Linux-Hardware Digest #119, Volume #13           Mon, 26 Jun 00 16:13:12 EDT

  Re: Help on motherboard decision ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
  Re: Water cooling system (John F Hickey)
  LS120 Question (Matthew Mundy)
  Re: failed to eject cdrom ("Harold Hickey")
  Re: Thoughts on this configuration? (Johan Kullstam)
  Linux with Mirage Z128 graphics card (RM METCALFE)
  "Internet" keyboards under X (Bo Brinkman)
  Need Device Driver For Seagate STT38000A tape drive. (Edward Nash)
  Re: SCSI firmware (Chris Pitzel)
  Re: PCI HCF Modem (Edward Lee)
  Linux, usb and intel webcam (caporc)
  Re: ES1371 -- any good ? (Michael Meding)
  hp colorado eide travan tape drive   (chad pauli)
  ATI  rage II (Lior)
  Re: 486 for Linux and X? (Ronald Cole)
  PCI ISDN cards ? ("Alastair Gray")
  ISDN and automatic dailing (Konstantin Schauwecker)
  Linux, Quake2 and a PS/2 Mouse (Charles Tryon)
  AOpen AX64Pro (Old_Linux_Geezer)
  Hard Drive Problems with Redhat 6.2 - Bad Geometry? (Norm Ackroyd)
  geforce 256 supported ? ("Corsaro Nero")
  Re: Linux installation with ATI Rage 128 GL AGP
  Re: vgetty -- Creative Modem Blaster Flash56 DI5601 -- Rockwell? (gLaNDix)
  Re: any suggestions for a webserver ("Chris Harshman")
  Re: 10Gb HD - can't mount vfat filesystem ("Edward T. Rewolinski")


Crossposted-To: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt
Subject: Re: Help on motherboard decision
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 01:56:57 +0800

I used hdparm to check the setting of the IDE and found that many features
did not be enabled. So I use
hdparm -d1 -c1 -m16 -W1 /dev/hda
to enable dma, 32 bit mode, write cache, and multi sector.
Then the benchmark(I use hdparm -t /dev/hda) went from 4.97 MB/sec to 25.4


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 6/26/2000 11:37 PM:

> I just bought a ASUS CUV4X. I have installed RH 5.2, 6.1, 6.2 on this MB and
> everything seems ok. Except the Read/Write rate of IDE HD(Quantum ATA 66,
> 7200 rpm) is slow-about 3 MB to 4 MB per second. I wonder if using a ATA 66
> PCI card will be better or not?
> rigs
> in article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Neal Lippman at
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 6/24/2000 11:00 AM:
>> While I have heard that the i8xxx chipsets are causing problems, I haven't
>> heard similar negative things about the VIA 133A chipset. Has anyone else
>> heard about this? I have been looking at ABIT mb's based on the VIA
>> chipset. I was feeling that I should use a FCPGA slot rather than SECC2
>> for future extendability. I am not planning to overclock, but was thinking
>> that a 133 MHz FSB was worth the extra money over the 100; that would
>> require the VIA chipset (rather than the Intel BX) if I am going to avoid
>> the i8xxx chipset.
>> THoughts? ANyone know if the VIA 133A works OK with Linux?
>>> In article <wY345.10653$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>> "Tom Brinkman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Neal Lippman
>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> Greetings. I am planning to build my first PC this summer.
>>>>> Although I've done various hardware additionals/substractions over
>>>>> the years, this will be my first attempt at building the whole
>>>>> thing from scratch. I am hoping for a little guidance on hardware
>>>>> selection.
>>>>> I am planning an Intel PIII based system, maybe around 733 Mhz or
>>>>> so, with 256 MB RAM, and the usual array of accoutrements (30-40GB
>>>>> 7200 RPM HD, DVD, CD writer, USB ports, sound, maybe firewire,
>>>>> 10/100 NIC). To start off, I am trying to refine my selection of
>>>>> system board. I was thinking along the lines of the Intel cc820
>>>>> series, but having read so much negative press about them, I have
>>>>> come around to realizing that is not likely to be the best choice.
>>>>> Others on this NG have posted positive comments about the ASUS
>>>>> boards.
>>>> Asus or Soyo.  Get a 700e or a 750e, but not a 733.  You'll
>>>> have the best system with a BX board and a 100mhz FSB p3, ie, an
>>>> 'e', but not an 'eb'.   Use at least pc100 cas2 ram (8ns, CL2)
>>>> non ECC
>>>> The i8<whatever> chipsets are even worse than you're read,
>>>> VIA's aren't much better.... go BX.  I like the Soyo 6ba+IV
>>>> --
>>>> ~~   Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Is there any BX FCPGA boards you can recommend, or is it better off go
>>> with a slot 1? How about ASUS CUBX?
>>> Is there any advantage to get a 133MHz board for 700e or 750e for
>>> possible overclocking?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Xiaobin
>>>>> What I am hoping to find is either some sage advice on system
>>>>> board selection, or perhaps some pointers to reasonable and
>>>>> reliable reviews of boards that would help me in making this
>>>>> decision.
>>>>> Oh yes, btw, I am more than likely to run Linux (Mandrake 7.1) on
>>>>> this system as the primary OS, possibly with Win98 either in a
>>>>> small partition of its own for a dual boot, or more likely in a
>>>>> VMware virtual machine, just in case I need to use something like
>>>>> Quicken. As a result, I need to ensure Linux compatibility with
>>>>> all components that I select.
>>>>> Thanks in advance for any help offered. Neal
>>> Sent via
>>> Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John F Hickey)
Subject: Re: Water cooling system
Date: 26 Jun 2000 14:25:22 -0400

