Linux-Hardware Digest #532, Volume #12           Thu, 23 Mar 00 02:13:10 EST

  Successful install of SuSE 6.3 on a Cpq Presario 2200 series? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: accessing ntfs partition (Mark Bratcher)
  Re: where can I find cheap linux systems? (Mark Bratcher)
  Re: Linux modem...... (Mark Bratcher)
  Re: Can Linux report a dirty DAT drive? (Juergen Pfann)
  Re: Need Diamond stealth video 2500 driver for (Corel) Linux ("S. Park")
  PCI 128 SB ("Marcelo Abrusio")
  Montego A3D 64Voice PCI Sound Card (Gregory Kaufman)
  Re: ZIP 100 ATAPI (or is it IDE?) and Linux RH 6.0 (Dances With Crows)
  Re: UDMA66 Problem (Jeff East)
  Maximum CPU numbers ("gongtow")
  True requirements for Lexmark Optra Color 40 SIMMs? (Dan Harkless)
  Re: gcc: how to read/write a block ("Robert L. McCormick")
  Re: Problem with AH2940 after processor upgrade ("Robert L. McCormick")
  Re: Small and silent Linux hardware ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Looking for notebook with external SCSI port to install Solarisx86 or Linux 
("Singapore Guy")
  Re: RealPlayer 7 beta for Linux HOW TO INSTALL ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux sucks (Matt Giwer)
  Re: cdrom problem (William Ng)


Subject: Successful install of SuSE 6.3 on a Cpq Presario 2200 series?
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 02:59:43 GMT

has anyone successfully installed SuSE 6.3 on a Compaq Presario 2200
series? I've run into some strange initial installation challenges
(YAST2 doesn't get past the text-based loading process to the actual
GUI), and I think they're hardware related, but I don't want to waste a
tech support call if it's something the general community has already
encountered and I can fix it myself.

" could you be reborn, unless first you had become ashes." -

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Before you buy.


From: Mark Bratcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: accessing ntfs partition
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 22:11:40 -0500

Christopher Bream wrote:
> I want to be able to access the NTFS partition as my normal user.  I mean, I
> can always su and then grab the stuff I need but that's such a pain
> and I really don't want to log in as root every time.  I played with
> fstab but couldn't figure much out there.  Any help would be greatly
> appreciated.

What does your fstab entry look like for the drive? I have something
like this for my VFAT partition:

/dev/hda1       /corinth        vfat    
noexec,dev,suid,ro,uid=500,gid=100,perm=644 1 1

Mark Bratcher
Escape from Microsoft's proprietary tentacles. Use Linux!


From: Mark Bratcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: where can I find cheap linux systems?
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 22:16:00 -0500

Luis Hernandez wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to set up a really cheap web server, nothing fancy, just something
> that has a couple of gigs of space, and can handle apache, php and mySQL but
> not on heavy usage, Probably not even more than a couple of hundred hits a
> day.
> I'd like a system that's atleast 200mhz, 32-64mb of ram, CDROM and ethernet.
> No monitor necessary. I once saw an add for a system that was somewhat
> better than these specs and was $300, but I lost the ad! Can anyone point me
> to a site that sells real cheap systems? Nothing more expensive than $300.
> Thanks,
> Luis

Check out Computer Shopper magazine. They have a few very cheap system
places in the back.


From: Mark Bratcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux modem......
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 22:20:00 -0500

Pete wrote:
> Just finished installing Linux on my old 486 computer.What I need is a
> modem that will work.Any ideas?The modems that I installed are not
> recognized.I try a 56k and a 33.6.No good.Thank you

If they're Winmodems, they won't work at all. Windows only. :-(

If they're ISA plug-n-play boards, read the man page on 'isapnp'.

Mark Bratcher
Escape from Microsoft's proprietary tentacles. Use Linux!


