Linux-Hardware Digest #800, Volume #13           Sat, 28 Oct 00 17:13:07 EDT

  Re: DSL help ("bluster")
  Re: How do I know if Linux sees 2nd CPU? ("bluster")
  Re: Modem Setup (erich friesen)
  Tape streamer for Linux (Neil Durant)
  Re: How do I know if Linux sees 2nd CPU? (Leandro Gelasi)
  Anyone using an LCD screen with Linux RH 7.0? (Henry S. Greenside)
  CDrecord locks all IDE's when trying Creative CDRW8433e (Dr Aldo Medina)
  Re: DSL help (Valentin Guillen)
  Re: I'm throwing away my Diamond FireGL1 Card... (Valentin Guillen)
  Re: Modem Setup ("jonathan a adams")
  Re: APM Question (Sebastian Niehaus)
  Re: KT7-RAID with Linux? ("Autoxer")
  Problems installing RH 7 ("Ivan")
  Linux-compatible hardware (Barry Kirsten)
  Re: How do I know if Linux sees 2nd CPU? ("Craig Newstrom")
  Video Card PRoblem with Xwindows ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How do I know if Linux sees 2nd CPU? ("Craig Newstrom")
  Re: How do I know if Linux sees 2nd CPU? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Dual Boot with Scovery Flash Disk and Hard Disk ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: "bluster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DSL help
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 14:32:30 -0400

Joseph Lee Pereira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How do I get DSL to work on my Linux Mandrake box? I configured the
> Cisco 675 off of a Win98 box, I should just be able to plug in the
> cable to the nic on the Linux box. Linix box has the nic card
> configured to dhcp. Still I get no connection to the outside world.
> Yes, everything works fine when I plug the 750 to the Win98 box.

After connecting the DSL cable, don't you have to do a

[root@zephyr]# ifdown eth0 ; ifup eth0

or something to tell the dhcp client (pump) to register a lease for an
IP addr from the dhcp server at the other end of the DSL?



From: "bluster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do I know if Linux sees 2nd CPU?
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 14:53:42 -0400

Craig Newstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings!
> Just loaded Rhat 6.2 on a dual P-Pro machine.  Someone told me this
> system should really rock with linux on it.
> I did have the flash the BIOS on the motherboard with the latest rev to
> the
> motherboard itself to see the 2nd CPU - but thats working just fine now.
> After flashing the BIOS, I installed Rhat.
> Linux itself seems to be running fine - but how do I know if linux is
> seeing/using the 2nd CPU?  More to the point, how can one actually see
> hardware the system has detected
> automatically, and is using?

It should detect and use the 2nd CPU automatically.
To check read the logs of the boot/init process.
these are found in the files:
You can view these files using the "less" command.
[root@zephyr]# less /var/log/dmesg



From: erich friesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Modem Setup
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 13:58:48 -0500

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Certainly the place to start would be to running isapnp tools, 
enter when logged in as root: pnpdump -c > /etc/isapnp.conf

Then look at ISA pnp.conf file.  Reboot and your card should be
recognized by the your system. Try opening kppp and using the "Query
modem" and you should get the modem strings displayed.  

Next step, if you can't get your modem to work would be to post the
pnp.conf file in the massage to this news group.

I am using an internal Diamond SupraExpress 56i Sp PC modem, and I did
end up having to change the modem to use fixed com setting using jumper
switches on the modem.  Also, there is a PC diagnostics program called
windows, you can go to the control panel and find out what resources are
being used by your different cards, that can help with getting linux

Cosmo wrote:
> I have a 3com USR Sportster 56k pnp ISA internal modem I have been trying to
> get working under Redhat 6.0.  Can anyone give me some direction on how to
> accomplish this?  I have been through all the HOWTO's without any success.
> Any help would be appreciated.
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From: Neil Durant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Tape streamer for Linux
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 20:11:27 +0100

I'm considering buying a tape streamer for backing up my little 2-PC 
network.  Ideally I would like a 10Gb+ tape streamer, perferably IDE 
(although I do have a SCSI interface) and preferably internal.

It must work on Linux, and preferably also NT.

Anyone got any suggestions/recommendations?

Neil Durant
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                        Fax: 08700 520159


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leandro Gelasi)
Subject: Re: How do I know if Linux sees 2nd CPU?
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 19:16:24 GMT

In article <3%yK5.820$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Craig Newstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Greetings!
> Just loaded Rhat 6.2 on a dual P-Pro machine.  Someone told me this
> system should really rock with linux on it.

It's real, almost compared with any single-Pentium I machine.

> Linux itself seems to be running fine - but how do I know if linux is
> seeing/using the 2nd CPU?  More to the point, how can one actually see what
> hardware the system has detected
> automatically, and is using?

