Linux-Hardware Digest #583, Volume #12           Fri, 31 Mar 00 06:13:07 EST

  Re: Help LILO 10101... Problem!!! (Cameron L. Spitzer)
  slow ethernet one way... fast the other way - 3com 905B-TX ("Jason Byrne")
  EIDE-ST3xxx-ERROR (Christoph Fister)
  Re: Compaq w/ Smart Array RAID problem ("Justin C. Le Grice")
  Re: Linux sucks? Maybe not. (Andy Guibert)
  Re: Installing Kernel 2.2.xx on HP LXr 8/Pro (Claude Hecker)
  Re: slow ethernet one way... fast the other way - 3com 905B-TX ("Jason Byrne")
  Multi Processor Systems ("Roaster")
  S3 Savage4 installation problem with Mandrake 6.0 (Harry Lewis)
  Re: FAT32 partitions and Linux ("Roaster")
  Promise udma66 Controller ("Bobby Hitt")
  Linux post-install boot problems on K6II system
  Re: Q: Setting up a kernel for use with ES1371 sound card? (Steffen Jost)
  Problems with IDE internal ZIP (Maik Hassel)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cameron L. Spitzer)
Subject: Re: Help LILO 10101... Problem!!!
Date: 31 Mar 2000 05:38:22 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Marc wrote:
>Martin wrote:
>> When installing RH 6.1 on my system after the LILO configuration has
>> completed upon rebooting my system I get the 10101010... string running
>> accross the screen. I then have to boot into DOS and "fdisk /mbr". I have an
>> IBM Deskstar 20.5GB drive with 2 partitions of 10GB running Win 98 and a 4GB
>> Quantumn Fireball running Linux. I did not have any probs with LILO before
>> the IBM drive was installed.

The automatic stuff in RH 6.1 does not handle large hard drives
properly.  Complain to Red Hat.
Meanwhile, make a boot floppy.  It will save you aggravation.

>       I have two hard disks in the computer, one is fixed the other is in a
>removable drawer.  

Make a boot floppy.  It will save you aggravation.
Lilo is not well suited to environments where the disk configuration
changes all the time.



From: "Jason Byrne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: slow ethernet one way... fast the other way - 3com 905B-TX
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 22:41:25 -0800

wondering if anyone has an idea on this one...

I'm using a 3com 905B-TX card with RedHat 5.1 (2.0.34 kernel), experiencing
the following:

1) the initial install detected card as 3com Vortex and set up 3c59x driver
for card 'automagically'.

first... using this driver... the gateway I set up was not working (machine
has static IP... and uses same gateway under Win98 without problems.

then I added 'options eth0 options=0 to force 10baseT negotation - in
contrast to AUI... and gateway works.


set up ssh, etc... and did a 68mb 'scp' from another nearby machine in the
same subnet... which copied at a rate averaging ~ 300k/sec... so card is
working nice.

set up sendmail, etc... and verified correct setup by sending emails back
and forth.. works fine - until I send a message with a large attachment from
'3com' machine *to* another machine - and transfer rate crawls - 1 - 4k/sec.

So... I try downloading something off the internet onto the '3com'
machine... and transfer rate flies (almost 400k/sec incoming - very fast).

Test *outgoing* rate again trying 'scp' *to* another machine... and again
get a super slow transfer rate.


Anyway... any ideas why *outgoing* rate from '3com' machine is sooooo
slow... while incoming rate works great?


I downloaded source for a more recent driver (3c90x.c) and
compiled/installed the new module, but I still get similar results -

very slow outgoing transfer rates... (usually from 1-4k/sec - like I'm using
a modem?) but very fast incoming rates.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated ;-)


From: Christoph Fister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: EIDE-ST3xxx-ERROR
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 08:55:42 +0200

 writing mode under linux 2.2.10:
 kernel (dmesg):
 hda: status timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
 hda: no DRQ after issuing WRITE
 ide0: reset: success
 hda: status timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
 hda: no IRQ after issuing WRITE
 ide0: reset: success

 hdparm -i /dev/hda-Output:

