest #252, Volume #11           Tue, 14 Sep 99 16:13:41 EDT

  Linuxfeed: New Linux site in search of help ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Q? - best combo of linux distrib and apps for 3rd world (Uwe Borchert)
  Re: Creative 3D Banshee AGP 16 - Can't get setup. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Small Lan-Big Problem, the saga continues ("Neil C. Dean")
  NeoMagic 256 (Joel K Meador)
  Re: Easy Modem Question ("Brian E. Parker")
  Re: Running redhat linux on a second hard disk (Stevan Popovic)
  Re: 2 NICS on the same machine (Michael Meissner)
  Re: can't 'make install' with ALSA v0.4.1a & Mandrake 6.0 (Henrik Carlqvist)
  Better Linux performance Intel or Cyrix ??? (peter)
  CS4232 kernel msg (Aris Cruz)
  Re: Linux, x.25 cards... ("David C. Hoos, Sr.")
  Re: Floppy won't mount ... (Gerald Willmann)
  Does APM uses clock frequency reduction? ("Simon Kwan")
  Re: can only run x with 640x480 and 16 colors (Marton Lorand)
  Video Card for Redhat6.0 & Solaris 7 (Melvin Toy)
  Re: Avoid ATI Graphics like the plague (David C.)
  Re: CS4232 kernel msg (A Guy Called Tyketto)


Subject: Linuxfeed: New Linux site in search of help
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 16:13:58 GMT

        I'm part of a new Linux site called Linuxfeed.  You can find us at  We are looking for people to help us.  If you're
interested in giving us a hand on the site, go to and
check out the jobs section.  In there is a job description list and what
we need.  All the information is at the site.
Thanks a lot

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Uwe Borchert)
Subject: Re: Q? - best combo of linux distrib and apps for 3rd world
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Uwe Borchert)
Date: 9 Sep 1999 09:21:55 +0100

Hi Allan,

>I am looking for the best combination of distribution, configuration and 
>office productivity apps with the following goal.
>- Reasonable performance on 486-33, 16 MB Ram, <400 MB HD.

This means: 

- no Staroffice. SO needs much more RAM.
- probably you have an ISA graphic adapter -> X is very slow
  exept in B&W mode

>- All software free.

This should be no problem with linux. BTW: I have a 486dx33 with 16 MB 
and 250 + 500 MB with OS/2, and these apps: IBM-Works, GNU-Plot, LaTeX, 
EMX-GCC. It works fine, but the software is not free.

>- apps appropriate for NON-Technical end users need to do wordprocessing, 
>spreadsheet, email, web browsing, and callandering.

- xspread is a free spreadsheet
- elm, pine are fine newsreader
- lynx, sorry netscape needs more RAM

For word processing look at:

>- apps not dead (ie: old versions with no future or new development)
>I am doing this as a pet project to see if it is feasible to use linux 
>and linux available apps to distribute to non-profit workers in 3rd world 
>countries where $$$ and hdwr are scarce. 

>I am currently testing on 486-100 AMD, 20 MB Ram, 500 MB HD.
This is to fast, may be there is a PCI-Bus in it. Try a 486dx33 with
an ISA-Bus and 512kB graphic adapter. The ISA-Bus and the slow graphic
adapters are the main problem if you use X-Windows. Have a look at

they have a few informations about the reanimation of old PCs. I 
collected a few links about free software, but this page is in german:

But you can follow the links. You might have a look at free DOS and
free GUIs and apps for DOS. Because a 286 with 1 MB can also do his
work. A 486dx33 with 16 MB of RAM is very luxurious and may be not
available for the masses.


Uwe Borchert


Subject: Re: Creative 3D Banshee AGP 16 - Can't get setup.
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 16:39:55 GMT

The X server is

rpm -i XFree86_3DFX-SVGA-3.3.3-5.i386.rpm  (should write
to /usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_SVGA )

run Xconfigurator (XF86Setup, XF86Configure, etc)
choose svga server, let it probe

Had no problems installing this, running at 1024x768@100hz.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Antonio Contreras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >    I have been trying to get my Creative 3D Banshee 3D AGP 16eg
> > card to work on linux. Through research I have found out that its
> > completely compatiable with linux (that's my luck). I have already
> > tried:
> >    And manually configuring XF86Config (/usr/X11R6/lib/X11) but
> > worked.
> >    So far I can get Gnome and KDE (<- I think) in 320x200 mode, but
> > would really like a higher screen res. Do you have any suggestions
> > how I might be able to fix this?
> >
> > Thank You,
> > Cody P.
> Hello, ... and, Have you used the X-server on a distribution disk?
> heard there is a new server for that card at Creative web pages. If
> think that can be the problem you can also contact M. A. Cotes
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), because he had the same problem, and he has
> solved.
> Bye,
> Antonio Contreras.