Try 'cat /proc/cpuinfo'.
If you see two "processor" line, all it's working.

Under /proc (a "virtual" filesystem) you'll find detailed info on your hw.
To see what is detected at boot time, use 'dmesg'.

> If it doesn't see the 2nd CPU automagically, how do I get linux to register
> and use it?
> Do I need to recompile the kernel for this to work?

Yes, but newer distributions uses SMP kernel by default.

Hope this helps


Leandro Gelasi
V year Computer Science Engineering student at Siena University

Gilles Villeneuve will live forever


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Henry S. Greenside)
Subject: Anyone using an LCD screen with Linux RH 7.0?
Date: 28 Oct 2000 15:23:42 -0400

I am thinking of buying a 17" Samsung LCD screen to work
with my Linux system, the LCD is so much crisper to read
than any monitor that I have tried.

Is there anyone who has succeeded using such LCD screens
with Linux? If so, with what screens and with what video




From: Dr Aldo Medina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CDrecord locks all IDE's when trying Creative CDRW8433e
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 14:35:38 -0500

I recently buyed a Creative CDRW 8433e IDE which works fine with my
other OS. I configured my kernel with SCSI simulation, and I can read my
CDROM's without problems. Cdrecord -scanbus detects it very well, but
when I try to burn, even in dummy mode I get (95% of the times):

CDR: I/O error: Read Track Info: SCSI SendCMD Retryable error
CDB: 52 01 00 00 00 FF 00 00 16 00
SenseBytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 64 00 00 00
SenseKey: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
SenseCode: 0x64 Qual 0x00 (Illegal Mode For This Track / FR0 0x0)
SenseFlags: Blk 0 (Not valid)

This happens both with CDRW and CDR

Linux User #98419         -o)    | Si nada se pega al teflón, ¿como lo      /\    | pegaron a la sartén?  
ICQ 94335020              _\_v   | 
Si quieres ayudarme, ponme de    | 
referencia en |


From: Valentin Guillen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DSL help
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 19:49:02 GMT


A couple of things to try on the win box.

When you have a valid connection to internet running on win, open dos
box and run winipcfg.  Write down these settings.  Next open control
panel, networking, and copy down all pertinent data regarding the
network and protocol settings which are there.  Then you might want to
run a route command and a netstat command.  This will give you more

Next, what I would do on the linbox is to use RPM or other tool to
completely remove all traces of networking components on the box.  Zap
all existing networking configuration files, and then reinstall the
networking components.  This will ensure that you're starting off with a
completely clean slate on linux.  

Now using the data which you obtained in 'doz, you can configure the box
with fresh data. Before you reinstall networking stuff, make sure that
your linbox has a correct host name, and that if you ping localhost, or, or it's FQDN, that the box correctly sees itself.  Your box
will not be able to correctly see other machines and networks if it
can't or doesn't recognize itself first.  

In Mandrake, I think the dhcp client is called pump.  Check out for greater detail.

Write back if you need further details. Remove caps in return address
when writing.

And how did you like the klongs?

Valentin Guillen


From: Valentin Guillen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: I'm throwing away my Diamond FireGL1 Card...
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 19:59:52 GMT


This particular customer of yours is beyond wanting technical support.  

Then, you make the mistake of assuming that CCing the company has as
it's purpose enraging the company.  Au contraire, the purpose is rather
to get their attention to the fact that there's a glaring deficiency in
that customer's ability to successfully utilize the product for it's
intended purpose.  Granted, some at your company WILL be foolish enough
to misconstrue the purpose, but that's strictly a character flaw in that

Tell me, just so that I know where you're comming from:  Why would CCing
all these people "piss them off"?  Wouldn't everyone in this company
desire to know the type of performance their products are rendering to
the public?


 A Arendsen wrote:
> Valentin Guillen wrote:
> >
> > Spicerun,
> >
> > A polite suggestion:
> >
> > CC this message to Diamond.  Don't write a different message to
> > Diamond.  Rather, make it very obvious to them that you're publicizing
> > this in many forums like NewsGroups.
> Ah yes, pissing people off is always the best way to get support!
> > I would research the email addresses of their technical support, their
> > corporate officers, etc.  Make sure they receive a copy of the message.
> Even better!
> > By the way, just throw the card over here....:-)
> Hehe :)
> Anyway, Mr Spicerun could have ofcourse gone to
> and fill out the technical support request form there, which goes
> directly to the people who make these FireGL cards and its drivers.
> I'm sorry to see somebody so disappointed in a product that I do tech
> support for, especially a product this expensive, but throwing a fit
> about it isn't going to work, not if you throw it at the technical
> support people or the manufacturers, and even less if you throw it in
> public.
> alea iacta est.
> --
> Albert Arendsen --- aka --- Reyn Eaglestorm
> >>>>> The Gods have a sense of humour <<<<<
> >>>>> So be sure you don't lose yours <<<<<


From: "jonathan a adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Modem Setup
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 12:45:28 -0700

"Cosmo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I have a 3com USR Sportster 56k pnp ISA internal modem I have been trying
> get working under Redhat 6.0.