 Model=ST313021A, FwRev=3.03, SerialNo=7CT01GJK
 HdSw>15uSec Fixed DTR>10Mbs RotSpdTol>.5% }
 RawCHS=25232/16/63, TrkSize=0, SectSize=0, ECCbytes=4
 BuffSize=512kB, MaxMultSect=32, MultSect=off
 DMA=yes, maxDMA=2(fast)
 IORDY=on/off, tPIO={min:240,w/IORDY:120}, PIO modes: mode3 mode4

 is the a DMA timing problem?
 when i replace the ST313021A by an IBM-DJNA-371350 HD
 the same computer (motherboard/BIOS-settings)  runs
 without any hda/ide errors listed above. Then i
 installed a ST34311A HD and got the same errors as
 running linux on the ST313021A HD.

any solutions...?




From: "Justin C. Le Grice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Compaq w/ Smart Array RAID problem
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 19:06:28 +1200

Try rerunning SmartStart and use System Erase to start from scratch.

Worked for me in the past although I was installing NT.

John Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8c10nd$pre$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I set up one new Compaq Proliant ML350 today, with the Smart Array 221
> RAID controller, and it just flew through.  I used the SmartStart CD to
> switch RAID modes, and then used the Red Hat 6.1 standard installer.
> Things didn't go so well with the second system.  After several tries Red
> Hat still says "no valid devices were found on which to create new
> filesystems.  Please check your hardware..."  This even with several
> passes through SmartStart.
> Is it known that Compaqs can get in "states" like this and is there some
> resolution, or does this sound like a hardware problem?
> I think I'll try the phone support in the morning, but I'm tempted just to
> return this one as broken.
> John


From: Andy Guibert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Re: Linux sucks? Maybe not.
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 02:15:28 -0500


Sorry about the length of this post. I thought I would add a little something
to this thread. Take with a grain of salt. ;)

Dick Brown wrote in comp.os.linux.hardware, networking, portable:

> I would never say that I purchased MS because it is supported.

And you're right in not saying so! Here's my reasoning:

On tech support:

1. It's never *their* product that's causing the lockup.
2. You're wallet loses weight faster than you do, on a slim-fast(tm) diet.
3. No matter how hard you plead, you can never get to talk to a tech or a
4. On the plus side, they are very nice people and I feel for them; It's a
tough job.

On processor architecture:

1. Just how well will Windows(tm) fare with a 64-bit processor?
2. Just how well did Microsoft support the 64-bit Alpha chip's NT port?
3. Did you know that at one point, Digital (Compaq) had more engineers working
on Alpha NT than Microsoft did?
4. Is Alpha NT still around? And also, why do the words 'Dirty Laundry' come
to mind?
5. Yes, contrary to popular belief Microsoft Chairman & Chief Software
Architect Bill Gates is all about choices. Now, my Alpha can run Linux,
OpenBSD, NetBSD and FreeBSD. Thanks. :)

On binaries, and their compatibility:

1. True 64-bit code? Ever? Not even for IA64, Itanium?
2. The more 16 and 32-bit compatible you have, the less 64-bit code is in your
3. In addition to release often, patch often, has Microsoft ever tried the
hidden C compiler directive: #undef _BUGS_ ?
4. Maybe at times 'make properproduct' is more appropriate than 'make buck'.
5. I don't want my servers to be workstations! They are s-e-r-v-e-r-s, not
general purpose appliances with built-in vacuum cleaners (you call that what,
a fan?). Is Windows(tm) a cat or a dog?

Why is it that both FreeBSD and Debian Linux run smoothly but Windows(tm)
feels latent on a group of three machines which all have the same mainstream
hardware? Is there anything I should know about the PIII-600, 256MB RAM, IBM
SCSI-3 10K drives on a AHA2940U2W combination? Clue me in, I'm puzzled on this
one... I'll reload Windows2000(tm) and try it out.


