Linux-Hardware Digest #435, Volume #12            Wed, 8 Mar 00 19:13:06 EST

  Re: VIA vs Intel chipsets - which is better? (Paul Tiseo)
  Re: VIA vs Intel chipsets - which is better? ("Ron Reaugh")
  Re: not sloooow, but sluggish linux modem (Paul Lew)
  modems and linux... ("plato")
  Re: VIA vs Intel chipsets - which is better? ("Felger Carbon")
  Re: NEC Superscript 660 Plus printer compatible with Red Hat 6.0? (Jeff Barlow)
  Sony TSL-9000 DAT Autoloader/Phobos P430 Quadport net card (Chris J/#6)
  Re: VIA vs Intel chipsets - which is better? (Paul Tiseo)
  Re: Corel Linux and 3C905C Card HELP!! (Hannova)
  Re: HP DDS Tape (Mike Hall)
  Re: Jetstore 2000 Trouble (Jerry Peters)
  hardware scan locks up during install (Ken)
  Re: VIA vs Intel chipsets - which is better? ("Cyberchondri@c")
  Re: VIA vs Intel chipsets - which is better? ("Ron Reaugh")
  Re: 3-button serial mouse (Piercarlo Grandi)
  Re: Which portable for easy RH Linux use?? (Rod Smith)
  Re: Corel Linux and 3C905C Card HELP!! ("Peter T. Breuer")


From: Paul Tiseo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: VIA vs Intel chipsets - which is better?
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2000 16:45:54 -0500

In article <Czzx4.386$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
> via chipset
> Feb 15 2000
> 100 per page
> There's 83.
> Then do:
> intel chipset
> Feb 15 2000
> 100 per page
> There's 30.

        Ok, I'll give you the smaller number since all you did was use 
narrower parameters. You ended up missing posts that didn't have 
"chipset" in them or getting a *real posting history* dating back more 
than just a month. Same difference. You missed the central point of my 
post which I hope you answer, rather than dodge like you did John's 
reply to your link request. Here they are in point form: 

        - Please explain how the numbers imply anything
       about their content?
        - Please explain how many of the 83 posts with "via"
          and "chipset" you read were pro-VIA and how many
       were against? Do the same for 'intel chipset" posts.
          Establish criteria for objective judgement. Compare
       and contrast.

        John, never figured you'd be talked about this much, huh? :)
Paul Tiseo, Intermediate Systems Programmer
Birdsall 3, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville
4500 San Pablo Rd, FL, 32224
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- (904) 953-8254


From: "Ron Reaugh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: VIA vs Intel chipsets - which is better?
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 21:54:21 GMT

Drivel and snip forgery ignored.  The facts are the facts.

Paul Tiseo wrote in message ...
>In article <Czzx4.386$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> via chipset
>> Feb 15 2000
>> 100 per page
>> There's 83.
>> Then do:
>> intel chipset
>> Feb 15 2000
>> 100 per page
>> There's 30.
> Ok, I'll give you the smaller number since all you did was use
>narrower parameters. You ended up missing posts that didn't have
>"chipset" in them or getting a *real posting history* dating back more
>than just a month. Same difference. You missed the central point of my
>post which I hope you answer, rather than dodge like you did John's
>reply to your link request. Here they are in point form:
> - Please explain how the numbers imply anything
>       about their content?
> - Please explain how many of the 83 posts with "via"
>   and "chipset" you read were pro-VIA and how many
>       were against? Do the same for 'intel chipset" posts.
>   Establish criteria for objective judgement. Compare
>       and contrast.
> John, never figured you'd be talked about this much, huh? :)
>Paul Tiseo, Intermediate Systems Programmer
>Birdsall 3, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville
>4500 San Pablo Rd, FL, 32224
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- (904) 953-8254


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Lew)
Subject: Re: not sloooow, but sluggish linux modem
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 22:03:53 GMT

Dumb question:  I could assume that you also did:
  setserial portid spd_vhi
  to "reinforce" the lock on the serial port to 112k?