Did this modem work under a previous Linux distribution (or RH version)? If
this is the first time you are trying to get it to work under Linux, you
should verify that what you have is not a Winmodem (see for a list). I suspect that your
modem might be, and if it is you might be out of luck. Finding this out
first will save you alot of wasted effort (trust me!).



From: Sebastian Niehaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: APM Question
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 21:54:57 +0200

Andy wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I have a linux box thats used mostly as a router/proxy.  Since HD use is
> rare, i'd like to have the hard drives spin down when they're not being
> used.  Anyone know how to go about doing that?

have a look into the computers BIOS and

man hdparm



From: "Autoxer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.abit
Subject: Re: KT7-RAID with Linux?
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 13:13:36 -0700

In order to install in Linux you must install Linux with your harddrive
connected to the non RAID(Standard) contorller.  After it is installed you
will need to download a current kernel that supports the Highpont controller
(2.4 test kernel I recommend), and compile in support for the Highpoint
controller.  Then you can swap the drive to the controller and run from

"Andrew E. Schulman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Anyone have any success or failure to report with this combination?
> Apparently with Winblows the drivers have to be installed just so to get
> the damn thing to work, so I wonder how it goes in Linux.
> Thanks,
> Andrew.


From: "Ivan" <adslivan$$$>
Subject: Problems installing RH 7
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 21:15:16 +0200

Please Help ME !!!!

When I try to install RH 7 i've 2 problems:

1 - When installing packages the installer doesn't ask me to change CD and
finish without this one (I've installed all packages to try ......)

2 - I can't configure the Xserver in the setup 'cause there isn't the button
for personalize the server .........

I've a VOODOO 3, Athlon 750 Mhz, Motherboard Asus KM and 256 Mb RAM.....



From: Barry Kirsten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux-compatible hardware
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 07:17:18 +1100

Hi all,

I desperately want to break from Windows and give Linux a go, but I
believe there are hardware incompatibilities. Given the huge array of
hardware past and present, I want to know what works with Linux and what
won't. After all, when you set up an OS for the first time, you at least
need your display and modem for a start. Then what about scanners and
printers? Venturing into Linux seems to be a big leap of faith. Is there
a definitive list of hardware that will work under Linux??



From: "Craig Newstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do I know if Linux sees 2nd CPU?
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 15:18:42 -0500

A couple of lines from /var/log/dmesg ...
Processor #0 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
Processor #12 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
I/O APIC #13 Version 17 at 0xFEC00000.
Processors: 2
Why does it say Processor #12, and not Processor #1?  Just wondering.

Thanks again!

"bluster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:_gFK5.7$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Craig Newstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Greetings!
> >
> > Just loaded Rhat 6.2 on a dual P-Pro machine.  Someone told me this
> > system should really rock with linux on it.
> >
> > I did have the flash the BIOS on the motherboard with the latest rev to
> get
> > the
> > motherboard itself to see the 2nd CPU - but thats working just fine now.
> >
> > After flashing the BIOS, I installed Rhat.
> >
> > Linux itself seems to be running fine - but how do I know if linux is
> > seeing/using the 2nd CPU?  More to the point, how can one actually see
> what
> > hardware the system has detected
> > automatically, and is using?
> It should detect and use the 2nd CPU automatically.
> To check read the logs of the boot/init process.
> these are found in the files:
> /var/log/dmesg
> /var/log/boot.log
> /var/log/messages
> You can view these files using the "less" command.
> e.g.
> [root@zephyr]# less /var/log/dmesg
> HTH,
> Bluster


Subject: Video Card PRoblem with Xwindows
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 20:13:15 GMT

We were having trouble geting Xwindows to install with Red Hat 7.0.
The Onboard video card was not recognized complety. Kept getting 'no
screns found, cannot configure video drivers, drivers not found" error
when doing the Xwindows part of the install. I have a gateway 2000
(crap) computer and we decided to use a S3virage video card to see if
that would work. Well Red Hat did not want to find the second video
card. only found the onboard card. So we trail and erorr'd it and took
out the far right 'jumper' on the mother board, (there were 4 tiny
black plugins on the mother board, looked like a jumper from a hard
drive) then  added the new video card and rebooted. It found the new
video card right away. This is Just an FYI for any of you having

We like Linux, we smart..haha
Down with Bill gates and communism!

