Linux-Hardware Digest #517, Volume #12           Mon, 20 Mar 00 22:13:08 EST

  Re: Painful SiS6326 and XFree86 4.0? (Tony R. Bennett)
  Re: kernelpanic with 128MB (Tony R. Bennett)
  Re: Filesystem crashes. Hardware problem? ("Andreas Meile")
  Newbie sound problem on Debian with CMI8738 chip ("Catilina")
  delta 44Xcdrom (Tobias Jinx)
  Installing&Uninstalling More Than One OS Win2000,Win98, Linux, (Jonas Datum)
  Re: Linux (Caldera or otherwise) on e-machines e-one (Rod Smith)
  Re: Newbie sound problem on Debian with CMI8738 chip (Martin Platter)
  which modem? ("Rev. Reverse")
  Re: Repost: Audio CD won't play under RH 6.1 (now Mandrake 7.0) (Gerald Willmann)
  yukf (Tom Morton)
  Re: ZIP & RH 6.1 (Rodrigo Chandia)
  CDRDao: "Requested mode page exceeds provided buffer size." ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  how will i install a linmodem driver??? ("_gEri")
  Re: What is an ATHLON? (Thomas Zajic)
  Re: Corel Linux and Intel Pro/100+ ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  do these logs show a breakin? (Paul Phillips)
  Re: do these logs show a breakin? (Paul Phillips)
  CDROM-RW on laptop (Dick Wisan)
  Re: installing RH6.1 from Reveal CD-ROM Drive (nospam (Bill McGowan))


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tony R. Bennett)
Subject: Re: Painful SiS6326 and XFree86 4.0?
Date: 20 Mar 2000 13:38:10 -0800

In article <YDYA4.1556$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Shan J. Gill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >Thanks, but I had read the README.SiS file, and I had already tried most of
 >that stuff.
 >The implementation of the card I have (generic / no brand name that I can
 >determine, tho it is AGP) is weird, and so none of the settings that were in
 >the file worked to give me more than 8 bpp.  And I found a little nasty
 >when - out of hellish frustration - I called X with 16 bpp and the process
 >ate my file system.  Not sure what happened, or even if that was the real
 >cause, but I had to completely re-install RH 6.0 after that little bit of
 >derring-do.  e2fsck couldn't get enough back, and since it was essentially a
 >brand-new install, I just re-did everything.  But am not inclined to try to
 >get a solid repro on that one.
 >Jason Byrne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
 >news:48SA4.13412$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 >> There is some wonderful reading in:
 >> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/README.SiS
 >> In particular... look at the 'Options' available for the card
 >> btw... I have SiS 620 - not exactly the same... but I'm sure I've had
 >> similar experiences with it.  On *my* system... I can get 24 bpp... but
 >> acceleration is best under 16 bpp.  Since I don't have a bionic eye :) -
 >> bpp is quite adequate for color depth.
 >> Shan Gill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
 >> news:20000318.18542500@patches....
 >> Are you saying you had your SiS6326 video working with 24 bpp?  Which
 >> version of Xfree86 were you using to accomplish that?
 >> Very curious.
 >> Shan
 >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
 >> On 3/17/00, 11:29:56 PM, Davis Eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
 >> regarding Painful SiS6326 and XFree86 4.0?:
 >> > Hi, there,
 >> > Just want to tell you my recent experience with this hopeless card. I
 >> > have tried XFree86 3.3.3, XFree86 3.3.6 and this XFree86 4.0.
 >> > BTW, my hardwares worked just well in XFree86 3.3.6 except the slow
 >> > refresh rate in 24 bpp.
 >> > If there are anyone else who has done some work with XFree86 4.0 on
 >> > SiS6326, could you share your experience?
 >> > Davis,

FYI: I just installed XFree86 4.0 over the weekend on a SiS 6326 with 
4 Meg connected to a Daytek Monitor... No real problems.

It worked better than 3.3.6...

I did have to change 'auto' to 'PS/2' in the Mouse protocol section.
The default resolution the "XFree86 -configure" gave was 640X480...