Well, lessee...  Those hard drives get HOT - I'm afraid they generate more
heat than the processor at times.  About fried a machine - did get thermal
overload and shutdown - trying to troubleshoot without the case on to
direct the airflow.  And we use two cooling fans along with the processor
fan on our machines.  Cool the room and move more air.
                  John F. Hickey


From: Matthew Mundy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: LS120 Question
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 14:44:04 -0400

Hi all.
  I recently upgraded to RH 6.2.  My LS-120 is no longer reading
superdisks, though it reads 1.44 Meg floppies fine.  When I try to mount
a superdisk, I get the following message -  
hdd: The drive reports both 737280 and 0 bytes as its capacity
hdd: The drive reports both 737280 and 0 bytes as its capacity
mount: /dev/hdd: can't read superblock
Any ideas?


From: "Harold Hickey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: failed to eject cdrom
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 06:31:11 GMT

Almost all cd-rom drives have an emergency eject hole that you VERY GENTLY
push a straitened
paper clip into and it ejects the cd,look @ the faceplate on your
drive..does it have a small hole?


From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Thoughts on this configuration?
Crossposted-To: comp.hardware,,comp.sys.pc.hardware
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 01:22:13 GMT

no-one@all (no one) writes:

> Hey gang:
> I haven't bought or built a PC since the early Pentium days (been spending
> my time playing with SUN and HP server equipment).  Anyway, I find that
> it's about time for me to build a new development/test system to use with
> NT and Linux.  To that end, I've tried to identify what I believe will make
> a good system and choose parts that are compatible.
> I'm interested in thougts that other readers might have about my chosen
> configuration, and whether my expected costs for the parts seem reasonable:
> Tyan SMP P3 Tiger 133 S1834 motherboard                       160
> ATX 6 drive bay case with 250W power supply                    30
> PS2 keyboard with tactile response                             30
> PS2 3 button mouse                                                             10
> 2 each 256MB 72 bit PC/100 SDRAM                              600
> 2 each 600mhz P3 processors (slot 1 type SECC2)               440
> 2 each Maxtor EIDE 18GB fixed disk                            220

why get an IDE when you can have a top-o-the-line scsi?
> IDE cd-rom reader/burner                                      200

plextor 8/24 SCSI cd-r                                          250

adaptec are nice but wicked overpriced
> Adaptec 2940UW SCSI card                                      175

symbios logic sym8751sp (53c875 based UW card)                   70
(just as good as adaptecs hardware but with better linux support)
or tekram dc-390u2w (not the u2b)                               150
(ultra2 wide lvd and also a symbios chipset 53c895)

