Linux-Hardware Digest #384, Volume #13            Wed, 9 Aug 00 00:13:10 EDT

  Re: scsi errors - pls help find hardware or software cause? ("Gene Heskett")
  Re: Voodoo3 AGP won't run in XFree 4.n.n ("Bill Katzenmeyer")
  Using Promise Technology's Bios upgrade and ATA-66 boards with Linux (mike)
  Creative labs sound card (daemar)
  Re: Hard Drive Errors ("B. Joshua Rosen")


Date: 8 Aug 2000 22:21:16 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: scsi errors - pls help find hardware or software cause?

Unrot13 this;

Gene Heskett sends Greetings to Bakki Kudva;

 BK> It started some time back with this error at the login prompt.

 BK> manx login: SCSI0 Tagged Queing now active for Target 2.

 BK> Recently the machine would randomly lock up which I thought
 BK> initially was  the jdk in Netscape. Then I got ..

 BK> SCSI host0 abort (pid 368471) timed out.
 BK> Resetting Buslogic BT958 due to target1
 BK> SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0

 BK> Now after a couple of false starts and aborted fsck with...

 BK> Kernel Panic: SCSI_free: Trying to free unused memory
 BK> in Interrupt handler - not syncing.

 BK> and so the machine now doesn't boot and the primary partition is
 BK> probably  hosed due to all kinds of bad inodes by now.

 BK> Can some one shed some light on this and help me diagnosed this
 BK> to  determine if this has an origin in bad hardware or is it a
 BK> case of  corrupted software.

 BK> Also any pointers to SCSI diagnostic utilities to
 BK> test/troubleshoot the  SCSI bus will also be greatly appreciated.

Thats a bummer for sure.  And it has the waddle and quack of a
termination problem.

To start the troubleshooting, I'd very carefully verify that there are
only 2 terminations on the bus, one at each end.  A foot of cable laying
out past the last connected and terminated device is an open invite for
problems.  If thats the case, either turn the last drives terminations
off and put a passive on the end of the cable, or move the end of the
cable to the drive, leaving the plug it was plugged into free, which
won't hurt a thing.

Term power ideally should be furnished only by the controller, so verify
that it is supplying term power.  The drive may be too, and if its handy
to do so, I'd shut it off on the drive.

Then, while the system is quiet, measure the voltage on as many data
lines as you can probe with a needle into the connector holes of the
connector removed from the drive before you powered up.  Here it gets
sticky, but generally speaking, and idle data line on a scsi bus needs
to be sitting someplace near (+ or - 0.2 volts) 2.8 volts.  Also you
should find on the termpower pin, about 4.7 or slightly more, up to 5.0
even.  Needless to say, use a decent digital meter, not some 9 dollar
mechanics model as it will load the circuit up and give false, lower
than normal, readings.

Once all thats checked and found ok, then I'd suspect a hosed drive.  If
you found something wrong and fixed it, the drive will probably be
recoverable.  I hope you have a recent backup as you may have to do a
mke2fs on it and start over...

Good luck!

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040, Linux @ 400mhz 
        email gene underscore heskett at iolinc dot net
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From: "Bill Katzenmeyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Voodoo3 AGP won't run in XFree 4.n.n
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 21:56:05 -0500

I have a Voodoo3 1000 and I have had the same problem with Mandrake
7.1......if you find out anything, holler at me
"Mark Tigwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8mlv3v$2kt$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Thanks Stefan... I'll give this a whirl and report back!
> Mark Tigwell
> > Hmm - have your tried forcing a higher color depth (say 24 bit)? It
> > that X has trouble with bit depths other than this, at least on some
> models
> > of video cards... I forced mine into 24 bit display and it is the only
> > depth that works - 640x480x8 as you mentioned does NOT work for me. Only
> 24
> > bit.
> >
> > Stefan Viljoen
> > --
> > Starwars Forever!!!
> >
> > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> >


From: mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Using Promise Technology's Bios upgrade and ATA-66 boards with Linux
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 22:48:13 -0400

    I have a Pentium 166 and a few 486 DX2-66 machines that
can't presently take larger hard drives. I purchased a WD ATA-66
20.4 gb drive and an IBM 15 gb ATA-100 hard drive. I would
like to use these with my machines. I have been considering
some of the possible Promise technology plugin pc boards.
One just gives a bios upgrade to be able to use larger than
8.4 gb drives. (Drive Max) The another board is an Eidemax II
isa board that gives the bios upgrade to larger drives and gives
ATA-66 ports. There is a PCI version , ULTRA-66 PCI and Ultra-33
and Ultra-100.
  Can I use any or all of these cards in my computers.
If these boards can work, will they work right away or
do I have to modify the Linux system for them to work.
I, initially, would be happy without the speed upgrade
if that would mean not, initially modifying the system
just to allow the larger hard drives to work in it.



From: daemar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Creative labs sound card
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 22:51:42 -0400

This is the help I get from creative labs

   I'm sorry, but there are no files are available for Sound Blaster

Unreal is a bitch without sound  any help out there for a linux


From: "B. Joshua Rosen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hard Drive Errors
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 23:18:50 -0400

If both drives are on the same IDE bus then it certainly would be
possible for the bad one to interfere with the good one, a problem with
the ide controller could also cause a problem. Try connecting hdb to the
other ide bus and see what happens.

Nicholas Wolverson wrote:
> Recently (last night, actually) my hard disk started spinning up and
> down and not doing much. This caused everything to go *really* slowly,
> and some things to crash, so I had a look at my logs. These error
> messages appeard - note that I've actually got two hard drives,
> configured as hda and hdb. hdb is my main drive, and the one most of the
> errors seem to come from. The first one is repeated most often; it
> happened many times while I was trying to write this.
> hdb: status timeout: status=0x90 { Busy }
> hdb: drive not ready for command
> ide0: reset: success
> ##
> hdb: irq timeout: status=0x90 { Busy }
> ide0: reset: success
> ##
> hdb: irq timeout: status=0x90 { Busy }
> end_request: I/O error, dev 03:45 (hdb), sector 376870
> ##
> hdb: status error: status=0x7e { DriveReady DeviceFault SeekComplete
> DataRequest CorrectedError Index }
> hdb: drive not ready for command
> ide0: reset: success
> ##
> And on the other one:
> Aug  8 05:17:19 localhost kernel: hda: status error: status=0x10 {
> SeekComplete
> }
> Aug  8 05:17:19 localhost kernel: hda: drive not ready for command
> I'm unsure as to whether this is a hardware problem, or something
> software related, or what. I'm suspicious as to why both HD's show
> errors. I thought somebody might be able to enlighten me as to what's
> happening.
> Thanks.
> Sent via
> Before you buy.



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