I added the Horizontal Sync and verticle refresh rates and it set me
up just fine at 1024X768.

(BTW: I also installed it on my other Linux system which has an i740
based adapter w/8Meg... and similar events occured.)

Now if you 'tested' as they recommended after you ran 
"XFree86 -configure"... then you probably got just an empty X screen
with a giant X in the center... with no windows... no
nothing...  That's the same thing I got... But once I got it to
recognize my mouse, I ran 'startx'... to see what xterms would look
like... Once that was OK, I ran "init 5" to get my XDM login... and that
was beautiful.

Of course, as they say.... Your mileage may vary.


Anti-spam filter: I am not root@localhost 
trb@teleport dot com   COM  Public Access User --- Not affiliated with Teleport


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tony R. Bennett)
Subject: Re: kernelpanic with 128MB
Date: 20 Mar 2000 13:42:47 -0800

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Daniel Schulze  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi Folks
>I upgraded my memory from 64 to 128M.
>(System: NMC 5VMMX Rev1.0 with K6-II-500 at 100MHz busclock, SuSE6.3
>The old DIMM is a 100MHz and the new one is a 133MHz. After trouble of
>the system to boot (BIOS couldnd handle the new bar ->
>bank-DIMM-combinations changed, BIOS flashed) all seems fine. 
>(BIOS counts the full Memory, MS DOS starts and believes having 128MB
>(didnt test W95 because of the K6-bug)) 
>When I am starting Linux it only works with the mem-option <= 64M,
>higher values (or no option) cause the kernel the following: 
>Memory: 127680k/131072k (1240k kernel, 412k reserved, 1676k data, 64k
>init, 0k
>kmem-alloc: Bad slab magic (corrupt) name=kmem_cache 
>canot create uid taskcount SLAB cache 
>I played with the BIOSsetting but nothing seems to work:
>(no BIOS or VGA rom cached, AGP 2x, no DIMM autodedection, with/without
>fast/slow DIMM timing, with/without paging, ..)
>Ciao Daniel

Are we correct in assuming you have invoked it with a lilo parm 
of "mem=128M" ???

Anti-spam filter: I am not root@localhost 
trb@teleport dot com   COM  Public Access User --- Not affiliated with Teleport


From: "Andreas Meile" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Filesystem crashes. Hardware problem?
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 23:08:10 +0200

    [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb in Nachricht
    I'm running Linux on an Intel 486DX4 and after some time of use the
filesystem is seriously damaged, sometimes the machine even hangs (...and
I'm running Linux on a pentium machine for several years and had never a
problem like this).
    I first thought it was a memory failure, but Memtest86 didn't report any
error with "normal" refresh rates. The problem occured with several
harddisks which all work o.k. in the other machine and several Linux
distributions and kernels...
    What else could cause the problem?

    Oh! You seem to have one of those cheap NoName mainboards which are most
of lousy quality. Early I also had such one: It was a FIC PA-2000 (I had to
use a BIOS ID Web site to identify that!) from a Vobis discounter PC.
Although I flashed the latest BIOS on it, disabled every speed-up feature in
the BIOS setting (especially PCI Burst reading/writing), it still produces
one kernel crash to the other one... :-( Windows 98 also often hangs. It's a
known problem that these NoName manufacturers often don't take care to use
the correct latency times for signals when they design a mainboard,
especially mainboards from 1994..1995 often had that problem: Windows 3.1
run properly (slow 8/16 bit access!) but if your install a *full* features
32 bit OS like Windows 95/98/NT or especially Linux, these "hidden"
manufacturer quality mistakes will appear on the daylight...
    My only advice to you: Try updating the BIOS, also make an attempt to
disable every speedup feature in the BIOS. Also try swap your PCI cards to
other slot (this often causes wonders :-)). If nothing helps, don't longer
waste your time with fiddling on you old mainboard, better buy a high
quality brand-market mainboard from Asus. Asus is well known for high
reliable mainboards...
    In that system described above, I also exchanged that fucky FIC board to
one from Asus. Since then, the whole system (Windows 98 and Linux) work very
stable, no crashes got! :-))


