Linux-Hardware Digest #511, Volume #13            Fri, 1 Sep 00 08:13:04 EDT

  Re: Can't hear sound when Dialing up with ltmodem (Thomas Corriher)
  Parallel Port Scanner ("Richard Conway")
  Driver for Lexmark Z31? (Arnstein Oseland)
  Re: modems modems modems (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: Plextor PlexWriter 12/10/32A, is the Burn Proof software or  (Wayne Fallen)
  which driver for 21143 ethernet card? (Georg Schwarz)
  Re: No modem will work on my win98 box (or RH6.1 box) (sideband)
  DFE530TX2B1 + via-rhineII ("Gerhard Gruber")
  multiple NIC's with IPCHAIN and eth1 transmit errors.. ("Larry Snyder")
  Re: multiple NIC's with IPCHAIN and eth1 transmit errors.. (sideband)
  Re: Multi-session CD's without -eject (cdrecord) (Craig Setera)


Subject: MIGRATION: MAC to linux-samba
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 09:07:33 GMT

MIGRATION: MAC to linux-samba

hello all,

I am running now a mac server file with 15 GO of data.

The name files in MAC server are long and they contain spaces....
something like: "1548754 PLG test 1998".
I would like to transfer all that 15 Go DATA to my new samba server
running mandrake 7.1 without losting something....

I feel that these spaces in file names will cause me a lot of
troubles...Transfering 15 GO of data is another prob (what could be the
better way to do it?)

what could be the right way to do such stuff ( transfering and keeping
the file and their names inaltered during the transfert)

A lot of thanks for your help


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Corriher)
Subject: Re: Can't hear sound when Dialing up with ltmodem
Date: 1 Sep 2000 09:15:58 GMT
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], abuse@[]

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000 20:14:14 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Anyway, I have tried setting the initialization
>string to include L2 or L3 and I can't hear
>anything.  No dial-tone, no dialing, no chatter.

I don't think there is any sound support with this driver.
I think you are S.O.L..

  From the desk of Thomas Corriher

  The real email address is:
  corriher at surfree.


From: "Richard Conway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Parallel Port Scanner
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 10:54:00 +0100

I have a UMAX Astra 2000P scanner which I would like to use from RedHat 6.2.

The Hardware-HOWTO (section 22) indicates that I am out of luck - UMAX
parallel scanners being unsupported.

Is that it ? Or does someone know something which the HOWTO doesn't !

If anyone can confirm my fears or give me some good news it would be most

Thanks in advance,

Richard Conway ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: Arnstein Oseland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Driver for Lexmark Z31?
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 12:06:31 +0200

Has anybody had any success with Lexmark Z31? It is not listed at, but there is drivers for Z11 and Z51. Does the Z31
work with any of those?




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Subject: Re: modems modems modems
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 09:38:47 GMT

Jerimiah Gentry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>ok, here's what I've got:

>I have a modem that worked fine on my 486 with the same dist of linux
>(suse 6.4).   I now have a pentium with a pnp bios.  No go on the modem.

>I've turned off all "auto pnp" type functions in my bios as per the
>pnptools manual's recomendation.

If that means that you disabled the "PNP-OS" option as well,
then you got it wrong. If you want to use the pnptools, then you
need to have this set to yes. If you don't want to use the pnptools, -
which should work, given the fact that you used this modem before
on a non-PNP system - then you do have to set PNP-OS to Disabled,
and setup the modem via jumpers (assuming this is an internal one).

>My bios values are:

>port 1:  2f8/3
>port 2:  3f8/4
>uart:    normal

Odd. Port1 should be 03F8, IRQ4, and port2 should be 02F8, IRQ 3
The UART option refers to the option of using an IrDA adapter
(infrared connector), and should be set to "normal".

>port 2 is the mouse.  This seems odd to me because of the uart thing.

Why? You need an UART for serial devices.

>If I set port 2 to "Disabled", the uart option disapears.   This
>suggests that the uart option is exclusive of port 2.


It is. If you set it to disabled, you're disabling your port2 .

If your modem has jumpers, set it up as COM3 (03E8) with
an otherwise unused IRQ (say, 5). Or disable port1, and use these
settings on the modem card.

Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
          Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
    Note: If you want me to send you email, don't munge your address.


Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 20:27:56 +1000
From: Wayne Fallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Plextor PlexWriter 12/10/32A, is the Burn Proof software or 

Thanks for the advice.  I only have Linux on my system, however, do have
enough room to load Windoze 95 up and run some tests if need be. 
Perhaps you are right, as my ON light just keeps flashing all the time.  

