Linux-Hardware Digest #15, Volume #13             Fri, 9 Jun 00 20:13:08 EDT

  Re: New tape drive... Now what? (Dances With Crows)
  Re: IBM ThinkPad 720? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  NO DIALTONE message with my modem ("elwood")
  Re: IBM ThinkPad 720? (Andrey Vlasov)
  How to convert RS-232 to SYNC 449??? ("Mr. Oogie Boogie")
  Re: S3 Savage 2000,  ATI Rage 128GL  or Matrox G400 (John Gluck)
  Re: HELP: SCSI tape error (Dragos A. Manolescu)
  Redhat 6.1 compatibility with Abit ka7 or Asus k7V? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: New tape drive... Now what? (George Walford)
  Re: Drivers for a) modem b) sound card (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: Still having probs with 2nd eth card (M Wulfman)
  Re: mustek scanner doesnt work (Marcel Pol)
  Printing on HPDJ 610C (Marco Mililotti)
  Sound card question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: HELP: SCSI tape error (Dragos A. Manolescu)
  Re: rockwell/conexant modem drivers (Jeff East)
  Old NCR AT&T Box...  repost, sorry. ("MetL Hed")
  Re: IDE Activity Light Stays Lit (Hal Burgiss)
  Need driver for Aureal Quad 2500 audio card! (Craig McCluskey)
  Re: SCSI-Tape, how? (Craig McCluskey)
  Re: [RH6.1]DMESG: SMP motherboard not detected (knl: 2.2.12 2.2.15  ("David ..")
  Re: Redhat 6.1 compatibility with Abit ka7 or Asus k7V? (Tom Hoffmann)
  Anyone still familiar with EISA systems? (Doug Robbins)
  drivers for stealth III S540 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  HP SCSI backup question: cycling tapes? (id)
  Re: NO DIALTONE message with my modem ("Shane")
  Razer Boomslang 2000 ("Hal  Parker")
  Matrox and Als 100+ (Louis Cyfer)
  Re: LILO, FreeBSD, and >1024th Cylinder ("Greg H.")
  Re: Linux now supports ATA/100... and versus Ultra-160 SCSI ("mike baker")


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: New tape drive... Now what?
Date: 09 Jun 2000 15:00:21 EDT

On Fri, 09 Jun 2000 18:24:17 GMT, George Walford 
<<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:
>My question is, that now I have this tape drive, now what?
>I need to use it to generate backups on the server, but I have no idea
>how to do that. I took a look at the ftape how to (it does not seem to
>apply) and the man files for tar. They are, to say the least, a bit

tar has man pages?  Shoot, all I saw were info pages.

Anyway, ftape isn't relevant since it's only used for "floppy tapes" and
you have a much better SCSI tape.  To use tar to make a full backup of
everything on the system, you would do something like:

tar -czf /dev/st0 /

but this would take freaking' forever and probably use up more than one

tar has 3 main modes:  lisT contents, Create archive, and eXtract
archive.  Syntax goes: tar -mainoption,otheroptions,f [file to write to if
using c] /path/to/file-or-tree/to/be/extracted-or-archived.  So,
  tar -czf /dev/st0 /usr/local
would create an archive[c], compress it[z], and write it to a
file[f].  The file it's writing to here is /dev/st0 (rewinding SCSI tape
device 0) and it's archiving /usr/local and everything beneath it.

To extract this archive, you'd do:
  cd /usr && tar -xzf /dev/st0
This extracts[x] and uncompresses[z] the file[f] /dev/st0.  (Everything is
a file, especially the tape drive.)

If you use the rewinding tape devices, you can only fit one archive on a
tape.  Not all that nifty.  If you use the nonrewinding tape devices, you
can fit lots of archives on a tape.  /dev/nst0 is a nonrewinding
device.  If you have more than one archive on a tape, you use the
"mt" commands to skip to the archive you want.  "man mt".

tar is the oldest archiver out there--some people swear by newer, possibly
more intuitive solutions like amanda and cpio.  BRU is nice but you have
to pay for it.  HTH, good luck!

Matt G / Dances With Crows              \###| You have me mixed up with more
There is no Darkness in Eternity         \##| creative ways of being stupid?
But only Light too dim for us to see      \#| Beer is a vegetable.  WinNT
(Unless, of course, you're working with NT)\| is the study of cool. --MegaHAL


Subject: Re: IBM ThinkPad 720?
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 18:58:20 GMT

That wasn't very clear,, I have:

An IBM Thinkpad 720 Type 9552-307( with a microchannel bus)
486 Processor
16 Mb Ram
2 pcmcia
    IBM Credit Card Adapter Token-Ring 16/4

The hardware HOWTO said that microchannel busses aren't supported, and
this laptop has one of those, so it won't work.  But the HOWTO was
dated 1997, so has this changed.