From: "Catilina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.debian.user
Subject: Newbie sound problem on Debian with CMI8738 chip
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 23:45:14 +0100

I have a CMI8738 soundchip onboard, and I'm using Debian 2.2 (potato). I'm
trying to get the soundcard to work, but not with very much success :-(
During install, I specified somewhere to include cmpci, which is the driver
for this card according to Now i have
/dev/audio and /dev/sndstat, but when I use gqmpeg, i receive an error
'can't open /dev/dsp'
ls -l /dev/dsp gives: crw-rw---- 1 root audio 14,3 Mar 9 01:39 /dev/dsp
What can I do to make my soundcard work?
Thanks for any advice!



From: Tobias Jinx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: delta 44Xcdrom
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 22:48:37 GMT

Wondering if anyone has had success getting this cdrom working with original
distro of Slack 7.0? It seems to configure properly and driver loads.
But when mounting by hand (mount -r /dev/cdrom /cdrom) it spins up to
speed and then locks the system.



Subject: Installing&Uninstalling More Than One OS Win2000,Win98, Linux,
From: Jonas Datum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 14:57:41 -0800


I am currently building a Win98 Machine. I was thinking of
Win2000 and Red-Hat or some other version of Linux. I would
Install Win98
and Linux on one or two harddrives, and Win2000 on another. How
would I go
about installing them. If memory serves, I have to install Win98

How would I perform the task?? How would I go about undoing
it!?!?! In other
words How would I do and UNDO this?

Thanks For Your Help!!!??

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: Linux (Caldera or otherwise) on e-machines e-one
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 22:58:34 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

In article <8b5ujb$15fp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Ian Mac Lure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>       Anybody have any experience installing Linux of any sort
>       on an e-machines e-one ( iMac lookalike ). There seems to
>       be a problem with video resolution in that none of the
>       available resolutions at that stage of the install seemed
>       to match the hardware and failed test.
>       The owner was at a recent installfest and had ( prior to
>       arriving ) tried all of the choices he was offered.
>       Linux install was a reasonably recent Caldera dist'n.

I've no experience with it, but it sounds like a good strategy would be to
get the latest version of XFree86 available -- at least 3.3.6, and
possibly 4.0 (although I hear 4.0 is a bit unstable as of yet). Pick a
distribution that lets you set the default boot mode to be text-mode and
start experimenting.

Author of books on Linux networking & WordPerfect for Linux


From: Martin Platter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie sound problem on Debian with CMI8738 chip
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 00:25:14 +0100

Hi !

A Friend of mine hase the same soundchip and we have seen that in Kernel 2.2.x
it is not supported. In 2.3.x it worked fine.


Catilina wrote:

> I have a CMI8738 soundchip onboard, and I'm using Debian 2.2 (potato). I'm
> trying to get the soundcard to work, but not with very much success :-(
> During install, I specified somewhere to include cmpci, which is the driver
> for this card according to Now i have
> /dev/audio and /dev/sndstat, but when I use gqmpeg, i receive an error
> 'can't open /dev/dsp'
> ls -l /dev/dsp gives: crw-rw---- 1 root audio 14,3 Mar 9 01:39 /dev/dsp
> What can I do to make my soundcard work?
> Thanks for any advice!
> Frederik


From: "Rev. Reverse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: which modem?
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 17:52:43 -0600

i got an IBM 486 desktop machine at an auction for two
dollars.  it doesn't have a modem, so i am wondering which one i
should get.  

i am planning on running slack 7 (if that makes any difference).

Rev. Reverse


From: Gerald Willmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Repost: Audio CD won't play under RH 6.1 (now Mandrake 7.0)
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 15:46:17 -0800

On Mon, 20 Mar 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > make sure /dev/cdrom points at /dev/...
> /dev/cdrom points at /dev/  ? Huh, well, ummm, all that my cd rom
> points to is the mount point, which for me is /dev/hdc => /mnt/cdrom.
> Is it supposed to point to something else in /dev/ ? Please, enlighten
> me.

many players access /dev/cdrom which is not really a device but should be
a link to your cdrom device (eg /dev/hdc if it's IDE master on second
controller or /dev/scd0 if it's a SCSI). If you don't have this link make
it with ln -s /dev/whatever /dev/cdrom (man ln to doublecheck syntax)
issued as root.