On Wed, 08 Mar 2000 12:30:05 GMT, J.R. Lockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I thought it was time for a bit of a rejoinder.  I can't thank you enough
>for all of your suggestions...despite the fact that I haven't found the
>trick yet, I've learned a great deal about modems, linux, serial ports, and
>computers in general.  You folks are quite clever and equally (if not more)
>generous.  I had another thought that might be worth considering...I use
>kppp, and in the section where I can pass switches to pppd, the only thing
>I have in there is "--detach" as this was what I found in the instructions
>I used to configure kppp.  It seems to me that there are a wealth of other
>options I could (should?) be passing to pppd.  In particular I was thinking
>of some sort of compression.  However, the file I keep transfering to
>assess my throughput is a .tar.gz and so compression shouldn't help,
>right?  In any case, I thought I should mention the optional arguments to
>pppd in the hopes of spurring some additional suggestions.  
>Also, I thought it would be helpful to gather some of the diagnostic
>information from my machine and put it all in one place.  It is at the
>bottom of this message.  Thanks again.
>All the best,
>Machine:  HP Pavilion w/ Intel Celeron 433 MHz
>OS: Red Hat Linux 6.1
>pppd interface: kppp
>Modem: 3Com U.S. Robotics 56K External Fax/Modem
>Flow control:     CRTSCTS
>Line Termination: CR/LR
>Connection Speed: 115200 
>(NOTE:  If I switch this down to 57,600 or even 38,400, my download speeds
>are the same (?))
>Results of "setserial -a /dev/modem"
>/dev/modem, Line 0, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03f8, IRQ: 4
>       Baud_base: 115200, close_delay: 50, divisor: 0
>       closing_wait: 3000, closing_wait2: infinte
>       Flags: spd_vhi skip_test
>Selected results from "/sbin/ifconfig"
>ppp0      Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol  
>          inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
>          RX packets:345 errors:12 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:12
>          TX packets:181 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>          collisions:0 txqueuelen:10 
>Posted via CNET


From: "plato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: modems and linux...
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2000 23:37:58 +0200

can someone suggest some 56K modems that work with linux?


From: "Felger Carbon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: VIA vs Intel chipsets - which is better?
Date: 8 Mar 2000 14:16:23 -0800

fishman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
<8a6bop$2bf$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> But this is not a big issue, as today's best udma66 hd only has 25M/s
> internal transfer rate

Wrong, big time.  The Maxtor DM +40 for example has a 43.2 MB/sec internal
transfer rate.  As other manufacturers start shipping their 10G/platter
7200rpm drives, this will become more common.


From: Jeff Barlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NEC Superscript 660 Plus printer compatible with Red Hat 6.0?
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 14:24:04 -0800

It's a windows printer only. The driver does all the rendering. You need
a new printer. Been there, done that.

On Wed, 08 Mar 2000 00:32:41 -0500, Dan Werner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I saw in the printing howto that my NEC Superscript 660 Plus is
>with Red Hat.
>I"m hoping that someone has found a way to make it work since the howto
>was written.  Has anyone had success with this printer on Red Hat?
>I thought I'd check before I threw it out the window.
>Thanks for any help,
>Dan Werner


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris J/#6)
Subject: Sony TSL-9000 DAT Autoloader/Phobos P430 Quadport net card
Date: 8 Mar 2000 22:16:05 -0000


Don't know if anyone can help me with problems we're having with a new
server we have at's a Dell PowerEdge 4300, running RedHat 6.1,
kernel 2.2.13 (SMP - it's a Dual PIII 500). There are a couple of bits of
hardware we're seeking information for.

Does anyone know how to, or where I can find, information or software
relating to the Sony TSL-9000 DAT Autoloader? Specifically, how to control
which tape the autoloader is using, and how to load and unload the DATs.
It's detected as a standard tape device (st0).

And second, we have a Phobos P430 Quadport 100Base-Tx network card...Phobos
*does* provide drivers for this, but they're refusing to go into our kernel.
The modules themselves are built for 2.2.5 ... can 2.2.5 modules install
into 2.2.13? All attempts so far have failed..."printk", "sprintf",
"free_irq" were amongst some of the unresolved symbols. Is it an SMP issue
(ie, can modules built for uni-processor boxen be installed into an SMP
kernel?).  We're awaiting a reply for Phobos as well.

Thanks for any help :)


@}-,'--------------------------------------------------  Chris Johnson --'-{@
    / "(it is) crucial that we learn the difference / [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \
   / between Sex and Gender. Therein lies the key  /                       \ 
  / to our freedom" -- LB                         / \ 


From: Paul Tiseo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: VIA vs Intel chipsets - which is better?
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2000 17:22:13 -0500

In article <h_zx4.63$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ron-
> Drivel and snip forgery ignored.  The facts are the facts.

