Linux-Hardware Digest #560, Volume #12           Mon, 27 Mar 00 17:13:07 EST

  Re: IDE zip Drives (Henrik Becker)
  Re: Modem worked in corel linux but not in Mandrake ("Toolman")
  Re: Montego A3D 64Voice PCI Sound Card ("Kirk R. Wythers")
  Re: Question: PIII mobos, GX chipset, 100MHz bus (jwk)
  Re: k6 (Michael Meding)
  I have to change OS to Windows98, help me! ("Ole Andre")
  Re: Linux on K7 (Antoine Hugueney)
  Re: True requirements for Lexmark Optra Color 40 SIMMs? (Bob Eager)
  Re: RH6.1 and VIA KX133 based motherboards (Mickey Stein)
  Re: AMD CPU Overheating! What can I do about it? (Dan Ritter)
  Iomega ZIP 250 (ATAPI)
  Is there a hardware compatibility list? (Dan Ritter)
  Re: Autodetecton of /dev/lp1 (Peter Keller)
  Re: Can ping myself, but nothing else ("Jeff Susanj")
  Re: Does SuSE-linux or FreeBSD supports Turtle Beach sound card? ("J. C.")
  Re: Software RAID dilemma (Magnus Svensson)
  free Linux installation CD ("sava")
  Re: free Linux installation CD (Pat Finnegan)
  Re: Adaptec ADP1505A and Linux RH6.1 SCSI (C. C. McPherson)
  Re: free Linux installation CD ("J. C.")
  Re: Is there a hardware compatibility list? (Steve Feil)
  kernel freeze with bttv + WinTV Go (Torsten Blank)
  Re: Iomega ZIP 250 (ATAPI) (Pat Finnegan)
  Anyone with a LT winmodem ISA & Linux? ("C.M.F.")
  Re: I have to change OS to Windows98, help me! (Steve Feil)
  Re: Is there a hardware compatibility list? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: True requirements for Lexmark Optra Color 40 SIMMs? (Dan Harkless)
  Does XFree86 3.3.6 Support ATI Rage-Mobility Pro ? (Prasad mahindrakar)
  Re: Voodoo Banshee Supported? (James Alan Brown)
  Modem installing problems under Linux 6.1 (Vladi Ustinov)


From: Henrik Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: IDE zip Drives
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 20:26:38 +0200

Ralph Blach wrote:
> Does Linux support IDE zip/jazz drivers?

Zip yes, don't know about jazz. but would guess yes. Check


Henrik Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |


dt. J-Pilot Handbuch fertig:


From: "Toolman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Modem worked in corel linux but not in Mandrake
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 13:15:13 -0800

Hi James!

Just curious, why did you switch from Corel.  I ask only because I'm
contemplating on making a purchase of the new Corel WordPerfect Office 2000
for Linux.


Dennis, WI

"James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>      I used to use Corel Linux but have now changed to mandrake 7.0
> instead, When I was using Corel linux I could use my modem But in mandrake
> whenever I try to connect to the internet I get a message saying either;
> "Modem is busy."  or.
> "Sorry cannot open port."
>      I have tried selecting all the different devices in kppp but nothing
> works. Does anyone know how to fix this?
>      Help would be much appreciated.
>                                     JL
> --
> Posted via CNET


From: "Kirk R. Wythers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Montego A3D 64Voice PCI Sound Card
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 13:33:47 -0600

Look at:



Gregory Kaufman wrote:

> Howdy All,
> I'm running RedHat 5.2 on a Dell computer.
> I have a Montego A3D 64Voice PCI Sound Card that is not listed when I
> run sndconfig.
> Does anybody have any advice/experience on how to set up my sound card?
> I'd appreciate any help.
> Thanks in advance.
> Greg

Kirk R. Wythers                                  University of Minnesota
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 Department of Forest Resources
Tel: 612.625.22611530                            Cleveland Ave. N.
Fax: 612 625.5212                                Saint Paul,  MN 55108


Subject: Re: Question: PIII mobos, GX chipset, 100MHz bus
Date: 27 Mar 2000 19:34:10 GMT

On Sun, 26 Mar 2000 20:05:34 -0600, Robert L. McCormick
>I just put in an order for a Tyan motherboard (S1837UANGR) with a
>GX chipset.  At Tyan's web site, they claim that this board supports the
>coppermine PIII processor at 700 MHz (100 MHz bus) as long as the
>motherboard is at least a certain revision.
>My question is: If it supports the 700 MHz PIII then is it likely that
>it also supports the 800 MHz version (at the same bus speed)?
It seems probable. However, if Tyan can't let you know, would you buy an
expensive board from them? Why spend your money with a company that
doesn't care?