> > listen by plugging headset into drive
> Haven't tried that yet.

well, that way you check software and drive w/o relying on soundcard.




From: Tom Morton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: yukf
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 19:39:00 +0000

Tom "Moretom" Morton, Drangband Maintainer:
Yikes Station, Frontier Elite 2 Fansite:


From: Rodrigo Chandia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ZIP & RH 6.1
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 00:27:59 GMT

I have a parallel Zip100 myself and although the box stated is was NOT=20
a ZIP PLUS I had to use imm instead of ppa. The other thing I had to=20
do was to swithch the parallel port to EPP. For some reason ECC does=20
not seem to work. I do not know what is needed for two parallel ports,=20
but as long as parport detects them fine everything should work.

BTW, I have both my printer and the Zip through the same port and as=20
long as I do not print and use the zip at the same time it works fine.=20
I have not even tried to do it, so it might even work.

I hope this helps.


Rodrigo Chandia

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 3/20/00, 10:10:13 AM, "David B. Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>=
wrote regarding ZIP & RH 6.1:

> Have a ZIP PP drive which works well under Billyware, but have had no
> such luck in Linux. I 'followed' the posted technoques for=20
> ppa - no luck. According to RH both old & new versions are supported.
> Drive has manufacture date of 07/06/99 but no indication if it's a zip=

> or zip+.
> I have 2 pp's with the zip attached to the 2nd.
> Any thoughts will be appreciated.

> Dave


Subject: CDRDao: "Requested mode page exceeds provided buffer size."
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 00:41:19 GMT

I get a strange error when I try to copy a CD with cdrdao. When I type:
./cdrdao copy --speed 2 --buffers 64 --driver generic-mmc CDName

I get the following error:

Cdrdao version 1.1.3 - (C) Andreas Mueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  SCSI interface library - (C) Joerg Schilling
  L-EC encoding library - (C) Heiko Eissfeldt
  Paranoia DAE library - (C) Monty

/dev/cdrecorder: HP CD-Writer+ 9100     Rev: 1.0a
Using driver: Generic SCSI-3/MMC - Version 1.0 (data) (options 0x0000)

Starting CD copy ERROR: Requested mode page exceeds provided buffer
ERROR: Cannot retrieve CD capabilities mode page.
at speed 0...

Do you know what is causing this error? I am pretty sure that I am using
the right driver.

If you want to send me an email, send it to:

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "_gEri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.install
Subject: how will i install a linmodem driver???
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 11:21:43 +1000

i installed Red Hat Linux 6.1 on my PC and all peripherals work well except
for my modem which is Cirrus CLM Data Fax Modem...

someone patiently replied that this is  winmodem and said that the driver
from this site works.

i've checked the chipsets of my winmodem and it matches the said driver.

can anyone please help me install this driver....  any help of any kind is
highly appreaciated!

this is just my second week with Linux... please be patient to me...  ";-)



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Zajic)
Subject: Re: What is an ATHLON?
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Zajic)
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 01:57:29 GMT

On Mon, 20 Mar 2000 13:13:31 -0500, mike wrote:

>     What is the difference between an Athlon and a pentium III or
> pentium II?