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 17:00:43 +0100
From: "Neil C. Dean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Small Lan-Big Problem, the saga continues

No its Arse that you need a hub... Ive got two machines under my desk here
which are wired back to back!

On both machines type route whilst logged in as route and copy it to a
mail and send it to the list and me... Ill have a look and go from there!


On 14 Sep 1999, Kovalev wrote:

> Hi, folks,
> Thanks to everybody.
> I followed the piece of advice given and got this "cross-over" cable.
> Now both RX and TX LEDs on both cards are mostly on.
> I also downloaded diagnostics program from Intel. 
> It's for DOS only, so when I ran it on both mashines 
> the hardware tests were just fine and network connectivity test
> was wonderful both ways (each of the machines sending and receiving
> just fine).
> Inspired by this I tried again to install linux on 486 via NFS from
> celeron's cdrom. Nah! 
> No NFS,ftp connection, no nothing again. I set the default route on celeron
> to 486 IP and vice versa. I set their IP's also.
> The weirdest thing is - whenever I try to ping IP assigned to 486
> from cel, it doesn't go through AND send the bunch of
> error messages to console (dmesg showes them).
> They're mostly "eth0 not bla-bla" followed by
> "Trying to reset the i8####" (don't remember the number - it's a
> network card's main chip, I guess)
> "Reset timed out.."
> "Board is on fire?"  (this one is so cute, I love this)
> "<4>"
> The same thing happenes if I try to telnet that host.
> Telnet returns: "No route to host" while the bunch of the same stuff
> as above goes to console.
> My real big question now is: Can I get going without a hub?
> Could it be that due to the "timings mismatch" It's just impossible to
> built a connection without it?
> Please, anybody, if you know for sure that it's (im)possible
> to make my hardware configuration work without a hub, tell me!
> Cheers


From: Joel K Meador <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NeoMagic 256
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 12:07:48 -0500

Does anyone know if the Nesomagic 256 is compatible with any redhat



From: "Brian E. Parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux.dial-up,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Easy Modem Question
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 12:12:40 -0500

If I am reading you correctly, if I have a 56k modem in my PC and I have a
56k mode in my Linux machine, it just doesn't matter - 33.6 is the best
connection I can get between the 2.  That doesn't make sense to me, but I'll
accept it as sooth for now - at least until I get my main problem fixed.

The modem is still only connecting at 28.8 and it's obvious that it isn't
trying to connect at anything else.  It picks up the incoming call and has
it answered in about 2 seconds.  It's nice to get connected that quickly,
but I don't think it's trying any faster speeds.

I need to know where I need to go to tell the modem that it should try to
negotiate a faster speed when it answers.  I'm running PPPD, if that helps.

This question may be along the same lines.  Where is the init string for the
modem stored?  I may just need to change that.

Thanks in advance,

Jimmy Caldwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Unless an ISP is calling you you will not get 56K on an incoming x2, v.90,
> 56KFlex.  ISP Modems(that can send @56K) are not the modems you and I can
> over at Cicuit City.  The absolute best you will be able to do is
> compression).
> Hope this answers your question.
> Jimmy Caldwell

> "Brian E. Parker" wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> >   About 6 months ago, I set up our Redhat 5.2 box to accept incoming PPP
> > calls on its 3 modems.  I got a lot of help from you guys, as I was
> > relatively new to doing this sort of thing.  I got the PPP running - it
> > answers the calls just fine, seems to be very stable, etc.  We've not
> > used the server that much, but I've been messing with it again recently
> > again.  Here's the problem:
> >
> >   First of all, all I really care about right now is the first modem.
> > a 56k USR Sportster.  My problem is that it always answers at 28.8.  It
> > answers VERY quickly, too, like it's not even trying to negotiate any
> > speeds.  I need to know where to look to change this so it answers at
> > highest possible speed.  The modem is probably an X2 that hasn't been
> > flashed to be a V.90, though.  I'm sure Linux (RedHat) supports V.90 by
> > no?  Here's a section from my /etc/inittab - I doubt it's going to help,
> > here it is, anyway:
> >
> > # Run mgettys in runlevels 2 & 3 for incoming PPP
> > P00:2345:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/mgetty -x 8 ttyS0
> > P01:2345:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/mgetty -x 3 ttyS1
> > P02:2345:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/mgetty -x 3 ttyS3
> >
> > I notice that I don't have an /etc/rc.d/rc.serial file.  Not sure it
> > necessary or not.
> >
> > The sad part is that I did all this work to get the PPP working and
> > and now can't remember anything.  Ugh.
> >
> > Anyway you can help is appreciated.  I'll be back to check in the
> > newsgroups, or you can reply to my e-mail address.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > Thanks,
> > -BEP