Good luck,

The person who smiles when things go wrong has thought of
someone to blame it on.
        Jones' Law
Linux 2.2.15pre14 SMP up 1 min 4 users load av: 0.25 0.09 0.03


From: Michael Meding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: k6
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 20:37:26 +0200

Pete wrote:
> unterstützt der Standard-Kernel 2.2.14 den k6 oder muss ich einen anderen
> bei der Installation angeben? Danke
Was heisst unterstützt ? Klar läuft der Standardkernel auf einem K& aber
es gibt Probleme wenn Du ihn selber kompilieren möchtest und gcc 2.95
verwendest und z.B. Petnium Optimierungen.




From: "Ole Andre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: I have to change OS to Windows98, help me!
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 21:36:27 -0800

I have Xircom ISDN Creditcard, kernel 2.2.13, slack7 and a laptop.
How can I use/configure my card?
Please help me!


From: Antoine Hugueney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux on K7
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 22:46:46 +0200

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
workerbee a &eacute;crit :
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><style></style>
<font face="Arial"><font size=-1>Sorry
for empty body,</font></font>&nbsp;<font face="Arial"><font size=-1>I wanted
to ask: has any one run linux on K7 machine?&nbsp; would you mind give
some summary on it?&nbsp; What MB, hard drive, etc</font></font>&nbsp;<font 
face="Arial"><font size=-1>thanks,</font></font>&nbsp;
<br><font face="Arial"><font size=-1>--</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial"><font size=-1>the WorkerBee</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial"><font size=-1><a 
<br><font face="Arial"><font size=-1>Tired of high gas price?&nbsp; Beat
them online!</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial"><font size=-1>Buy books Online?&nbsp; We compare
prices from major online bookstores!</font></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;
style="BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; 
PADDING-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px">"workerbee"
&lt;<a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</a>>
wrote in message <a 
href="news:AUFB4.24$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:AUFB4.24$[EMAIL PROTECTED]</a>...&nbsp;
<br>the WorkerBee
<br><a href=""></a>&nbsp;
Tired of high gas price?&nbsp; Fight them online!</blockquote>
<p>It worked fine on mine (0.25 micron, 550 MHz, MB=Gigabyte 7Ix (or something
like that), 1x128 Mb (100 ns), hard drives=Maxtor 5200rpm 8 Gb UDMA33 +
IBM 7200rpm 20,5Gb UDMA66.
<br>But still, I had to get an upgrade from Linux Mandrake 6.0 to 6.1 as
there was no mtrr recognition of the K7 before kernel 2.2.10 (approximately,
if I remember well; in any case with 2.2.13 and above it is fine). I also
could have recompiled (actually, cross-compiled) the kernel without mtrr
<br>I read that some memories don't work very well with K7. I don't know
which brand I have (I got them with the K7). The only hardware problem
I have may be coming from the aging 0.25-micron technology (now they have
0.18) : it heats too much. I have a double fan (designed for PII 400 MHz)
and I still have to open one of the side panels of my Linux box : 32&deg;C
(up to 36&deg;C) instead of 45&deg;C when closed (CPU temperature - system
temperature is a couple of degrees lower).
<p>Enjoy your CPU (10000000 pi digits in 370 seconds !)
<p>Antoine Hugueney


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Eager)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.os2.misc,comp.periphs.printers
Subject: Re: True requirements for Lexmark Optra Color 40 SIMMs?
Date: 27 Mar 2000 20:02:14 GMT

On Mon, 27 Mar 2000 18:46:36, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > There are probably a few others out there for which there is a
> > Postscript option; if you find any, please let me know so I can keep
> > an eye on them!
> I think Tektronix had has (had?) some inkjets with Postscript.

I've just bought a Xerox C20 - that has PCL and PostScript.

Bob Eager
rde at
PC Server 325; PS/2s 8595*3, 9595*3 (2*P60 + P90), 8535, 8570, 9556*2,
8557*2, 8550, 9577, 8530, P70, PC/AT..