> 2X AGP graphics card (S3 chipset with 8MB)                     300
> 20 inch Vision Master 1600x1200 monitor                       1000
> 100mb PCI network card                                          30
>                                                               ---------
>                                                               3195
> I'm wondering whether I can gather the needed parts within the price range
> I've listed and I need to make sure that the parts I've listed are all
> compatible.  Is there anything important that I've forgotten to list?
> Is anyone running a similar configuration and can you give me any idea
> about performance or noted problems?
> I can be reached by posting a followup, or email me at
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] where the digits and the word (german) are
> removed from the domain name.  The (O) is a letter, not a digit...

J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
Don't Fear the Penguin!


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Linux with Mirage Z128 graphics card
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 20:21:16 +0100


I'm new to linux and am trying to run it on a pentium 2 processor with a
mirage Z128 graphics ( tseng labs chipset ) card driving a Sun 20"
monitor. According to the config program linux should have no problem
recognising and dealing with the mirage Z128 card. I can get the command
mode up and running but I can't get X to work with the card. Is there a
special trick I need to know to get this hardware setup to work with
linux running X?



Richard Metcalfe, 
University of Bradford, UK


From: Bo Brinkman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: "Internet" keyboards under X
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 15:12:37 -0400

Does anyone know of a good resource on how to setup the extra keys on my
"internet" keyboard to work under X? I have a Logitech iTouch keyboard,
which has Mute, Volume up and down, play/pause, stop, fast-forward,
rewind, email, search, home and back keys.

Basically, I used showkey -s to figure out the scan codes, which are all
in the e000-e07f range. I've been screwing with setkeycodes. For some
reason it doesn't seem to be working: I do (for example) "setkeycodes
e020 89" and nothing seems to happen. I did "getkeycodes" and nothing
changed. I noticed that all the possible keycodes were in use, so I
tried setting some scancodes that I *know* I don't really have to have
keycode 0...this also didn't do anything.

I've been searching the web for the past 2-3 days, but I am stuck. I
seem to doing something wrong with setkeycodes, and even if I could make
that work, the man page says that setkeycodes won't work in X. Anyone
have ideas, or know where I can find info on the web?


William "Bo" Brinkman                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Princeton Computer Science        
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and
with all your strength and with all your mind. --Luke 10:27


From: Edward Nash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Need Device Driver For Seagate STT38000A tape drive.
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 15:30:01 -0400

I need to find a device driver for a Seagate STT38000A IDE 8Gb tape

I am running Redhat Linux 6.2.

Does anyone know where one is located? Seagate only references one for
MS Windows and a web search turns up nothing else of use.

Edward Nash Jr.
Sr. Technical Support - Unix Analyst
Episcopal Health Services


From: Chris Pitzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SCSI firmware
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 02:46:07 GMT

I don't know how on earth you managed to get a IDE low level formatter
to work on a SCSI drive.  However, the solution would be to low-level
format the SCSI drive using a proper low-level formatting utility
(preferrably one supplied by the manufacturer of your controller card,
or embedded into the BIOS of your SCSI board).

If that still doesn't work, then return the Seagate drive for warranty

Ryan Maples wrote:
> Hi
> Before reading a warning that came with a piece of low-level format
> software I used it on a seagate ultra wide scsi drive.  The utility was
> for ide drives only.  Now every time any significant disk activity
> occurs on that drive the system becomes unstable.  This controller works
> fine with other drives.  Have i thoroughly screwed this drive or is
> there some way to recover the drive.  I suspect that scsi firmware has
> been corrupted, but if that were the case I would expect the drive not
> to function at all.
> Any suggestions ?
> Thanks
> Ryan


From: Edward Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PCI HCF Modem
Date: Thr, 22 Jun 2000 16:02:38 GMT

Yes and No.

"Γιώρ]ος Πέντσας" " wrote:

> Anybody with a Modulartech (Conexant) V90 56K HCF modem ? Does it work with
> linux ?
> Any help would be appreciated
> Thanks
> George Pentsas


From: caporc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux, usb and intel webcam
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development,comp.os.linux,comp.linux
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 03:00:53 GMT

Does anyone out there have a driver for the Intel (CS330 / Pro Share)
webcam?  No built in driver supports it, and I'm going nuts trying to
write my own driver.  If anyone has had any luck, or is developing, let
me know.