Try <> for more than you probably ever
wanted to know. ;-)

-   Thomas "ZlatkO" Zajic   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Linux-2.0.38/slrn-   -
-  "It is not easy to cut through a human head with a hacksaw."  (M. C.)  -


Subject: Re: Corel Linux and Intel Pro/100+
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 02:10:07 GMT


Make sure in the Makefile you set the SMP flag to
'n' (assuming you are on a single proc machine). That is most likely
the cause of your compile errors. If that doesn't help please post the
specific errors.-Matt

In article <8a8lig$aso$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"Mano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the following problem:
> I have Intel Ether Express Pro/100+ and the standard version of Corel
> I downloaded the driver from the page. Now the problem
> is that I cannot install the driver.
> It seems that Corel Linux says that its Kernel is 2.2.12 and
> the e100.o was compiled for Kernel version 2.2.12-20.And also I've
got some
> errors
> when running the Make file to build the driver as a loadable module.
> Has anyone got this working? If yes, please let me know how.
> Thanks in advance and best regards,
> mano

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Paul Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: do these logs show a breakin?
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 20:21:56 -0600

I have a RH6.1 linux box that I (literally) just finished installing a
firewall on.  The box has little running on it - no telnet, no ftp, no
web.  Only sendmail and DNS and ssh.  The DNS has been updated to the
latest on Red Hat's web site.

Here is an excerpt from /var/messages from this morning:

Mar 20 02:35:57 localhost login: FAILED LOGIN 1 FROM (null) FOR  root,
User not known to the underlying
authentication module
Mar 20 02:36:03 localhost PAM_pwdb[968]: (login) session opened for user
root by LOGIN(uid=0)

here is an excerpt from /var/secure at the same time:

Mar 20 02:36:03 localhost login: ROOT LOGIN ON tty1

Now I was nice and asleep at this moment, and pretty sure I was not
tty1 is the console, right?  I logged in as root at the console on May
19 (yesterday evening),
and haven't logged out.

PS aux shows me logged in on tty1 as root, and logged in via ssh on

Is this the system doing something?  Why does /var/messages report a
failed login, then six seconds later PAM allows it?

If you can help me interpret the meanings of these logs, I would be most

Paul Phillips


Subject: Rage Fury MAXX
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 02:21:58 GMT

I have an ATI Rage Fury MAXX and can't get
Xwindows to work w/ it.  Has anybody gotten a
Maxx to work?  If so, please email me -
Thanx in advance : )

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Paul Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: do these logs show a breakin?
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 20:42:58 -0600

sorry, folks, I sent this to the wrong newsgroup - my apologies...

Paul Phillips wrote:

> I have a RH6.1 linux box that I (literally) just finished installing a
> firewall on.  The box has little running on it - no telnet, no ftp, no
> web.  Only sendmail and DNS and ssh.  The DNS has been updated to the
> latest on Red Hat's web site.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dick Wisan)
Subject: CDROM-RW on laptop
Date: 21 Mar 2000 01:58:33 GMT

Thinking of using a CDROM-RW for backup.  I'd like to use the same
drive for several machines, one of which is a Thinkpad.  I could
connect to the desktops with a SCSI or an IDE (& no doubt I could
fit a USB card), but the laptop?  It has a USB socket, but I
understand Linux has trouble with those.   The serial port seems 
unlikely.  Could anything be done via a PCMCIA slot that would work
with something that the desktops can also use?

R. N. (Dick) Wisan  - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    - Snail: 37 Clinton Street, Oneonta NY 13820, U.S.A.
                    - Just your opinion, please, ma'am: No fax.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED](nospam) (Bill McGowan)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: installing RH6.1 from Reveal CD-ROM Drive
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 03:09:05 GMT

I installed Redhat 6.0 with a Reveal CD Rom drive and SC400 card, 6.1 should 
work also. A reveal CD rom is actually a "Goldstar" Cd. So select goldstar and 
in the option / parameters box  you have to put "gscd=0x230" where 0x230 is  
the CD port address. Install should see it and continue.
Hope this helps

Bill McGowan

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Igor 
>I would like to install RH6.0 or RH6.1 on my very old  PC. box.
>This box uses Reveal CD-ROM drive which came bundled
>with  SC400 Multimedia sound card.
>RH installer __does__not__ recognize CDrom drive. It does not matter
>which  CDROM driver I pick, CD ROM does not work, therefore
>I can not install RH distribution..
>Does anybody know HOW to install Linux in such a case ??
>Any help, idea, trick or ,  perhaps, solution, is more than welcome



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