PS: Sorry for putting you on the spot Bill, I just thought it would be pretty
cool if you answered in person... :)

 Andy Guibert - GNU/Linux & Unix Systems Administrator
======== "STOP the FUD, free() the malloc()s!" ========


From: Claude Hecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Installing Kernel 2.2.xx on HP LXr 8/Pro
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 09:24:31 +0200

Thanks, but i've tried it in many ways.
So i've compiled the Kernels myself but there was no successfully
Always it would hang by the PCI Scan.

Sorry for multiple posts..
Claude Hecker

Hans Dumbrajs schrieb:

> Claude Hecker wrote:
> > Hi folks...
> >
> > is there anyone who has expiriences in how
> > to install a Kernel 2.2.xx on an HP LXr 8/Pro ?
> >
> > By the way, this machine is running very nice by
> > using a Kernel like 2.0.36 but would halt on booting
> > a newer Kernel at the point of PCI Bus Scan.
> >
> > Description of the hardware: (fully functional under 2.0.36)
> > 4* Pentium Pro / 1MB Cache
> > 512 MB RAM
> > NCR53c875 SCSI Controller
> > 2* SCSI 9,1 GB HDD
> > 1* CD-ROM SCSI
> > FDD
> > NetRAID based on i960 Chip
> > S3 based Graphics Card
> > Intel EtherExpress pro / 100 TX
> >
> > best regards
> > Claude Hecker
> Hmm.. I don't have any experience with the mchine you mentioned, but did
> you compile the kernel yourself?
> There are some options you can set at compile time for how the PCI scan
> is done.. there are
> some bugfix and reverse compability options in there.. take a look..
> Maybe you get it woring when you compile
> the kernel with different PCI settings..


From: "Jason Byrne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: slow ethernet one way... fast the other way - 3com 905B-TX
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 00:21:29 -0800

Jason Byrne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:1KXE4.14890$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> wondering if anyone has an idea on this one...
> I'm using a 3com 905B-TX card with RedHat 5.1 (2.0.34 kernel),
> the following:
> 1) the initial install detected card as 3com Vortex and set up 3c59x
> for card 'automagically'.
> first... using this driver... the gateway I set up was not working
> has static IP... and uses same gateway under Win98 without problems.
> then I added 'options eth0 options=0 to force 10baseT negotation - in
> contrast to AUI... and gateway works.
> ---
> set up ssh, etc... and did a 68mb 'scp' from another nearby machine in the
> same subnet... which copied at a rate averaging ~ 300k/sec... so card is
> working nice.
> set up sendmail, etc... and verified correct setup by sending emails back
> and forth.. works fine - until I send a message with a large attachment
> '3com' machine *to* another machine - and transfer rate crawls - 1 -
> So... I try downloading something off the internet onto the '3com'
> machine... and transfer rate flies (almost 400k/sec incoming - very fast).
> Test *outgoing* rate again trying 'scp' *to* another machine... and again
> get a super slow transfer rate.
> ---
> Anyway... any ideas why *outgoing* rate from '3com' machine is sooooo
> slow... while incoming rate works great?
> ---
> I downloaded source for a more recent driver (3c90x.c) and
> compiled/installed the new module, but I still get similar results -
> very slow outgoing transfer rates... (usually from 1-4k/sec - like I'm
> a modem?) but very fast incoming rates.
> ---
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated ;-)

just a little more information... to verify the card, etc... from
'vortex-diag' utility

root@mymachine $ ./vortex-diag -e
vortex-diag.c:v1.09 7/28/99 Donald Becker ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Index #1: Found a 3c905B Cyclone 100baseTx adapter at 0xfc00.
Parsing the EEPROM of a 3Com Vortex/Boomerang:
 3Com Node Address 00:10:4B:0D:DC:B5 (used as a unique ID only).
 OEM Station address 00:10:4B:0D:DC:B5 (used as the ethernet address).
 Manufacture date (MM/DD/YYYY) 5/23/1998, division 6, product NK.
Options: none.
  Vortex format checksum is incorrect (00cb vs. 10b7).
  Cyclone format checksum is correct (0xa3 vs. 0xa3).
  Hurricane format checksum is correct (0xa3 vs. 0xa3).