From: Michael Meding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ES1371 -- any good ?
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 12:10:49 GMT

Hi everybody,

first of all I like to thank all of you for your posts.

I think that in my case where it seems a lot of interrupts are generated
that a sound card change would
add performance. But I am not sure. Is this es1371 a device where most
of the work is done by the processor and only little by the sound card ?

Hm, I guess I have to dig depper in this matter. Any other ideas anyone




From: chad pauli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: hp colorado eide travan tape drive  
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 01:12:09 GMT


A friend of mine will be buying a tape drive for his Linux box.
He is looking at the HP 10/20 Travan technology drive that is eide
Is anyone using this under Linux? He is going to be running Red Hat 6.2.

How was the install, or anything special needed to get it running?
Any suggestion as to what X-windows utility or program to use for backup
or command line utility?

chad pauli


Subject: ATI  rage II
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 13:30:08 GMT

Hello everyone

I have an ATI rage II (4 mb).

I am almost totaly desprated but I want to know if I can run X windows
in normal resolutions and how do I do that.

            any help will be welcome


Posted via CNET


From: Ronald Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 486 for Linux and X?
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 20:54:43 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ken Knecht) writes:
> Could some kind soul please tell me if Linux (TurboLinux
> Workstation) and X will run well enough for practical use on a
> 486DX-100? Only one user. Probably no graphics editing, etc. to
> speak of.

Gnome/Enlightenment is too slow for my tastes on a 486DX4/100 with
32M.  xdm and twm are acceptable, though (I was running tvtwm).

Forte International, P.O. Box 1412, Ridgecrest, CA  93556-1412
Ronald Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      Phone: (760) 499-9142
President, CEO                             Fax: (760) 499-9152
My GPG fingerprint: C3AF 4BE9 BEA6 F1C2 B084  4A88 8851 E6C8 69E3 B00B


From: "Alastair Gray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PCI ISDN cards ?
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 21:41:52 +0200

I'm currently setting up a dual boot system. As my current ISDN adaptor is a
Draytek USB model, I am now looking for an internal solution.

Easily available locally are :

Fritzcard PCI
(Also possibly the ELSA PCI offering).

Can anyone recommend the 'best' of these ? I believe all are supported
through HiSax for Linux. (I will be using it with Corel Linux 1.1 and Red
Hat 6.2 ... plus other Linux dists).


From: Konstantin Schauwecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ISDN and automatic dailing
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 14:57:02 GMT

I've an ISDN card and I configured it to dail automatically if any
program access the internet. Now I installed ipchains, that other
clients cann access the internet through my computer. My problem is, if
I start ipchains the automatic dailing doesn't work anymore. I want the
computer to dail even when somebody out of my LAN wants to access the
internet with my gateway.
Does anybody has an idear?

Konstantin Schauwecker
Free C++ Stuff at                    |     | My ICQ:
=====================================| **********
My Homepage:                         | *68193331* | **********


From: Charles Tryon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux, Quake2 and a PS/2 Mouse
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 03:25:18 GMT

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I've been running the Linux version of Quake2 for a while, using a serial
mouse.  I just upgraded to another motherboard with a PS/2 mouse.  I got
Linux and X11 to recognize the new mouse, but Quake freaks out - as if it's
getting a continuous stream of negative coordinates or something.  What do
I need to change in the configuration (or drivers) to get Quake to work?



    Your Servant,                     <><
    B. Baggins                 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    "Never laugh at live dragons, Bilbo you fool!"
                  --Bilbo, after a scorching from Smaug.