I'm going to search for in in the notes on the kernel.

Would appreciate any help at all



In article <8hr07k$l5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> The Hardware howto said this thinkpad had the microchannel bus, and
> that it wouldn't be supported.
> the howto was dated 1997, does anyone know if the 720 is supported
> Thanks,
> Justin
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "elwood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NO DIALTONE message with my modem
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 21:12:50 +0200

Hi Linux people,
I'm trying to connect to my ISP with Linux, but I got the message NO
DIALTONE immediatly. If I remember correctly I'd the same problem
configuring it on Win95 (lot time ago) and I solved the problem setting the
modem in way it didn't wait for the dial tone. It can be the same problem?
If yes, how I can make the same with Linux.
My modem is based on the Rockwell RCV336ACF chipset and it is an ISA modem
with jumper for I/O and IRQ.

Thanks a lot to all the Linux guys


From: Andrey Vlasov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IBM ThinkPad 720?
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 12:14:43 -0700

HI there,   (Updated)



> The Hardware howto said this thinkpad had the microchannel bus, and
> that it wouldn't be supported.
> the howto was dated 1997, does anyone know if the 720 is supported now?
> Thanks,
> Justin
> Sent via
> Before you buy.


From: "Mr. Oogie Boogie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.comp.hardware
Subject: How to convert RS-232 to SYNC 449???
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 15:21:32 -0400


Does anybody know where I can get an asynchronous RS-232 <->
synchronous 449 converter?  Black Box doesn't make one and I haven't
been able to find anything on the web. 

Does such a beast exist?  If Black Box doesn't have it, I'm wondering
whether it exists at all...


-- Ralph


From: John Gluck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: S3 Savage 2000,  ATI Rage 128GL  or Matrox G400
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 15:31:05 -0400

Sasa Janiska wrote:

> I need advice which graphic card to pick for use on Linux.
> I don't need card for games, its use is primarily for text processing and I
> need good video output for DVD.
> I cannot decide between: Diamond Viper II Savage 2000 (32MB), ATI All in
> Wonder 128GL (32MB) and Matrox G400 AGP Dual Head (32MB).
> Which card has good support for Linux (XFree) and good quality of video
> output?
> Sincerely,
> Sasa

I have a G400 32Meg.
Performance is good. Video is good. Unfortunately, dualhead is not currently
supported by the XFree driver. There is a commercial driver available that
does dualhead.

John Gluck  (Passport Kernel Design Group)

(613) 765-8392  ESN 395-8392

Unless otherwise stated, any opinions expressed here are strictly my own
and do not reflect any official position of Nortel Networks.


Subject: Re: HELP: SCSI tape error
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dragos A. Manolescu)
Date: 09 Jun 2000 14:53:14 -0500

>>> Ronald Cole writes:


rc> Could be that the tape heads are out of alignment or need to be
rc> cleaned.  As to which unit(s) would be out of alignment, you probably
rc> couldn't tell without access to a known good drive.  What does "mt
rc> status" report with regard to soft error count?

Here's the output:

>mt status
SCSI 2 tape drive:
File number=0, block number=1, partition=0.
Tape block size 0 bytes. Density code 0x13 (DDS (61000 bpi)).
Soft error count since last status=0
General status bits on (5010000):

Both drives were bought brand new about 2.5 years ago. Hmmm...



Subject: Redhat 6.1 compatibility with Abit ka7 or Asus k7V?
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 19:46:01 GMT


I'm building my own pc where I'd like to run:
- win98
- Redhat 6.1 linux

I would like to either get the Abit ka7 or the Asus k7v (with k7-650).
Has anyone had problems installing Redhat 6.1 on either of the above

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (George Walford)
Subject: Re: New tape drive... Now what?
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 20:19:17 GMT

On 09 Jun 2000 15:00:21 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances
With Crows) wrote:
Thanks! It makes more sense now!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Subject: Re: Drivers for a) modem b) sound card
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 15:34:44 GMT

Jansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


>My sound card is an integrated chipset (I believe) made my crystal...
>Windows 95 detects it as 'crystal audio codec'.  I've attempted looking
>for drivers for it, but I've had no luck as yet.