        "snip forgery"? Did you invent yet another term lumped in with 
baseless accusations against me now? Exactly what forgery, slanderer?

        I repeat (since you ignored it):

        - Please explain how the numbers imply anything
       about their content?
        - Please explain how many of the 83 posts with "via"
          and "chipset" you read were pro-VIA and how many
       were against? Do the same for 'intel chipset" posts.
          Establish criteria for objective judgement. Compare
       and contrast.
Paul Tiseo, Intermediate Systems Programmer
Birdsall 3, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville
4500 San Pablo Rd, FL, 32224
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- (904) 953-8254


From: Hannova <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Corel Linux and 3C905C Card HELP!!
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 22:22:53 GMT

In article <8a6cpv$psi$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In comp.os.linux.setup Hannova <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : You've gotten farther than I have. I'm a Linux newbie and ran into
> : same problem with the 3Com 3C905C.
> Eh? What problem? I've been running 3c905's for years and years. Nice
> cards, once the driver settled down at around 0.48c.
If you didn't understand the problem, you may want to go back and read
the original post before answering. Yes, they're nice, however, I said
3C905C. Different card.

> : I was able to find a 3COM driver download for Linux, but was at a
> : to figure out what to do with the file I got. How do you compile it?

> Dear me dear me. The same way you compile anything else. Read the
> instructions and do what they say. But WHY do you need a new driver?
> Isn't the old one good enough?
Read again. The 3C905 and 3C905C are different cards. I did however
find a different set of instructions than the one I originally had to
describes how to load the driver.

> : Just a guess, but is insmod intended to insert the new driver as an
> : option under the modconf menus?

> Eh? Come again?
There's that reading problem again.

> I think you need to edit your conf.modules and add the line
>   alias eth0 3c59x
This might work if we were talking about that driver, but as I stated
above, this is for the 3C905C, which uses 3c90x.  Did you actually read
my message, or were you just having some fun with a newbie?

If you didn't feel like being helpful today, why did you bother

Everyone needs a hobby I guess.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Mike Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HP DDS Tape
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 16:33:01 -0600

>  AVi> I am using one HP Surestore 2000 external SCSI tape with a SuSE
>  AVi> 6.3 linux box. All run ok except that I have to boot the PC with
>  AVi> the tape turned on. If I have the tape turned off when booting,
>  AVi> it is not detected. Can I detect it later ?

Yes, I believe you can.

> I'd like to do this 'after the fact' too, but RH6.0 etc also has to see
> it at bootup time.  Then of course, you can turn it off till needed, or
> at least I can. 

So you are saying that
        echo "scsi add-single-device A B C D"  >/proc/scsi/scsi

(as root) doesn't cause the device to "reappear"?
According to the SCSI driver, it should cause a rescan of that ID.

(Replace A B C D with HOST BUS ID LUN, 
usually all zeroes except for ID).

Good luck!
Michael Hall


From: Jerry Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Jetstore 2000 Trouble
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 22:44:40 GMT

Have you cleaned it with cleaning cartridge? Look at the HP web site, you
should be able to find info on what the led's mean there.


In D. L. Vander Woude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a Jetstore 2000 DAT that I bought used.  Worked great for about 6
> months, but now I have regular backup failures with messages like "TAPE
> ERROR writing file input/output error".  Also the left side led flashes
> yellow from time to time (normally green, no flash).  I don't have a
> manual.  Any ideas on this?  (I do NOT think it is a tape problem.) 
> Thanks. 

> ------------------
> Doug Vander Woude


Subject: hardware scan locks up during install
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 22:45:09 GMT


I am trying to install Redhat 6.0 on a "clean" machine... it is a Tyan
motherboard (200  MhHz Pentium) with a new 8 G hard drive. The drive has
been partitioned into 4 partitions with FDISK.

>From the boot floppy, the install program seems to be doing OK until
just past the SCSI test,  then everything just stops... Here's a

        It finds the PS/2 mouse
                 Serial ports
                 hda: 8 GB Western Digital drive
                 hdc: Ricoh R/W CD

scsi: 0 hosts
scsi: detected total.