root@mymachine $ ./vortex-diag -a
vortex-diag.c:v1.09 7/28/99 Donald Becker ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Index #1: Found a 3c905B Cyclone 100baseTx adapter at 0xfc00.
The Vortex chip may be active, so FIFO registers will not be read.
To see all register values use the '-f' flag.
Initial window 4, registers values by window:
  Window 0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 f5f5 00bf 0000 0000.
  Window 1: FIFO FIFO 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 2000.
  Window 2: 1000 0d4b b5dc 0000 0000 0000 000a 4000.
  Window 3: 0000 0080 05ea 0120 000a 0800 0800 6000.
  Window 4: 0000 0000 0000 0cd2 0002 88c0 0000 8000.
  Window 5: 1ffc 0000 0000 1ffc 0815 06ee 06ee a000.
  Window 6: 0000 0000 0000 0400 0000 010c 03b4 c000.
  Window 7: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 e000.
Vortex chip registers at 0xfc00
  0xFC10: **FIFO** 00000000 00000000 *STATUS*
  0xFC20: 00000100 0279e600 00080000 00000804
  0xFC30: 00000000 dfd393c3 0279ccf0 00080804
 Indication enable is 06ee, interrupt enable is 06ee.
 No interrupt sources are pending.
 Transceiver/media interfaces available:  100baseTx 10baseT.
Transceiver type in use:  Autonegotiate.
 MAC settings: full-duplex, 802.1Q flow control.
 Station address set to 00:10:4b:0d:dc:b5.
 Configuration options 4000.

thanks for any feedback ;-)  If all else fails... I'll probably just throw
another card in.


From: "Roaster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Multi Processor Systems
Date: 31 Mar 2000 08:21:17 GMT

Hi folks,

I'm interested in building a multi-processor based system.

But- I know that current Windows (non NT/2000) systems dont support it, and
am relatively knowlde-less with Linux.

Anyone know the improved performance that you get from a MP based system?

i.e. figures from single and multi-cpu systems of the same type.

Also, I've only seen multi processor based Celeron systems available - can
you get multi cpu based Athalon boards? (and I havent seen multi proc p3
boards either.)




From: Harry Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: S3 Savage4 installation problem with Mandrake 6.0
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 09:24:44 +0100

I've had Mandrake 6.0 (which, I believe, is based on Red Hat 6) running
on a Gateway 2000 Pentium II 233 for a while without any problems.
However, recently the graphics adapter needed replacing, and I can't get
the new one working on the system. Basically, the new adapter is a S3
Savage4, and it isn't listed in the adapters that are available at

I've been to the vendor's Web site in the hope of finding some
documentation on how to install the adapter, but couldn't find any
Linux-related information at all. Could anyone give me any pointers
either on how to install this adapter or where I could find information
on doing so?




From: "Roaster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FAT32 partitions and Linux
Date: 31 Mar 2000 08:35:19 GMT


You need to re-size the partition for one thing- to be honest I dont think
you can create the linux partition you need in the logical extended

A tool like Partition Magic would be V usefull to create multiple primary
partitions - one big and one small for linux (so 4 in all, 2 windows, one
linux boot and one linux swap partition).

You might want the linux primary partition to be within the first 1024
cylinders of the HD also so you can dual boot the system... (havent tried
this myself, just boot from DOS with LoadLin).

Apparently there is a entirely free partition re-sizing program available -
cant remember the name, but its on the cover CD of the latest PC Plus

Hope this helps.


naz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
<8bv8pe$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> Hi, can someone point me in the right direction please?
> I have an 8.4Gb Fujitsu drive splitted in two 4.2Gb partitions.
> Question:  I want to split again the 2nd parttion (it's a FAT32 extended
> logical part.) in two 2Gb parttions and use one for COREL Linux or
> (not sure what to choose), I'm new to linux so I don't have a clue on
> to do. How can I do it?
> Nazgaroth


From: "Bobby Hitt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Promise udma66 Controller
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 04:28:23 -0500