From: Juergen Pfann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can Linux report a dirty DAT drive?
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 04:29:48 +0100

Gene Heskett wrote:
> I have a WangDat 3400DX, and when its in need of a cleaning, the status
> report doesn't seem to change, but it blinks the front panel lights and
> is otherwise un-responsive until you stick a cleaner tape in it.  Since
> (...)


my Sony SDT-9000 (DDS 3 as opposed to Darren's DDS-1 SDT-5000)
also shows 
one of its three LEDs flashing slowly as a reminder to clean heads
- but 
it is fully usable nevertheless. So I promise to check what 'mt
outputs in this state - unfortunately, this will take another
24hrs. of 
operation 'cause I just cleaned it yesterday ( hope I don't forget
till then...). 
However, my guess is it won't be reflected in the status bits -
we'll see. Altogether, I don't think you could check the 'needs
state in a script or something.




From: "S. Park" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need Diamond stealth video 2500 driver for (Corel) Linux
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 03:58:24 GMT

Bas Oversier wrote:
> Hi to all,
> I really need a linux driver for the Diamond stealth video 2500.
> If someone knows where to find it, please let me know,
> Thanks in advance,
> Bas

/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/README.apm (Redhat 6.1) says it is supported by
SVGA server (XFree86-SVGA) which is a quite standard package of X.



From: "Marcelo Abrusio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PCI 128 SB
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 04:01:07 GMT

Hi there,
I'm using Mandrake 7.  I have a SB 128 PCI and it do not work after
instalation, so I got ALSA drivers,libs, n' utils...  I did everything rigth
(extracting, compiling, preparing the devices...)  But at the time to load
the driver with modprobe (modprobe snd-card-audiopci, with and without
"card-") it says:  Can't locate module snd.card.audiopci
Any one knows how do I fix it ?
Which directory should I extract my 3 directories ?



From: Gregory Kaufman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Montego A3D 64Voice PCI Sound Card
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 20:02:51 -0800

Howdy All,

I'm running RedHat 5.2 on a Dell computer.
I have a Montego A3D 64Voice PCI Sound Card that is not listed when I
run sndconfig.
Does anybody have any advice/experience on how to set up my sound card?

I'd appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: ZIP 100 ATAPI (or is it IDE?) and Linux RH 6.0
Date: 22 Mar 2000 23:21:12 EST

On Thu, 23 Mar 2000 01:20:40 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<<8bbrgq$9gs$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> 
shouted forth into the ether:
>I'm not sure if it's ATAPI or IDE. When I check it in Win98, it says
>the interface type is IDE, but it says something about ATAPI when I
>boot the system up. Either way, how do I get it to work in Linux RH

Internal ZIP-100 drives come in 2 flavors, but they're pretty similar in
most details.  Unless you have problems ejecting the ZIP disk, no need to
worry.  The things to do are:

1. update your kernel if you're using 2.2.5 or earlier.  2.2.5 had
problems with ZIP drives, leading to data corruption in some cases!
2. Compile "IDE-Floppy" support into the kernel or as a module.
3. insert a ZIP disk into the drive.
4. # mkdir /mnt/zip    (if this doesn't exist already)
5. # mount -t vfat /dev/hdX4 /mnt/zip
(replace X with the interface your ZIP drive is plugged into.  Usually,
X=d, but not always.)
6. The ZIP is now accessible under /mnt/zip.  umount the disk before
trying to eject it.

HTH, HAND, Bonne chance.

Matt G / Dances With Crows              \###| Programmers are playwrights
There is no Darkness in Eternity         \##| Computers are lousy actors
But only Light too dim for us to see      \#| Lusers are vicious drama critics
(Unless, of course, you're working with NT)\| BOFHen burn down theatres.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff East)
Subject: Re: UDMA66 Problem
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 11:59:32 -0500

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, shane wrote:

] On Thu, 02 Mar 2000 23:33:05 -0500, Michael Prinkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
] wrote:
] Mar 23 08:45:55 a2z kernel: hdc: timeout waiting for DMA 

        I got the lost int error too, but had my drive connected as hde to
the first UDMA66 controller (BE6 motherboard).  I eventually gave up on
the hpt366 patch in case it introduced real errors.  too bad to see people
are still getting that error.
"You know the old story: girl meets boy, girl modifies boy's subroutines."
              - Captain Janeway, speaking of an Irish barkeep


From: "gongtow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Maximum CPU numbers
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 13:09:28 +0800

Could someone please told me how many CPUs could Linux support?