From: Mickey Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RH6.1 and VIA KX133 based motherboards
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 11:59:59 -0800

Hi - I recently moved (via drive image) a full Redhat 6.1 dist
completely setup from an abit bx6r2 (550e oc'd->733) to an asus p3v4x
(via 133a, 550e oc'd ->825mhz). Booted to runlevel 1 no  problems where
I resolved the hardware differences and then set runlevel 3 , ran kde
and all is working well. Sound (aureal 1) is good too, using either OSS
beta's or drivers, but to get kde event sounds to work
right, you need to take a look at the /usr/X11R6/bin/startkde script and
note where it looks in some /etc file to determine the cardtype. I
created the file it looked at, invented a cardtype called SOUND<G> and
now kde is happily making absolutely tasteless sounds. Other than that,
nothing of interest has changed for linux, no kernel recompile on 2.2.13
to get it to work just fine with 133a.
    good luck

Martin Zabadal wrote:

> Thayer Andrews wrote:
> > Does anyone out there have any experience with this setup?
> > Specifically I'm looking at the EpoX EX-7KXA (I think I got
> > that right) motherboard with an Athlon 700.  I've read quite
> > a few good reviews of this board (and the KX133 chipset) but
> > none of them mention Linux compatibility.
> >
> > Any info you could provide would be much appreciated.
> >
> > -Thayer
> I am running Linux on NMC 7VAX with Athlon 600MHz too. I have
> S.U.S.E-6.3
> All works fine and really quickly but i get no sound (Kernel 2.2.13)
> Can someone help me ?
> Martin


From: Dan Ritter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AMD CPU Overheating! What can I do about it?
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 20:23:04 GMT

Igor wrote:

> I have a homebuilt computer, with a Soyo 5EMA+ motherboard, an AMD K6-3
> 450MHZ CPU, 128 MB of ram, 3 hard drives and one CD-Writer.
> My problem is that during CPU-intensive operations, such as running Oracle
> or recompiling the linux kernel, the CPU starts giving random errors, such
> as "Error 11" and such. It appears to be a symptom of overheating. For

I'm glad the heatsink compound worked.  However if I were you I would still
get a better heatsink fan.  Even if you're not overclocking the CPU.  I found
some of the best prices at  Click on products then
cooling.  I would check out the Global Win FA6EXB which is on the top of the
list for socket 7 type fans.  They sell it for $15.95 american which is the
cheapest I've seen.


Subject: Iomega ZIP 250 (ATAPI)
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 20:30:12 GMT


Has anyone been successful at getting the 250 Zip up and running on RH 
6.1?  If so, could you please share your success.

I have checked the Iomega’s website

for Linux drivers and they point me to

>From this website I am pointed to (in section 4.8 - ZIPP250 version)

a site that has a “Proxy Error” – No Route to Host.

I have checked Yahoo, Redhat, Cnet, for help and can’t seem to 
find instructions.  Although I know (at least I think) that I need the 
drivers for ZipPlus.  Just can’t find anything.

I thought I knew a lot of the “How To’s” working in Windows for so many 
years.  Being a Newbie to Linux sure is a kick in the pants.  But, it’s 

Thanks again for any help.

Posted via CNET


From: Dan Ritter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Is there a hardware compatibility list?
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 20:43:06 GMT

Has anyone made a complete hardware compatibility list yet?  I was
looking around the internet for 1/2 an hour a couple of days ago with no


From: Peter Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Autodetecton of /dev/lp1
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 20:52:05 GMT

> echo 7 > /proc/parport/0/irq 

Cool, I knew this must have been around somewhere, it helps me out too.
Now what about the dma channel, what should that be?  How would I find that 

Peter Keller
(take the foo out to reply by email)


From: "Jeff Susanj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can ping myself, but nothing else
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 20:26:36 GMT

Are you trying to ping by IP address or by name?  If its by IP address then
I would look at the network connection.  If by name, look at your domain
name server entries.  I think we really need more info to be of much help.

Jeff S.