Perhaps you can help me, or point me the direction of someone who can. I'm
running Slackware 7.0, kernel 2.2.13. I have a Promise udma66 controller,
and found drivers for it on the Promise web site. The problem is that they
are for RedHat 6.0, which is not necessarily a problem, since the source
code was included. I compiled it as a standalone module with no problems,
and installed it in the /lib/modules/2.2.13/fs directory, as the
instructions said to do. When I tried to install it using insmod, it crashed
the server big time. The instructions said it would NOT work with SMP, so I
went back to a single processor, same problem. Has anyone done anything with
the Promise udma66 controller that you're aware of?

Thanks in advance,



Subject: Linux post-install boot problems on K6II system
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 10:30:03 GMT

Wondering if any one out there has any suggestions for this...

I'm trying to set up a Linux server for my home network and I can't seem 
to boot the machine after installation. Here's my setup-

-Microstar ms5169 mainboard w/ aladdin V (ALI) chipset
-AMD K6II 333MHZ w/3D-now!
-Quantum CX 13GB IDE HD (just purchased -spanking new)
-Matrox Millenium 8MB AGP
-Two 3com 3c905b-TXNM Ethernet NIC's
-RedHat Linux 6.1
-booting from floppy disk only - don't want to use LILO

I installed rh6.1 two days ago without incident, other than some ethernet 
configuration problems unrelated to my new problem.:-)

Last night I rebooted my Linux server (running happily for the last 48 
hours) to do some final BIOS tweaking,(power management stuff) and upon 
reboot, Linux halted on 

    mounting proc filesystem        OK

 Ctl-Alt-Del did nothing. The keyboard was frozen. I waited a while 
thinking perhaps it was just chugging through it but the boot sequence 
didn't get any farther along. I rebooted and went back to the BIOS and 
undid all the setings I had changed before Linux hung on me. Same problem. 
Then I booted again and went to bed thinking maybe I would wakeup the next 
day at the login prompt. Still stuck on the proc filesystem message.

I've setup BIOS fail-safe defaults, tried installing again, physically 
removed all devices except the bare necessities, zero-written the hard 
drive with a Quantum format/partition utility, reinstalled Linux again, 
ran full read-write diagnostics on the hard drive, and nothing works. No 
matter what I do, Linux can't get beyond the "mounting proc filesystem  OK"
line during boot-up.

I'm still a newbie and the proc filesystem's importance escapes me; but 
I'm not getting any error messages prior to this. No mention of corrupt 
partions or anything out of the ordinary. Up to that point, everything 
appears to be normal. Help! What gives?

Posted via CNET


From: Steffen Jost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Q: Setting up a kernel for use with ES1371 sound card?
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 12:48:18 +0200

Hi Alasdair!

A little bit more of information would be better....

Did you actually compile the kernel with the new options and did you
install it?

For information on how to do this you should read the documentation in
/usr/src/linux, or the kernel-howto, or the mnual hopefully supplied with
your distribution.

I have SB 128pci with the es1371 and it works great, I have a Via VP Pro
chipset which caused some problems under win98 with the soundcard, to
overcome this I had to enable "PCI quirks enabled" in the config (SuSE 6.2,
kernel 2.2.10), which resolves the problems with the flaky chipset. Maybe
you should check this on your machine. And maybe you should have a look at
your mixer (e.g. kmix if you use kde), the mixer sometimes is set to a very
low volume, so your soundcard may work well but you simply canīt hear it.



From: Maik Hassel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problems with IDE internal ZIP
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 12:58:08 +0200


I have an internal IDE-Zip and problems mounting the disks. I have
(under Win9X) freshly formated Disks, and when I try to mount them, I
get   =

mount: Falscher Dateisystemtyp, ung=FCltige Optionen, der
       =BBSuperblock=AB von /dev/hdb ist besch=E4digt oder es sind
       zu viele Dateisysteme gemountet

=46rom 10 ZIP_disks I can mount only one :-(. Does anybody know this
problem and a solution?

Thanks a lot



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