Some clients ask me to install 6 CPUs machine. I rember that Linux only
support up to 4 CPU. Is it right?


From: Dan Harkless <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.os2.misc,comp.periphs.printers
Subject: True requirements for Lexmark Optra Color 40 SIMMs?
Date: 23 Mar 2000 05:17:52 GMT

Howdy.  I recently ordered a Lexmark Optra Color 40 inkjet printer from for $98.95 -- a great deal for a printer with a built-in PostScript

I also took advantage of the $10-off first-time-customer purchase coupon
that Grant Taylor mentions on his "Linux Printing HOWTO" page:

Unfortunately I found out only after my purchase that there's an alternate
coupon that gives you _$20_ off:

(BTW, Grant, Egghead no longer appears to have the printer. still
has 216 as of this writing, though.)

In any case, I read in comp.os.linux.hardware and comp.os.os2.misc articles
that the Optra's default 4MB is really not sufficient.  I learned from:

that the max is 68MB, so I'd like to go ahead and get a 64MB SIMM.  However,
I'm very confused about what specs the SIMM will need to work in the Optra.
Grant's database entry:

just says "Uses generic 72-pin FPM DRAM SIMM (EDO also works)".  Posts on
these groups were similarly vague.  A Southern California OS/2 User Group
article (<>), however,

    One caveat. Do put extra memory in, and don't buy Lexmark's. Any color
    postscript driver will eat memory on a complex color image, and you will
    want to put in at least a 32MB simm. A Lexmark 32MB SIMM will cost you
    about as much as the printer -- that's right, almost $500. And even tho'
    they say the SIMM's are standard, they aren't quite. 50NS instead of
    60NS for one, and also most standard SIMMS are too high to let you put
    the printer's cover back on after installation. Don't despair, call
    J.D. at ROMCO in Eagle Rock (213-254-6060) they got me the right 3rd
    party 32MB SIMM for $70, along with the printer for $457. Good folks,
    and with what you save on the SIMM you can afford to drive there or pay
    for shipping.

Is this true?  Does the RAM really need to be 50ns? only has
a single 50ns category, and that's EDO 256MB.  I don't see any 50ns FPM 64
MB.  Perhaps Lexmark's SIMM is really 50ns but 60ns (and 70ns??) will work?
What happens when you install a SIMM that isn't fast enough?  Will it slow
down the device, or is it a case of "either it'll work perfectly or it won't
work at all"?

As far as the physical size issue that the SCOUG author mentions, I guess
I'll have to just hope for the best since the online RAM retailers don't
give dimensions for their SIMMs.  The phone number for that "ROMCO" retailer
is no longer good.

Another issue I'm worried about is refresh rate -- when I was looking into
buying a 64MB 60ns EDO 16x32 SIMM from for $43, I was told that 
its refresh rate was "6K", which only "computers made within the last
year-and-a-half can use".  I was told I'd have to get a 4K SIMM instead, for 

Seeing that going with the commodity EDO RAM apparently wasn't going to
help, I looked at the FPM stuff.  Here the cheapest thing was a 64MB 60ns
FPM 16x32 SIMM for $81.  When I inquired, however, I was told that its
refresh rate was 4K, which would "only work with computers made within the
last year".  I was told I needed 2K, which this particular retailer didn't

Now, first off, is it true that with EDO I want the highest <n>K number
possible, but with FPM I want the lowest possible?  The Optra Color 40 was
apparently released 1998-07-15, so if the people I talked to were correct,
it won't work with the current refresh rates.  I'm sure those time windows
were approximate, though, and they were talking about "computers", and this
is a printer, so the same rules may not apply...