Crystal - isn't that one supported by the OSS drivers ?

>The modem is detected by windows as a 'Conexant HCF PCI Modem' and is on

Hopeless. This type isn't supported by the PCTel driver. Buy a fine
external serial modem.

Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
          Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
    Note: If you want me to send you email, don't munge your address.


From: M Wulfman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.redhat
Subject: Re: Still having probs with 2nd eth card
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 21:14:52 GMT

Been there... done that... there is a point where you stare at a
situation so often and long that you can't see anything any more.


bernie wrote:
> Well, I was kinda embarrassed so I didn't mention it before, it was just a
> typo problem.  I had the driver set to 3C59x , and the actual driver is
> 3c59x.  Case sensitive.  And I have been working on this for a couple of
> months. It's always something obvious.
> but after I got that set up I everything worked fine.  I now have
> ipmasqerading running smoothly(at least so far).  So there seem to be no
> problems with this model card.
> later
> bernie
> M Wulfman wrote:
> > Glad you got it worked out.  What did you do that cleared the hurdle?  I
> > used to see a lot of 3c900's and it would be nice to know.
> >
> > Matthew
> >
> > bernie wrote:
> > >
> > > Thanks for the info, I got it working with your help!


From: Marcel Pol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: mustek scanner doesnt work
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 21:19:37 GMT

Tobi wrote:
> i want to install my mustek scanner which
> is a MFS-6000SP. But the scsi-adapter comin
> with it isnt recognized by linux, if i use
> the generic scsi-support (sg0-9).
> i want to use sane, and if i run find-scanner,
> there isnt printed anything on my screen.
> i think even the scsi-card isnt found.
> Does anyone know what to do (i think i chose
> an unused scsi-id and io-address)?

You first need to support your scsi-card, before you can use sane.
Find-scanner finds that out for you, and obviously your card isn't
supported yet.

Generic scsi-support is needed, but it's just the basic module.
You also need a module which is specially written for your card. You can
read some HOWTO's, or the kernel documentation for it, which
kernel-module you need.
The kernel documentation is in the documentation and drivers directory
of the kernel source (which is probably in /usr/src)

If the scanner is the first scsi-device, than it will be called /dev/sg0
You can make a link from /dev/scanner to that device:
ln -s /dev/sg0 /dev/scanner
If you have a scsi-disk which is recognized as /dev/sg0 than your
scanner will be /dev/sg1. And so on.

I do not know if you have to choose an scsi-id and io-adress. If so,
then that will be written in the docs.

Good luck
Marcel Pol


From: Marco Mililotti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Printing on HPDJ 610C
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 22:32:44 +0000

anyone has configured this printer under Linux? As I've configured and tested
the pages are printed, but: 
- the last line is a solid black line (and is not on the page to be printed!)   
- the printer crops the firs few columns...
I've tried with GS 5 supported printers, and yes, also with the varios models
supported bye hp-dj. But the problem persist. The big one seems to be the
second, as the first I've resolved (I think... Next time I will retry to be

Any help wellcome :)) 
tnx a lot
Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.
      Albert Einstein 
Marco Mililotti
web  :


Subject: Sound card question
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 21:29:35 GMT

I have a Aztech ISA sound card, FCC ID: 138-MMSN825 (if this helps).
I enabled the sound in the KDE Control Center.
Being that this is a S.B. compatable card I set it up using the S.B. in
sndconfig it did not report in errors.
When the first sound sample was played heard nothing but when the midi
sample was played I could hear it.
I can hear a audio CD though the sound card but can not hear any sound
samples & when starting Real Player it says device busy.
I tried other setting in sndconfig with out success.
Any suggestions to get this card to work ?
Thanks Gary

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: HELP: SCSI tape error
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dragos A. Manolescu)
Date: 09 Jun 2000 16:45:02 -0500

>>> Dragos A Manolescu writes:


dam> Vendor: HP        Model: HP35470A          Rev: T603 
dam> Type:   Sequential-Access                  ANSI SCSI revision: 02

In case it's relevant, here's the identification of the other tape

pass1: ARCHIVE Python 02779-XXX 6500> Removable Sequential Access SCSI-2 devicepass1: 
Serial Number GC03KH2
pass1: 7.812MB/s transfers (7.812MHz, offset 15)



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff East)
Subject: Re: rockwell/conexant modem drivers
Date: Thr, 8 Jun 2000 04:58:49 GMT

On Thu, 8 Jun 2000, azmin wrote:

] i've the the same problem.As long as i know our conexant chipset is not a
] linmodem but  winmodem ..