I have re-set my jumpers back to factory based upon all the
documentation I have grabbed from the Plextor site and the user manual. 
I have tried shifting the PCI - SCSI (NCR53c810) board to different PCI
slots and have only achieved a total non-recognition by the kernel.

This problem is driving me crazier that I was before!!!


> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   Wayne Fallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I just bought a new Plexwriter 4/2/20 SCSI II CD Writer and SuSE 6.4
> > Linux recognises my NCR53c810 SCSI II card no problem.
> > However, I cannot read data from the SCSI Plexwriter.  All that
> happens
> > with the Plexwriter is the ON light continually flashing on and off.
> I
> > have tried various jumper settings - all to no avail.
> Does the drive work with any other operating system? I have the same
> CD-writer on an Adaptec 8945 card and it works with Linux; however, when
> I first got it it wouldn't work and one of the lights was continually
> flashing, which the Plextor tech support people said essentially meant
> 'someone dropped the box in transit, please send me back for repairs'.
> They arranged a free collection and replacement for the CD-writer and
> the new one is fine.
> I'd suggest contacting Plextor to see if your drive has the same
> problem.
>     Mark
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Wayne:   #548  Kawasaki ZRX1100 Naked power!
Living in Cairns, Tropical Far North Queensland - Australia
Gateway to the Great Barrier Reef and Tropical Rainforests


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Georg Schwarz)
Subject: which driver for 21143 ethernet card?
Date: 1 Sep 2000 10:38:12 GMT

We have an Acer ALN-315 ethernet card with Intel 21143 chip (DEC
licensed?). We're using the tulip.c:v0.91g-ppc 7/16/99
[EMAIL PROTECTED] driver on Linux 2.2.16. The NIC's connected to
a 100 Mbps ProCurve switch from HP.
We've noticed (with ping -f) that it has a rather poor performance. This
becomes especially evident when we replace it with an ALN-310 (DEC 21140).
Is there anything in terms of drivers we could do about that?
Institut für Theoretische Physik  +49 30 314-24254   FAX -21130  IRC kuroi
Technische Universität Berlin  


From: sideband <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: microsoft.public.win98.comm.modem
Subject: Re: No modem will work on my win98 box (or RH6.1 box)
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 06:41:25 -0400

Well, here we go again...

Just because the IRQ and port address settings work on one machine
doesn't mean they work on another... This sounds to me like a port
address or IRQ conflict.

Make sure the IRQ and port address jumpered on the modem is free
(unused) on the box you're trying to install to BEFORE installing the
modem. In Linux, this is as easy as looking at /proc/interrupts,
/proc/pci and a few other select files in /proc. In Windoze, it's as
easy as rightclicking on My Computer, selecting Properties, Device
Manager, Computer, and hitting the Properties button. Find a hole (an
unused interrupt) and set the card for that. Then click the Ports
radiobutton, and find a hole (an open memory range) that the card will
use. Set the card for that. Install the modem.

It'd be easier to do this in Windoze than it would be in Linux, I'll
admit. Once you know these settings, and know they work on that
machine in Windoze, you can use those same settings in your setserial
command on bootup (In rc.serial (RedHat and a few others), or rc.local
(for the rest)). Once Linux recognizes the card as having a serial
port at said IRQ and address, it will see it as /dev/ttyS?, to which
you can link /dev/modem, and boom, it'll work.

Hope this helps, some.


On or about Fri, 1 Sep 2000 03:38:15 -0500, David Punsalan
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, using the forum comp.os.linux.hardware did