Does anyone know what the real requirements are for a 64MB upgrade for this
beastie?  Kingston, like Lexmark, lists a special-purpose SIMM for use
within the Optra.  Unfortunately their web site apparently doesn't allow you
to get the specs on that part, but they only offer it for use within Lexmark

Could people who've installed SIMMs in their Optra Color 40s and have
verified that they work say what they used?  I know a lot of people in past
posts said "just raid your old 486", but I don't have one, so I need to know 
what I can buy that will work.

Thanks, and sorry this was so long-winded (I just expected all this
research to get me closer to the answer than it has).

Dan Harkless           | NOTE: Due to SPAM I have implemented a caller-ID- 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | like policy for this account.  Put "re-send" in   
Unitech Research, Inc. | your Subject to bypass or finger me for more info.


From: "Robert L. McCormick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: gcc: how to read/write a block
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 23:20:48 -0600

As far as I know, the read(), write(), open(), and close() system calls are
the lowest level of file I/O that you can get dealing with the OS.  I don't
know how much more efficient they are than the ansi c functions.

I don't know if Linux supports 50GB files, you may check into the
O_LARGEFILE flag in the open() man page.


> Hi,
>  I am desperately trying to find a very simple low level function that
> writes and reads to any part of the hard drive.
>  I have a 2nd, empty, ext2 hard drive mounted to /db/ directory.
>  I am using gnu gcc and cannot use functions such as fopen because it is
> not efficient enough. I need to use the entire hard disk as one big
>  binary; i.e., 50Gb of data.
>  I know how to do this in dos by simply calling the bios routine to
> write or read at any sector on the hard drive, but I would much rather
> stay
>  away from dos ;-)
>  Currently I am looking into the ll_rw_block() function but I have no
> idea if this is the correct or proper function.
>  Thanks for the help in advanced!!
>  Paul_L
> Sent via
> Before you buy.


From: "Robert L. McCormick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem with AH2940 after processor upgrade
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 23:38:32 -0600

I have nothing too insightful to add.  I have a AHA2940U2W and had problems
with it that were only corrected by moving to the latest development
kernel, which has an updated driver for the 2940 cards.  If you fail at
getting the card to work I would suggest trying the development kernel,
which seems to be quite stable.

LANGELLA Raphaël wrote:

> Hi.
> I've got an Abit BX6 Slot1 motherboard and an adaptec 2940UW SCSI card.
> I've upgraded my P-2 300 for a celeron 466 with a PPGA slot1 adaptator.
> After the upgrade, linux (v 2.2.14) crashes during the initialization of
> the SCSI card (after "downloading sequencer code" it displays another
> line and just after that, the screen goes black). I've changed the
> processor but the problem remains, so I think it could come from the
> slot1-PPGA card. I don't know if it can help, but while win98SE works
> just fine, win2K seems to suffer from the same problem as Linux on my
> system.


Subject: Re: Small and silent Linux hardware
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 06:00:01 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jim Harvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mark Kirby wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > :)
> But it has no real ethernet port :(

Sounds pretty cool though.  Thanks for the URL - I'll check it out in
more detail!


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Singapore Guy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.solaris.x86
Subject: Looking for notebook with external SCSI port to install Solarisx86 or Linux
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 14:16:46 +0800


My internal IDE disk will be setup to dual boot Win98 and 2000.
Since I cannot boot Solarisx86 or Linux using a PCMCIA attached external
SCSI disk, my other alternative is to look for a notebook with a small
expansion unit/port replicator bar that has an external SCSI port to attach
SCSI disk to.  Can someone recommend me a brand/model of notebook
that has external SCSI support?