Larry Weideman wrote in message ...
>I can ping myself, but nothing else.  There are no errors on boot up.
>Please help.  I am using Suse 6.3 with a Linksys Etherfast 10/100 using
>the tulip.o driver.
>Posted via CNET


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Does SuSE-linux or FreeBSD supports Turtle Beach sound card?
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 20:53:42 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Alex Lam." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

:      Can't find info on SuSE's hardware db.  Does anybody knows if ALSA
: or OSS supports Turtle Beach sound card?  If it does, which model?
:      Linux kernel 2.2.x, or FreeBSD 3.3. (I bought the official SuSE 6.3
: CD set, I believe the ALSA is in there and paid for.)

The ALSA site has a list of supported cards; the Turtle Beach Wavefront
is supported, but not (unfortunately) my old Multisound Classic, which
cannot be run under the 2.3.x kernels. 


From: Magnus Svensson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc,
Subject: Re: Software RAID dilemma
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 22:47:33 +0200

On Mon, 27 Mar 2000 00:59:02 +0200, Magnus Svensson

>I've gotten myself into a jam here...

Sorry, nevermind, fixed it.

I got a raid2.2.14 patch from, and now
everything works... Puh... 

Btw, this setup screams!

25MB/s in hdparm -tT. Damn.

Take care,


From: "sava" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: free Linux installation CD
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 22:03:24 +0200

Somebody know were  i can get free Linux installation CD ?



From: Pat Finnegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: free Linux installation CD
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 16:14:21 -0500

sava wrote:

> Somebody know were  i can get free Linux installation CD ?
> Thanks.

You can get cheap ones (a couple bucks + s&h) from or download a cd image from a site (look at ) and burn it yourself or ask a friend very
nicely to burn it for you.

-- Pat Finnegan


From: C. C. McPherson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Adaptec ADP1505A and Linux RH6.1 SCSI
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 16:16:21 -0500

> I would like to use my SCSI CDWR on my Linux box
> ( stock RH6.1  kernel 2.2.12-20 ).
> More than a week I am trying to make my SCSI card running.
> I have Adaptec AHA1505A card. It is an ISA card.
> It does not matter what I do , I am not able to load module
> for this card.  I am always getting  the following
> message:
> /lib/modules/2.2.12-20/scsi/aha152x.o: init_module: Device or resource
> busy
> According to info I have the correct module for this card is
> 'aha152x.o'.
> What did I try to do  'til now:
> - I did try to set ALL combinations of addresses and IRQs
>   using 'pnpdump' and 'isapnp'. 'isapnp' recognizes
>   the card and sets IRQ. The output of the 'isapnp' is
>   ADP1505/849934698[0]{SCSI Controller }:
>   Port 0x340; IRQ10 --- Enabled OK
> - I did try to put an append line into lilo.conf
>   The line was : append="aha152x=0x340,11,7,1,1"
>   Yes, I did try other combinations also. I was able
>   to boot the system without any error messages,
>   but 'lsmod' did not show module 'aha152x.o' loaded.
> - I read ALL available RTFM I found on the NET,
> - I read SCSI-HOWTO
> - I read a lot of messages related to the 1505 on
> I am still 'lost'...  I am not able to load that
> SCSI module..
> Any hint, link, advice, URL, pointer is more than
> welcome
> Thanks
> Igor
I had a 1505 for a long time, and could never get it running 
in the kernel 2.2 code base. I finally trashed it and got an 
old 1542b that works fine with my scanner. You may want to 
opt for another scsi controller. 



Subject: Re: free Linux installation CD
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 21:17:09 GMT

In article <8boeoc$h8g$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "sava"

: Somebody know were  i can get free Linux installation CD ?

The latest Linux Journal has a TurboLinux Workstation CD included,
probably bootable (I wouldn't know, my BIOS won't boot from the CD).
It's a good magazine, too.


From: Steve Feil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is there a hardware compatibility list?
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 15:13:19 -0600

Dan Ritter wrote:
> Has anyone made a complete hardware compatibility list yet?  I was
> looking around the internet for 1/2 an hour a couple of days ago with no
> luck.

 Steven Feil           | Gram-pa, back at the turn of the      .~. 
 Programmer/Developer  | century, why did people use an        /V\ 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]          | operating system, when they were not // \\
                       | allowed to see the source code?      (X_X)


From: Torsten Blank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: kernel freeze with bttv + WinTV Go
Date: 27 Mar 2000 23:18:24 +0200


I have a serious problem with the frame grabber card WinTV Go and the
bttv driver. My video card is a Miro Magic Premium with Riva128 chip
and 4MB RAM. The kernel is 2.2.10-SuSE. The modules videodev, i2c,
tuner and bttv load without any problems.