Those are the last two lines....

Can anyone help ???

Thanks !


From: "Cyberchondri@c" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: VIA vs Intel chipsets - which is better?
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 22:51:01 GMT

Yeah, he pretty much singlehandedly 'drove' me out of the storage newsgroup.
Even if he *was* right, say,  90% of the time, his personality is still too
Fortunately, I've learned about killfiles since then..  :-)

John Howland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:_iyx4.425$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>   I run across him on a regular basis... my concern is someone who doesn't
know better may actually
> believe him.
> --
> ----------
> Specialty Tech - Mainboard's, CPU's, Memory & More...
> Lake Forest, Calif. (949) 951-7067
> ----------
> Paul Tiseo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > In article <C8wx4.404$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
> > >   Gee Ron, I use VIA based MoBo's & have no IDE problems - what am I
doing wrong? Same with my
> > > customers.... who buy more VIA based MoBo's then Intel?
> > >
> > >   Now you can quote post (actually you didn't even do that - you just
told us where we MIGHT
> find
> > > some data) all day long... most will be from users have caused their
own problems. Can you post
> your
> > > own personal data - like Dean & I can??
> >
> > Whatever you do, John, DON'T GET SUCKERED IN BY RON!!! He lives in
> > * and he and a few others engage in lengthy, pointless,
> > name-calling threads in SCSI vs. IDE wars. The participants are all
> > very, very stubborn and probably enjoy causing this sort of pointless
> > mischief. It's endless. Plenty of references to "blindness" and
> > "stalking" from both sides, ad nauseum. Sickening, really. All over HDs,
> > for pete's sake...
> >
> > I left that group because of it. Half of the time, Ron is baited
> > and he easily and quickly takes the bait and starts flinging insults.
> > The other half, he's wrong and bullheadedly refuses to acknowledge it.
> > Visit the group in Deja, and you'll quickly get an idea why I
> > unsubscribed...
> >
> > Just move on to another thread...
> >
> > --
> > ____________________________________________________
> > Paul Tiseo, Intermediate Systems Programmer
> > Birdsall 3, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville
> > 4500 San Pablo Rd, FL, 32224
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- (904) 953-8254
> >


From: "Ron Reaugh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: VIA vs Intel chipsets - which is better?
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 23:10:49 GMT

Felger Carbon wrote in message <01bf894b$eca12700$c2c5efd1@felger>...
>fishman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
><8a6bop$2bf$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>> But this is not a big issue, as today's best udma66 hd only has 25M/s
>> internal transfer rate
>Wrong, big time.  The Maxtor DM +40 for example has a 43.2 MB/sec internal
>transfer rate.

Nope,  thar's the raw media bit rate and NOT the sustained transfer rate
which is relevant to this issue.  The raw media transfer rate contains all
sorts of overheads >>20%.  The sustained transfer rate of the Maxtor +40 is
~30MB/sec.   See:

>  As other manufacturers start shipping their 10G/platter
>7200rpm drives, this will become more common.

Right,  30MB/sec. STRs.


Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: 3-button serial mouse
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Piercarlo Grandi)
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 23:21:15 GMT

>>> On Wed, 08 Mar 2000 19:14:20 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex
>>> Butcher) said:

[ ... wheel/3rd button mice are worth it ... ]

news0200> Ditto, although my reasons for going with a Logitech is purely
news0200> because the cursor movement with Logitech mice (and
news0200> Microsoft-originals too!) is far smoother than any cheap mouse
news0200> I've ever used. I'm pretty sure it's down to the update rate,
news0200> rather than the mechanics...

Ah, that may depend. Many mice can change their serial port speed (if
they use the serial port) or the PS/2 speed.

Uhhmmm, while in Linux it is fairly easy to raise the serial port speed
for serial port mice, I am not aware of any way to raise it for PS/2
mouse port mice. I remember that there is a MS Windows utility, PS2RATE,
to do that, and it is reported to improve mousability quite a bit,
especially for FPS games.