Subject: Re: RealPlayer 7 beta for Linux HOW TO INSTALL
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 06:11:49 GMT

In article
> Does anyone know how to setup a 'spoof' plugin
for Quicktime?
> Several sites (like don't seem to
allow access
> to some files unless you've got a proper
quicktime plugin
> (which is nonexistent on Linux).

try Xswallow.  It lets you set up any program as
any type of plugin.  The machine I normally get it
from seems to be down, but I found a mirror of it
at  Hope that helps!

I love the new realplayer, but when I to install
the plugin, netscape crashes  (bus error) when I
try to run it.  Has anyone gotten Redhat 6.0,
netscape 4.7 working with this beta realplayer 7?


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Matt Giwer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.portable,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: Linux sucks
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 06:25:00 GMT

John Jordan wrote:

> Well put. That's the point I keep trying to make. Every Windows user
> who tries Linux, gets frustrated, and returns to Windows, means that
> the Linux community loses more than just another user. 

        Just to burst your bubble, here is a future ex-windows user who
got so pissed at Windows instability that I am learning linux. 

        There are a couple differences. The first being that linux makes
sense after you learn the internals. After spending the time
making sense of Windows below point and learn you discover only
hack upon hack and MS actively working with vendors to prevent
the user from doing things. 

        And while learning you get a stable OS. 

<A href="">A free internet for a free


From: William Ng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: cdrom problem
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 22:45:43 -0800

Hi Scott,

Thanks for the info. Unfortunately it did not work.
The responses I got were the same as before.
I already tried a CD on which I could read with a
NT machine, and the NT machine showed the
FS of the CD as cdfs (I think this the same as

I will keep experimenting.


-William Ng

Scott Anderson wrote:

> Your CD-ROM has been recognized, but you are using the disc label as your
> filesystem and not what the FS actually is.  You can try 2 different
> commands,
> % mount -t vfat /dev/hdc /cdrom
> --- or ---
> % mount -t msdos /dev/hdc /cdrom
> Those are both incase your CD was created with a FAT  filesystem or a DOS
> filesystem.  Try it out.
> Scott Anderson
> William Ng wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a 166MHZ IBM-Aptiva system,and I am having
> > some problem with the cdrom. I think my system
> > recongized the cdrom as indicated during boot up:
> >
> > hdc: MATSHITA CR-583, ATAPI CDROM drive
> > ide1 at 0x170-0x177, 0x376 on irq 15
> > ...
> > hdc: ATAPI 8X CD-ROM drive, 128kB Cache
> > Uniform CDROM driver Revision: 2.54
> >
> > However, when I try to mount it as root with
> >
> > % mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /cdrom
> >
> > It responded:
> >
> > mount: block device /dev/hdc is write-protectec, mounting read-only
> > mount: No medium found
> >
> > Here is my /dev/hdc looks like:
> >
> > brw-r----- 1     root    disk    22,    0 May 8    1995     /dev/hdc
> >
> > which looks ok to me.
> >
> > Also,  at the end of dmesg, there are some apparently related messages.
> > I hope someone can give me some help.
> >
> > ATAPI device hdc:
> > Error: Not ready -- (Sense key=2x02)
> >  Unable to recover table of contents -- (asc=0x57, ascq=0x00)
> >  The failed "Test Unit Ready" packet command was:
> >  "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00"
> > ATAPI device hdc:
> > Error: Not ready -- (Sense key=2x02)
> >  Unable to recover table of contents -- (asc=0x57, ascq=0x00)
> >  The failed "Test Unit Ready" packet command was:
> >  "1b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00"
> > cdrom: open failed.
> > ATAPI device hdc:
> > Error: Not ready -- (Sense key=2x02)
> >  Unable to recover table of contents -- (asc=0x57, ascq=0x00)
> >  The failed "Test Unit Ready" packet command was:
> >  "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00"
> > VFS: Disk change detected on device ide1(22,0)
> >
> > Please help.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > -William Ng



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