Mostly, when i start xawtv the windows remains black. Sometimes a TV
picture appears, but then the picture freezes, and so do the
kernel. Sound works fine. I have tried to play around with the options
for bttv, with no effect. I have even tried to upgrade to kernel
2.2.14 or to change the PCI slot (although there is no interrupt

I dont know what to do now. It seems that there is a buffer overflow,
or something like that, when writing to the frame buffer. Does anyone
has some hints, or some tips what to try next?

         Torsten Blank

This ist a part of /var/log/messages:

> Mar 27 20:18:36 computer kernel: Linux video capture interface: v1.00
> Mar 27 20:18:42 computer kernel: i2c: initialized
> Mar 27 20:19:11 computer kernel: bttv0: Brooktree Bt878 (rev 2) bus: 0, devfn: 136, 
>irq: 10, memory: 0xe2001000.
> Mar 27 20:19:11 computer kernel: bttv: 1 Bt8xx card(s) found.
> Mar 27 20:19:11 computer kernel: bttv0: Hauppauge eeprom: tuner=Philips FI1216 MK2 
> Mar 27 20:19:11 computer kernel: bttv0: NO fader chip: TEA6300
> Mar 27 20:19:11 computer kernel: bttv0: model: BT878(Hauppauge new)

for the vidmem option i have used 0xe10, as can be found in /proc/pci:

> PCI devices found:
>   Bus  0, device   0, function  0:
>     Host bridge: Silicon Integrated Systems 5597/5598 Host (rev 2).
>       Medium devsel.  Master Capable.  Latency=24.  
>   Bus  0, device   1, function  0:
>     ISA bridge: Silicon Integrated Systems 85C503 (rev 1).
>       Medium devsel.  Master Capable.  No bursts.  
>   Bus  0, device   1, function  1:
>     IDE interface: Silicon Integrated Systems 85C5513 (rev 208).
>       Fast devsel.  IRQ 14.  Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
>       I/O at 0x1f0 [0x1f1].
>       I/O at 0x3f4 [0x3f5].
>       I/O at 0x170 [0x171].
>       I/O at 0x374 [0x375].
>       I/O at 0x4000 [0x4001].
>   Bus  0, device  11, function  0:
>     VGA compatible controller: NVidia/SGS Thomson Riva 128 (rev 16).
>       Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  IRQ 11.  Master Capable.  
>Latency=32.  Min Gnt=3.Max Lat=1.
>       Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe0000000 [0xe0000000].
>       Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe1000000 [0xe1000008].
>   Bus  0, device  17, function  0:
>     Multimedia video controller: Brooktree Bt878 2nd Contr. (?) (rev 2).
>       Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  IRQ 10.  Master Capable.  
>Latency=32.  Min Gnt=16.Max Lat=40.
>       Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe2001000 [0xe2001008].
>   Bus  0, device  17, function  1:
>     Multimedia controller: Brooktree Bt878 (rev 2).
>       Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  IRQ 10.  Master Capable.  
>Latency=32.  Min Gnt=4.Max Lat=255.
>       Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe2002000 [0xe2002008].

The wwwhite zone is for loading and unloading only.
If you have to load or unload, go to the wwwhite zone.
                the central scrutinizer


From: Pat Finnegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Iomega ZIP 250 (ATAPI)
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 16:15:47 -0500


> Hello,
> Has anyone been successful at getting the 250 Zip up and running on RH
> 6.1?  If so, could you please share your success.
> I have checked the Iomega?s website
> for Linux drivers and they point me to
> From this website I am pointed to (in section 4.8 - ZIPP250 version)
> a site that has a ?Proxy Error? - No Route to Host.
> I have checked Yahoo, Redhat, Cnet, for help and can?t seem to
> find instructions.  Although I know (at least I think) that I need the
> drivers for ZipPlus.  Just can?t find anything.
> I thought I knew a lot of the ?How To?s? working in Windows for so many
> years.  Being a Newbie to Linux sure is a kick in the pants.  But, it?s
> fun.
> Thanks again for any help.
> --
> Posted via CNET

What kind is it: SCSI, IDE, parallel port, or USB?


Subject: Anyone with a LT winmodem ISA & Linux?
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 21:23:29 GMT

    Please, How?