From: Stevan Popovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Running redhat linux on a second hard disk
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 15:14:40 +0000

Timothy Dixon wrote:

> On Tue, 14 Sep 1999 12:12:05 +0000, Stevan Popovic
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I have just installed redhat 5.2 on my second hardisk and the install
> >went well.
> >However when I tried to boot linux from boot magic it gets as far as the
> >lilo prompt then a succession of zero & ones appear.
> >
> >As a result it will not let me boot anything at the lilo prompt.
> >
> >Has anyone had this problem before?
> >
> >I think that it could a hardware problem?
> Not particularly helpful, but might provide some info that might help:
> I boot Linux off my second hard drive (slave on my first IDE chain)
> all the time.

The second hardisk is on the second  IDE connector configured as a secondary

> Both RedHat 6.0 and Mandrake 6.0 (don't ask) installed
> it nicely and automatically.

I will try the latest redhat and see what happens, never heard of mandrake
distribution before


> Might there be a conflict between boot magic and lilo?  I installed
> Lilo to my MBR (on my first disk, a smaller one that I keep Losedos on
> "just in case").

I have used boot magic before when I had only one hard drive and was quite
happy with booting win95 and redhat 5.1 on the same disk

Stevan Popovic
"In complete darkness we are all the same it is only our knowledge and
wisdom that separates us"


Subject: Re: 2 NICS on the same machine
From: Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 14 Sep 1999 12:49:26 -0400

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry Ozarow) writes:

> In article <7rava2$8ip$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>       [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> stuff about detecting multiple nics
> > And responded
> > 
> > linux only autodetects one nic at startup. You need a line like
> > append="ether=0,3,eth1" in your lilo.conf for the 2nd one.
> > 

I've never had a problem with this, since I make sure that I use NICs that use
different drivers (for example on my machine, I have a builtin Intel
Etherexpress Pro and I use a tulip card for the second NIC).  To force a
particular card to be the first ethernet, there is always the option of
compiling that card in and compiling the others as modules.  If you are going
with modules, you do have to add lines to /etc/conf.modules of the form:

        alias eth1 tulip

> Check /usr/src/linux/Documentation/networking/net-modules.txt
> (whew!). Some drivers need to be compiled in (i.e. not modules), some
> need special args to insmod, some need special phases of the moon. Its
> messy.
> Oz

Michael Meissner, Cygnus Solutions
PMB 198, 174 Littleton Road #3, Westford, Massachusetts 01886
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      phone: 978-486-9304     fax: 978-692-4482


From: Henrik Carlqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: Re: can't 'make install' with ALSA v0.4.1a & Mandrake 6.0
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 20:33:30 +0200

Bill Bug wrote:
> "ln -sf ../support/isapnp.h include/isapnp.h"
> "ln: cannot create symbolic link 'include/isapnp.h' to
> '../support/isapnp.h': Operation not permitted"

It seems as if you don't have write permission in the include directory.

regards Henrik

spammer strikeback:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (peter)
Subject: Better Linux performance Intel or Cyrix ???
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 14:58:54 GMT

I have two CPU's, a intel p233mmx and a cyrix MII pr333 (3.5x75 = 266)
I can also overclock the intel to 266, which chip will give me more
Linux performance ?

Does the Cyrix pr rating mean anything in linux ????


From: Aris Cruz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CS4232 kernel msg
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 17:31:18 GMT

Greetings everyone, 

I am running into a problem with the onboard CS4232 sound card on the Dell
GX1.  I use S.u.S.E 6.2 and KDE.  I see the problem occur after using xmms
for an extended time.  I get this msg when I do a dmesg

Sound error:  Couldn't allocate DMA buffer

If anything has an idea, please let me know.

Thanks in advance


==================  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ==================


From: "David C. Hoos, Sr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux, x.25 cards...
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 12:16:15 -0500

DrEvil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:Rw9D3.4591$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Are there any good Linux compatible X.25 card solutions out there? I
> need one, and the company we've used in the past (Eicon), doesn't support
> linux, only SCO Unix, we'd like to use linux from now on, but we need a
> driver.
have you looked at ?


From: Gerald Willmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Floppy won't mount ...
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 08:16:47 -0700

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> IDE 1 master : HD Dos partition (win 95 boot)
> IDE 1 slave  : CDRom
> IDE 2 master : HD Linux partition

IDE 1/2 should be entire harddrives, not partitions, and where is your
linux swap? 

> mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/cdrom, or too
> many mounted files systems

what command did you use to mount the floppy? And it complains about
/dev/cdrom when you try to mount the floppy? Could you post your fstab?