Fortunately it is easy to check "linux/include/linux/pc_keyb.h" and
"linux/drivers/char/pc_kbd.c" where the 'psaux' device implementation
lies. There is a bit of code like:

        kbd_write_command_w(KBD_CCMD_MOUSE_ENABLE); /* Enable Aux. */
        aux_write_ack(100);                     /* 100 samples/sec */
        aux_write_ack(3);                       /* 8 counts per mm */
        aux_write_ack(AUX_SET_SCALE21);         /* 2:1 scaling */

but it does not seem to be enabled by default and I don't know of any
simple utility that allows one to do that. Anybody knows? One could
probably be written quite easily.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: Which portable for easy RH Linux use??
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 23:52:19 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] (JHalljl) writes:
> Hello,
>      I am interested in getting a relatively cheap ($1K or less) portable that
> will load and run the latest Red Hat Linux distribution without ANY problems.
> This means
> a reasonably fast machine with decent memory and hard drive that is hardware
> compatible with Linux.  This means that the CD-Rom  will work, the modem will
> work, the display will work, and the sound will work.

You won't find many options in this price range. The only two of which I'm
aware off the top of my head are the eMachines eSlate and the Toshiba
1555-CDS. Both are BARELY under $1000 ($995 or so). Even going up 50% or
more, AFAIK, all the notebooks use software modems. Fortunately, some of
these are now getting support (check, but it can
be hard to tell what you're getting before you buy (manufacturers don't
exactly trumpet the TYPE of modem they include).

If you move up a bit in price (say to $1200), you broaden your options
substantially; HP, Compaq, and others all have models that cost roughly
$1200. I recently bought a Compaq Presario 1200-XL106, which was $1400
(minus a $100 rebate when I bought it, and I've since seen it advertised
for $1300). It's pretty similar to the 1247, but with a slightly bigger
hard disk and other minor doo-dads. The 1247 sells for $1200. I only
mention this in such detail as prelude to saying that I've got a web page
up about the 1200-XL106:

Author of books on Linux networking & WordPerfect for Linux


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Corel Linux and 3C905C Card HELP!!
Date: 8 Mar 2000 23:50:57 GMT

In comp.os.linux.setup Hannova <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: In article <8a6cpv$psi$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
:   "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:> In comp.os.linux.setup Hannova <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:> : You've gotten farther than I have. I'm a Linux newbie and ran into
: the
:> : same problem with the 3Com 3C905C.
:> Eh? What problem? I've been running 3c905's for years and years. Nice
:> cards, once the driver settled down at around 0.48c.
: If you didn't understand the problem, you may want to go back and read
: the original post before answering. Yes, they're nice, however, I said
: 3C905C. Different card.

Yes, indeed, I didn't see the subject line, where the C is mentioned.

The C is a different card, but AFAIR, it is handled by recent revisions
of donald's driver, and the 3C supplied driver by all accounts works
fairly well if you're on UP ...

:> : to figure out what to do with the file I got. How do you compile it?

:> Dear me dear me. The same way you compile anything else. Read the
:> instructions and do what they say. But WHY do you need a new driver?
:> Isn't the old one good enough?
: Read again. The 3C905 and 3C905C are different cards. I did however
: find a different set of instructions than the one I originally had to
: describes how to load the driver.

?? You'd just load it into the kernel. It's a pci card, so there are
no parameters to give as regards irq's or io. You might want to force
the negotiation on the link, if it's not detected right, but I can't
think of anything else you might want to add. I.e., just load it.

:> : Just a guess, but is insmod intended to insert the new driver as an
:> : option under the modconf menus?

:> Eh? Come again?
: There's that reading problem again.

Perhaps you could explain? The sentence you produced is nonsensical.
How can you insert a a driver as an option? Or as a cow, come to that.
You just insert a driver, that's all. And what's a "modconf menu"?
And how can you insert a driver "under" one? I somewhat get the
impression that you are talking about some gui thing whose job is
simply to edit conf.modules? Is that it?

:> I think you need to edit your conf.modules and add the line
:>   alias eth0 3c59x
: This might work if we were talking about that driver, but as I stated
: above, this is for the 3C905C, which uses 3c90x.  Did you actually read

Well, good for you, and no, you didn't explain, and yes, if you have
the 3c905 driver, by all means alias eth0 to 3c905.

: my message, or were you just having some fun with a newbie?


: If you didn't feel like being helpful today, why did you bother
: answering?

What's unhelpful about what? Care to explain what that references to
"modconf menus" is about? You seem to have snipped my explanation of
how to configure conf.modules.




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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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