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Craig Newstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do I know if Linux sees 2nd CPU?
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 15:25:32 -0500

Indeed - it sees 2 CPUs, labeled #0 and #12 (?-not just #1?).  But I'm able
to confirm that
both are working.

I found all sorts of stuff to dig into under /proc!  This must be a virtual
listing all the hardware that device drivers are running then, right?

This was of great help!

Many thanks!

"Leandro Gelasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> In article <3%yK5.820$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> "Craig Newstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Greetings!
> >
> > Just loaded Rhat 6.2 on a dual P-Pro machine.  Someone told me this
> > system should really rock with linux on it.
> >
> It's real, almost compared with any single-Pentium I machine.
> > Linux itself seems to be running fine - but how do I know if linux is
> > seeing/using the 2nd CPU?  More to the point, how can one actually see
> > hardware the system has detected
> > automatically, and is using?
> >
> Try 'cat /proc/cpuinfo'.
> If you see two "processor" line, all it's working.
> Under /proc (a "virtual" filesystem) you'll find detailed info on your hw.
> To see what is detected at boot time, use 'dmesg'.
> > If it doesn't see the 2nd CPU automagically, how do I get linux to
> > and use it?
> > Do I need to recompile the kernel for this to work?
> >
> Yes, but newer distributions uses SMP kernel by default.
> Hope this helps
> LG
> --
> *********************************************************************
> Leandro Gelasi
> V year Computer Science Engineering student at Siena University
> Gilles Villeneuve will live forever
> *********************************************************************


Subject: Re: How do I know if Linux sees 2nd CPU?
Date: 28 Oct 2000 15:50:45 -0500

"Craig Newstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Linux itself seems to be running fine - but how do I know if linux is
> seeing/using the 2nd CPU?  

Type "cat /proc/cpuinfo".  You should see two distinct entries, one
labeled "CPU0" and the other "CPU1".

(Hmm.  Curious thing: The computer I was going to use to test these is
not using an SMP kernel.  Well, I _think_ I'm still right.)

Anyway, you might also be able to do "uname -a".  Its output may look

  Linux arachne 2.2.16-smp #1 Thu Aug 24 20:02:56 EDT 2000 i686 unknown
Note the "smp" after the release.

> More to the point, how can one actually see what hardware the system
> has detected automatically, and is using?

You can type "dmesg" to get a list of all the information shown when
the system is starting up.  This will also show you how many CPUs
Linux is using.

> If it doesn't see the 2nd CPU automagically, how do I get linux to register
> and use it?
> Do I need to recompile the kernel for this to work?

You can recompile the kernel, or you can look for a precompiled SMP
kernel.  Most distributions have them, and those that don't typically
ship with SMP kernels (only).



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Dual Boot with Scovery Flash Disk and Hard Disk
Date: 28 Oct 2000 14:58:42 -0600

What's the point of booting off from the flash drive if you have a hard 
disk installed?  Just dual boot a regular linux distro off the hard disk.
The version of Netscape on the Scovery's flash drive is out of date and 
other than that all you have on the machine that is of any use is the 
ash shell.

Remove the 16MB flash drive and use it to build a LRP router.


In article <8t6stv$d33$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I recently bought a Fujitsu/Siemens Scovery 211 off of Egghead's
>auction site.  It's an fabulously kewl machine, by the way...
>Out of the box, it boots off a 16Meg flash disk.  You can interrupt the
>normal boot process and boot from a real hard drive, at least that is
>what the menu option says.
>I have added a CDROM drive and a hard drive to the box, and I was
>hoping to retain the 16Meg flash drive and optionally be able to boot
>off the hard drive using that boot up menu option.  Unfortunately, the
>docs do not specify how it is supposed to be set up.  I've tried
>probably every combination of master, slave, single, cable select,
>different IDE channels, etc, but I cannot get this to work. It doesn't
>seem to help much that the flash drive's master/slave jumper settings
>seem to be labeled incorrectly. When it is on Slave, it gets detected
>as a Master drive...
>When both drives are detected by the BIOS, nothing boots.
>Could it be the cable?  I'm using a 40-pin IDE cable that is labeled as
>'XL' because on a normal length IDE cable, there isn't enough space
>between the master and slave connectors to be able to connect a hard
>drive and the flash drive on the same IDE channel. The flash drive was
>originally connected with a short 40-pin IDE cable with only one drive
>Has anyone ever got this to work? I really would like to be able to use
>the Flash Drive.
>Sent via
>Before you buy.



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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