        I have an ISA modem, Aopen 56K (model ITU, I think).  It has
"Rockwell" somewhere on it, is a conexant type (plugged into my sb128),
and is a plain modem far as I can tell.  I use the normal /dev/ttyS2
device, and all is peachy.

        Just to let you know such a beast does exist.
"You know the old story: girl meets boy, girl modifies boy's subroutines."
              - Captain Janeway, speaking of an Irish barkeep


From: "Bostro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 00:07:19 +0200

I have a RedHat Linux 6.2 (also a 6.0, if you prefer). How can I make the
famous scsi-emulation to let operate my writer?????



From: "MetL Hed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Old NCR AT&T Box...  repost, sorry.
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 17:10:32 -0500

The SCSI is an NCR 53C710, the model version is a 3430, serial number
30117245.  Is there Linux support for this model?  Maybe Windows NT support?
Either would be nice.  Is there a way I could get a version of UNIX to run
on this machine?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hal Burgiss)
Subject: Re: IDE Activity Light Stays Lit
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 22:29:53 GMT

On Fri, 9 Jun 2000 08:58:39 -0700, Joe Avila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I recently installed a new CD-RW in my system and now the IDE activity
>light on the computer case always stays lit. This does not happen in
>Windoze. Is there something I did wrong that is related to this CD-RW
>that I don't know about? Thanks in advance.

Do you have any desktop applets that might be CDROM utilities? Some of
these 'watch' the device for disk change, etc and as a result keep the
light on. If so, kill the app and see.

Hal B


From: Craig McCluskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Need driver for Aureal Quad 2500 audio card!
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 17:32:01 -0500

Christopher Mylonas wrote:
> Aureal went bust.
> there website is still up though.

I looked on their web site but could not find drivers for Linux.

Does anyone have them or know where can I find them?



From: Craig McCluskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SCSI-Tape, how?
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 17:30:13 -0500

Martin Knoblauch wrote:
> what does "mt -t /dev/st0 status" give. Watch the "-t", I think that is
> missing in your original command.

That should be, "mt -f /dev/st0 status"

In order to not rewind the tape on the completion of the command
(which is what the command above does), use:

        mt -f /dev/nst0 status



From: "David .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: [RH6.1]DMESG: SMP motherboard not detected (knl: 2.2.12 2.2.15 
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 17:28:26 -0500

After doing some research I have found that your Motherboard will run
the SMP kernel. At least according to a posting at the address below.

You have to page down some to find your board listing but it is reported
to work.

Just to add to the e-mail I sent.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Hoffmann)
Subject: Re: Redhat 6.1 compatibility with Abit ka7 or Asus k7V?
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 22:51:19 GMT

>I would like to either get the Abit ka7 or the Asus k7v (with k7-650).
>Has anyone had problems installing Redhat 6.1 on either of the above

Asus ... no problems installing RH6.1/RH6.2, Debian, or SuSE.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Doug Robbins)
Subject: Anyone still familiar with EISA systems?
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 23:11:04 GMT

Hoping someone has some knowledge of the long-gone EISA systems. I have
a Digital 486-66 that I'd like to use as a Linux mail server, but it's 
a mess right now. I haven't got to the point of installing thew OS as 
there are startup problems. There are boot-time error messages like:

"ID Information Mismatch for Slot 2"
"Invalid EISA configuration information - please run the configuration 

The "configuration utility" is /not/ the BIOS setup utility (I got 
other errors referring to the "SETUP Program" -- the BIOS setup, which 
I resolved) does anyone have any ideas what/where this "configuration 
utility" is? Needless to say, I have *no* software relating to the 

The only web references to Digital hardware that I've found lead to 
Compaq -- were they bought out? I spent an hour at the Compaq site, 
found a complete description of the machine (DECpc 466 MTE) but no help 
with configuration.

Any help, suggestions appreciated.

Doug Robbins


Subject: drivers for stealth III S540
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 23:07:56 GMT

   Would anyone tell me where i can get drivers for savage 4, Stealth
III S540 card for Redhat 6.1.

I have searched many sites but in vain. please help me... if the driver
is not there. i would like any suggestions as to what driver i can use


Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: HP SCSI backup question: cycling tapes?
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 23:39:28 GMT

hey fellow gurus.