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
I've been running the Linux version of Quake2 for a while, using a serial
mouse.&nbsp; I just upgraded to another motherboard with a PS/2 mouse.&nbsp;
I got Linux and X11 to recognize the new mouse, but Quake freaks out -
as if it's getting a continuous stream of negative coordinates or something.&nbsp;
What do I need to change in the configuration (or drivers) to get Quake
to work?
<p>&nbsp; Thanks!
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Your 
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; B. 
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Never laugh at live dragons, Bilbo you fool!"
--Bilbo, after a scorching from Smaug.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Old_Linux_Geezer)
Subject: AOpen AX64Pro
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 03:35:21 GMT

I am contemplating getting one of these MB's to run RH 6.2 with a 800 MHz PIII
and 133 MHz bus. Anyone had any good/bad experiences with this relativerly new


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Norm Ackroyd)
Subject: Hard Drive Problems with Redhat 6.2 - Bad Geometry?
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 15:31:35 GMT

I just purchased two used Seagate ST15230WC SCA 4.2GB hard drives to
attach to my Linux box (using SCA to 50pin adapters). When I boot into
Redhat and run 'fdisk /dev/sdd' (or sde), it detects the drives, but
gives me an error saying that it cannot find "a valid DOS Partition
table, nor Sun or SGI disklabel". If I try to slice up the drive, it
has incorrect geometry for the drive that only adds up to about 31MBs.

My Adaptec 2940UW controller detects the drives at bootup, and the
SCSI bios utility reports the correct size for the drives.
Furthermore, if I boot from a dos diskette, and run dos FDISK, it
works fine. (Actually, it didn't originally, but after a flash bios
upgrade to the controller, it worked)

Any thoughs/ideas/ramblings would be appreciated.

Norman Ackroyd


From: "Corsaro Nero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: geforce 256 supported ?
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 08:29:56 GMT

Does anyone knows if geforce 256 based video cards are supported by RH 6.2 ?



Subject: Re: Linux installation with ATI Rage 128 GL AGP
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 11:30:03 GMT

I also had a problem with that card and the version of Linux that I used
was RedHat 6.1.  I then switched over to Linux-Mandrake and everything is
Justin Kremer wrote:
> Sirs,
> First of all, I am a relative newbie to Linux.  I'm trying to install
> Linux 6.2 on my machine.  It has an ATI Rage 128 GL AGP graphics card and
> CTX 17" monitor.
> During the setup screen where I select the graphics card (I selected ATI
> Rage 128 (generic)) and then hit 'Test this configuration'.  The test
> displays correctly, but when I'm brought back to Linux setup screen, the
> display is very jumbled.
> Any suggestions?
> Many thanks,
> Justin

Posted via CNET


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: vgetty -- Creative Modem Blaster Flash56 DI5601 -- Rockwell?
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 14:55:28 -0500

On Sat, 01 Apr 2000 03:47:44 GMT, "Joseph C. Kopec" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Additionally, could someone point me to a good on-line
>resource for the standard modem commands ("AT...")?  Thanks in advance.

iirc, on the cdrom that came w/ the card, there is a text file w/
documentation of all the AT commands for that card...  might be a
place to start...  i have the same modem, but have yet to get vgetty
to work either (for other reasons)...



From: "Chris Harshman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: any suggestions for a webserver
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 12:50:43 -0700

> Before anything, let you know am a 1st time admin.

Welcome to the club.

> It would run with lastest Red Hat Deluxe version (what's the last?).

6.2 is the current, but make sure that before you plug it in to the LAN,
you've secured it (lots of good articles, search through for
pointers) and that you've visited RedHat's site to pull down the latest
updates.  For instance, over the weekend a patch came out to fix a problem
with WU-FTPD that would allow root access to the box (a very bad thing(tm)).

> I suggested a dual CPU pentium III at 800 Mhz , 512 Mb ram. (medium-high
> traffic) .

What sorts of work?  You said "webserver," but the requirements for a web
server that is stock Apache are dramatically different for Apache +
Mod_perl, for instance, given the same traffic.  To put it in perspective,
we have (3) boxes running on an Arrowpoint load-balancing switch.  Each box
pumps out about 2.3 terabytes a month.  Each is a dual-PIII Xeon 550 with
1GB RAM.  CGI is on a dedicated box.

> Does linux improves much with dual CPU? Is the system stability weakened
> with that?

Take a look at the c't article on benchmarking Linux vs. NT as a web server
(about a year old, so getting out of date, but still interesting).  Linux +
Apache does not scale all that well with more than one CPU, but Linux +
Apache + CGI scripts really takes advantage of the additional CPU
availability.  No one is running straight static pages anymore, so I would
go with a dual-CPU setup.