(in spanish if maybe)


From: Steve Feil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I have to change OS to Windows98, help me!
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 15:21:13 -0600

Ole Andre wrote:
> I have Xircom ISDN Creditcard, kernel 2.2.13, slack7 and a laptop.
> How can I use/configure my card?
> Please help me!

have you tried
 Steven Feil           | Gram-pa, back at the turn of the      .~. 
 Programmer/Developer  | century, why did people use an        /V\ 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]          | operating system, when they were not // \\
                       | allowed to see the source code?      (X_X)


Subject: Re: Is there a hardware compatibility list?
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 21:17:28 GMT

Yeah... there are several such things...


Also go to:
and search on "linux hardware compatible".

If it's tape drive compatibility you're looking for:

good luck.  The information isn't always as coherent as a book, but then
again, you're not reading a book.


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Dan Ritter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anyone made a complete hardware compatibility list yet? I was
> looking around the internet for 1/2 an hour a couple of days ago with
> luck.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Dan Harkless <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.os2.misc,comp.periphs.printers
Subject: Re: True requirements for Lexmark Optra Color 40 SIMMs?
Date: 27 Mar 2000 21:21:56 GMT

William L. Hartzell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 >There is no such thing as a 1k or a 2k refreash rate.  

Okay.  I'm just repeating the wording used on RAM sellers' sites.

 >These numbers
 >refer to the size of the on chip cache.  The speed improvments of these
 >DRAM chips are gained by having a static cache on chip.  There exist a
 >period inwhich the chip cannot replenish the cache, but that is not
 >depended upon the size of the cache.  It is the always existing re-write
 >cycle that DRAM chips have had sine the first DRAM chip was made by
 >Intel in 1975(?).  AS Grant says, it is 32 ms for these EDO chips.
 >Since EDO designers borrowed the cache technique from the SDRAM design,
 >The  biggest difference between the two designs has been the internal
 >organization memory cells with SDRAM having the faster copyrighted
 >design.  Sorry to get off on the technical side.  Hope this helps.

No, technical is great, but what's the upshot?  I should be able to use 4K
(or 6K, or whatever) SIMMs with my printer and it should work fine?

Dan Harkless           | NOTE: Due to SPAM I have implemented a caller-ID- 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | like policy for this account.  Put "re-send" in   
Unitech Research, Inc. | your Subject to bypass or finger me for more info.


From: Prasad mahindrakar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Does XFree86 3.3.6 Support ATI Rage-Mobility Pro ?
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 21:30:12 GMT

 Does anybody know whether XFree86 3.3.6 support ATI Rage-Mobility Pro
 Chipset. Any help appreciated.

 Prasad Mahindrakar

Posted via CNET


From: James Alan Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Voodoo Banshee Supported?
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 21:30:05 GMT

I use the Voodoo Banshee Creative Lab 16 Meg AGP on SuSE 6.3 and boy its
fast and dandy... Quake III runs great ...

If any of you need info on the config files or setting up then let me know?

Also for SuSE users you can download for free my config files and a Banshee 
X server on

Click on the Linux button to get to my download directory.


JAB Computers Bristol UK

Michel Catudal wrote:
> D L a crit :
> > 
> > I was planning on installing Mandrake 7
> > 
> > Is the voodoo banshee video card supported?
> > 
> > Thanks in advance.
> > 
> > Darren
> I don't know about Mandrake but I saw it in the list when installing
> SuSE 6.3
> My card is a voodoo 2 and is not supported by X but by some games
> with glide. It sucks!
> -- 
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Posted via CNET


Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 00:54:20 +0300
From: Vladi Ustinov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Modem installing problems under Linux 6.1

I've recently installed Linux 6.1 (KDE) and I can't make my Modem work.
The modem is located on com3 in windows, which means Stty2 at linux.
But when I try to configure it - it responds "modem busy".
I'm afraid this modem could be not compatible with linux - I have Boca
Does anybody know what ot do, and if I have to buy another modem - can
anybody advice me which one to buy in order to be sure it will work
under both windows and linux.
    Thanks in advance for your reply,

Vladi Ustinov
Speedy Dating support staff
Speedy Software
email for support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ICQ Number: 38088451 Schroedinger's Cat
Vladi Ustinov, Computer Science Student
Tel-Aviv University



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