Got RH6.1 on a Pentium system with loads o' RAM here at work. Earlier in
the week, I installed an Adaptec 2940UW Pro SCSI controller in it, and
plugged in an external HP C1537A tape backup drive.

A bit about the drive: it's a catridge system ... each cartridge holds 6
tapes, the 6th being a cleaning tape of some kind.

Anyhow, everything seems to be working okay so far (using Taper).
Trouble is, if a backup exceeds the 2GB limit on the tape, we have to
manually tell the HP to change to a new tape. Obviously this isn't the
ideal situation ... we're hoping for a solution where we can tell this
HP to cycle the tapes on its own without manual intervention.

Any ideas?

Sent via
Before you buy.


Reply-To: "Shane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Shane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NO DIALTONE message with my modem
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 09:55:52 +1000

elwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8hrflr$o82$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi Linux people,
> I'm trying to connect to my ISP with Linux, but I got the message NO
> DIALTONE immediatly. If I remember correctly I'd the same problem
> configuring it on Win95 (lot time ago) and I solved the problem setting
> modem in way it didn't wait for the dial tone. It can be the same problem?
> If yes, how I can make the same with Linux.
> My modem is based on the Rockwell RCV336ACF chipset and it is an ISA modem
> with jumper for I/O and IRQ.
> Thanks a lot to all the Linux guys
> Elwood
The Trick will be to put in your modem initialisation string the command
"x3" or "x4"
without the quotes an example of this is "atz x3"

A usefull tool to help you configure your modem and ppp connection can be
found at

This should sort it out


From: "Hal  Parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Razer Boomslang 2000
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 23:56:47 GMT

Does anyone know how to go about making the Razer Boomslang 2000 mouse work
in Linux.  It communicates through a USB port although it is possible (and I
do it) to use a PS2 adaptor.  The mouse works perfectly in Windows but goes
haywire in Linux.  I have tried many different settings in mouseconfig all
to no avail.  I don't need all the special features.  I only need bare
minimum functionality because I hate changing a mouse when I boot into
Linux.  Thanks


From: Louis Cyfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Matrox and Als 100+
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 00:01:21 GMT

Hy guys,can u tell me if Matrox g400 Dual Head is supported under
Mandrake 7.0?Anyway,I have another problem:my sound card ALS 100+
can't play mp3.How can I solve it?
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :-)


From: "Greg H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LILO, FreeBSD, and >1024th Cylinder
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 00:00:56 GMT

John in SD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The 'lba32' option will boot only those systems which support the EDD packet
> calls on int 0x13.  Test your BIOS with "make floppy" from the LILO 21.4.3
> distribution.  You will need 'nasm' for this make to be successful.

> Boot the diagnostic floppy, and see if it reports EDD calls available for your
> disk.

I did exactly what you said and it worked fine; the EDD packet calls are

Unfortunately, it still does not allow me to boot FreeBSD.

I have four primary partitions; the first is Slackware "/", the second
is going to be used for a future "/" partition of another distribution,
the third is storage space, and the fourth is the FreeBSD slice.

In the BIOS, I have C:H:S set as 39770:16:63 (40,088,160 sectors, as
per the manufacturer's spec.).  This is passed to the kernel at boot
and it works fine (I also installed LILO with the "-L" switch).

FreeBSD installs just fine, but when I reboot and get the LILO prompt,
entering "FreeBSD" still gives me "read-error".  I've looked through
all the associated Linux HOWTOs and the FreeBSD handbook and I can't
figure it out.  I've searched through several forums, as well.

Is this a FreeBSD limitation, perhaps?  I did not install FreeBSD's
bootloader.  If installed to FreeBSD's root partition, would LILO
pass over to it?  That is, something like how Partition Magic can
allow you to boot Linux anywhere, though you still need LILO.  Argh.
I'm just taking some wild guesses here.  I'm sure I have a lot of this
all mixed up, so please pardon me for that.




Reply-To: "mike baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "mike baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux now supports ATA/100... and versus Ultra-160 SCSI
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 00:06:59 GMT

If you use two 66+ drives on the ATA66 channel though, it can be
nearly saturated. This is where ATA100 will come into play in the near
___________________________________ <--- Benchmarks

"Xk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8hp7q0$rap$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> d have to say SCSI, most hard drives barely reach the threshold of
ata66 so
> ata100 will bring few benefits until hdd's can catch up... however
> drives canreach above the limitations of ata66 speeds.



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