From: "Simon Kwan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Does APM uses clock frequency reduction?
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 02:50:10 +0800

Hi greeting,
  Does the industry standard APM (Advanced Power Mangement) use reduced CPU
clock frequency to save power?  Does Linux support it?
  (note: CPU speed reduction is often used in battery powered device. When
waiting for user input, the CPU switches to low clock rate but still runs
the 'wait user input' task)



From: Marton Lorand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: can only run x with 640x480 and 16 colors
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 21:46:24 +0300


> I have a voodoo3 3500 and a monitor that can handle 1600x1200 and
> 31-95khz horizontal and 50-160hz vertical. when i go through linux setup
> (redhat) it doesnt have my video card or my monitor listed so i went to
> custom, chose SVGA as the service i think (my other options were like
> VGA and such) then i chose a horizontal range of 50-150 (i also tried
> other smaller ranges) and 1600x1200 @ 76hz for my monitor (again i also
> tried other monitor settings).  Then when i chose screen size and colors
> only 640x480 and 16 colors would work.  Do you know anything i could do
> to get a screensize that i can actually work with? all my windows are
> way to huge to manage and each icon is about 3 inches tall.

I don't know if your display adapter is supported by some Xfree86 server.
Check out the supported hardware list on Maybe you need to
upgrade your XFree86. I suppose U used the version from your Distrib CD
which shoud be 3.3.3 - there is newer version of Xfree86. Hovewer it may
not work. In this case U shoud use the Xfree86 Frame Buffer Device.
U can find some documentation on setting up the FBDEV on too.
But I hope U won't need to do that !




From: Melvin Toy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Video Card for Redhat6.0 & Solaris 7
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 18:18:41 GMT


Can anyone tell me a video card that they have installed and actually
will work under Redhat 6.0 and Solaris 7?  Preferably an AGP card.  If
not PCI of course.   My friend has an Intel SE440BX and I740 Intel AGP
video card currently. I know has a beta source code for the
I740 but it is beta and it doesn't solve her Solaris problem.  I'm a
little lury of HCL because I've got a Diamond Sleath 3000 w/ 4M VRAM
which is suppose to be support under RedHat since 5.0 but I never been
able to work right by with the default installation.  It seem to get
worse with every new version. I've always had to tweak with the
settings. I've taken my box to Installfests(They've spent hours) and
talk to a Redhat Engineer face to face. My card works perfect fine under
Solaris 2.6, 7, Windows NT and 95.

Thank you


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David C.)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Avoid ATI Graphics like the plague
Date: 14 Sep 1999 15:00:44 -0400

> David C. wrote:
>> Thanks for the info, but your reply isn't really relevant to my comment.
>>> The Rage-128 is still not directly supported.
> eh...urh... if it's not supported, then i'm wondering how the signals
> come from my Rage Fury to my monitor under _accelerated_ X in that
> surprising high quality, that i am able to read this message in an
> xterm in Truecolor at 1152x864 resolution ? ;-)
> So ..once and for all: the Ati Rage Fury IS supported from Linux,
> maybe not yet from XFree directly. But just download the _free_
> _available_ _accelerated_ Xserver from and get happy....

Please don't delete the content of my message and then call me a liar
because your out-of-context quote doesn't make sense.

I didn't say anything about whether the card worked with Linux.  I said
it is still not supported by XFree86.

I also wrote:

>>      Q.F24- Does XFree86 support the ATI Rage128?
>>      SuSE has made available a Linux binary of a Rage128 server
>>      called XFCom_Rage128. You can get this server at the XSuSE
>>      website. As with all previous XFCom servers, sources for this
>>      server will be included in the next XFree86 release.

As the XFree86 web site clearly states, the server was written by SuSE,
and will not be in the XFree86 distribution until the next release.

If you want to count every third-party driver as fully supported, go
right ahead, but don't expect the rest of the world to share your unique
definition of the word.

-- David


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (A Guy Called Tyketto)
Subject: Re: CS4232 kernel msg
Date: 14 Sep 1999 13:34:01 -0500

Hash: SHA1

Aris Cruz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Greetings everyone, 
> I am running into a problem with the onboard CS4232 sound card on the Dell
> GX1.  I use S.u.S.E 6.2 and KDE.  I see the problem occur after using xmms
> for an extended time.  I get this msg when I do a dmesg
> Sound error:  Couldn't allocate DMA buffer
> If anything has an idea, please let me know.

        How do you have the support for the card compiled? as a module?
Into the kernel? I bet I know what it is, but all depends on how you
have it compiled. Also, the output of 'cat /dev/sndstat' would be very

- -- 
Brad Littlejohn                         | Email:        [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Unix Systems Administrator,             |            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
WebMaster, NewsMaster.. Smeghead! :)    |
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