> An important point: The boss doesn't want a brand server (like HP ...
> and something like that), and should be running with linux. So, I must
> buy best pieces and components for a 24h runing server (gezzZ).
> Suggestions are welcome.

1) Get a chassis designed for server use.  I would recommend, on a budget,, where you can pick up a 4U rackmount enclosure with a
redundant power supply for around $400.
2) Get a dual CPU board, preferably from one of the better vendors.  DFI,
SuperMicro, Micronics, Intel, Abit, Asus are all brands I've had good luck
with.  YMMV.
3) Get a RAID controller.  If you're strapped for cash, look into a mirror
(RAID 1) controller and fast (7200 rpm+) IDE drives; preferably, pick up
SCSI drives and an Adaptec RAID5 controller, or the like.


You might want to think about buying from a vendor, though.  Dell will sell
you a box for around $5000 with the above specs, and it comes with 3 years
of next day on site service.  Upgraded service packages are also available.
If you're running a business on this box, and making money, the few bucks
saved by doing it yourself are quickly lost if/when anything goes wrong and
you have to a) replace the failed hardware or b) take the box down for days
while you wait for an RMA replacement to get there...

Just my $.02.



From: "Edward T. Rewolinski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 10Gb HD - can't mount vfat filesystem
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 20:01:10 GMT

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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Did you happen to create "/mnt/d" before hand in the mnt file section of Linux?
Until that option is present in the file tree, Linux won't do what you wish.
Good luck! ETR

Graham Staker wrote:

> Hi there,
> I can't mount a FAT32 partition from my second hard drive in Linux.
> The command I am using is mount -t vfat /dev/hdc6 /mnt/d.  The error
> message is as follows:
>    "Wrong fs, bad home block, incorrect mount option or too many mounts."
> The first drive, a single partition with Win95, mounts OK as /dev/hda1
> with type vfat.
> On the second drive I can access the Fat32 partition in Win95 OK as drive D:
> and it appears to
> be reporting the size correctly.
> I am dual booting Red Hat Linux 6.2 and Windows 95 through LILO with the
> following
> disk layout:
> . Windows 95 system & data on Quantum BigFoot CY4320A 4.2Gb IDE drive.
> . Linux partitions occupying 1st 2.58 Gb of a Samsung SV1022D 10Gb IDE
> drive.
> . Extra FAT32 partition occupying remaining 7Gb or so of above disk.
> I have tried setting partition ID to 0x0b and to 0x0c (LBA) but neither
> configuration works.  Is there some other configuration in fdisk or
> mount option  that I should try?
> The BIOS reports the primary and secondary disk parameters as:
>  4335  527 255 0  8959 63 LBA
> 10200 1240 255 0 19772 63 LBA
> An sfdisk analysis shows:
> bash# sfdisk -g
> /dev/hda: 527 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors/track
> /dev/hdc: 19773 cylinders, 16 heads, 63 sectors/track
> bash# sfdisk -l
> Disk /dev/hda: 527 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors/track
> Units = cylinders of 8225280 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from 0
>    Device Boot Start     End   #cyls   #blocks   Id  System
> /dev/hda1   *      0+    525     526-  4225063+   b  Win95 FAT32
> Disk /dev/hdc: 19773 cylinders, 16 heads, 63 sectors/track
> Units = cylinders of 516096 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from 0
>    Device Boot Start     End   #cyls   #blocks   Id  System
> /dev/hdc1   *      0+     32      33-    16600+  83  Linux
> /dev/hdc2         33     163     131     66024   82  Linux swap
> /dev/hdc3        164    4227    4064   2048256   83  Linux
> /dev/hdc4       4228   19772   15545   7834680    5  Extended
> /dev/hdc5       4228+   5243    1016-   512032+  83  Linux
> /dev/hdc6       5244+  19772   14529-  7322584+   b  Win95 FAT32
> Sorry about the length of the message but hopefully this is sufficient info
> for
> a guru to point me in the right direction.
> - Graham

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