:note: this is orginally a "Windows" post, but now I think Linux users
:might be able to help as well.  
:Short version: I can't get my modem working on my win98 box.  I tried
:using Linux, but it still didn't work. 
:Long version:
:This is a doozie!
:I tried just that (below)... and to no avail.  Like I said before on my
:original post, I tried using my ASKEY 56kbpd modem (PCI) and it didn't
:workt. I tried using my Jaton v90 56Kbps internal modem (ISA) and it won't
:work.  I know THIS modem is good because I'm using it right now to post
:this message on my old 486sx-50 mhz Linux box. 
:I thought to myself ... well, maybe the ISA port is bad (on the win98
:box). So I plugged my Sound Blaster card into the ISA slot where the modem
:didn't work, rebooted, and sure enough - I got the Win98 "Sprinkle" sound. 
:So I know the port is okay and I know the modem is okay... hmmf. 
:So I go to more drastic measures - I try a different OS.  In a matter of
:~20 minutes thanks to my 48x cdrom,- I convert the win98 box to a dual
:boot with RH Linux 6.1... but it STILL won't work. 
:I KNOW that I've configured the jumpers correctly on the modem (again
:because I am using it right now).  I have concluded that - for some reason
:- the computer will not recognize any *modem* device (ISA or PCI)
:regardless of which specific slot I choose, what COM setting I use (com1
:or 2) in windows, ttySx setting in Linux.  Is it possible that there is
:some setting on the motherboard ( a jumber or dip switch) that must be
:configured before using it with a MODEM? The motherboard chipset is
:ALiM1541 A1 - 100 MHz.  The CPU is an AMD-K6 400Mhz w/ 64 MB of RAM.
:This comptuer has fallen from upright position (it's a mini tower) to
:horizontal by accident.  I thought that this could have damaged the ports
:- but , again - I TESTED that with the Sound Blaster card (ISA).  I didn't
:check all the PCI slots, but I strongly suspect it wouldn't matter.
:Does anyone recognize this problem?
:Any suggestions?
:> Try booting into Safe Mode by holding down the Ctrl key after memory and
:> drives are checked but before Windows starts or pressing the F8 key before
:> Windows starts.  Once in Safe Mode, open up the Device Manager by
:> right-clicking My Computer, selecting Properties, then the Device Manager
:> tab.  Delete all modems you see listed, all PCI Communications Devices or
:> WDM Communications Devices (HINT - if it looks like it could be a modem,
:> delete it), all serial ports, and any devices that show as unknown (question
:> mark next to the device name) or inactive (exclamation point next to the
:> device name).  Restart your system normally and Windows should find and
:> install your modem and comm ports fresh.
:> --
:> > Hi,
:> >
:> > I've been having modem problems and all this time - I thought it was a bad
:> > modem ... until I switched it out with my Jaton 56k internal modem that
:> > I KNOW works like champ on other machines.
:> >
:> > So it appears that it is the OS, Win98, (or the motherboad) that is having
:> > problems. This is what usually happens...
:> >
:> > I have the drivers in a directory on c:\.  I plug in the card and turn on
:> > the machine.  The computer sees the card and asks for a driver, at which
:> > point I select "Have Disk" and specify the location of the driver. I then
:> > complete the wizard. THEN ... when it comes time to dial in , I get
:> > "Dialing (no sound)..." then - "Disconected - Your modem is not configured
:> > properly, make sure that it is plugged in etc...."
:> >
:> >
:> > But when I go to device manager - it claims that the modem is working
:> > "properly."
:> >
:> > Has anyone seen this problem before?  How does one FIX it?
:> >
:> > I can reformat the HD and install Win98, but I don't know that that will
:> > work.
:> >


From: "Gerhard Gruber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DFE530TX2B1 + via-rhineII
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 19:08:58 +0100

We have problems with the new DFE530TX2B1 Network card from D-Link.
the new via-rhine driver we downloaded from
does  not work correctly (we think).
We use Book PC  Flytech Model: B0-0630-00 equipped with celeron 466MHz. 32MB
All network equipment which is used comes from CISCO.
The new driver works fine with the old DFE530TX rev.A1 card type (with
DL10030, DM9101F chips) but not with the new DFE530TX rev.2B1 card
(DL10030A, L80225/B chips).
Assume the correspondig NIC is not DFE530TX2B1. File size about 70MB
Doing an ftp "put" works without problems.
When doing an ftp "get" the transfer rate brakes down rapidly and after some
seconds the NIC stops comunicating at all.
We set in conf.modules options via-rhine    debug=2
/var/log/messages shows as follows:
At module init:
PCI latency timer is unreasonably low at 32  setting to 64 clocks
MII status changed: Autonegotiation advertising 01e1 partner 0021
Kernel: LineSpeed=10Mb Duplex=half
In case of error:
Kernel: eth0: Transmit error, TX status 8100
Kernel: eth0: Something Wicked happened! 2008
Kernel: eth0: Transmit timed out, status 0000, PHY status 782d,
Kernel: Rx ring ....
Kernel: Tx ring
repeating from Transmit timed out above

Ifconfig show a lot of collisions, errors, mostly 1 carrier.
We also have tried several other hubs (10 and 100Mb) always the same
sending os good, receiving not possible.
If we connect only two computers with via-rihneII NIC's via cross connect
cable there was never any error, it worked very good.
We guess the NIC will change his connect rate or from half to full duplex or
something else during transfere.
Are we allone with this problem in the world?
Can someboby give as a hint how to make it working?
We are on big trouble. Have bought 100 pieces for 100 Linux terminals and
non works

Gerhard Gruber ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
EDV-Service Gruber ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
Contractor at
Texas Instruments
Tel.: 08161 804643


From: "Larry Snyder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: multiple NIC's with IPCHAIN and eth1 transmit errors..
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 07:38:51 -0400

Scenario -

I have a 400 Mhz machine running RedHat 6.2 with 256MB of RAM.

2 PCI NICs (tried on separate and the same IRQ's without any difference)

When loading the network on eth1 (ftping a 20 meg file) which requires a

from eth1 through the machine to eth0 and out I get the following errors...

Tried various cards (3C905, EtherExpress, NetLink).

Any ideas?

Aug 31 19:55:38 gw kernel: eth1: Transmit timed out: status 0050 0000 at
7214/7243 command 000c0000.

Aug 31 19:56:28 gw kernel: eth1: Transmit timed out: status 0050 0000 at
7579/7610 command 000c0000.

Aug 31 19:56:53 gw kernel: eth1: Transmit timed out: status 0050 0000 at
7686/7715 command 000c0000.

Aug 31 19:58:03 gw kernel: eth1: Transmit timed out: status 0050 0000 at
9182/9210 command 000c0000.

Aug 31 19:58:23 gw kernel: eth1: Transmit timed out: status 0090 0000 at
9335/9364 command 000c0000.


From: sideband <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: multiple NIC's with IPCHAIN and eth1 transmit errors..
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 07:37:43 -0400

Do you have Bridging enabled in the Kernel?


On or about Fri, 1 Sep 2000 07:38:51 -0400, "Larry Snyder"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, using the forum comp.os.linux.hardware did say:

:Scenario -
:I have a 400 Mhz machine running RedHat 6.2 with 256MB of RAM.
:2 PCI NICs (tried on separate and the same IRQ's without any difference)
:When loading the network on eth1 (ftping a 20 meg file) which requires a
:from eth1 through the machine to eth0 and out I get the following errors...
:Tried various cards (3C905, EtherExpress, NetLink).
:Any ideas?
:Aug 31 19:55:38 gw kernel: eth1: Transmit timed out: status 0050 0000 at
:7214/7243 command 000c0000.
:Aug 31 19:56:28 gw kernel: eth1: Transmit timed out: status 0050 0000 at
:7579/7610 command 000c0000.
:Aug 31 19:56:53 gw kernel: eth1: Transmit timed out: status 0050 0000 at
:7686/7715 command 000c0000.
:Aug 31 19:58:03 gw kernel: eth1: Transmit timed out: status 0050 0000 at
:9182/9210 command 000c0000.
:Aug 31 19:58:23 gw kernel: eth1: Transmit timed out: status 0090 0000 at
:9335/9364 command 000c0000.


From: Craig Setera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Multi-session CD's without -eject (cdrecord)
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 11:52:08 GMT

You are correct about the CD being able to retract the tray via script. 
I have no trouble making it work, but I'd still prefer not to have the
tray be ejected.  The machine that does the backup is in a guest
bedroom... If I open and close the tray in the middle of the night, it
may wake up guests.  If I do the backup during the day, it may interfere
with other uses of the machine.

So.  Does anyone have any ideas on how to reload the TOC of the CD
without ejecting the CD?


Dances With Crows wrote:
> On Thu, 31 Aug 2000 00:04:42 GMT, Craig Setera wrote:
> >I'm interested in using multi-session CD's for doing backups.  It
> >appears from the examples that multi-session uses the -eject option to
> >cause the CD to be ejected along the way.  I'm assuming that this is so
> >that the OS re-reads the table of contents on the disc.
> >
> >I'd really like to do this in some way that does not require the disc to
> >be ejected and reloaded.  Can multi-session be achieved without the CD
> >eject in any way?
> Depends on the particular CD-R(W) in question.  Some can manage this,
> some can't.  Anyway, it seems as though most CD-R(W)s can retract the
> tray automatically when the drive is accessed.  Try ejecting the tray,
> then issuing a "mount" command--for most drives, the tray will slide in.
> If you do end up having to eject, a simple mount/umount will slide the
> tray back in.  It's really easy to script, and would take about 10
> seconds....
> --
> Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
> Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Those who do not understand Unix are
>     /   condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
> -----------------------------/           --Henry Spencer



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